
Defines functions na_exclude order_by_computed_var pair_counts individual_counts taxa_counts check_n remove_records extract_ids handle_duplicates record_sample translate check_coordinates parse_filters get_extra_pages request infer_computed_vars infer_selection infer_aggregation localise_labels process_cols records_df records

#' @noRd

records <- function(fb_records_obj) {

  max_size <- getOption("finbif_max_page_size")

  fb_records_obj[["max_size"]] <- max_size

  max_queries <- getOption("finbif_max_queries")

  nmax <- max_queries * max_size

  fb_records_obj[["nmax"]] <- nmax

  var_type <- col_type_string(fb_records_obj[["dwc"]])

  fb_records_obj[["var_type"]] <- var_type

  fb_records_obj[["n"]] <- as.integer(fb_records_obj[["n"]])

  query <- list()



    aggregate <- infer_aggregation(fb_records_obj[["aggregate"]])

    fb_records_obj[["aggregate"]] <- aggregate

    if (!is.null(fb_records_obj[["filter"]])) {

      parsed_filters <- parse_filters(fb_records_obj)

      query <- lapply(parsed_filters, paste, collapse = ",")


    select <- infer_selection(fb_records_obj)

    select_query <- select[["query"]]

    fb_records_obj[["select_query"]] <- select_query

    fb_records_obj[["select_user"]] <- select[["user"]]

    fb_records_obj[["record_id_selected"]] <- select[["record_id_selected"]]

    fb_records_obj[["date_time_selected"]] <- select[["date_time_selected"]]

    select_param <- switch(aggregate[[1L]], none = "selected", "aggregateBy")

    fb_records_obj[["select_param"]] <- select_param

    query[[select_param]] <- paste(select_query, collapse = ",")

    order_by <- fb_records_obj[["order_by"]]

    if (!is.null(order_by)) {

      desc_order <- grepl("^-", order_by)

      order_by <- sub("^-", "", order_by)

      var_names <- sysdata("var_names")

      var_names_order <- var_names[["order"]]

      order_vars <- var_names[var_names_order, var_type, drop = FALSE]

      order_vars[] <- lapply(order_vars, structure, class = "translation")

      order_vars <- list(order_vars = order_vars)

      order_vars <- list(
        x = order_by, translation = "order_vars", env = order_vars

      order_by <- translate(order_vars)

      order_by <- order_by_computed_var(order_by)

      order_by[desc_order] <- paste(order_by[desc_order], "DESC")

      order_by <- paste(order_by, collapse = ",")


    if (fb_records_obj[["sample"]]) {

      seed <- as.integer(fb_records_obj[["seed"]])

      seed <- c("RANDOM", seed)

      seed <- paste(seed, collapse = ":")

      order_by <- c(seed, order_by)

      order_by <- paste(order_by, collapse = ",")


    query[["orderBy"]] <- order_by


  fb_records_obj[["query"]] <- query

  fb_records_obj <- na_exclude(fb_records_obj)

  ans <- request(fb_records_obj)

  if (fb_records_obj[["df"]] && !fb_records_obj[["count_only"]]) {

    ind <- length(ans)

    last <- ans[[ind]]

    last[["locale"]] <- fb_records_obj[["locale"]]

    attr(last, "df") <- records_df(last)

    ans[[ind]] <- last




#' @noRd

records_df <- function(x) {

  results <- x[[c("content", "results")]]

  cols <- attr(x, "select")

  var_names <- sysdata("var_names")

  single_col <- var_names[cols, "single"]

  aggregation <- attr(x, "aggregate")

  aggregated <- !identical(aggregation, "none")

  if (aggregated) {

    n_cols <- length(cols)

    single_col <- rep(TRUE, n_cols)

    aggregations <- c(
      records = "count",
      species = "speciesCount",
      taxa = "taxonCount",
      individuals = "individualCountSum",
      pairs = "pairCountSum",
      events = "count",
      documents = "count"

    aggregations <- aggregations[aggregation]

    aggregation_nms <- names(aggregations)

    counts <- list()

    for (i in seq_along(aggregations)) {

      aggregation_nm <- aggregation_nms[[i]]

      count <- vapply(results, get_el_recurse, 0L, aggregations[[i]], "integer")

      na_count <- is.na(count)

