#' logLikFactory
#' @param Y
#' @param X
#' @param weights
#' @param bhazard
#' @param rtrunc
#' @param dlist
#' @param inits
#' @param dfns
#' @param aux
#' @param mx
#' @param fixedpars
#' @param expert_opinion
#' @import flexsurv
#' @importFrom abind adrop
#' @noRd
logLikFactory <- function (Y, X = 0, weights, bhazard, rtrunc, dlist, inits,
dfns, aux, mx, fixedpars = NULL, expert_opinion){
#Fix need DLSsurvspline
buildTransformer <- utils::getFromNamespace("buildTransformer",
buildAuxParms <- utils::getFromNamespace("buildAuxParms",
check.flexsurv.response <- utils::getFromNamespace("check.flexsurv.response",
tsfn <- utils::getFromNamespace("tsfn", "flexsurv")
DLdsurvspline <- utils::getFromNamespace("DLdsurvspline",
flexsurv.splineinits.cox <- utils::getFromNamespace("flexsurv.splineinits.cox",
parse.dist <- utils::getFromNamespace("parse.dist", "flexsurv")
form.dp <- utils::getFromNamespace("form.dp", "flexsurv")
check.formula <- utils::getFromNamespace("check.formula",
anc_from_formula <- utils::getFromNamespace("anc_from_formula",
get.locform <- utils::getFromNamespace("get.locform", "flexsurv")
concat.formulae <- utils::getFromNamespace("concat.formulae",
compress.model.matrices <- utils::getFromNamespace("compress.model.matrices",
expand.inits.args <- utils::getFromNamespace("expand.inits.args",
.hess_to_cov <- utils::getFromNamespace(".hess_to_cov",
logh <- utils::getFromNamespace("logh", "flexsurv")
dexph <- utils::getFromNamespace("dexph", "flexsurv")
deriv.test <- utils::getFromNamespace("deriv.test", "flexsurv")
pars <- inits
npars <- length(pars)
nbpars <- length(dlist$pars)
insert.locations <- setdiff(seq_len(npars), fixedpars)
event <- Y[, "status"] == 1
event.times <- Y[event, "time1"]
left.censor <- Y[!event, "time2"]
right.censor <- Y[!event, "time1"]
event.weights <- weights[event]
no.event.weights <- weights[!event]
par.transform <- buildTransformer(inits, nbpars, dlist) <- buildAuxParms(aux, dlist)
default.offset <-, length(event.times))
do.hazard <- any(bhazard > 0)
loglik <-, nrow(Y))
function(optpars, ...) {
pars[insert.locations] <- optpars <- pars
pars <- as.list(pars)
pars.event <- pars.nevent <- pars
if (npars > nbpars) {
beta <-[(nbpars + 1):npars]
for (i in dlist$pars) {
pars[[i]] <- pars[[i]] + X[, mx[[i]], drop = FALSE] %*%
pars.event[[i]] <- pars[[i]][event]
pars.nevent[[i]] <- pars[[i]][!event]
fnargs <- c(par.transform(pars),
fnargs.event <- c(par.transform(pars.event),
fnargs.nevent <- c(par.transform(pars.nevent),
dargs <- fnargs.event
dargs$x <- event.times
dargs$log <- TRUE
logdens <-$d, dargs)
if (any(!event)) {
pmaxargs <- fnargs.nevent
pmaxargs$q <- left.censor
pmax <-$p, pmaxargs)
pmax[pmaxargs$q == Inf] <- 1
pargs <- fnargs.nevent
pargs$q <- right.censor
pmin <-$p, pargs)
targs <- fnargs
targs$q <- Y[, "start"]
plower <-$p, targs)
targs$q <- rtrunc
pupper <-$p, targs)
pupper[rtrunc == Inf] <- 1
pobs <- pupper - plower
if (do.hazard) {
pargs <- fnargs.event
pargs$q <- event.times
pminb <-$p, pargs)
loghaz <- logdens - log(1 - pminb)
offseti <- log(1 + bhazard[event]/exp(loghaz) *
else {
offseti <- default.offset
loglik[event] <- (logdens * event.weights) + offseti
