
Defines functions sirmod llik.cb sim.cb chainSIR integrandpc llik.pc seirmod seirmod2 siragemod SimTsir SimTsir2 gillespie tau retrospec sivmod coyne TSIRlyap TSIRllyap sirwmod ringlattice plot.cm WattsStrogatz summary.cm BarabasiAlbert NetworkSIR summary.netSIR plot.netSIR r0fun NB

Documented in BarabasiAlbert chainSIR coyne gillespie integrandpc llik.cb llik.pc NB NetworkSIR plot.cm plot.netSIR r0fun retrospec ringlattice seirmod seirmod2 sim.cb SimTsir SimTsir2 siragemod sirmod sirwmod sivmod summary.cm summary.netSIR tau TSIRllyap TSIRlyap WattsStrogatz


#' Gradient-function for the SIR model
#' @param t Implicit argument for time
#' @param y  A vector with values for the states
#' @param parms A vector with parameter values for the SIR system
#' @return A list of gradients 
#' @examples
#' require(deSolve)
#' times  = seq(0, 26, by=1/10)
#' paras  = c(mu = 0, N = 1, beta =  2, gamma = 1/2)
#' start = c(S=0.999, I=0.001, R = 0)
#' out=ode(y=start, times=times, func=sirmod, parms=paras)
#' @export
sirmod=function(t, y, parms){
   dS = mu * (N  - S)  - beta * S * I / N
   dI = beta * S * I / N - (mu + gamma) * I
   dR = gamma * I - mu * R
   res=c(dS, dI, dR)


#' Negative log-likelihood function for the chain-binomial model
#' @param S0 a scalar with value for S0
#' @param beta a scalar with value for beta
#' @param I a vector incidence aggregated at serial interval
#' @return the negative log-likelhood for the model 
#' @examples
#' twoweek=rep(1:15, each=2)
#' niamey_cases1=sapply(split(niamey$cases_1[1:30], twoweek), sum)
#' llik.cb(S0=6500, beta=23, I=niamey_cases1)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats dbinom
llik.cb = function(S0,beta,I){
    n = length(I)
    S = floor(S0-cumsum(I[-n]))
    p = 1-exp(-beta*(I[-n])/S0)  
    L = -sum(dbinom(I[-1],S,p,log=TRUE))  

#' Function to simulate the chain-binomial model
#' @param S0 a scalar with value for S0
#' @param beta a scalar with value for beta
#' @return A data-frame with time series of susceptibles and infecteds
#' @examples
#' sim=sim.cb(S0=6500, beta=23)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats rbinom
sim.cb=function(S0, beta){
I[i]=rbinom(1, size=S[i-1], prob=1-exp(-beta*I[i-1]/S0))
out=data.frame(S=S, I=I)

#' Gradient-function for the chain-SIR model
#' @param t Implicit argument for time
#' @param logx  A vector with values for the log-states
#' @param params A vector with parameter values for the chain-SIR system
#' @return A list of gradients 
#' @examples
#' require(deSolve)
#' times  = seq(0, 10, by=1/52)
#' paras2  = c(mu = 1/75, N = 1, beta =  625, gamma = 365/14, u=5)
#' xstart2 = log(c(S=.06, I=c(0.001, rep(0.0001, paras2["u"]-1)), R = 0.0001))
#' out = as.data.frame(ode(xstart2, times, chainSIR, paras2))
#' @export
chainSIR=function(t, logx, params) {
    x = exp(logx)
    u = params["u"]
    S = x[1]
    I = x[2:(u + 1)]
    R = x[u + 2]
    with(as.list(params), {
        dS = mu * (N - S) - sum(beta * S * I)/N
        dI = rep(0, u)
        dI[1] = sum(beta * S * I)/N - (mu + u * gamma) * I[1]
        if (u > 1) {
            for (i in 2:u) {
                dI[i] = u * gamma * I[i - 1] - (mu + u * gamma) * 
        dR = u * gamma * I[u] - mu * R
        res = c(dS/S, dI/I, dR/R)


