distorttest <- function(x, coef="all"){
# Checks
if (is.null(x)){stop("Object is NULL - please make sure to pass an isat object.")}
classx <- class(x)
if (classx!="isat"){ stop("x must be an isat object")}
if (any(x$aux$args$sis, x$aux$args$tis, x$aux$args$uis_logical)==TRUE){stop("Test only valid for iis - not valid for sis, uis, or tis.")}
if (all(coef != "all") && any(!coef %in% names(coef(x)))){stop("The 'coef' variable or vector contains one or more regressors not in the isat object.")}
if (x$aux$args$iis != TRUE){stop("The isat object has not selected iis = TRUE. This is necessary for this test. Re-estimate isat with iis = TRUE.")}
# WRONG CHECK - Therefore commented out: if (is.null(x$ISnames)){stop("IIS did not identify any Indicators (Outliers). Therefore OLS = IIS and no distortion is detectable.")}
ISnames <- c(x$ISnames[grep("iis", x$ISnames)])
noutl = length(ISnames)
t.pval <- x$aux$t.pval
# T <- x$n # MORITZ: Want to change this. Using T is not good practice - update: this is not used anywhere else so commented out
alpha <- t.pval
c <- abs(qnorm(alpha/2))
fc <- dnorm(c)
psi <- pnorm(c) - pnorm(-c)
tau <- psi - 2 * c * fc
varsigmac = tau / psi
rhoc1 = psi^2 / (4*(c^2)*(fc^2) + 4*tau*c*fc + tau)
rhocinfinity = (psi - 2*c*fc)^2 / tau
avar1 = ((2*c*fc - psi)^2 + 2*tau*(2*c*fc - psi) + tau) /psi^2
avarinfinity = ((2*c*fc - psi)^2 + 2*tau*(2*c*fc - psi) + tau) / (2*c*fc - psi)^2 <- isatdates(x)$iis$date
# changed by M-orca because there is a problem when the y.index is not starting at 1 e.g. if its years
# September 2021
# n.null <- x$aux$y.index[!(x$aux$y.index %in%]
n.null <- !(x$aux$y.index %in%
keep <- which(!(names(coef(x)) %in% x$ISnames))
y.null <- x$aux$y[n.null]
if (!is.null(x$aux$args$ar)){ <- x$aux$args$ar
if (!is.null(x$aux$args$ar)){
mx.null <- x$aux$mX[(n.null-max(x$aux$args$ar)),keep] # M-orca note: this won't work with panels!!
} else{
mx.null <- x$aux$mX[n.null,keep]
y <- x$aux$y
mx <- x$aux$mX[,keep]
nOLS <- length(x$aux$y)
nOLS_rob <- length(x$aux$y) - length(x$ISnames)
# This is the GUM
# Save original arx mc warning setting and disable it here
tmpmc <- getOption("mc.warning")
options(mc.warning = FALSE)
ols.y <- arx(y, mxreg=mx, mc=FALSE, plot=FALSE, ar=FALSE)
# Set the old arx mc warning again
options(mc.warning = tmpmc)
if (NROW(coef)==1){
if (coef=="all"){ #if testing on all coefficients
betaOLS1 <- coef(x)[keep]
betaOLS <- coef(ols.y)
V <- (nOLS_rob/nOLS) * (rhoc1)^(-1)*(varsigmac)^(-1) * x$vcov.mean[keep, keep]
} else { #testing on subset of coefficients
betaOLS1 <- coef(x)[coef]
betaOLS <- coef(ols.y)[coef]
V <- (nOLS_rob/nOLS) * (rhoc1)^(-1)*(varsigmac)^(-1) * x$vcov.mean[coef, coef]
} else {
betaOLS1 <- coef(x)[coef]
betaOLS <- coef(ols.y)[coef]
V <- (nOLS_rob/nOLS) * (rhoc1)^(-1)*(varsigmac)^(-1) * x$vcov.mean[coef, coef]