if (any(!event))
loglik[!event] <- (log(pmax - pmin) * no.event.weights)
loglik <- loglik - log(pobs) * weights <- fnargs
if (!is.null(expert_opinion)) {
if (expert_opinion$St_indic == 1) { <- lapply(, function(x) {
if(!is.null($knots)){[["knots"]] <- fnargs$knots[["scale"]] <- fnargs$scale[["timescale"]] <- fnargs$timescale
}$q <- expert_opinion$times
psurv_expert <- 1 -$p,
pargs.rmst <-
pargs.rmst$q <- NULL
pargs.rmst <- lapply(pargs.rmst, function(x) {
x[c(expert_opinion$id_comp, expert_opinion$id_trt)]
if(!is.null($knots)){[["knots"]] <- fnargs$knots[["scale"]] <- fnargs$scale[["timescale"]] <- fnargs$timescale
psurv_expert <- diff($mean, pargs.rmst))
LL_expert <- rep(NA, length(expert_opinion$times))
for (q in 1:length(expert_opinion$times)) {
param_expert_mat <- abind::adrop(expert_opinion$param_expert[,
, q, drop = F], drop = 3)
LL_expert[q] <- expert_log_dens(psurv_expert[q],
df = param_expert_mat, expert_opinion$pool,
k_norm = expert_opinion$k_norm[q], St_indic = expert_opinion$St_indic)
ret <- -sum(loglik, LL_expert)
else {
ret <- -sum(loglik)
attr(ret, "indiv") <- loglik
flexsurvspline <-function (formula, data, weights, bhazard, rtrunc, subset, k = 0,
knots = NULL, bknots = NULL, scale = "hazard", timescale = "log",
expert_opinion = NULL, ...){
buildTransformer <- utils::getFromNamespace("buildTransformer",
buildAuxParms <- utils::getFromNamespace("buildAuxParms",
check.flexsurv.response <- utils::getFromNamespace("check.flexsurv.response",
tsfn <- utils::getFromNamespace("tsfn", "flexsurv")
DLdsurvspline <- utils::getFromNamespace("DLdsurvspline",
flexsurv.splineinits.cox <- utils::getFromNamespace("flexsurv.splineinits.cox",
flexsurv.splineinits <- utils::getFromNamespace("flexsurv.splineinits",
parse.dist <- utils::getFromNamespace("parse.dist", "flexsurv")
form.dp <- utils::getFromNamespace("form.dp", "flexsurv")
check.formula <- utils::getFromNamespace("check.formula",
anc_from_formula <- utils::getFromNamespace("anc_from_formula",
get.locform <- utils::getFromNamespace("get.locform", "flexsurv")
concat.formulae <- utils::getFromNamespace("concat.formulae",
compress.model.matrices <- utils::getFromNamespace("compress.model.matrices",
expand.inits.args <- utils::getFromNamespace("expand.inits.args",
.hess_to_cov <- utils::getFromNamespace(".hess_to_cov", "flexsurv")
logh <- utils::getFromNamespace("logh", "flexsurv")
dexph <- utils::getFromNamespace("dexph", "flexsurv")
deriv.test <- utils::getFromNamespace("deriv.test", "flexsurv")
DLSsurvspline <- utils::getFromNamespace("DLSsurvspline", "flexsurv")
call <-
indx <- match(c("formula", "data", "weights", "bhazard",
"rtrunc", "subset", "na.action"), names(call), nomatch = 0)
if (indx[1] == 0)
stop("A \"formula\" argument is required")
temp <- call[c(1, indx)]
temp[[1]] <-"model.frame")
f2 <- stats::as.formula(gsub("(.*~).*", "\\1 1", Reduce(paste,
environment(f2) <- environment(formula)
temp[["formula"]] <- f2
if (missing(data))
temp[["data"]] <- environment(formula)
if (missing(data))
data <- environment(formula)
m <- eval(temp, parent.frame())
Y <- check.flexsurv.response(stats::model.extract(m, "response"))