      counts[[aggregation_nm]] <- ifelse(na_count, 0L, count)


    results <- lapply(results, getElement, "aggregateBy")


  attr(results, "select") <- cols

  attr(results, "locale") <- x[["locale"]]

  attr(results, "aggregated") <- aggregated

  results <- process_cols(results)

  cols_split <- split(cols, single_col)

  cols_single <- cols_split[["TRUE"]]

  df <- as.data.frame(results[cols_single, drop = FALSE])

  cols_list <- cols_split[["FALSE"]]

  df[cols_list] <- results[cols_list, drop = FALSE]

  if (aggregated) {

    aggregation_cols <- paste0("n_", aggregation)

    cols <- c(cols, aggregation_cols)

    for (i in seq_along(aggregation)) {

      aggregation_col_i <- aggregation_cols[[i]]

      df[[aggregation_col_i]] <- counts[[i]]



    url = x[[c("response", "url")]],
    time = x[[c("response", "date")]]


#' @noRd

process_cols <- function(x) {

  locale <- attr(x, "locale")

  aggregated <- attr(x, "aggregated")

  col_list <- list()

  var_names <- sysdata("var_names")

  for (col in attr(x, "select")) {

    type  <- var_names[[col, "type"]]

    type_na <- cast_to_type(NA, type)

    single <- var_names[[col, "single"]]

    localised <- var_names[[col, "localised"]]

    labels_obj <- list(col = col, var_names = var_names, locale = locale)

    if (aggregated) {

      ans <- vapply(x, getElement, NA_character_, col)

      ans <- ifelse(ans == "", NA_character_, ans)

      if (localised) {

        labels_obj[["labels"]] <- ans

        ans <- localise_labels(labels_obj)


      ans <- cast_to_type(ans, type)

    } else {

      col_els <- strsplit(col, "\\.")

      col_els <- col_els[[1L]]

      if (single) {

        ans <- vapply(x, get_el_recurse, type_na, col_els, type)

        if (localised) {

          labels_obj[["labels"]] <- ans

          ans <- localise_labels(labels_obj)


      } else {

        ans <- lapply(x, get_el_recurse, col_els, type)

        ans <- lapply(ans, unlist)

        if (localised) {

          langs <- lapply(ans, names)

          langs <- unlist(langs)

          supported_langs <- sysdata("supported_langs")

          if (any(langs %in% supported_langs)) {

            ans <- vapply(ans, with_locale, type_na, locale)

          } else {

            for (i in seq_along(ans)) {

              labels_obj[["labels"]] <- ans[[i]]

              ans[[i]] <- localise_labels(labels_obj)






    col_list[[col]] <- ans




#' @noRd

localise_labels <- function(labels_obj) {

  col <- labels_obj[["col"]]

  var_names <- labels_obj[["var_names"]]

  new_labels <- sysdata(var_names[[col, "translated_var"]])

  locale_col <- paste0("name_", labels_obj[["locale"]])

  new_label_names <- names(new_labels)

  label_col <- which(new_label_names == locale_col)

  label_col <- max(1L, label_col)

  obj_labels <- labels_obj[["labels"]]

  labels_na <- is.na(obj_labels)

  localised_labels <- ifelse(
    labels_na, obj_labels, new_labels[obj_labels, label_col]

  localised_labels_na <- is.na(localised_labels)

  ifelse(localised_labels_na, obj_labels, localised_labels)


# aggregation ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @noRd

infer_aggregation <- function(aggregate) {

  events_and_docs <- c("events", "documents")

  aggregations <- c(
    "none", "records", "species", "taxa", "individuals", "pairs",

  aggregate <- match.arg(aggregate, aggregations, TRUE)

  has_events_or_docs <- events_and_docs %in% aggregate

  if (length(aggregate) > 1L && any(has_events_or_docs)) {

      "Chosen aggregation cannot by combined with other aggregations"



