
# Mikis Stasinopoulos
# last 10 - 5 - 13
#TO DO the weights with frequency i.e w=1,4,1,4,2,6
# is not implemented properly
# the idea here is to allow more that one variable in xvar
# this is achieved by using a formula specification for example ~Fl*A
# TO DO 
# i) n.inter : what hapent in this case this is OK 
# ii) xcut.points : OK it needs to use the argument 
# iii) overlap : it seems is working
# iv) factor in xvar : OK
# also by increasing in the panel function  lwd=.5 from lwd=.01  the plots are also shown in all versions rather than x11()  
# This is a new version witch can take any object with resid()
# or the actual residuals using the argument resid
##  worm plots based on the worm plot function in S-plus by Van Buuren and 
##  Fredriks (2001)  Worm plot: a simple diagnostic device for modelling 
## growth reference curves, Statist. Med.
##  original created by Mikis Stasinopoulos  and Bob Rigby, Friday, November 8, 2002.
##  last change Tuersday 
wp <- function ( object = NULL, 
		               xvar = NULL,
	                resid = NULL,
		            n.inter = 4,
		        xcut.points = NULL, 
		            overlap = 0,
		           xlim.all = 4,
		          xlim.worm = 3.5, 
		         show.given = TRUE,
		               line = TRUE,
		           ylim.all = 12*sqrt(1/length(resid)),
		          ylim.worm = 12*sqrt(n.inter/length(resid)),   
		                cex = 1,
		            cex.lab = 1,
		                pch = 21,
		                 bg = "wheat",
		                col = "red",
		             bar.bg = c(num="light blue"), 
# local functions
#   i)   panel.fun  
#  ii)   check.overlap
# iii)   get.intervals
	panel.fun <- function (x, y, col = par("col"), bg = NA, pch = par("pch"), 
			cex = par("cex"), col.smooth = "red", span = 2/3, iter = 3, ...) 
	    	qq <- as.data.frame(qqnorm(y, plot = FALSE))
        if(any(is.infinite(qq$y))) line <-FALSE # added 30-4-13 DS if any y Inf do not fit lm
	  	qq$y <- qq$y - qq$x    
		grid(nx=NA,ny=NA, lwd = 2) # grid only in y-direction 
		#     points(qq$x, qq$y, pch = 1, col = col, bg = bg, cex = 0.7)
		points(qq$x, qq$y, pch = pch, col = col, bg = bg, cex = cex)
		abline(0, 0, lty = 2, col = col)
		abline(0, 100000, lty = 2, col = col)
		yuplim <- 10*sqrt(1/length(qq$y))
	 	 level <- .95    
	      	lz <- -xlim.worm
	 	#   lz <- -2.75
	     	hz <-  xlim.worm 
		#   hz <-  2.75 
	     	dz <- 0.25
	         z <- seq(lz,hz,dz)
		     p <- pnorm(z)   
		    se <- (1/dnorm(z))*(sqrt(p*(1-p)/length(qq$y)))     
		   low <- qnorm((1-level)/2)*se
		  high <- -low      
		# if ( any(abs(qq$y)>ylim.worm) ) 
			no.points <- length(qq$y)
	total.points <<- total.points+no.points
			   no.mis <- sum(abs(qq$y)>ylim.worm)
			cat("number of missing points from plot=", no.mis," out of ",no.points,"\n") 
			if ( any(abs(qq$y)>ylim.worm) )  warning("Some points are missed out ", "\n","increase the y limits using ylim.worm" )
		if ( any(abs(qq$x)>xlim.worm) ) 
			warning("Some points are missed out ", "\n","increase the x limits using xlim.worm" )
	    	# se <- (1/dnorm(z))*(sqrt(p*(1-p)*n.inter/length(xvar)))    
		# low <- qnorm((1-level)/2)*se
		# high <- -low
		lines(z, low,  lty=2,  lwd=.5)
		lines(z, high, lty=2,  lwd=.5)
		if(line == TRUE)
			fit <- lm(y ~ x+I(x^2)+I(x^3), data=qq) #poly(qq$x,3)) 
		 	  s <- spline(qq$x, fitted(fit))
		  flags <- s$x > -2.5 & s$x < 2.5
			lines(list(x = s$x[flags], y = s$y[flags]), col=col, lwd=.5)
			assign("coef1",coef(fit),envir = parent.frame(n=3))
			assign("coef" , c(coef, coef1),envir = parent.frame(n=3))
	check.overlap <- function(interval)
