#' Power of exclusion
#' Computes the power (of a single marker, or for a collection of markers) of
#' excluding a claimed relationship, given the true relationship.
#' This function implements the formula for exclusion power as defined and
#' discussed in (Egeland et al., 2014).
#' It should be noted that `claimPed` and `truePed` may be any (lists of)
#' pedigrees, as long as they both contain the individuals specified by `ids`.
#' In particular, either alternative may have inbred founders (with the same or
#' different coefficients), but this must be set individually for each.
#' @param claimPed A `ped` object (or a list of such), describing the claimed
#' relationship. If a list, the sets of ID labels must be disjoint, that is,
#' all ID labels must be unique.
#' @param truePed A `ped` object (or a list of such), describing the true
#' relationship. ID labels must be consistent with `claimPed`.
#' @param ids Individuals available for genotyping.
#' @param markers A vector indicating the names or indices of markers attached
#' to the source pedigree. If NULL (default), then all markers attached to the
#' source pedigree are used. If `alleles` or `afreq` is non-NULL, then this
#' parameter is ignored.
#' @param source Either "claim" (default) or "true", deciding which pedigree is
#' used as source for marker data.
#' @param disableMutations This parameter determines how mutation models are
#' treated. Possible values are as follows:
#' * `NA` (the default): Mutations are disabled only for those markers whose
#' known genotypes are compatible with both `claimPed` and `truePed`. This is
#' determined by temporarily removing all mutation models and checking which
#' markers have nonzero likelihood in both alternatives.
#' * `TRUE`: Mutations are disabled for all markers.
#' * `FALSE`: No action is done to disable mutations.
#' * A vector containing the names or indices of those markers for which
#' mutations should be disabled.
#' @param exactMaxL A positive integer, or `Inf` (default). Exact EPs are
#' calculated for markers whose number of alleles is less or equal to
#' `exactMaxL`; remaining markers are handled by simulation.
#' @param nsim A positive integer; the number of simulations used for markers
#' whose number of alleles exceeds `exactMaxL`.
#' @param seed An integer seed for the random number generator (optional).
#' @param alleles,afreq,Xchrom If these are given, they are used (together with
#' `knownGenotypes`) to create a marker object on the fly.
#' @param knownGenotypes A list of triplets `(a, b, c)`, indicating that
#' individual `a` has genotype `b/c`. Ignored unless `alleles` or `afreq` is
#' non-NULL.
#' @param plot Either a logical or the character "plotOnly". If the latter, a
#' plot is drawn, but no further computations are done.
#' @param plotMarkers A vector of marker names or indices whose genotypes are to
#' be included in the plot.
#' @param verbose A logical.
#' @return If `plot = "plotOnly"`, the function returns NULL after producing the
#' plot.
#' Otherwise, the function returns an `EPresult` object, which is essentially
#' a list with the following entries:
#' * `EPperMarker`: A numeric vector containing the exclusion power of each
#' marker. If the known genotypes of a marker are incompatible with the true
#' pedigree, the corresponding entry is `NA`.
#' * `EPtotal`: The total exclusion power, computed as `1 - prod(1 -
#' EPperMarker, na.rm = TRUE)`.
#' * `expectedMismatch`: The expected number of markers giving exclusion,
#' computed as `sum(EPperMarker, na.rm = TRUE)`.
#' * `distribMismatch`: The probability distribution of the number of markers
#' giving exclusion. This is given as a numeric vector of length `n+1`, where
#' `n` is the number of nonzero elements of `EPperMarker`. The vector has
#' names `0:n`.
#' * `time`: The total computation time.
#' * `params`: A list containing the (processed) parameters `ids`, `markers`
#' and `disableMutations`.
#' @author Magnus Dehli Vigeland
#' @references T. Egeland, N. Pinto and M.D. Vigeland, *A general approach to
#' power calculation for relationship testing.* Forensic Science
#' International: Genetics 9 (2014): 186-190.
#' \doi{10.1016/j.fsigen.2013.05.001}
#' @examples
#' ############################################
#' ### A standard case paternity case:
#' ### Compute the power of exclusion when the claimed father is in fact
#' ### unrelated to the child.
