
Defines functions vcov.larch toLatex.larch summary.larch residuals.larch print.larch predict.larch plot.larch nobs.larch model.matrix.larch logLik.larch gets.larch fitted.larch coef.larch larch larchEstfun

Documented in coef.larch fitted.larch gets.larch larch larchEstfun logLik.larch model.matrix.larch nobs.larch plot.larch predict.larch print.larch residuals.larch summary.larch toLatex.larch vcov.larch

## This file contains the source of the larch() functions.
## First created 20 May 2024, Madrid.
## Contents:
## TO DO: larchSim()
## larchEstfun()
## larch()
## coef.larch()         #extraction functions
## fitted.larch()       #(all are S3 methods)
## gets.larch()
## logLik.larch()
## model.matrix.larch()
## nobs.larch()
## plot.larch()
## predict.larch()
## print.larch()
## residuals.larch()
## summary.larch()
## toLatex.larch()
## vcov.larch()

## The function larchSim() simulates from a heterogenous
## log-ARCH-X model

## TO DO: larchSim <- function(n, ...)

## The function larchEstfun() estimates a log-ARCH-X model

larchEstfun <- function(loge2, x, e, vcov.type=c("robust", "hac"),
  result <- list()
  result$n <- length(loge2)
  result$k <- ncol(x)
  result$df <- result$n - result$k
  ##step 1: ols estimation and fit
  out <- ols(loge2, x, tol=tol, method=2)

  ##step 2: log-arch estimation, fit, residuals and log-likelihood
  uhat <- out$residuals
  e2 <- e^2
  zstar2 <- e2/exp(out$fit)
  Ezstar2 <- mean( zstar2 )
  lnEzstar2 <- log(Ezstar2) #\widehat{\tau}
  result$coefficients <- out$coefficients
  result$coefficients[1] <- out$coefficients[1] + lnEzstar2
  result$fit <- exp(out$fit) * Ezstar2
  result$residuals <- e/sqrt(result$fit)
  logl <- -result$n*log(2*pi)/2 - sum(log(result$fit))/2 - sum(e2/result$fit)/2

  ##step 3: compute vcov
  if( !is.null(vcov.type) ){

    ##vcov.type argument:
    types <- c("robust", "hac")
    whichType <- charmatch(vcov.type[1], types)
    vcov.type <- types[ whichType ]

    ##build G matrix
    Extx <- crossprod(x)/result$n
    Extxinv <- result$n*out$xtxinv
    Ezstar2tx <- rbind( colMeans( zstar2 * x )/Ezstar2 )
    mG <- cbind( Extxinv, rep(0, result$k))
    mG <- rbind( mG, cbind(-Ezstar2tx %*% Extxinv, 1/Ezstar2) ) 

    ##build Sigma_w matrix
    w <- cbind(cbind(uhat*x), zstar2 - Ezstar2) #the w's
    Ewtw <- crossprod(w)/result$n
    if( vcov.type=="robust" ){
      mSigma_w <- Ewtw
    if( vcov.type=="hac" ){
      iL <- round(result$n^(1/4), digits=0) ##lag truncation (bandwidth)
      vWeight <- 1 - 1:iL/(iL+1) ##kernel weights
      vWeightSqrt <- sqrt(vWeight)
      mS0 <- Ewtw    
      mSum <- 0
      for(l in 1:iL){
        mSadjw <- w*vWeightSqrt[l]
        mSadjwNo1 <- mSadjw[-c(1:l),]
        mSadjwNo2 <- mSadjw[-c(c(result$n-l+1):result$n),]
        mSum <- mSum +
          crossprod(mSadjwNo1, mSadjwNo2)/c(result$n-l) +
          crossprod(mSadjwNo2, mSadjwNo1)/c(result$n-l)
      mSigma_w <- mS0 + mSum

    ##finalise vcov:
    mSigma_phi <- mG %*% mSigma_w %*% t(mG)
    mA <- matrix(0,result$k,result$k)
    diag(mA) <- 1
    mA <- cbind(mA, rep(0, NROW(mA)))
    mA[1,NCOL(mA)] <- 1
    vcovasym <- mA %*% mSigma_phi %*% t(mA) #asymptotic vcov
    result$vcov <- vcovasym/result$n #finite sample vcov
    result$vcov.type <- vcov.type

  } #close if( !is.null(vcov.type) )
  ##complete and return result:
  result$logl <- logl
} #close larchEstfun()

## The function larch() estimates a log-ARCH-X model

larch <- function(e, vc=TRUE, arch=NULL, harch=NULL, asym=NULL,
  asymind=NULL, log.ewma=NULL, vxreg=NULL, zero.adj=NULL,
  vcov.type=c("robust", "hac"), #bandwidth=NULL
  qstat.options=NULL, normality.JarqueB=FALSE, #user.estimator=NULL, user.diagnostics=NULL,
  tol=1e-07, singular.ok=TRUE, plot=NULL)
  ## contents:
  ## 1 initiate
  ## 2 create aux list
  ## 3 estimation
  ## 4 prepare result
  ## 5 finalise and return result

  ## 1 initiate

  ##record call:
  sysCall <- sys.call()

