.need_pag <- function(page_type, pg_width, pg_height, cpp, lpp) {
!(is.null(page_type) && is.null(pg_width) && is.null(pg_height) && is.null(cpp) && is.null(lpp))
#' Export a table-like object to plain (ASCII) text with page breaks
#' This function converts `x` to a `MatrixPrintForm` object via [matrix_form()], paginates it
#' via [paginate_to_mpfs()], converts each page to ASCII text via [toString()], and outputs
#' the strings, separated by `page_break`, to `file`.
#' @inheritParams paginate_indices
#' @inheritParams toString
#' @inheritParams propose_column_widths
#' @param x (`ANY`)\cr a table-like object to export. Must have an applicable `matrix_form` method.
#' @param file (`string` or `NULL`)\cr if non-`NULL`, the path to write a text file to
#' containing `x` rendered as ASCII text.
#' @param page_break (`string`)\cr page break symbol (defaults to `"\\n\\s"`).
#' @param paginate (`flag`)\cr whether pagination should be performed. Defaults to `TRUE`
#' if page size is specified (including the default).
#' @param ... additional parameters passed to [paginate_to_mpfs()].
#' @details
#' If `x` has a `num_rep_cols` method, the value returned by it will be used for `rep_cols` by
#' default. Otherwise, 0 will be used.
#' If `x` has an applicable `do_forced_paginate` method, it will be invoked during the
#' pagination process.
#' @return If `file` is `NULL`, the full paginated and concatenated string value is returned,
#' otherwise the output is written to `file` and no value (invisible `NULL`) is returned.
#' @examples
#' export_as_txt(basic_matrix_form(mtcars), pg_height = 5, pg_width = 4)
#' @export
export_as_txt <- function(x,
file = NULL,
page_type = NULL,
landscape = FALSE,
pg_width = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 2 else 1],
pg_height = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 1 else 2],
font_family = "Courier",
font_size = 8, # grid parameters
lineheight = 1L,
margins = c(top = .5, bottom = .5, left = .75, right = .75),
paginate = TRUE,
cpp = NA_integer_,
lpp = NA_integer_,
hsep = NULL,
indent_size = 2,
tf_wrap = paginate,
max_width = NULL,
colwidths = NULL,
min_siblings = 2,
nosplitin = character(),
rep_cols = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
page_break = "\\s\\n",
page_num = default_page_number(),
fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight),
col_gap = 3) {
# Processing lists of tables or listings
if (.is_list_of_tables_or_listings(x)) {
if (isFALSE(paginate)) {
"paginate is FALSE, but x is a list of tables or listings, ",
"so paginate will automatically be updated to TRUE"
paginate <- TRUE
if (paginate) {
pages <- paginate_to_mpfs(
page_type = page_type,
## font_family = font_family,
## font_size = font_size,
## lineheight = lineheight,
landscape = landscape,
pg_width = pg_width,
pg_height = pg_height,
margins = margins,
lpp = lpp,
cpp = cpp,
min_siblings = min_siblings,
nosplitin = nosplitin,
colwidths = colwidths,
tf_wrap = tf_wrap,
max_width = max_width,
indent_size = indent_size,
verbose = verbose,
rep_cols = rep_cols,
page_num = page_num,
fontspec = fontspec,
col_gap = col_gap
} else {
mf <- matrix_form(x, TRUE, TRUE, indent_size = indent_size, fontspec = fontspec, col_gap = col_gap)
mf_col_widths(mf) <- colwidths %||% propose_column_widths(mf, fontspec = fontspec)
pages <- list(mf)