#' ############################################
#' # Claim: 'AF' is the father of 'CH'
#' claim = nuclearPed(father = "AF", children = "CH")
#' # Attach two (empty) markers
#' claim = claim |>
#' addMarker(alleles = 1:2) |>
#' addMarker(alleles = 1:3)
#' # Truth: 'AF' and 'CH' are unrelated
#' true = singletons(c("AF", "CH"))
#' # EP when both are available for genotyping
#' exclusionPower(claim, true, ids = c("AF", "CH"))
#' # EP when the child is typed; homozygous 1/1 at both markers
#' claim2 = claim |>
#' setGenotype(marker = 1:2, id = "CH", geno = "1/1")
#' exclusionPower(claim2, true, ids = "AF")
#' ############################################
#' ### Two females claim to be mother and daughter, but are in reality sisters.
#' ### We compute the power of various markers to reject the claim.
#' ############################################
#' ids = c("A", "B")
#' claim = nuclearPed(father = "NN", mother = "A", children = "B", sex = 2)
#' true = nuclearPed(children = ids, sex = 2)
#' # SNP with MAF = 0.1:
#' PE1 = exclusionPower(claimPed = claim, truePed = true, ids = ids,
#' alleles = 1:2, afreq = c(0.9, 0.1))
#' stopifnot(round(PE1$EPtotal, 5) == 0.00405)
#' # Tetra-allelic marker with one major allele:
#' PE2 = exclusionPower(claimPed = claim, truePed = true, ids = ids,
#' alleles = 1:4, afreq = c(0.7, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
#' stopifnot(round(PE2$EPtotal, 5) == 0.03090)
#' ### How does the power change if the true pedigree is inbred?
#' trueLOOP = halfSibPed(sex2 = 2) |> addChildren(4, 5, ids = ids)
#' # SNP with MAF = 0.1:
#' PE3 = exclusionPower(claimPed = claim, truePed = trueLOOP, ids = ids,
#' alleles = 1:2, afreq = c(0.9, 0.1))
#' # Power almost doubled compared with PE1
#' stopifnot(round(PE3$EPtotal, 5) == 0.00765)
#' @importFrom pedprobr likelihood
#' @export
exclusionPower = function(claimPed, truePed, ids, markers = NULL, source = "claim",
disableMutations = NA, exactMaxL = Inf, nsim = 1000, seed = NULL,
alleles = NULL, afreq = NULL, knownGenotypes = NULL, Xchrom = FALSE,
plot = FALSE, plotMarkers = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
st = Sys.time()
# Ensure `ids` is a list of character vectors
ids = list(ids)
ids = lapply(ids, as.character)
allids = unique.default(unlist(ids))
# Number of `ids` vectors
NI = length(ids)
### Input option 1: Single marker with attributes given directly
if(!is.null(alleles) || !is.null(afreq)) {
# Convert knownGenotypes to allele matrix
am = NULL
if(!is.null(knownGenotypes)) {
# Check format
if(!is.list(knownGenotypes) || !all(lengths(knownGenotypes) == 3))
stop2("`knownGenotypes` must be a list of vectors of the form `c(ID, allele1, allele2)`")
am =, knownGenotypes)
rownames(am) = as.character(am[, 1])
am = am[, -1, drop = FALSE]
# If `alleles` is single integer, convert to sequence
alleles = seq_len(alleles)
# Create and attach locus to both pedigrees
locus = list(alleles = alleles, afreq = afreq, chrom = if (Xchrom) 23 else NA)
claimPed = setMarkers(claimPed, alleleMatrix = am, locusAttributes = locus)
truePed = setMarkers(truePed, alleleMatrix = am, locusAttributes = locus)
markers = 1
typed = typedMembers(truePed)
hasMut = FALSE
disableMutations = FALSE # don't do anything
else {
sourcePed = switch(source, claim = claimPed, true = truePed,
stop2("`source` must be either 'claim' or 'true': ", source))
nmTot = nMarkers(sourcePed)
if(nmTot == 0)
stop2("No markers attached to the source pedigree ('", source, "')")