dtimes <- Y[, "stop"][Y[, "status"] == 1]
if (is.null(knots)) {
is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5) abs(x -
round(x)) < tol
if (is.null(k))
stop("either \"knots\" or \"k\" must be specified")
if (!is.numeric(k))
stop("k must be numeric")
if (!is.wholenumber(k) || (k < 0))
stop("number of knots \"k\" must be a non-negative integer")
knots <- stats::quantile(tsfn(dtimes, timescale), seq(0,
1, length = k + 2)[-c(1, k + 2)])
else {
if (!is.numeric(knots))
stop("\"knots\" must be a numeric vector")
minlogtime <- min(tsfn(Y[, "stop"], timescale))
if (any(knots <= minlogtime)) {
badknots <- knots[knots < min(tsfn(Y[, "stop"], timescale))]
plural <- if (length(badknots) > 1)
else ""
stop(sprintf("knot%s %s less than or equal to minimum %stime",
plural, paste(badknots, collapse = ", "), (if (timescale ==
"log "
else "")))
maxlogtime <- max(tsfn(Y[, "stop"], timescale))
if (any(knots >= maxlogtime)) {
badknots <- knots[knots > maxlogtime]
plural <- if (length(badknots) > 1)
else ""
stop(sprintf("knot%s %s greater than or equal to maximum %stime",
plural, paste(badknots, collapse = ", "), (if (timescale ==
"log "
else "")))
if (is.null(bknots)) {
if (length(dtimes) > 0) {
bt <- dtimes
else {
bt <- c(Y[, "time1"], Y[, "time2"], Y[, "time"])
bt <- bt[is.finite(bt)]
bknots <- c(min(tsfn(bt, timescale)), max(tsfn(bt, timescale)))
if (bknots[1] == bknots[2])
warning("minimum and maximum log death times are the same: knot and boundary knot locations should be supplied explicitly")
else if (!is.numeric(bknots) || (length(bknots) != 2))
stop("boundary knots should be a numeric vector of length 2")
knots <- c(bknots[1], knots, bknots[2])
nk <- length(knots)
custom.fss <- list(name = "survspline", pars = c(paste0("gamma",
0:(nk - 1))), location = c("gamma0"), transforms = rep(c(identity),
nk), inv.transforms = rep(c(identity), nk), inits = flexsurv.splineinits)
aux <- list(knots = knots, scale = scale, timescale = timescale)
dfn <- flexsurv::unroll.function(flexsurv::dsurvspline, gamma = 0:(nk -
pfn <- flexsurv::unroll.function(flexsurv::psurvspline, gamma = 0:(nk -
rfn <- flexsurv::unroll.function(flexsurv::rsurvspline, gamma = 0:(nk -
hfn <- flexsurv::unroll.function(flexsurv::hsurvspline, gamma = 0:(nk -
Hfn <- flexsurv::unroll.function(flexsurv::Hsurvspline, gamma = 0:(nk -
qfn <- flexsurv::unroll.function(flexsurv::qsurvspline, gamma = 0:(nk -
meanfn <- flexsurv::unroll.function(flexsurv::mean_survspline,
gamma = 0:(nk - 1))
rmstfn <- flexsurv::unroll.function(flexsurv::rmst_survspline,
gamma = 0:(nk - 1))
Ddfn <- if (scale == "normal")
else flexsurv::unroll.function(DLdsurvspline, gamma = 0:(nk -
DSfn <- if (scale == "normal")
else flexsurv::unroll.function(DLSsurvspline, gamma = 0:(nk -
args <- c(list(formula = formula, data = data, dist = custom.fss,
dfns = list(d = dfn, p = pfn, r = rfn, h = hfn, H = Hfn,
rmst = rmstfn, mean = meanfn, q = qfn, DLd = Ddfn,
DLS = DSfn, deriv = !(scale == "normal")), aux = aux),
fpold <- args$fixedpars
args$fixedpars <- TRUE
args$weights <- temp$weights
args$bhazard <- temp$bhazard
args$rtrunc <- temp$rtrunc
args$subset <- temp$subset
