# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Growth Data Analyses
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Overview of the analyses
# These analyses are intended to illustrate the analysis of nonperiod data
# where a spline basis is the logical choice. These analyses complement
# the daily weather data in that sense.
# The growth data have the additional feature of being essentially
# monotonic or, to say the same thing in another way, have an essentially
# positive first derivative or velocity. This requires monotone smoothing.
# Moreover, most of the interpretability of the growth data comes from
# inspecting the acceleration of the height curves, so that great emphasis
# is placed here on getting a good sensible and stable acceleration
# estimate.
# Finally, a large prortion of the variation in the growth curve data is
# due to phase variation, mainly through the variation in the timing of the
# pubertal growth spurt. Registration therefore plays a major role and is
# especially illustrated here.
# Most of the analyses are carried out on the Berkeley growth data, which
# have the advantage of being freely distributable, whereas as more recent
# and larger data bases require special permission from the agencies that
# are responsible for them. Not much is lost, however, since the quality
# of the Berkeley data are quite comparable to those of other datasets.
# The primary analyses are the monotone smoothing of the data. The right
# smoothing level is taken as known, and was determined by other analyses
# in the Matlab language. The monotone smoothing function used here
# requires the use of low-level code in C and C++, but even with that help,
# computation times are substantially longer than in Matlab.
# Following monotone smoothing, the growth data are registered, an
# essential step because of the large variation in the timing of the
# pubertal growth spurt. The pubertal growth spurts are aligned using
# landmark registration, and the land-mark registered curves are then
# registered using continuous registration.
# The final analysis is of a set of data on a single boy where the
# measurements are taken every three days or so, rather than twice a year.
# These data show that growth is rather more complex than the traditional
# data could have revealed.
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# Berkeley Growth Data
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# Last modified 2008.06.21; previously modified 21 March 2006
### 0. Access the data (available in the 'fda' package)
(nage <- length(age))
(ncasem <- ncol(hgtm))
(ncasef <- ncol(hgtf))
(ageRng <- range(age))
agefine <- seq(ageRng[1],ageRng[2],length=101)
### 1. Smooth the data (ignore monotonicity) --------------
# This smooth uses the usual smoothing methods to smooth the data,
# but is not guaranteed to produce a monotone fit. This may not
# matter much for the estimate of the height function, but it can
# have much more serious consequences for the velocity and
# accelerations. See the monotone smoothing method below for a
# better solution, but one with a much heavier calculation overhead.
# ----------- Create fd objects ----------------------------
# A B-spline basis with knots at age values and order 6 is used
# A single call to smooth.basisPar would give us a cubic spline.
# However, to get a smooth image of acceleration,
# we need a quintic spline (degree 5, order 6)
# ....
hgtm = growth$hgtm
hgtf = growth$hgtf
age = growth$age
rng = range(age)
knots <- growth$age
norder <- 6
nbasis <- length(knots) + norder - 2
hgtbasis <- create.bspline.basis(range(knots), nbasis, norder, knots)
# --- Smooth these objects, penalizing the 4th derivative --
# This gives a smoother estimate of the acceleration functions
Lfdobj <- 4
lambda <- 1e-2