# If `markers` not given, use all attached. Use names if present.
if(is.null(markers)) {
message("Using all ", nmTot, " attached markers")
markers = name(sourcePed, 1:nmTot)
markers = 1:nmTot
# Check for already typed members. TODO: Support for partially typed members
typed = typedMembers(sourcePed)
if(length(bad <- intersect(allids, typed)))
stop2("Individual is already genotyped: ", toString(bad))
# Transfer marker data to the other pedigree
claim = {
claimPed = selectMarkers(claimPed, markers)
truePed = transferMarkers(from = claimPed, to = truePed)
true = {
truePed = selectMarkers(truePed, markers)
claimPed = transferMarkers(from = truePed, to = claimPed)
# Plot
if (isTRUE(plot) || plot == "plotOnly") {
plotPedList(list(claimPed, truePed),
newdev = TRUE,
titles = c("Claim", "True"),
hatched = function(p) c(allids, typedMembers(p)),
col = list(red = allids),
marker = match(plotMarkers, markers))
if (plot == "plotOnly")
nMark = length(markers)
### Mutation disabling
# Which of the markers allow mutations?
hasMut = allowsMutations(claimPed)
if(!is.null(disableMutations) && !isFALSE(disableMutations)) {
disableMutations = which(hasMut)
else if(identical(disableMutations, NA)) {
# Disable mutations for markers consistent in both true and claim
cons = consistentMarkers(claimPed, hasMut) & consistentMarkers(truePed, hasMut)
disableTF = logical(nMark)
disableTF[hasMut] = cons
disableMutations = which(disableTF)
else {# if numeric or character: Use original pedigree, i.e. before selection
midx_orig = whichMarkers(sourcePed, markers)
dis_idx = whichMarkers(sourcePed, disableMutations)
disableMutations = match(dis_idx, midx_orig) # = index in the after-selection peds!
# Disable
if(length(disableMutations)) {
mutmod(claimPed, disableMutations) = NULL
mutmod(truePed, disableMutations) = NULL
### Baseline likelihoods
trueBase = likelihood(truePed, markers = seq_len(nMark))
claimBase = likelihood(claimPed, markers = seq_len(nMark))
### Compute the exclusion power of each marker.
# The result is rectangular, with nMark columns and NI rows
ep = vapply(seq_len(nMark), function(i) {
m = markers[i]
nall = nAlleles(truePed, marker = i)
exactCalc = nall <= exactMaxL
if(verbose) {
mut = if(i %in% disableMutations) "disabled" else if(hasMut[i]) "enabled" else "no"
method = ifelse(exactCalc, "Exact", "Simulation")
message(sprintf("Marker %s: %d alleles; %s mut model. Method: %s", m, nall, mut, method))
# If impossible in true, return NA
if(trueBase[i] == 0) {
return(rep(NA_real_, NI))
# If impossible in claim, return 1
if(claimBase[i] == 0) {
return(rep(1, NI))
# Compute/estimate EP value for each `ids` entry
if(exactCalc) {
this.ep = unlist(lapply(ids, function(idvec) {
.EPsingleMarker(claimPed, truePed, idvec, marker = i, verbose = FALSE)
else {
trueSims = markerSim(truePed, ids = allids, N = nsim, partialmarker = i,
seed = seed, verbose = FALSE)
this.ep = unlist(lapply(ids, function(idvec) {
claimSims = transferMarkers(trueSims, claimPed, ids = c(typed, idvec))
liks = likelihood(claimSims, markers = 1:nsim)
mean(liks == 0)
message("EP = ", paste(round(this.ep, 3), collapse = " "))
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(NI))
# List of parameters
params = list(markers = markers, disableMutations = disableMutations,
exactMaxL = exactMaxL, nsim = nsim, seed = seed, allids = allids, typed = typed)
# Summarise over all markers
if(length(ids) == 1) { # in this case `ep` is just a vector
res = summariseEP(ep)
res$params = c(params, list(ids = ids[[1]]))
else {
res = lapply(seq_along(ids), function(i) {
resi = summariseEP(ep[i, ])
resi$params = c(params, list(ids = ids[[i]]))
# Timing
message("Total time: ", ftime(st))
# Summarise a vector of single-marker exclusion powers
summariseEP = function(epvec) {
# Total EP
tot = 1 - prod(1 - epvec, na.rm = TRUE)
# Expected number of exclusions
expMis = sum(epvec, na.rm = TRUE)