# selection --------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @noRd

infer_selection <- function(fb_records_obj) {

  aggregate <- fb_records_obj[["aggregate"]]

  aggregate <- aggregate[[1L]]

  select <- fb_records_obj[["select"]]

  var_type <- fb_records_obj[["var_type"]]

  var_names <- sysdata("var_names")

  is_date_time_vars <- var_names[["date"]]

  date_time_vars <- var_names[is_date_time_vars, ]

  is_default_vars <- var_names[["default_var"]]

  default_vars <- switch(
    none = var_names[is_default_vars, ],
    events = var_names["gathering.gatheringId", ],
    documents = var_names["document.documentId", ],
    var_names["unit.linkings.taxon.scientificName", ]

  aggregate_none <- identical(aggregate, "none")

  if (is.null(select)) {

    select <- row.names(default_vars)

    select_user <- default_vars[[var_type]]

    record_id_selected <- FALSE

    date_time_selected <- FALSE

    if (aggregate_none) {

      select <- c(

      select <- unique(select)

      record_id_selected <- TRUE

      date_time_selected <- TRUE


  } else {

    deselect <- grep("^-", select, value = TRUE)

    deselect <- substring(deselect, 2L)

    n_deselect <- length(deselect)

    n_select <- length(select)

    if (identical(n_deselect, n_select)) {

      select <- "default_vars"


    select <- grep("^-", select, value = TRUE, invert = TRUE)

    default_vars <- list(default_vars[[var_type]])

    select <- ifelse(select == "default_vars", default_vars, select)

    select <- unlist(select)

    select <- select[!select %in% deselect]

    select_user <- select

    select <- unique(select)

    record_id <- var_names["unit.unitId", var_type]

    record_id_selected <- record_id %in% select

    if (!record_id_selected && aggregate_none) {

      select <- c(record_id, select)


    date_time_var_translations <- c(

    date_time_selected <- date_time_var_translations %in% select

    date_time_selected <- any(date_time_selected)

    if (date_time_selected) {

      select <- c(select, date_time_vars[[var_type]])


    fb_records_obj[["select"]] <- select

    select <- infer_computed_vars(fb_records_obj)

    select_type <- switch(
      none = "select",
      events = "aggregate_events",
      documents = "aggregate_documents",

    select_type_rows <- var_names[[select_type]]

    select_vars <- var_names[select_type_rows, var_type, drop = FALSE]

    select_vars[] <- lapply(select_vars, structure, class = "translation")

    select_vars <- list(select_vars = select_vars)

    select_vars <- list(
      x = select, translation = "select_vars", env = select_vars

    select <- translate(select_vars)

    vars_computed_from_id <- grepl("^computed_var_from_id", select)

    if (any(vars_computed_from_id)) {

      select_computed <- select[vars_computed_from_id]

      vars_computed_from_id <- var_names[select_computed, ]

      n_computed <- nrow(vars_computed_from_id)

      for (i in seq_len(n_computed)) {

        computed_names <- row.names(vars_computed_from_id)

        computed_var <- vars_computed_from_id[i, var_type]

        suffix <- switch(var_type, translated_var = "_id", dwc = "ID")

        select_vars[["x"]] <- paste0(computed_var, suffix)

        select[[match(computed_names[[i]], select)]] <- translate(select_vars)




  if (fb_records_obj[["include_facts"]]) {

    select <- c(


  uncomputed <- !grepl("^computed_var", select)

    query = unique(select[uncomputed]),
    user = select_user,
    record_id_selected = record_id_selected,
    date_time_selected = date_time_selected


#' @noRd

infer_computed_vars <- function(fb_records_obj) {

  l <- list(
    abundance = list(
      vars = c(
        "abundance", "individualCount", "occurrence_status", "occurrenceStatus"
      v_names = c(
        "unit.interpretations.individualCount", "unit.abundanceString"
    cu = list(
      vars = c("coordinates_uncertainty", "coordinateUncertaintyInMeters"),
      v_names = c(
        "gathering.interpretations.coordinateAccuracy", "document.sourceId"
    citation = list(
      vars = c("citation", "bibliographicCitation"),
      v_names = c("document.documentId", "document.sourceId")
    sn = list(
      vars = c("scientific_name", "scientificName"),
      v_names = c(
    red_list = list(
      vars = c("red_list_status", "redListStatus"),
      v_names = c(
    region = list(
      vars = c("region", "stateProvince"),
      v_names = "gathering.interpretations.finnishMunicipality"
    institution_code = list(
      vars = c("institution_code", "institutionCode"),
      v_names = "document.collectionId"
    collection_code = list(
      vars = c("collection_code", "collectionCode"),
      v_names = "document.collectionId"

  select <- fb_records_obj[["select"]]

  var_names <- sysdata("var_names")

  var_type <- fb_records_obj[["var_type"]]

  for (i in l) {

    if (any(i[["vars"]] %in% select)) {

      v_names_i <- i[["v_names"]]

      select <- c(select, var_names[v_names_i, var_type])





