
Defines functions LMDC.regre LMDC.select localMaxima

Documented in LMDC.regre LMDC.select

# #############################################
#  Author: Manuel Oviedo de la Fuente
#  November, 2017 (v1) -  July, 2019 (v2) 

#  R code for manuscrit: "Determining optimum wavelengths for leaf water 
#  content estimation from reflectance: a distance correlation approach"

# Find local maxima of x
# Returns the set of locations of the local maxima
localMaxima <- function(x) {
  y <- diff(c(-.Machine$integer.max, x)) > 0L
  y <- cumsum(rle(y)$lengths)
  y <- y[seq.int(1L, length(y), 2L)]
  if (x[[1]] == x[[2]]) {
    y <- y[-1]

# Arguments
# y: name of the response variable
# covar: vector with the names of the predictor variables
# data: data frame 
# We compute the Distance correlation (and  t-test) of multivariate and functional independence 
# (wrapper functions of energy package).
# tol: Tolerance values for the selection criteria. The variables whose distance correlation 
#      values are greater than the tolerance are selected.
# pvalue: p-value of the t-test. 
# plot: logical value, if TRUE plots the distance correlation curve for  each covariate in multivariate case
# and in each discretization points (argvals) in the functional case.
# smo: logical value, If true the distance correlation function is smoothed.
#     using b-spline representation with a suitable number of basis elements.
# local.pc: not used in the manuscript
# ceros.pc: not used in the manuscript
# verbose: print iterative and relevant steps of the procedure.
# Return a list of two elements:
# a) cor: the value of distance correlation for eahc covariate
# b) maxLocal: index or locations of local maxima distance correlations

