
Defines functions .onAttach DSEversion residuals.TSestModel acf.TSdata acf.TSestModel print.TSestModel print.SS print.ARMA summary.TSestModel print.summary.TSestModel summary.SS print.summary.SS summary.ARMA print.summary.ARMA tfplot.TSestModel testEqual.TSestModel testEqual.TSmodel testEqual.ARMA testEqual.SS McMillanDegree McMillanDegree.TSestModel McMillanDegree.ARMA McMillanDegree.SS stability stability.TSestModel stability.TSmodel stability.roots stability.ARMA roots roots.TSestModel roots.SS roots.ARMA plot.roots addPlotRoots observability observability.TSestModel observability.SS observability.ARMA reachability reachability.TSestModel reachability.SS reachability.ARMA checkBalance checkBalance.TSestModel checkBalance.SS checkBalance.ARMA checkBalanceMittnik checkBalanceMittnik.TSestModel checkBalanceMittnik.SS checkBalanceMittnik.ARMA toSS toSS.TSestModel toSS.SS toSS.ARMA toSSnested toSSnested.TSestModel toSSnested.SS toSSnested.ARMA toSSaugment toSSaugment.TSestModel toSSaugment.ARMA gmap fixConstants toSSinnov toSSOform toSSOform.TSestModel toSSOform.TSmodel fixF toSSChol toSSChol.TSestModel toSSChol.TSmodel toARMA toARMA.TSestModel toARMA.ARMA toARMA.SS Riccati markovParms polyprod polysum polyrootDet polydet polyvalue characteristicPoly companionMatrix nstates nstates.SS nstates.ARMA nstates.TSestModel nseriesInput nseriesInput.default nseriesInput.SS nseriesInput.ARMA nseriesInput.TSestModel nseriesOutput nseriesOutput.default nseriesOutput.SS nseriesOutput.ARMA nseriesOutput.TSestModel checkConsistentDimensions checkConsistentDimensions.TSdata checkConsistentDimensions.TSestModel checkConsistentDimensions.SS checkConsistentDimensions.ARMA checkConsistentDimensions.default TSestModel TSestModel.TSestModel TSmodel TSmodel.TSmodel TSmodel.TSestModel ARMA SS

Documented in acf.TSdata acf.TSestModel addPlotRoots ARMA characteristicPoly checkBalance checkBalance.ARMA checkBalanceMittnik checkBalanceMittnik.ARMA checkBalanceMittnik.SS checkBalanceMittnik.TSestModel checkBalance.SS checkBalance.TSestModel checkConsistentDimensions checkConsistentDimensions.ARMA checkConsistentDimensions.default checkConsistentDimensions.SS checkConsistentDimensions.TSdata checkConsistentDimensions.TSestModel companionMatrix DSEversion fixConstants fixF gmap markovParms McMillanDegree McMillanDegree.ARMA McMillanDegree.SS McMillanDegree.TSestModel nseriesInput nseriesInput.ARMA nseriesInput.default nseriesInput.SS nseriesInput.TSestModel nseriesOutput nseriesOutput.ARMA nseriesOutput.default nseriesOutput.SS nseriesOutput.TSestModel nstates nstates.ARMA nstates.SS nstates.TSestModel observability observability.ARMA observability.SS observability.TSestModel plot.roots polydet polyprod polyrootDet polysum polyvalue print.ARMA print.SS print.summary.ARMA print.summary.SS print.summary.TSestModel print.TSestModel reachability reachability.ARMA reachability.SS reachability.TSestModel residuals.TSestModel Riccati roots roots.ARMA roots.SS roots.TSestModel SS stability stability.ARMA stability.roots stability.TSestModel stability.TSmodel summary.ARMA summary.SS summary.TSestModel testEqual.ARMA testEqual.SS testEqual.TSestModel testEqual.TSmodel tfplot.TSestModel toARMA toARMA.ARMA toARMA.SS toARMA.TSestModel toSS toSS.ARMA toSSaugment toSSaugment.ARMA toSSaugment.TSestModel toSSChol toSSChol.TSestModel toSSChol.TSmodel toSSinnov toSSnested toSSnested.ARMA toSSnested.SS toSSnested.TSestModel toSSOform toSSOform.TSestModel toSSOform.TSmodel toSS.SS toSS.TSestModel TSestModel TSestModel.TSestModel TSmodel TSmodel.TSestModel TSmodel.TSmodel

###  There is still some function description here and in EvalEst that
###    should be moved to help files.

.onAttach  <- function(libname, pkgname) {

.DSEflags <- local({
   .DSE.flags <- character(0)
   function(new) {
           .DSE.flags <<- new

# With NAMESPACEs use .onAttach instead of .First.Lib 
#.First.lib <- function(library, section) {
#   assign(".DSEflags()$COMPILED", TRUE, env = .GlobalEnv)
#   assign(".DSEDUP",      TRUE, env = .GlobalEnv)
#   invisible(library.dynam("dse"))
#   }

DSEversion <- function() 
  {if (!is.R()) return("version cannot be determined.") else
   z <- c("setRNG", "tframe", "dse","EvalEst",  
          "curve", "CDNmoney", "tsfa", "TSdbi")
   z <- z[ z %in% library()$results[,1] ]
   r <- NULL
   for (pac in z ) 
     r <- c(r,  packageDescription(pac, fields="Version"))
   names(r) <- z


# The code was divided roughly into 
#   the groups listed below, but the organization has changed a little bit.
#   The code grouping can be seen by grep ing on the string '<<<<<<' eg:
#    grep "<<<<<<" dse.R

#    Functions which work on a model (i.e. if a model with data is allowed as
#             an arguement then the data is ignored):
#        -model summary, description, print, comparison and 
#              calculation of properties
#        -model conversion 
#    Functions which work on data ( and a model ):
#        -likelihood and residual calculation
#        -statistical tests
#        -parameter estimation 
#        -model reduction (this could work just on models but
#                    comparisons require data)     

#    Utility Functions:
#        -utilities for generating theoretical statistics 
#              (i.e.- model generated, not from data)
#        -data transformations
#        -model and data scaling
#        -utilities for polynomial arithmetic
#        -internal utilities used for updating objects 
#        -data interface functions

#   Of special note in the internal utilities are two programs,
#   setArrays and setTSmodelParameters which take a model list and
#   update the representation and parameter information respectively. 
#   i.e. setArrays uses the parameter information and ensures that the 
#    array representation is consistent while setTSmodelParameters uses the 
#    arrays and ensures that the parameter vector is consistent.

residuals.TSestModel <- function(object, ...) object$estimates$pred-outputData(object)

# I don't think this exists really works for namespaces
 if (!exists("acf.default", mode="function")){
   acf.default  <- stats::acf
   acf <- function(x, ...)UseMethod("acf")
 acf.TSdata <- function(x, ...)acf(outputData(x))
 acf.TSestModel <- function(x, ...) acf(x$estimates$pred - outputData(x), ...)


#functions which work on models   <<<<<<<<<<


#     functions for model summary, description, print and
#      comparison and functions for calculation of model properties


print.TSestModel <- function(x, ...) 
{ cat("neg. log likelihood=",x$estimates$like[1],"\n")
  if(!is.null(x$converged)) {if(!x$converged) cat(" (not converged)") }

print.SS <- function(x, digits=options()$digits, latex=FALSE, ...) 
    {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
     printM <- function(st, M, digits, latex)
	{arrayc <- function(n)
	   {cat("\\left[ \\begin{array}{"); for(j in 1:n) cat("c"); cat("}\n") }
	 if (latex) cat("\\begin{equation}\n")
	 cat("\n", st, "=\n")
	 col <- if (is.matrix(M)) dim(M)[2] else length(M)
	 if (latex) 
	    if (!is.matrix(M)) M <- matrix(M, 1, length(M))
	    M <- signif(M, digits=digits)
            for (i in 1:dim(M)[1])
	      {for (j in 1:dim(M)[2]) 
		  if (j != dim(M)[2]) cat(" & ")
	       if (i != dim(M)[1]) cat("\\\\ \n")
	    cat("\n\\end{array} \\right] \n\\end{equation}\n")
	 else print(M, digits=digits)
     printM("F", x$F, digits, latex)
     if(!is.null(x$G)) printM("G", x$G, digits, latex)
     printM("H", x$H, digits, latex)
     if ( is.nonInnov.SS(x)) 
       {printM("Q", x$Q, digits, latex)
        printM("R", x$R, digits, latex)
     else if (is.innov.SS(x))  printM("K", x$K, digits, latex)
     if(!is.null(x$z0)) printM("initial state", x$z0, digits, latex)
        printM("square root of initial state tracking error", x$rootP0, digits, latex)
     else if(!is.null(x$P0))
        printM("initial state tracking error", x$P0, digits, latex)

print.ARMA <- function(x, digits=options()$digits, latex=FALSE, L=TRUE, fuzz=1e-10, ...) 
#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
   {arrayc <- function(n)
	{cat("\\left[ \\begin{array}{"); for(j in 1:n) cat("c"); cat("}\n") }
     A <- x$A
     B <- x$B
     C <- x$C
        cat("TREND= ", format(signif(x$TREND,digits=digits)))
     if (latex | L)
       {if (latex) cat("\\begin{equation}")
        cat("\nA(L) =\n")
        if (latex) arrayc(dim(A)[3])
        for(i in 1:dim(A)[2]) 
          {for(j in 1:dim(A)[3]) 
              if(dim(A)[1] > 1) for(l in 2:dim(A)[1]) 
                 if (abs(A[l,i,j]) > fuzz)
                  {if(1==sign(A[l,i,j])) cat("+")
                   if (latex) cat("L^{",l-1,"}", sep="") else cat("L",l-1,sep="")
               if (latex & j != dim(A)[3]) cat(" & ") else cat("    ")
           if (latex) cat("\\\\ \n") else cat("\n")
        if (latex) cat("\\end{array} \\right] \n\\end{equation}\n\\begin{equation}")
        cat("\nB(L) =\n")
        if (latex) arrayc(dim(B)[3]) 
        for(i in 1:dim(B)[2]) 
          {for(j in 1:dim(B)[3]) 
              if (2 <= dim(B)[1]) for(l in 2:dim(B)[1]) 
                 if (abs(B[l,i,j]) > fuzz)
                  {if(1==sign(B[l,i,j])) cat("+")
                   if (latex) cat("L^{",l-1,"}", sep="") else cat("L",l-1,sep="")
              if (latex & j != dim(B)[3]) cat(" & ") else cat("    ")
           if (latex) cat("\\\\ \n") else cat("\n")
         if (latex) cat("\\end{array} \\right] \n\\end{equation}\n")
          {if (latex) cat("\\begin{equation}")
           cat("\nC(L) =\n")
           if (latex) arrayc(dim(C)[3])
           for(i in 1:dim(C)[2]) 
           {for(j in 1:dim(C)[3]) 
              if (2<=dim(C)[1]) for(l in 2:dim(C)[1]) 
                 if (abs(C[l,i,j]) > fuzz)
                  {if(1==sign(C[l,i,j])) cat("+")
                   if (latex) cat("L^{",l-1,"}", sep="") else cat("L",l-1,sep="")
              if (latex & j != dim(C)[3]) cat(" & ") else cat("    ")
             if (latex) cat("\\\\ \n") else cat("\n")
           if (latex) cat("\\end{array} \\right] \n\\end{equation}\n")
       {for(l in 1:dim(A)[1]) {cat("\nA(L=",l-1,")\n");print(A[l,,],digits=digits)}
        for(l in 1:dim(B)[1]) {cat("\nB(L=",l-1,")\n");print(B[l,,],digits=digits)}
          for(l in 1:dim(C)[1]) {cat("\nC(L=",l-1,")\n");print(C[l,,],digits=digits)}
summary.TSestModel <- function(object, ...)
  {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
   residual <- residuals(object)
   sampleT <- nrow(residual)
   p <- ncol(residual)	
   #Om <- t(residual) %*% residual/sampleT
   Om <- crossprod(residual) /sampleT
   rmse <- matrix( diag(Om)^.5 ,1,p)
   dimnames(rmse) <- list(c("RMSE"), seriesNamesOutput(object))

   classed(list(  # summary.TSestModel constructor
        converged= object$converged,
        nlmin.results= (!is.null(object$nlmin.results)),
        conv.type= object$nlmin.results$conv.type,
        filter= (!is.null(object$filter)),
        smooth= (!is.null(object$smooth)) ),
     model=summary(object$model)), "summary.TSestModel")

print.summary.TSestModel <- function(x, digits=options()$digits, ...)
  {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
   cat("neg. log likelihood =",x$estimates$l)
   cat("    sample length ="     ,x$estimates$sampleT, "\n")
   if (!is.null(x$estimates$converged))
                           cat("convergence: ",x$estimates$converged,"\n")
   if (x$estimates$nlmin.results)
                           cat("convergence type: ", x$estimates$conv.type,"\n")
   if (x$estimates$filter) cat("Includes  filter  estimates.\n")
   if (x$estimates$smooth) cat("Includes smoother estimates.\n")
   print(x$model, digits=digits)

summary.SS <- function(object, ...)
  {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
   m <- nseriesInput(object)
   p <- nseriesOutput(object)
   n <- nstates(object)
   classed(list(  # summary.SS constructor
         P=n * (m+2*p),  #assumes full rank noise
         P.actual = length(coef(object)),
         P.IC = sum(object$location %in% c("z", "P", "r P")),
         init.track=(!is.null(object$P0)) | (!is.null(object$rootP0))
	 ), "summary.SS")

print.summary.SS <- function(x, digits=options()$digits, ...)
    {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
     if (x$innov) cat("innovations form ")
     cat("state space: ")
     cat("inputs : ", x$input.series, "\n")
     cat("outputs: ", x$output.series, "\n")
     cat("   input  dimension = ", x$m)
     cat("   state  dimension = ",x$n)
     cat("   output dimension = ",x$p,"\n")
     cat("   theoretical parameter space dimension = ",x$P,"\n")
     cat("  ",x$P.actual, " actual parameters")
     if (0 != x$P.IC) cat(" (of which ",x$P.IC, " are ICs)")
     cat("   ",x$constants," non-zero constants\n")
     if (x$ICs)        cat("   Initial values specified.\n")
     else              cat("   Initial values not specified.\n")
     if (!x$innov)
       {if (x$init.track) cat("   Initial tracking error specified.\n")
        else              cat("   Initial tracking error not specified.\n")

summary.ARMA <- function(object, ...)
  {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
   m <- nseriesInput(object)
   p <- nseriesOutput(object)
   classed(list(  # summary.ARMA constructor

         trend=(!is.null(object$TREND)) ), "summary.ARMA")
print.summary.ARMA <- function(x, digits=options()$digits, ...)
    {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
     cat("ARMA: ")
     cat("inputs : ", x$input.series, "\n")
     cat("outputs: ", x$output.series, "\n")
     cat("     input  dimension = ", x$m)
     cat("     output dimension = ", x$p,"\n")
     cat("     order A = ", x$a)
     cat("     order B = ", x$b)
     cat("     order C = ", x$c,"\n") 
     cat("     ",x$P.actual, " actual parameters")
     cat("     ",x$constants," non-zero constants\n")
     if(x$trend) cat("     trend estimated.\n")
     else        cat("     trend not estimated.\n")
tfplot.TSestModel <- function(x, ..., 
    tf=NULL, start=tfstart(tf), end=tfend(tf), 
    select.inputs=NULL, select.outputs=NULL,
    Title=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, 
    graphs.per.page=5, mar=par()$mar, reset.screen=TRUE) {

  # plot one-step ahead estimates and actual data.
  # ... is a list of models of class TSestModel.
  model <- x
  if (is.null(Title))
     Title <- "One step ahead predictions (dotted) and actual data (solid)"
  p<- nseriesOutput(model)
  if (is.null(select.outputs)) select.outputs <-1:p
  if (all(0==select.outputs)) select.outputs <- NULL
  Ngraphs <- length(select.outputs)
  if (!is.null(select.inputs)) if (all(0==select.inputs)) select.inputs <- NULL
  m<- nseriesInput(model)
  if (is.null(m)) m <-0
  else Ngraphs <- Ngraphs+length(select.inputs)  # NULL is zero
  Ngraphs <- min(Ngraphs, graphs.per.page)
  if(reset.screen) {
     old.par <- par(mfcol = c(Ngraphs, 1), mar = mar, no.readonly=TRUE)
     on.exit(par(old.par)) }
  names <-seriesNamesOutput(model)
  if (m!=0) names <-c(seriesNamesInput(model), names)
  if (is.null(names)) names <- rep(" ", m+p)
  if (1 == length(xlab)) xlab <- rep(xlab, m+p)

  if (m!=0) 
    {for (i in select.inputs) 
      {z <-NULL 
       for (model in append(list(x),list(...)) )
           z<-tbind(z,inputData(model, series=i))
       tframe(z) <-tframe(inputData(model))
       tfOnePlot(z,start=start,end=end, xlab=xlab[i], ylab=names[i]) # tsplot
       if(!is.null(Title) && (i==1) && (is.null(options()$PlotTitles)
                || options()$PlotTitles)) title(main = Title)
    } }
  for (i in select.outputs ) 
    {#z <-c(outputData(model, series=i),
     #      rep(NA,Tobs(model$estimates$pred) - TobsOutput(model)))
     z <- outputData(model, series=i)
     for (model in append(list(x),list(...))){
         if (! is.TSestModel(model)) 
	    stop("Argument in ... to be plotted is not a TSestModel object.")
         #z <- cbind(z,model$estimates$pred[,i,drop=FALSE])}
         z <- tbind(z,selectSeries(model$estimates$pred, series=i))}
     #tframe(z) <- tframe(outputData(model))
     tfOnePlot(z,start=start,end=end, xlab=xlab[m+i], ylab=names[m+i]) # tsplot
     if(!is.null(Title) && (i==1) && (is.null(options()$PlotTitles)
                || options()$PlotTitles)) title(main = Title)

testEqual.TSestModel <- function(obj1, obj2, fuzz=0) # this could be better
  { testEqual.TSmodel( obj1$model, obj2$model, fuzz=fuzz) &
        testEqual.TSdata(obj1$data, obj2$data, fuzz=fuzz)

testEqual.TSmodel <- function(obj1, obj2, fuzz=0)
{# return T if models are identical (excluding description)
  r       <- all(class(obj1) == class(obj2))
  if (r) r <-length(coef(obj1)) == length(coef(obj2))
  if (r) r <-all(fuzz >= abs(coef(obj1)   -  coef(obj2)))
  if (r) r <-length(obj1$location) == length(obj2$location)
  if (r) r <-all(obj1$location  ==     obj2$location)
  if (r) r <-length(obj1$i) == length(obj2$i)
  if (r) r <-all(obj1$i  ==     obj2$i)
  if (r) r <-length(obj1$j) == length(obj2$j)
  if (r) r <-all(obj1$j  ==     obj2$j)
  if (r) r <-length(obj1$const) == length(obj2$const)
  if (r) r <-all(obj1$const  ==     obj2$const)
  if (r) r <-length(obj1$const.location) == length(obj2$const.location)
  if (r) r <-all(obj1$const.location  ==     obj2$const.location)
  if (r) r <-length(obj1$const.i) == length(obj2$const.i)
  if (r) r <-all(obj1$const.i  ==     obj2$const.i)
  if (r) r <-length(obj1$const.j) == length(obj2$const.j)
  if (r) r <-all(obj1$const.j  ==     obj2$const.j)
  if (r)
    {if (is.ARMA(obj1))    r <-testEqual.ARMA(obj1,obj2, fuzz=fuzz)
     else if (is.SS(obj1)) r <-testEqual.SS(obj1,obj2, fuzz=fuzz)

testEqual.ARMA <- function(obj1, obj2, fuzz=0)
{    r <-length(obj1$l) == length(obj2$l)
     if (r) r <-all(obj1$l  ==     obj2$l)
     if (r) r <-length(obj1$const.l) == length(obj2$const.l)
     if (r) r <-all(obj1$const.l  == obj2$const.l)
     if (r) r <-length(obj1$A) == length(obj2$A)
     if (r) r <-all(fuzz >= abs(obj1$A   -     obj2$A))
     if (r) r <-length(obj1$B) == length(obj2$B)
     if (r) r <-all(fuzz >= abs(obj1$B   -     obj2$B))
     if (r) 
           {if (is.null(obj1$C)) r <- is.null(obj2$C)
               {if (r) r <-length(obj1$C) == length(obj2$C)
                if (r) r <-all(fuzz >= abs(obj1$C   -     obj2$C))
           }  }

testEqual.SS <- function(obj1,obj2, fuzz=0)
{    r <-length(obj1$F) == length(obj2$F)
     if (r) r <-all(fuzz >= abs(obj1$F   -     obj2$F))
     if (r) 
         {if(is.null(obj1$G)) r <- is.null(obj2$G)
            {if (r) r <-length(obj1$G) == length(obj2$G)
             if (r) r <-all(fuzz >= abs(obj1$G   -     obj2$G))
         }  }
     if (r) r <-length(obj1$H) == length(obj2$H)
     if (r) r <-all(fuzz >= abs(obj1$H   -     obj2$H))
     if (is.innov.SS(obj1))
       {if (r) r <-length(obj1$K) == length(obj2$K)
        if (r) r <-all(fuzz >= abs(obj1$K   -     obj2$K))
       {if (r) r <-length(obj1$Q) == length(obj2$Q)
        if (r & (0 != length(obj2$Q)) ) r <-all(fuzz >= abs(obj1$Q - obj2$Q))
        if (r) r <-length(obj1$R) == length(obj2$R)
        if (r & (0 != length(obj2$R)) ) r <-all(fuzz >= abs(obj1$R - obj2$R))
     if (r) if(is.null(obj1$z0)) r <- is.null(obj2$z0)
       {if (r) r <-length(obj1$z0) == length(obj2$z0)
        if (r) r <-all(fuzz >= abs(obj1$z0   -     obj2$z0))
     if (r) if(is.null(obj1$P0)) r <- is.null(obj2$P0)
       {if (r) r <-length(obj1$P0) == length(obj2$P0)
        if (r) r <-all(fuzz >= abs(obj1$P0   -     obj2$P0))
     if (r) if(is.null(obj1$rootP0)) r <- is.null(obj2$rootP0)
       {if (r) r <-length(obj1$rootP0) == length(obj2$rootP0)
        if (r) r <-all(fuzz >= abs(obj1$rootP0   -     obj2$rootP0))

McMillanDegree <- function(model,  ...) UseMethod("McMillanDegree")

McMillanDegree.TSestModel <- function(model, ...)
 {McMillanDegree(TSmodel(model),...) }

McMillanDegree.ARMA <- function(model, fuzz=1e-4, verbose=TRUE, warn=TRUE, ...)
 {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
    z  <- roots(model, warn=warn)
    gross <- length(z)
    zz <- outer(z,z,FUN="-")
    distinct <-sum(!apply((outer(1:length(z),1:length(z),FUN="<") & (Mod(zz) <fuzz)),2,any))
    deg <- list(gross=gross,distinct=distinct)
    if (verbose)
      {cat("Assuming the model is left prime:\n")
       cat("   Without distinguishing distinct roots the degree det(A(L)) =",deg$gross,"\n")
       cat("   Distinguishing  distinct  roots       the degree det(A(L)) =",deg$distinct,"\n")
          {cat("The trend adds unit roots which are added to the degree. Multiple")
           cat("unit roots are not considered distinct (but probably should be).\n")