# request ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @noRd

request <- function(fb_records_obj) {

  path <- getOption("finbif_warehouse_query")

  query <- fb_records_obj[["query"]]

  cache <- fb_records_obj[["cache"]]

  count_only <- fb_records_obj[["count_only"]]

  if (count_only && identical(fb_records_obj[["aggregate"]], "none")) {

    query[["selected"]] <- NULL

    query[["orderBy"]]  <- NULL

    request_obj <- list(
      path = paste0(path, "unit/count"),
      query = query,
      cache = cache,
      restricted_api = fb_records_obj[["restricted_api"]]



  aggregate <- fb_records_obj[["aggregate"]]

  endpoint <- switch(
    none = "unit/list",
    events = "gathering/aggregate",
    documents = "document/aggregate",

  path <- paste0(path, endpoint)

  fb_records_obj[["path"]] <- path

  if (count_only) {

    query[["page"]] <- 1L

    query[["pageSize"]] <- 1L

    request_obj <- list(
      path = path,
      query = query,
      cache = cache,
      restricted_api = fb_records_obj[["restricted_api"]]

    resp <- api_get(request_obj)

    resp[["content"]] <- list(total = resp[[c("content", "total")]])



  n <- fb_records_obj[["n"]]

  max_size <- fb_records_obj[["max_size"]]

  select_user <- fb_records_obj[["select_user"]]

  query[["taxonCounts"]] <- taxa_counts(fb_records_obj)

  query[["onlyCount"]] <- individual_counts(fb_records_obj)

  query[["pairCounts"]] <- pair_counts(fb_records_obj)

  query[["page"]] <- fb_records_obj[["page"]]

  query[["pageSize"]] <- min(n, max_size)

  fb_records_obj[["query"]] <- query

  resp <- api_get(fb_records_obj)

  resp <- structure(
    resp, select = fb_records_obj[["select_query"]], aggregate = aggregate

  n_tot <- resp[[c("content", "total")]]

  n <- min(n, n_tot)

  fb_records_list <- structure(
    max_size = max_size,
    quiet = fb_records_obj[["quiet"]],
    path = path,
    filter = fb_records_obj[["filter"]],
    query = query,
    nrec_dnld = n,
    nrec_avl = n_tot,
    seed = fb_records_obj[["seed"]],
    select = fb_records_obj[["select_query"]],
    select_user = select_user,
    locale = fb_records_obj[["locale"]],
    df = fb_records_obj[["df"]],
    dwc = fb_records_obj[["dwc"]],
    exclude_na = fb_records_obj[["exclude_na"]],
    include_facts = fb_records_obj[["include_facts"]],
    count_only = count_only,
    record_id = fb_records_obj[["record_id_selected"]],
    date_time = fb_records_obj[["date_time_selected"]],
    aggregate = aggregate,
    cache = cache,
    restricted_api = fb_records_obj[["restricted_api"]]

  if (n > max_size) {

    sample_after <- n / n_tot > .5 || n_tot < max_size * 3L

    if (fb_records_obj[["sample"]] && sample_after) {

      fb_records_obj[["select"]] <- select_user

      fb_records_obj[["sample"]] <- FALSE

      fb_records_obj[["n"]] <- n_tot

      fb_records_list <- records(fb_records_obj)

      attr(fb_records_list, "nrec_dnld") <- n



    fb_records_list <- get_extra_pages(fb_records_list)

    if (fb_records_obj[["sample"]]) {

      if (is.null(fb_records_obj[["seed"]])) {

        attr(fb_records_list, "seed") <- 1L


      fb_records_list <- handle_duplicates(fb_records_list)