#' Impact points selection of functional predictor and regression using local
#' maxima distance correlation (LMDC)
#' LMDC.select function selects impact points of functional predictior using
#' local maxima distance correlation (LMDC) for a scalar response given.\cr
#' LMDC.regre function fits a multivariate regression method using the selected
#' impact points like covariates for a scalar response.
#' String of characters corresponding to the name of the regression method
#' called.
#' Model available options:
#' \itemize{ 
#' \item "lm": Step-wise lm regression model (uses lm function, stats
#' package). Recommended for linear models, test linearity using
#' \code{\link{flm.test}} function.  
#' \item "gam": Step-wise gam regression
#' model (uses gam function, mgcv package). Recommended for non-linear models.
#' }
#' Models that use the indicated function of the required package: 
#' \itemize{
#' \item "svm": Support vector machine (svm function, e1071 package).#' 
#' \item "knn": k-nearest neighbor regression (knnn.reg function, FNN package).#' 
#' \item "lars": Least Angle Regression using Lasso (lars function, lars
#' package). 
#' \item "glmnet": Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models
#' (glmnet and cv.glmnet function, glmnet package).  
#' \item "rpart": Recursive partitioning for regression a (rpart function, rpart package).
#' \item "flam": Fit the Fused Lasso Additive Model for a Sequence of Tuning
#' Parameters (flam function, flam package). 
#' \item "novas": NOnparametric VAriable Selection (code available in
#' \url{https://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/~ferraty/SOFTWARES/NOVAS/novas-routines.R}).
#' \item "cosso": Fit Regularized Nonparametric Regression Models Using COSSO
#' Penalty (cosso function, cosso package).  
#' \item "npreg": kernel regression estimate of a one (1) dimensional dependent
#'  variable on p-variate explanatory data (npreg function, np package). 
#' \item "mars": Multivariate adaptive regression splines (mars function, mda
#' package). 
#' \item "nnet": Fit Neural Networks (nnet function, nnet package). 
#' \item"lars": Fits Least Angle Regression, Lasso and Infinitesimal Forward
#' Stagewise regression models (lars function, lars package).  
#' }
#' @aliases LMDC.select LMDC.regre
#' @param y name of the response variable.
#' @param covar vector with the names of the covaviables (or points of impact)
#' with length \code{p}.
#' @param data data frame with length n rows and at least p + 1 columns,
#' containing the scalar response and the potencial p covaviables (or points of
#' impact) in the model.
#' @param tol Tolerance value for distance correlation and imapct point.
#' @param pvalue pvalue of bias corrected distance correlation t-test.
#' @param plot logical value, if TRUE plots the distance correlation curve for
#' each covariate in multivariate case and in each discretization points
#' (argvals) in the functional case.
#' @param local.dc Compute local distance correlation.
#' @param smo logical. If TRUE, the curve of distance correlation computed in
#' the impact points is smoothed using B-spline representation with a suitable
#' number of basis elements.
#' @param verbose print iterative and relevant steps of the procedure.
#' @param newdata An optional data frame in which to look for variables with
#' which to predict.
#' @param method Name of regression method used, see details. This argument is
#' used in do.call function like "what" argument.
#' @param par.method List of parameters used to call the method. This argument
#' is used in do.call function like "args" argument.
#' @return LMDC.select function return a list of two elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{cor}{ the value of distance correlation for each covariate.} 
#' \item \code{maxLocal}{ index or locations of local maxima distance correlations.}
#' }
#' LMDC.regre function return a list of folowing elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{model}{ object corresponding to the estimated method using the selected variables}
#' \item{xvar}{ names of selected variables (impact points).} 
#' \item{edf}{ Effective Degrees of Freedom.} 
#' \item{nvar}{Number of selected variables (impact points).}
#' }
#' @author Manuel Oviedo de la Fuente \email{manuel.oviedo@@udc.es}
#' @seealso See Also as: \code{\link{lm}}, \code{\link{gam}},
#' \code{\link{dcor.xy}}.
#' @references Ordonez, C., Oviedo de la Fuente, M., Roca-Pardinas, J.,
#' Rodriguez-Perez, J. R. (2018). Determining optimum wavelengths for leaf
#' water content estimation from reflectance: A distance correlation approach.
#' \emph{Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems}. 173,41-50
#' \doi{10.1016/j.chemolab.2017.12.001}.
#' @keywords regression
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(tecator)
#' absorp=fdata.deriv(tecator$absorp.fdata,2)
#' ind=1:129
#' x=absorp[ind,]
#' y=tecator$y$Fat[ind]
#' newx=absorp[-ind,]
#' newy=tecator$y$Fat[-ind]
#' ## Functional PC regression
#' res.pc=fregre.pc(x,y,1:6)
#' pred.pc=predict(res.pc,newx)
#' # Functional regression with basis representation
#' res.basis=fregre.basis.cv(x,y)
#' pred.basis=predict(res.basis[[1]],newx)
#' # Functional nonparametric regression
#' res.np=fregre.np.cv(x,y)
#' pred.np=predict(res.np,newx)
#' dat    <- data.frame("y"=y,x$data)
#' newdat <- data.frame("y"=newy,newx$data)
#' res.gam=fregre.gsam(y~s(x),data=list("df"=dat,"x"=x))
#' pred.gam=predict(res.gam,list("x"=newx))
#' dc.raw <- LMDC.select("y",data=dat, tol = 0.05, pvalue= 0.05,
#'                       plot=F, smo=T,verbose=F)
#' covar <- paste("X",dc.raw$maxLocal,sep="")                      
#' # Preselected design/impact points 
#' covar
#' ftest<-flm.test(dat[,-1],dat[,"y"], B=500, verbose=F,
#'     plot.it=F,type.basis="pc",est.method="pc",p=4,G=50)
#' if (ftest$p.value>0.05) { 
#'   # Linear relationship, step-wise lm is recommended
#'   out <- LMDC.regre("y",covar,dat,newdat,pvalue=.05,
#'               method ="lm",plot=F,verbose=F)
#' } else {
#'  # Non-Linear relationship, step-wise gam is recommended
#'   out <- LMDC.regre("y",covar,dat,newdat,pvalue=.05,
#'               method ="gam",plot=F,verbose=F) }  
#' # Final  design/impact points
#' out$xvar
#' # Predictions
#' mean((newy-pred.pc)^2)                
#' mean((newy-pred.basis)^2) 
#' mean((newy-pred.np)^2)              
#' mean((newy-pred.gam)^2) 
#' mean((newy-out$pred)^2)
#' }                          
#' @name LMDC.select
#' @rdname LMDC.select
#' @export
LMDC.select <- function(y, covar, data, tol = .06, pvalue = .05,
                        plot = FALSE, local.dc = TRUE, 
                        smo = FALSE, verbose = FALSE){
  yy <- data[,y]
  if (missing(covar)) covar=names(data)#setdiff(names(data),y)
  covar <- setdiff(covar,y)
  for (i in 1:nn){
    if (verbose)   cat(i,a$estimate,a$p.value,a$p.value<pvalue & a$estimate>tol,"\n")    
  if (smo) {
  else dc2<-dc
  if (is.factor(yy)) regre<-FALSE
  #if(local.pc)   pc<-fregre.pc.cv(fdata(xx),yy)[[1]]
  if (local.dc)  maxLocal<-localMaxima(dc2) 
  #if (local.pc)  max.pc1<-localMaxima(pc$beta.est$data[1,])
  #if (ceros.pc)  max.pc3<- c(1,which(diff(pc$beta.est$data[1,]>0)!=0))
  xorder<-order(dc2[maxLocal2],decreasing =TRUE)
  if (plot){

# Argurments
# y: name of the response variable
# covar: vector with the names of the predictor variables
# data: data frame for model estimation  (data train)
# newdata: (optional) new data frame for model prediction (data test)
# We compute the Distance correlation (and  t-test) of multivariate and functional independence 
# (wrapper functions of energy package).
# tol: Tolerance values for the selection criteria. The variables whose distance correlation 
#      values are greater than the tolerance are selected.
# pvalue: p-value of covariate significance (used in "lm" and "gam" methods).