if (is.null(expert_opinion)) {
expert_opinion <- vector(mode = "list", length = 1)
names(expert_opinion) <- "expert_opinion"
args <- append(args, expert_opinion)
else {
args[["expert_opinion"]] <- expert_opinion
if (is.infinite("flexsurvreg", args)$loglik)) {
args$dist$inits <- flexsurv.splineinits.cox
args$fixedpars <- fpold
ret <-"flexsurvreg", args)
ret <- c(ret, list(k = length(knots) - 2, knots = knots,
scale = scale, timescale = timescale))
ret$call <- call
class(ret) <- "flexsurvreg"
flexsurvreg <- function (formula, anc = NULL, data, weights, bhazard, rtrunc,
subset, na.action, dist, inits, fixedpars = NULL, dfns = NULL,
aux = NULL, cl = 0.95, integ.opts = NULL, sr.control = survival::survreg.control(),
hessian = TRUE, hess.control = NULL, expert_opinion = NULL, ...){
#NAMESPACE HACK FOR CRAN; won't let me use 3 times :
buildTransformer <-utils::getFromNamespace("buildTransformer", "flexsurv")
buildAuxParms <-utils::getFromNamespace("buildAuxParms", "flexsurv")
check.flexsurv.response <-utils::getFromNamespace("check.flexsurv.response", "flexsurv")
tsfn <-utils::getFromNamespace("tsfn", "flexsurv")
DLdsurvspline <-utils::getFromNamespace("DLdsurvspline", "flexsurv")
flexsurv.splineinits.cox <-utils::getFromNamespace("flexsurv.splineinits.cox", "flexsurv")
parse.dist <-utils::getFromNamespace("parse.dist", "flexsurv")
form.dp<-utils::getFromNamespace("form.dp", "flexsurv")
check.formula<-utils::getFromNamespace("check.formula", "flexsurv")
anc_from_formula<-utils::getFromNamespace("anc_from_formula", "flexsurv")
get.locform<-utils::getFromNamespace("get.locform", "flexsurv")
concat.formulae<-utils::getFromNamespace("concat.formulae", "flexsurv")
compress.model.matrices<-utils::getFromNamespace("compress.model.matrices", "flexsurv")
expand.inits.args<-utils::getFromNamespace("expand.inits.args", "flexsurv")
.hess_to_cov<-utils::getFromNamespace(".hess_to_cov", "flexsurv")
logh<-utils::getFromNamespace("logh", "flexsurv")
dexph<-utils::getFromNamespace("dexph", "flexsurv")
deriv.test<-utils::getFromNamespace("deriv.test", "flexsurv")
check.fixedpars<-utils::getFromNamespace("check.fixedpars", "flexsurv")
call <-
if (missing(dist))
stop("Distribution \"dist\" not specified")
dlist <- parse.dist(dist)
dfns <- form.dp(dlist, dfns, integ.opts)
parnames <- dlist$pars
check.formula(formula, dlist)
anc <- anc_from_formula(formula, anc, dlist)
ancnames <- setdiff(parnames, dlist$location)
forms <- c(location = get.locform(formula, ancnames), anc)
names(forms)[[1]] <- dlist$location
indx <- match(c("formula", "data", "weights",
"bhazard", "rtrunc", "subset", "na.action"),
names(call), nomatch = 0)
if (indx[1] == 0)
stop("A \"formula\" argument is required")
temp <- call[c(1, indx)]
temp[[1]] <-"model.frame")
f2 <- concat.formulae(formula, forms)
temp[["formula"]] <- f2
if (missing(data))
temp[["data"]] <- environment(formula)
m <- eval(temp, parent.frame())
m <- droplevels(m)
attr(m, "covnames") <- attr(f2, "covnames")
attr(m, "covnames.orig") <- intersect(colnames(m),
attr(f2, "covnames.orig"))
Y <- check.flexsurv.response(stats::model.extract(m, "response"))
mml <- mx <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(dlist$pars))