McMillanDegree.SS <- function(model, fuzz=1e-4, ...)
 {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
   cat("state dimension = ", nstates(model),"/n")

stability <- function(obj, fuzz=1e-4, eps=1e-15, digits=8, verbose=TRUE) UseMethod("stability")

stability.TSestModel <- function(obj, fuzz=1e-4, eps=1e-15, digits=8, verbose=TRUE)
   {stability(TSmodel(obj), fuzz=fuzz, eps=eps, digits=digits, verbose=verbose)}

stability.TSmodel <- function(obj, fuzz=1e-4, eps=1e-15, digits=8, verbose=TRUE)
  {stability(roots(obj, fuzz=fuzz, randomize=FALSE),
             fuzz=fuzz, eps=eps, digits=digits, verbose=verbose)}

stability.roots <- function(obj, fuzz=1e-4, eps=1e-15, digits=8, verbose=TRUE) 
   {#obj <- roots(model, fuzz=fuzz, randomize=FALSE)
    m <- Mod(obj)
    s <- if (all(m < (1.0 - eps))) TRUE else  FALSE
    if (verbose)
      {if (s) cat("The system is stable.\n")
       else   cat("The system is NOT stable.\n")
    r <- cbind(obj, m)
    dimnames(r) <- list(NULL, c("Eigenvalues of F","moduli"))
    attr(s, "roots") <- r

stability.ARMA <- function(obj, fuzz=1e-4, eps=1e-15, digits=8, verbose=TRUE) 
   {z <- roots(obj, fuzz=fuzz, randomize=FALSE)
    if (is.null(z))
      {warning("The model has only a zero root.")
    m <- Mod(z)
    s <- if (all(m < (1.0 - eps))) TRUE else  FALSE
    if (verbose) {
        cat("Distinct roots of det(A(L)) and moduli are:\n")
        print(cbind(1/z, Mod(1/z)), digits = digits)
        if (!is.null(obj$TREND)) 
            cat("Trend not taken into account: ")
        if (s) 
            cat("The system is stable.\n")
        else cat("The system is NOT stable.\n")
    r <- cbind(z, m)
    dimnames(r) <- list(NULL, c("Inverse of distinct roots of det(A(L))","moduli"))
    attr(s, "roots") <- r

roots <- function(obj, ...) UseMethod("roots")

roots.TSestModel <- function(obj, ...){roots(TSmodel(obj), ...)}

roots.SS <- function(obj, fuzz=0, randomize=FALSE, ...) 
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
    z <- eigen(obj$F, symmetric=FALSE, only.values=TRUE)$values
    if (randomize) if (sample(c(TRUE,FALSE),1)) z <- Conj(z)
      #this prevents + - ordering of complex roots (for Monte Carlo evaluations)
    classed(z,"roots")  # constructor (roots.SS)

roots.ARMA <- function(obj, fuzz=0, randomize=FALSE, warn=TRUE, by.poly=FALSE, ...) 
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
    if(1 == dim(obj$A)[1]) {
        warning("An ARMA model with no lags in the AR term has no roots.")
    if(by.poly) z <- 1/polyrootDet(obj$A)
    else        z <- roots(toSS(obj))
    if (fuzz!=0)
      {zz <- outer(z,z,FUN="-")  # find distinct roots within fuzz
       z <- z[ !apply((outer(1:length(z),1:length(z),FUN="<")
                 & (Mod(zz) <fuzz)),2,any)]
    # add unit roots for TREND elements.
    if (!is.null(obj$TREND))
      {#z <- c(rep(1,sum(0!=obj$TREND)), z)this depends on nature of TREND
       if (warn)
         warning("Unit roots may need to be added for non-zero trend elements.")
    if (randomize) if (sample(c(TRUE,FALSE),1)) z <- Conj(z)
      #this prevents + - ordering of complex roots (for Monte Carlo evaluations)
    classed(z,"roots")  # constructor (roots.ARMA)

plot.roots <- function(x, pch='*', fuzz=0, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
 if (is.TSmodel(x))    x <- roots(x, fuzz=fuzz)
 if (is.TSestModel(x)) x <- roots(x, fuzz=fuzz)
 i <- 2*pi*(1:1000)/1000
 if (max(Mod(x)) <1 )
   {plot(sin(i),cos(i),pch='.', xlab='Im', ylab='Re')
    points(Re(x),Im(x), pch=pch)
   {#plot.default(Re(x),Im(x), pch=pch, xlab='Im', ylab='Re')
    plot(Re(x),Im(x), pch=pch, xlab='Im', ylab='Re')

addPlotRoots <- function(v, pch='*', fuzz=0)
{if (is.TSmodel(v))    v <- roots(v, fuzz=fuzz)
 if (is.TSestModel(v)) v <- roots(v, fuzz=fuzz)
 points(Re(v),Im(v), pch=pch)

observability <- function(model)  UseMethod("observability")

observability.TSestModel <- function(model){observability(TSmodel(model)) }

observability.SS <- function(model){ 
  FF<-    model$F
  O <-    model$H
  HFn <- O
  for (n in 1:dim(FF)[1])  {
    HFn <- HFn %*% FF
    O <- rbind(O,HFn)

observability.ARMA <- function(model){
  cat("not applicable to ARMA models\n")

reachability <- function(model) UseMethod("reachability") 

reachability.TSestModel <- function(model){reachability(TSmodel(model))}

reachability.SS <- function(model){
 FF <-    model$F
 C  <-    model$G
 if (!is.null(C))
   {FnG <- C
    for (n in 1:dim(FF)[1])  
      {FnG <- FF %*% FnG
       C <- cbind(C,FnG)
    cat("Singular values of reachability matrix for input: ",La.svd(C)$d)
 if (is.innov.SS(model)) C <- model$K
  {C <- model$R
     {if (any(C==0))
         {cat("State noise matrix is singular. All states are NOT excited!\n")
      C <- 1/C
      if (any(v$d==0))
         {cat("State noise matrix is singular. All states are NOT excited!\n")
  #   C <-v$v %*% diag(1/v$d) %*% t(v$u) following is equivalent
  #   C <-v$v %*% (t(v$u) * 1/v$d) with svd (vs La.svd)
      C <-(v$u %*% v$vt ) * 1/v$d 
   C <- model$Q %*% C
 FnK <- C
 for (n in 1:dim(FF)[1])  
   {FnK <- FF %*% FnK
    C <- cbind(C,FnK)
 d <- La.svd(C)$d
 cat("Singular values of reachability matrix for noise: ",d,"\n")

reachability.ARMA <- function(model){ 
  cat("not applicable to ARMA models\n")

checkBalance <- function(model) UseMethod("checkBalance") 

checkBalance.TSestModel <- function(model){checkBalance(TSmodel(model))}

checkBalance.SS <- function(model){ 
  FF<-    model$F
  O <-    model$H
  HFn <- O
  for (n in 1:dim(FF)[1])  {
    HFn <- HFn %*% FF
    O <- rbind(O,HFn)
  #O <- t(O) %*% O 
  O <- crossprod(O) # observability gramian
  C <-    cbind(model$G,model$K)
  FnG <- C
  for (n in 1:dim(FF)[1])  {
    FnG <- FF %*% FnG
    C <- cbind(C,FnG)
  C <- C %*% t(C) # controllability gramian
  difference <- O-C
  #cat("observability gramian minus controllability gramian:\n")
  cat("maximum absolute difference (O-C): ", max(abs(difference)),"\n")
  cat("maximum off-diagonal element of C: ", max(abs(C-diag(diag(C)))),"\n")
  cat("maximum off-diagonal element of O: ", max(abs(O-diag(diag(O)))),"\n")

checkBalance.ARMA <- function(model){ 
  cat("not applicable to ARMA models\n")

checkBalanceMittnik <- function(model) UseMethod("checkBalanceMittnik")

checkBalanceMittnik.TSestModel <- function(model)

checkBalanceMittnik.SS <- function(model){ 
  FF  <-    model$F - model$K %*% model$H
  O   <-    model$H
  HFn <- O
  for (n in 1:dim(FF)[1])  {
    HFn <- HFn %*% FF
    O <- rbind(O,HFn)
  #O <- t(O) %*% O 
  O <- crossprod(O)# observability gramian
  C <-    cbind(model$G,model$K)
  FnG <- C
  for (n in 1:dim(FF)[1])  {
    FnG <- FF %*% FnG
    C <- cbind(C,FnG)
  C <- C %*% t(C) # controllability gramian
  difference <- O-C
  #cat("observability gramian minus controllability gramian:\n")
  cat("maximum absolute difference (O-C): ", max(abs(difference)),"\n")
  cat("maximum off-diagonal element of C: ", max(abs(C-diag(diag(C)))),"\n")
  cat("maximum off-diagonal element of O: ", max(abs(O-diag(diag(O)))),"\n")

checkBalanceMittnik.ARMA <- function(model){ 
  cat("not applicable to ARMA models\n")


#     functions for model conversion   <<<<<<<<<<


toSS <- function(model, ...) UseMethod("toSS")

toSS.TSestModel <- function(model, ...) 
	l(toSS(TSmodel(model), ...),TSdata(model))

toSS.SS <- function(model, ...) {model}
 #  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
toSS.ARMA <- function(model,...){
    # convert an ARMA (or VAR) to a SS (innovations) representation
    if (is.null(model$A)) a<-0
    else a <- dim(model$A)[1] - 1  #order of polynomial arrays
    if (is.null(model$B)) b<-0
    else b <- dim(model$B)[1] - 1
    if (is.null(model$C)) cc<-0
    else cc<- dim(model$C)[1] - 1
    if ((b<=a) & (cc<=(a-1))) model <- toSSaugment(model)
    else  model <-toSSnested(model,...) #  (otherwise best working method) 
                  # A better approach would be an algorithm like Guidorzi's. 

toSSnested <- function(model, ...) UseMethod("toSSnested")

toSSnested.TSestModel <- function(model, ...) toSSnested(TSmodel(model), ...)

toSSnested.SS <- function(model, n=NULL, Aoki=FALSE, ...){
  #  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
  # convert to a nested-balanced state space model by svd  a la Mittnik (or Aoki)
  if (is.null(n)) n <-ncol(model$F)  
  if (Aoki) stop("Aoki balancing no longer supported.") #return(Aoki.balance(model, n=n))
  else      return(balanceMittnik(model, n=n)) 

toSSnested.ARMA <- function(model, n=NULL, Aoki=FALSE, ...){
  #  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
  # convert to a nested-balanced state space model by svd  a la Mittnik (or Aoki)
  if (is.null(n)) n <- McMillanDegree(model)$distinct
  if (Aoki) stop("Aoki balancing no longer supported.") #return(Aoki.balance(model, n=n))
  else      return(balanceMittnik(model, n=n)) 

toSSaugment <- function(model, ...) UseMethod("toSSaugment")

toSSaugment.TSestModel <- function(model, ...)
   l(toSSaugment(TSmodel(model), ...), TSdata(model))

toSSaugment.ARMA <- function(model, fuzz=1e-14, ...) {
  #  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
  # convert by augmentation - state dimension may not be minimal
  # First sets A[1,,] = B[1,,] = I if that is not already the case.
   A <- model$A
   B <- model$B
   C <- model$C 
   if (fuzz  < max(abs(A[1,,]-diag(1,dim(A)[2]) )) )
      {A0.inv <- solve(A[1,,])
       A <-  polyprod(A0.inv,A)
       B <-  polyprod(A0.inv, B)
       if (!is.null(C)) C <- polyprod(A0.inv, C)
#       if (!is.null(TREND)) TREND <- t(A0.inv %*% t(TREND))
   if (fuzz  < max(abs(B[1,,]-diag(1,dim(B)[2]) )) )
          B<- polyprod(solve(B[1,,]), B)
   if (is.null(model$A)) a<-0
   else a <- dim(model$A)[1] - 1  #order of polynomial arrays
   if (is.null(model$B)) b<-0
   else b <- dim(model$B)[1] - 1
   if (is.null(model$C)) cc<-0
   else cc<- dim(model$C)[1] - 1
   p <- nseriesOutput(model)          # Dim of endoenous Variables.
   m <-  nseriesInput(model)          # Dim of exogenous Variables.
   if (b>a) stop("The MA order cannot exceed the AR order to convert with state augmentation.")
   if (cc>(a-1)) stop(
      " The order of the input polynomial cannot exceed the AR order -1 to convert with state augmentation.")   
  #make three parameters A,B and C have convenient order by adding 0's.
   k <- 1 + a  
#  if (b != 0)
    {BB <- array(0,c(k,dim(B)[2:3]))
     BB[1:(b+1),,] <- B
   if (m!=0) 
     {CC <- array(0,c(k,dim(C)[2:3]))  
      CC[1:(cc+1),,] <- C
   FF <- matrix(NA,a*p,p)
   for (i in 1:a) FF[(1+p*(i-1)):(p*i),] <- -A[a-i+2,,]
   if(a>1) FF<-cbind(rbind(matrix(0,p,(a-1)*p),diag(1,(a-1)*p)),FF)
   if (m == 0) G <-NULL
     {G <- matrix(NA,a*p,m)
      for (i in 1:a) G[(1+p*(i-1)):(p*i),] <- CC[a-i+1,,] 
   H <- diag(1,p)
   if(a>1) H <- cbind( matrix(0,p,(p*(a-1))),H)
   K <- matrix(NA,a*p,p)
   for (i in 1:a) K[(1+p*(i-1)):(p*i),] <- -A[a-i+2,,]+BB[a-i+2,,]
   z0 <-NULL
   if(!is.null(model$TREND))   #add a constant state which feeds into the states
     {FF<-rbind(cbind(FF,0),0) # identified with outputs (through H).
      n <-dim(FF)[1]
      FF[n,n] <-1 
      if (p != length(model$TREND)) stop("This fails for matrix TREND.")
      FF[n-p:1,n] <- model$TREND
      z0 <- rep(0,n)
      z0[n] <-1
      if (m!=0) G <- rbind(G,0)
      K<- rbind(K,0)
            " Converted to state space by state augmentation.")
         input.names= seriesNamesInput(model),

gmap <- function(g, model) 
{# convert to an equivalent representation using a given matrix
 if (is.TSestModel(model)) model <- TSmodel(model)
 if  (!is.TSmodel(model)) stop("gmap expecting a TSmodel.")
 if ( is.SS(model))# transform State space model by g in GL(n)
  {n <- dim(model$F)[1]
   if (!is.matrix(g)) g<-diag(g,n) # if g is not a matrix make it into a diagonal matrix.
   if ((n !=dim(g)[1]) | (n !=dim(g)[2]) )
      stop("g must be a square matrix of dimensions equal the model state (or a scalar).")
   inv.g <- solve(g)
   model$F <-inv.g%*%model$F%*% g
   if (!is.null(model$G)) model$G <-inv.g %*%model$G
   model$H <-model$H %*% g
   if (!is.null(model$z0)) model$z0 <-c(inv.g %*%model$z0)
   if (is.innov.SS(model)) model$K <-inv.g %*% model$K
   if (is.nonInnov.SS(model)) 
      {model$Q <-inv.g %*% model$Q
       model$R <-model$R
 if ( is.ARMA(model))
       {# if g is not a matrix make it into a diagonal matrix.
        if (! is.matrix(g)) g<- diag(g,dim(model$A)[2]) 
	for(l in 1:dim(model$A)[1]) model$A[l,  ,  ] <- g %*% model$A[l, ,]	
	for(l in 1:dim(model$B)[1]) model$B[l,  ,  ] <- g %*% model$B[l, ,]
	for(l in 1:dim(model$C)[1]) model$C[l,  ,  ] <- g %*% model$C[l, ,]
	if(!is.null(model$TREND))  model$TREND <- t(g %*% t(model$TREND))

#findg <- function(model1,model2, minf=nlmin){ 
#  if (is.TSestModel(model1)[1]) model1 <- TSmodel(model1)
#  if   (!is.TSmodel(model1)) stop("findg expecting a TSmodel.")
#  if (is.TSestModel(model2)[1]) model2 <- TSmodel(model2)
#  if  (!is.TSmodel(model2 )) stop("findg expecting a TSmodel.")
#  if ( !is.SS(model1)| !is.SS(model2)) 
#      stop("findg only works for state space models")
#   n <- dim(model1$F)[1]
#   if ((n!= dim(model2$F)[1])
#     |(dim(model1$G)[2] != dim(model2$G)[2])
#     |(dim(model1$H)[1] != dim(model2$H)[1]))
#      stop("models must have the same dimensions for findg.")
#   para<- c(diag(1,n))
#   zzz.model1 <<- model1	  # This could be done with assign(frame=1  ??)
#   zzz.model2 <<- model2
#   zzz.n <<-n
#   func <- function(para){
#      gmodel1<- gmap(matrix(para,zzz.n,zzz.n),zzz.model1)
#      error <- 	gmodel1$F-zzz.model2$F
#      error <-c(error,(gmodel1$G-zzz.model2$G))
#      error <-c(error,(gmodel1$H-zzz.model2$H))
#      error <-c(error,(gmodel1$K-zzz.model2$K))
#      error <-c(error,(gmodel1$R-zzz.model2$R))
#      sum(error^2)
#   }
#   para <-minf(func,para)
#   rm(zzz.model1,zzz.model2,zzz.n)
#   matrix(para[[1]],n,n)
#   }

fixConstants <- function(model, fuzz=1e-5, constants=NULL){ 
  if (is.TSestModel(model)) model <- TSmodel(model)
  if  (!is.TSmodel(model)) stop("fixConstants expecting a TSmodel.")
  if (is.null(constants))
    {p <-abs(coef(model) - 1.0) < fuzz
     model$const <- c(model$const,rep(1.0,sum(p)))
     model$const.location <- c(model$const.location,model$location[p])
     model$const.i <- c(model$const.i,model$i[p])
     model$const.j <- c(model$const.j,model$j[p])
     if(is.ARMA(model)) model$const.l <- c(model$const.l,model$l[p])
     p <- (!p) & (abs(coef(model)) > fuzz) 
     model$coefficients <- coef(model)[p]
     model$location <- model$location[p]
     model$i <- model$i[p]
     model$j <- model$j[p]
     if(is.ARMA(model)) model$l <- model$l[p]
  else return(setTSmodelParameters(model,constants=constants))

toSSinnov <- function(model, ...){
 #  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
 data <- NULL
 if (is.TSestModel(model)) 
    {data <- TSdata(model)
     model <- TSmodel(model)
 if  (!is.TSmodel(model)) stop("toSSinnov expecting a TSmodel.")
 if (!is.SS(model))  model <- toSS(model)
 if ( is.nonInnov.SS(model)) 
   {warning("this is not exactly correct.")
    PH  <-  model$Q %*% t(model$Q) %*% t(model$H)# use QQ' as state tracking error ??
    ft    <- (model$H %*% PH) + (model$R %*% t(model$R))        
    ft    <-  (ft + t(ft))/2   # force ft to be symmetric 
    model$K <-  t(solve(ft,t(model$F %*% PH))) 
    model$R <- NULL
    model$Q <- NULL
 model <- setTSmodelParameters(classed(model, c("innov","SS","TSmodel"))) # bypass constructor
 if (is.null(data)) model else l(model, data)

toSSOform <- function(model) UseMethod("toSSOform")

toSSOform.TSestModel <- function(model) 
   l(toSSOform(TSmodel(model)), TSdata(model))

toSSOform.TSmodel <- function(model){
 if (!is.SS(model))       model <- toSS(model)
 if (!is.innov.SS(model)) model <- toSSinnov(model)
 n <- dim(model$H)[2]
 p <- nseriesOutput(model)
 if (p >= n) 
   {ginv <-model$H[1:n,]
    g <-solve(ginv)
   {sv   <- La.svd(model$H)
# svd    g    <- sv$v %*% diag(1/sv$d, ncol = length(sv$d))  %*%  t(sv$u) #right inv
# svd    ginv <- sv$u %*% diag( sv$d,  ncol = length(sv$d))  %*%  t(sv$v) #left  inv
    g    <- t(sv$vt) %*% diag(1/sv$d, ncol = length(sv$d))  %*%  t(sv$u) #right inv
    ginv <-   sv$u   %*% diag( sv$d,  ncol = length(sv$d))  %*%    sv$vt #left  inv
    g    <- cbind(g,   matrix(0,n, n-p))  # no good. these need to be full rank
    ginv <- rbind(ginv,matrix(0,n-p, n))  # and still convert H to [ I | 0 ]
    stop("This procedure is not working properly yet.") 
    # have fixed only nxp not yet nxn elements
 model$F <- ginv %*% model$F %*% g
 if(!is.null(model$G)) model$G <- ginv %*% model$G
 model$H <- model$H %*% g
 model$K <- ginv %*% model$K  

fixF <- function(model){
  if (is.TSestModel(model)) model <- TSmodel(model)
  if  (!is.TSmodel(model)) stop("fixF expecting a TSmodel.")
  if (!is.SS(model))         model <- toSS(model)
  if ( is.nonInnov.SS(model))  model <- toSSinnov(model)
  p <-model$location == "f"
  model$const <- c(model$const, coef(model)[p])
  model$const.location <- c(model$const.location,model$location[p])
  model$const.i <- c(model$const.i,model$i[p])
  model$const.j <- c(model$const.j,model$j[p])
  p <- !p
  model$coefficients <- coef(model)[p]
  model$location <- model$location[p]
  model$i <- model$i[p]
  model$j <- model$j[p]
  cat("Remaining parameters: ",sum(p),"\n")
  if (is.null(model$G)) m <-0
  else  m <- dim(model$G)[2]
  n <- dim(model$F)[1]
  p <- dim(model$H)[1]
  cat("Theoretical parameter space dimension: ",n*(m+2*p),"\n")

toSSChol <- function(model, ...) UseMethod("toSSChol")

toSSChol.TSestModel <- function(model, Om=NULL, ...) {
   #  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
   if(is.null(Om)) Om <-model$estimates$cov
   l(toSSChol(TSmodel(model), Om=Om), TSdata(model))

toSSChol.TSmodel <- function(model, Om=diag(1,nseriesOutput(model)), ...){
 #  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
 if (!is.SS(model))  model <- toSS(model)
 if (is.innov.SS(model)) 
   {model$R <-t(chol(Om) )  # Om = RR'
    model$Q <- model$K %*% model$R
    model$K <- NULL
 classed(model, c( "nonInnov","SS","TSmodel" ) )  # bypass constructor

toARMA <- function(model, ...) UseMethod("toARMA")

toARMA.TSestModel <- function(model, ...) 
	l(toARMA(TSmodel(model), ...), TSdata(model))

toARMA.ARMA <- function(model, ...) model

toARMA.SS <- function(model, fuzz=1e-10, ...){
    #  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
    if (is.nonInnov.SS(model)) model <- toSSinnov(model)
    G <-model$G
    H <-model$H
    K <-model$K
    m <-dim(G)[2]
    if (is.null(m)) m <-0
    n <-dim(FF)[1]
    p <-dim(H)[1]
    poly <-  - characteristicPoly(FF) # N.B. sign change  in Aoki vs Kailath
    if ( n != length(poly))
      stop("There is some problem. The characteristic polynomial length should = state dimension.")
    A <- array(NA,c(1+n,p,p))
    A[1,,] <-diag(1,p)
    for (i in 1:n) A[i+1,,] <- diag(-poly[i],p)
    if(any(is.na(A))) stop("error in calculation of A in toARMA.")

