Approx.fpt.density <-
function (dp, t0, T, id, S, env = NULL, variableStep = TRUE,
from.t0 = FALSE, to.T = FALSE, r = 4000, zeroSlope = 0.01,
p0.tol = 8, k = 3, m = 100, n = 250, p = 0.2, alpha = 1,
skip = TRUE, tol = 0.001, it.max)
if (!is.diffproc(dp))
stop(paste(sQuote("dp"), "argument is not of class ",
shQuote("diffproc"), ".", sep = ""))
if (!is.numeric(t0))
stop(paste(sQuote("t0"), "argument is not of numeric type."))
if (length(t0) > 1)
stop(paste(sQuote("t0"), "argument is not of length 1."))
if (!is.numeric(T))
stop(paste(sQuote("T"), "argument is not of numeric type."))
if (length(T) > 1)
stop(paste(sQuote("T"), "argument is not of length 1."))
if (t0 >= T)
stop("the final time instant is not greater than the initial time instant.")
if (m < 25) {
warning("m can be small, the value 25 has been used",
call. = FALSE)
m <- 25
if (is.numeric(id)) {
if (length(id) > 1L)
stop("id argument is not of length 1.")
else {
if (is.list(id)) {
if (length(id) != 4L)
stop("id argument is not of length 4.")
if (!all(sapply(id, is.character)))
stop("the components of id argument are not of character type.")
if (!all(sapply(id, length) == 1L))
stop("the components of id argument are not of length 1.")
else stop(paste(sQuote("id"), "argument is not of numeric or list type."))
if (is.numeric(id)) {
X0 <- id
df.X0 <- 1L
cp <- TRUE
else {
if (inherits(try(parse(text = id[[1]]), silent = TRUE),
stop("the mathematical expression of the density function of the initial distribution process shows syntax errors.")
expr <- parse(text = id[[1]])[[1]]
v <- all.vars(expr)
if (!identical(v, "x"))
stop("the mathematical expression of the density function of the initial distribution process is not an expression in 'x'.")
distr <- substring(ls("package:stats", pattern = "^d"),
distr <- paste("d", intersect(distr, substring(ls("package:stats",
pattern = "^q"), 2)), sep = "")
if (!is.element(as.character(expr[[1]]), distr))
stop("the initial distribution of the diffusion process is not available in the stats package.")
Q <- eval(parse(text = sub("d", "q", id[[1]])), list(x = c(10^-4,
1 - 10^-4)))
X0 <- seq(Q[1], Q[2], length.out = m)
df.X0 <- eval(expr, list(x = X0))
cp <- FALSE
if (!is.numeric(S) & !is.character(S))
stop(paste(sQuote("S"), "argument is not of numeric or character type."))
if (length(S) > 1)
stop(paste(sQuote("S"), "argument is not of length 1."))
exprS <- parse(text = S)
if (inherits(try(exprS, silent = TRUE), "try-error"))
stop(paste("the mathematical expression of the boundary shows syntax errors.",
sep = ""))
if (inherits(try(D(exprS, "t"), silent = TRUE), "try-error"))
stop("R can not compute the symbolic derivative with respect to 't' of the mathematical expression of the boundary")
if ((!is.list(env)) & (!is.null(env)))
stop(paste(sQuote("env"), "argument is not NULL or a list object."))
if (!all(is.element(sapply(env, mode), c("numeric", "character"))))
stop(paste(sQuote("env"), "argument is not a list of numeric or character objects."))
if (!is.numeric(n))
stop(paste(sQuote("n"), "argument is not of numeric type."))
if (round(n) != n)
stop(paste(sQuote("n"), "argument is not an integer number."))
if (length(n) > 1)
stop(paste(sQuote("n"), "argument is not of length 1."))