# method: character, name of the regression method called. Model options
#   "lm":  step-wise lm regression model (lm function, stats package)
#   "gam": step-wise gam regression model (gam function, mgcv package).
#   "svm": Support vector machine (svm function, e1071 package).
#   "knn": k-nearest neighbor regression (knnn.reg function,F NN package).
#   "lars": Least Angle Regression using Lasso (lars function, lars package).
#   "glmnet": Lasso and Elastic-Net Regularized Generalized Linear Models (glmnet and cv.glmnet function, glmnet package).
#   "rpart": Recursive partitioning for regression a (rpart function, rpart package).

# par.method: list of arguments related with the regression method called.
# plot: logical value, not implemented
# verbose: print iterative and relevant steps of the procedure.

# Return a list of two elements:
# a) model: final estimated model
# b) xvar: not implemented
# c) pred: (optional) vector with the predicted values
# d) nvar: number of covariates


#' @rdname LMDC.select
#' @export
LMDC.regre <- function(y,covar,data,newdata,pvalue=.05,
                       method="lm", par.method = NULL,
  nvar <- length(covar)
  if (missing(newdata)) pred <- FALSE
  else pred <- TRUE
  if (is.null(covar)){
    return(list(model=lm(data[,y]~ 1,data=data), xvar=xvar, pred=rep(mean(data[,y]),len=nrow(newdata))) )   
  pred0 <- NULL
  nvar <- length(covar)
  xnames <- covar
  if (method == "lm"){
    par.method$formula <- formula(ff)
    par.method$data <- data
    for (i in 1:nvar) {
      if (verbose)   print(i) 
      xvar2<- c(xvar,xentra)
      if (verbose)  {print("lm");    print(1);print(ff)}
      par.method$formula <- formula(ff)
      model <- do.call(method,par.method)
      if (rev(summary(model)$coefficients[,"Pr(>|t|)"])[1]<pvalue){
        if (verbose)  { print("entra");print(xentra);print(summary(model))}
        model0 <- model
        xvar <- xvar2  
    } # fin for
    edf <- summary(model0)$df[1]
  } #fin lm
  if (method == "gam"){
    if (!is.null(par.method$k)) {
    else k <- 4
    model0 <- gam(ff,data=data)
    par.method2 <- list("formula"=ff,"data"= data)
   for (i in 1:nvar) {
      if (verbose)   print(i) 
      xvar2<- c(xvar,xentra)   
      if (verbose)  {print("gam");    print(1);print(ff)}
      model <- do.call(method,par.method)
        if (rev(summary(model)$s.table[,"p-value"])[1]<pvalue){
        if (verbose)  { print("entra");print(xentra);print(summary(model))}
        model0 <- model
        xvar <- xvar2  
    } # fin for
    edf<- sum(model0$edf)
    nvar <- ncol(model0$model)-1
  } #fin Gam
  if (method == "svm"){   
    if (is.null(par.method)) par.method=list("cost"=100,"gamma"=1,"kernel"="linear")
    par.method$x <- data[,covar,drop=F]
    par.method$y <- data[,"y"]
    model0 <- do.call(method,par.method)
  if (method == "rpart"){
    #model0 <- rpart(ff, data = data)
    par.method$formula <- ff
    par.method$data <- data
    model0 <- do.call(method,par.method)
  if (method == "knn"){
     par.method$train <- data[,covar,drop=F]
    par.method$test <- newdata[,covar,drop=F]
    par.method$y <- data[,"y"]
    model0 <- do.call("knn.reg",par.method)
  if ( method =="lars") {
    if (is.null(par.method)) 
      par.method= list(type="lasso",normalize=FALSE,intercept = TRUE,use.Gram=FALSE)    
    par.method$x <- x0
    par.method$y <- data[,"y"]
    model0 <- do.call(method, par.method)
    templam <- range(model0$lambda)
    lambda<-seq(templam[1], templam[2], length=200)
    cv <- do.call("cvlars", 
          list(x=x0, y=data[,"y"],K=10,lambda=lambda, trace = FALSE,
               intercept = TRUE,normalize=FALSE, type="lasso",use.Gram=F))
    #cv <- cvlars(x=x0, y=data[,"y"],K=10,lambda=lambda, trace = FALSE,
    #               intercept = TRUE,normalize=FALSE, type="lasso",use.Gram=F)
    pred0 <- do.call("predict.lars",