# record pagination ------------------------------------------------------------

#' @noRd
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar

get_extra_pages <- function(fb_records_list) {

  fb_records_obj <- list(
    path = attr(fb_records_list, "path", TRUE),
    cache = attr(fb_records_list, "cache", TRUE),
    select_query = attr(fb_records_list, "select", TRUE),
    aggregate = attr(fb_records_list, "aggregate", TRUE),
    restricted_api = attr(fb_records_list, "restricted_api", TRUE)

  n <- attr(fb_records_list, "nrec_dnld", TRUE)

  max_size <- attr(fb_records_list, "max_size", TRUE)

  multipage <- n > max_size

  quiet <- attr(fb_records_list, "quiet", TRUE)

  if (multipage && !quiet) {

    pb_head("Fetching data")

    max <- floor(n / max_size)

    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(0L, max, style = 3L)



  i <- 1L

  query <- attr(fb_records_list, "query", TRUE)

  page <- query[["page"]]

  page <- page + 1L

  page_size <- query[["pageSize"]]

  n_pages <- n %/% page_size

  use_future <- has_pkgs("future") && getOption("finbif_use_async")

  if (use_future) {

    value <- future::value


  while (multipage) {

    if (!quiet) {

      utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)


    if (page > n_pages) {

      last_record <- page_size * n_pages

      if (identical(last_record, n)) {



      page_size <- get_next_lowest_factor(last_record, n %% page_size)

      page <- last_record / page_size

      page <- page + 1L

      n_pages <- n %/% page_size


    query[["page"]] <- page

    query[["pageSize"]] <- page_size

    fb_records_obj[["query"]] <- query

    delayedAssign("res", api_get(fb_records_obj))

    if (use_future) {

      res <- future::future(api_get(fb_records_obj), seed = NULL)


    if (attr(fb_records_list, "df", TRUE)) {

      attr(fb_records_list[[i]], "df") <- records_df(fb_records_list[[i]])


    records_i <- value(res)

    records_i <- c(records_i, locale = fb_records_list[[i]][["locale"]])

    i <- i + 1L

    fb_records_list[[i]] <- structure(
      select = fb_records_obj[["select_query"]],
      aggregate = fb_records_obj[["aggregate"]]

    page <- page + 1L




# parsing filters --------------------------------------------------------------

#' @noRd

parse_filters <- function(fb_records_obj) {

  filter <- as.list(fb_records_obj[["filter"]])

  finbif_filter_names <- list(x = names(filter), translation = "filter_names")

  finbif_filter_names <- translate(finbif_filter_names)

  has_taxon <- any(finbif_filter_names %in% c("taxonId", "target"))

  events_or_docs <- fb_records_obj[["aggregate"]] %in% c("events", "documents")

  if (has_taxon && events_or_docs) {

    deferrable_error("Cannot use current aggregation and filter by taxon")


  filter_names <- sysdata("filter_names")

  for (i in seq_along(filter)) {

    filter_name_i <- finbif_filter_names[[i]]

    if (is.na(filter_name_i)) {



    nms <- names(filter)

    nm_i <- nms[[i]]

    f_i <- filter[[i]]

    if (filter_names[[filter_name_i, "translated_values"]]) {

      f_i <- list(x = f_i, translation = nm_i)

      f_i <- translate(f_i)


    class <- filter_names[[filter_name_i, "class"]]

    if (grepl("^(not_){0,1}collection$", nm_i)) {

      if (inherits(f_i, "finbif_collections")) {

        f_i <- row.names(f_i)

      } else {

        collections <- finbif_collections(
          select = c("id", "collection_name", "abbreviation"),
          supercollections = TRUE,
          nmin = NA,
          locale = fb_records_obj[["locale"]]

        collections[] <- lapply(collections, structure, class = "translation")

        env <- list()

        env[[nm_i]] <- collections

        f_i <- list(x = f_i, translation = nm_i, env = env)

        f_i <- translate(f_i)


    } else if (identical(class, "coords")) {

      coordinates_filter <- filter[["coordinates"]]

      coordinates_obj <- list(name = filter_name_i, filter = coordinates_filter)


      f_i <- coords(f_i)

    } else if (identical(class, "date")) {

      date_filter <- list(filter = nm_i)

      date_filter <- c(date_filter, f_i)

      f_i <- dates(date_filter)


    filter[[i]] <- paste(f_i, collapse = filter_names[filter_name_i, "sep"])


  names(filter) <- finbif_filter_names



#' @noRd

check_coordinates <- function(obj) {

  filter <- obj[["filter"]]

  nms <- names(filter)

  no_system <- !is.null(nms) && !identical(nms[[3L]], "") && !"system" %in% nms

  if (no_system || length(filter) < 3L) {

    deferrable_error("Invalid coordinates: system not specified")