#                                       i
#            Fn [i,,] corresponds to   F    
    if (n > 1)
      {Fn <- array(NA,c(n-1,n,n))
       Fn[1,,] <- FF
    if (n > 2) for (i in 2:(n-1))   Fn[i,,] <- FF %*% Fn[i-1,,]

    HFnK <- array(NA, c(n+1, p, p))
    HFnK[1, , ] <- diag(1, p)
    HFnK[2, , ] <- H %*% K
    if (n > 1) for (i in 3:(n+1)) HFnK[i, , ] <- H %*% Fn[i-2, , ] %*% K
    B <- array(NA, c(1+n, p, p))
    B[1, , ] <- diag(1, p)
    for (i in 1:n) 
       {B[i+1, , ] <- HFnK[i+1, , ]
        for (j in 1:i) B[i+1, , ] <- B[i+1, , ] - poly[j] *  HFnK[i+1-j, , ]
    if(any(is.na(B))) stop("error in calculation of B in toARMA.")

    if (m == 0) C <- NULL
      {C <- array(NA,c(n,p,m))   
       HFnG <- array(NA,c(n,p,m)) 
       HFnG[1,,] <- H %*% G
       if (n > 1) for (i in 2:n) HFnG[i,,] <- H %*% Fn[i-1,,] %*% G
       C[1,,] <- HFnG[1,,]
       for (i in 2:n)
         {C[i,,] <- HFnG[i,,]
          for (j in 1:(i-1)) C[i,,] <- C[i,,]-poly[j]*HFnG[i-j,,]
       if(any(is.na(C))) stop("error in calculation of C in toARMA.")
 fixConstants(ARMA(A=A,B=B,C=C, input.names =  seriesNamesInput(model),
                  output.names = seriesNamesOutput(model)), fuzz=fuzz)


#                  Utility functions  <<<<<<<<<<


#             functions for generating  statistics  
#        from data and for generating theoretical statistics
#           (i.e.- calculated from model not data)  


Riccati <- function(A, B, fuzz=1e-10, iterative=FALSE)
{warning("This procedure has not been tested!")
 if (!iterative) 
  {n <- dim(A)[1]
   Atinv <-solve(t(A))    # symplectic matrix Vaughan (10)(12), R=0
   S   <- rbind(cbind(Atinv     , diag(0,n)),
               cbind(B %*% Atinv, A)) 
   Q <- eigen(S, symmetric=FALSE, only.values=FALSE)
   Q <- Q$vectors[,rev(order(Mod(Q$values)))]   # This may have imaginary parts.
   P <- Re( Q[(n+1):(n+n),1:n] %*% solve(Q[1:n,1:n]) ) #This should not have any significant im parts.
  {P<- diag(0,dim(A)[1])
   i <-0
   repeat    # yuk
     {P <- A%*% P %*% t(A) + B
      i <- i+1
      if (i>1000) break
      if (fuzz > max(abs(P-A %*% P %*% t(A) - B))) break
  }  }
 if (fuzz < max(abs(P-A %*% P %*% t(A) - B)))
      warning("Riccati failed! Result does not solve the Riccati equation!")

markovParms <- function(model, blocks=NULL) 
{if (is.TSestModel(model)) model <- TSmodel(model)
 if  (!is.TSmodel(model)) stop("markovParms expecting a TSmodel.")
 if ( is.ARMA(model))
  #  M ={ Mi }={ Ci-1|Bi| -Ai}, i=2,...,k. k=max(a,b,cc). Assumes I=A[1,,]=B[1,,]
  {A <- model$A
   B <- model$B
   C <- model$C
   a <- dim(A)[1] - 1      # order of polynomial arrays
   if (is.na(a)) a <- 0
   b <- dim(B)[1] - 1
   if (is.na(b)) b <- 0
   cc <- dim(C)[1] - 1 
   if (is.na(cc)) cc <- 0
   m <- dim(C)[3]          # Dim of exogenous Variables.
   if (is.null(m))  m <- 0                         
   #make three parameters A,B and C have convenient order by adding 0's.    
   if (is.null(blocks))
      blocks <- 1 + max(2,a,cc,b) 
    # if blocks is not at least 3 the Hankel shift does not work
   if (a != 0) 
    {AA <- array(0,c(blocks,dim(A)[2:3]))
     AA[1:(a+1),,] <- A
   if (b != 0)
    {BB <- array(0,c(blocks,dim(B)[2:3]))
     BB[1:(b+1),,] <- B
   if (m != 0)
    {CC <- array(0,c(blocks,dim(C)[2:3]))  
     CC[1:(cc+1),,] <- C
   M <- NULL
   if (b != 0) cat (" Warning: This has only been developed for SS and VARX models.\n")
   if(!is.null(model$TREND)) cat(" Warning: Markov parameter generation does not account for trends.")
   for(i in 2:blocks)  
       {if (m != 0) M <- cbind(M,CC[(i-1),,]) 
        if (b != 0) M <- cbind(M, BB[i,,])      # constant term ignored (=I)
        if (a != 0) M <- cbind(M,-AA[i,,])      # constant term ignored (=I)
else if ( is.SS(model))
    G <-model$G
    H <-model$H
    if (is.innov.SS(model)) K <-model$K
    else               K <- model$Q %*% solve(model$R)
    if (is.null(blocks)) blocks <- 1+dim(FF)[1]
    FF <- FF - K %*% H  # model transformed a la Mittnik so lagged outputs are inputs
    FnGK <- cbind(G,K)
    M <- H %*% FnGK
    i<-0 # M should have at least 2 blocks or Hankel shift does not work.
    stopp <- FALSE
    while((i<=blocks) & !stopp)   #  no. of blocks affect Hankel size
       {FnGK <- FF %*% FnGK
        M <- cbind(M,H %*% FnGK)
        i <-i+1   # count should not be necessary, but insures an end.
        stopp <- (i>3) & ( max(abs(FnGK)) < 1e-15)
else stop("markovParms requires an ARMA or SS model.")


#     polynomial utility functions   <<<<<<<<<<


polyprod <- function(a,b)
{ # product of two polynomials.
# The convention used is by polyvalue and polyroot is constant first,
#  highest order coef. last. The reverse convention could also be used for multiplication.
# This function handles scalar (ie. non-matrix) and matrix polynomials.
# Scalar polynomials are vectors of length 1+the polynomial order.
# Polynomial matrices are defined as 3 dimensional arrays with the last 2
# dimensions as the matrix dimension and the first equal 1+the
# polynomial order.

    pprod <- function(a,b)  # local function, product of non-matrix polys.
       {n <- length(a) +length(b) -1
        if (is.null(a))    return(NA)
        if (is.null(b))    return(NA)
        if (0 ==length(a)) return(NA)
        if (0 ==length(b)) return(NA)
        if (any(is.na(a))) return(NA)
        if (any(is.na(b))) return(NA)
	r <- rep(NA, n)
        z <- outer(a, b) 
        zi <- 1 + outer(1:length(a)-1,1:length(b)-1,"+")
	for(i in 1:n) r[i]<- sum(z[i==zi])
   psum <- function(a,b)  # local function, sum of non-matrix polys.
    {if (length(a) < length(b)) return(c(a,rep(0,length(b)-length(a))) + b)
     else                       return(c(b,rep(0,length(a)-length(b))) + a)
   if (is.vector(b)  && (is.array(a) | is.matrix(a)))
     {z <- b; b <- a; a <- z } # scalar multiplication commutes (even for scalar polynomials)
   if (is.null(a))      r <- NULL  
   else if (is.null(b)) r <- NULL   
   else if (is.vector(a))  
          {if      (is.vector(b)) r <-pprod(a,b)
           else if (is.matrix(b))
              {r <- array(NA,c(length(a),dim(b)))
               for (i in 1:(dim(b)[1])) 
                  for (j in 1:(dim(b)[2]))
                     r[,i,j] <- pprod(a,b[i,j])
           else if (is.array(b))
              {r <- array(NA,c(length(a)+dim(b)[1]-1,dim(b)[2:3]))
               for (i in 1:(dim(b)[2])) 
                  for (j in 1:(dim(b)[3]))
                     r[,i,j] <- pprod(b[,i,j],a)
   else if (is.matrix(a))
          {if (is.matrix(b)) r <- a %*% b
           else if (is.array(b))
              {if (dim(a)[2] != dim(b)[2]) 
                  stop("Matrix polynomial dimensions do not conform.")
               r <- array(0,c(dim(b)[1],dim(a)[1], dim(b)[3]))
               #for (i in 1:(dim(a)[1])) for (j in 1:(dim(b)[3]))
                 #for (k in 1:(dim(a)[2])) r[,i,j] <- psum(r[,i,j], pprod(a[i,k],b[,k,j]))
               for (k in 1:(dim(b)[1]))
                 r[k,,] <- a %*% array(b[k,,],dim(b)[2:3])
                 #array above insures b a matrix, drop=FALSE cannot be used
   else if (is.array(a))
        if (is.matrix(b))
          {if (dim(a)[3] != dim(b)[1])
              stop("Matrix polynomial dimensions do not conform.")
           r <- array(0,c(dim(a)[1],dim(a)[2], dim(b)[2]))
           #for (i in 1:(dim(a)[2])) for (j in 1:(dim(b)[2]))
           #  for (k in 1:(dim(a)[3]))  r[,i,j] <- psum(r[,i,j], pprod(a[,i,k],b[k,j]))
           for (k in 1:(dim(a)[1]))
                 r[k,,] <- array(a[k,,],dim(a)[2:3]) %*% b
                 #array above insures b a matrix, drop=FALSE cannot be used
        else if (is.array(b))
          {if (dim(a)[3] != dim(b)[2]) 
              stop("Matrix polynomial dimensions do not conform.")
           r <- array(0,c(dim(b)[1]+dim(a)[1]-1,dim(a)[2], dim(b)[3]))
           for (i in 1:(dim(a)[2])) 
              for (j in 1:(dim(a)[3]))
                 for (k in 1:(dim(a)[3]))
                   r[,i,j] <- psum(r[,i,j], pprod(a[,i,k],b[,k,j]))
   else stop("polynomial product not defined for these objects")

polysum <- function(a,b){
   # sum of two polynomials (including polynomial arrays)
    psum <- function(a,b)  # local function for non-matrix polys.
 {if (length(a) < length(b))  {r <- b;  r[1:length(a)] <-r[1:length(a)] + a }
  else  {r <- a; r[1:length(b)] <-r[1:length(b)] + b }
   if (is.null(a) )     r <- b
   else if (is.null(b)) r <- NULL
   else if (is.vector(a) && is.vector(b)) r <-psum(a,b)
   else if (is.array(a) )
        if (is.array(b))
           if ( all(dim(a)[2:3] == dim(b)[2:3]))
             {if (dim(a)[1] < dim(b)[1])
                    {r <- b
                     r[1:(dim(a)[1]),,] <-r[1:(dim(a)[1]),,] + a
                    {r <-  a
                     r[1:(dim(b)[1]),,] <-r[1:(dim(b)[1]),,] + b
           else stop("polynomial matrix dimensions must agree")
        else if (is.vector(b))
          {r <- array(NA,c(max(length(b),dim(a)[1]),dim(a)[2:3]))
           for (i in 1:(dim(a)[2])) 
              for (j in 1:(dim(a)[3]))
                 r[,i,j] <- psum(a[,i,j],b)
   else if (is.vector(a) && is.array(b))
          {r <- array(NA,c(max(length(a),dim(b)[1]),dim(b)[2:3]))
           for (i in 1:(dim(b)[2])) 
              for (j in 1:(dim(b)[3]))
                 r[,i,j] <- psum(b[,i,j],a)
   else stop("polynomial sum not defined for these objects")

polyrootDet <- function(a)
{#roots of the determinant of a.  Note: polydet is slow. There is room for improvement here!
z <- polydet(a)
if (length(z)==1) 
  stop(paste("root cannot be calculated for degree 0 determinant = ", as.character(z)))

polydet <- function(a)
{# recursive pessimist: Life is just one damned thing before another.
 # attributed to Richard Bird in The Mathematical Intelligencer, Winter 1994.
 #Recursively form the determinant of a polynomial matrix a, where the first
 #  dim stores the coefs. of the polynomial for each a[,i,j].
	n <- dim(a)[2]  
        if (n != dim(a)[3])
           stop( "The determinant is only defined for square polynomial matrices")
	if(1 == n) r <- c(a)
          {r<- 0   # previously NULL
           for (i in 1:n) 
             {if(!all(0==a[,i,1]))#not nec.but faster for sparse arrays
                   r<- polysum(r,(-1)^(i+1)*
              r[is.na(r)] <- 0
              if (any(0==r)) 
                   {if (all(r==0)) r <- 0
                    else  r <-r[0 == rev(cumprod(rev(r==0)))] #remove trailing zeros
                    if(0==length(r)) r <- 0
             }     } 

polyvalue <- function(coef, z)
{# evaluate a polynomial given by coef (constant first) at z
 # could be extended for matrix coef.
#           n-1           n-2
#  coef[n]*z   + coef[n-1]*z   + ... + coef[1]  
  coef %*% z^(0:(length(coef)-1))

characteristicPoly <- function(a){
	# coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of a matrix
	# return a vector of the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial of a.
	# ref. Kailath "Linear Systems" p657

   tr <- function(a){ # calc the trace of a matrix
   n <- dim(a)[1]
   if (n != dim(a)[2]) stop(" arguement must be a square matrix.")
   s <-array(0,c(n,n,n))
   if (n==1) a2 <- -a
     {a2 <- rep(0,n)  
      s[1,,] <- diag(1,n)
      for (i in 1:(n-1))
        {a2[i] <- -tr(s[i,,]%*%a)/i
         s[i+1,,] <- (s[i,,]%*%a) + diag(a2[i],n)
      a2[n] <- -tr(s[n,,]%*%a)/n
companionMatrix <- function(a)
{# return the (top) companion matrix for a 3 dim array a (polynomial matrix), 
#  where the 1st dim corresponds to coefs. of polynomial powers (lags).
# ref. Kailath "Linear Systems" p659
  p <- dim(a)[2]
  if (p!= dim(a)[3]) 
    stop("companion matrix can only be computed for square matrix polynomials")
  l <- dim(a)[1]  # 1+ order of a
  C <- rbind(matrix(0,p,l*p), cbind(diag(1,(l-1)*p,(l-1)*p), matrix(0,(l-1)*p,p)))
  for (i in 1:l) C[1:p,((l-1)*p+1):(l*p)] <- -a[l,,]


#     internal utility functions    <<<<<<<<<<


nstates <- function(x) UseMethod( "nstates")
nstates.SS <- function(x)  nrow(x$F) 
nstates.ARMA <- function(x) stop("ARMA models do not have a state vector.")
nstates.TSestModel <- function(x) nstates(TSmodel(x))

nseriesInput <- function(x) UseMethod( "nseriesInput")
nseriesInput.default <- function(x)
   if (is.null(x$input)) 0 else nseries(x$input)
nseriesInput.SS <- function(x)   {if (is.null(x$G)) 0 else  dim(x$G)[2] }
nseriesInput.ARMA <- function(x) {if (is.null(x$C)) 0 else dim(x$C)[3] }
nseriesInput.TSestModel <- function(x){nseriesInput(x$data)}

nseriesOutput <- function(x)UseMethod("nseriesOutput")
nseriesOutput.default <- function(x)
   if (is.null(x$output)) 0 else nseries(x$output)
nseriesOutput.SS <- function(x){dim(x$H)[1] }
nseriesOutput.ARMA <- function(x){dim(x$A)[2] }
nseriesOutput.TSestModel <- function(x){nseriesOutput(x$data)}

checkConsistentDimensions <- function(obj1, obj2=NULL)
   # check data & model dimensions
checkConsistentDimensions.TSdata <- function(obj1, obj2=NULL)
     stop("A TSmodel must be supplied as the second argument to this method.")
   checkConsistentDimensions(obj2, obj1) #(data,model) -> (model, data)
checkConsistentDimensions.TSestModel <- function(obj1, obj2=NULL)
   {if(is.null(obj2)) obj2 <- obj1$data
    checkConsistentDimensions(obj1$model, obj2)

checkConsistentDimensions.SS <- function(obj1, obj2=NULL) # (model, data)
 {m <- ncol(obj1$G)
  n <- nrow(obj1$F)
  p <- nrow(obj1$H)
  if (n!= ncol(obj1$F)) stop("Model F matrix must be square.")
  if (n!= ncol(obj1$H))
      stop("Model H matrix have second dimension consistent with matrix F.")
  if (!is.null(obj1$G)) if(n!= nrow(obj1$G))
      stop("Model G matrix have first dimension consistent with matrix F.")
  if (!is.null(obj1$K)) if(n!= nrow(obj1$K))
      stop("Model K matrix have first dimension consistent with matrix F.")
  if (!is.null(obj1$K)) if(p!= ncol(obj1$K))
      stop("Model K matrix have second dimension consistent with matrix H.")
  if (!is.null(obj1$Q)) if(n!= nrow(obj1$Q))
      stop("Model Q matrix must have first dimension consistent with matrix F.")
  if (!is.null(obj1$R)) if(p!= nrow(obj1$R))
      stop("Model R matrix must have first dimension consistent with matrix H.")
  if (!is.null(obj1$R)) if(p!= ncol(obj1$R))
      stop("Model R matrix must be square.")

  if (!is.null(obj2))
   {if(dim(obj1$H)[1] != nseriesOutput(obj2))
       stop("Model and data output dimensions do not correspond.\n")
      {if(0 != nseriesInput(obj2))
        stop("Model and data input dimensions do not correspond.\n")
      {if(dim(obj1$G)[2] != nseriesInput(obj2))
         stop("Model and data input dimensions do not correspond.\n")

checkConsistentDimensions.ARMA <- function(obj1, obj2=NULL) #(model, data)
 {p <-dim(obj1$A)[2]
  if (p!= dim(obj1$A)[3]) stop("Model A array dim 2 and 3 should be equal.")
  if (p!= dim(obj1$B)[2]) stop("Model B array dim inconsistent with array A.")
  if (p!= dim(obj1$B)[3]) stop("Model B array dim inconsistent with array A.")
  if (!is.null(obj1$C))
      if (p!= dim(obj1$C)[2]) stop("Model C array dim inconsistent with array A.")

  if (!is.null(obj2))
   {if(dim(obj1$A)[2] != nseriesOutput(obj2))
       stop("Model and data output dimensions do not correspond.\n")
      {if(0 != nseriesInput(obj2))
        stop("Model and data input dimensions do not correspond.\n")
      {if(dim(obj1$C)[3] != nseriesInput(obj2))
         stop("Model and data input dimensions do not correspond.\n")

checkConsistentDimensions.default <- function(obj1, obj2=NULL)
   {stop(paste("No method for obj1ect of class ", class(obj1), "\n"))}

TSestModel <- function(obj) UseMethod("TSestModel")
TSestModel.TSestModel <- function(obj) {obj} # return everything

TSmodel <- function(obj, ...) UseMethod("TSmodel")
TSmodel.TSmodel <- function(obj, ...){obj}
#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)

TSmodel.TSestModel <- function(obj, ...)
  {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
   # Return a TSmodel object but also retains convergence info (if not null).
   obj$model$converged <- obj$converged

	  description=NULL, names=NULL, input.names=NULL, output.names=NULL) 
  {if  (is.null(A)) stop("specified structure is not correct for ARMA model.")
   # and fix some simple potential problems
   if(is.null(dim(A)))   A <- array(A, c(length(A),1,1))
   if(is.null(B)) stop("B array must be specified for ARMA class models.")
   if(is.null(dim(B)))   B <- array(B, c(length(B),1,1))
   if(2==length(dim(B))) B <- array(B, c(1, dim(B)))
   if(!is.null(C) && is.null(dim(C))) C <- array(C, c(length(C),1,1))
   model <- list(A=A, B=B, C=C, TREND=TREND, 
                 constants=constants, description=description)
   class(model) <- c("ARMA","TSmodel") # constructor
   if(!is.null(names)) seriesNames(model) <- names
     {if(!is.null( input.names))  seriesNamesInput(model) <- input.names
      if(!is.null(output.names)) seriesNamesOutput(model) <- output.names

          z0=NULL, P0=NULL, rootP0=NULL,
          description=NULL, names=NULL, input.names=NULL, output.names=NULL)   
  {if (is.null(F.) | is.null(H))
       stop("specified stucture is not correct for SS model.")
   # and fix some simple potential problems
     {if(!is.matrix(F.))                 F. <- matrix(F.,1,1)
      if(!is.matrix(H))                  H  <- matrix(H,length(H),1)
      if(!is.null(G) && !is.matrix(G))   G  <- matrix(G,1,length(G))
      if(!is.null(K) && !is.matrix(K))   K  <- matrix(K,1,length(K))
      if(!is.null(Q) && !is.matrix(Q))   Q  <- matrix(Q,1,length(Q))
   model <- list(F=F., G=G, H=H, K=K, Q=Q, R=R, z0=z0, P0=P0, rootP0=rootP0,
                 constants=constants, description=description)
   if (!is.null(model$K)) class(model) <- c("innov","SS","TSmodel" ) else
   if (!is.null(model$Q)) class(model) <- c( "nonInnov","SS","TSmodel") # constructor
   else stop("specified stucture is not correct for SS model.")
   if(!is.null(names)) seriesNames(model) <- names
     {if(!is.null( input.names))  seriesNamesInput(model) <-  input.names
      if(!is.null(output.names)) seriesNamesOutput(model) <- output.names

"coef<-" <- function(object, value) UseMethod("coef<-")
"coef<-.default" <- function(object, value) {
   object$coefficients <- value
coef.TSmodel <- function(object, ...) object$coefficients
#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)

coef.TSestModel <- function(object, ...) coef(TSmodel(object))
#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)

is.TSmodel <- function(obj){inherits(obj,"TSmodel")}
is.TSestModel <- function(obj){inherits(obj,"TSestModel")}
is.SS <- function(obj){inherits(obj,"SS")}
is.innov.SS <- function(obj){inherits(obj,"SS")& inherits(obj,"innov")}
is.nonInnov.SS <- function(obj){inherits(obj,"SS")&inherits(obj,"nonInnov")}
is.ARMA <- function(obj){inherits(obj,"ARMA")}

# complete parameter info. based on representation info. 

setTSmodelParameters <- function(model, constants=model$constants)  

setTSmodelParameters.TSestModel <- function(model, constants=TSmodel(model)$constants)  
  setTSmodelParameters(TSmodel(model), constants=constants)

setTSmodelParameters.SS <- function(model, constants=model$constants) { 

 locateSS <- function(A,Ac,a,I,J,plist)# local function for locating parameters
  {indicate <-  (A==1.0)                # constants
   if (!is.null(Ac)) indicate <- indicate | Ac  # Ac is T for fixed entries
   plist$const <- c(plist$const,A[indicate])
   plist$const.location <- c(plist$const.location,rep(a,sum(indicate)))
   if (is.vector(A))  # z is not a matrix, (a=="z") also should work
     {plist$const.i <- c(plist$const.i,(1:length(A))[indicate]) 
      plist$const.j <- c(plist$const.j,(1:length(A))[indicate]) #dup.but ok
   else if(is.matrix(A))
     {plist$const.i <- c(plist$const.i,row(A)[indicate]) 
      plist$const.j <- c(plist$const.j,col(A)[indicate])
   else stop("The dimension of something in the SS model structure is bad.")
   indicate <- (A!=0.0) & (A!=1.0) 
   if (!is.null(Ac)) indicate <- indicate & (!Ac)
   coef(plist) <- c(coef(plist), A[indicate])          # parameters
   plist$location <- c(plist$location,rep(a,sum(indicate)))
   if (is.vector(A))  # z is not a matrix, (a=="z") also should work
     {plist$i <- c(plist$i,(1:length(A))[indicate]) 
      plist$j <- c(plist$j,(1:length(A))[indicate]) #dup.but ok
   else if(is.matrix(A))
     {plist$i <- c(plist$i,row(A)[indicate])
      plist$j <- c(plist$j,col(A)[indicate])
   else stop("The dimension of something in the SS model structure is bad.")
 }# end locateSS    

    m <-dim(model$G)[2]
    n <-dim(model$F)[1]
    if (n!= dim(model$F)[2]) stop("Model F matrix must be square.")
    if (n!= dim(model$H)[2])
      stop("Model H matrix have second dimension consistent with matrix F.")
    if (!is.null(model$G)) if(n!= dim(model$G)[1])
      stop("Model G matrix have first dimension consistent with matrix F.")
    p <-dim(model$H)[1]
    plist <- list(coefficients=NULL,location=NULL,i=NULL,j=NULL,
    plist <- locateSS(model$F, constants$F,"f",n,n,plist)
    if(!is.null(m)) plist <- locateSS(model$G,constants$G,"G",n,m,plist)
    plist <- locateSS(model$H,constants$H,"H",p,n,plist)
    if(!is.null(model$z0)) plist <- locateSS(model$z0,constants$z0,"z",p,n,plist)
    if(!is.null(model$P0)) plist <- locateSS(model$P0,constants$P0,"P",p,n,plist)
    if(!is.null(model$rootP0)) plist <- locateSS(model$rootP0,constants$rootP0,"rP",p,n,plist)
    if (is.innov.SS(model)) 
      {plist <- locateSS(model$K,constants$K,"K",n,p,plist)
       # note constants$H, etc are logical arrays (if not NULL) to indicate
       #      parameters which are to remain fixed, so that setTSmodelParameters
       #       knows to put them in const. This feature has not been used much.
      {plist <- locateSS(model$Q,constants$Q,"Q",n,n,plist)
       plist <- locateSS(model$R,constants$R,"R",p,p,plist)