#' Auxillary function used by llik.pc 
#' @param a a vector with the ages 
#' @param up a vector with upper age-bracket cut-offs
#' @param foi a vector with FoI
#' @return A vector with FoIs matched to data
#' @seealso{llik.pc}
#' @export
integrandpc=function(a, up, foi){
wh=findInterval(a, sort(c(0,up)))
inte=ifelse(wh==1, foi[1]*a, sum(foi[1:(wh-1)]*dur[1:(wh-1)])+foi[wh]*(a-up[wh-1]))

#' Function to estimate parameters for the picewise-constant catalytic model
#' This function uses binomial likelihoods to estimate the picewise-constant FoI model from age-incidence data
#' @param par a vector with initial guesses 
#' @param age a vector with the ages 
#' @param num a vector with number infected by age
#' @param denom a vector with number tested by age
#' @param up a vector with upper age-bracket cut-offs
#' @return The negative log-likelihood for a candidate piecewise constant catalytic model
#' @examples
#' x=c(1,4,8,12,18,24)
#' para=rep(.1,length(x))
#' \dontrun{optim(par=log(para),fn=loglikpc, age=rabbit$a, num=rabbit$inf, denom=rabbit$n, up=x)}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats integrate
llik.pc = function(par, age, num, denom, up) {
ll = 0
for (i in 1:length(age)) {
p = 1 - exp(-integrandpc(a=age[i], up = up, foi = exp(par)))
ll = ll + dbinom(num[i], denom[i], p, log = T)

#logspline not documented


#' Gradient-function for the SEIR model
#' @param t Implicit argument for time
#' @param y  A vector with values for the states
#' @param parms A vector with parameter values for the SEIR system
#' @return A list of gradients 
#' @examples
#' require(deSolve)
#' times  = seq(0, 10, by=1/120)
#' paras  = c(mu = 1/50, N = 1, beta =  1000, sigma = 365/8, gamma = 365/5)
#' start = c(S=0.06, E=0, I=0.001, R = 0.939)
#' out=ode(y=start, times=times, func=seirmod, parms=paras)
#' @export
seirmod=function(t, y, parms){


  dS = mu * (N  - S)  - beta * S * I / N
  dE = beta * S * I / N - (mu + sigma) * E
  dI = sigma * E - (mu + gamma) * I
  dR = gamma * I - mu * R 
  res=c(dS, dE, dI, dR)

#' Gradient-function for the forced SEIR model
#' @param t Implicit argument for time
#' @param y  A vector with values for the states
#' @param parms A vector with parameter values for the SIR system
#' @return A list of gradients 
#' @examples
#' require(deSolve)
#' times  = seq(0, 10, by=1/120)
#' paras  = c(mu = 1/50, N = 1, beta0 = 1000, beta1 = 0.2, sigma = 365/8, gamma = 365/5)
#' start = c(S=0.06, E=0, I=0.001, R = 0.939)
#' out=ode(y=start, times=times, func=seirmod2, parms=paras)
#' @export
seirmod2=function(t, y, parms){

  dS = mu * (N  - S)  - beta0 * (1+beta1*cos(2*pi*t))* S * I / N
  dE = beta0 * (1+beta1*cos(2*pi * t))* S * I / N - (mu + sigma) * E
  dI = sigma * E - (mu + gamma) * I
  dR = gamma * I - mu * R
  res=c(dS, dE, dI, dR)

#' Gradient-function for the age-structured SIR model with possibly heterogeneous mixing
#' @param t Implicit argument for time
#' @param logx  A vector with log-values for the log-states
#' @param parms A vector with parameter values for the age-structured SIR system
#' @return A list of gradients 
#' @examples
#' a=rep(1,4)
#' n=length(a)
#' betaM=matrix(1, ncol=4, nrow=4)
#' pars =list(N=1, gamma=365/14, mu=0.02, sigma=0.2, beta=500, betaM=betaM,p=rep(0,4), a=a)
#' xstart<-log(c(S=rep(0.099/n,n), I=rep(0.001/n,n), R=rep(0.9/n,n)))
#' times=seq(0,10,by=14/365)
#' out=as.data.frame(ode(xstart, times=times, func=siragemod, parms=pars))
#' @export
siragemod = function(t, logx,  parms){
  xx = exp(logx)
        S = xx[1:n]
        I = xx[(n+1):(2*n)]
        R = xx[(2*n+1):(3*n)]
  with(as.list(parms), {
                phi = (beta*betaM%*%I)/N
                dS = c(mu,rep(0,n-1)) - (phi+a)*S + c(0,a[1:n-1]*S[1:n-1])*(1-p) - mu*S
                dI = phi*S + c(0,a[1:n-1]*I[1:n-1]) -(gamma+a)*I - mu*I
                dR =  c(0,a[1:n-1]*S[1:n-1])*p + c(0,a[1:n-1]*R[1:n-1]) + gamma*I - a*R - mu*R
                res = c(dS/S,dI/I,dR/R)