  ##check argument(s):
  if( !vc==TRUE ){ stop("argument 'vc' must be TRUE") }
  ##regressand, regressors:
  e.name <- deparse(substitute(e))
  tmp <- regressorsVariance(e, vc=TRUE, arch=arch, harch=harch, asym=asym, 
    asymind=asymind, log.ewma=log.ewma, vxreg=vxreg, prefix="v", 
    zero.adj=zero.adj, return.regressand=TRUE, return.as.zoo=TRUE,
    na.trim=TRUE, na.omit=FALSE)
  e <- as.zoo(e)
  e <- zoo( as.vector(coredata(e)), order.by=index(e)) #convert to vector (recall: regressorsVariance() does not accept NCOL(e) > 1)
  e <- window(e, start=index(tmp)[1], end=index(tmp)[NROW(tmp)]) 

  ##singularity ok?:
  if( singular.ok && NCOL(tmp)>2 ){
    tmpx <-
      colnames(dropvar(tmp[,-1], tol=tol, LAPACK=FALSE, silent=TRUE))
    droppedXs <- which( (colnames(tmp[,-1]) %in% tmpx)==FALSE )
    if( length(droppedXs)>0 ){
      droppedXsNames <- colnames(tmp)[c(1+droppedXs)]
      tmp <- tmp[,-c(1+droppedXs)]
        "Regressor(s) removed due to singularity:\n",
        paste(" ", droppedXsNames)
    } #end if( length(droppedXs)>0 )
  } #end if( singular.ok )

  ##determine vcov type:
  types <- c("robust", "hac")
  whichType <- charmatch(vcov.type[1], types)
  vcov.type <- types[ whichType ]

  ##determine qstat.options:
  if( is.null(qstat.options) ){
    ar.lag <- 1
    if( is.null(arch) ){ arch.lag <- 1 }else{ arch.lag <- max(arch)+1 }
    qstat.options <- c(ar.lag, arch.lag)

  ## 2 create aux list

  ##aux: auxiliary list, also to be used by getsv
  aux <- list()
#  aux$e.original <- e.original
  aux$e <- coredata(e)
  aux$e2 <- aux$e^2
  aux$e.index <- index(e)
  aux$e.name <- e.name #recorded above, in the beginning
  aux$loge2 <- coredata(tmp[,1])
  aux$vX <- cbind(coredata(tmp[,-1]))
  aux$vXnames <- colnames(tmp)[-1]
  colnames(aux$vX) <- NULL
#  aux$vXncol <- NCOL(aux$vX)
#  aux$vc <- TRUE #obligatory, but may change in the future
  aux$zero.adj <- zero.adj
#do we really need these?:
#  aux$arch <- arch
#  aux$harch <- harch
#  aux$asym <- asym
#  aux$asymind <- asymind
#  aux$log.ewma <- log.ewma
#  aux$vcov.type <- vcov.type
  aux$qstat.options <- qstat.options
  aux$normality.JarqueB <- normality.JarqueB
  aux$tol <- tol

  ## 3 estimation

  out <- larchEstfun(aux$loge2, aux$vX, aux$e, vcov.type=vcov.type,
  names(out$coefficients) <- aux$vXnames
  colnames(out$vcov) <- aux$vXnames
  rownames(out$vcov) <- aux$vXnames
  where <- which( names(out) == "fit" )
  names(out)[ where ] <- "fitted" #rename
  aux <- c(aux,out)

  ##build 'results' data frame:
  s.e. <- sqrt(as.vector(diag(aux$vcov)))
  t.stat <- aux$coefficients/s.e.
  p.val <- pt(abs(t.stat), aux$k, lower.tail=FALSE)*2
  aux$results <-
    as.data.frame(cbind(aux$coefficients, s.e., t.stat, p.val))
  colnames(aux$results) <- c("coef", "std.error", "t-stat", "p-value")
  rownames(aux$results) <- aux$vXnames
  names(aux$coefficients) <- aux$vXnames

  ## 4 prepare result

  if( "residuals" %in% names(aux) ){
    ar.LjungBarg <- c(qstat.options[1],0)
    arch.LjungBarg <- c(qstat.options[2],0)
    if( normality.JarqueB==FALSE ){
      normality.JarqueBarg <- NULL
      normality.JarqueBarg <- as.numeric(normality.JarqueB)
    ar.LjungBarg <- NULL
    arch.LjungBarg <- NULL
    normality.JarqueBarg <- NULL
  aux$diagnostics <- diagnostics(aux,
    ar.LjungB=ar.LjungBarg, arch.LjungB=arch.LjungBarg,
    user.fun=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
  ##add zoo-indices:
  if( "fitted" %in% names(aux) ){
    aux$fitted <- zoo(aux$fitted, order.by=aux$e.index)
  if( "residuals" %in% names(aux) ){
    aux$residuals <- zoo(aux$residuals, order.by=aux$e.index)

  ## 5 finalise and return result

  versionTxt <- paste0("gets ", packageVersion("gets"), " under ",
  aux <-
    c(list(call=sysCall, date=date(), version=versionTxt), aux)
  class(aux) <- "larch"

  if( is.null(plot) ){
    plot <- getOption("plot")
    if( is.null(plot) ){ plot <- FALSE }
  if( plot ){ plot.larch(aux) }

  ##return result:

} #close larch() function

## coef.larch()

coef.larch <- function(object, ...){ return(object$coefficients) }

## fitted.larch()

fitted.larch <- function(object, ...){ return(object$fitted) }

## gets.larch()

gets.larch <- function(x, t.pval=0.05, wald.pval=t.pval, do.pet=TRUE,
  ar.LjungB=NULL, arch.LjungB=NULL, normality.JarqueB=NULL,
  user.diagnostics=NULL, info.method=c("sc", "aic", "aicc", "hq"),
  gof.function=NULL, gof.method=NULL, keep=c(1), include.gum=FALSE,
  include.1cut=TRUE, include.empty=FALSE, max.paths=NULL, tol=1e-07,
  turbo=FALSE, print.searchinfo=TRUE, plot=NULL, alarm=FALSE, ...)
  ## contents:
  ## 1 arguments
  ## 2 gets modelling
  ## 3 estimate specific
  ## 4 result
  ## 1 arguments

  ##diagnostics: ar argument
  if( !is.null(ar.LjungB) && is.vector(ar.LjungB, mode="double") ){
      ar.LjungB <- list(lag=ar.LjungB[1], pval=ar.LjungB[2])
  if( !is.null(ar.LjungB) && is.null(ar.LjungB$lag) ){
    ar.LjungB$lag <- x$qstat.options[1]
  ar.LjungB <- c(ar.LjungB$lag[1], ar.LjungB$pval[1])
  ##(NULL if ar.LjungB is NULL)

  ##diagnostics: arch argument
  if( !is.null(arch.LjungB) && is.vector(arch.LjungB, mode="double") ){
      arch.LjungB <- list(lag=arch.LjungB[1], pval=arch.LjungB[2])
  if( !is.null(arch.LjungB) && is.null(arch.LjungB$lag) ){
    arch.LjungB$lag <- x$qstat.options[2]
  arch.LjungB <- c(arch.LjungB$lag[1], arch.LjungB$pval[1])
  ##(NULL if arch.LjungB is NULL)

  ##gof arguments:
  if( is.null(gof.function) ){
    ##determine info method:
    infoTypes <- c("sc","aic","aicc","hq")
    whichMethod <- charmatch(info.method[1], infoTypes)
    info.method <- infoTypes[ whichMethod ]
    ##make gof arguments:
    gof.function <- list(name="infocrit", method=info.method)
    gof.method <- "min"

  ## 2 gets modelling

  ##out list:
  out <- list()
  out$time.started <- date()
  out$time.finished <- NA
  out$gum.call <- x$call
  mX <- x$vX
  colnames(mX) <- x$vXnames
  if( !(1 %in% keep) ){
    keep <- union(1,keep)
    warning("Regressor 1 included into 'keep'")

  ##add gum results and diagnostics to out:
  tmp <- matrix(0, NROW(x$results), 2)
  colnames(tmp) <- c("reg.no.", "keep")
  tmp[,1] <- 1:NROW(tmp) #fill reg.no. column
  tmp[keep,2] <- 1 #fill keep column
  out$gum.results <- cbind(tmp, x$results)
  out$gum.diagnostics <- x$diagnostics

  ##print start model (gum) info:
  if( print.searchinfo ){
    if( !is.null(out$gum.results) ){
      cat("GUM log-variance equation:\n")
      printCoefmat(out$gum.results, cs.ind=c(3,4), tst.ind=c(5),
        signif.stars=TRUE, P.values=TRUE)
    if( !is.null(out$gum.diagnostics) ){
      printCoefmat(out$gum.diagnostics, tst.ind=2, signif.stars=TRUE)
  } #end if( print.searchinfo )

  ##do the gets:
  est <- getsFun(x$loge2, mX, user.estimator=list(name="larchEstfun",
    e=x$e, vcov.type=x$vcov.type, tol=x$tol),
    gum.result=NULL, t.pval=t.pval, wald.pval=wald.pval, do.pet=do.pet,
    ar.LjungB=ar.LjungB, arch.LjungB=arch.LjungB,
    normality.JarqueB=normality.JarqueB, user.diagnostics=user.diagnostics,
    gof.function=gof.function, gof.method=gof.method, keep=keep,
    include.gum=include.gum, include.1cut=include.1cut,
    include.empty=include.empty, max.paths=max.paths, turbo=turbo,
    tol=tol, max.regs=NULL, print.searchinfo=print.searchinfo,
  est$time.started <- NULL
  est$time.finished <- NULL
  est$call <- NULL
  out <- c(out, est)

  ##print paths, terminals and retained regressors:
  if( print.searchinfo && !is.null(est$terminals.results) ){

    if( length(est$paths)>0 ){
      for(i in 1:length(est$paths)){
        txt <- paste0(est$paths[[i]], collapse=" ")
        txt <- paste0("  Path ", i, ": ", txt)    
        cat(txt, "\n")

    ##print terminals:
    cat("Terminal models:\n")

    ##retained regressors:
    cat("Retained regressors (final model):\n")
    if( length(est$specific.spec)==0 ){
      cat("  none\n")
      cat(paste0("  ", x$vXnames[as.numeric(est$specific.spec)]), "\n")
  } #end   if( print.searchinfo && !is.null(est$terminals.results) )

  if( print.searchinfo && !is.null(est$messages) ){
    message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)
    message("Messages:", appendLF=TRUE)
    message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)

  ## 3 estimate specific

  ##if there are no terminals, then use the gum as specific:
  if( is.null(est$terminals.results) ){
    out$messages <- paste0(out$messages,
      "- No terminal models, so the final model equals the GUM")
    out <- c(out,x)
  ##if there are terminals, then estimate specific:
  if( !is.null(est$terminals.results) ){