#    list.add(model, names(plist) ) <- plist
    model[ names(plist) ] <- plist

setTSmodelParameters.ARMA <- function  (model, constants=model$constants) { 

 locateARMA <- function(A,Ac, a,I,J,L,plist){ # local function for locating parameters
  ind <- function(x, i) # equivalent of row and col for higher dim arrays.
	d <- dim(x)
	id <- 1:length(d)
	id <- c(i, id[i!=id])
	y <- array(1:(d[i]), dim(x)[id])
	aperm(y, order(id))
   indicate <-  (A==1.0)                # constants
   if (!is.null(Ac)) indicate <- indicate | Ac  # Ac is T for fixed entries
   plist$const <- c(plist$const,A[indicate])
   plist$const.location <- c(plist$const.location,rep(a,sum(indicate)))
   if (is.vector(A))# trend is a vector not an array (a=="t")
     {plist$const.l <- c(plist$const.l, rep(0,sum(indicate))) 
      plist$const.i <- c(plist$const.i, (1:length(A))[indicate]) 
      plist$const.j <- c(plist$const.j, rep(0,sum(indicate)))
   else if (is.matrix(A))  # trend is a matrix
     {plist$const.l <- c(plist$const.l, rep(0,sum(indicate))) 
      plist$const.i <- c(plist$const.i, row(A)[indicate]) 
      plist$const.j <- c(plist$const.j, col(A)[indicate])
   else if(3 == length(dim(A)))
     {plist$const.l <- c(plist$const.l, ind(A,1)[indicate]) 
      plist$const.i <- c(plist$const.i, ind(A,2)[indicate]) 
      plist$const.j <- c(plist$const.j, ind(A,3)[indicate])
   else stop("The dimension of something in the ARMA model structure is bad.")
   indicate <- (A!=0.0) & (A!=1.0)
   if (!is.null(Ac)) indicate <- indicate & (!Ac)
   coef(plist) <- c(coef(plist), A[indicate])          # parameters
   plist$location <- c(plist$location,rep(a,sum(indicate)))
   if (is.vector(A))# trend is a vector not an array (a=="t")
     {plist$l <- c(plist$l, rep(0,sum(indicate))) 
      plist$i <- c(plist$i, (1:length(A))[indicate]) 
      plist$j <- c(plist$j, rep(0,sum(indicate)))
   else if (is.matrix(A))  # trend is a matrix
     {plist$l <- c(plist$l, rep(0,sum(indicate))) 
      plist$i <- c(plist$i, row(A)[indicate]) 
      plist$j <- c(plist$j, col(A)[indicate])
   else if(3 == length(dim(A)))
     {plist$l <- c(plist$l, ind(A,1)[indicate] )
      plist$i <- c(plist$i, ind(A,2)[indicate] )
      plist$j <- c(plist$j, ind(A,3)[indicate])
   else stop("The dimension of something in the ARMA model structure is bad.")
 }# end locateARMA

       m <-dim(model$C)[3]
       p <-dim(model$A)[2]
       a <-dim(model$A)[1]
       b <-dim(model$B)[1]
       cc <-dim(model$C)[1]
       if (p!= dim(model$A)[3]) stop("Model A array dim 2 and 3 should be equal.")
       if (p!= dim(model$B)[2]) stop("Model B array dim inconsistent with array A.")
       if (p!= dim(model$B)[3]) stop("Model B array dim inconsistent with array A.")
       if (!is.null(model$C))
          if (p!= dim(model$C)[2]) stop("Model C array dim inconsistent with array A.")

       plist <- list(coefficients=NULL,location=NULL,i=NULL,j=NULL,
       plist <- locateARMA(model$A, constants$A, "A",p,p,a,plist)
       plist <- locateARMA(model$B, constants$B, "B",p,p,b,plist)
       if(!is.null(cc)) plist <- 
                locateARMA(model$C, constants$C, "C",p,m,cc,plist)
       if(!is.null(model$TREND)) plist <- 
	        locateARMA(model$TREND, constants$TREND, "t",p,m,cc,plist)

#       list.add(model, names(plist) ) <- plist
       model[ names(plist) ] <- plist

setArrays <- function(model, coefficients=NULL, constants=NULL)  
  # complete representaion info. based on parameter info.  
setArrays.TSestModel <- function(model, coefficients=NULL, constants=NULL)  
 setArrays(TSmodel(model), coefficients=coefficients, constants=constants) 
setArrays.SS <- function(model, coefficients=NULL, constants=NULL){
	# N.B. Dimension and class (innov/ nonInnov) info. is assumed accurate
    if (is.null(coefficients)) coefficients   <- coef(model)
                        else   model$coefficients <- coefficients
    a.pos  <- model$location
    i.pos  <- model$i
    j.pos  <- model$j
    const  <-if (is.null(constants)) model$const else constants #untested
    ca.pos <- model$const.location
    ci.pos <- model$const.i
    cj.pos <- model$const.j  
    m <-dim(model$G)[2]
    n <-dim(model$F)[1]
    p <-dim(model$H)[1]
    f       <-  matrix(0,n,n)    # F     
    if(!is.null(m)) G        <-  matrix(0,n,m)    # control 
    H       <-  matrix(0,p,n)    # H       
    K        <-  matrix(0,n,p)    # Kalman gain
    if (is.null(model$Q)) Q <-  matrix(0,n,n)        # eventually discarded
    else                  Q <- array(0,dim(model$Q)) # system noise might not be nxn
    R        <-  diag(0,p,p)     # measurement noise
    z       <-  rep(0,n)        # initial state
    P       <-  diag(0,n)       # initial tracking error
    rP      <-  diag(0,n)       # root initial tracking error
    if (length(coefficients)>0) 
       {i <- a.pos == "f"
        f[cbind(i.pos[i],j.pos[i])] <- coefficients[i]
          {i <- a.pos == "G"
           G[cbind(i.pos[i],j.pos[i])] <- coefficients[i]
        i <- a.pos == "H"
        H[cbind(i.pos[i],j.pos[i])] <- coefficients[i]
        i <- a.pos == "K"
        K[cbind(i.pos[i],j.pos[i])] <- coefficients[i]
        i <- a.pos == "Q"
        Q[cbind(i.pos[i],j.pos[i])] <- coefficients[i]
        i <- a.pos == "R"
        R[cbind(i.pos[i],j.pos[i])] <- coefficients[i]
        i <- a.pos == "z"
        z[i.pos[i]] <- coefficients[i]
        i <- a.pos == "P"
        P[cbind(i.pos[i],j.pos[i])] <- coefficients[i]
        i <- a.pos == "rP"
        rP[cbind(i.pos[i],j.pos[i])] <- coefficients[i]
    if (length(const)>0) 
       {i <- ca.pos == "f"
        f[cbind(ci.pos[i],cj.pos[i])] <- const[i]
          {i <- ca.pos == "G"
           G[cbind(ci.pos[i],cj.pos[i])] <- const[i]
        i <- ca.pos == "H"
        H[cbind(ci.pos[i],cj.pos[i])] <- const[i]
        i <- ca.pos == "K"
        K[cbind(ci.pos[i],cj.pos[i])] <- const[i]
        i <- ca.pos == "Q"
        Q[cbind(ci.pos[i],cj.pos[i])] <- const[i]
        i <- ca.pos == "R"
        R[cbind(ci.pos[i],cj.pos[i])] <- const[i]
        i <- ca.pos == "z"
        z[ci.pos[i]] <- const[i]
        i <- ca.pos == "P"
        P[cbind(ci.pos[i],cj.pos[i])] <- const[i]
        i <- ca.pos == "rP"
        rP[cbind(ci.pos[i],cj.pos[i])] <- const[i]
    model$F <- f 
    if(!is.null(m)) model$G <- G
    model$H <- H
    if (is.innov.SS(model))
      model$K <- K  
      {model$Q <-Q
       model$R <-R
    if(!is.null(model$z0)) model$z0 <- z
    if(!is.null(model$P0)) model$P0 <- P
    if(!is.null(model$rootP0)) model$rootP0 <- rP
} #end setArrays.SS

setArrays.ARMA <- function(model, coefficients=NULL, constants=NULL) { 
	# N.B. Dimension and class info. is assumed accurate
       if (is.null(coefficients)) coefficients    <- coef(model)
                        else   model$coefficients <- coefficients
       a.pos  <- model$location
       i.pos  <- model$i
       j.pos  <- model$j
       const  <-if (is.null(constants)) model$const else constants #untested
       ca.pos <- model$const.location
       ci.pos <- model$const.i
       cj.pos <- model$const.j  
       l.pos  <- model$l
       cl.pos <- model$const.l
       A  <-  array(0,dim(model$A))
       B  <-  array(0,dim(model$B))
       m <- dim(model$C)[3]
       p <- dim(model$A)[2]
       TREND <- if(is.null(model$TREND)) NULL else rep(0,length(model$TREND))
       if(!is.null(m)) C  <-  array(0,dim(model$C))
       if (length(coefficients)>0) 
          {i <- a.pos == "A"
           A[cbind(l.pos[i],i.pos[i],j.pos[i])] <- coefficients[i]
           i <- a.pos == "B"
           B[cbind(l.pos[i],i.pos[i],j.pos[i])] <- coefficients[i]
             {i <- a.pos == "C"
              C[cbind(l.pos[i],i.pos[i],j.pos[i])] <- coefficients[i]
           i <- a.pos == "t"
           if(!is.null(TREND)) TREND[i.pos[i]] <- coefficients[i]
    if (length(const)>0) 
          {i <- ca.pos == "A"
           A[cbind(cl.pos[i],ci.pos[i],cj.pos[i])] <- const[i]
           i <- ca.pos == "B"
           B[cbind(cl.pos[i],ci.pos[i],cj.pos[i])] <- const[i]
             {i <- ca.pos == "C"
              C[cbind(cl.pos[i],ci.pos[i],cj.pos[i])] <- const[i]
           i <- ca.pos == "t"
           if(!is.null(TREND)) TREND[ci.pos[i]] <- const[i]
      model$A <- A
      model$B <- B
      if(!is.null(m)) model$C <- C 
      model$TREND <- TREND
} #end setArrays.ARMA


# following is a workaround for ar in ts library

DSE.ar <- function(data, ...) {
  #fix for ar in R ts library (so that univariate case also gives array result)
  # before R 1.9.0 required ts not stats
  res <- stats::ar(ts(data), ...)
  if (! is.array(res$ar)) res$ar <- array(res$ar, c(length(res$ar),1,1))

printTestValue <- function (x, digits = 16){
    cat("c( ")
    if (all(is.na(x)))       cat("NAs")
    else if (is.null(x))     cat("NULL")
    else if (is.logical(x))  cat(x)
    else if (!is.R())        print(x, digits = digits)
    else if (is.matrix(x)) {
       for (i in 1:nrow(x)) {
	 cat("\n      ")
         for (j in 1:ncol(x)) 
	   cat(formatC(x[i,j], digits=digits, format="g"), ", ")
       cat("), ", ncol(x), ", ", nrow(x), ")\n")
    else for (i in 1:length(x)) cat(", ", formatC(x[i], digits=digits, format="g"))


#  Model simulation functions (to generate data)   <<<<<<<<<<


simulate <- function(model, ...)UseMethod("simulate")

simulate.TSestModel <- function(model, input=inputData(model),
			sd=NULL, Cov=NULL, ...)
  {if (is.null(sd) & is.null(Cov)) Cov <- model$estimates$cov
   simulate(TSmodel(model), input=input, sd=sd, Cov=Cov, ...)

simulate.SS <- function(model, input=NULL,
                 start=NULL, freq=NULL, sampleT=100, 
                 noise=NULL, sd=1, Cov=NULL, rng=NULL, 
                 compiled=.DSEflags()$COMPILED, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
if (is.TSestModel(model)) model <- TSmodel(model)
if (!is.SS(model)) stop("simulate.SS expecting an SS TSmodel.")
if (!checkConsistentDimensions(model)) stop("The SS model is not correct.")

 FF<-    model$F
 G <-    model$G
 H <-    model$H
 m <- dim(G)[2]
 if(is.null(m)) m <-0
 n <- dim(FF)[2]
 p <- dim(H)[1]
 if (m!=0)
   {if( is.null(input)) stop("input series must be supplied for this model.")
    if (sampleT != Tobs(input) ) input <- tfTruncate(input, end=sampleT)
 if (is.innov.SS(model))
   {K <-    model$K}
   {Q <-    model$Q
    if (ncol(Q)<n) Q <- cbind(Q,matrix(0,n,n-ncol(Q))) # Q assumed square
    R <-    model$R
 if(is.null(rng)) rng <- setRNG() # returns setting so don't skip if NULL
 else        {old.rng <- setRNG(rng);  on.exit(setRNG(old.rng))  }
if (!is.null(noise) && is.matrix(noise)) noise <- list(w=noise)

set.ts <- TRUE             
if (!is.null(start))
  {if (!is.null(freq))   tf <- list(start=start, frequency=freq)
      {warning("start is specified but not freq. Using freq=1.") 
       tf <- list(start=start, frequency=1)
else if( (!is.null(input))   && is.tframed(input))   tf <- tframe(input)
else if ((!is.null(noise$w)) && is.tframed(noise$w)) tf <- tframe(noise$w)
else set.ts <-  FALSE

# It would be better to use makeTSnoise here (lag=1 and w0<-c(noise$w0) ) and
#  possibly two calls to get e for non-innov models. However, this will affect
#  historical comparisons so it needs to be done carefully!
 e <-NULL
 if (is.null(noise))
   {if (!is.innov.SS(model)) 
      {w0 <- rnorm(n)
       e <- matrix(rnorm(sampleT*n),sampleT,n)
       w <- matrix(rnorm(sampleT*p),sampleT,p)
      {w <- matrix(NA,sampleT,p)
       w0 <- rep(NA,p)
       if (!is.null(Cov))
         {if(length(Cov) == 1) Cov <- diag(Cov, p)
	  W <- t(chol(Cov))
	  w.help <- t(W %*% matrix(rnorm((sampleT+1)*p),nrow=p,ncol=sampleT+1))
	  w0 <- w.help[1,]
	  w <- w.help[-1,]
         {if (length(sd)==1) sd <-rep(sd,p)
          for (i in 1:p)
            {w0[i] <- rnorm(1,sd=sd[i])
             w[,i] <- rnorm(sampleT,sd=sd[i])
   {#  noise is not null
   # already done if (is.matrix(noise)) noise <- list(w=noise)
   if (is.null(noise$w))
       stop("supplied noise structure is not correct. w must be specified.")
   if (is.null(noise$w0)) noise$w0 <- rep(0,p)
   if ((!is.innov.SS(model)) &&  is.null(noise$e))
       stop("supplied noise structure is not correct. e must be specified for non-innovations form models.")

    w0 <- noise$w0
    if (is.matrix(w0)) w0 <- rep(0,p) # see note in man re VAR compatiblity
    w <- noise$w
    e <- noise$e
    sampleT <- Tobs(w)

 y <- matrix(0,sampleT,p)
 state <- matrix(0,sampleT,n)
 if(is.null(model$z0)) z <- rep(0,n) # initial state
 else  z <- model$z0        

 if (is.innov.SS(model)) 
   {z <-  c(FF%*% z) + c(K %*% w0)
    if (m !=0) z <-  z + c(G%*%input[1,]) 
    y[1,]  <-  c(H %*% z) + c(w[1,])
   {z <-  c(FF%*% z) + c(Q %*% w0)
    if (m !=0) z <-  z + c(G %*% input[1,])  
    y[1,]  <-  c(H %*% z) + c(R %*% w[1,])
 # Note: the first period is done above for both compiled and S versions so
 #    that initial conditions do not have to be passed to compiled code.
 if (compiled)
   {if (is.innov.SS(model))
      {Q <-matrix(0,n,n)
       R <-matrix(0,p,p)
       e <- matrix(0,sampleT,n)
    else K <- matrix(0,n,p)
    if (m==0) 
      {input <- matrix(0,sampleT,1)
       G <- matrix(0,n,1)
 #   storage.mode(y)     <- "double"
 #   storage.mode(state) <- "double"
 #   storage.mode(input) <- "double"
 #   storage.mode(w) <- "double"
 #   storage.mode(e) <- "double"
 #   storage.mode(FF) <- "double"
 #   storage.mode(G) <- "double"
 #   storage.mode(H) <- "double"
 #   storage.mode(K) <- "double"
 #   storage.mode(Q) <- "double"
 #   storage.mode(R) <- "double"
   #r <- .Fortran(simss_sym, 
   r <- .Fortran("simss", 
                         y=if(is.double(y)) y else as.double(y), 
                         state=if(is.double(state)) state else as.double(state), 
                         if(is.double(input)) input else as.double(input),
                         if(is.double(w)) w else as.double(w),
                         if(is.double(e)) e else as.double(e),
                         if(is.double(FF)) FF else as.double(FF),
                         if(is.double(G)) G else as.double(G),   
                         if(is.double(H)) H else as.double(H),
                         if(is.double(K)) K else as.double(K), 
                         if(is.double(Q)) Q else as.double(Q),	 
                         if(is.double(R)) R else as.double(R),    
    y <- r$y
    state <- r$state
    if (m==0) input <- NULL
   {for (Time in 2:sampleT)  
      {z <-  c(FF%*% z) 
       if (m !=0) z <-  z + c(G%*%input[Time,]) 
       if (is.innov.SS(model))  z <-  z + c(K%*%w[Time-1,])
       else       z <-  z + c(Q%*%e[Time-1,])
       state[Time,] <- z
       if (is.innov.SS(model)) y[Time,]  <-  c(H %*% z) + c(w[Time,])   
       else      y[Time,]  <-  c(H %*% z) + c(R %*% w[Time,])
   }  }
 if (set.ts)
   { y     <- tframed(y,     tf=tf, names=seriesNamesOutput(model)) 
     state <- tframed(state, tf=tf )
 else  seriesNames(y) <- seriesNamesOutput(model)
 TSdata(list(input=input,output=y, state=state, version=version, 
   model=model, description="data generated by simulate.ss",
   noise=list(w0=w0,w=w, e=e, rng=rng, Cov=Cov, sd=sd)))

simulate.ARMA <- function(model, y0=NULL, input=NULL, input0=NULL,
                start=NULL, freq=NULL, sampleT=100,
                noise=NULL, sd=1, Cov=NULL,
                rng=NULL, noise.model=NULL, 
                compiled=.DSEflags()$COMPILED, ...)
{# see details in help("ARMA") and help("simulate.ARMA")

if (is.TSestModel(model)) model <- TSmodel(model)
if (!is.ARMA(model)) stop("simulate.ARMA expecting an ARMA TSmodel.")
if (!checkConsistentDimensions(model)) stop("The ARMA model is not correct.")

A<-    model$A
B <-    model$B
C <-    model$C
m <- dim(C)[3]
if (is.null(m)) m <-0
p <- dim(A)[2]
a <-dim(A)[1]
b <-dim(B)[1]
cc <- if (is.null(C)) 0 else  dim(C)[1]

TREND <- model$TREND
if (p == length(TREND)) TREND <- t(matrix(TREND, p, sampleT))

if (m!=0)
   {if( is.null(input)) stop("input series must be supplied for this model.")
    if (sampleT != Tobs(input) ) input <- tfTruncate(input, end=sampleT)
if (p==1) invA0 <- matrix(1/A[1,,],1,1)
else      invA0 <- solve(A[1,,])
for (l in 1:a) A[l,,] <- invA0 %*% A[l,,]      # set A(0) = I      
for (l in 1:b) B[l,,] <- invA0 %*% B[l,,] 
if (m!=0) for (l in 1:dim(C)[1]) C[l,,] <- invA0 %*% C[l,,]  
if(!is.null(TREND)) TREND <- t(invA0 %*% t(TREND))

set.ts <- TRUE             

if (!is.null(noise)) {
   if (is.matrix(noise)) noise <- list(w=noise)
   if (is.null(noise$w0)) noise$w0 <-matrix(0,b,p)

if (!is.null(start))
  {if (!is.null(freq))   tf <- list(start=start, frequency=freq)
      {warning("start is specified but not freq. Using freq=1.") 
       tf <- list(start=start, frequency=1)
else if( (!is.null(input))   && is.tframed(input))   tf <- tframe(input)
else if ((!is.null(noise$w)) && is.tframed(noise$w)) tf <- tframe(noise$w)
else set.ts <-  FALSE

noise <- makeTSnoise(sampleT,p,b, noise=noise, rng=rng,
                        Cov=Cov, sd=sd, 
                        start=start, frequency=freq)
if (is.null(sampleT)) sampleT<-noise$sampleT
 if(is.null(y0)) y0<-matrix(0,a,p)
 if((m!=0) & is.null(input0)) input0 <- matrix(0,dim(C)[1],m)
 y <- matrix(0,sampleT,p)  
 if (compiled)
   {if (m==0) 
      {input <- matrix(0,sampleT,1)
       input0 <- matrix(0,1,1)
       C <- matrix(0,1,1)
    if (is.null(TREND)) TREND<- matrix(0,sampleT, p)
#    yo<- list(y=y, y0,m,p, a, b, cc, sampleT,input,input0,w,w0,A,B, C,TREND)
#    storage.mode(y)     <- "double"
#    storage.mode(y0)     <- "double"
#    storage.mode(input0)     <- "double"
#    storage.mode(noise$w)     <- "double"
#    storage.mode(noise$w0)     <- "double"
#    storage.mode(A)     <- "double"
#    storage.mode(B)     <- "double"
#    storage.mode(C)     <- "double"
#    storage.mode(TREND)     <- "double"

    #y <- .Fortran(simrma_sym, 
     y <- .Fortran("simrma", 
                        y=if(is.double(y)) y else as.double(y), 
                         if(is.double(y0)) y0 else as.double(y0),
                         if(is.double(input0)) input0 else as.double(input0),
                         if(is.double(noise$w)) noise$w else as.double(noise$w),
                         if(is.double(noise$w0)) noise$w0 else as.double(noise$w0),
                         if(is.double(A)) A else as.double(A),
                         if(is.double(B)) B else as.double(B),   
                         if(is.double(C)) C else as.double(C),
                         if(is.double(TREND)) TREND else as.double(TREND), 
			 ) [["y"]]

    if (m==0) 
      {input  <- NULL
       input0 <- NULL
  {w0 <- noise$w0
   if(!is.null(TREND)) y <- TREND  
   for (Time in 1:sampleT)  
   {for (l in 2:a) 
          if (p==1) y[Time,] <- y[Time,]-c(A[l,,]  *  y0[l-Time,]) 
          else      y[Time,] <- y[Time,]-c(A[l,,] %*% y0[l-Time,])
          if (p==1) y[Time,] <- y[Time,]-c(A[l,,]  *  y[Time+1-l,])
          else      y[Time,] <- y[Time,]-c(A[l,,] %*% y[Time+1-l,])
    for (l in 1:b) 
       if (Time+1-l<=0)
          if (p==1) y[Time,]<- y[Time,] +c(B[l,,]  *  w0[l-Time,]) 
          else      y[Time,]<- y[Time,] +c(B[l,,] %*% w0[l-Time,])
          if (p==1) y[Time,]<- y[Time,] +c(B[l,,]  *  w[Time+1-l,])
          else      y[Time,]<- y[Time,] +c(B[l,,] %*% w[Time+1-l,])
    if (m!=0) for (l in 1:cc) 
       if (Time+1-l<=0)
          if (m==1) y[Time,]<- y[Time,] + c(C[l,,]  *  input0[l-Time,])
          else      y[Time,]<- y[Time,] + c(C[l,,] %*% input0[l-Time,])
          if (m==1) y[Time,]<-y[Time,] + c(C[l,,]  *  input[Time+1-l,])
          else      y[Time,]<-y[Time,] + c(C[l,,] %*% input[Time+1-l,])
 if (set.ts) y <- tframed(y, tf=tf, names=seriesNamesOutput(model)) 
 else seriesNames(y) <- seriesNamesOutput(model)
          model=model, input0=input0, 
          description="data generated by simulate.ARMA", 
#          prior.args=prior.args, post.args=post.args,


#functions which work on data (and models)  <<<<<<<<<<


#     likelihood and residual calculation functions  <<<<<<<<<<


residualStats <- function(pred, data, sampleT=nrow(pred), warn=TRUE){  
   e <- if (is.null(pred))     -data[1:sampleT,,drop=FALSE]
        else if (is.null(data)) pred[1:sampleT,,drop=FALSE]
        else               pred[1:sampleT,,drop=FALSE] - data[1:sampleT,,drop=FALSE]
   p <- ncol(e)
   #Om <-t(e) %*% e /sampleT
   Om <-crossprod(e)/sampleT
   if (any(is.na(Om))) {like1 <- like2 <- 1e100}  
   else if (any(Om >1e100)) {like1 <- like2 <- 1e100}  
     {v <- La.svd(Om) #eigenvalues are not robust to degenerate density.
#     i <- v$d!=0
     i <- v$d > (v$d[1]*sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
      if (!all(i))
        {if(warn) warning("The cov. matrix is singular. Working on subspace.")
         v$d <- v$d[i]
      #   v$u <- v$u[i,i, drop=FALSE]
      #   v$vt <- v$vt[i,i, drop=FALSE]
      #   e <- e[,i, drop=FALSE]
      like1 <- 0.5 * sampleT * log(prod(v$d)) # det
      # $vt is transposed in La.svd, but not v in svd
#      if (1 == length(v$d)) OmInv <-  v$u %*% (1/v$d) %*% v$vt 
#      else OmInv <-  v$u %*% diag(1/v$d) %*% v$vt # more robust than solve(Om)
#  following is equivalent
#      OmInv <-  v$u %*% sweep(v$vt,1,1/v$d, "*") 
#      like2 <- sum(e * (e %*% OmInv)) /2
#  but this works out to (sampleT*p/2) and fixing for degenerate distributions:
       like2 <- (sampleT*length(v$d))/2
   const <- (sampleT * p * log(2 * pi))/2
   invisible(list(like=c(const+like1+like2, const, like1,like2),
                  cov =Om, pred=pred, sampleT=sampleT))

sumSqerror <- function(coefficients, model=NULL, data=NULL, error.weights=NULL) {
 if ( is.null(model)) stop("model missing") 
 if ( is.null(data))  stop("data missing") 
 if ( is.null(error.weights)) stop("error.weights missing")  
 sum(l(setArrays(model,coefficients=coefficients), data,

l <- function(obj1, obj2, ...)UseMethod("l")
l.TSdata <- function(obj1, obj2, ...) {l(obj2, obj1, ...) }
l.TSestModel <- function(obj1, obj2, ...) {l(TSmodel(obj1), obj2, ...)}

l.ARMA <- function(obj1, obj2, sampleT=NULL, predictT=NULL,result=NULL,
                error.weights=0,  compiled=.DSEflags()$COMPILED, 
		warn=TRUE, return.debug.info=FALSE, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
  #  see help("l.ARMA")
model <- if (is.TSestModel(obj1)) TSmodel(obj1) else obj1
if (!is.ARMA(model)) stop("l.ARMA expecting an ARMA TSmodel.")