#' Function to simulate the stochastic TSIR
#' Function to simulate the stochastic TSIR assuming stochasticity in transmission and a Poisson birth-death process
#' @param alpha the exponent on I
#' @param B the birth rate
#' @param beta the transmission rate
#' @param sdbeta the standard deviation on beta
#' @param S0 the initial susceptible fraction
#' @param I0 the initial number of infecteds
#' @param IT the length of simulation
#' @param N the population size
#' @return A list with time series of simulated infected and susceptible hosts
#' @examples
#' out = SimTsir()
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom stats rpois
SimTsir=function(alpha=0.97, B=2300, beta=25, sdbeta=0,
    S0 = 0.06, I0=180, IT=520, N=3.3E6){
    lambda = rep(NA, IT)
    I = rep(NA, IT)
    S = rep(NA, IT)
    I[1] = I0
    lambda[1] = I0
    S[1] = S0*N
    for(i in 2:IT) {
        lambda[i] = rnorm(1, mean=beta, sd=sdbeta) * I[i - 1]^alpha * S[i - 1] /N
        if(lambda[i]<0) {lambda[i]=0}
        I[i] = rpois(1, lambda[i])
        S[i] = S[i - 1] + B - I[i]
    list(I = I, S = S)

#' Function to simulate the seasonally-forced TSIR
#' Function to simulate the stochastic TSIR assuming stochasticity in transmission and a Poisson birth-death process
#' @param beta the seasonal transmission coefficients
#' @param alpha the exponent on I
#' @param B a vector of Births (the length of which determines the length of the simulation)
#' @param N the population size
#' @param inits a list containing initial S and I
#' @param type an argument "det" or "stoc" that determines whether a deterministic or stochastic simulation is done
#' @return A list with time series of simulated infected and susceptible hosts
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{see chapter 8 in book}
#' @export
SimTsir2=function(beta, alpha, B, N,  inits = list(Snull = 0, Inull = 0), type = "det"){
    type = charmatch(type, c("det", "stoc"), nomatch = NA)
        stop("method should be \"det\", \"stoc\"")
    IT = length(B)
    s = length(beta)
    lambda = rep(NA, IT)  
    I = rep(NA, IT)
    S = rep(NA, IT)
    I[1] = inits$Inull
    lambda[1] = inits$Inull
    S[1] = inits$Snull
    for(i in 2:IT) {
        lambda[i] = beta[((i - 2) %% s) + 1] * S[i - 1] * (I[i - 1]^alpha)/N
        if(type == 2) {
                I[i] = rpois(1, lambda[i])
        if(type == 1) {
            I[i] = lambda[i]
        S[i] =S[i - 1] + B[i] - I[i]
    return(list(I = I, S = S))