growfdPar <- fdPar(hgtbasis, Lfdobj, lambda)
# Need 'hgtm', 'hgtf', e.g., from attach(growth)
hgtmfd <- smooth.basis(growth$age, growth$hgtm, growfdPar)$fd
hgtffd <- smooth.basis(growth$age, growth$hgtf, growfdPar)$fd
# plot data and smooth, residuals, velocity, and acceleration
# Males:
hgtmfit <- eval.fd(age, hgtmfd)
hgtmhat <- eval.fd(agefine, hgtmfd)
velmhat <- eval.fd(agefine, hgtmfd, 1)
accmhat <- eval.fd(agefine, hgtmfd, 2)
children <- 1:ncasem
for (i in children) {
plot(age, hgtm[,i], ylim=c(60,200),
xlab="Years", ylab="", main=paste("Height for male",i))
lines(agefine, hgtmhat[,i], col=2)
resi <- hgtm[,i] - hgtmfit[,i]
ind <- resi >= -.7 & resi <= .7
plot(age[ind], resi[ind], type="b", ylim=c(-.7,.7),
xlab="Years", ylab="", main="Residuals")
abline(h=0, lty=2)
ind <- velmhat[,i] >= 0 & velmhat[,i] <= 20
plot(agefine[ind], velmhat[ind,i], type="l", ylim=c(0,20),
xlab="Years", ylab="", main="Velocity")
abline(h=0, lty=2)
ind <- accmhat[,i] >= -6 & accmhat[,i] <= 6
plot(agefine[ind], accmhat[ind,i], type="l", ylim=c(-6,6),
xlab="Years", ylab="", main="Acceleration")
abline(h=0, lty=2)
# Females:
hgtffit <- eval.fd(age, hgtffd)
hgtfhat <- eval.fd(agefine, hgtffd)
velfhat <- eval.fd(agefine, hgtffd, 1)
accfhat <- eval.fd(agefine, hgtffd, 2)
children <- 1:ncasef
for (i in children) {
plot(age, hgtf[,i], ylim=c(60,200),
xlab="Years", ylab="", main=paste("Height for female",i))
lines(agefine, hgtfhat[,i], col=2)
resi <- hgtf[,i] - hgtffit[,i]
ind <- resi >= -.7 & resi <= .7
plot(age[ind], resi[ind], type="b", ylim=c(-.7,.7),
xlab="Years", ylab="", main="Residuals")
abline(h=0, lty=2)
ind <- velfhat[,i] >= 0 & velfhat[,i] <= 20
plot(agefine[ind], velfhat[ind,i], type="l", ylim=c(0,20),
xlab="Years", ylab="", main="Velocity")
abline(h=0, lty=2)
ind <- accfhat[,i] >= -6 & accfhat[,i] <= 6
plot(agefine[ind], accfhat[ind,i], type="l", ylim=c(-6,6),
xlab="Years", ylab="", main="Acceleration")
abline(h=0, lty=2)
### 2. Smooth the data monotonically
# These analyses use a function written entirely in S-PLUS called
# smooth.monotone that fits the data with a function of the form
# f(x) = b_0 + b_1 D^{-1} exp W(x)
# where W is a function defined over the same range as X,
# W + ln b_1 = log Df and w = D W = D^2f/Df.
# The constant term b_0 in turn can be a linear combinations of covariates:
# b_0 = zmat * c.
# The fitting criterion is penalized mean squared error:
# PENSSE(lambda) = \sum [y_i - f(x_i)]^2 +
# \lambda * \int [L W(x)]^2 dx
# where L is a linear differential operator defined in argument Lfdobj.
# The function W(x) is expanded by the basis in functional data object
# Because the fit must be calculated iteratively, and because S-PLUS
# is so slow with loopy calculations, these fits are VERY slow. But
# they are best quality fits that I and my colleagues, notably
# R. D. Bock, have been able to achieve to date.
# The Matlab version of this function is much faster.
# ------ First set up a basis for monotone smooth --------
# We use b-spline basis functions of order 6
# Knots are positioned at the ages of observation.
norder <- 6
nbasis <- nage + norder - 2
wbasis <- create.bspline.basis(rng, nbasis, norder, age)
# starting values for coefficient
cvec0 <- matrix(0,nbasis,1)
Wfd0 <- fd(cvec0, wbasis)
Lfdobj <- 3 # penalize curvature of acceleration
lambda <- 10^(-0.5) # smoothing parameter
growfdPar <- fdPar(Wfd0, Lfdobj, lambda)
# Set up design matrix and wgt vector
zmat <- matrix(1,nage,1)
wgt <- rep(1,nage)
# --------------------- Now smooth the data --------------------
# Males:
cvecm <- matrix(0, nbasis, ncasem)
betam <- matrix(0, 2, ncasem)
RMSEm <- matrix(0, 1, ncasem)
children <- 1:ncasem
for (icase in children) {
hgt <- hgtm[,icase]
smoothList <-
smooth.monotone(age, hgt, growfdPar, wgt, zmat,
conv=0.001, dbglev=0)
Wfd <- smoothList$Wfdobj