#dat <- freeze(obj2)
dat <- obj2
tf <- tfTruncate(tframe(outputData(dat)), end=predictT)

if(!checkConsistentDimensions(model,dat)) stop("dimension error")
if (is.null(sampleT))  sampleT  <- TobsOutput(dat)
if (is.null(predictT)) predictT <- sampleT
if (sampleT > predictT) stop("sampleT cannot exceed predictT.")
if (sampleT > TobsOutput(dat)) stop("sampleT cannot exceed length of data.")

if (0 != nseriesInput(dat))
  {if (TobsInput(dat) < predictT)
      stop("input data must be at least as long as requested prediction.")
   if (any(is.na(inputData(dat)))) stop("input data cannot contain NAs.")
   if(!all(startInput(dat) == startOutput(dat)))
	   stop("input and output data must start at the same time.")
if (any(is.na(outputData(dat)))) stop("output data cannot contain NAs.")

u <- inputData(dat)
y <- outputData(dat)
A<-    model$A
B <-   model$B
C <-   model$C
m <- dim(C)[3]
if (is.null(m)) m <-0
p <- dim(A)[2]
a <-dim(A)[1]
b <-dim(B)[1]

TREND <- model$TREND
if (p == length(TREND)) TREND <- t(matrix(TREND, p, predictT))

if (m == 0) 
      stop("model parameters indicate an no input but input data exists!")

if (compiled)
  {if (m==0)
     {C <- array(0,c(1,p,1))    # can't pass 0 length array to compiled
      u <- matrix(0,predictT,1)
   else # since input and output are declared same dim in fortran
      if (Tobs(y) < Tobs(u)) y <- 
	   rbind(y, matrix(0, Tobs(u) - Tobs(y), nseries(y)))
   if (is.null(TREND)) TREND <- matrix(0,predictT, p)
   is  <- max(m,p)

#   storage.mode(error.weights)     <- "double"
#   storage.mode(u)     <- "double"
#   storage.mode(y)     <- "double"
#   storage.mode(A)     <- "double"
#   storage.mode(B)     <- "double"
#   storage.mode(C)     <- "double"
#   storage.mode(TREND)     <- "double"

   #r  <- .Fortran(arma_sym,
   r  <- .Fortran("arma",
                         pred=matrix(1e20,predictT,p), # pred,     
                         error.weights= if(is.double(error.weights)) 
			           error.weights else as.double(error.weights),
                         as.integer( m), 
                         as.integer( p) ,      
                         as.integer( dim(A)[1]),  # 1+order of A  
                         as.integer( dim(B)[1]),  # 1+order of B  
                         as.integer( dim(C)[1]),  # 1+order of C  
                         if(is.double(u)) u else as.double(u), # as.double() works ok with compiled but
                          #messes up the dim(u) returned in the list
                         if(is.double(y)) y else as.double(y),	     
                         if(is.double(A)) A else as.double(A),  
                         if(is.double(B)) B else as.double(B),   
                         if(is.double(C)) C else as.double(C),
                         if(is.double(TREND)) TREND else as.double(TREND),
                         as.integer(is),  # scratch array dim
                         matrix(double(1),is,is),  # scratch array
                         matrix(double(1),is,is),  # scratch array
                         double(is),         # scratch array
                         integer(is*is),         # scratch array IPIV
			 ) [c("pred", "weighted.sqerror")]
   if (all(0==error.weights)) r$weighted.sqerror <- NULL
else   # start S version
  {prederror <- matrix(0,sampleT,p)  
   wt.err <- NULL
   invB0 <- solve(B[1,,])
   for (l in 1:a) A[l,,] <- invB0 %*% A[l,,]      # set B(0) = I      
   for (l in 1:b) B[l,,] <- invB0 %*% B[l,,]  
   if (m!=0) for (l in 1:dim(C)[1]) C[l,,] <- invB0 %*% C[l,,]  
   if(!is.null(TREND)) TREND <- t(invB0 %*% t(TREND))
   if (1 < length(error.weights)) wt.err <- matrix(0,predictT,p)    
   for (Time in 1:sampleT)  
      {if(!is.null(TREND)) vt <- -TREND[Time,]
       else vt    <-  rep(0,p) 
       for (l in 1:a)
          if (l<=Time)  #this is cumbersome but drop=FALSE leaves A,B,C as 3 dim arrays
              if (p==1) vt <- vt + c(A[l,,]  *  y[Time+1-l,])
              else      vt <- vt + c(A[l,,] %*% y[Time+1-l,])  
       if (b >= 2) for (l in 2:b) 
          if (l<=Time) 
             if (p==1) vt <- vt - c(B[l,,]  *  prederror[Time+1-l,]) 
             else      vt <- vt - c(B[l,,] %*% prederror[Time+1-l,])
       if (m!=0) for (l in 1:dim(C)[1]) 
          if (l<=Time) 
             if (m==1) vt <- vt - c(C[l,,]  *  u[Time+1-l,])
             else      vt <- vt - c(C[l,,] %*% u[Time+1-l,])  
       prederror[Time,] <- vt #this is not really the pred error unless B0=I   

       if (any(0!=error.weights))          
        {wt.err[Time,] <- error.weights[1]*vt^2  # weighted sq prediction error
         if (length(error.weights)>1)
           {for (h in 2:length(error.weights))
            if ( (Time+h-1) <= sampleT)
              {if(!is.null(TREND)) vt <- -TREND[Time,]
               else vt    <-  rep(0,p) 
               for (l in 1:a)
                  if (l < Time+h) 
                     if (p==1) vt <- vt + c(A[l,,]  *  y[Time+h-l,])
                     else      vt <- vt + c(A[l,,] %*% y[Time+h-l,])  
               if (b >= 2) for (l in 2:b) 
                  if (l < Time+h) 
                     if (p==1) vt <- vt - c(B[l,,]  *  prederror[Time+h-l,]) 
                     else      vt <- vt - c(B[l,,] %*% prederror[Time+h-l,])
               if (m!=0) for (l in 1:dim(C)[1]) 
                   if (l < Time+h) 
                      if (m==1) vt <- vt - c(C[l,,]  *  u[Time+h-l,])
                      else      vt <- vt - c(C[l,,] %*% u[Time+h-l,]) 
               wt.err[Time,] <- wt.err[Time,] + error.weights[h]*(solve(invB0 )%*%vt)^2
     }  }  }

   pred <- matrix(0,predictT,p)
   pred[1:sampleT,] <- y[1:sampleT,,drop=FALSE] - prederror[1:sampleT,,drop=FALSE] %*% t(solve(invB0)) 
   # now multi-step predictions to predictT
   if (predictT > sampleT)
    {for (Time in (sampleT+1):predictT)  
      {invA0 <- solve(A[1,,])
       for (l in 1:a) A[l,,] <- invA0 %*% A[l,,]      # set A(0) = I      
       for (l in 1:b) B[l,,] <- invA0 %*% B[l,,]  
       if (m!=0) for (l in 1:dim(C)[1]) C[l,,] <- invA0 %*% C[l,,]  
       if(!is.null(TREND)) TREND <- t(invA0 %*% t(TREND))
       if(!is.null(TREND)) pred[Time,] <- pred[Time,]+TREND[Time,]
       if (a >= 2) for (l in 2:a) 
             if (p==1) pred[Time,] <- pred[Time,]-c(A[l,,]  *  y[Time+1-l,]) 
             else      pred[Time,] <- pred[Time,]-c(A[l,,] %*% y[Time+1-l,])
             if (p==1) pred[Time,] <- pred[Time,]-c(A[l,,]  *  pred[Time+1-l,])
             else      pred[Time,] <- pred[Time,]-c(A[l,,] %*% pred[Time+1-l,])
       if (b >= 2) for (l in 2:b) 
          if (Time+1-l<=sampleT)
             if (p==1)  pred[Time,] <- pred[Time,] +c(B[l,,]  *  prederror[Time+1-l,]) 
             else       pred[Time,] <- pred[Time,] +c(B[l,,] %*% prederror[Time+1-l,])
       if (m!=0) for (l in 1:dim(C)[1]) 
          if (m==1) pred[Time,] <- pred[Time,] + c(C[l,,]  *  u[Time+1-l,]) 
          else      pred[Time,] <- pred[Time,] + c(C[l,,] %*% u[Time+1-l,])
   r<-list(pred=pred,   weighted.sqerror=wt.err)
  } # end of S version

tframe(r$pred) <- tf
if (! is.null(r$weighted.sqerror))  tframe(r$weighted.sqerror) <- tf
if((!is.null(result)) && (result == "pred")) return(r$pred)
r <- append(residualStats(r$pred, y, sampleT, warn=warn), 
        list(error.weights=error.weights, weighted.sqerror=r$weighted.sqerror))

if (return.debug.info) 
    r$debug.info <-list(m=m, p=p, a=a,b=b,c=c, A=A,B=B,C=C,TREND=TREND, 
          u=u, y=y,
          prederror=prederror, pred=pred, invB0=invB0, wt.err=wt.err, 
          error.weights=error.weights, sampleT=sampleT)

if ( is.null(result)) return(classed( # TSestModel constructor (l.ARMA)
              list(estimates=r, data=dat, model=model), "TSestModel"))
   {if (result =="like") return(r$like[1]) # neg.log.like. from residualStats
    else { return(r[[result]]) }
stop("should never get to here in l.ARMA.")

l.SS <- function(obj1, obj2, sampleT=NULL, predictT=NULL, error.weights=0,
                 return.state=FALSE, return.track=FALSE, result=NULL, 
                 warn=TRUE, return.debug.info=FALSE, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
 # see  help("l.SS") and help("SS")
# could check that Q is symmetric  or positive definite but ...

model <- if (is.TSestModel(obj1)) TSmodel(obj1) else obj1
if (!is.SS(model)) stop("l.SS expecting an SS TSmodel.")

#data <- freeze(obj2)
data <- obj2
if(!checkConsistentDimensions(model, data)) stop("dimension error.\n")
if (is.null(sampleT))  sampleT  <- TobsOutput(data)
if (is.null(predictT)) predictT <- sampleT
if (sampleT > predictT) stop("sampleT cannot exceed predictT.\n")
if (sampleT > TobsOutput(data))
    stop("sampleT cannot exceed length of data.\n")
if (0 != nseriesInput(data))
  {if (TobsInput(data) < predictT)
      stop("input data must be at least as long as requested prediction.\n")
   if (any(is.na(inputData(data)))) stop("input data cannot contain NAs.\n")
if (any(is.na(outputData(data)))) stop("output data cannot contain NAs.\n")

Innov <- is.innov.SS(model)
if (Innov & return.track) 
   warning("Tracking error is zero for an innovations model. track will not be calculated.")

FF<-    model$F
H <-    model$H
n <- dim(FF)[2]
p <- dim(H)[1]
y <- outputData(data)
m <- if(is.null(model$G)) 0 else dim(model$G)[2]

if (m != 0)
  {G <-model$G
   u <- inputData(data)
if (Innov)            # K or Q,R can be NUll in model, which messes up compiled
   {K <-    model$K
    Q <-    matrix(0,1,1)      #not used
    R <-    matrix(0,1,1)      #not used
    track <-array(0,c(1,1,1))  #not used
   {Q <-    model$Q
    if (ncol(Q)<n) Q <- cbind(Q,matrix(0,n,n-ncol(Q))) # Q assumed square in compiled
    R <-    model$R
    K <-    matrix(0,n,p)      # this is used
    if(return.track) track <-array(0,c(predictT,n,n))
    else             track <-array(0,c(1,1,1))  #not used
if (return.state | return.debug.info) state <- matrix(double(1),predictT,n)
else              state <- matrix(double(1),1,1)    #not used
if(is.null(model$z0)) z <-rep(0,n)   # initial state
else  z <-model$z0

# initial state tracking error  --  not used in innov. models
 P <-  if(!is.null(model$rootP0)) t(model$rootP0) %*% model$rootP0
       else if(!is.null(model$P0))  model$P0
       else   diag(1,n)

if (compiled)
  {if (m == 0) {
      G<-matrix(0,n,1)       # can't call compiled with 0 length arrays
      u <- matrix(0,predictT,1)
   else {# since input and output are declared same dim in fortran
      if (Tobs(y) < Tobs(u)) y <- 
	   rbind(y, matrix(0, Tobs(u) - Tobs(y), nseries(y)))
#   storage.mode(error.weights)     <- "double"
#   storage.mode(state) <- "double"
#   storage.mode(track) <- "double"
#   storage.mode(u)     <- "double"
#   storage.mode(outputData(data))     <- "double"
#   storage.mode(FF)     <- "double"
#   storage.mode(G)     <- "double"
#   storage.mode(H)     <- "double"
#   storage.mode(K)     <- "double"
#   storage.mode(Q)     <- "double"
#   storage.mode(R)     <- "double"
#   storage.mode(z)     <- "double"
#   storage.mode(P)     <- "double"
IS <- max(n,p)
   #r <- .Fortran(kf_sym,
   r <- .Fortran("kf",
                  pred=matrix(double(1),predictT,p), #note, as.double messes dim of pred    
		                 error.weights else as.double(error.weights),   
                  as.integer(return.track & !Innov),
                  track=if(is.double(track)) track else as.double(track),                  
                  if(is.double(u)) u else as.double(u), 
                  if(is.double(y)) y else as.double(y),  
                  if(is.double(FF)) FF else as.double(FF),   
                  if(is.double(G)) G else as.double(G),	
                  if(is.double(H)) H else as.double(H),  
                  if(is.double(K)) K else as.double(K), 
                  if(is.double(Q)) Q else as.double(Q),	   
                  if(is.double(R)) R else as.double(R),	 
                  if(is.double(z)) z else as.double(z),
                  if(is.double(P)) P else as.double(P),
	          as.integer(IS),           # scratch arrays for KF, IS
	          matrix(double(1),IS,IS),  #A
	          matrix(double(1),IS,IS),  # AA
	          matrix(double(1),IS,IS),  # PP
	          matrix(double(1),n,n),  # QQ
	          matrix(double(1),p,p),  # RR 
	          rep(double(1),IS),  # Z
	          rep(double(1),IS), # ZZ
	          rep(double(1),IS), # WW		   
                  integer(IS*IS),         # scratch array IPIV
		  ) [c("pred","state","track","weighted.sqerror")]
   if (all(0==error.weights)) r$weighted.sqerror <- NULL
else                  #  S version
  {vt    <-  rep(0,p)     # initial prediction error
   pred  <- matrix(0,predictT,p) 
   wt.err <- NULL
   if (1 < length(error.weights)) wt.err <- matrix(0,predictT,p)

## This is the beginning of the  most important part of the algorithm ####

   if ( ! Innov ) 
     {RR <- R %*% t(R)  
      QQ <- Q %*% t(Q)  
   for (Time in 1:sampleT)  {
       if ( ! Innov) 
         {PH  <-  P %*% t(H)
          ft    <- ( H %*% PH )  + RR         
          ft    <-  (ft + t(ft))/2   # force ft to be symmetric 
          K   <-  t(solve(ft,t(FF %*% PH)))  
          P   <-  (FF %*% P %*% t(FF) ) - ( K %*% H %*% P %*% t(FF) ) + QQ  # P(t|t-1)
          P   <-  (P + t(P))/2  # force symmetry (eliminate rounding error problems)
          if (return.track) track[Time,,] <- P   # P(t|t-1)
          # note P(t|t) = P-P%*%t(H)%*%solve(H%*%t(H)+RR)%*%P
       z <- c(FF%*%z) + c(K%*%vt)  # E[z(t)| t-1 ]
       if (m !=0) z <- z + c(G%*%u[Time,])
       if (return.state | return.debug.info) state[Time,] <- z
       pred[Time,] <- Ey  <-  c(H %*% z)       # predicted output     
       vt<-  y[Time,] - Ey                     # prediction error 

## This is the end of the most important part of the algorithm ####

       if (any(0!=error.weights))          
        {wt.err[Time,] <- error.weights[1]*vt^2  # weighted sq prediction error
         if (length(error.weights)>1)
          {zh <- z
           for (h in 2:length(error.weights))
            if ( (Time+h-1) <= sampleT)
              {zh <-  c(FF%*%zh)
               if (h==2)  zh <- zh + c(K%*%vt) # vt is 0 for h>2
               if (m !=0) zh <- zh + c(G%*%u[Time+h-1,])
               wt.err[Time,] <- wt.err[Time,] + 
                          error.weights[h]*(y[Time+h-1,] -  c(H %*% zh))^2
   }   }  }   }

#   prederror <- y[1:sampleT,,drop=FALSE]-pred[1:sampleT,,drop=FALSE]

   # now multi-step prediction to predictT 
   # This requires u but not y (y is ignored if it is supplied)
   if (predictT > sampleT)
    {for (Time in (sampleT+1):predictT)  
       {z <-  c(FF%*% z) 
        if (m !=0) z <-  z + c(G%*%u[Time,]) 
        if (Time==sampleT+1) z <- z + c(K%*%vt)
        if (return.state) state[Time,] <- z
        pred[Time,]  <-  c(H %*% z)                  # predicted output 
   r<- list(pred=pred, state=state, track=track, weighted.sqerror=wt.err) 
  }   # end of S version

tf <- tfTruncate(tframe(outputData(data)), end=predictT)
tframe(r$pred) <- tf
if (! is.null(r$weighted.sqerror))  tframe(r$weighted.sqerror) <- tf

filter <-NULL
if (return.track) filter$track <- if (Innov) NULL else tframed(r$track, tf)
if (return.state) filter$state <- tframed(r$state,tf)
if((!is.null(result)) && (result == "pred")) return(r$pred)
r <- append(residualStats(r$pred, outputData(data), sampleT, warn=warn), 
        list(error.weights=error.weights, weighted.sqerror=r$weighted.sqerror))

if (return.debug.info) 
   r$debug.info <- list(m=m, p=p, c=c, G=G,FF=FF,K=K,P=P, H=H, u=u,y=y,
        pred=pred, wt.err=wt.err, error.weights=error.weights, sampleT=sampleT)

if ( is.null(result)) return( 
    classed(list(estimates=r, data=data, model=model, filter=filter),
            "TSestModel")) # constructor (l.SS)
else if (result =="like") return(r$like[1]) # neg.log.like. from residualStats
else return(r[[result]]) 
"should never get to here in l.SS"
} # end of l.SS

smoother <- function(model, data, compiled=.DSEflags()$COMPILED) UseMethod("smoother")

smoother.TSestModel <- function(model, data=TSdata(model),
    r <- smoother(TSmodel(model), data=data, compiled=compiled)
    r$estimates <- model$estimates # otherwise convergence info is lost
smoother.TSmodel <- function(model, data, compiled=.DSEflags()$COMPILED){
    if  (!is.nonInnov.SS(model))
       stop("smoothing needs an nonInnov state space model (class nonInnov.SS.TSmodel).")
    # should neot get to here. (smoother.nonInnov should have been called
    # instead, but ...)
    smoother.nonInnov(model, data, compiled=compiled)

smoother.nonInnov <- function(model, data, compiled=.DSEflags()$COMPILED){
 # See help("smoother") and help("SS") for details of the model: 
 data <- TSdata(data)
 z <-l(model, data, return.state=TRUE,return.track=TRUE, compiled=compiled)
 filter    <- z$filter
 estimates <- z$estimates
 if  (is.null(filter$state) |  is.null(filter$track)) 
     filter <- l(model,data, return.state=TRUE,return.track=TRUE)$filter
 model     <- TSmodel(model)
 if  (!is.nonInnov.SS(model)) stop("smoother expecting an nonInnov.SS TSmodel.")
 if (is.null(model$G))
   G<-matrix(0,dim(model$F)[2],1)   # can't call compiled with 0 length arrays
   u <- matrix(double(1),nrow(filter$state),1)
  {m <- dim(model$G)[2]
   G <-model$G
   u <- inputData(data)
   if (! is.double(u)) u <- array(as.double(u), dim(u))                  
 sampleT  <-min(nrow(u), nrow(filter$state), dim(filter$track)[1])
 QQ <- model$Q %*% t(model$Q)           
 RR <- model$R %*% t(model$R) 
 n <- dim(model$F)[2]          
 p <- dim(model$H)[1]
 if (compiled)
   {#storage.mode(filter$state)     <- "double"
    #storage.mode(filter$track)     <- "double"
    #storage.mode(u)     <- "double"
    #storage.mode(outputData(data))     <- "double"
    #storage.mode(model$F)     <- "double"
    #storage.mode(G)     <- "double"
    #storage.mode(model$H)     <- "double"
    #storage.mode(RR)     <- "double"
    #note, as.double messes dim needed in result, but need attributes removed
    IS <- max(n,p)

    #r <- .Fortran(smooth_sym, 
    r <- .Fortran("smooth", 
                         state=array(as.double(filter$state), dim(filter$state)),      
                         track=array(as.double(filter$track), dim(filter$track)),     
                         u,	       # input
                         if(is.double(outputData(data))) outputData(data) else 
                         sampleT =as.integer(sampleT), 
                         as.integer(IS),           # scratch array dim IS
			 matrix(double(1),IS,IS),   # scratch array A
                         matrix(double(1),IS,IS),   # scratch array D
                         matrix(double(1),IS,IS),   # scratch array L
                         matrix(double(1),IS,IS),   # scratch array PT1
                         double(IS),         # scratch array ZT
                         integer(IS*IS),         # scratch array IPIV
                         #chk1=array(double(1), c(sampleT, IS,IS)),     
                         #chk2=array(double(1), c(sampleT, IS,IS)),     
 else   # S version
   {FF<-  model$F
    H <-  model$H
    #   filter$state is the one step ahead state estimate E{z(t)| y(t-1), u(t)}
    #   zt below is the filter state estimate E{z(t)| y(t), u(t+1)}
    #   filter$track is tracking error P(t|t-1)
    # A5-A7 just use the filter information , which was calculated 1:sampleT.
    # A8-A10 calculate smooth state and track, which is done in reverse sampleT:1 
    sm <- array(NA,dim(filter$state))  # smoother state estimate
    sm[sampleT,] <- filter$state[sampleT,]
    tr <- array(NA,dim(filter$track))  # smoother tracking error
    tr[sampleT,,] <- filter$track[sampleT,,]
    for (Time in (sampleT-1):1) 
      {#K <- filter$track[Time,,] %*% t(H) %*% 
       #       solve(H %*% filter$track[Time,,] %*% t(H) + RR) #(A5)
       K <- filter$track[Time,,] %*%  
              t(solve(t(H %*% filter$track[Time,,] %*% t(H) + RR), H)) #(A5)
       zt <- filter$state[Time,] + K %*% 
       		(outputData(data)[Time,] - H %*% filter$state[Time,]) #(A6)
       #if (m!=0) zt <- zt + G %*% u[Time,] 
       P <- filter$track[Time,,] - K %*% H %*% filter$track[Time,,] #P(t|t) (A7)
       P <- (P+t(P))/2 #force symmetry to avoid rounding problems
       #J <- P %*% t(FF) %*% solve(filter$track[Time+1,,])             #(A8) 
       J <- P %*%  t(solve(t(filter$track[Time+1,,]), FF))             #(A8) 
       if (m==0)                                          
          sm[Time,] <- zt + J %*% (sm[Time+1,] - FF %*% zt)              #(A9) 
          sm[Time,] <- zt + J %*% (sm[Time+1,] - FF %*% zt - G %*% u[Time+1,]) #check   
       P <- P + J %*% (tr[Time+1,,] - filter$track[Time+1,,]) %*% t(J)    #(A10)
       tr[Time,,]<- (P+t(P))/2   #force symmetry to avoid rounding problems
     r <- list(state=sm, track=tr) 
    }  # end S version
  tf <- tframe(outputData(data))
  names <- seriesNames(filter$state) 
  classed(list(estimates=estimates, data=data, model=model, 
	       smooth=list(state=tframed(r$state, tf, names=names),
	                   track=tframed(r$track, tf))),
       "TSestModel") # constructor (smoother)
} # end of smoother

state <- function(obj, smoother=FALSE, filter=!smoother) {
     if (!inherits(obj,"TSestModel"))
        stop("The argument needs to be a TSestModel from an SS model.")
     if(filter & smoother) stop("only one of filter and smoother can be specified.")
     if(filter) if(!is.null(obj$filter$state)) return(obj$filter$state)
     else return(l(TSmodel(obj), TSdata(obj), return.state=TRUE)$filter$state)
     if (!is.null(obj$smooth)) return(obj$smooth$state)
     if (!inherits(TSmodel(obj),"nonInnov"))
          stop("A smoother state cannot be calculated . The argument needs to be a TSestModel from an nonInnov SS model.")
     state(smoother(obj), smoother=TRUE)
#trackingError <- function(obj, ... should do this as for state 


