
Defines functions get_collections finbif_collections

Documented in finbif_collections

#' FinBIF collections
#' Get information on collections in the FinBIF database.
#' @aliases fb_collections
#' @param filter Logical. Expression indicating elements or rows to keep:
#'   missing values are taken as false.
#' @param select Expression. Indicates columns to select from the data frame.
#' @param subcollections Logical. Return subcollection metadata of higher level
#'   collections.
#' @param supercollections Logical. Return lowest level collection metadata.
#' @param locale Character. Language of data returned. One of "en", "fi", or
#'   "sv".
#' @param nmin Integer. Filter collections by number of records. Only return
#'   information on collections with greater than value specified. If `NA` then
#'   return information on all collections.
#' @param cache Logical or Integer. If `TRUE` or a number greater than zero,
#'   then data-caching will be used. If not logical then cache will be
#'   invalidated after the number of hours indicated by the argument.
#' @return A data.frame.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Get collection metadata
#' collections <- finbif_collections()
#' }
#' @importFrom httr content
#' @export

finbif_collections <- function(
  subcollections = TRUE,
  supercollections = FALSE,
  locale = getOption("finbif_locale"),
  nmin = 0,
  cache = getOption("finbif_use_cache")
) {

  locale <- switch(locale, sv = locale, fi = locale, "en")

  cache <- infer_cache(cache)

  swagger <- list(path = "swagger", cache = cache)

  swagger <- api_get(swagger)

  swagger <- swagger[[c("content", "definitions")]]

  col_md_nms <- swagger[["Collection"]]

  col_md <- list(
    qry = c(lang = locale),
    path = "collections",
    nms = names(col_md_nms[["properties"]]),
    id = "id",
    cache = cache

  col_md <- get_collections(col_md)

  col_count_nms <- swagger[["DwQuery_AggregateRow"]]

  qry <- list(
    aggregateBy = "document.collectionId",
    onlyCount = FALSE,
    pessimisticDateRangeHandling = TRUE

  finbif_warehouse_query <- getOption("finbif_warehouse_query")

  col_counts <- list(
    qry = qry,
    path = paste0(finbif_warehouse_query, "unit/aggregate"),
    nms = names(col_count_nms[["properties"]]),
    id = "aggregateBy",
    cache = cache

  col_counts <- get_collections(col_counts)

  collections <- merge(
    col_md, col_counts, by.x = "id", by.y = "aggregate_by", all.x = TRUE

  descriptions <- collections[["description"]]

  collections[["data_description"]] <- descriptions

  data_quality_description <- collections[["data_quality_description"]]

  na_data_quality_description <- is.na(data_quality_description)

  descriptions_with_quality <- paste(
    descriptions, data_quality_description, sep = "\nData quality: "

  collections[["description"]] <- ifelse(
    na_data_quality_description, descriptions, descriptions_with_quality

  row.names(collections) <- collections[["id"]]

  has_children <- collections[["has_children"]]

  has_children <- has_children & !is.na(has_children)

  for (collection in collections[has_children, "id"]) {

    if (is.na(collections[collection, "count"])) {

      collection_part_of <- collections[["is_part_of"]] == collection

      collections[collection, "count"] <- sum(
        collections[collection_part_of, "count"], na.rm = TRUE



  ind <- TRUE

  if (!is.na(nmin)) {

    ind <- ind & !is.na(collections[["count"]]) & collections[["count"]] > nmin


  if (!subcollections) {

    ind <- ind & is.na(collections[["is_part_of"]])


  if (!supercollections) {

    ind <- ind & !has_children


  collections <- collections[ind, ]

  n_collections <- nrow(collections)

  rows <- rep_len(TRUE, n_collections)

  parent_frame <- parent.frame()

  if (!missing(filter)) {

    call <- substitute(filter)

    rows <- eval(call, collections, parent_frame)

    if (!is.logical(rows)) {

      deferrable_error("Collections filter must be a logical vector")


    rows <- rows & !is.na(rows)


  cols <- c(

  if (!missing(select)) {

    cols_seq <- seq_along(collections)

    cols_seq <- as.list(cols_seq)

    names(cols_seq) <- names(collections)

    call <- substitute(select)

    cols <- eval(call, cols_seq, parent_frame)

    if (is.null(cols) || all_na(cols)) {

      cols <- TRUE



    collections[rows, cols, drop = FALSE],
    class = c("finbif_collections", "finbif_metadata_df", "data.frame")


#' @noRd

get_collections <- function(col_obj) {

  page <- 0L

  page_size <- 1000L

  page_args <- list(page = page, pageSize = page_size)

  qry <- c(col_obj[["qry"]], page_args)

  cache <- infer_cache(col_obj[["cache"]])

  collections_list <- list()

  cond <- TRUE

  while (cond) {

    page <- page + 1L

    qry[["page"]] <- page

    query_obj <- list(path = col_obj[["path"]], query = qry, cache = cache)

    resp <- api_get(query_obj)

    collections_list[[page]] <- resp

    cond <- resp[[c("content", "total")]] > page * page_size


  for (i in c("content", "results")) {

    collections_list <- lapply(collections_list, getElement, i)


  collections_list <- do.call(c, collections_list)

  for (i in seq_along(collections_list)) {

    collections_i <- collections_list[[i]]

    for (nm in col_obj[["nms"]]) {

      if (is.null(collections_i[[nm]])) {

        collections_i[[nm]] <- NA



    collections_list[[i]] <- collections_i


  collections <- list()

  for (nm in col_obj[["nms"]]) {

    collections[[nm]] <- lapply(collections_list, getElement, nm)


  lth_of_els <- lapply(collections, lapply, length)

  lth_of_els <- lapply(lth_of_els, unlist)

  lth_of_els <- vapply(lth_of_els, max, 0L)

  nms <- split(col_obj[["nms"]], lth_of_els > 1L)

  nms_mt_one_el <- nms[["TRUE"]]

  list_cols <- collections[nms_mt_one_el, drop = FALSE]

  nms_one_el <- nms[["FALSE"]]

  one_el_cols <- collections[nms_one_el, drop = FALSE]

  collections <- lapply(one_el_cols, unlist)

  collections <- as.data.frame(collections, col.names = nms_one_el)

  collections[nms_mt_one_el] <- list_cols

  id <- col_obj[["id"]]

  collections[[id]] <- sub("^http:\\/\\/tun\\.fi\\/", "", collections[[id]])

  col_names <- names(collections)

  col_names <- sub("\\.", "_", col_names)

  col_names <- gsub("([a-z])([A-Z])", "\\1_\\L\\2", col_names, perl = TRUE)

  structure(collections, names = col_names)


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finbif documentation built on Sept. 28, 2023, 5:06 p.m.