		if (!is.matrix(interval) ) {stop(paste("The interval specified is not a matrix."))}
		if (dim(interval)[2] !=2) {stop(paste("The interval specified is not a valid matrix.\nThe number of columns should be equal to 2."))}
		crows = dim(interval)[1]
		for (i in 1:(crows-1))
			#if (interval[i,2] != interval[i+1,1]) {interval[i+1,1]=interval[i,2]}
			if (!(abs(interval[i,2]-interval[i+1,1])<0.0001)) {interval[i+1,1]=interval[i,2]}
# the problem here is that coplot uses  for given.values      MS Tuesday, September 21, 2004 
#  min <=  x <= 20                   min <=  x < 20             min <=  x <= 20-extra  
#   20 <=  x <= 30    instead   of    20 <=  x < 30  here uses   20 <=  x <= 30-extra  
#   30 <=  x <= max                   30 <=  x <= max            30 <=  x <= max+extra 
	get.intervals <- function (xvar, xcut.points ) 
		if (!is.vector(xcut.points))  {stop(paste("The interval is not a vector."))}
		if ( any((xcut.points < min(xvar)) | any(xcut.points > max(xvar))))
		{stop(paste("The specified `xcut.points' are not within the range of the x: (", min(xvar),
							" , ", max(xvar), ")"))}
		extra <- (max(xvar)-min(xvar))/100000
		  int <- c(min(xvar), xcut.points, (max(xvar)+2*extra))
		   ii <- 1:(length(int)-1)
		    r <- 2:length(int)
		   x1 <- int[ii]
		   xr <- int[r]-extra
		if (any(x1>xr)) {stop(paste("The interval is are not in a increasing order."))}
# this function comes from coplot() to help to get the variables used if more that one xvar is used 
deparen <- function(expr) 
  while (is.language(expr) && !is.name(expr) && deparse(expr[[1L]])[1L] == 
           "(") expr <- expr[[2L]]
##-here is the main function ---------------------------------------------------
## get residuals
	if (is.null(object)&&is.null(resid))  stop(paste("A fitted object with resid() method or the argument resid should be used ", "\n", ""))
    	resid <- if (is.null(object)) resid else resid(object) 
  DataExist <- FALSE
## get data if exist
#if (is.null(data))
# {
  if (!is.null(object)&&any(grepl("data", names(object$call)))&&!(object$call["data"]=="sys.parent()()"))
     # if (any(grepl("data", names(object$call)))) # new Mikis 25-3-13
      # {
    # if (object$call["data"]=="sys.parent()()")  DataExist <- FALSE
    #    else
        DaTa <-  eval(object$call[["data"]]) #get(as.character(object$call["data"])) 
   DataExist <- TRUE
      # }    
# }  
# {
#   DaTa <- data
## if xvar is null just plot the single worm plot
##--- case 1 -------------------------------------

# is(xvar, "formula") # OK works if it is
# with(DaTa, {substitute(xvar)}) 
# with(DaTa, eval(substitute(xvar))) NOT WORKING 
# eval(substitute(xvar), envir=as.environment(DaTa)) # OK
#y <- if (!is.null(data)) get(deparse(substitute(y)), envir=as.environment(data)) else y
# grep("$", deparse(substitute(xvar)))
#TRYING <- try(is(xvar, "formula"))
#if (any(suppressMessages(class(TRYING)%in%"try-error"))) 
# the idea is to get xvar
# if xvar=NULL will work
# if xvar=data$variable it will work
# if xvar=variable you need to get it from the data
# if xvar=~formula then we are in trouble

if (!grepl("$", deparse(substitute(xvar)), fixed=T)&&!grepl("~", deparse(substitute(xvar)), fixed=T)&&DataExist)
  xvar <- eval(substitute(xvar), envir=as.environment(DaTa))
  if(is.null(xvar)) # if xvar=NULL
		   qq <- as.data.frame(qqnorm(resid, plot = FALSE))
     qq$y <- qq$y - qq$x
	 	level <- .95    
		   lz <- -xlim.all
		   hz <- xlim.all 
		   dz <- 0.25
		    z <- seq(lz,hz,dz)
		    p <- pnorm(z)   
		   se <- (1/dnorm(z))*(sqrt(p*(1-p)/length(qq$y)))    
		  low <- qnorm((1-level)/2)*se