names(mml) <- names(mx) <- c(dlist$location, setdiff(dlist$pars,
for (i in names(forms)) {
mml[[i]] <- stats::model.matrix(forms[[i]], m)
mx[[i]] <- length(unlist(mx)) + seq_len(ncol(mml[[i]][,
-1, drop = FALSE]))
X <- compress.model.matrices(mml)
weights <- stats::model.extract(m, "weights")
if (is.null(weights))
weights <- m$"(weights)" <- rep(1, nrow(X))
bhazard <- stats::model.extract(m, "bhazard")
if (is.null(bhazard))
bhazard <- rep(0, nrow(X))
rtrunc <- stats::model.extract(m, "rtrunc")
if (is.null(rtrunc))
rtrunc <- rep(Inf, nrow(X))
dat <- list(Y = Y, m = m, mml = mml)
ncovs <- length(attr(m, "covnames.orig"))
ncoveffs <- ncol(X)
nbpars <- length(parnames)
npars <- nbpars + ncoveffs
if (missing(inits) && is.null(dlist$inits))
stop("\"inits\" not supplied, and no function to estimate them found in the custom distribution list")
if (missing(inits) || any( {
yy <- ifelse(Y[, "status"] == 3 & is.finite(Y[,
"time2"]), (Y[, "time1"] + Y[, "time2"])/2,
Y[, "time1"])
wt <- yy * weights * length(yy)/sum(weights)
dlist$inits <- expand.inits.args(dlist$inits)
inits.aux <- c(aux, list(forms = forms, data = if (missing(data)) NULL else data,
weights = temp$weights, control = sr.control, counting = (attr(stats::model.extract(m,
"response"), "type") == "counting")))
auto.inits <- dlist$inits(t = wt, mf = m, mml = mml,
aux = inits.aux)
if (!missing(inits) && any(
inits[] <- auto.inits[]
else inits <- auto.inits
if (!is.numeric(inits))
stop("initial values must be a numeric vector")
nin <- length(inits)
if (nin < npars && ncoveffs > 0)
inits <- c(inits, rep(0, length = npars - nin))
else if (nin > npars) {
inits <- inits[1:npars]
warning("Initial values are a vector length > ",
npars, ": using only the first ", npars)
else if (nin < nbpars) {
stop("Initial values are a vector length ", nin,
", but distribution has ", nbpars, " parameters")
for (i in 1:nbpars) inits[i] <- dlist$transforms[[i]](inits[i])
outofrange <- which(is.nan(inits) | is.infinite(inits))
if (any(outofrange)) {
plural <- if (length(outofrange) > 1)
else ""
stop("Initial value", plural, " for parameter",
plural, " ", paste(outofrange, collapse = ","),
" out of range")
names(inits) <- c(parnames, colnames(X))
check.fixedpars(fixedpars, npars)
#print((is.logical(fixedpars) && fixedpars == TRUE) || (is.numeric(fixedpars) &&
#identical(as.vector(fixedpars), 1:npars)))
if ((is.logical(fixedpars) && fixedpars == TRUE) || (is.numeric(fixedpars) &&
identical(as.vector(fixedpars), 1:npars))) {
minusloglik <- minusloglik.flexsurv(inits, Y = Y, X = X,
weights = weights, bhazard = bhazard, rtrunc = rtrunc,
dlist = dlist, inits = inits, dfns = dfns, aux = aux,
mx = mx, expert_opinion = expert_opinion)
res.t <- matrix(inits, ncol = 1)
inits.nat <- inits
for (i in 1:nbpars) inits.nat[i] <- dlist$inv.transforms[[i]](inits[i])
res <- matrix(inits.nat, ncol = 1)
dimnames(res) <- dimnames(res.t) <- list(names(inits),
ret <- list(res = res, res.t = res.t, npars = 0, loglik = -as.vector(minusloglik),
logliki = attr(minusloglik, "indiv"))
else {
optpars <- inits[setdiff(1:npars, fixedpars)]
optim.args <- list(...)