#' Gillespie exact algorithm
#' Function simulating a dynamical system using the Gillespie exact algorithm
#' @param rateqs a list with rate equations 
#' @param eventmatrix a matrix of changes in state variables associated with each event
#' @param parameters a vector of parameter values
#' @param initialvals a vector of initial values for the states
#' @param numevents number of events to be simulated
#' @return A data frame with simulated time series
#' @examples
#' rlist=c(quote(mu * (S+I+R)), quote(mu * S), quote(beta * S * I /(S+I+R)), 
#'  quote(mu * I), quote(gamma * I), quote(mu*R))
#' emat=matrix(c(1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,1,0,0,-1),ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
#' paras  = c(mu = 1, beta =  1000, gamma = 365/20)
#' inits = c(S=100, I=2, R=0)
#' sim=gillespie(rlist, emat, paras, inits, 100)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats rexp
gillespie=function(rateqs, eventmatrix, parameters, initialvals, numevents){
res=data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol=length(initialvals)+1, nrow=numevents+1))
names(res)=c("time", names(initialvals))
res[1,]=c(0, initialvals)
for(i in 1:numevents){
rat=sapply(rateqs, eval, as.list(c(parameters, res[i,])))
res[i+1,1]=res[i,1]+rexp(1, sum(rat))
whichevent=sample(1:nrow(eventmatrix), 1, prob=rat)

#' Gillespie tau-leap algorithm
#' Function simulating a dynamical system using the Gillespie tau-leap approximation
#' @param rateqs a list with rate equations 
#' @param eventmatrix a matrix of changes in state variables associated with each event
#' @param parameters a vector of parameter values
#' @param initialvals a vector of initial values for the states
#' @param deltaT the tau-leap time interval
#' @param endT the time length of simulation
#' @return A data frame with simulated time series
#' @examples
#' rlist2=c(quote(mu * (S+E+I+R)), quote(mu * S), quote(beta * S * I/(S+E+I+R)), 
#'  quote(mu*E), quote(sigma * E), quote(mu * I), quote(gamma * I), quote(mu*R))
#' emat2=matrix(c(1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1,1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1,1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1,1,0,0,0,-1),
#' ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
#' paras  = c(mu = 1, beta =  1000, sigma = 365/8, gamma = 365/5)
#' inits = c(S=999, E=0, I=1, R = 0)
#' sim2=tau(rlist2, emat2, paras, inits, 1/365, 1)
#' @export
tau=function(rateqs, eventmatrix, parameters, initialvals, deltaT, endT){
time=seq(0, endT, by=deltaT)
res=data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol=length(initialvals)+1, nrow=length(time)))
names(res)=c("time", names(initialvals))
res[1,]=c(0, initialvals)
for(i in 1:(length(time)-1)){
rat=sapply(rateqs, eval, as.list(c(parameters, res[i,])))
evts=rpois(1,  sum(rat)*deltaT)
whichevent=sample(1:nrow(eventmatrix), evts, prob=rat, replace=TRUE)
mt=rbind(eventmatrix[whichevent,], t(matrix(res[i,-1])))
#strange fix:
mt=matrix(as.numeric(mt), ncol=ncol(mt))
res[i+1, ][res[i+1,]<0]=0

#' Function to predict efficacy of outbreak-response vaccination campaign
#' @param R reproductive ratio
#' @param day first day of ORV campaign
#' @param vaccine_efficacy Vaccine efficacy
#' @param target_vaccination fraction of population vaccinated during ORV campaign
#' @param intervention_length duration of ORV campaign
#' @param mtime length of simulation
#' @param LP length of latent period
#' @param IP length of infectious period
#' @param N initial susceptible population size
#' @return A list of gradients 
#' @examples
#' red1=retrospec(R=1.8, 161, vaccine_efficacy=0.85, target_vaccination=0.5, 
#'  intervention_length=10, mtime=250, LP=8, IP=5, N=16000)
#' 1-red1$redn
#' @export
retrospec<-function(R,day, vaccine_efficacy,target_vaccination,intervention_length, mtime, LP=7, IP=7, N=10000){
        out<-matrix(NA,nrow=mtime, ncol=3)
  xstrt<-c(S=1-1/N,E=0,I=1/N,R=0,K=0)   #starting values
  beta<- R/IP         #transmission rate
  par<-c(B=beta, r=1/LP, g = 1/IP, q = vaccine_efficacy,
                P = 0, Dt = 0, T = Inf)

  par<-c(B=beta, r=1/LP, g = 1/IP, q = vaccine_efficacy,
             P = target_vaccination, Dt = intervention_length, T = day)