    ## prepare estimation:
    e <- zoo(cbind(x$e), order.by=x$e.index)
    colnames(e) <- "e"
    specificadj <- setdiff(out$specific.spec, 1)
      vXadj <- NULL
      vXadj <- cbind(x$vX[,specificadj])
      colnames(vXadj) <- x$vXnames[specificadj]
      vXadj <- zoo(vXadj, order.by=x$e.index)
    if( is.null(ar.LjungB) ){ ar.LjungB <- x$qstat.options[1] }
    if( is.null(arch.LjungB) ){ arch.LjungB <- x$qstat.options[2] }
    if( is.null(normality.JarqueB) ){
      normality.JarqueB <- FALSE
      normality.JarqueB <- TRUE
    ## estimate specific model:
    est <- larch(e, vc=TRUE, vxreg=vXadj, zero.adj=x$zero.adj,
      vcov.type=x$vcov.type, qstat.options=c(ar.LjungB[1],arch.LjungB[1]),
      normality.JarqueB=normality.JarqueB, tol=x$tol, singular.ok=FALSE,
    ## delete, rename and change various stuff:
    est$call <- NULL
    est$date <- NULL
    est$e.name <- x$e.name
    est <- unclass(est)
    ##build new call (needed for predict.larch()):
    newCall <- x$call
    coefNames <- names(coef(est))
    indxCounter <- 1 #needed for vxreg
    ##arch argument for new call:
    gumTerms <- eval(x$call$arch)
    gumNames <- paste0("arch", gumTerms)
    whichRetained <- which( gumNames %in% coefNames )
    if( length(whichRetained)==0 ){
      newCall$arch <- NULL
      newCall$arch <- gumTerms[ whichRetained ]
      indxCounter <- indxCounter + length(whichRetained)
    ##harch argument for new call:
    gumTerms <- eval(x$call$harch)
    gumNames <- paste0("harch", gumTerms)
    whichRetained <- which( gumNames %in% coefNames )
    if( length(whichRetained)==0 ){
      newCall$harch <- NULL
      newCall$harch <- gumTerms[ whichRetained ]
      indxCounter <- indxCounter + length(whichRetained)
    ##asym argument for new call:
    gumTerms <- eval(x$call$asym)
    gumNames <- paste0("asym", gumTerms)
    whichRetained <- which( gumNames %in% coefNames )
    if( length(whichRetained)==0 ){
      newCall$asym <- NULL
      newCall$asym <- gumTerms[ whichRetained ]
      indxCounter <- indxCounter + length(whichRetained)
    ##asymind argument for new call:
    gumTerms <- eval(x$call$asymind)
    gumNames <- paste0("asymind", gumTerms)
    whichRetained <- which( gumNames %in% coefNames )
    if( length(whichRetained)==0 ){
      newCall$asymind <- NULL
      newCall$asymind <- gumTerms[ whichRetained ]
      indxCounter <- indxCounter + length(whichRetained)
    ##log.ewma argument for new call:
    gumTerms <- eval(x$call$log.ewma)
    gumNames <- paste0("logEqWMA(", gumTerms, ")")
    whichRetained <- which( gumNames %in% coefNames )
    if( length(whichRetained)==0 ){
      newCall$log.ewma <- NULL
      newCall$log.ewma <- gumTerms[ whichRetained ]
      indxCounter <- indxCounter + length(whichRetained)
    ##vxreg argument for new call:
    whichRetainedCoefs <- coefNames[ -c(1:indxCounter) ]
    if( length(whichRetainedCoefs)==0 ){
      newCall$vxreg <- NULL
      whichRetained <- which( est$vXnames %in% whichRetainedCoefs )
      newCall$vxreg <- est$vXnames[whichRetained] 
  #more correct, but predict.larch() only needs that vxreg is not NULL:
  #    vxreg <- cbind( est$vX[, whichRetained ] )
  #    colnames(vxreg) <- est$vXnames[whichRetained] 
  #    newCall$vxreg <- vxreg
    ##add new call to 'est', merge with 'out':
    est <- c(list(call=newCall), est)
    out <- c(out,est)

  } #close if( !is.null(est$terminals.results) )

  ## 4 result

  out$time.finished <- date()
  out <- c(list(date=out$time.finished), out)
  class(out) <- "larch"
  if(alarm){ alarm() }
  if( is.null(plot) ){
    plot <- getOption("plot")
    if( is.null(plot) ){ plot <- FALSE }
  if(plot){ plot.larch(out) }
} #close gets.larch() function

## logLik.larch()

logLik.larch <- function(object, ...){ return(object$logl) }

## model.matrix.larch()

model.matrix.larch <- function(object, response=FALSE,
  as.zoo=TRUE, ...)
  result <- NULL
  result <- object$vX
  colnames(result) <- object$vXnames
  if( response==TRUE ){
    loge2 <- cbind(object$loge2)
    colnames(loge2) <- "loge2"
    result <- cbind(loge2,result)
  if( as.zoo==TRUE ){ result <- zoo(result, order.by=object$e.index) }
} #close model.matrix.larch()

## nobs.larch()

nobs.larch <- function(object, ...){ return(object$n) }

## print.larch() prints the estimation result

plot.larch <- function(x, col=c("red","blue"), lty=c("solid","solid"),
  lwd=c(1,1), ...)
  if( length(col)==1 ){
  }else if (length(lty)>2){
    print("'col' needs two arguments only, but more provided. First two used.")

  if( length(lty)==1 ){
  }else if (length(lty)>2){
    print("'lty' needs two arguments only, but more provided. First two used.")

  if( length(lwd)==1 ){
  }else if (length(lwd)>2){
    print("'lwd' needs two arguments only, but more provided. First two used.")