# Needs to be here because of adding cpp if it is not "auto"
if (!is.character(max_width)) {
max_width <- .handle_max_width(
tf_wrap = tf_wrap,
max_width = max_width,
cpp = cpp
## we don't set widths here because we already put that info in mpf
## so its on each of the pages.
strings <- vapply(
pages, toString, "",
widths = NULL,
hsep = hsep, tf_wrap = tf_wrap, max_width = max_width, col_gap = col_gap
res <- paste(strings, collapse = page_break)
if (is.null(file)) {
} else {
cat(res, file = file)
.is_list_of_tables_or_listings <- function(a_list) {
if (is(a_list, "list")) {
all_matrix_forms <- FALSE
obj_are_tables_or_listings <- FALSE
if (is(a_list[[1]], "MatrixPrintForm")) {
all_matrix_forms <- all(sapply(a_list, is, class2 = "MatrixPrintForm"))
} else {
obj_are_tables_or_listings <- all(
sapply(a_list, function(list_i) {
is(list_i, "listing_df") || is(list_i, "VTableTree")
out <- obj_are_tables_or_listings || all_matrix_forms
} else {
out <- FALSE
# RTF support ------------------------------------------------------------------
## In use, must be tested
prep_header_line <- function(mf, i) {
ret <- mf$strings[i, mf$display[i, , drop = TRUE], drop = TRUE]
## margin_lines_to_in <- function(margins, font_size, font_family) {
## tmpfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")
## gp_plot <- gpar(fontsize = font_size, fontfamily = font_family)
## pdf(file = tmpfile, width = 20, height = 20)
## on.exit({
## file.remove(tmpfile)
## })
## grid.newpage()
## pushViewport(plotViewport(margins = margins, gp = gp_plot))
## c(
## bottom = convertHeight(unit(margins["bottom"], "lines"), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE),
## left = convertWidth(unit(1, "strwidth", strrep("m", margins["left"])), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE),
## top = convertHeight(unit(margins["top"], "lines"), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE),
## right = convertWidth(unit(1, "strwidth", strrep("m", margins["right"])), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE)
## )
## }
mpf_to_dfbody <- function(mpf, colwidths, fontspec) {
mf <- matrix_form(mpf, indent_rownames = TRUE, fontspec = fontspec)
nlr <- mf_nlheader(mf)
if (is.null(colwidths)) {
colwidths <- propose_column_widths(mf, fontspec = fontspec)
mf$strings[1:nlr, 1] <- ifelse(nzchar(mf$strings[1:nlr, 1, drop = TRUE]),
mf$strings[1:nlr, 1, drop = TRUE],
strrep(" ", colwidths)
myfakedf <-$strings, -nlr))
#' Transform `MatrixPrintForm` to RTF
#' Experimental export to rich text format (RTF) via the `r2rtf` package.
#' @inheritParams page_lcpp
#' @inheritParams toString
#' @inheritParams grid::plotViewport
#' @param mpf (`MatrixPrintForm`)\cr a `MatrixPrintForm` object.
#' @param colwidths (`numeric`)\cr column widths.
#' @details
#' This function provides a low-level coercion of a `MatrixPrintForm` object into
#' text containing the corresponding table in RTF. Currently, no pagination is done
#' at this level, and should be done prior to calling this function, though that
#' may change in the future.
#' @return An RTF object.
#' @export
mpf_to_rtf <- function(mpf,
colwidths = NULL,
page_type = "letter",
pg_width = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 2 else 1],
pg_height = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 1 else 2],
landscape = FALSE,
margins = c(4, 4, 4, 4),
font_family = "Courier",
font_size = 8,
lineheight = 1,
fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight),
...) {
if (!requireNamespace("r2rtf")) {
stop("RTF export requires the 'r2rtf' package, please install it.")
if (fontspec$family != "Courier") {
stop("Experimental RTF export does not currently support fonts other than Courier")
mpf <- matrix_form(mpf, indent_rownames = TRUE, fontspec = fontspec)
nlr <- mf_nlheader(mpf)
if (is.null(colwidths)) {
colwidths <- propose_column_widths(mpf, fontspec = fontspec)
mpf$strings[1:nlr, 1] <- ifelse(nzchar(mpf$strings[1:nlr, 1, drop = TRUE]),
mpf$strings[1:nlr, 1, drop = TRUE],
strrep(" ", colwidths)
myfakedf <- mpf_to_dfbody(mpf, colwidths, fontspec = fontspec)
rtfpg <- r2rtf::rtf_page(myfakedf,
width = pg_width,
