##' Constructor for a mixture multi-state model based on flexsurvmix
##' @param ... Named arguments. Each argument should be a fitted model as
##' returned by \code{\link{flexsurvmix}}. The name of each argument names
##' the starting state for that model.
##' @return A list of \code{\link{flexsurvmix}} objects, with the following
##' attribute(s):
##' \code{pathways} A list of all potential pathways until absorption, for
##' models without cycles. For models with cycles this will have an element
##' \code{has_cycle=TRUE}, plus the pathways discovered before the function
##' found the cycle and gave up.
##' @export
fmixmsm <- function(...){
args <- list(...)
starts <- names(args)
evlist <- lapply(args, function(x)x$evnames)
names(evlist) <- starts
plist <- list(transient_unvisited = names(evlist),
transient_visited = character(),
pathways = list(),
pathway_current = character())
pathways <- get_pathways(evlist[1], evlist, plist)
ret <- args
attr(ret, "pathways") <- pathways$pathways
attr(ret, "cycle") <- isTRUE(pathways$has_cycle)
attr(ret, "pathway_str") <- sapply(attr(ret, "pathways"), function(x)paste(x,collapse="-"))
get_pathways <- function(mod_current, mods, ret){
## TODO error handling
if (isTRUE(ret$has_cycle)) return(ret)
fromstate <- names(mod_current)
tostates <- mod_current[[1]]
absorbing <- setdiff(unlist(mods),names(mods))
ret$transient_visited <- c(ret$transient_visited, fromstate)
ret$transient_unvisited <- setdiff(ret$transient_unvisited, fromstate)
nd <- length(tostates)
pcurr <- c(ret$pathway_current, fromstate)
for (j in 1:nd){
pathway_new <- c(pcurr, tostates[j])
if (any(duplicated(pathway_new))){
return(list(has_cycle=TRUE)) # could we carry on, ignore cycles, return all paths to absorption? don't do unless we need.
else if (tostates[j] %in% absorbing){
ret$pathways <- c(ret$pathways, list(pathway_new))
else {
ret$pathway_current <- pcurr
ret <- get_pathways(mods[tostates[j]], mods, ret)
##' Probability of each pathway taken through a mixture multi-state model
##' @param x Object returned by \code{\link{fmixmsm}}, representing a multi-state
##' model built from piecing together mixture models fitted by
##' \code{\link{flexsurvmix}}.
##' @param final If \code{TRUE} then the probabilities of pathways with the same
##' final state are added together, to produce the probability of each
##' ultimate outcome or absorbing state from the multi-state model.
##' @inheritParams mean_flexsurvmix
##' @return Data frame of pathway probabilities by covariate value and pathway.
##' @export
ppath_fmixmsm <- function(x, newdata=NULL, final=FALSE, B=NULL){
pathways <- attr(x, "pathways")
if (isTRUE(pathways$has_cycle))
stop("models with cycles not supported in this function")
nmods <- length(x)
probs <- vector(nmods, mode="list")
names(probs) <- names(x)
for (i in seq_along(x)){
probs[[i]] <- probs_flexsurvmix(x[[i]], newdata=newdata)
npaths <- length(pathways)
ppath <- vector(npaths, mode="list")
for (p in seq_along(pathways)){
plen <- length(pathways[[p]])
ppath[[p]] <- 1
for (i in 1:(plen-1)){
cur_state <- pathways[[p]][i]
next_state <- pathways[[p]][i+1]
cur_prob <- probs[[cur_state]]
ppath[[p]] <- ppath[[p]] * cur_prob$val[cur_prob$event==next_state]
finalstate <- sapply(attr(x, "pathways"), function(x)x[length(x)])
ncovs <- if(is.null(newdata)) 1 else nrow(newdata)
finalstate <- rep(finalstate, each=ncovs)
pathway <- rep(attr(x, "pathway_str"), each=ncovs)
ppath <- data.frame(final=finalstate,
val = unlist(ppath))
if (!is.null(newdata)) {
nd <- newdata[rep(seq_len(ncovs), npaths),,drop=FALSE]
ppath <- cbind(nd, ppath)
rownames(ppath) <- NULL
if (final) {
ppath <- ppath %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(c(names(newdata), "final"))) %>%
if (is.numeric(B) && B > 1){
res <- matrix(nrow=B, ncol=length(ppath$val))
res[1,] <- ppath$val
for (i in 2:B){
xrep <- resample_pars_fmixmsm(x)
res[i,] <- ppath_fmixmsm(xrep, newdata=newdata, final=final, B=NULL)$val
resci <- apply(res, 2, quantile, c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm=TRUE)
ppath$lower <- resci[1,]
ppath$upper <- resci[2,]
resample_pars_fmixmsm <- function(x){
xrep <- lapply(x, resample_pars)
attributes(xrep) <- attributes(x)
##' Mean time to final state in a mixture multi-state model
##' Calculate the mean time from the start of the process to a final (or
##' "absorbing") state in a mixture multi-state model. Models with cycles are
##' not supported.