if (NROW(coef)==1){
if ( coef=="all"){
rel.df <- length(coef(x)[keep]) #degrees of freedom
} else {
rel.df <- length(coef)
} else {
rel.df <- length(coef)
cf_diff <- (betaOLS1 - betaOLS) #difference between coefficients
esigma2MinverseOLS1 = nOLS * rhoc1 * V
eavarOLS10 = avar1 * esigma2MinverseOLS1
if (any(!cf_diff==0)){ #if the difference between OLS and IIS coefficients is not zero
HtestOLS10 = as.numeric(nOLS * t(cf_diff) %*% solve(eavarOLS10) %*% as.vector(cf_diff))
} else {
HtestOLS10 <- 0
p.test <- pchisq(HtestOLS10, df = rel.df, lower.tail = FALSE)
#attr(cf_diff,"names") <- "Difference in Estimates"
attr(HtestOLS10,"names") <- "X-squared"
rval_chi <- list(
#statistic = HtestOLS10, p.value = p.test, estimate=NULL, null.value = NULL, # Felix
statistic = HtestOLS10, p.value = p.test, estimate=cf_diff, null.value = NULL, df = rel.df, # Moritz
# alternative = NULL, # Felix
alternative = "True difference between IIS and OLS estimates is not equal to 0.", # M-Orca attempt
method="Jiao-Pretis-Schwarz Outlier Distortion Test", # Moritz"Difference between IIS and OLS Estimates", # Felix, # M-orca changed
coef.diff = cf_diff,
var.diff = eavarOLS10,
attr(rval_chi, "class") <- c("htest", "distorttest")
out <- return(rval_chi)
distorttestboot <- function(
clean.sample = TRUE,
parametric = FALSE,
scale.t.pval = 1,
parallel.options = NULL,
quantiles = c(0.9, 0.95, 0.99),
#parallel = FALSE,
#ncore = detectCores()[1] - 1,
# x <- is1
# nboot=199
####compute distortion on full model
#dist.full <- distorttest(x)
classx <- class(x)
if (classx=="isat") { <- deparse(substitute(x))
x <- distorttest(x)
x$ <-
} else {stop("Unrecognised class of x. The function needs either an isat object or the output of the distorttest() function.")}
dist.full <- x
#coef_name <- attr(x$coef.diff, "names") # FUTURE DEVELOPMENT. Current error stopping below:
if(!identical(attr(x$coef.diff,"names"),x$iis$aux$mXnames[!x$iis$aux$mXnames %in% x$iis$ISnames])){stop("Bootstrap on distorttest currently must be coef = 'all'.")}
x <- x$iis
out.full <- outliertest(x) <- isatdates(x)$iis$index
N <- x$aux$y.n
# define the set over which to sample the bootstraps from as all observations apart from those where IIS identified outliers
n.null <- seq(1:N)[!(seq(1:N) %in%]
boot.samples <- list()
if (parametric){
clean.sample <- TRUE
for (i in 1:nboot){
if (clean.sample == TRUE){
boot.samp <- sample(n.null, N, replace=TRUE)
} else {
boot.samp <- sample(seq(1:N), N, replace=TRUE)
boot.samples[[i]] <- boot.samp
} #i closed
boot.tpval <- x$aux$t.pval*scale.t.pval #bootstrap level of significance of selection
### function used in parallel loop
dist.boot.temp <- function(y.boot, x.boot, boot.tpval, ...){
is.boot <- isat(y.boot, mxreg=x.boot, mc=FALSE, t.pval=boot.tpval, iis=TRUE, sis=FALSE, print.searchinfo=FALSE, ...)