if (is.null(optim.args$method)) {
optim.args$method <- "BFGS"
#gr <- if (dfns$deriv)
# Dminusloglik.flexsurv
#else NULL
gr <- NULL
optim.args <- c(optim.args, list(par = optpars, fn = logLikFactory(Y = Y,
X = X, weights = weights, bhazard = bhazard, rtrunc = rtrunc,
inits = inits, dlist = dlist, dfns = dfns, aux = aux,
mx = mx, fixedpars = fixedpars, expert_opinion = expert_opinion), gr = gr, Y = Y,
X = X, weights = weights, bhazard = bhazard, rtrunc = rtrunc,
dlist = dlist, inits = inits, dfns = dfns, aux = aux,
mx = mx, fixedpars = fixedpars, hessian = hessian))
opt <-"optim", optim.args)
est <- opt$par
if (hessian && all(!$hessian)) && all(!is.nan(opt$hessian)) &&
all(is.finite(opt$hessian)) && all(eigen(opt$hessian)$values >
0)) {
cov <- .hess_to_cov(opt$hessian, hess.control$tol.solve,
se <- sqrt(diag(cov))
if (!is.numeric(cl) || length(cl) > 1 || !(cl > 0) ||
!(cl < 1))
stop("cl must be a number in (0,1)")
lcl <- est - stats::qnorm(1 - (1 - cl)/2) * se
ucl <- est + stats::qnorm(1 - (1 - cl)/2) * se
else {
if (hessian)
warning("Optimisation has probably not converged to the maximum likelihood - Hessian is not positive definite. ")
cov <- lcl <- ucl <- se <- NA
res <- cbind(est = inits, lcl = NA, ucl = NA, se = NA)
res[setdiff(1:npars, fixedpars), ] <- cbind(est, lcl,
ucl, se)
colnames(res) <- c("est", paste(c("L", "U"),
round(cl * 100), "%", sep = ""), "se")
res.t <- res
for (i in 1:nbpars) {
res[i, 1:3] <- dlist$inv.transforms[[i]](res[i, 1:3])
if (identical(body(dlist$transforms[[i]]), body(log)))
res[i, "se"] <- exp(res.t[i, "est"]) *
res.t[i, "se"]
else if (identical(body(dlist$transforms[[i]]), body(logh)))
res[i, "se"] <- dexph(res.t[i, "est"]) *
res.t[i, "se"]
else if (!identical(dlist$transforms[[i]], identity))
res[i, "se"] <- NA
minusloglik <- minusloglik.flexsurv(res.t[, "est"],
Y = Y, X = X, weights = weights, bhazard = bhazard,
rtrunc = rtrunc, dlist = dlist, inits = inits, dfns = dfns,
aux = aux, mx = mx, expert_opinion = expert_opinion)
ret <- list(res = res, res.t = res.t, cov = cov, coefficients = res.t[,
"est"], npars = length(est), fixedpars = fixedpars,
optpars = setdiff(1:npars, fixedpars), loglik = -opt$value,
logliki = attr(minusloglik, "indiv"), cl = cl,
opt = opt)
ret <- c(list(call = call, dlist = dlist, aux = aux, ncovs = ncovs,
ncoveffs = ncoveffs, mx = mx, basepars = 1:nbpars, covpars = if (ncoveffs >
0) (nbpars + 1):npars else NULL, AIC = -2 * ret$loglik +
2 * ret$npars, data = dat, datameans = colMeans(X),
N = nrow(dat$Y), events = sum(dat$Y[, "status"] ==
1), trisk = sum(dat$Y[, "time"]), concat.formula = f2,
all.formulae = forms, dfns = dfns), ret)
if (isTRUE(getOption("flexsurv.test.analytic.derivatives")) &&
(dfns$deriv)) {
if (is.logical(fixedpars) && fixedpars == TRUE) {
optpars <- inits
fixedpars = FALSE
ret$deriv.test <- deriv.test(optpars = optpars, Y = Y,
X = X, weights = weights, bhazard = bhazard, rtrunc = rtrunc,
dlist = dlist, inits = inits, dfns = dfns, aux = aux,
mx = mx, fixedpars = fixedpars)
class(ret) <- "flexsurvreg"
minusloglik.flexsurv <- function (optpars, Y, X = 0, weights, bhazard, rtrunc, dlist,
inits, dfns, aux, mx, fixedpars = NULL, expert_opinion){
logLikFactory(Y = Y, X = X, weights = weights, bhazard = bhazard,
rtrunc = rtrunc, dlist = dlist, inits = inits, dfns = dfns,
aux = aux, mx = mx, fixedpars = fixedpars, expert_opinion = expert_opinion)(optpars)
make_data_expert <- function(param_expert, times_expert = NULL){
n.experts <- c()