##' @inheritParams ppath_fmixmsm
##' @param final If \code{TRUE} then the mean time to the final state is
##' calculated for each final state, by taking a weighted average of the mean
##' time to travel each pathway ending in that final state, weighted by the
##' probability of the pathway. If \code{FALSE} (the default) then a
##' separate mean is calculated for each pathway.
##' @return A data frame of mean times to absorption, by covariate values and
##' pathway (or by final state)
##' @export
meanfinal_fmixmsm <- function(x, newdata=NULL, final=FALSE, B=NULL){
pathways <- attr(x, "pathways")
nmods <- length(x)
means <- vector(nmods, mode="list")
names(means) <- names(x)
for (i in seq_along(x)){
means[[i]] <- mean_flexsurvmix(x[[i]], newdata=newdata)
npaths <- length(pathways)
meanp <- vector(npaths, mode="list")
for (p in seq_along(pathways)){
plen <- length(pathways[[p]])
meanp[[p]] <- 0
for (i in 1:(plen-1)){
cur_state <- pathways[[p]][i]
next_state <- pathways[[p]][i+1]
cur_mean <- means[[cur_state]]
meanp[[p]] <- meanp[[p]] + cur_mean$val[cur_mean$event==next_state]
finalstate <- sapply(attr(x, "pathways"), function(x)x[length(x)])
ncovs <- if(is.null(newdata)) 1 else nrow(newdata)
finalstate <- rep(finalstate, each=ncovs)
pathway <- rep(attr(x, "pathway_str"), each=ncovs)
meanp <- data.frame(final=finalstate,
val = unlist(meanp))
if (!is.null(newdata)) {
nd <- newdata[rep(seq_len(ncovs), npaths),,drop=FALSE]
meanp <- cbind(nd, meanp)
rownames(meanp) <- NULL
if (final) {
probs <- ppath_fmixmsm(x=x, newdata=newdata, final=FALSE, B=NULL) %>% dplyr::rename(prob="val")
meanp <- meanp %>%
dplyr::left_join(probs, by=c(names(newdata), "pathway", "final")) %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(c(names(newdata), "final"))) %>%
if (is.numeric(B) && B > 1){
res <- matrix(nrow=B, ncol=length(meanp$val))
res[1,] <- meanp$val
for (i in 2:B){
xrep <- resample_pars_fmixmsm(x)
res[i,] <- meanfinal_fmixmsm(xrep, newdata=newdata, final=final, B=NULL)$val
resci <- apply(res, 2, quantile, c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm=TRUE)
meanp$lower <- resci[1,]
meanp$upper <- resci[2,]
##' Quantiles of the distribution of the time until reaching a final state in a
##' mixture multi-state model
##' Calculate the quantiles of the time from the start of the process to each
##' possible final (or "absorbing") state in a mixture multi-state model.
##' Models with cycles are not supported.