height = pg_height,
orientation = if (landscape) "landscape" else "portrait",
margin = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1),
nrow = 10000L
) ## dont allow r2rtf to restrict lines per page beyond actual real eastate
rtfpg <- r2rtf::rtf_title(rtfpg, main_title(mpf), subtitles(mpf), text_font = 1)
for (i in seq_len(nlr)) {
hdrlndat <- prep_header_line(mpf, i)
rtfpg <- r2rtf::rtf_colheader(rtfpg,
paste(hdrlndat, collapse = " | "),
col_rel_width = unlist(tapply(colwidths,
cumsum(mpf$display[i, , drop = TRUE]),
simplify = FALSE
border_top = c("", rep(if (i > 1) "single" else "", length(hdrlndat) - 1)),
text_font = 9, ## this means Courier New for some insane reason
text_font_size = font_size
rtfpg <- r2rtf::rtf_body(rtfpg,
col_rel_width = colwidths,
text_justification = c("l", rep("c", ncol(myfakedf) - 1)),
text_format = "",
text_font = 9,
text_font_size = font_size
for (i in seq_along(mpf$ref_footnotes)) {
rtfpg <- r2rtf::rtf_footnote(rtfpg,
border_top = if (i == 1) "single" else "",
border_bottom = if (i == length(mpf$ref_footnotes)) "single" else "",
text_font = 9
if (length(main_footer(mpf)) > 0) {
rtfpg <- r2rtf::rtf_footnote(rtfpg, main_footer(mpf), text_font = 9)
if (length(prov_footer(mpf)) > 0) {
rtfpg <- r2rtf::rtf_source(rtfpg, prov_footer(mpf), text_font = 9)
## Not currently in use, previous alternate ways to get to RTF
## ## XXX Experimental. Not to be exported without approval
## mpf_to_huxtable <- function(obj) {
## if (!requireNamespace("huxtable")) {
## stop("mpf_to_huxtable requires the huxtable package")
## }
## mf <- matrix_form(obj, indent_rownames = TRUE)
## nlr <- mf_nlheader(mf)
## myfakedf <-$strings, -nlr))
## ret <- huxtable::as_hux(myfakedf, add_colnames = FALSE)
## mf$strings[!mf$display] <- ""
## for (i in seq_len(nlr)) {
## arglist <- c(
## list(ht = ret, after = i - 1),
## as.list(mf$strings[i, ])
## )
## ret <-, arglist)
## spanspl <- split(
## seq_len(ncol(mf$strings)),
## cumsum(mf$display[i, ])
## )
## for (j in seq_along(spanspl)) {
## if (length(spanspl[[j]]) > 1) {
## ret <- huxtable::merge_cells(ret, row = i, col = spanspl[[j]])
## }
## }
## }
## ret <- huxtable::set_header_rows(ret, seq_len(nlr), TRUE)
## huxtable::font(ret) <- "courier"
## huxtable::font_size(ret) <- 6
## huxtable::align(ret)[
## seq_len(nrow(ret)),
## seq_len(ncol(ret))
## ] <- mf$aligns
## ret
## }
## ## XXX Experimental. Not to be exported without approval
## mpf_to_rtf <- function(obj, ..., file) {
## huxt <- mpf_to_huxtable(obj)
## ## a bunch more stuff here
## huxtable::quick_rtf(huxt, ..., file = file)
## }
## ## XXX Experimental. Not to be exported without approval
## mpf_to_gt <- function(obj) {
## requireNamespace("gt")
## mf <- matrix_form(obj, indent_rownames = TRUE)
## nlh <- mf_nlheader(mf)
## body_df <-$strings[-1 * seq_len(nlh), ])
## varnamerow <- mf_nrheader(mf)
## ## detect if we have counts
## if (any(nzchar(mf$formats[seq_len(nlh), ]))) {
## varnamerow <- varnamerow - 1
## }
## rlbl_lst <- as.list(mf$strings[nlh, , drop = TRUE])
## names(rlbl_lst) <- names(body_df)
## ret <- gt::gt(body_df, rowname_col = "V1")
## ret <- gt::cols_label(ret, .list = rlbl_lst)
## if (nlh > 1) {
## for (i in 1:(nlh - 1)) {
## linedat <- mf$strings[i, , drop = TRUE]
## splvec <- cumsum(mf$display[i, , drop = TRUE])
## spl <- split(seq_along(linedat), splvec)
## for (j in seq_along(spl)) {
## vns <- names(body_df)[spl[[j]]]
## labval <- linedat[spl[[j]][1]]
## ret <- gt::tab_spanner(ret,
## label = labval,
## columns = {{ vns }},
## level = nlh - i,
## id = paste0(labval, j)
## )
## }
## }
## }
## ret <- gt::opt_css(ret, css = "th.gt_left { white-space:pre;}")
## ret
## }
#' Export as RTF
#' Experimental export to the rich text format (RTF) format.
#' @details RTF export occurs via the following steps:
#' * The table is paginated to the specified page size (vertically and horizontally).
#' * Each separate page is converted to a `MatrixPrintForm` object and then to
#' RTF-encoded text.
#' * Separate RTF text chunks are combined and written to a single RTF file.
#' Conversion of `MatrixPrintForm` objects to RTF is done via [mpf_to_rtf()].