for(i in 1:length(param_expert)){
n.experts <- c(n.experts, nrow(param_expert[[i]]))
data_dist_ind <- num_param <- matrix(-999.2,nrow = max(n.experts), ncol = length(times_expert))
expert.array <- array(-999.2,dim = c(max(n.experts),5,length(times_expert)))
for(i in 1:length(times_expert)){
lk_up_dist <- c("norm", "t", "gamma", "lnorm","beta")
dist_fit <- param_expert[[i]][,1]
if(length(dist_fit) - length(expert.array[,1,i])){
dist_fit <- c(dist_fit, rep(-999.2,length(dist_fit) - length(expert.array[,1,i])))
expert.array[,1,i] <- as.numeric(sapply(dist_fit, function(x){which(x==lk_up_dist)}))
weight_vec <- param_expert[[i]][,2]
expert.array[1:length(weight_vec),2,i] <- weight_vec
expert.array[1:nrow(param_expert[[i]][,3:5]),3:5,i] <- as.matrix(param_expert[[i]][,3:5])
#Stan does not allow NA
expert.array[] <- -999.2
n_time_expert <- length(times_expert)
time_expert <- as.array(times_expert)
n_time_expert <- 1
time_expert <- numeric(0) #This produces an array of size 0
if (distr3 %in% c("gam", "gga", "gom")){
time_expert <- 1 # Has to be defined for JAGS
gen_pathway<- function(string){
folder_bits <- strsplit(string, "\\/")[[1]]
file_extensions <- c("R", "png", "xlsx", "csv", "jpg", "svg", "txt", "pptx","pdf")
file_extensions_grep <- paste0(paste0("\\.",file_extensions), collapse ="|")
exclude.last <- grepl(file_extensions_grep,folder_bits[length(folder_bits)], = T)
folder_num <- length(folder_bits) -1
folder_num <- length(folder_bits)
for(i in 1:folder_num){
folder_path_temp <- paste0(folder_bits[1:i], collapse = "/")
return(string) #Need to return string for actual pasting
pow <- function(x,y){
get_k_norm <- function(opinion_list, St_indic = 1){ # Only required if log-pooling
k_norm <- rep(NA, length(opinion_list))
if(St_indic ==1){
a <- 0
b <- 1
a <- -Inf
b <- +Inf
for(i in 1:length(opinion_list)){
opinion_list[[i]]$dist <- stringr::str_replace_all( opinion_list[[i]]$dist, "normal", "norm")
opinion_list[[i]]$dist <- stringr::str_replace_all( opinion_list[[i]]$dist, "lognorm", "lnorm")
pool.df <- opinion_list[[i]]
if(St_indic ==1){
min_quant <- 0
max_quant <- 1
quant.vec <- t(apply(pool.df, 1, function(x){get_quant_val(
dist = x["dist"],
param1 = x["param1"],
param2 = x["param2"],
param3 = x["param3"],
probs = c(0.001,0.025,0.5,0.975,0.999))}))
# central.cauchy <- mean(quant.vec[,3])#mean
# sd.cauchy <- max(apply(quant.vec,1, function(x){(x[4]-x[2])/4})) #sd
min_quant <- min(quant.vec)
max_quant <- max(quant.vec)
x.eval <- seq(min_quant, max_quant, length.out = 100)
#Find the range of x.eval to integrate over
# x.eval <- seq(0,1, by = 0.001)
dens_eval<- eval_dens_pool(x.eval,opinion_list[[i]], pool_type = "log pool", St_indic =St_indic)
k_norm[i] <- integrate.xy(x = x.eval,fx = dens_eval)
#' Helper function to run the survival models using MLE and flexsurv
#' @param x a string containing the name of the model
#' to be fitted
#' #' @param exArgs a list of extra arguments passed from the main 'fit.models'
#' function
#' @note Something will go here
#' @author Gianluca Baio
#' @seealso fit.models
#' @references Baio (2020). survHE
#' @keywords Parametric survival models Maximum likelihood estimation
#' @import tibble
#' @import dplyr
#' @import stats
#' @import flexsurv
#' @noRd
runMLE <- function (x, exArgs){
formula <- exArgs$formula
data = exArgs$data
availables <- load_availables()
d3 <- manipulate_distributions(x)$distr3
x <- manipulate_distributions(x)$distr
expert_opinion_flex <- list()