dist.boot <- distorttest(is.boot)
out.boot <- outliertest(is.boot)
dist.res <- c(
names(dist.res) <- c(names(dist.boot$coef.diff), "dist", "prop", "prop.test", "count", "count.test")
overall_fun <- function(i){
boot.samp <- boot.samples[[i]]
if (parametric==TRUE){ #parametric bootstrap (residual resampling)
x.boot <- x$aux$mX[, !(colnames(x$aux$mX) %in% x$ISnames)]
res.boot <- as.vector(x$residuals)[boot.samp]
y.boot <- x.boot %*% coef(x)[!(colnames(x$aux$mX) %in% x$ISnames)] + res.boot
} else { #nonparametric
y.boot <- x$aux$y[boot.samp]
x.boot <- x$aux$mX[boot.samp, !(colnames(x$aux$mX) %in% x$ISnames)]
tempMatrix = dist.boot.temp(y.boot, x.boot, boot.tpval)
lapply(1:nboot, overall_fun)
if (!is.null(parallel.options)){
if(!is.numeric(parallel.options)){stop("parallel.options must either be NULL or a numeric value.")}
clusterSpec <- parallel.options
OScores <- detectCores()
if(parallel.options > OScores){
stop("parallel.options > number of cores/threads")
# boot.tpval <- 0.05
cl <- makeCluster(parallel.options) #not to overload your computer
coefdist.sample.list <- parLapply(cl = cl,
X = 1:nboot,
fun = overall_fun)
coefdist.sample <-, coefdist.sample.list)
} else { #if not using parallel
coefdist.sample.list <- lapply(
X = 1:nboot,
FUN = overall_fun)
coefdist.sample <-, coefdist.sample.list)
} #parallel if closed
# end.time <- Sys.time()
# time.diff <- end.time - start.time
# print(paste("Boot Complete in", sep=""))
# print(time.diff)
# start.time <- Sys.time()
coefdist.sample <-
coefdist.res <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=nboot, ncol=1))
names(coefdist.res) <- "boot"
coefdist.res$boot <- seq(1:nboot)
if (length(names(dist.full$coef.diff)) > 1){
coefdist.res$L2 <- apply(coefdist.sample[,names(dist.full$coef.diff)], 1, function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2)))
coefdist.res$L1 <- apply(coefdist.sample[,names(dist.full$coef.diff)], 1, function(x) sum(abs(x)))
} else {
coefdist.res$L2 <- sqrt(coefdist.sample[,1]^2)
coefdist.res$L1 <- abs(coefdist.sample[,1])
coefdist.res$dist <- coefdist.sample$dist
coefdist.res$prop <- coefdist.sample$prop
coefdist.res$count <- coefdist.sample$count
coefdist.res$prop.test <- coefdist.sample$prop.test
coefdist.res$count.test <- coefdist.sample$count.test
# Distortion
L2.full <- sqrt(sum(dist.full$coef.diff^2))
L1.full <- sum(abs(dist.full$coef.diff))
dist.full.stat <- dist.full$statistic
boot.q.L2 <- quantile(coefdist.res$L2, probs = quantiles) # sample estimate L2 for distortion
boot.q.L1 <- quantile(coefdist.res$L1, probs = quantiles) # sample estimate L1 for distortion
boot.q.dist <- quantile(coefdist.res$dist, probs = quantiles)
boot.p.L2 <- sum(coefdist.res$L2 > L2.full)/nboot
boot.p.L1 <- sum(coefdist.res$L1 > L1.full)/nboot
boot.p.dist <- sum(coefdist.res$dist > dist.full.stat)/nboot
# Proportion
prop.full <- out.full$proportion$estimate
prop.full.stat <- out.full$proportion$statistic
count.full <- out.full$count$estimate
count.full.stat <- out.full$count$statistic
boot.q.prop <- quantile(coefdist.res$prop, probs = quantiles) # sample estimate for proportion
boot.q.count <- quantile(coefdist.res$count, probs = quantiles) # sample estimate for count
boot.q.prop.test <- quantile(coefdist.res$prop.test, probs = quantiles) # proportion stat
boot.q.count.test <- quantile(coefdist.res$count.test, probs = quantiles) # count stat
boot.p.prop <- 2*min(sum(coefdist.res$prop > prop.full)/nboot, sum(coefdist.res$prop <= prop.full)/nboot) #check the p-values here.