#' @inheritParams export_as_txt
#' @inheritParams toString
#' @inheritParams grid::plotViewport
#' @inheritParams paginate_to_mpfs
#' @export
export_as_rtf <- function(x,
file = NULL,
colwidths = NULL,
page_type = "letter",
pg_width = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 2 else 1],
pg_height = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 1 else 2],
landscape = FALSE,
margins = c(bottom = .5, left = .75, top = .5, right = .75),
font_family = "Courier",
font_size = 8,
lineheight = 1,
fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight),
...) {
# Processing lists of tables or listings
if (.is_list_of_tables_or_listings(x)) {
if (isFALSE(paginate)) {
"paginate is FALSE, but x is a list of tables or listings, ",
"so paginate will automatically be updated to TRUE"
paginate <- TRUE
if (!requireNamespace("r2rtf")) {
stop("RTF export requires the r2rtf package, please install it.")
if (fontspec$family != "Courier") {
stop("Experimental RTF export does not currently support fonts other than Courier")
if (is.null(names(margins))) {
names(margins) <- marg_order
# NEEDS TO BE INTO paginate_to_mpfs so to have this check once for all paginations
# fullmf <- matrix_form(x, indent_rownames = TRUE, fontspec = fontspec)
# req_ncols <- ncol(fullmf) + as.numeric(mf_has_rlabels(fullmf))
# if (!is.null(colwidths) && length(colwidths) != req_ncols) {
# stop(
# "non-null colwidths argument must have length ncol(x) (+ 1 if row labels are present) [",
# req_ncols, "], got length ", length(colwidths)
# )
# }
true_width <- pg_width - sum(margins[c("left", "right")])
true_height <- pg_height - sum(margins[c("top", "bottom")])
mpfs <- paginate_to_mpfs(
fontspec = fontspec,
pg_width = true_width,
pg_height = true_height,
margins = c(bottom = 0, left = 0, top = 0, right = 0),
lineheight = 1.25,
colwidths = colwidths,
rtftxts <- lapply(mpfs, function(mf) {
colwidths = mf_col_widths(mf),
page_type = page_type,
pg_width = pg_width,
pg_height = pg_height,
font_size = fontspec$size,
margins = c(top = 0, left = 0, bottom = 0, right = 0)
restxt <- paste(
sapply(rtftxts, function(x) x$body),
collapse = "\n{\\pard\\fs2\\par}\\page{\\pard\\fs2\\par}\n"
if (!is.null(file)) {
cat(restxt, file = file)
} else {
# PDF support ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Export as PDF
#' The PDF output from this function is based on the ASCII output created with [toString()].
#' @inheritParams export_as_txt
#' @inheritParams toString
#' @param file (`string`)\cr file to write to, must have `.pdf` extension.
#' @param width `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Please use the `pg_width` argument or specify
#' `page_type` instead.
#' @param height `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Please use the `pg_height` argument or
#' specify `page_type` instead.
#' @param fontsize `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` Please use the `font_size` argument instead.
#' @param margins (`numeric(4)`)\cr the number of lines/characters of the margin on the bottom,
#' left, top, and right sides of the page, respectively.
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf
#' @importFrom grid textGrob grid.newpage gpar pushViewport plotViewport unit grid.draw
#' convertWidth convertHeight grobHeight grobWidth
#' @importFrom grid textGrob get.gpar
#' @importFrom grDevices
#' @importFrom tools file_ext
#' @details
#' By default, pagination is performed with default `cpp` and `lpp` defined by specified page
#' dimensions and margins. User-specified `lpp` and `cpp` values override this, and should
#' be used with caution.
#' Title and footer materials are also word-wrapped by default (unlike when printed to the
#' terminal), with `cpp` (as defined above) as the default `max_width`.
#' @seealso [export_as_txt()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")
#' export_as_pdf(basic_matrix_form(mtcars), file = tf, pg_height = 4)
#' tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".pdf")
#' export_as_pdf(basic_matrix_form(mtcars), file = tf, lpp = 8)
#' }
#' @export
export_as_pdf <- function(x,
page_type = "letter",
landscape = FALSE,
pg_width = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 2 else 1],
pg_height = page_dim(page_type)[if (landscape) 1 else 2],
width = lifecycle::deprecated(),
height = lifecycle::deprecated(),
margins = c(4, 4, 4, 4),
min_siblings = 2,
font_family = "Courier",
font_size = 8,
fontsize = font_size,
lineheight = 1.2, ## XXX this matches legacy behavior but differs from default everywhere else