  ##do the plotting:

  vfitted <- fitted.larch(x)
  vactual <- zoo(x$e^2, order.by=x$e.index)
  actual.name <- x$e.name
  residsStd <- residuals.larch(x)

  ##get current par-values:
  def.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)

  ##set new par values for plot:

  #set the plot margins:

  ##plot actual values (e^2):
  minValue <- min(vactual, vfitted, na.rm=TRUE)
  maxValue <- 1.1*max(vactual, vfitted, na.rm=TRUE) #1.1: adds 10% on top
  if( is.regular(vactual) ) {
    plot(vactual, main = "", ylim=range(minValue, maxValue),
      type="l", ylab="", xlab="",col=col[2])
    plot(as.Date(index(vactual)), coredata(vactual), main = "",
       ylim=range(minValue,maxValue), type="l", ylab="", xlab="", col=col[2])

  ##plot fitted values:
  if( is.regular(vfitted) ) {
    lines(vfitted, col=col[1])
  } else {
    lines(as.Date(index(vfitted)), coredata(vfitted), col=col[1])
  legend("topleft", lty=lty, lwd=lwd, ncol=2, col=col[c(2,1)],
    legend=c("actual squared","fitted variance"), bty="n")

  ##plot standardised residuals:
  minValue <- min(residsStd, na.rm=TRUE)
  maxValue <- 1.1*max(residsStd, na.rm=TRUE) #1.1: adds 10% on top
  if( is.regular(residsStd) ) {
    plot(residsStd, ylim=range(minValue,maxValue), type="h", col=col[1])
    plot(as.Date(index(residsStd)), coredata(residsStd), 
      ylim=range(minValue,maxValue), type="h", col=col[1])
  legend("topleft", lty=1, col=col[1],
    legend=c("standardised residuals"), bty="n")

  #return to old par-values:

} #close plot.larhx()

## predict.larch() generate predictions

predict.larch <- function(object, n.ahead=12, newvxreg=NULL, newindex=NULL,
  n.sim=NULL, innov=NULL, probs=NULL, quantile.type=7, verbose=FALSE, ...)
  ## contents:
  ## 1 initialise
  ## 2 prepare terms
  ## 3 simulate innov
  ## 4 prepare prediction
  ## 5 generate predictions
  ## 6 prepare output
  ## 7 newindex
  ## 8 return result

  ## 1 initialise

  ##name of object:
  objectName <- deparse(substitute(object))

  ##check n.ahead:
  if(n.ahead < 1){ stop("n.ahead must be 1 or greater") }

  ##probs argument:
  if( !is.null(probs) ){
    if( any(probs <= 0) || any(probs >= 1) ){
      stop("the values of 'probs' must be between 0 and 1")
    probs <- union(probs,probs) #ensure values are distinct/not repeated
    probs <- probs[order(probs, decreasing=FALSE)] #re-order to increasing
  probsArg <- probs
  ##obtain zero.adj value:
  zerosWhere <- which( object$e==0 )
  if( length(zerosWhere)>0 ){
    zero.adj <- exp(object$loge2)[ zerosWhere[1] ]
    zero.adj <- quantile(object$e2, 0.1, na.rm=TRUE) 

  ## 2 prepare terms

  ##record coef estimates:
  coefs <- as.numeric(coef.larch(object))
  vconst <- as.numeric(coefs[1])
  archMax <- 0
  archIndx <- 1
  if( "arch" %in% names(object$call) ){
    archEval <- eval(object$call$arch)
    archIndx <- 1:length(archEval) + 1
    archMax <- max(archEval)
    archCoefs <- rep(0,archMax)
    archCoefs[archEval] <- as.numeric(coefs[archIndx])

  harchMax <- 0
  harchIndx <- max(archIndx)
  if( "harch" %in% names(object$call) ){
    harchEval <- eval(object$call$harch)
    harchIndx <- 1:length(harchEval) + max(archIndx)
    harchMax <- max(harchEval)
    harchCoefs <- rep(0,harchMax)
    harchCoefs <- as.numeric(coefs[harchIndx])

  asymMax <- 0
  asymIndx <- max(harchIndx)
  if( "asym" %in% names(object$call) ){
    asymEval <- eval(object$call$asym)
    asymIndx <- 1:length(asymEval) + max(harchIndx)
    asymMax <- max(asymEval)
    asymCoefs <- rep(0,asymMax)
    asymCoefs[asymEval] <- as.numeric(coefs[asymIndx])

  asymindMax <- 0  
  asymindIndx <- max(asymIndx)
  if( "asymind" %in% names(object$call) ){
    asymindEval <- eval(object$call$asymind)
    asymindIndx <- 1:length(asymindEval) + max(asymIndx)
    asymindMax <- max(asymindEval)
    asymindCoefs <- rep(0,asymindMax)
    asymindCoefs[asymindEval] <- as.numeric(coefs[asymindIndx])
  logewmaMax <- 0
  logewmaIndx <- max(asymindIndx)
  if( "log.ewma" %in% names(object$call) ){
    logewmaEval <- eval(object$call$log.ewma)
    if(is.list(logewmaEval)){ logewmaEval <- logewmaEval$length }
    logewmaIndx <- 1:length(logewmaEval) + max(asymindIndx)
    logewmaMax <- max(logewmaEval)
    logewmaCoefs <- as.numeric(coefs[logewmaIndx])
  ##backcast length:
  backcastMax <- max(archMax,harchMax,asymMax,asymindMax,logewmaMax)
  vxreghat <- rep(0, n.ahead + backcastMax)
  if( !is.null(object$call$vxreg) ){

