
### Ramsay, Hooker & Graves (2009)
### Functional Data Analysis with R and Matlab (Springer)

#  Remarks and disclaimers

#  These R commands are either those in this book, or designed to
#  otherwise illustrate how R can be used in the analysis of functional
#  data.
#  We do not claim to reproduce the results in the book exactly by these
#  commands for various reasons, including:
#    -- the analyses used to produce the book may not have been
#       entirely correct, possibly due to coding and accuracy issues
#       in the functions themselves
#    -- we may have changed our minds about how these analyses should be
#       done since, and we want to suggest better ways
#    -- the R language changes with each release of the base system, and
#       certainly the functional data analysis functions change as well
#    -- we might choose to offer new analyses from time to time by
#       augmenting those in the book
#    -- many illustrations in the book were produced using Matlab, which
#       inevitably can imply slightly different results and graphical
#       displays
#    -- we may have changed our minds about variable names.  For example,
#       we now prefer "yearRng" to "yearRng" for the weather data.
#    -- three of us wrote the book, and the person preparing these scripts
#       might not be the person who wrote the text
#  Moreover, we expect to augment and modify these command scripts from time
#  to time as we get new data illustrating new things, add functionality
#  to the package, or just for fun.

### ch. 2.  Essential Comparisons of the Matlab and R Languages

#  load the fda package


#  display the data files associated with the fda package


#  start the HTML help system if you are connected to the Internet, in
#  order to open the R-Project documentation index page in order to obtain
#  information about R or the fda package.


## Section 2.1 A Quick Comparison of Matlab and R Syntax

# Names with periods:

min.fourier.basis = create.fourier.basis()

# structure of this fourier basis object:


# One component of this list of class 'basisfd'


# create a vector

rng = c(0, 1)

# Access a component of a vector


# Logical values:


# T and F are variables
# by default are TRUE and FALSE, respectively,


# but can be redefined:


# alternative

F = c('Do', 'not', 'use', 'F', 'as', 'a', 'logical.')

# The following will now throw an error, and illustrates why only
# TRUE and FALSE ought to be used as logical constants:

# if (F) cat('TRUE')

# addition?

1 + TRUE # = 2

# Any line that is not syntactically complete
# is assumed to continue to the next line


"line can end in ';'";
"but not required."

# Section 2.1.2.  Using Functions

b3.4    = create.bspline.basis(norder=3, breaks=c(0, .5, 1))
fdPar3  = fdPar(b3.4, lambda=1)
fd3.4s0 = smooth.basis(0:1, 0:1, fdPar3)

class(fd3.4s0) # fdSmooth

# its 'fd' component

myfdobj. = fd3.4s0$fd

# or directly with the function call in one line

myfdobj = smooth.basis(0:1, 0:1, fdPar3)$fd

all.equal(myfdobj., myfdobj)


# specifying arguments by name not in the standard order

myfdobj = smooth.basis(y=c(1,1,2), argvals=seq(0, 1, .5), fdPar3)$fd

## Section 2.2 Singleton Index Issues

temp = matrix(c(1,2,3,4),2,2)
temp[,1] # not a matrix
temp[,1, drop=FALSE] # still a matrix

index = 1:2
temp[, index] # matrix
index = 1
temp[, index] # not a matrix

index = 1:2
temp[, index][, 1] # OK
index = 1
# temp[, index][, 1] # Error

# 3-d array

A      = array(1:2, dim=c(1, 2, 1))
a1     = A[, 1, ] # scalar
dim(a1)= dim(A)[-2]
a1 # 1 x 1 matrix

## Section 2.3 Classes and Objects in R and Matlab

default.fd = fd()



# same as




# same as


# fdPar example

rangeval  = c(-3,3)
x         =  rnorm(50)
x[x < -3] = -2.99
x[x >  3] =  2.99
basisobj  = create.bspline.basis(rangeval, 11)
Wfd0      = fd(matrix(0,11,1), basisobj)
WfdParobj = fdPar(Wfd0)

WfdParobj$coefs # NULL
WfdParobj$fd$coefs # OK

# str = structure


# All methods for the generic function 'coef' in attached packages


# add 'coef' methods for objects defined in the 'nlme' package


methods(class='fd') # methods for objects of class 'fd'

## Section 2.4 More to Read

Try the fda package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

fda documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:26 a.m.