#     parameter estimation functions   <<<<<<<<<<


estVARXls <- function(data, subtract.means=FALSE, re.add.means=TRUE,
   standardize=FALSE, unstandardize=TRUE, max.lag=NULL, 
   trend=FALSE, lag.weight=1.0, warn=TRUE) 
{# Estimate VAR model with exogenous variable using lsfit(). 
 # Returns a TSestModel.
 # This is very similar to estimating Markov parameters (see estSSMittnik).
 # Residuals,etc, are calculated by evaluating the estimated model with ARMA.
 # Data should be of class TSdata.
 # lag.weight is an exponential weight applied to lags. It should be in (0,1].
   if (is.null(max.lag)) max.lag <- 6
   #data <- freeze(data)
   names <- seriesNames(data)
   m <-  nseriesInput(data)
   p <- nseriesOutput(data)
   if (0 == p) stop("estVARXls requires output data to estimate a model.")
   missing.data <- any(is.na(outputData(data)))
   if (0 != m) { # ensure same time window
	inputData(data) <- tfwindow(inputData(data),
              start=startOutput(data), end=endOutput(data), warn=FALSE)
	outputData(data) <- tfwindow(outputData(data),
              start=startInput(data), end=endInput(data), warn=FALSE)
	missing.data <- any(missing.data, is.na(inputData(data)))
   N <- TobsOutput(data)
   if (standardize)
     {svd.cov <- La.svd(var(outputData(data)))
      scalefac <- svd.cov$u %*% diag(1/svd.cov$d^.5, ncol=p)
      data <- scale(data, scale=list(output=scalefac))
   if (subtract.means)
        inputData(data)<-inputData(data)-t(matrix( input.means, m,N))
     output.means <- colMeans(outputData(data))
     outputData(data)  <- outputData(data) - t(matrix(output.means, p,N))
      # shift input to give feedthrough in one period
   if (m != 0) {z <- cbind(inputData(data)[2:N,],outputData(data)[1:(N-1),])}
   else z <- outputData(data)

 # The matrix Past is blocks of data:
 #  [in | out-1 | in-1 | out-2 | ... | in-max.lag | out-max.lag-1 ]
 # so the coef. matrix M has a corresponding structure.
   Past <- matrix(NA,N-max.lag,(p+m)*(max.lag))
   for (i in 0:(max.lag-1)) 
      Past[,(1+(m+p)*i):((m+p)*(1+i))] <-z[(max.lag-i):(N-1-i),] /(lag.weight^i)
   fit <- lsfit(Past,outputData(data)[(max.lag+1):N,,drop=FALSE],intercept=trend)
     fit.res <-TSdata(output=fit$residual) #used only in the case of missing data for scaling
   M <- t(fit$coef)
   # correct exogenous blocks for normalization:
   if (standardize && (m!=0)) 
     {Tinv <- diag(svd.cov$d^.5, ncol=p)%*%svd.cov$u
      for (i in 0:(max.lag-1)) 
         M[,(1+(m+p)*i):(m+(m+p)*i)] <- Tinv %*% M[,(1+(m+p)*i):(m+(m+p)*i)]
   if (trend)
     {TREND <- M[,1,drop=FALSE]
   if (subtract.means & re.add.means)
       {inputData(data)<-inputData(data) + t(matrix( input.means, m,N))
        Past<-Past +
        Past <-Past+t(matrix(output.means, (p+m)*(max.lag),N-max.lag))
     outputData(data)  <- outputData(data) + t(matrix(output.means, p,N))
     # and correct estimation for non-zero mean:
                       outputData(data)[(max.lag+1):N,,drop=FALSE],M, warn=warn)
   A <- array(NA, c(1 + max.lag, p, p))
   A[1,,] <-diag(1, p)
   for (i in 0:(max.lag-1)) 
          A[2+i,,] <-  -M[,(m+1+(m+p)*i):(m+p+(m+p)*i),drop=FALSE] %*% 
   if (m==0) C <- NULL   # no exog. variable
   else               # NB. there is an implicit shift in inputData(data)
      {C <-array(NA,c(max.lag,p,m))
       for (i in 0:(max.lag-1)) 
         C[1+i,,] <- M[,(1+(m+p)*i):(m+(m+p)*i),drop=FALSE]  %*% 
   B <- array(diag(1,p),c(1,p,p))
   model <-ARMA( description="model estimated by estVARXls",
   seriesNames(model) <- seriesNames(data)

   if (standardize & unstandardize)
     {scalefac <- solve(scalefac)
      data <- scale(data,  scale=list(output=scalefac))
      model<- scale(model, scale=list(output=scalefac))
      if(missing.data) fit.res <- scale(fit.res, scale=list(output=scalefac))

       {if (warn) warning(
          "missing data kludge. Predictions are reconstructed from lsfit residuals")
        return(fake.TSestModel.missing.data(model,data, fit.res$output,max.lag))
   else return(l(model, data, warn=warn))

fake.TSestModel.missing.data <- function(model,data, residual, max.lag, warn=TRUE)
  {pred <- rbind(matrix(NA,max.lag,nseriesOutput(data)),residual) + 
   r <- list(estimates = residualStats(pred, outputData(data), warn=warn),
               data = data, model = model)
   classed(r, "TSestModel") # fake missing data constructor

estVARXmean.correction <- function(X, y, bbar,
                     fuzz=sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), warn=TRUE)
{# correction for model estimated with means subtracted
 Xbar <- t(array(colMeans(X), rev(dim(X))))
 ybar <- t(array(colMeans(y), rev(dim(y))))
 v <- La.svd(t(X)%*%X) # this is more robust than solve()
 if (warn && any(abs(v$d[1]*fuzz) > abs(v$d) ) ) 
   warning("The covariance matrix is nearly singular. Check for linearly related data.")
# if(1 == length(v$d))OmInv <- v$u %*% (1/v$d) %*% v$vt
# else OmInv <- v$u %*% diag(1/v$d) %*% v$vt	
#  following is equivalent
# OmInv <-  t(v$vt) %*% sweep(t(v$u),1,1/v$d, "*") CHECK
 OmInv <-  crossprod(v$vt, sweep(t(v$u),1,1/v$d, "*")) 

# t(-OmInv %*% ( 
#        (2*t(Xbar)%*%X - t(Xbar)%*%Xbar) %*% t(bbar) 
#         - t(Xbar)%*%y - t(X)%*%ybar + t(Xbar)%*%ybar ))
 t(-OmInv %*% ( 
        (2*crossprod(Xbar, X) - crossprod(Xbar)) %*% t(bbar) 
         - crossprod(Xbar, y) - crossprod(X,ybar) + crossprod(Xbar, ybar)))

estVARXar <- function(data, subtract.means=FALSE,  re.add.means=TRUE,
      standardize=FALSE, unstandardize=TRUE, aic=TRUE, max.lag=NULL, 
      method="yule-walker", warn=TRUE) 
   #data <- freeze(data)
   m <-  nseriesInput(data)
   p <- nseriesOutput(data)
   if (0 == p) stop("estVARXar requires output data to estimate a model.")
   N <- TobsOutput(data)
   if (standardize)
     {svd.cov <- La.svd(var(outputData(data)))
      scalefac <- svd.cov$u %*% diag(1/svd.cov$d^.5, ncol=p)
      data <- scale(data, scale=list(output=scalefac))
   if(m!=0) input.means <- colMeans(inputData(data))
   output.means <- colMeans(outputData(data))
   if (subtract.means)
    {if(m!=0) inputData(data) <- inputData(data)-t(matrix( input.means, m,N))
     outputData(data)  <- outputData(data) - t(matrix(output.means, p,N))
   if (m==0)  zdata <- outputData(data)  # no exog. variable
   else       zdata <- cbind(inputData(data),outputData(data))
         # NB. there is an implicit shift in inputData(data) in the line above
         #   because ar estimates lag parameters,
         # so C[1,,] is for one lag in u.
   if (is.null(max.lag))  AC<- DSE.ar(zdata, aic=aic, method=method)
   else                   AC<- DSE.ar(zdata, aic=aic, method=method, order.max=max.lag)
   if (re.add.means)
     {if (subtract.means)
        {if(m!=0) inputData(data)<-inputData(data) + t(matrix( input.means, m,N))
         outputData(data)  <- outputData(data) + t(matrix(output.means, p,N))
      # and correct estimation for non-zero mean:
      max.lag <- AC$order
      if (max.lag==0) stop("all lags eliminated by AIC order selection.")
      if (m==0)  zdata <- outputData(data)  # no exog. variable
      else       zdata <- cbind(inputData(data),outputData(data))
      Past <- matrix(NA,N-max.lag,(p+m)*(max.lag))
      for (i in 0:(max.lag-1)) 
         Past[,(1+(m+p)*i):((m+p)*(1+i))] <-zdata[(max.lag-i):(N-1-i),]
      M <-estVARXmean.correction(Past, zdata[(max.lag+1):N,,drop=FALSE],
                  matrix(aperm(AC$ar, c(2,3,1)),m+p,(m+p)*max.lag), warn=warn)
      AC$ar<-AC$ar + aperm(array(M,c(m+p,m+p,max.lag)), c(3,1,2))
   A <- array(0, c(1 + AC$order, p, p))
   A[1,,] <-diag(1, p)
   if (0==AC$order)
      warning("lagged output variables eliminated by AIC order selection.")
      A[2:(1+AC$order),,] <-  -AC$ar[, (m+1):(m+p), (m+1):(m+p), drop=FALSE]
   if (m==0) C <- NULL
     {if (0==AC$order)
             {warning("input variables eliminated by AIC order selection.")
              C <-array(0, c(1,p,m))
      else C <-array(AC$ar[,(m+1):(m+p),1:m],c(AC$order,p,m))
   B <- array(diag(1,p),c(1,p,p))
   model <-ARMA(
            description="model estimated by estVARXar",
            names = seriesNames(data) )
   if (standardize & unstandardize)
     {scalefac <- solve(scalefac)
      data <- scale(data,  scale=list(output=scalefac))
      model<- scale(model, scale=list(output=scalefac))
   l(model, data, warn=warn)

estSSfromVARX <- function(data, warn=TRUE, ...){
	# estimate a VARX model and convert to state space
	#  estimate a nested-balanced state space model by svd a la Mittnik from
	#   least squares estimate of VAR coefficents.
	model <-estVARXls(data, warn=warn, ...)
	l(toSS(model$model), model$data, warn=warn)


#  functions for model estimation (see also VARX ) and reduction   <<<<<<<<<<<<<


estWtVariables <- function(data, variable.weights,
                        estimation="estVARXls", estimation.args=NULL)
{ if (is.matrix(variable.weights))
    {if (any(La.svd(variable.weights)$d == 0))  
       stop("variable.weights transformation must be non singular.")
   {if (any(variable.weights == 0))  stop("variable.weights must be non zero.")
    variable.weights <- diag(variable.weights)
 inv.wts <- solve(variable.weights)
 dimnames(inv.wts)          <-list(NULL, seriesNamesOutput(data))
 dimnames(variable.weights) <-list(NULL, seriesNamesOutput(data))
 scaled.model <- do.call(estimation, append(list(
                  scale(data, scale=list(output=inv.wts))),  estimation.args))
#           freeze(scale(data, scale=list(output=inv.wts)))), estimation.args))
 model <-scale(TSmodel(scaled.model), scale=list(output=variable.weights))
 model$description <- 
    paste("model estimated by estWtVariables with", estimation)
 l(model, data)

estMaxLik <- function(obj1, obj2=NULL, ...) UseMethod("estMaxLik")

estMaxLik.TSestModel <- function(obj1, obj2=TSdata(obj1), ...) {
	 # if obj1 is result from a previous estMaxLik then the gradient
	 # hessian and other information should be extracted, but
	 estMaxLik(TSmodel(obj1), obj2, ...) }

estMaxLik.TSdata <- function(obj1, obj2, ...) 
	 estMaxLik(TSmodel(obj2), obj1, ...) 

estMaxLik.TSmodel <- function(obj1, obj2, 
	algorithm.args=list(method="BFGS", upper=Inf, lower=-Inf, hessian=TRUE),
{# maximum likelihood estimation
 # "nml" algorithm.args=list(hessian=T, iterlim=20, 
 #     dfunc=gradNumerical, line.search="nlm",ftol=1e-5, gtol=1e-3,)
 Shape <- obj1
 #data <- freeze(obj2)
 data <- obj2
 func.like <- function(coefficients, Shape,data)
      {l(setArrays(Shape, coefficients=coefficients), data, result="like",
         warn=FALSE) }

 if (algorithm=="optim")
    {results <- optim(coef(Shape), func.like, method=algorithm.args$method,
	lower=algorithm.args$lower, upper=algorithm.args$upper,
	control=algorithm.args$control, hessian=algorithm.args$hessian,
	Shape, data) 
     parms <- results$par
     converged <- results$convergence == 0
     convergenceCode <- results$convergence
     description <- paste("Estimated with max.like/optim")
 else if (algorithm=="nlm")
   {warning("This has not been tested recently (and there have been changes which may affect it.")
    results <-nlm(func.like, coef(Shape), hessian=algorithm.args$hessian, 
    parms <- results$estimate
    converged <- results$code <= 2
    convergenceCode <- results$code
    description <- paste("Estimated with max.like/nlm")
  else stop(paste("Minimization method ", algorithm, " not supported."))
# else if (algorithm=="nlmin")
#   {warning("This has not been tested recently (and there have been changes which may affect it.")
#     results <-nlmin(func.like, coef(Shape), max.iter=algorithm.args$max.iter, 
#     	max.fcal=5*algorithm.args$max.iter, ckfc=0.01)
#     parms <- results$parms
#     converged <- results$converged
#     convergenceCode <- results$converged
#     # emodel$est$converged should be improved with conv.type info
#     description <- paste("Estimated with max.like/nlmin")
#   }
# else if (algorithm=="dfpMin")
#    {stop("This optimization method is no longer supported.")
#     results <- dfpMin(func.like, coef(Shape), 
#	dfunc=algorithm.args$dfunc, 
#	max.iter=algorithm.args$max.iter, 
#	ftol=algorithm.args$ftol, gtol=algorithm.args$gtol, 
#	line.search=algorithm.args$line.search) 
#     parms <- results$parms
#     converged <- results$converged
#     convergenceCode <- results$converged
#     description <- paste("Estimated with max.like/dfpMin")
#    }
 emodel <- l(setTSmodelParameters(setArrays(Shape, coefficients=parms)),data)
 emodel$estimates$algorithm <- algorithm
 emodel$estimates$results   <- results
 emodel$estimates$converged <- converged
 emodel$estimates$convergenceCode <- convergenceCode
 emodel$model$description <- paste(description, 
       if(!converged) " (not " else " (", "converged",
       ") from initial model: ", Shape$description)

estBlackBox <- function(data,...)
{# call current best black box technique.
  estBlackBox4(data, ...)

estBlackBox1 <- function(data,estimation="estVARXls", 
     reduction="MittnikReduction", criterion="taic", trend=FALSE, 
     subtract.means=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, max.lag=6)
{if ((estimation!="estVARXls") && (trend) )
     {cat("Trend estimation only support with estVARXls.\n")
      cat("Proceeding using estVARXls.\n")

     model <- estVARXls(data,trend=trend, subtract.means=subtract.means, 
 else if(estimation=="estVARXar")
     model <- estVARXar(data, subtract.means=subtract.means, max.lag=max.lag)
 else if(estimation=="estVARXls")
     model <- estVARXls(data,trend=trend, subtract.means=subtract.means, 
 else if(estimation=="estSSMittnik")
     model <- estSSMittnik(data,max.lag=max.lag, 
                             subtract.means=subtract.means, normalize=FALSE)
   stop("estimation technique not supported.")
 if (verbose) 
   cat("First VAR model,              lags= ", dim(model$model$A)[1]-1,
       ", -log likelihood = ", model$estimates$like[1], "\n")
 model <- l(toSS(model),data)
 n <- dim(model$model$F)[1]
 if (verbose) cat("Equivalent    state space model, n= ", n,
                  ", -log likelihood = ", model$estimates$like[1], "\n")
 if (1 < n)
   {model <- do.call(reduction,
                     list(model, criterion=criterion, verbose=verbose))
   #model <- eval(call(reduction,model,criterion=criterion, verbose=verbose))
    if (verbose) 
       cat("Final reduced state space model, n= ", nstates(model),
           ", -log likelihood = ", model$estimates$like[1], "\n")
  if (verbose &&  dev.cur() != 1 ) checkResiduals(model)

estSSMittnik <- function(data, max.lag=6, n=NULL, 
    subtract.means=FALSE, normalize=FALSE)
{ #data <- freeze(data)
  m <- ncol(inputData(data))
  if(is.null(m))  m <- 0
  p <- ncol(outputData(data))
  if (0 == p) stop("estSSMittnik requires output data to estimate a model.")
  N <- nrow(outputData(data))
  if (subtract.means)
    {if(m!=0)inputData(data)<-inputData(data)-t(matrix(colMeans(inputData(data)), m,N))
     outputData(data)<- outputData(data) - t(matrix(colMeans(outputData(data)), p,N))
  if (normalize)
    {svd.cov <- La.svd(var(outputData(data)))
     outputData(data) <- outputData(data) %*% svd.cov$u %*% diag(1/svd.cov$d^.5)
      # shift input to give feedthrough in one period
  if (m != 0) {z <- cbind(inputData(data)[2:N,],outputData(data)[1:(N-1),])}
  else z <- outputData(data)
  Past <- matrix(NA,N-1-max.lag,(p+m)*(1+max.lag))
  for (i in 0:max.lag) 
    Past[,(1+(m+p)*i):((m+p)*(1+i))] <-z[(1+max.lag-i):(N-1-i),]
  M <- t(lsfit(Past,outputData(data)[(max.lag+2):N,],intercept=FALSE)$coef)
  if (normalize && (m!=0))  # correct exogenous blocks for normalization
    {Tinv <- diag(svd.cov$d^.5)%*%svd.cov$u
     for (i in 0:max.lag) 
       M[,(1+(m+p)*i):(m+(m+p)*i)] <- Tinv %*% M[,(1+(m+p)*i):(m+(m+p)*i),drop=FALSE]
  if (p==1) M <-matrix(M,1,length(M))
#  browser()
  model <-SVDbalanceMittnik( M, m=m, n=n )$model
  z <-"nested-balanced model from least sq. estimates of markov parameters a la Mittnik"
  if(subtract.means) z <-paste(z," - means subtracted")
  if(normalize)      z <-paste(z," - outputs normalized")
  model$description  <-z
  seriesNames(model)  <- seriesNames(data)
  l(model, data)

MittnikReduction <- function(model, data=NULL, criterion=NULL, 
{if (is.TSestModel(model)) 
    {if (is.null(data)) data <-TSdata(model)
     model <- TSmodel(model)
  if(!is.TSmodel(model)) stop("MittnikReduction expecting a TSmodel.")
    stop("Reduction requires data to calculate criteria (balancing does not).")
  nMax <- if(is.SS(model)) dim(model$F)[2] else NULL
  MittnikReduction.from.Hankel( markovParms(model), nMax=nMax, data=data, 
        criterion=criterion, verbose=verbose, warn=warn)

MittnikReduction.from.Hankel <- function(M, data=NULL, nMax=NULL, 
   criterion=NULL, verbose=TRUE, warn=TRUE) 
#   Spawn=if (exists(".SPAWN")) .SPAWN else FALSE)
{ # See the documentation for MittnikReduction.

   read.int <- function(prmt)
     {err <-TRUE
      while (err)
 	n <- as.integer(readline()) # crude. this truncates reals
 	if (is.na(n)) cat("value must be an integer\n")
 	else err <- FALSE

   #data <- freeze(data)
   m <-ncol(inputData(data))      # dim of input series
   z <-SVDbalanceMittnik(M, m, nMax)
   largeModel <- z$model
   svd.crit    <-z$crit
   n <- dim(largeModel$F)[1]
#   if (!Spawn)
#     {
      values <- NULL 
      for (i in 1:n) 
        {if(m!=0) z <-largeModel$G[1:i,,drop=FALSE]
         else     z <-NULL
         z <-SS(F.=largeModel$F[1:i,1:i,drop=FALSE],G=z,
                  H=largeModel$H[,1:i,drop=FALSE],K= largeModel$K[1:i,,drop=FALSE])
         z <-informationTestsCalculations(l(z,data, warn=warn))
         values <-rbind(values, z)
         if (verbose) cat(".")
 #     }
#   else 
#     {#  loop used below is to avoid S memory problems
#      if (verbose) cat("Spawning processes to calculate criteria test for state dimension 1 to ",n)
#      forloop <- function(largeModel, data, warn=TRUE)
#           {if(!is.null(largeModel$G)) z <-largeModel$G[1:forloop.i,,drop=FALSE]
#            else                       z <-NULL
#            z <-SS(F.=largeModel$F[1:forloop.i,1:forloop.i,drop=FALSE],G=z,
#                     H=largeModel$H[  , 1:forloop.i, drop=FALSE],
#                     K=largeModel$K[1:forloop.i,,drop=FALSE])
#            informationTestsCalculations(l(z,data, warn=warn))
#           }
#	assign("balance.forloop", forloop, where=1)
#	assign("forloop.n", n,   where=1 )
#	assign("forloop.values", matrix(NA,n,12),   where=1 )
#	assign("forloop.largeModel", largeModel, where=1)
#	assign("forloop.data", data,   where=1 )
#	assign("forloop.warn", warn,   where=1 )
#	on.exit(remove(c("balance.forloop", "forloop.i", "forloop.n", 
#	   "forloop.values", "forloop.largeModel", 
#	   "forloop.data", "forloop.warn"),where=1))
#	For (forloop.i=1:forloop.n,
#	  forloop.values[forloop.i,]<-balance.forloop(forloop.largeModel, 
#         forloop.data, forloop.warn), sync=TRUE)
#       values <-forloop.values
#      }
    dimnames(values) <- list(NULL,c("port","like","aic","bic", 
    if (verbose) cat("\n")
    opt <-apply(values,2,order)[1,]  # minimum
    if (verbose | is.null(criterion))
       cat("opt     ")
       for (i in 1:length(opt)) cat(opt[i],"    ")
    if (is.null(criterion))
      {n <- read.int("Enter the state dimension (enter 0 to stop): ")
    else { n <- opt[criterion == dimnames(values)[[2]]]  }
    if(m==0) z <-NULL 
      else   z <-largeModel$G[1:n,,drop=FALSE]
    model <- SS(description="nested model a la Mittnik",
          H=largeModel$H[,1:n,drop=FALSE],K= largeModel$K[1:n,,drop=FALSE], 
    l(model,data, warn=warn)          