beta <- smoothList$beta
Flist <- smoothList$Flist
iternum <- smoothList$iternum
cvecm[,icase] <- Wfd$coefs
betam[,icase] <- beta
hgthat <- beta[1] + beta[2]*monfn(age, Wfd)
RMSE <- sqrt(mean((hgt - hgthat)^2*wgt)/mean(wgt))
RMSEm[icase] <- RMSE
cat(c(icase, iternum),paste(" ",round(Flist$f,4),
" ",round(RMSE, 4),"\n"))
# Females:
cvecf <- matrix(0, nbasis, ncasef)
betaf <- matrix(0, 2, ncasef)
RMSEf <- matrix(0, 1, ncasef)
children <- 1:ncasef
for (icase in children) {
hgt <- hgtf[,icase]
smoothList <-
smooth.monotone(age, hgt, growfdPar, wgt, zmat,
conv=0.001, dbglev=0)
Wfd <- smoothList$Wfd
beta <- smoothList$beta
Flist <- smoothList$Flist
iternum <- smoothList$iternum
cvecf[,icase] <- Wfd$coefs
betaf[,icase] <- beta
hgthat <- beta[1] + beta[2]*monfn(age, Wfd)
RMSE <- sqrt(mean((hgt - hgthat)^2*wgt)/mean(wgt))
RMSEf[icase] <- RMSE
cat(c(icase, iternum),paste(" ",round(Flist$f,4),
" ",round(RMSE, 4),"\n"))
# ------------- plot the results --------------------
# Males:
children <- 1:ncasem
for (i in children) {
Wfd <- fd(cvecm[,i],wbasis)
beta <- betam[,i]
hgtmfit <- beta[1] + beta[2]*monfn(age, Wfd)
hgtmhat <- beta[1] + beta[2]*monfn(agefine, Wfd)
velmhat <- beta[2]*eval.monfd(agefine, Wfd, 1)
accmhat <- beta[2]*eval.monfd(agefine, Wfd, 2)
plot(age, hgtm[,i], ylim=c(60,200),
xlab="Years", ylab="", main=paste("Height for male",i))
lines(agefine, hgtmhat, col=2)
resi <- hgtm[,i] - hgtmfit
ind <- resi >= -.7 & resi <= .7
plot(age[ind], resi[ind], type="b", ylim=c(-.7,.7),
xlab="Years", ylab="", main="Residuals")
abline(h=0, lty=2)
ind <- velmhat >= 0 & velmhat <= 20
plot(agefine[ind], velmhat[ind], type="l", ylim=c(0,20),
xlab="Years", ylab="", main="Velocity")
ind <- accmhat >= -6 & accmhat <= 6
plot(agefine[ind], accmhat[ind], type="l", ylim=c(-6,6),
xlab="Years", ylab="", main="Acceleration")
abline(h=0, lty=2)
# Females:
children <- 1:ncasef
for (i in children) {
Wfd <- fd(cvecf[,i],wbasis)
beta <- betaf[,i]
hgtffit <- beta[1] + beta[2]*monfn(age, Wfd)
hgtfhat <- beta[1] + beta[2]*monfn(agefine, Wfd)
velfhat <- beta[2]*eval.monfd(agefine, Wfd, 1)
accfhat <- beta[2]*eval.monfd(agefine, Wfd, 2)
plot(age, hgtf[,i], ylim=c(60,200),
xlab="Years", ylab="", main=paste("Height for female",i))
lines(agefine, hgtfhat, col=2)
resi <- hgtf[,i] - hgtffit
ind <- resi >= -.7 & resi <= .7
plot(age[ind], resi[ind], type="b", ylim=c(-.7,.7),
xlab="Years", ylab="", main="Residuals")
abline(h=0, lty=2)
ind <- velfhat >= 0 & velfhat <= 20
plot(agefine[ind], velfhat[ind], type="l", ylim=c(0,20),
xlab="Years", ylab="", main="Velocity")
ind <- accfhat >= -6 & accfhat <= 6
plot(agefine[ind], accfhat[ind], type="l", ylim=c(-6,6),
xlab="Years", ylab="", main="Acceleration")
abline(h=0, lty=2)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
### 3. Register the velocity curves for the girls
nbasisw <- 15
norder <- 5
basisw <- create.bspline.basis(rng, nbasisw, norder)
children <- 1:54
nchildren <- length(children)
agefine <- seq(1, 18, len=101)
agemat <- agefine %*% matrix(1,1,nchildren)
y0fd <- deriv(mean.fd(hgtffd), 1)
yfd <- deriv(hgtffd[children], 1)
y0vec <- eval.fd(agefine, y0fd)
yvec <- eval.fd(agefine, yfd)
coef0 <- matrix(0,nbasisw,length(children))
Wfd0 <- fd(coef0, basisw)
lambda <- 1
WfdPar <- fdPar(Wfd0, 2, lambda)
reglist <- register.fd(y0fd, yfd, WfdPar)
yregfd <- reglist$regfd
yregmat <- eval.fd(agefine, yregfd)
Wfd <- reglist$Wfd
warpmat <- eval.monfd(agefine, Wfd)
warpmat <- 1 + 17*warpmat/(matrix(1,101,1)%*%warpmat[101,])
for (i in children) {
plot (agefine, yvec[,i], type="l", ylim=c(0,20),
xlab="Year", ylab="Velocity", main=paste("Case",i))
lines(agefine, y0vec, lty=2, col=2)
lines(agefine, yregmat[,i], col=3)
plot (agefine, warpmat[,i], type="l",
xlab="Clock year", ylab="Biological Year")
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