    ##check newvxreg:
    if( is.null(newvxreg) ){ stop("'newvxreg' is NULL") }
    if( NROW(newvxreg)!=n.ahead ){ stop("NROW(newvxreg) must equal n.ahead") }

    newvxreg <- coredata(cbind(as.zoo(newvxreg)))
    colnames(newvxreg) <- NULL

    ##vxreghat (predictions):
    vxregIndx <- c(max(logewmaIndx)+1):length(coefs)
    vxreghat <-  newvxreg %*% coefs[vxregIndx]
    vxreghat <- c(rep(0,backcastMax),vxreghat)

  } #end vxreg

  ## 3 simulate innov

  ##determine n.sim value:
  if( is.null(n.sim) && is.null(probs) ){
    if( backcastMax==0 ){
      n.sim <- 1
      n.sim <- ifelse(n.ahead==1, 1, 5000)
  if( is.null(n.sim) && !is.null(probs) ){ n.sim <- 5000 }
  ##simulated innovations:
  mZhat <- NULL

  ##the classic bootstrap (innov not provided):
  if( is.null(innov) ){
    zhat <- coredata(residuals.larch(object))
    draws <- runif(n.ahead*n.sim, min=0.5+.Machine$double.eps,
    draws <- round(draws, digits=0)
    zhat <- zhat[draws]
  ##if user-provided innov:
  if( !is.null(innov) ){
    if(length(innov)!=n.ahead*n.sim){ stop("length(innov) must equal n.ahead*n.sim") }
    zhat <- as.numeric(innov)

  ##matrix of innovations:
  mZhat <- matrix(zhat, n.ahead, n.sim)
  mZhat <- rbind(matrix(NA, backcastMax, NCOL(mZhat)), mZhat) ##modify no. of rows:
  ## 4 prepare prediction
  ##prepare logsd2 predictions:
  logsd2hat <- rep(NA, n.ahead + backcastMax)
  logsd2hat.n <- length(logsd2hat)
  logsd2Fit <- log(coredata(fitted.larch(object)))
  if( backcastMax>0 ){
    logsd2hat[1:backcastMax] <- 
  mLogsd2Hat <- matrix(NA, logsd2hat.n, n.sim) #matrix of logsd2 predictions
  mLogsd2Hat[,1:NCOL(mLogsd2Hat)] <- logsd2hat  #fill with backcast values
  ##prepare loge2 predictions:
  loge2hat <- rep(NA, n.ahead + backcastMax)
  loge2hat.n <- length(loge2hat)
  loge2Past <- object$loge2
  if( backcastMax>0 ){
    loge2hat[1:backcastMax] <- 
  mLoge2Hat <- matrix(NA, loge2hat.n, n.sim) #matrix of loge2 predictions
  mLoge2Hat[,1:NCOL(mLoge2Hat)] <- loge2hat  #fill with backcast values
  ##prepare epsilon predictions:
  epshat <- rep(NA, n.ahead + backcastMax)
  epshat.n <- length(epshat)
  epsPast <- object$e
  if( backcastMax>0 ){
    epshat[1:backcastMax] <- 
  mEpsilon <- matrix(NA, epshat.n, n.sim) #matrix of epsilon predictions
  mEpsilon[,1:NCOL(mEpsilon)] <- epshat  #fill with backcast values

  ##prepare harch:
  if( harchMax>0 ){
    mLogHarchHat <- matrix(NA, n.ahead+backcastMax, length(harchCoefs))
    colnames(mLogHarchHat) <- object$vXnames[harchIndx]
    mLogHarchHat[1:backcastMax,] <- object$vX[c(NROW(object$vX)-backcastMax+1):NROW(object$vX),harchIndx]
    mLogHarchHat <- as.matrix(mLogHarchHat)
  ##prepare asym and/or asymind:
  if( asymMax>0 || asymindMax>0 ){
    zhatIneg <- rep(NA, n.ahead + backcastMax)
    zhatIneg.n <- length(zhatIneg)
    zhatFit <- coredata(residuals(object))
    zhatIneg[1:backcastMax] <- zhatFit[c(length(zhatFit)-backcastMax+1):length(zhatFit)]
    zhatIneg <- as.numeric(zhatIneg<0)
    mZhatIneg <- matrix(NA, zhatIneg.n, n.sim)
    mZhatIneg[,1:NCOL(mZhatIneg)] <- zhatIneg
    mZhatIneg[c(backcastMax+1):NROW(mZhatIneg),] <- matrix(as.numeric(zhat<0),NROW(zhat),NCOL(zhat))
  ##prepare log.ewma:
  if( logewmaMax>0 ){
    mLogEwmaHat <- matrix(NA, n.ahead+backcastMax, length(logewmaCoefs))
    colnames(mLogEwmaHat) <- object$vXnames[logewmaIndx]
    mLogEwmaHat[1:backcastMax,] <- object$vX[c(NROW(object$vX)-backcastMax+1):NROW(object$vX),logewmaIndx]
    mLogEwmaHat <- as.matrix(mLogEwmaHat)
  ## 5 generate predictions
  archTerm <- 0
  harchTerm <- 0
  asymTerm <- 0
  asymindTerm <- 0
  logewmaTerm <- 0
  ##loop over n.sim:
  for(j in 1:NCOL(mLogsd2Hat)){
    ##loop over backcast+n.ahead:
    for(i in c(backcastMax+1):NROW(mLogsd2Hat) ){
      ##compute terms:
      if( archMax>0 ){
        archTerm <- sum( archCoefs*mLoge2Hat[c(i-1):c(i-archMax),j] )
      if( harchMax>0 ){
        for(k in 1:NCOL(mLogHarchHat)){
          sumTerm <- sum( mEpsilon[c(i-harchEval[k]):c(i-1),j] )^2
          sumTerm <- ifelse(sumTerm==0, zero.adj, sumTerm)
          mLogHarchHat[i,k] <- log(sumTerm)
        harchTerm <- sum( coefs[harchIndx] * mLogHarchHat[i,] )
      if( asymMax>0 ){
        asymTerm <- sum( asymCoefs*mLoge2Hat[c(i-1):c(i-asymMax),j]*mZhatIneg[c(i-1):c(i-asymMax),j] )
      if( asymindMax>0 ){
        asymindTerm <- sum( asymindCoefs*mZhatIneg[c(i-1):c(i-asymindMax),j] )      
      if( logewmaMax>0 ){
        for(k in 1:NCOL(mLogEwmaHat)){
          meanTerm <- mean( mEpsilon[c(i-logewmaEval[k]):c(i-1),j]^2 )
          meanTerm <- ifelse(meanTerm==0, zero.adj, meanTerm)
          mLogEwmaHat[i,k] <- log(meanTerm)
        logewmaTerm <- sum( coefs[logewmaIndx] * mLogEwmaHat[i,] )