#     model balancing functions   <<<<<<<<<<


balanceMittnik <- function(model, n=NULL){
  if (is.TSestModel(model)) model <- TSmodel(model)
  if  (!is.TSmodel(model)) stop("balanceMittnik expecting a TSmodel.")
  m <- nseriesInput(model)
  newmodel <- SVDbalanceMittnik(markovParms(model), m, n)$model
  newmodel$description <- paste(model$description,"converted to", newmodel$description)
  seriesNames(newmodel)  <-  seriesNames(model)

SVDbalanceMittnik <- function(M, m, n=NULL)
{#                   # Form k block Hankel Matrix from M.

   read.int <- function(prmt)
     {err <-TRUE
      while (err)
 	n <- as.integer(readline()) # crude. this truncates reals
 	if (is.na(n)) cat("value must be an integer\n")
 	else err <- FALSE

   p <- nrow(M)     # dim of endo. series
   r <- m + p       # each sub-matrix is p x r   (= p x (m+p) )
   k<- dim(M)[2] / r
   Hkl <- matrix(0, p*k, r*k) 
   for(i in 1:k)             # Hankel with 0s in SE half  
     Hkl[(1+p*(i-1)):(p*i), 1:(r*(1+k-i))]<- M[,(1+r*(i-1)):(r*k),drop=FALSE]
# note: if last block of M is 0, which is often the case, then filling
#   with zeros, as above, is correct.
#   k <- k %/% 2
#   Hkl <- matrix(0, p*k, r*k) 
#   for (i in 1:k)              # (smaller) completely filled Hankel
#     {for (j in 1:k)       
#        {Hkl[(1+p*(i-1)):(p*i), (1+r*(j-1)):(r*j)] <-M[ ,(1+r*(i+j-2)):(r*(i+j-1))] }}

   svd.of.Hkl <- La.svd(Hkl)
   shifted.Hkl <- Hkl[,(r+1):dim(Hkl)[2]]
   shifted.Hkl <- cbind(shifted.Hkl,matrix(0,p*k,r))
   rtQ <- diag(sqrt(svd.of.Hkl$d))
   rtQ.inv <- diag(1/sqrt(svd.of.Hkl$d))   
   o.mtr <- svd.of.Hkl$u %*% rtQ 
   o.inv <- t(svd.of.Hkl$u %*% rtQ.inv )
   c.mtr <- rtQ %*% svd.of.Hkl$vt
   c.inv <- t(rtQ.inv %*% svd.of.Hkl$vt)
   svd.crit <- svd.of.Hkl$d
   c.mtr[svd.crit==0,] <-0     # this gets rid of NAs but the resulting
   c.inv[,svd.crit==0] <-0     #  model may not be minimal
   o.inv[svd.crit==0,] <-0     # eg. F may have zero rows and columns
   o.mtr[,svd.crit==0] <-0     #   (specifically if the model included a trend)
   if (is.null(n))
     {svd.crit <- svd.criteria(svd.of.Hkl$d)
      n <- read.int("Enter the number of singular values to use for balanced model: ")
   H  <- o.mtr[1:p,1:n,drop=FALSE]
   FF <- o.inv[1:n,,drop=FALSE] %*% shifted.Hkl%*%c.inv[,1:n,drop=FALSE]
   if (m == 0) G <- NULL             # no exog.
   else        G <- c.mtr[1:n,1:m,drop=FALSE]  # exog.
   K  <- c.mtr[1:n,(m+1):(m+p),drop=FALSE]
   FF <- FF + K%*%H  #converts from system with lagged outputs as 
                    #   inputs see Mittnik p1190.
  #  good checks here are (with n=length(svd.of.Hkl$d)):
  #   0 == max(abs(shifted.Hkl - o.mtr[,1:n] %*% (FF-K%*%H) %*% c.mtr[1:n,]))
  #   0 != max(abs(shifted.Hkl))
  model<-SS(description="nested-balanced model a la Mittnik",
              F.=FF,G=G,H=H,K= K)

MittnikReducedModels <- function(largeModel)
{# Return a list of models with all smaller state dimesions.
  largeModel <- TSmodel(toSS(largeModel))
  largeModel <- balanceMittnik(largeModel, n=dim(largeModel$F)[1])
  r <- vector("list", dim(largeModel$F)[1])
  for (j in 1:length(r))
    r[[j]] <- SS(F.=largeModel$F[1:j,1:j,drop=FALSE],
                G=if(is.null(largeModel$G)) NULL else largeModel$G[1:j,,drop=FALSE],
                H=largeModel$H[  , 1:j, drop=FALSE],   K= largeModel$K[1:j,,drop=FALSE])

#       experimental estimation techniques    <<<<<<<<<<

estBlackBox2 <- function(data, estimation="estVARXls", 
          subtract.means=FALSE,  re.add.means=TRUE, 
          standardize=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, max.lag=12)
{if ((estimation!="estVARXls") && (trend) )
     {cat("Trend estimation only support with estVARXls.\n")
      cat("Proceeding using estVARXls.\n")

     model <- estVARXls(data,trend=trend, subtract.means=subtract.means, 
                         re.add.means=re.add.means, max.lag=max.lag, 
                         standardize=standardize, lag.weight=lag.weight)
 # else if(estimation=="estVARXar")
 #     model <-estVARXar(data, subtract.means=subtract.means, max.lag=max.lag)
    stop("Only estVARXls estimation technique is supported to date.\n")
 if (verbose) cat("First VAR model,              lags= ", 
          dim(model$model$A)[1]-1, ", -log likelihood = ", model$estimates$like[1], "\n")
 model <- l(toSS(model),model$data) # data is standardized if standardize=T in estimation
 n <- dim(model$model$F)[1]
 if (verbose) cat("Equivalent    state space model, n= ", 
                  n, ", -log likelihood = ", model$estimates$like[1], "\n")
 if (1 < n)
   {model <- do.call(reduction,
                     list(model,criterion=criterion, verbose=verbose))
   #model <- eval(call(reduction,model,criterion=criterion, verbose=verbose))
    if (verbose) cat("Final reduced state space model, n= ",
              dim(model$model$F)[1], ", -log likelihood = ", model$estimates$like[1], "\n")
  if (verbose &&  dev.cur() != 1 ) checkResiduals(model)

bestTSestModel <- function(models, sample.start=10, sample.end=NULL,
    criterion="aic", verbose=TRUE){
  values <- NULL
  for (lst in models ) 
    {z <- informationTestsCalculations(lst, sample.start=sample.start, 
     values <-rbind(values,z)
  if (verbose)
     {cat("Criterion value for all models based on data starting in period: ",  
           sample.start, "\n")
      cat(values[,criterion], "\n")
#Rbug rbind above looses dimnames
  dimnames(values) <- dimnames(z)
  opt <-order(values[,criterion])[1]  # minimum

estBlackBox3 <- function(data, estimation="estVARXls", 
       trend=FALSE, subtract.means=FALSE,  re.add.means=TRUE, 
       standardize=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, max.lag=12, sample.start=10) {
    if ((estimation!="estVARXls") && (trend) )
     {cat("Trend estimation only support with estVARXls.\n")
      cat("Proceeding using estVARXls.\n")
 models <- vector("list", max.lag)
 for (i in 1:max.lag)
      models[[i]] <- estVARXls(data,trend=trend, 
                          re.add.means=re.add.means, max.lag=i, 
                          standardize=standardize, lag.weight=lag.weight)
      stop("Only estVARXls estimation technique is supported to date.\n")
 model <- bestTSestModel(models, criterion=criterion, sample.start=sample.start, verbose=verbose)
 if (verbose) cat("Selected VAR model,              lags= ", 
          dim(model$model$A)[1]-1, ", -log likelihood = ", model$estimates$like[1], "\n")
 model <- l(toSS(model),model$data) # data is standardized if standardize=T in estimation
 n <- dim(model$model$F)[1]
 if (verbose) cat("Equivalent    state space model,    n= ", 
                  n, ", -log likelihood = ", model$estimates$like[1], "\n")
 if (1 < n)
   {model <- do.call(reduction,
                      list(model,criterion=criterion, verbose=verbose))
   #model <- eval(call(reduction,model,criterion=criterion, verbose=verbose))# , sample.start=sample.start))
    if (verbose) cat("Final reduced state space model, n= ",
              dim(model$model$F)[1], ", -log likelihood = ", model$estimates$like[1], "\n")
  if (verbose &&  dev.cur() != 1 ) checkResiduals(model)

bft <- function(data, ...) estBlackBox4(data, ...)

estBlackBox4 <- function(data, estimation="estVARXls", 
                lag.weight=1.0,  variable.weights=1, 
                trend=FALSE, subtract.means=FALSE,  re.add.means=TRUE, 
                standardize=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, max.lag=12, 
		sample.start=10, warn=TRUE)
{if ((estimation!="estVARXls") && (trend) )
     {cat("Trend estimation only support with estVARXls.\n")
      cat("Proceeding using estVARXls.\n")
 models <- vector("list", max.lag)
 for (i in 1:max.lag)
      {model<- estVARXls(data,trend=trend, 
                          re.add.means=re.add.means, max.lag=i, 
                          standardize=standardize, lag.weight=lag.weight,
    else if(estimation=="estWtVariables")
      {model<- estWtVariables(data, variable.weights,
                          re.add.means=re.add.means, max.lag=i, 
                          standardize=standardize, lag.weight=lag.weight,
                          warn=warn) )
      stop("Estimation technique not yet is supported.\n")
    if (verbose) cat("Estimated  VAR   model       -log likelihood = ", 
        model$estimates$like[1],", lags= ",  dim(model$model$A)[1]-1,"\n")
    model <- l(toSS(model),model$data,warn=warn) # data is standardized if standardize=T in estimation
    n <- dim(model$model$F)[1]
    if (verbose) cat("Equivalent state space model -log likelihood = ", 
               model$estimates$like[1], ",   n = ", n, "\n")
    if (1 < n)
      {model <- do.call(reduction,
                    list(model,criterion=criterion, verbose=verbose, warn=warn))
      #model <- eval(call(reduction,model,criterion=criterion, 
      #              verbose=verbose, warn=warn))# , sample.start=sample.start))
       if (verbose) cat("Final reduced state space model, n= ",
           dim(model$model$F)[1], ", -log likelihood = ", 
                         model$estimates$like[1], "\n")
     models[[i]] <- model
 model <- bestTSestModel(models, criterion=criterion, sample.start=sample.start, verbose=verbose)
 if (verbose &&  dev.cur() != 1 ) checkResiduals(model)

#  z<-estBlackBox4(eg.data,  max.lag=3 ) 


#     statistical test functions  <<<<<<<<<<


Portmanteau <- function(res){
  # Portmanteau statistic for residual
  # before R 1.9.0 required ts not stats
  ac <- stats::acf(as.ts(res),type="covariance", plot=FALSE)$acf
  p <- dim(ac)[1]
#  a0 <- solve(ac[1,,])  the following is more robust than solve for
#              degenerate densities
  v <- La.svd(ac[1,,])
#  if(1 == length(v$d)) a0 <- t(v$vt) %*%     (1/v$d) %*% t(v$u)
#	           else a0 <- t(v$vt) %*% diag(1/v$d) %*% t(v$u)	
#  following is equivalent
  a0 <-  t(v$vt) %*% sweep(t(v$u),1,1/v$d, "*") 
  P <-0
  for (i in 2:p) 
    {P <- P + sum(diag(t(ac[i,,]) %*% a0 %*% ac[i,,] %*% a0))

checkResiduals <- function(obj, ...)  UseMethod("checkResiduals")

checkResiduals.TSestModel <- function(obj, ...){
   invisible(checkResiduals(obj$estimates$pred - outputData(obj), ...))}

checkResiduals.TSdata <- function(obj, ...){
	invisible(checkResiduals(outputData(obj), ...)) }

checkResiduals.default <- function(obj, ac=TRUE, pac=TRUE,
     select=seq(nseries(obj)), drop=NULL, plot.=TRUE, 
     graphs.per.page=5, verbose=FALSE, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
 #  select can indicate column indices of  residuals to use.
 # If drop is not null it should be a vector of the row indices of residuals
 #  which are not to be used. Typically this can be used to get rid
 #  of bad initial conditions (eg. drop=seq(10) ) or outliers.
  resid <- selectSeries(obj, series=select)
  if (!is.null(drop))  resid <- resid[-drop,, drop=FALSE]
  acr <-NULL
  cov <- var(resid)
  if (verbose) 
    {cat("residual means: \n") ; print(mn); cat("\n")
     cat("residual cov  : \n") ; print(cov) ; cat("\n")
  p <- nseries(resid)
  resid0 <- sweep(resid, 2, mn, FUN="-")
#  resid0 <- resid - t(array(colMeans(resid),rev(dim(resid)))) # mean 0
  cusum <- apply(resid0,2,cumsum)/ t(array(diag(var(resid0)),rev(dim(resid0))))
  # before R 1.9.0 required ts not stats
  if(plot. &&  dev.cur() != 1 ) 
    {graphs.per.page <- min(p, graphs.per.page)
     names <- seriesNames(resid)
     old.par <-par(mfcol = c(3, graphs.per.page),
           mar = c(5.1, 4.1,3.1, 0.1), no.readonly=TRUE ) #c(5,4.1,5,0.1) c(2.1, 4.1,3.1, 0.1)
     for (i in 1:p) 
          {tfOnePlot(resid[,i], xlab=names[i])
           if (i %% graphs.per.page == ceiling(graphs.per.page/2)) 
                 title(main ="Residuals ")
           if (i %% graphs.per.page == 0) 
                 title(main = paste("       page ", floor(i / graphs.per.page)))
           tfOnePlot(cusum[,i], xlab=names[i])
           if (i %% graphs.per.page == ceiling(graphs.per.page/2)) 
                 title(main = "Cusum")
           if (exists("density"))
                       rd <- density(resid[,i],       bw=var(resid[,i])^0.5)
           else if (exists("ksmooth") & ! is.R()) 
        stop("Neither ksmooth nor density are available to calculate the plot.")
           if (i %% graphs.per.page == ceiling(graphs.per.page/2))
              title(main = "kernel estimate of residual distribution")
     if (ac)
       {#par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(2.1, 4.1,3.1, 0.1), oma=c(0,0,5,0) )
        #acr  <-acf(as.ts(resid), plot=TRUE)$acf
        #mtext("Autocorrelations", side=3, outer=TRUE, cex=1.5)
        acr  <-acf(as.ts(resid), plot=TRUE, mar=c(3,3,2,0.8), oma=c(1,1.2,4,1))$acf
        mtext("Autocorrelations", side=3, outer=TRUE, cex=1.5, line=3)
     if (pac)
       {pacr <- acf(as.ts(resid), plot=TRUE, type= "partial",
	           mar=c(3,3,2,0.8), oma=c(1,1.2,4,1))$acf
        mtext("Partial Autocorrelations", side=3, outer=TRUE, cex=1.5, line=3)
    {if (ac)  acr  <- acf(as.ts(resid), plot=FALSE)$acf
     if (pac)	  pacr <- acf(as.ts(resid), plot=FALSE, type= "partial")$acf
  if (ac & verbose)
    {cat("residual auto-correlations:\n")
     cat("      lag:   ")
     for (i in 1: dim(acr)[1])  cat(i,"        ")  
     for (i in 1:p) { cat(i,": "); cat(acr[,i,i]); cat("\n")  }
  if (pac & verbose)
    {cat("partial auto-correlations:\n")
     cat("      lag:   ")
     for (i in 1: dim(pacr)[1])  cat(i,"        ")  
     for (i in 1:p) { cat(i,": "); cat(pacr[,i,i]); cat("\n")  }
#  cat("residual normality tests:\n")
#  cat("hetros. tests:\n")

  skewness <- colMeans(sweep(resid,2,mn)^3) / diag(cov)^(3/2)
  kurtosis <- colMeans(sweep(resid,2,mn)^4) / diag(cov)^2
  invisible(list(residuals=resid, mean=mn, cov=cov, acf=acr, pacf=pacr, 
                 cusum=cusum, skewness=skewness, kurtosis=kurtosis))

informationTests <- function(..., sample.start=1,sample.end=NULL,
		 Print=TRUE, warn=TRUE){
  if (Print) criteria.table.heading()
  values <- NULL
  for (lst in list(...) ) 
    {z <-informationTestsCalculations(lst,
    		 sample.start=sample.start,sample.end=sample.end, warn=warn)
     values <-rbind(values, z)
     if (Print)
  if (Print & (1 <dim(values)[1]) )
    {cat("opt     ")
     opt <-apply(values,2,order)[1,]  # minimum
     for (i in 1:length(opt)) cat(opt[i],"      ")
  if (Print) criteria.table.legend()

informationTestsCalculations <- function(lst,
      sample.start=1,sample.end=NULL, warn=TRUE){
   resid <- residuals(lst)
    # the following line is just to work around a bug with old style time series
   if (ncol(outputData(lst$data))==1) dim(resid) <- dim(outputData(lst$data))
   if (is.null(sample.end)) sample.end <- nrow(resid)
   resid <- resid[sample.start:sample.end,,drop=FALSE]
   ml <-   residualStats(resid, NULL, warn=warn)$like[1] # neg.log(likelihood)
# previously   ml <-   L(resid)[1]     # neg. log( likelihood ).
   n  <-  length(coef(lst$model))      # No. of parameters.
   # nt is theorical dimension of parameter space    n(m+2p)
   if (is.ARMA(lst$model)) nt <- NA 
   if (is.SS(lst$model))  
      if (is.null(lst$model$G)) nt <- nrow(lst$model$F)*2*nrow(lst$model$H)
      else   nt <- nrow(lst$model$F)*(ncol(lst$model$G)+2*nrow(lst$model$H))
   r  <- nrow(lst$estimates$pred)*ncol(lst$estimates$pred) #No. of residuals.
   port <-Portmanteau(resid)
   aic <-  2*ml + 2*n             # AIC
   ops  <- options(warn=-1)
   bic <-  2*ml + n*log(r)        # BIC
   gvc <-  2*ml - 2*r*log(1-n/r)  # GCV
   rice<-  2*ml - r*log(1-2*n/r)  # RICE
   fpe <-  2*ml + r*(log(1+(n/r))-log(1-(n/r)))  # FPE
   taic <-  2*ml + 2*nt             # AIC
   tbic <-  2*ml + nt*log(r)        # BIC
   tgvc <-  2*ml - 2*r*log(1-nt/r)  # GCV
   trice<-  2*ml - r*log(1-2*nt/r)  # RICE
   tfpe <-  2*ml + r*(log(1+(nt/r))-log(1-(nt/r)))  # FPE
   z<- matrix(c(port,ml,aic,bic,gvc,rice,fpe,taic,tbic,tgvc,trice,tfpe),1,12)

criteria.table.heading <- function(){
        cat("                    based on no.of parameters     based on theoretical parameter dim.","\n")
        cat("       PORT  -ln(L)  AIC   BIC   GVC  RICE   FPE   AIC   BIC   GVC   RICE   FPE\n")

criteria.table.nheading <- function(){
        cat("                    based on no.of parameters     based on theoretical parameter dim.","\n")
        cat("dim.   PORT  -ln(L)  AIC   BIC   GVC  RICE   FPE   AIC   BIC   GVC   RICE   FPE\n")

criteria.table.legend <- function(){
        cat("  PORT  - Portmanteau test                     ") 
        cat("  -ln(L)- neg. log likelihood                  \n")
        cat("  AIC   - neg. Akaike Information Criterion    ")  
        cat("  BIC   - neg. Bayes  Information Criterion    \n")
        cat("  GVC   - Generalized Cross Validation         ") 
        cat("  RICE  - Rice Criterion                       \n")
        cat("  FPE   - Final Prediction Error               \n") 
        cat(" WARNING - These calculations do not account for trend parameters in ARMA models.\n") 

svd.criteria <- function(sv){
   svsqr.vct <- sv^2/sum(sv^2)    
   GY <-cumsum(log(1-svsqr.vct))/sum(log(1-svsqr.vct))


tfwindow.TSdata <- function(x, tf=NULL, start=tfstart(tf), end=tfend(tf), warn=TRUE)
{# window a TSdata object
  if (0 != nseriesInput(x))  inputData(x) <- 
      tfwindow(inputData(x), start=start, end=end, tf=tf, warn=warn)
  if (0 != nseriesOutput(x)) outputData(x) <- 
      tfwindow(outputData(x), start=start, end=end, tf=tf, warn=warn)

window.TSdata <- function(x, start=NULL, end=NULL, tf=NULL, warn=TRUE, ...)
   tfwindow.TSdata(x, start=start, end=end, tf=tf, warn=warn)
#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)

combine <- function(e1,e2)UseMethod("combine")
combine.default <- function(e1,e2){list(e1,e2)}

combine.TSdata <- function(e1,e2)
{# make a new TSdata object with the two objects
 outputData(e1) <- tbind(outputData(e1),outputData(e2)) 
 if ((0 != (nseriesInput(e1))) & (0 != (nseriesInput(e2))))
       inputData(e1) <- tbind(inputData(e1),inputData(e2)) 
 else  {if (0 != (nseriesInput(e2)))  inputData(e1) <-inputData(e2)  }

trimNA.TSdata <- function(x, startNAs=TRUE, endNAs=TRUE){
 p <- nseriesOutput(x)
 m <- nseriesInput(x)
 if (m==0)
   mat <- trimNA(outputData(x))
   mat <- trimNA(tbind(inputData(x),outputData(x)),startNAs=startNAs,endNAs=endNAs)
 tf <- tframe(mat)
 if (m!=0)
   {sn <- seriesNamesInput(x)
    inputData(x)  <- tframed(mat[,1:m, drop=FALSE], tf) 
    seriesNamesInput(x) <- sn
 sn <- seriesNamesOutput(x)
 outputData(x) <- tframed(mat[,(m+1):(m+p), drop=FALSE], tf)
 seriesNamesOutput(x) <- sn

percentChange.TSestModel <- function(obj, base=NULL, lag=1,
   cumulate=FALSE, e=FALSE, ...)
  {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)

percentChange.TSdata <- function(obj, base=NULL, lag=1,
   cumulate=FALSE, e=FALSE, ...)
  {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
   if (0 != (nseriesInput(obj)))  inputData(obj)  <- percentChange(inputData(obj))
   if (0 != (nseriesOutput(obj))) outputData(obj) <- percentChange(outputData(obj))


#     model and data scaling functions   <<<<<<<<<<


scale.TSdata <- function(x, center=FALSE, scale=NULL) 
{# scale should be a list with two matrices or vectors, named input and output,
 # giving the multiplication factor for inputs and outputs.
 # vectors are treated as diagonal matrices.
 # If input or output are NULL then no transformation is applied.
 # The resulting data has inputs and outputs which are different from
 #  the original in proportion to scale. ie. if S and T are output and input
 #  scaling matrices then 
 #          y'(t) = S y(t) where y' is the new output
 #          u'(t) = S u(t) where u' is the new input
 sc <- scale$input # inputData(scale) causes problems if scale is a vector
 if (!is.null(sc))
   {if (! (is.matrix(sc) | is.vector(sc))) stop("input scale must be a vector or matrix")
    d <- inputData(x)
    tf <- tframe(d)
    names <- seriesNames(d)
    if(is.matrix(sc))      d <- d %*% t(sc)
    else if(1==length(sc)) d <- d * sc 
    else                   d <- d %*% diag(sc)                             
    tframe(d) <- tf
    seriesNames(d) <- names
    inputData(x) <- d 
 sc <- scale$output # outputData(scale) causes problems if scale is a vector
 if (!is.null(sc))
   {if (! (is.matrix(sc) | is.vector(sc))) stop("output scale must be a vector or matrix")
    d <- outputData(x)
    tf <- tframe(d)
    names <- seriesNames(d)
    if(is.matrix(sc))      d <- d %*% t(sc)
    else if(1==length(sc)) d <- d * sc 
    else                   d <- d %*% diag(sc)                             
    tframe(d) <- tf
    seriesNames(d) <- names
    outputData(x) <- d 

scale.TSestModel <- function(x, center=FALSE, scale=NULL)
   {scale(TSmodel(x), center=center, scale=scale)}

checkScale <- function(x, scale) UseMethod("checkScale")

checkScale.TSestModel <- function(x, scale){checkScale(TSmodel(x), scale)}

checkScale.TSmodel <- function(x, scale) 
{# This function only checks for some error conditions.
 # inputData(scale) and outputData(scale) cause problems if scale is a vector
 if (!is.null(scale$input))
   {if (is.matrix(scale$input))
       {if (any(La.svd(scale$input)$d == 0))  
        stop("scale input transformations must be non singular.")
    else if(any(scale$input == 0)) stop("input scale elements must be non zero.")
 if (!is.null(scale$output))
   {if (is.matrix(scale$output))
      {if (any(La.svd(scale$output)$d == 0))  
       stop("output scale transformations must be non singular.")
    else if(any(scale$output == 0)) stop("output scale elements must be non zero.")