if (missing(it.max)) {
if (cp)
it.max <- 50000L
else it.max <- 1000000L
Call <-
Args <- list(t0 = t0, T = T, S = S, variableStep = variableStep,
from.t0 = from.t0, to.T = to.T, r = r, zeroSlope = zeroSlope,
p0.tol = p0.tol, k = k, m = m, n = n, p = p, alpha = alpha,
skip = skip, tol = tol, it.max = it.max)
label <- intersect(names(Args), names(Call))
Call[label] <- Args[label]
if ($id))
Call$id <- id
e <- is.null(env)
if (e) {
B <- function(t, x0) NULL
env3 <- list(t0 = t0)
exprS <- as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr,
env3), list(expr = exprS[[1]]))))
if (is.element("t", all.names(expr)))
body(B) <-"{"), exprS))
else body(B) <- substitute(rep(a, length(t)), list(a = exprS[[1]]))
else {
env2 <- env
logic <- unlist(lapply(env2, is.character))
if (any(logic))
env2[logic] <- lapply(env2[logic], function(x) parse(text = x)[[1]])
env3 <- c(t0 = t0, env2)
B <- function(t, x0) NULL
exprS <- as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr,
env3), list(expr = exprS[[1]]))))
if (is.element("t", all.names(exprS))) {
vars <- setdiff(intersect(all.names(exprS), names(env3)),
c("t", "t0", "x0"))
if (length(vars) > 0)
expr <- c(sapply(vars, function(x) as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr,
list(valor = env3[[x]])), list(expr = parse(text = paste(x,
"<- valor"))[[1]]))))), exprS)
else expr <- exprS
body(B) <-"{"), expr))
else body(B) <- substitute(rep(a, length(t)), list(a = exprS[[1]]))
rho <- sign(sapply(X0, B, t = t0) - X0)
logic <- rho != 0L
if (any(logic)) {
if (e) {
A1 <- function(x, t) NULL
expr <- parse(text = dp$mean)
if (any(is.element(c("x", "t"), all.names(expr))))
body(A1) <- expr
else body(A1) <- substitute(rep(a, max(length(x),
length(t))), list(a = expr[[1]]))
DA2 <- function(x, t) NULL
expr <- parse(text = dp$var)
if (any(is.element(c("x", "t"), all.names(expr))))
body(DA2) <- deriv(expr, "x")
else body(DA2) <- eval(substitute(expression({
.value <- rep(a, length(x))
.grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 1L), list(NULL,
.grad[, "x"] <- 0
attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
}), list(a = expr[[1]])))
Df <- function(x, t, y, s) NULL
expr <- deriv(parse(text = dp$tpdf), "x")
body(Df) <-"{"), expr))
DB <- function(t, x0) NULL
if (is.element("t", all.names(exprS)))
body(DB) <- deriv(exprS, "t")
else body(DB) <- eval(substitute(expression({
.value <- rep(a, length(t))
.grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 1L), list(NULL,
.grad[, "t"] <- 0
attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
}), list(a = exprS[[1]])))
else {
A1 <- function(x, t) NULL
expr <- as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr,
env2), list(expr = parse(text = dp$mean)[[1]]))))
if (any(is.element(c("x", "t"), all.names(expr)))) {
vars <- setdiff(intersect(all.names(expr), names(env2)),
c("x", "t"))
if (length(vars) > 0)
expr <- c(sapply(vars, function(x) as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr,
list(valor = env2[[x]])), list(expr = parse(text = paste(x,