# translation ------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @noRd

translate <- function(translation_obj) {

  x <- translation_obj[["x"]]

  translation <- translation_obj[["translation"]]

  lst <- translation_obj[["env"]]

  if (translation %in% names(lst)) {

    trsltn <- lst[[translation]]

  } else {

    trsltn <- sysdata(translation)


  if (is.list(x)) {

    nms <- names(x)

    translation_names <- names(trsltn)

    translation_names1 <- translation_names[[1L]]

    nms <- list(x = nms, translation = translation_names1, env = trsltn)

    nms <- translate(nms)

    names(x) <- nms

    translation_names2 <- translation_names[[2L]]

    x <- lapply(x, list, translation_names2, trsltn)

    translation_obj_names <- c("x", "translation", "env")

    x <- lapply(x, structure, names = translation_obj_names)

    x <- lapply(x, translate)

    x <- lapply(x, paste, collapse = ",")

    nms <- names(x)

    unempty_x <- sprintf("[%s]", x)

    x <- ifelse(x == "", x, unempty_x)

    ans <- sprintf("%s%s", nms, x)

  } else {

    n <- length(x)

    ind <- rep(NA_integer_, n)

    if (!is.data.frame(trsltn)) {

      trsltn <- trsltn[[1L]]


    x_low <- tolower(x)

    for (i in trsltn) {

      if (inherits(i, "translation")) {

        i_low <- tolower(i)

        matched <- match(x_low, i_low)

        matched_na <- is.na(matched)

        ind <- ifelse(matched_na, ind, matched)



    if (anyNA(ind)) {

      for (err in x[is.na(ind)]) {

        translation <- gsub("_", " ", translation)

        deferrable_error(paste0("Invalid name in ", translation, ": ", err))



    ans <- row.names(trsltn)

    ans <- ans[ind]

    ans <- ans[!grepl("DUPLICATE", ans)]




# sample records ---------------------------------------------------------------


record_sample <- function(fb_records_list) {

  n_tot <- attr(fb_records_list, "nrec_avl", TRUE)

  n <- attr(fb_records_list, "nrec_dnld", TRUE)

  size <- n_tot - n

  cache <- attr(fb_records_list, "cache", TRUE)

  remove <- sample.int(n_tot, size)

  if (cache) {

    seed <- gen_seed(fb_records_list)

    remove <- sample_with_seed(n_tot, size, seed)


  attr(fb_records_list, "remove") <- remove

    class = "finbif_records_sample_list",
    nrec_dnld = n,
    nrec_avl = n_tot,
    select = attr(fb_records_list, "select", TRUE),
    record_id = attr(fb_records_list, "record_id", TRUE),
    cache = cache


# handle duplicates ------------------------------------------------------------

#' @noRd

handle_duplicates <- function(fb_records_list) {

  ids <- lapply(fb_records_list, extract_ids)

  ids <- unlist(ids)

  dups <- duplicated(ids)

  dups <- which(dups)

  attr(fb_records_list, "remove") <- dups

  fb_records_list <- remove_records(fb_records_list)

  if (length(ids) - length(dups) < attr(fb_records_list, "nrec_dnld", TRUE)) {

    fb_records_obj <- list(
      filter = attr(fb_records_list, "filter", TRUE),
      select = attr(fb_records_list, "select_user", TRUE),
      sample = TRUE,
      n = attr(fb_records_list, "max_size", TRUE),
      cache = attr(fb_records_list, "cache", TRUE),
      dwc = attr(fb_records_list, "dwc", TRUE),
      seed = attr(fb_records_list, "seed", TRUE),
      df = attr(fb_records_list, "df", TRUE),
      exclude_na = attr(fb_records_list, "exclude_na", TRUE),
      locale = attr(fb_records_list, "locale", TRUE),
      include_facts = attr(fb_records_list, "include_facts", TRUE),
      count_only = attr(fb_records_list, "count_only", TRUE)

    new_records <- records(fb_records_obj)

    fb_records_list[[length(fb_records_list) + 1L]] <- new_records[[1L]]

    fb_records_list <- handle_duplicates(fb_records_list)