paginate = TRUE,
page_num = default_page_number(),
lpp = NULL,
cpp = NULL,
hsep = "-",
indent_size = 2,
rep_cols = NULL,
tf_wrap = TRUE,
max_width = NULL,
colwidths = NULL,
fontspec = font_spec(font_family, font_size, lineheight),
ttype_ok = FALSE) {
## this has to happen at the very beginning before the first use of fontspec
## which happens in the default value of colwidths. yay lazy evaluation...
if (missing(font_size) && !missing(fontsize)) {
font_size <- fontsize
stopifnot(tools::file_ext(file) != ".pdf")
# Processing lists of tables or listings
if (.is_list_of_tables_or_listings(x)) {
if (isFALSE(paginate)) {
"paginate is FALSE, but x is a list of tables or listings, ",
"so paginate will automatically be updated to TRUE"
paginate <- TRUE
gp_plot <- gpar_from_fspec(fontspec)
if (lifecycle::is_present(width)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn("0.5.5", "export_as_pdf(width)", "export_as_pdf(pg_width)")
pg_width <- width
if (lifecycle::is_present(height)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn("0.5.5", "export_as_pdf(height)", "export_as_pdf(pg_height)")
pg_height <- height
gp_plot <- grid::gpar(fontsize = font_size, fontfamily = font_family)
pdf(file = file, width = pg_width, height = pg_height)
out_dev_num <- dev.cur()
on.exit(, add = TRUE)
grid::pushViewport(grid::plotViewport(margins = margins, gp = gp_plot))
cur_gpar <- grid::get.gpar()
if (is.null(lpp)) {
lpp <- floor(grid::convertHeight(grid::unit(1, "npc"), "lines", valueOnly = TRUE) /
(cur_gpar$cex * cur_gpar$lineheight)) ## - sum(margins[c(1, 3)]) # bottom, top # nolint
if (is.null(cpp)) {
cpp <- floor(grid::convertWidth(grid::unit(1, "npc"), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE) *
font_lcpi(fontspec$family, fontspec$size, cur_gpar$lineheight)$cpi) - sum(margins[c(2, 4)]) # left, right # nolint
if (tf_wrap && is.null(max_width)) {
max_width <- cpp
newdev <- open_font_dev(fontspec, silent = TRUE) ## cause we know there's another dev open...
if (newdev) {
on.exit(close_font_dev(), add = TRUE)
if (paginate) {
tbls <- paginate_to_mpfs(
page_type = page_type,
fontspec = fontspec,
landscape = landscape,
pg_width = pg_width,
pg_height = pg_height,
margins = margins,
lpp = lpp,
cpp = cpp,
min_siblings = min_siblings,
nosplitin = character(),
colwidths = colwidths,
tf_wrap = tf_wrap,
max_width = max_width,
indent_size = indent_size,
verbose = FALSE,
rep_cols = rep_cols,
page_num = page_num
} else {
mf <- matrix_form(x, TRUE, TRUE, indent_size = indent_size, fontspec = fontspec)
mf_col_widths(mf) <- colwidths %||% propose_column_widths(mf, fontspec = fontspec)
tbls <- list(mf)
# Needs to be here because of adding cpp if it is not "auto"
if (!is.character(max_width)) {
max_width <- .handle_max_width(
tf_wrap = tf_wrap,
max_width = max_width,
cpp = cpp
tbl_txts <- lapply(tbls, function(tbli) {
widths = tbli$col_widths + 1,
hsep = hsep,
tf_wrap = tf_wrap,
max_width = max_width,
fontspec = fontspec,
ttype_ok = ttype_ok
## switch back to our output pdf device
gtbls <- lapply(tbl_txts, function(txt) {
x = grid::unit(0, "npc"), y = grid::unit(1, "npc"),
just = c("left", "top")
npages <- length(gtbls)
exceeds_width <- rep(FALSE, npages)
exceeds_height <- rep(FALSE, npages)
for (i in seq_along(gtbls)) {
g <- gtbls[[i]]
if (i > 1) {
grid::pushViewport(grid::plotViewport(margins = margins, gp = gp_plot))
if (grid::convertHeight(grid::grobHeight(g), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE) >
grid::convertHeight(grid::unit(1, "npc"), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE)) { # nolint
exceeds_height[i] <- TRUE
warning("height of page ", i, " exceeds the available space")
if (grid::convertWidth(grid::grobWidth(g), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE) >
grid::convertWidth(grid::unit(1, "npc"), "inches", valueOnly = TRUE)) { # nolint
exceeds_width[i] <- TRUE
warning("width of page ", i, " exceeds the available space")
file = file, npages = npages, exceeds_width = exceeds_width, exceeds_height = exceeds_height,
lpp = lpp, cpp = cpp
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