boot.p.count <- 2*min(sum(coefdist.res$count > count.full)/nboot, sum(coefdist.res$count <= count.full)/nboot)
boot.p.prop.test <- sum(abs(coefdist.res$prop.test) > abs(prop.full.stat))/(nboot)
boot.p.count.test <- sum(abs(coefdist.res$count.test) > abs(count.full.stat))/(nboot)
out <- list()
out$dist.full <- dist.full
out$dist.full$method <- "Jiao-Pretis-Schwarz Outlier Distortion Test (Full Sample)"
out$coefdist.res <- coefdist.res
# Distortion
out$L2.full <- L2.full
out$boot.q.L2 <- boot.q.L2
out$boot.p.L2 <- boot.p.L2
out$L1.full <- L1.full
out$boot.q.L1 <- boot.q.L1
out$boot.p.L1 <- boot.p.L1
out$boot.q.dist <- boot.q.dist
out$boot.p.dist <- boot.p.dist
# Proportion
out$prop.full <- prop.full
out$boot.q.prop <- boot.q.prop
out$boot.p.prop <- boot.p.prop
out$prop.full.stat <- prop.full.stat
out$boot.q.prop.stat <- boot.q.prop.test
out$boot.p.prop.stat <- boot.p.prop.test
out$count.full <- count.full
out$boot.q.count <- boot.q.count
out$boot.p.count <- boot.p.count
out$count.full.stat <- count.full.stat
out$boot.q.count.stat <- boot.q.count.test
out$boot.p.count.stat <- boot.p.count.test
out$args <- list(parametric = parametric,
nboot = nboot,
scale.t.pval = scale.t.pval,
clean.sample = clean.sample)
class(out) <- "distorttestboot"
print.distorttestboot <- function(x, print.proportion = FALSE, ...){
cat("------ Bootstrap Results ------")
cat(paste0("Number of Bootstrap Replications: ",x$args$nboot))
# cat("\n")
# mOutl_p <- matrix(NA, 2, 2)
# colnames(mOutl_p) <- c("Stat.", "p-value")
# rownames(mOutl_p) <- c("Jiao-Pretis Bootstrapped Outlier Proportion", "Jiao-Pretis Bootstrapped Outlier Count")
# mOutl_p[1,] <- c(x$prop.full.stat, x$boot.p.prop.test)
# mOutl_p[2,] <- c(x$count.full.stat, x$boot.p.count.test)
# cat("\n")
# printCoefmat(mOutl_p, digits=6, signif.stars = TRUE,P.values = TRUE, has.Pvalue = TRUE, signif.legend = FALSE)
cat("Distortion Bootstrap Results (Jiao-Pretis-Schwarz)")
c(x$L1.full,x$boot.q.L1, x$boot.p.L1),
c(x$L2.full,x$boot.q.L2), x$boot.p.L2), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(c("L1","L2"),c("Full Sample", paste0("Boot ",names(x$boot.q.L1)),"p-value"))), has.Pvalue = TRUE,P.values = TRUE)
cat("Proportion Bootstrap Results (Jiao-Pretis)")
c(x$count.full.stat,x$boot.q.count.stat)), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE,
dimnames = list(c("Proportion","Proportion Estimate","Count","Count Estimate"),
c("Full Sample", paste0("Boot ",names(x$boot.q.prop))))))
cat(paste0("Cleaned Sample (always TRUE with parametric Bootstraps): ",x$args$clean.sample))
cat(paste0("Parametric Bootstrap (residual resampling): ",x$args$parametric))
cat(paste0("Scaled target p-val. rel. to initial p-val.: ",x$args$scale.t.pval))
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