#' Gradient-function for the SIR model with outbreak-response vaccination
#' @param t Implicit argument for time
#' @param x  A vector with values for the states
#' @param parms A vector with parameter values for the SIR system
#' @return A list of gradients 
#' @seealso \code{\link{retrospec}}
#' @export
      Q<- ifelse(t<T | t>T+Dt,0,(-log(1-P)/Dt))
      dS<- -B*S*I-q*Q*S
      dE<- B*S*I-r*E
      dI<- r*E - g*I
      dR<- g*I+q*Q*S


#' Gradient-function for Coyne et al's rabies model
#' @param t Implicit argument for time
#' @param logx A vector with values for the log-states
#' @param parms A vector with parameter values for the dynamical system
#' @return A list of gradients for the log system
#' @examples
#' require(deSolve)
#' times  = seq(0, 50, by=1/520)
#' paras  = c(gamma = 0.0397, b = 0.836, a = 1.34, sigma = 7.5, 
#' alpha = 66.36, beta = 33.25, c = 0, rho = 0.8)
#' start = log(c(X=12.69/2, H1=0.1, H2=0.1, Y = 0.1, I = 0.1))
#' out = as.data.frame(ode(start, times, coyne, paras))
#' @export
coyne=function(t, logx, parms){
  N = sum(x)
  dX = a * (X + I) - beta * X * Y - gamma * N * X  - (b + c) * X
  dH1= rho * beta * X * Y  - gamma * N * H1  - (b + sigma + c) * H1
  dH2= (1-rho) * beta * X * Y  - gamma * N * H2  - (b + sigma + c) * H2
  dY = sigma * H1  - gamma * N * Y  - (b + alpha + c) * Y
  dI = sigma * H2 - gamma * N * I  - (b + c) * I
  res=c(dX/X, dH1/H1, dH2/H2, dY/Y, dI/I)


#' Function to do  Lyapunov exponent calculations from a TSIR simulation
#' Function to do  Lyapunov exponent calculations from a TSIR simulation
#' @param I a vector containing the time series of Is
#' @param S vector containing the time series of Ss
#' @param bt the seasonal transmission coefficients
#' @param alpha the exponent on I
#' @param N the population size
#' @return An object of class lyap with the lyapunov exponent, values for the Jacobians, parameters and data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{see chapter 10 in book}
#' @export
TSIRlyap=function(I, S, alpha, bt, N){
  IT <- length(I)
  s <- length(bt)
  j11=rep(NA, IT)
  j12=rep(NA, IT)
  j21=rep(NA, IT)
  j22=rep(NA, IT)
  #initial unit vector
  #loop over the attractor
  for(i in 1:IT) {
  j11=1 -  bt[((i - 1) %% s) + 1] * I^alpha/N
  j12=-( bt[((i - 1) %% s) + 1] * S * (I^(alpha - 1) * alpha)/N)
  j21= bt[((i - 1) %% s) + 1] * I^alpha/N
  j22= bt[((i - 1) %% s) + 1] * S * (I^(alpha - 1) * alpha)/N
    J<-matrix(c(j11[i],j12[i],j21[i],j22[i]), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)%*%J
res=list(lyap=log(norm(J))/IT, j11=j11, j12=j12, j21=j21, j22=j22, I=I, S=S, alpha=alpha, bt=bt, N=N)

#' Function to calculate the local Lyapunov exponents for the TSIR 
#' Function to calculate the local Lyapunov exponents from an object of class \code{lyap}.
#' @param x an object of class \code{lyap} (normally from a call to \code{TSIRlyap})
#' @param m number of forward iterations on the attractor
#' @return An object of class llyap with the local Lyapunov exponent and S-I data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{see chapter 10 in book}
#' @export
TSIRllyap=function(x, m=1){
llyap=rep(NA, length(x$I))
for(i in 1:(length(x$I)-m)){
J=matrix(c(1,0,0,1), ncol=2)
for(k in 0:(m-1)){J = matrix(c(x$j11[(i+k)], x$j12[(i+k)], x$j21[(i+k)], x$j22[(i+k)]), ncol = 2, byrow=TRUE)%*%J}
res=list(llyap=llyap, I=x$I, S=x$S)