      ##compute predictions:
      mLogsd2Hat[i,j] <-
        vconst + archTerm + harchTerm + asymTerm + asymindTerm + 
        logewmaTerm + vxreghat[i]
      mEpsilon[i,j] <- exp(mLogsd2Hat[i,j]/2)*mZhat[i,j]
      if( exp(mLogsd2Hat[i,j]/2)==Inf ){
        message("message: one or more predictions are Inf")
      mLoge2Hat[i,j] <- ifelse( mEpsilon[i,j]==0, log(zero.adj), log(mEpsilon[i,j]^2) )

    } ##end for(i)

  } ##end for(j)

  ## 6 prepare output

  ##variance predictions:
  mSd2Hat <- exp( mLogsd2Hat[c(logsd2hat.n-n.ahead+1):logsd2hat.n,] )
  if( n.ahead==1 ){ #rbind() needed when n.ahead=1
    mSd2Hat <- rbind(mSd2Hat)
  }else{ #cbind() needed in case n.sim=1 (when n.ahead>1)
    mSd2Hat <- cbind(mSd2Hat)
  sd2hat <- as.vector(rowMeans(mSd2Hat))
  if( verbose ){ colnames(mSd2Hat) <- paste0("mSd2Hat.", seq(1,NCOL(mSd2Hat))) }
  mZhat <- rbind(mZhat[c(logsd2hat.n-n.ahead+1):logsd2hat.n,])
  if( verbose ){ colnames(mZhat) <- paste0("mZhat.", seq(1,n.sim)) }

  mEpsilon <- rbind(mEpsilon[c(logsd2hat.n-n.ahead+1):logsd2hat.n,])
  if( verbose ){ colnames(mEpsilon) <- paste0("mEpsilon.", seq(1,n.sim)) }
  ##quantiles of variance predictions:
  mVarianceQs <- NULL
  if( !is.null(probsArg) ){
    mVarianceQs <- matrix(NA, n.ahead, length(probsArg))
    for(i in 1:NROW(mSd2Hat)){
      mVarianceQs[i,] <- quantile(mSd2Hat[i,], probs=probsArg, type=quantile.type)
    colnames(mVarianceQs) <- paste0("q", probsArg)

#  ##quantiles of epsilon:
#  mEpsilonQs <- NULL
#  if( !is.null(probsArg) ){
#    mEpsilonQs <- matrix(NA, n.ahead, length(probsArg))
#    for(i in 1:NROW(mEpsilon)){
#      mEpsilonQs[i,] <- quantile(mEpsilon[i,], probs=probsArg, type=quantile.type)
#    }
#    colnames(mEpsilonQs) <- paste0("e", probsArg)
#  }

#  ##quantiles of epsilon^2:
#  TBA

  ## 7 newindex
  eInSample <- zoo(object$e, order.by=object$e.index)

  #newindex user-provided:
  if( !is.null(newindex) ){
    if( n.ahead!=length(newindex) ){
      stop("length(newindex) must equal 'n.ahead'")
    newindexInSample <- any( newindex %in% object$e.index )
  }else{ newindexInSample <- FALSE }

  #in-sample index regular:
  if( is.null(newindex) && is.regular(eInSample, strict=TRUE) ){
    endCycle <- cycle(eInSample)
    endCycle <- as.numeric(endCycle[length(endCycle)])
    endYear <- floor(as.numeric(object$e.index[length(object$e)]))
    eFreq <- frequency(eInSample)
    ehataux <- rep(NA, n.ahead+1)
    eDeltat <- deltat(eInSample)
    if( eDeltat==1 && eFreq==1 ){
      ehataux <- zoo(ehataux, order.by=seq(endYear, endYear+n.ahead, by=1))
      eAsRegular <- FALSE
      ehataux <- zooreg(ehataux, start=c(endYear, endCycle), frequency=eFreq)
      eAsRegular <- TRUE
    ehataux <- ehataux[-1]
    newindex <- index(ehataux)