"<- valor"))[[1]]))))), expr)
body(A1) <-"{"), expr))
else body(A1) <- substitute(rep(a, max(length(x),
length(t))), list(a = expr[[1]]))
DA2 <- function(x, t) NULL
expr <- parse(text = dp$var)
if (any(is.element(c("x", "t"), all.names(expr)))) {
exprD <- as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr,
env2), list(expr = deriv(expr, "x")[[1]]))))
vars <- setdiff(intersect(all.names(exprD), names(env2)),
c("x", "t"))
if (length(vars) > 0)
exprD <- c(sapply(vars, function(x) as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr,
list(valor = env2[[x]])), list(expr = parse(text = paste(x,
"<- valor"))[[1]]))))), exprD)
body(DA2) <-"{"), exprD))
else body(DA2) <-"{"), eval(substitute(expression({
.value <- rep(a, length(x))
.grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 1L), list(NULL,
.grad[, "x"] <- 0
attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
}), list(a = eval(substitute(substitute(expr, env2),
list(expr = expr[[1]]))))))))
Df <- function(x, t, y, s) NULL
expr <- parse(text = dp$tpdf)
exprD <- as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr,
env2), list(expr = deriv(expr, "x")[[1]]))))
vars <- setdiff(intersect(all.names(exprD), names(env2)),
c("x", "t", "y", "s"))
if (length(vars) > 0)
exprD <- c(sapply(vars, function(x) as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr,
list(valor = env2[[x]])), list(expr = parse(text = paste(x,
"<- valor"))[[1]]))))), exprD)
body(Df) <-"{"), exprD))
DB <- function(t, x0) NULL
if (is.element("t", all.names(exprS))) {
exprD <- deriv(exprS, "t")
vars <- setdiff(intersect(all.names(exprD), names(env3)),
c("t", "x0"))
if (length(vars) > 0)
exprD <- c(sapply(vars, function(x) as.expression(eval(substitute(substitute(expr,
list(valor = env3[[x]])), list(expr = parse(text = paste(x,
"<- valor"))[[1]]))))), exprD)
body(DB) <-"{"), exprD))
else body(DB) <-"{"), eval(substitute(expression({
.value <- rep(a, length(t))
.grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 1L), list(NULL,
.grad[, "t"] <- 0
attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
}), list(a = exprS[[1]])))))
X0 <- X0[logic]
rho <- rho[logic]
m <- length(X0)
d <- diff(X0)
SFPTL <- lapply(X0, function(x, DP, T0, T, B, Env, N,
zS, tol, K) unclass(summary(FPTL(DP, T0, T, x, B,
Env, N), zS, tol, K)), DP = dp, T0 = t0, T = T, B = S,
Env = env, N = r, zS = zeroSlope, tol = p0.tol, K = k)
SFPTLCall <- sapply(SFPTL, attr, "Call")
FPTLCall <- sapply(SFPTL, attr, "FPTLCall")
dp <- attr(SFPTL[[1]], "dp")
vars <- attr(SFPTL[[1]], "vars")
SFPTL <- unlist(SFPTL, recursive = FALSE)
attr(SFPTL, "Call") <- SFPTLCall
attr(SFPTL, "FPTLCall") <- FPTLCall
attr(SFPTL, "dp") <- dp
if (length(vars) > 0L)
attr(SFPTL, "vars") <- vars
if (is.list(id))
attr(SFPTL, "id") <- id
class(SFPTL) <- "summary.fptl"
IS <- Integration.Steps(SFPTL, variableStep, from.t0,
to.T, n, p, alpha)
H <- IS$H
Skip <- IS$skip
it <- (H[, 2] - H[, 1])/H[, 3]
if ((m * sum(it) > it.max) & interactive()) {