#' Gradient-function for the SIRWS model
#' @param t Implicit argument for time
#' @param logy  A vector with values for the log(states)
#' @param parms A vector with parameter values for the SIRWS system
#' @return A list of gradients (in log-coordinates)
#' @examples
#' require(deSolve)
#' times  = seq(0, 26, by=1/10)
#' paras  = c(mu = 1/70, p=0.2, N = 1, beta = 200, omega = 1/10, gamma = 17, kappa=30)
#' start = log(c(S=0.06, I=0.01, R=0.92, W = 0.01))
#' out = as.data.frame(ode(start, times, sirwmod, paras))
#' @export
sirwmod=function(t, logy, parms){

   dS = mu * (1-p) * N  - mu * S  - beta * S * I / N + 2*omega * W
   dI = beta * S * I / N - (mu + gamma) * I
   dR = gamma * I - mu * R - 2*omega * R +  kappa * beta * W * I / N + mu*p*N
   dW = 2*omega * R - kappa * beta * W * I / N - (2*omega +mu)* W 
   res=c(dS/S, dI/I, dR/R, dW/W)


#' Function to generate a ring lattice
#' @param N the number of nodes
#' @param K the number of neighbors to which each node is connected so degree = 2xK
#' @return An object of class CM (contact matrix)
#' @examples
#' cm=ringlattice(N=20,K=4)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats toeplitz
CM=toeplitz(c(0,rep(1,K),rep(0,N-2*K-1),rep(1,K)) )

#' Function to plot an object of class CM
#' @param x an object of class cm
#' @param ... other arguments 
#' @return A plot of the contract matrix
#' @examples
#' cm=ringlattice(N=20,K=4)
#' \dontrun{plot(cm)}
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics symbols
#' @importFrom graphics segments
plot.cm=function(x, ...){
symbols(x2,y2, fg=0, circles=rep(1, N), inches=0.1, bg=1, xlab="", ylab="")
segx1=as.vector(matrix(x2, ncol=length(x2), nrow=length(x2), byrow=TRUE))
segx2=as.vector(matrix(x2, ncol=length(x2), nrow=length(x2), byrow=FALSE))
segy1=as.vector(matrix(y2, ncol=length(x2), nrow=length(x2), byrow=TRUE))
segy2=as.vector(matrix(y2, ncol=length(x2), nrow=length(x2), byrow=FALSE))
segments(segx1,segy1, segx2, segy2, lty=as.vector(x))

#' Function to generate a Watts-Strogats network
#' @param N the number of nodes
#' @param K the number of neighbors to which each node is connected so degree = 2*K
#' @param Prw the rewiring probability
#' @return An object of class CM (contact matrix)
#' @examples
#' cm2=WattsStrogatz(N=20, K=4, Prw=.3)
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats runif
WattsStrogatz=function(N, K, Prw){
CM=ringlattice(N=N, K=K)
Br=rbinom(length(tri),1,Prw)  # specify which edges to break
for(i in 1:(N-1)){                  
   for(j in (i+1):N){
  if(Br[a]==1 & CMWS[i,j]==1){ # if "break" is specified in Br matrix
    CMWS[i,j]=CMWS[j,i]=0 # break edge
    tmp2=c(i, which(CMWS[i,]==1))             
    while(any(tmp2==tmp)){tmp=ceiling(N*runif(1))} # search new edge  
    CMWS[i,tmp]=CMWS[tmp,i]=1 # make new edge

#' Function to calculate the degree distribution for an object of class CM
#' @param object an object of class cm
#' @param plot if TRUE a bar plot of the degree distribution is produced 
#' @param ... other arguments 
#' @return A plot of the contract matrix
#' @examples
#' cm=WattsStrogatz(N=20, K=4, Prw=.3)
#' summary(cm)
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics barplot
summary.cm=function(object, plot=FALSE, ...){
  x=table(apply(object, 2, sum))
  names(res)=c("degree", "freq")
  if(plot) barplot(x, xlab="degree")