	   high <- -low
		if ( any(abs(qq$y)>ylim.all) ) 
			warning("Some points are missed out ", "\n","increase the y limits using ylim.all" )
		if ( any(abs(qq$x)>xlim.all) ) 
			warning("Some points are missed out ", "\n","increase the x limits using xlim.all" )
		plot(qq$x,qq$y,ylab="Deviation", xlab="Unit normal quantile", 
				xlim=c(-xlim.all,xlim.all), ylim=c(-ylim.all , ylim.all), cex=cex, pch=pch , bg = bg,cex.lab=cex.lab )
		grid(lty = "solid")
		abline(0, 0, lty = 2, col = col)
		abline(0, 100000, lty = 2, col = col)
		lines(z, low, lty=2)
		lines(z, high, lty=2)
		if(line == TRUE)
		  	fit <- lm(qq$y ~ qq$x+I(qq$x^2)+I(qq$x^3)) #poly(qq$x,3)) 
	  	    s <- spline(qq$x, fitted(fit))
		  flags <- s$x > -xlim.all & s$x < xlim.all
		  lines(list(x = s$x[flags], y = s$y[flags]), col=col, lwd=.5)
## if xvar is not a formula then plot the old wp()
## ---- case 2 -------------------------------------------------------- 
if (!is(xvar,"formula")) # xvar =x or data$x
## get weights
   if (is.factor(xvar)) stop("Use formula for factors i.e. xvar=~f")
	  	w  <- if (is.null(object)) rep(1, length(resid)) else object$weights # geting the weights
## if w=0 reduce if w=freq expand if all(w=1) same
## here we need the xvar   
		if (all(trunc(w)==w))  xvar <- rep(xvar, w) 
		{ # getting the intervals automatic
			given.in <- co.intervals(xvar, number=n.inter, overlap=overlap )
			if (overlap==0) given.in <- check.overlap(given.in) 
		{ # if xcut.points is set
		   	given.in <- get.intervals(xvar, xcut.points )
		total.points <- 0
		        coef <- coef1<-NULL
		         y.y <- resid   
		         x.x <- resid  
		coplot(y.y~x.x | xvar , 
         given.values = given.in, 
			         	panel = panel.fun,
  		        	 ylim = c(-ylim.worm, ylim.worm), 
			           xlim = c(-xlim.worm, xlim.worm),
				         ylab = "Deviation", 
				         xlab = "Unit normal quantile",
           show.given = show.given,
				           bg = bg, 
				          pch = pch,
				          cex = cex, 
			         bar.bg =  bar.bg) 
		if (overlap==0)
			if  (total.points!=length(resid))
				warning("the total number of points in the plot is not equal \n to the number of observations in y \n")
	   mcoef <- matrix(coef,ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)        
	  	 out <- list(classes = given.in, coef = mcoef) 
## if xvar is formula then plot the usual wp()
## ---- case 3 ------------------------------------------------- 
if (is(xvar,"formula"))
  w  <- if (is.null(object)) rep(1, length(resid)) else  object$weights # geting the weights
## if w=0 reduce if w=freq expand if all(w=1) same
##  expand the x's
##  I have a problem here in that I can not expand easily the formula so I will stop it  
 # if (all(trunc(w)==w))  xvar <- rep(xvar, w) 
  total.points <- 0
          coef <- coef1<-NULL
           y.y <- resid   
           x.x <- resid
  if (DataExist) #-------------------------------------------------DATA EXIST---
    coplot(as.formula(paste("y.y~x.x|", as.character(xvar), sep="")[2]), 
           #   given.values = given.in, 
           data = DaTa,
           panel = panel.fun,
           #  given.values = xcut.points, this is not working pass it with given values
           overlap = overlap,
           number =  n.inter, 
           ylim = c(-ylim.worm, ylim.worm), 
           xlim = c(-xlim.worm, xlim.worm),
           ylab = "Deviation", 
           xlab = "Unit normal quantile",
           show.given = show.given,
           bg = bg, 
           pch = pch,
           cex = cex, 
           bar.bg = bar.bg , ...) 