M <- m - sapply(Skip, sum)
label1 <- character(1)
label2 <- character(1)
if (!to.T) {
logic <- sapply(Skip, function(s) all(!s))
if (any(logic)) {
itStop <- m * cumsum(it)[logic]
if (length(itStop) == 1)
label1 <- paste("iteration", itStop)
else label1 <- paste("iterations ", paste(itStop[-length(itStop)],
collapse = ", "), " and ", itStop[length(itStop)],
sep = "")
label1 <- paste(", although the algorithm can stop at",
itStop <- cumsum(M * it)[logic]
if (length(itStop) == 1)
label2 <- paste("iteration", itStop)
else label2 <- paste("iterations ", paste(itStop[-length(itStop)],
collapse = ", "), " and ", itStop[length(itStop)],
sep = "")
label2 <- paste(", although the algorithm can stop at",
itbyStep <- format(data.frame(matrix(H[, 1:2], ncol = 2),
m * it), digits = 8)
logic <- M < m
if ((skip) & (any(logic)))
itbyStep[, 3][logic] <- paste(M[logic] * it[logic],
ifelse(cp, "or", "to"), itbyStep[, 3][logic])
row.names(itbyStep) <- paste("Subinterval", 1:nrow(itbyStep))
names(itbyStep) <- c("Lower end", "Upper end", "Iterations")
cat("\nThe table below shows the number of iterations of the approximation process step by step: \n\n")
iterations <- m * sum(it)
if ((skip) & (any(logic))) {
cat("\nIf no subinterval is avoided, the total number of iterations is ",
iterations, label1, ".", sep = "")
cat("\nIf the application of the numerical algorithm is avoided in all suitable subintervals, the total number of iterations is ",
sum(M * it), label2, ".", sep = "")
else cat("\nThe total number of iterations is", iterations)
repeat {
answer <- readline("Do you want to continue? (y/n) ")
if ((answer == "n") | (answer == "y"))
if (answer == "n")
stop("Approximation process stopped by the usuary.\n\n")
jumps <- vector("list", nrow(H))
Integral <- numeric(nrow(H))
now <- matrix(, nrow = nrow(H) + 1, ncol = 2)
now[1, ] <- proc.time()[1:2]
h <- numeric(0)
F <- 0
g0 <- H[1, 1]
gx <- H[1, 1] + H[1, 3]
cols <- 1:m
if (skip)
logic <- !Skip[[1]]
else logic <- rep(TRUE, m)
if (any(logic)) {
b <- lapply(X0, DB, t = gx)
B2 <- b[logic]
dB2 <- sapply(B2, attr, "gradient")
b <- unlist(b)
a1 <- sapply(B2, A1, t = gx)
a2 <- lapply(B2, DA2, t = gx)
da2 <- sapply(a2, attr, "gradient")
a2 <- unlist(a2)
f0 <- mapply(Df, B2, X0[logic], MoreArgs = list(t = gx,
s = t0), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
df0 <- sapply(f0, attr, "gradient")
f0 <- unlist(f0)
gy0 <- rep(0L, m)
gy0[logic] <- pmax(0, -rho[logic] * (f0 * (dB2 -
a1 + 0.75 * da2) + df0 * a2))
gy0[gy0 < 10^-10] <- 0L
if (cp)
gy <- gy0
else {
gw <- df.X0 * gy0
gy <- sum(d * (gw[-m] + gw[-1]))/2
Integral[1] <- H[1, 3] * gy/2
jumps[[1]] <- cols[!logic]
else {
b <- sapply(X0, DB, t = gx)
gy0 <- rep(0L, m)
gy <- 0L
Integral[1] <- 0
jumps[[1]] <- cols
if (gx < H[1, 2])
rows <- 1:nrow(H)
else {
rows <- 2:nrow(H)
now[2, ] <- proc.time()[1:2]
g1n <- gy0[1]
gy0 <- matrix(gy0, nrow = 1)
H[1, 1] <- gx
logic <- rep(TRUE, m)
if (cp)
expr <- expression(g1n <- tail(gy0[, 1], length(u2)))
else expr <- expression({