#' Function to generate a Barabasi-Albert network
#' @param N the number of nodes
#' @param K the number of neighbors to which each node is connected so degree = 2*K
#' @return An object of class CM (contact matrix)
#' @examples
#' cm3=BarabasiAlbert(200, 4)
#' @export
BarabasiAlbert=function(N, K){
CM=matrix(0, ncol=N, nrow=N)

for(i in 3:N){                  
  probs=apply(CM, 1, sum)
  link=unique(sample(c(1:N)[-i], size=min(c(K, i-1)), prob=probs[-i]))
    CM[i, link]=CM[link, i]=1

#' Function to simulate an epidemic on a network
#' Function to simulate a stochastic (discrete time) Reed-Frost SIR model on a social network
#' @param CM a contact matrix
#' @param tau the transmission probability
#' @param gamma the recovery probability
#' @return An object of class netSIR with infectious status for each node through time
#' @examples
#' cm1=BarabasiAlbert(N=200,K=2)
#' sim1=NetworkSIR(cm1,.3,0.1)
#' summary(sim1)
#' \dontrun{plot(sim1)}
#' @aliases netSIR
#' @export
#generate SIR epidemic on a network specified by the contact matrix 
#CM = contact matrix
#tau = probability of infection across an edge
#gamma = probability of removal per time step 
I=matrix(rep(0,N),nrow=N,ncol=1)   # initialize infecteds 
S=matrix(rep(1,N),nrow=N,ncol=1)  # initialize susceptibles 
R=matrix(rep(0,N),nrow=N,ncol=1)  # initialize removed 
I1=sample(1:N, size=1)
I[I1,1]=1 # initialize 1 random infected

while(sum(I[,t-1])>0 | t==1){
    newI=rbinom(N, S[,t-1], pinf)
    newR=rbinom(N, I[,t-1], gamma)


    I=cbind(I, nextI)
    S=cbind(S, nextS)
    R=cbind(R, nextR)

#' Function to summarize a netSIR object
#' @param object an object of class netSIR
#' @return A data-frame with the time series of susceptible, infected and recovered individuals
#' @param ... other arguments 
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{netSIR}}
#' @export
summary.netSIR=function(object, ...){

#' Function to plot a netSIR object
#' @param x an object of class netSIR
#' @param ... other arguments 
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{netSIR}}
#' @export
#' @importFrom graphics legend
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom graphics lines
plot.netSIR=function(x, ...){
plot(y$S, type="b", xlab="time", ylab="")
lines(y$I, type="b", col="red") 
lines(y$R, type="b", col="blue")  
        legend=c("S", "I", "R"),
        lty=c(1,1, 1),
        pch=c(1,1, 1),
        col=c("black", "red", "blue"))

#' Function to calculate R0 from a contact matrix
#' @param CM an object of class CM
#' @param tau = probability of infection across an edge
#' @param gamma = probability of removal per time step 
#' @return the R0
#' @examples
#' cm1=BarabasiAlbert(N=200,K=2)
#' r0fun(cm1, 0.3, 0.1)
#' @export
r0fun=function(CM, tau, gamma){
x=apply(CM, 2, sum)


#' The Nicholson-Bailey model
#' Function to simulate the Nicholson-Bailey Parasitoid-host model
#' @param R the host reproductive rate
#' @param a the parasitoid search efficiency
#' @param T the length of simulation (number of time-steps)
#' @param H0 initial host numbers
#' @param P0 initial parasitoid numbers
#' @return A list of simulated Host and Parasitoid numbers
#' @examples
#' sim= NB(R=1.1,a=0.1)
#' @export
 NB = function(R, a, T = 100, H0 = 10, P0 = 1){
   #T is length of simulation (number of time-steps)
   #H0 and P0 are initial numbers
   #we provide default parameters except for R and a
   H=rep(NA, T) #host series
   P=rep(NA, T) #parasitoid series

   H[1] = H0 #Initiating the host series
   P[1] = P0 #Initiating the parasitoid series

   for(t in 2:T){
     H[t] = R * H[t-1] * exp(- a * P[t-1])
     P[t] = R * H[t-1] * (1-exp(- a * P[t-1]))
   } #end of loop

   #the two vectors of results are stored in a "list"
   res= list(H = H, P = P) 

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