        list("object" = model0, "newx" = as.matrix(newdata[,covar]), 
             "s" = minl,"type"= "fit", "mode"= "lambda"))$fit
    #pred0 <- predict.lars( model0 ,newx=as.matrix(newdata[,covar]), s=minl,type="fit",mode="lambda")$fit
    cv <- do.call("lars::cv.lars",list("x" = x0, "y" = data[,"y"],"K" = 10))
    #cv <- lars::cv.lars(x0, data[,"y"],K=10)
#    pred0 <- predict.lars( cv  ,newx=as.matrix(newdata[,covar]), s=minl,type="fit",mode="lambda")$fit
    ideal_l1_ratio <- cv$index[which.max(cv$cv - cv$cv.error <= min(cv$cv))]
    #obj <- lars::lars(x0, data[,"y"])
    obj <- do.call("lars::lars",list("x"=x0, "y"=data[,"y"]))
    scaled_coefs <- scale(obj$beta, FALSE, 1 / obj$normx)
    l1 <- apply(X = scaled_coefs, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) sum(abs(x)))
    coef(obj)[which.max(l1 / do.call("tail",list("x"=l1, "n"=1)) > ideal_l1_ratio),]
    pred0 <- do.call("predict.lars",list("object"= model0,
    #pred0 <- predict.lars( model0 ,newx=as.matrix(newdata[,covar]), s=minl,type="fit",mode="lambda")$fit
    nvar <- sum( coef(obj)[which.max(l1 / do.call("tail",list("x"=l1, "n"=1)) > ideal_l1_ratio),]>0)
  if ( method =="glmnet") {
    #x should be a matrix with 2 or more columns 
    x0 <- as.matrix(data[,covar,drop=F])
    newx0 <- as.matrix(newdata[,covar,drop=F])
    if (ncol(x0)==1){
    if (is.null(par.method)) 
      par.method= list(family="gaussian", standardize=TRUE, nfolds=10)
    par.method$x <- x0
    par.method$y <- data[,"y"]
    model0 <- do.call("cv.glmnet",par.method)    
    pred0<-predict(model0,newx=newx0, s=model0$lambda.min)
    #temp<-coef( model0$glmnet.fit, s=min.lambda)
    #ntheta1[which(abs(temp) > 0)]<-temp[which(abs(temp) > 0)]
    #edf <- length(which(abs(ntheta1)>0))
    c<-coef(model0 ,s='lambda.min',exact=TRUE)
    nvar<- length(variables)
    edf <-nvar +1
  if ( method =="nnet") {
    if (is.null(par.method)) 
      par.method<-list( size = 5, rang = .1,decay = 5e-6, maxit =1000,linout=T)
    par.method$x <- data[,covar,drop=F]
    par.method$y <- data[,"y"]
    model0 <- do.call("nnet",par.method)    
  if ( method =="mars") {
    #if (is.null(par.method)) 
     # par.method<-list( size = 5, rang = .1,decay = 5e-6, maxit =1000,linout=T)
    par.method$x <- data[,covar,drop=F]
    par.method$y <- data[,"y"]
    model0 <- do.call("mars",par.method)    
  if (method == "npreg"){
    #model0 <- rpart(ff, data = data)
    #par.method$formula <- ff
    #par.method$data <- data
    model0 <- do.call(method,par.method)
  if (method == "flam"){
    #if (is.null(par.method)) 
   # par.method=list("alpha" = 0.75, n.fold = 2)
    par.method$x <- data[,covar,drop=F]
    par.method$y <- data[,"y"]
    model0 <- do.call("flamCV",par.method)
    alpha <- model0$alpha
    lambda <- model0$lambda.cv
    pred0<- predict(model0$flam.out, new.x =newdata[,covar,drop=F],
                     lambda = lambda, alpha = alpha)
  if (method == "novas"){
    #if (is.null(par.method)) 
    # par.method=list("alpha" = 0.75, n.fold = 2)
    par.method$COVARIATES<- data[,covar,drop=F]
    par.method$Responses  <- data[,"y"]
    model0 <- do.call("novas",par.method)
    pred0<- predict(model0, newdata[,covar,drop=F])
    nvar <- edf <- length(model0$model)
  if ( method =="cosso") {
    #x should be a matrix with 2 or more columns 
    x0 <- as.matrix(data[,covar,drop=F])
    newx0 <- as.matrix(newdata[,covar,drop=F])
    if (ncol(x0)==1){
    nvar <- length(xvar)
    edf <-nvar+1
  if (method != "knn" & method != "cosso" & method != "lars" & method != "novas" & method != "glmnet" & method != "flam"){
    #print(method);    print(pred)
    if (pred) pred0 <- predict(model0, newdata=newdata[,covar,drop=F])
    else pred0 <- NULL
  return(list(model=model0, xvar=xvar, pred=pred0,edf=edf,nvar=nvar))     

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