
Defines functions project.basis

Documented in project.basis

project.basis <- function(y, argvals, basisobj, penalize=FALSE)
  #  Arguments for this function:
  #  Y        ... an array containing values of curves
  #               If the array is a matrix, rows must correspond to argument
  #               values and columns to replications, and it will be assumed
  #               that there is only one variable per observation.
  #               If Y is a three-dimensional array, the first dimension
  #               corresponds to argument values, the second to replications,
  #               and the third to variables within replications.
  #               If Y is a vector, only one replicate and variable are assumed.
  #  ARGVALS  ... A vector of argument values.  This must be of length
  #    length(Y) if Y is a vector or dim(Y)[1] otherwise.
  #  BASISOBJ ... A basis.fd object
  #  PENALIZE ... If TRUE, a penalty term is used to deal with a singular
  #               basis matrix.  But this is not normally needed.
  #  Returns a coefficient vector or array. The first dimension is the number
  #     of basis functions and the other dimensions (if any) match
  #  the other dimensions of Y.
  #  Last modified 16 January 2020  by Jim Ramsay
  #  Check BASISOBJ
  if (!inherits(basisobj, "basisfd")) stop(
    "Third argument BASISOBJ is not a basis object.")
  #  Calculate the basis and penalty matrices, using the default
  #   for the number of derivatives in the penalty.
  basismat <- getbasismatrix(argvals, basisobj, 0)
  Bmat     <- crossprod(basismat)
  if (penalize) {
    penmat <- eval.penalty(basisobj)
    #  Add a very small multiple of the identity to penmat
    #   and find a regularization parameter
    penmat <- penmat + 1e-10 * max(penmat) * diag(dim(penmat)[1])
    lambda <- (0.0001 * sum(diag(Bmat)))/sum(diag(penmat))
    Cmat <- Bmat + lambda * penmat
  } else {
    Cmat <- Bmat
  #  Do the fitting by a simple solution of the
  #    equations taking into account smoothing
  if (is.array(y) == FALSE) y <- as.array(y)
  if(length(dim(y)) <= 2) {
    Dmat <- crossprod(basismat, y)
    coef <- symsolve(Cmat, Dmat)
  } else {
    nvar <- dim(y)[3]
    coef <- array(0, c(basisobj$nbasis, dim(y)[2], nvar))
    for(ivar in 1:nvar) {
      Dmat <- crossprod(basismat, y[,  , ivar])
      coef[,  , ivar] <- symsolve(Cmat, Dmat)

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