##' @inheritParams ppath_fmixmsm
##' @param final If \code{TRUE} then the mean time to the final state is
##' calculated for each final state, by taking a weighted average of the mean
##' time to travel each pathway ending in that final state, weighted by the
##' probability of the pathway. If \code{FALSE} (the default) then a
##' separate mean is calculated for each pathway.
##' @param n Number of individual-level simulations to use to characterise the
##' time-to-event distributions
##' @param probs Quantiles to calculate, by default, \code{c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)}
##' @return Data frame of quantiles of the time to final state by pathway and
##' covariate value, or by final state and covariate value.
##' @export
qfinal_fmixmsm <- function(x, newdata=NULL, final=FALSE, B=NULL, n=10000, probs=c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)){
pathways <- attr(x, "pathways")
nmods <- length(x)
sims <- vector(nmods, mode="list")
names(sims) <- names(x)
if (final) {
ppath <- ppath_fmixmsm(x=x, newdata=newdata, final=FALSE, B=NULL) %>%
dplyr::rename(prob="val") %>%
dplyr::mutate(n = round(n * .data$prob))
for (i in seq_along(x)){
sims[[i]] <- simt_flexsurvmix(x[[i]], newdata=newdata, n=n)
npaths <- length(pathways)
simsum <- vector(npaths, mode="list")
for (p in seq_along(pathways)){
plen <- length(pathways[[p]])
sm <- 0
for (i in 1:(plen-1)){
cur_state <- pathways[[p]][i]
next_state <- pathways[[p]][i+1]
sm <- sm + sims[[cur_state]][,next_state]
simsumdf <- sims[[1]][,colnames(newdata),drop=FALSE]
simsumdf$pathway <- attr(x,"pathway_str")[[p]]
simsumdf$sm <- sm
if (final){
simsum[[p]] <- simsumdf %>%
dplyr::left_join(ppath, by=c("pathway", colnames(newdata))) %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(c(colnames(newdata)))) %>%
## Keep only the first n of the sampled rows
## where n is weighted by the prob of the pathway
} else {
simsum[[p]] <- simsumdf %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(c("pathway", colnames(newdata)))) %>%
val = quantile(.data$sm, p=probs,na.rm=TRUE))
resq <-"rbind", simsum)
if (final){
resq <- resq %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::group_by(dplyr::across(c("final", colnames(newdata)))) %>%
val = quantile(.data$sm, p=probs,na.rm=TRUE))
rownames(resq) <- NULL
if (is.numeric(B) && B > 1){
res <- matrix(nrow=B, ncol=length(resq$val))
res[1,] <- resq$val
for (i in 2:B){
xrep <- resample_pars_fmixmsm(x)
res[i,] <- qfinal_fmixmsm(xrep, newdata=newdata, final=final, B=NULL, n=n, probs=probs)$val
resci <- apply(res, 2, quantile, c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm=TRUE)
resq$lower <- resci[1,]
resq$upper <- resci[2,]
##' Simulate times to competing events from a mixture multi-state model
##' @inheritParams probs_flexsurvmix
##' @param n Number of simulations
##' @return Data frame with \code{n*m} rows and a column for each competing
##' event, where \code{m} is the number of alternative covariate values, that
##' is the number of rows of \code{newdata}. The simulated time represents
##' the time to that event conditionally on that event being the one that
##' occurs. This function doesn't simulate which event occurs.
simt_flexsurvmix <- function(x, newdata=NULL, n){
if (is.null(newdata)) newdata <- default_newdata(x)
if (is.null(newdata)) {
ncovvals <- 1
else {
newdata <-
ncovvals <- nrow(newdata)
simdf <-*ncovvals, ncol=x$K))
names(simdf) <- x$evnames
for (k in 1:x$K){
pars <- get_basepars(x, newdata, k)
pars$n <- n*ncovvals
simdf[[k]] <-$dfns[[k]]$r, pars)
if (!is.null(newdata)){
newdatarep <- newdata[rep(seq_len(ncovvals),n),,drop=FALSE]
simdf <- cbind(newdatarep, simdf)
simdf <- simdf["order", newdatarep),,drop=FALSE]
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