scale.innov <- function(x, center=FALSE, scale=NULL)
{if (!checkScale(x, scale)) stop("scaling error.")
 if (!is.null(scale$input)) 
   {sc <- scale$input
    if(is.vector(sc)) sc <- diag(sc, nseriesInput(x))
    x$G <- x$G %*% solve(sc)
 sc <- scale$output
 if(is.vector(sc)) sc <- diag(sc, nseriesOutput(x))          
 x$H <- sc %*% x$H
 x$K <- x$K %*% solve(sc)

scale.nonInnov <- function(x, center=FALSE, scale=NULL)
{if (!checkScale(x, scale)) stop("scaling error.")
 if (!is.null(scale$input)) 
   {sc <- scale$input
    if(is.vector(sc)) sc <- diag(sc, nseriesInput(x))
    x$G <- x$G %*% solve(sc)
 sc <- scale$output
 if(is.vector(sc)) sc <- diag(sc, nseriesOutput(x))          
 x$H <- sc %*% x$H
 x$R <- sc %*% x$R %*% solve(sc)

scale.ARMA <- function(x, center=FALSE, scale=NULL)
{if (!checkScale(x, scale)) stop("scaling error.")
 sc <- scale$output
 if(is.vector(sc)) sc <- diag(sc, nseriesOutput(x))   
 x$A <- polyprod(sc, polyprod(x$A, solve(sc)))
 x$B <- polyprod(sc, polyprod(x$B, solve(sc)))
 if (!is.null(x$C)) 
   {sci <- scale$input
    if (!is.null(sci)) 
       {if(is.vector(sci)) sci <- diag(sci, nseriesInput(x))          
        x$C <- polyprod(x$C, solve(sci))
    x$C <- polyprod(sc, x$C)
 if (!is.null(x$TREND))  x$TREND <- t(sc %*% t(x$TREND))


#     Methods which are generic for models and TSdata    <<<<<<<<<<

# generic methods for TS structures (ie with input and output) <<<<<<<<<<
#                   see also tframe.s                          <<<<<<<<<<

# Tobs and Tobs.default are defined in tfame.s

TobsInput <- function(x)UseMethod( "TobsInput")
TobsOutput <- function(x)UseMethod("TobsOutput")

startInput <- function(x)UseMethod("startInput")
startOutput <- function(x)UseMethod("startOutput")

endInput <- function(x)UseMethod("endInput")
endOutput <- function(x)UseMethod("endOutput")

frequencyInput <- function(x)UseMethod("frequencyInput")
frequencyOutput <- function(x)UseMethod("frequencyOutput")

inputData <- function(x,  series=seqN(nseriesInput(x)))UseMethod("inputData")
outputData <- function(x, series=seqN(nseriesOutput(x)))UseMethod("outputData")

inputData.default <- function(x, series=seqN(nseriesInput(x)))
   selectSeries(x$input, series=series)
outputData.default <- function(x, series=seqN(nseriesOutput(x)))
   selectSeries(x$output, series=series)

"inputData<-" <- function(x,  value)  UseMethod("inputData<-")
"outputData<-" <- function(x,  value) UseMethod("outputData<-")

"inputData<-.default" <- function(x,  value) {x$input <- value; x}
"outputData<-.default" <- function(x,  value){x$output <- value; x}

# The logic (revised as of May26, 1998) is that seriesNames can be an attribute
# of any object (like a matrix) and has been moved to tframe.

 seriesNamesInput <- function(x)UseMethod( "seriesNamesInput")
seriesNamesOutput <- function(x)UseMethod("seriesNamesOutput")

 "seriesNamesInput<-" <- function(x, value)UseMethod( "seriesNamesInput<-")
"seriesNamesOutput<-" <- function(x, value)UseMethod("seriesNamesOutput<-")


#    methods for TSmodels  <<<<<<<<<<
# and check elsewhere too


seriesNames.TSmodel <- function(x)
  {list(input=seriesNamesInput(x), output=seriesNamesOutput(x))}

seriesNamesOutput.TSmodel <- function(x)
 {# return output names if available in the object,
  # otherwise return "out" pasted with integers.
  # Note, there is no TSdata in this case, so tframe is not involved
  if (!is.null(attr(x, "seriesNamesOutput")))
                          return(attr(x, "seriesNamesOutput"))
  else if (0 != nseriesOutput(x)) 
                   return(paste("out", seq(nseriesOutput(x)), sep=""))  
  else return(NULL)

seriesNamesInput.TSmodel <- function(x)
 {# return input names if available in the object,
  # otherwise return "in" pasted with integers.
  if (!is.null(attr(x, "seriesNamesInput")))
                          return(attr(x, "seriesNamesInput"))
  else if (0 != nseriesInput(x)) 
                   return(paste("in", seq(nseriesInput(x)), sep=""))  
  else return(NULL)

"seriesNames<-.TSmodel" <- function(x, value)
   { seriesNamesInput(x) <-  value$input
    seriesNamesOutput(x) <-  value$output

"seriesNamesInput<-.TSmodel" <- function(x,  value)
   {if (!is.null(value) && length(value) != nseriesInput(x))
       stop("model input dimension and number of names do not match.")
    attr(x, "seriesNamesInput")  <- value

"seriesNamesOutput<-.TSmodel" <- function(x,  value)
   {if (!is.null(value) && length(value) != nseriesOutput(x))
       stop("model output dimension and number of names do not match.")
    attr(x, "seriesNamesOutput")  <- value


#    methods for TSestModels  <<<<<<<<<<
# and check elsewhere too   (esp. for start, end and frequency)

start.TSestModel <- function(x, ...)tfstart(x$data)
startInput.TSestModel <- function(x)startInput(x$data)
startOutput.TSestModel <- function(x)startOutput(x$data)

end.TSestModel <- function(x, ...)tfend(x$data)
endInput.TSestModel <- function(x)endInput(x$data)
endOutput.TSestModel <- function(x)endOutput(x$data)

frequency.TSestModel <- function(x, ...)tffrequency(x$data)
frequencyInput.TSestModel <- function(x)frequencyInput(x$data)
frequencyOutput.TSestModel <- function(x)frequencyOutput(x$data)

Tobs.TSestModel <- function(x)Tobs(x$data)
TobsInput.TSestModel <- function(x)TobsInput(x$data)
TobsOutput.TSestModel <- function(x)TobsOutput(x$data)

inputData.TSestModel <- function(x, series=seqN(nseriesInput(x)))
    inputData(x$data, series=series)
outputData.TSestModel <- function(x, series=seqN(nseriesOutput(x)))
    outputData(x$data, series=series)

nseriesInput.TSestModel <- function(x)  nseriesInput(x$data)
nseriesOutput.TSestModel <- function(x) nseriesOutput(x$data)

seriesNamesInput.TSestModel <- function(x)
 {m <- seriesNamesInput(x$model)
  d <- seriesNamesInput(x$data)
  if (!all(m==d)) 
    warning("data and model names do not correspond. Model names returned.")

seriesNamesOutput.TSestModel <- function(x)
 {m <- seriesNamesOutput(x$model)
  d <- seriesNamesOutput(x$data)
  if (!all(m==d)) 
    warning("data and model names do not correspond. Model names returned.")

seriesNames.TSestModel <- function(x)
  {list(input=seriesNamesInput(x), output=seriesNamesOutput(x))}

"seriesNames<-.TSestModel" <- function(x, value)
   { seriesNamesInput(x) <- value$input
    seriesNamesOutput(x) <- value$output

"seriesNamesInput<-.TSestModel" <- function(x, value)
   {seriesNamesInput(x$model) <- value;
    seriesNamesInput(x$data ) <- value;
"seriesNamesOutput<-.TSestModel" <- function(x, value) 
   {seriesNamesOutput(x$model) <- value;
    seriesNamesOutput(x$data ) <- value;


#    methods for TSdata  <<<<<<<<<<
#   (there are methods in other packages too)


is.TSdata <- function(obj) { inherits(obj, "TSdata")}

print.TSdata <- function(x, ...)
 {print.tframed <- function(x, ...)
     {nm <- seriesNames(x)
      tm <- time(x) 
      if (1 != tffrequency(x))
         tm <- paste( floor(tm), "[", 1+ (tm %% 1) * tffrequency(x), "]", sep="")
      dimnames(x) <- list(tm, nm) 
      attr(x,"tframe") <- NULL
      attr(x,"seriesNames") <- NULL
      class(x) <- if (all(class(x) == "tframed")) NULL else class(x)[class(x) != "tframed"]
  if(0 != (nseriesInput(x)))
     {cat("input data:\n")
      print.tframed(inputData(x), ...)
           print(x$input.transformations, ...)
  if(0 != (nseriesOutput(x)))
     {cat("output data:\n")
          print(x$output.transformations, ...)
      cat("retrieval date: ", x$retrieval.date, "   ")

summary.TSdata <- function(object, ...)
  {#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
   d <- outputData(object)
   if (!is.tframed(d)) d <- as.ts(d)
   st <- tfstart(d)
   en <- tfend(d)
   fr <- tffrequency(d)
   d <- cbind(d,inputData(object))

   classed(list(  # summary.TSdata constructor
      sampleT= nrow(outputData(object)),
      source=object$source), "summary.TSdata")

print.summary.TSdata <- function(x, digits=options()$digits, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
   if (!is.null(x$description)) cat(x$description,"\n")
   cat("start: ", x$start, " end: ",  x$end," Frequency: ", x$freq,"\n")
   cat("sample length = ",x$sampleT,"\n")
   cat("number of outputs=",x$p, "   number of inputs=",x$m, "\n")
   cat("average :\n")
   cat("max    :\n")
   cat("min    :\n")
      cat("retrieval date: ", x$retrieval.date, "   ")
   if(!is.null(x$source)) {cat("source:\n"); print(x$source)  }

tfplot.TSdata <- function(x, ..., 
        tf=NULL, start=tfstart(tf), end=tfend(tf),
        select.inputs  = seq(length=nseriesInput(x)),
        select.outputs = seq(length=nseriesOutput(x)),
        Title=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, 
	graphs.per.page=5, mar=par()$mar, reset.screen=TRUE)
{# plot input and output data.
 # ... is a list of objects of class TSdata (with similar input
 #       and output dimensions.
 #previously mar = if(is.R()) c(3.1,6.1,1.1,2.1) else c(5.1,6.1,4.1,2.1)
 # Note that using ... like this means it cannot be used to pass additional
 #   arguments to plot, so unfortunately all necessary plot arguments must be 
 #   explicit in the arguments to tfplot.TSdata
 # start is the starting point (date)  and end the ending point for
 # plotting. If not specified the whole sample is plotted.
# output graphics can be paused between pages by setting par(ask=T).
  #x <- freeze(x)
  Ngraphs <- length(select.outputs) + length(select.inputs)
    {Ngraphs <- min(Ngraphs, graphs.per.page)
     old.par <- par(mfcol = c(Ngraphs, 1), mar=mar, no.readonly=TRUE) # previously c(5.1,6.1,4.1,2.1)) 
  #if (is.null(Title)) Title <- ""

  if (!is.null(ylab))
       names <- rep(ylab, nseriesInput(x) + nseriesOutput(x))
  else names <-  c(seriesNamesInput(x),  seriesNamesOutput(x))

  if (1 == length(xlab)) xlab <- rep(xlab, length(names))

#  if (0 != length(select.inputs)) 
    {for (i in select.inputs) 
      {j <- 0
       z <- matrix(NA, TobsInput(x), length(append(list(x),list(...))))
       if(mode(i)=="character") i <- match(i, seriesNamesInput(x))
       for (d in append(list(x),list(...)) ) 
         {if (!is.TSdata(d))
            stop("Expecting TSdata objects. Do not truncate argument names as that can cause a problem here.")
          #d <- freeze(d)
          j <- j + 1
          z[, j] <- inputData(d, series = i)
       tframe(z) <-tframe(inputData(x))
       tfOnePlot(z, xlab=xlab[i], ylab=names[i], start=start, end=end) 
       if(!is.null(Title) && (i==1) && (is.null(options()$PlotTitles)
                || options()$PlotTitles)) title(main = Title)
    } }
  for (i in select.outputs) 
    {j <-0
     if(mode(i)=="character") i <- match(i, seriesNamesOutput(x))
     z <- matrix(NA,TobsOutput(x),length(append(list(x),list(...))))
     #z <-NULL 
     for (d in append(list(x),list(...)) ) 
       {if (!is.TSdata(d))
            stop("Expecting TSdata objects. Do not truncate argument names as that can cause a problem here.")
        #d <- freeze(d)
        j <- j+1
        z[,j]<-outputData(d, series=i) 
     tframe(z) <-tframe(outputData(x))
     tfOnePlot(z, xlab=xlab[i], ylab=names[nseriesInput(x) + i],start=start, end=end)
     if(!is.null(Title) && (0 == nseriesInput(x)) && (i==1) && 
      (is.null(options()$PlotTitles) || options()$PlotTitles)) title(main = Title)
inputData.TSdata <- function(x, series=seqN(nseriesInput(x)))
  {if (is.null(x$input)) NULL  else selectSeries(x$input, series=series) }

outputData.TSdata <- function(x, series=seqN(nseriesOutput(x)))
  {if (is.null(x$output)) NULL  else selectSeries(x$output, series=series) }

"inputData<-.TSdata" <- function(x, value) 
   {cls <- class(x); x$input <- value; class(x) <- cls

"outputData<-.TSdata" <- function(x, value)
   {cls <- class(x); x$output <-value; class(x) <- cls

# Note: series names changed to an attribute of input and output for 
#     data but not for models!!!!

seriesNames.TSdata <- function(x)
 {list(input=seriesNamesInput(x), output=seriesNamesOutput(x))}

 seriesNamesInput.TSdata <- function(x) {seriesNames( inputData(x))}
seriesNamesOutput.TSdata <- function(x) {seriesNames(outputData(x))}

"seriesNames<-.TSdata" <- function(x, value){ 
    seriesNamesInput(x)  <-  value$input
    seriesNamesOutput(x) <-  value$output

"seriesNamesInput<-.TSdata"  <- function(x,  value)
   {seriesNames(inputData(x))  <- value; x }

"seriesNamesOutput<-.TSdata" <- function(x,  value) 
   {seriesNames(outputData(x)) <- value; x }

nseriesInput.TSdata <- function(x)
   {if (is.null(x$input)) 0 else nseries(x$input)}

nseriesOutput.TSdata <- function(x)
   {if (is.null(x$output)) 0 else nseries(x$output)}

start.TSdata <- function(x, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
 i  <-  startInput(x)
 o  <- startOutput(x)
 if (((!is.null(o)) & (!is.null(i))) && all(i==o)) return(o)
 else return(c(i,o))

startInput.TSdata <- function(x)
 {if (is.null(x$input))  return(NULL)
  else return(tfstart(x$input))

startOutput.TSdata <- function(x)
 {if (is.null(x$output))  return(NULL)
  else return(tfstart(x$output))

end.TSdata <- function(x, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
 i  <-  endInput(x)
 o  <- endOutput(x)
 if (((!is.null(o)) & (!is.null(i))) && all(i==o)) return(o)

endInput.TSdata <- function(x)
 {if (is.null(x$input))  return(NULL)
  else return(tfend(x$input))

endOutput.TSdata <- function(x)
 {if (is.null(x$output))  return(NULL)
  else return(tfend(x$output))

frequency.TSdata <- function(x, ...)
{#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
 i  <-  frequencyInput(x)
 o  <- frequencyOutput(x)
 if (((!is.null(o)) & (!is.null(i))) && all(i==o)) return(o)

frequencyInput.TSdata <- function(x)
 {if (is.null(x$input))  return(NULL)
  else return(tffrequency(x$input))

frequencyOutput.TSdata <- function(x)
 {if (is.null(x$output))  return(NULL)
  else return(tffrequency(x$output))

Tobs.TSdata <- function(x, ...) Tobs(outputData(x))
#  (... further arguments, currently disregarded)
TobsOutput.TSdata <- function(x)  Tobs(outputData(x))[1]
TobsInput.TSdata  <- function(x)  Tobs( inputData(x))[1]

tbind.TSdata <- function(x, d2, ..., pad.start=TRUE, pad.end=TRUE, warn=TRUE)
 {if( ! (is.TSdata(x) & is.TSdata(d2)))
     stop("tbind requires arguments to be of a similar type (ie. TSdata).")
  if ((0 != nseriesInput(x)) || (0 != nseriesInput(d2)) )
    inputData(x) <- tbind(inputData(x),inputData(d2),
                 ..., pad.start=pad.start, pad.end=pad.end, warn=warn)
  if ((0 != nseriesOutput(x)) || (0 != nseriesOutput(d2)) )
    outputData(x) <- tbind(outputData(x),outputData(d2),
                 ..., pad.start=pad.start, pad.end=pad.end, warn=warn)

testEqual.TSdata <- function(obj1, obj2, fuzz=1e-16)
  {r <- TRUE
   if (r & (!is.null(obj1$input)))
     {if(is.null(obj2$input)) r <- FALSE
      else  r <-testEqual(obj1$input, obj2$input, fuzz=fuzz)
   if (r & (!is.null(obj1$output)))
     {if(is.null(obj2$output)) r <- FALSE
      else r <-testEqual(obj1$output, obj2$output, fuzz=fuzz)

TSdata <- function (data=NULL, ...) UseMethod("TSdata") 

#TSdata.default <- function(data=NULL, input=NULL, output=NULL, ...)  
#{if (is.null(data) && (!is.null(input) | !is.null(output) ))
#    {if(!is.null(input) && is.vector(input)) input <- 
#	   tframed(matrix(input, length(input),1), tf=tframe(input),
#	           names=seriesNames(input))
#     if(!is.null(output) && is.vector(output)) output <- 
#	   tframed(matrix(output, length(output),1), tf=tframe(output),
#	           names=seriesNames(output))
#     data <- classed(list(input=input, output=output), "TSdata") # constructor
#  }else 
#     data <- classed(data, "TSdata")   # constructor keeps other list elements
# if(!is.list(data)) stop("TSdata.default could not construct a TSdata format.")	    
# if   ( 0 == nseriesInput(data)   &    0 == nseriesOutput(data) 
#    |  (0 != nseriesOutput(data) && !is.matrix(outputData(data)))
#    |  (0 !=  nseriesInput(data) && !is.matrix( inputData(data))) )
#      stop("TSdata.default could not construct a TSdata format.")
# data

TSdata.default <- function(data=NULL, input=NULL, output=NULL, ...)  
{if (is.null(data) & is.null(input)  & is.null(output) )
      stop("TSdata.default needs data, input, or output specified.")
 if (is.null(data))
    {if(!is.null(input)) input <- 
	   tframed(as.matrix(input), tf=tframe(input), names=seriesNames(input))
     if(!is.null(output)) output <- 
	   tframed(as.matrix(output), tf=tframe(output),names=seriesNames(output))
     data <- classed(list(input=input, output=output), "TSdata") # constructor
     data <- classed(data, "TSdata")   # constructor keeps other list elements
 if(!is.list(data)) stop("TSdata.default could not construct a TSdata format.")	    
 if   ( 0 == nseriesInput(data)   &    0 == nseriesOutput(data) 
    |  (0 != nseriesOutput(data) && !is.matrix(outputData(data)))
    |  (0 !=  nseriesInput(data) && !is.matrix( inputData(data))) )
      stop("TSdata.default could not construct a TSdata format.")

TSdata.TSdata <- function(data, ...)  {data} # already TSdata 

TSdata.TSestModel <- function(data, ...)  {data$data} # extract TSdata 

as.TSdata <- function(d) 
 {# Use whatever is actually $input and $output,
  #strip any other class, other parts of the list, and DO NOT use
  # inputData(d) and outputData(d) which may eg reconstitute something
  TSdata(input=d$input, output=d$output)

"tframe<-.TSdata" <- function(x, value) {
 if (0 != nseriesInput(x))  tframe(inputData(x))  <- value
 if (0 != nseriesOutput(x)) tframe(outputData(x)) <- value

tframed.TSdata <- function(x, tf=NULL, names=NULL, ...)  
{# switch to tframe representation
 if(0 != (nseriesOutput(x)))
       outputData(x) <-tframed(outputData(x), tf=tf, names=names$output, ...)
 if (0 != (nseriesInput(x)))
        inputData(x) <-tframed(inputData(x),  tf=tf, names=names$input, ...)


#  Utility function for time series noise   <<<<<<<<<<


makeTSnoise <- function(sampleT,p,lags,noise=NULL, rng=NULL,
                        Cov=NULL, sd=1, noise.model=NULL,
                        tf=NULL, start=NULL,frequency=NULL)
 {# CAUTION: changes here can affect historical comparisons.
  # noise.baseline is added to noise. It should be either a scalar, a matrix of
  #   the same dimension as noise (or noise generated by noise.model), or a
  #   vector of length equal to the dimension of the noise process (which will
  #   be replicated for all Tobs.)
 if(is.null(rng)) rng <- setRNG() # returns setting so don't skip if NULL
 else        {old.rng <- setRNG(rng);  on.exit(setRNG(old.rng))  }

  if ( (!is.null(noise)) & (!is.null(noise.model)) )
    stop("noise and noise.model cannot both be specified.")

  if(!is.null(noise.baseline) && is.matrix(noise.baseline) &&
    (sampleT < dim(noise.baseline)[1]))
      {warning("sampleT (and start date) for noise adjusted to match noise.baseline")
       sampleT <- dim(noise.baseline)[1]

 # Note: noise is added to initial conditions.
 if (!is.null(noise.model))
   {noise <- outputData(simulate(noise.model, sampleT=sampleT+lags))
    noise <- list(w0=noise[1:lags,,drop=FALSE], w=noise[lags+seq(sampleT),,drop=FALSE])
  if (is.null(noise)) {
    w0 <-matrix(NA,lags,p)
    w <- matrix(NA,sampleT,p)
    if (!is.null(Cov)) {
        if(length(Cov) == 1) Cov <- diag(Cov, p)
	W <- t(chol(Cov))
        w <- t(W %*% t(matrix(rnorm((lags+sampleT)*p),(lags+sampleT),p)))
#  above has unfortunate effect that w0 was not from the first p values below
#   would be better, but changes a lot? of tests
#        w <- t(W %*% matrix(rnorm((lags+sampleT)*p),p, (lags+sampleT)))
	w0 <- w[1:lags,]
	w  <- w[-c(1:lags),]
    else {
       if (length(sd)==1) sd <-rep(sd,p)
       for (i in 1:p)
         {w0[,i] <- rnorm(lags,sd=sd[i])
          w[,i]  <- rnorm(sampleT,sd=sd[i])
    noise <- list(w=w, w0=w0)
  else {
     if (is.null(noise$w0) || is.null(noise$w) )
       stop("supplied noise structure is not correct.")
     {if (is.vector(noise.baseline))
        {if(length(noise.baseline)==1) noise$w <- noise$w + noise.baseline
         else if(length(noise.baseline)==1)
           noise$w <-noise$w + t(array(noise.baseline, rev(dim(noise$w))))
         else stop("noise.baseline vector is not correct length.")
      else  noise$w <- noise$w + noise.baseline

  if(!is.null(tf)) tframe(noise$w) <- tf
  else if(!is.null(start))
      {if (is.null(frequency))
         {frequency <- 1
          warning("start set but frequency not specified. Using frequency=1.")
       else noise$w <-tframed(noise$w, list(start=start, frequency=frequency))
       if (is.tframed(noise.baseline) &&
           {warning("tframe of noise set to tframe of noise.baseline.")
            tframe(noise$w )<-tframe(noise.baseline)
            if(!all(dimnames(noise$w)[[2]] == dimnames(noise.baseline)[[2]]))
              warning("noise names and noise.baseline names do not correspond.")
  append(noise, list(sampleT=sampleT, rng=rng,
     Cov=Cov, sd=sd, noise.model=noise.model,version=as.vector(version)))

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dse documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:12 p.m.