  attr(fb_records_list, "remove") <- NULL



#' @noRd

extract_ids <- function(x) {

    x[[c("content", "results")]],
    c("unit", "unitId"),


# remove records ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' @noRd

remove_records <- function(fb_records_list) {

  remove <- attr(fb_records_list, "remove", TRUE)

  contents <- lapply(fb_records_list, getElement, "content")

  page_sizes <- vapply(contents, getElement, 0L, "pageSize")

  if (is.null(remove)) {

    total_page_sizes <- sum(page_sizes)

    remove <- seq(1L, total_page_sizes)

    n <- attr(fb_records_list, "nrec_dnld", TRUE)

    remove <- remove[-seq_len(n)]


  sq <- seq_along(fb_records_list)

  excess_pages <- rep.int(sq, page_sizes)

  excess_pages <- excess_pages[remove]

  page_size_sum <- cumsum(page_sizes)

  page_size_sum <- page_size_sum[-length(fb_records_list)]

  records <- c(0L, page_size_sum)

  records <- split(remove - records[excess_pages], excess_pages)

  for (i in sq) {

    ind <- records[[as.character(i)]]

    fb_records_list_i <- fb_records_list[[i]]

    content <- fb_records_list_i[["content"]]

    results <- content[["results"]]

    results[ind] <- NULL

    content[["pageSize"]] <- length(results)

    content[["results"]] <- results

    fb_records_list_i[["content"]] <- content

    if (!is.null(ind)) {

      df <- attr(fb_records_list_i, "df", TRUE)

      attr(fb_records_list_i, "df") <- df[-ind, ]


    fb_records_list[[i]] <- fb_records_list_i


  contents <- lapply(fb_records_list, getElement, "content")

  fb_records_list[vapply(contents, getElement, 0L, "pageSize") == 0L] <- NULL



# utils ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' @noRd

check_n <- function(fb_records_obj) {

  n <- fb_records_obj[["n"]]

  nmax <- fb_records_obj[["nmax"]]

  if (n > nmax) {

    msg <- paste("Cannot download more than", nmax, "records")



  if (n < 1L) {

    deferrable_error("Cannot request less than 1 record")



#' @noRd

taxa_counts <- function(fb_records_obj) {

  ans <- NULL

  if (any(c("species", "taxa") %in% fb_records_obj[["aggregate"]])) {

    ans <- "true"




#' @noRd

individual_counts <- function(fb_records_obj) {

  ans <- "false"

  if (!"individuals" %in% fb_records_obj[["aggregate"]]) {

    ans <- NULL




#' @noRd

pair_counts <- function(fb_records_obj) {

  ans <- "true"

  if (!"pairs" %in% fb_records_obj[["aggregate"]]) {

    ans <- NULL




#' @noRd

order_by_computed_var <- function(order_by) {

  lt <- c(
    scientific_name = "unit.linkings.taxon.scientificName",
    abundance = "unit.interpretations.individualCount",
    date_time = "gathering.eventDate.begin",
    coordinates_uncertainty = "gathering.interpretations.coordinateAccuracy",
    red_list_status = "unit.linkings.taxon.redListStatus",
    citation = "document.documentId",
    occurrence_status = "unit.interpretations.individualCount",
    duration = "gathering.eventDate.begin",
    region = "gathering.province"

  nms <- names(lt)

  names(lt) <- paste0("computed_var_", nms)

  ans <- lt[order_by]

  is_na <- is.na(ans)

  ans <- ifelse(is_na, order_by, ans)



#' @noRd

na_exclude <- function(fb_records_obj) {

  query <- fb_records_obj[["query"]]

  if (fb_records_obj[["exclude_na"]]) {

    select_param <- fb_records_obj[["select_param"]]

    has_value <- strsplit(query[[select_param]], ",")

    has_value <- c(hasValue = has_value)

    v <- sysdata("var_names")

    available_vars <- row.names(v)

    i <- v[["aggregate"]] | v[["aggregate_events"]] | v[["aggregate_documents"]]

    i <- i & v[["single"]]

    has_value <- lapply(has_value, intersect, available_vars[i])

    has_value <- lapply(has_value, paste, collapse = ",")

    query <- c(query, has_value)


  fb_records_obj[["query"]] <- query



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finbif documentation built on Sept. 28, 2023, 5:06 p.m.