# formula_temp <- update(formula, paste(all.vars(formula,
# data)[1], "~", all.vars(formula, data)[2], "+."))
# mf <- tibble::as_tibble(model.frame(formula_temp, data)) %>%
# dplyr::rename(time = 1, event = 2) %>% rename_if(is.factor,
# .funs = ~gsub("as.factor[( )]", "", .x)) %>%
# dplyr::rename_if(is.factor,.funs = ~gsub("[( )]", "", .x)) %>%
# dplyr::bind_cols(tibble::as_tibble(stats::model.matrix(formula_temp,data)) %>%
# dplyr::select(contains("Intercept"))) %>%
# dplyr::select(time, event, contains("Intercept"),
# everything()) %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("ID")
# if (ncol(mf) == 4) {
# expert_opinion_flex$id_St <- 1
# }
# else if (ncol(mf) == 5) {
# if (exArgs$opinion_type == "survival") {
# expert_opinion_flex$id_St <- min(which(mf[, 5] == exArgs$id_St))
# }
# else {
# expert_opinion_flex$id_trt <- min(which(mf[, 5] == exArgs$id_trt))
# if (length(unique(mf[, 5] %>% pull())) == 2) {
# expert_opinion_flex$id_comp <- min(which(mf[, 5] != exArgs$id_trt))
# }
# else {
# expert_opinion_flex$id_comp <- min(which(mf[, 5] == exArgs$id_comp))
# }
# }
# }
# else {
# message("We do not allow more than one covariate (i.e. treatment) in the analysis - although it is technically possible")
# stop()
# }
if (exArgs$opinion_type != "survival") {
times <- 99999
expert_opinion_flex$St_indic <- 0
if (exArgs$opinion_type == "survival") {
expert_opinion_flex$St_indic <- 1
times <- exArgs$times_expert
expert_opinion_flex$id_St <- 1
expert_opinion_flex$id_St <- exArgs$id_St
if(exArgs$opinion_type == "mean"){
message("You need to supply the location within the dataframe row number of a treatment and a comparator arm to arguments id_trt and id_comp")
expert_opinion_flex$id_trt <- exArgs$id_trt
expert_opinion_flex$id_comp <- exArgs$id_comp
expert_opinion_flex$param_expert <- make_data_expert(exArgs$param_expert,
expert_opinion_flex$times <- times
if (exArgs$pool_type == "linear pool") {
expert_opinion_flex$pool <- 1
else {
expert_opinion_flex$pool <- 0
if (expert_opinion_flex$pool == 0) {
expert_opinion_flex$k_norm <- get_k_norm(exArgs$param_expert)
else {
expert_opinion_flex$k_norm <- NULL
if (exists("method_mle", where = exArgs)) {
method_mle <- exArgs$method_mle
else {
method_mle <- "BFGS"
tic <- proc.time()
if (x == "survspline") {
if (exists("bhazard", where = exArgs)) {
bhazard <- exArgs$bhazard
else {
bhazard <- NULL
if (exists("weights", where = exArgs)) {
weights <- exArgs$weights
else {
weights <- NULL
if (exists("subset", where = exArgs)) {
subset <- exArgs$subset
else {
subset <- NULL
if (exists("knots", where = exArgs)) {
knots <- exArgs$knots
else {
knots <- NULL
if (exists("k", where = exArgs)) {
k <- exArgs$k
else {
k <- 0
if (exists("bknots", where = exArgs)) {
bknots <- exArgs$bknots
else {
bknots <- NULL
if (exists("scale", where = exArgs)) {
scale <- exArgs$scale
else {
scale <- "hazard"
if (exists("timescale", where = exArgs)) {
timescale <- exArgs$scale
else {
timescale <- "log"
model_mle <- flexsurvspline(formula = formula, data = data,
k = k, knots = knots, bknots = bknots, scale = scale,
timescale = timescale, expert_opinion = NULL,
method = method_mle)
model <- flexsurvspline(formula = formula, data = data,
k = k, knots = knots, bknots = bknots, scale = scale,
timescale = timescale, expert_opinion = expert_opinion_flex,
method = method_mle, inits = model_mle$res[,1])
else {
model_mle <- flexsurvreg(formula = formula, data = data,
dist = x, expert_opinion = NULL, method = method_mle)
model <- flexsurvreg(formula = formula, data = data,
dist = x, expert_opinion = expert_opinion_flex,
method = method_mle, inits = model_mle$res[,1])
toc <- proc.time() - tic
model_name <- d3
list(model = model, aic = model$AIC, bic = -2 * model$loglik +
model$npars * log(model$N), dic = NULL, time2run = toc[3],
model_name = model_name)
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