    mcoef <- matrix(coef,ncol=4,byrow=TRUE) 
    # classes = given.in,
    if ("given.values"%in%names(vars <- list(...)))
      given.in <- vars$given.values
      rhs <- deparen(xvar)[[2L]]
      if (length(rhs)==3&&rhs[[1]]!="$")
        a <- eval(deparen(rhs[[2L]]), envir=as.environment(DaTa))
        b <- eval(deparen(rhs[[3L]]), envir=as.environment(DaTa))
        if (length(n.inter) == 1L) n.inter <- rep(n.inter, 2)
        if (length(overlap) == 1L) overlap <- rep(overlap, 2)
        Inter1 <- if (is.factor(a))  levels(a)
        else co.intervals(unclass(a), number = n.inter[1L], overlap = overlap[1L])
        Inter2 <- if (is.factor(b))  levels(b)
        else co.intervals(unclass(b), number = n.inter[2L], overlap = overlap[2L])
        given.in <- list(Inter1, Inter2)  
        a <- eval(deparen(rhs), envir=as.environment(DaTa))
        if (length(n.inter) == 1L) n.inter <- rep(n.inter, 2)
        if (length(overlap) == 1L) overlap <- rep(overlap, 2)
        given.in <- if (is.factor(a))  levels(a)
        else co.intervals(unclass(a), number = n.inter[1L], overlap = overlap[1L])  
    out <- list(classes = given.in, coef = mcoef) #classes = given.in, 
  }#-------------------------------------------------DATA EXIST FINISH HERE
  else #-------------------------------------------------DATA DO NOT EXIST-----
    coplot(as.formula(paste("y.y~x.x|", as.character(xvar), sep="")[2]), 
           panel = panel.fun,
           #  given.values = xcut.points, this is not working pass it with given values
           overlap = overlap,
           number =  n.inter, 
           ylim = c(-ylim.worm, ylim.worm), 
           xlim = c(-xlim.worm, xlim.worm),
           ylab = "Deviation", 
           xlab = "Unit normal quantile",
           show.given = show.given,
           bg = bg, 
           pch = pch,
           cex = cex, 
           bar.bg = bar.bg , ...) 
    mcoef <- matrix(coef,ncol=4,byrow=TRUE) 
    # classes = given.in,
    if ("given.values"%in%names(vars <- list(...)))
      given.in <- vars$given.values
      rhs <- deparen(xvar)[[2L]]
      if (length(rhs)==3&&rhs[[1]]!="$")
        a <- eval(deparen(rhs[[2L]]))
        b <- eval(deparen(rhs[[3L]]))
        if (length(n.inter) == 1L) n.inter <- rep(n.inter, 2)
        if (length(overlap) == 1L) overlap <- rep(overlap, 2)
        Inter1 <- if (is.factor(a))  levels(a)
        else co.intervals(unclass(a), number = n.inter[1L], overlap = overlap[1L])
        Inter2 <- if (is.factor(b))  levels(b)
        else co.intervals(unclass(b), number = n.inter[2L], overlap = overlap[2L])
        given.in <- list(Inter1, Inter2)  
        a <- eval(deparen(rhs))
        if (length(n.inter) == 1L) n.inter <- rep(n.inter, 2)
        if (length(overlap) == 1L) overlap <- rep(overlap, 2)
        given.in <- if (is.factor(a))  levels(a)
        else co.intervals(unclass(a), number = n.inter[1L], overlap = overlap[1L])  
    out <- list(classes = given.in, coef = mcoef) #classes = given.in, 
  }#-----------------------------------------------DATA GO NOT EXIST FINISH HERE    
 }#--------------------------------------------------------- FORMULA FINISH 
}#--------------------------------------------------------- ENF FUNCTION

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