gw <- df.X0 * t(tail(gy0, length(u2)))
g1n <- (d %*% (gw[-m, ] + gw[-1, ]))/2
for (i in rows) {
if (skip)
logic <- !(Skip[[i]] & (gy0[nrow(gy0), ] < 10^-10))
if (any(logic)) {
u2 <- seq(H[i, 1] + H[i, 3], H[i, 2], by = H[i,
h2 <- rep(H[i, 3], length(u2))
b2 <- lapply(X0, DB, t = u2)
B2 <- b2[logic]
dB2 <- as.matrix(, attr,
a1 <- as.matrix(, A1,
t = u2)))
a2 <- lapply(B2, DA2, t = u2)
da2 <- as.matrix(, attr,
f0 <- mapply(Df, B2, X0[logic], MoreArgs = list(t = u2,
s = t0), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
df0 <- as.matrix(, attr,
f0 <- as.matrix(
b2 <- as.matrix(
a2 <- as.matrix(
a <- dB2 - a1 + 0.75 * da2
G <- matrix(0L, nrow = length(u2), ncol = m)
G[, logic] <- -f0 * a - df0 * a2
gy0 <- rbind(gy0, G)
n <- length(gx)
h <- c(h, h2)
gx <- c(gx, u2)
b <- rbind(b, b2)
for (k in (1:length(u2))) {
index <- 1:(n + k - 1)
f1 <- mapply(Df, b2[k, logic], as.list([index,
logic, drop = FALSE])), MoreArgs = list(t = u2[k],
s = gx[index]), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
df1 <- as.matrix(, attr,
f1 <- as.matrix(
gy0[n + k, logic] <- pmax(0, rho[logic] * (gy0[n +
k, logic] + h[index] %*% (gy0[index, logic,
drop = FALSE] * t(a[k, ] * t(f1) + a2[k,
] * t(df1)))))
Integral[i] <- Integral[i] + h2[1] * ((gy[length(gy)] -
g1n[length(g1n)])/2 + sum(g1n))
F <- F + Integral[i]
jumps[[i]] <- cols[!logic]
gy <- c(gy, g1n)
now[i + 1, ] <- proc.time()[1:2]
else {
correction <- h[length(h)] * gy[length(gy)]/2
Integral[i - 1] <- Integral[i - 1] - correction
F <- F - correction
gy0[nrow(gy0), ] <- 0L
h <- c(h, H[i, 2] - H[i, 1])
gx <- c(gx, H[i, 2])
b <- rbind(b, sapply(X0, DB, t = H[i, 2]))
gy0 <- rbind(gy0, rep(0L, m))
gy <- c(gy, 0L)
now[i + 1, ] <- proc.time()[1:2]
Integral[i] <- 0
jumps[[i]] <- cols
if ((!to.T) & all(!Skip[[i]]) & (F >= (1 - tol)))
if (F < 1 - tol) {
cat(paste("\nThe value of the cumulative integral of the approximation is",
F, "< 1 - tol.\n"))
if (to.T)
cat("It may be appropriate to extend the considered time interval.\n")
else {
cat("If the value of the cumulative integral is not high and the final stopping instant is less than T, it may be appropriate:")
cat("\n - Check if the value of the final stopping instant increases using k argument to summary the fptl class object, or")
cat("\n - Approximate the density again with to.T = TRUE.\n")
gx <- c(g0, gx)
gy <- c(0L, gy)
if (cp)
out <- list(x = gx, y = gy, y.x0 = NULL)
else {
gy0 <- rbind(rep(0L, m), gy0)
dimnames(gy0) <- NULL
out <- list(x = gx, y = gy, y.x0 = gy0)
if (i < nrow(H)) {
Integral <- Integral[1:i]
jumps <- jumps[1:i]
now <- now[1:(i + 1), ]
CPUTime <- apply(now, 2, diff)
if (!is.matrix(CPUTime))
CPUTime <- matrix(CPUTime, ncol = 2)
attr(out, "Call") <- Call
attr(out, "Steps") <- IS$H
attr(out, "cumIntegral") <- cumsum(Integral)
attr(out, "skips") <- jumps
attr(out, "CPUTime") <- CPUTime
attr(out, "summary.fptl") <- SFPTL
class(out) <- c("fpt.density", "list")
else stop("S(t0) = x0 for all x0 in X0")
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