# Distribution of number of mismatches
# This is a sum of different Bernoulli variables, i.e., Poisson binomial.
n.nonz = sum(epvec > 0, na.rm = TRUE)
if(n.nonz == 0)
distrib = c(`0` = 1)
else {
distrib = setNames(rep(NA_real_, n.nonz + 1), 0:n.nonz)
if (requireNamespace("poibin", quietly = TRUE))
distrib[] = poibin::dpoibin(kk = 0:n.nonz, pp = epvec[! & epvec > 0])
warning("Package `poibin` not found. Cannot compute the distribution of exclusion counts without this; returning NA's")
# Ad hoc fix: If all epvec are NA, the other results should also be NA (not 0)
if(all( {
tot = expMis = distrib = NA
structure(list(EPperMarker = epvec, EPtotal = tot, expectedMismatch = expMis, distribMismatch = distrib),
class = "EPresult")
#' @export
print.EPresult = function(x, ...) {
incons =$EPperMarker)
incons_names = if(any(incons)) sprintf("(%s)", toString(x$params$markers[incons])) else ""
poss = !incons & x$EPperMarker > 0
poss_names = if(any(poss)) sprintf("(%s)", toString(x$params$markers[poss])) else ""
nPoss = if(all(incons)) NA else sum(poss)
expMis = round(x$expectedMismatch, 3)
if(sum(incons) > 0)
cat("Impossible markers:", sum(incons), incons_names, "\n")
cat("Potential mismatches:", nPoss, poss_names, "\n")
cat("Expected mismatches:", expMis, "\n")
cat("P(at least 1 mismatch):", round(x$EPtotal, 3), "\n")
### Computations start here ###
.EPsingleMarker = function(claimPed, truePed, ids, marker, verbose = TRUE) {
# Step 1: Genotype combinations incompatible with "claim"
# Step 2: Probability of incomp under `true` pedigree
if (is.ped(claimPed))
claimPed = list(claimPed)
if (is.ped(truePed))
truePed = list(truePed)
claim = selectMarkers(claimPed, marker)
true = selectMarkers(truePed, marker)
# Extract ped component of each id, and check that all were found
compsClaim = getComponent(claim, ids, checkUnique = TRUE)
stop2("Individuals not found in `claimPed`: ", ids[])
# Check that all `ids` are in `true`
compsTrue = getComponent(true, ids, checkUnique = TRUE)
stop2("Individuals not found in `truePed`: ", ids[])
names(compsClaim) = names(compsTrue) = ids
### Step 1
# Incompatible combinations in each component
I.g.list = lapply(seq_along(claim), function(i) {
if(!any(compsClaim == i))
omd = oneMarkerDistribution(claim[[i]], ids = ids[compsClaim == i],
partialmarker = 1, verbose = FALSE)
omd == 0
# Remove NULLs
I.g.list = I.g.list[lengths(I.g.list) > 0]
# outer product OR
outerOR = function(x,y) outer(x, y, FUN = `|`)
I.g = Reduce(outerOR, I.g.list)
# If no incompatibilities, return 0
# Extract the TRUE positions (= incompatible combinations)
incomp = which(I.g, arr.ind = TRUE, useNames = FALSE)
colnames(incomp) = ids
if(verbose) {
cat("Impossible genotype combinations of `ids` given the claimed pedigree:\n")
inc = sapply(seq_along(ids), function(i) dimnames(I.g)[[i]][incomp[, i]])
inc =
names(inc) = ids
### Step 2: Probability of incomp under `true` pedigree
# Grid to be used as input to oneMarkerDistribution
# Recall: Entries now refers to rows in allGenotypes(n)
incomp.grid = incomp
# If X: Modify male columns. TODO: would be nice to clean this up a bit.
m = getMarkers(claim[[1]], 1)[[1]]
if(isXmarker(m)) {
sx = sapply(seq_along(ids), function(i) getSex(true[[compsTrue[i]]], ids[i]))
nall = nAlleles(true[[1]], 1)
if(nall > 1) {
homoz = c(1, cumsum(nall:2) + 1)
incomp.grid[, sx == 1] = homoz[incomp.grid[, sx == 1]]
# In the true ped: Sum probs of the incompat combinations
p.g.list = lapply(seq_along(true), function(i) {
if(!any(compsTrue == i))
ids.i = ids[compsTrue == i]
grid.i = unique.matrix(incomp.grid[, ids.i, drop = FALSE])
omd = oneMarkerDistribution(true[[i]], ids.i, partialmarker = 1,
grid.subset = grid.i, verbose = FALSE)
# Remove NULLs
p.g.list = p.g.list[lengths(p.g.list) > 0]
# Reduce to array
p.g = Reduce("%o%", p.g.list)
# The entries corresponding to exclusions
excl = p.g[I.g]
if(verbose) {
cat("\nProbabilities under `true` ped:\n")
inc = cbind(inc, prob = excl)
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