  ##neither user-provided nor regular:
  if( is.null(newindex) ){ newindex <- 1:n.ahead }

  ##add index to results:
  if( !is.null(sd2hat) ){ sd2hat <- zoo(sd2hat, order.by=newindex) }
  if( verbose ){
    if( !is.null(mSd2Hat) ){ mSd2Hat <- zoo(mSd2Hat,  order.by=newindex) }
    if( !is.null(mEpsilon) ){ mEpsilon <- zoo(mEpsilon, order.by=newindex) }
    if( !is.null(mZhat) ){ mZhat <- zoo(mZhat, order.by=newindex) }
    if( !is.null(mVarianceQs) ){ mVarianceQs <- zoo(mVarianceQs, order.by=newindex) }
#    if( !is.null(mEpsilonQs) ){ mEpsilonQs <- zoo(mEpsilonQs, order.by=newindex) }
#    if( !is.null(mEpsilon2Qs) ){ mEpsilon2Qs <- zoo(mEpsilon2Qs, order.by=newindex) }

  ## 8 return result

  ##return variance predictions only:
  if( !verbose ){
    if( is.null(probs) ){
      result <- sd2hat
      result <- cbind(sd2hat,mVarianceQs)
      colnames(result)[1] <- "sd2"
  } #close if( !verbose )

  ##return everything:
  if( verbose ){
    result <- cbind(sd2hat)
    colnames(result) <- "sd2"
    if( !is.null(mVarianceQs) ){ result <- cbind(result, mVarianceQs) }
#    if( !is.null(mEpsilonQs) ){ result <- cbind(result,mEpsilonQs) }
    if( !is.null(mSd2Hat) ){ result <- cbind(result, mSd2Hat) }
    if( !is.null(mEpsilon) ){ result <- cbind(result, mEpsilon) }
    if( !is.null(mZhat) ){ result <- cbind(result, mZhat) }
  } #close if( verbose )
  ##return the result:
} #close predict.larch()  

## print.larch() prints the estimation result

print.larch <- function(x, signif.stars=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, ...)
  ##obtain entry names:
  xNames <- names(x)

  ## gets results
  ##check if there is gets modelling:
  thereIsGetsModelling <- ifelse( "gum.call" %in% xNames, TRUE, FALSE)

  ##if gets modelling:
  if( verbose && thereIsGetsModelling ){

    ##print paths, terminals and retained regressors:
    if( !is.null(x$terminals.results) ){

      ##print gum results:
      if( !is.null(x$gum.results) ){
        cat("GUM log-variance equation:\n")
        printCoefmat(x$gum.results, cs.ind=c(1,2), tst.ind=c(3),
          signif.stars=TRUE, P.values=TRUE)

      ##print gum diagnostics:
      if( !is.null(x$gum.diagnostics) ){
        printCoefmat(x$gum.diagnostics, tst.ind=2, signif.stars=TRUE)

      if( length(x$paths)>0 ){
        cat("Paths searched:\n")
        for(i in 1:length(x$paths)){
          txt <- paste0(x$paths[[i]], collapse=" ")
          txt <- paste0("  Path ", i, ": ", txt)    
          cat(txt, "\n")
      ##print terminals:
      cat("Terminal models:\n")
      ##retained regressors:
      cat("Retained regressors (final model):\n")
      if( length(x$specific.spec)==0 ){
        cat("  none\n")
        cat(paste0(c("", names(x$specific.spec), "\n"), collapse="  "))
    } #end if( print.searchinfo )
      message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)
      message("Messages:", appendLF=TRUE)
      message("\n", appendLF=FALSE)
  } #close if( verbose && thereIsGetsModelling )

  ## larch estimation results
  ##check if there are larch estimation results:
  thereAreResults <- ifelse("results" %in% xNames, TRUE, FALSE)

  ##header - first part:
  cat("Date:", x$date, "\n")
  cat("Dependent var.:", x$e.name, "\n")
  cat("Variance-Covariance:", switch(x$vcov.type, robust = "Robust (default)",
    "hac" = "HAC (Newey and West, 1987)"), "\n")
  cat("No. of observations:", x$n, "\n")

  ##header - sample info:
  if( "residuals" %in% xNames ){
    indexResiduals <- index(x$residuals)
    isRegular <- is.regular(x$residuals, strict=TRUE)
    isCyclical <- frequency(x$residuals) > 1
    if(isRegular && isCyclical){
      cycleResiduals <- cycle(x$residuals)
      startYear <- floor(as.numeric(indexResiduals[1]))
      startAsChar <- paste(startYear,
        "(", cycleResiduals[1], ")", sep="")
      endYear <- floor(as.numeric(indexResiduals[length(indexResiduals)]))
      endAsChar <- paste(endYear,
        "(", cycleResiduals[length(indexResiduals)], ")", sep="")
      startAsChar <- as.character(indexResiduals[1])
      endAsChar <- as.character(indexResiduals[length(indexResiduals)])
    cat("Sample:", startAsChar, "to", endAsChar, "\n")
  } #end if( "residuals" %in% xNames )

  ##print results:
  if( thereAreResults ){
    cat("Log-variance equation:\n")
    printCoefmat(x$results, signif.stars=signif.stars)
    cat("   No estimation results\n")

  ##create goodness-of-fit matrix:
  gof <- matrix(NA, 1, 1)
  rownames(gof) <- paste0("Log-lik.(n=", x$n, "):")
  colnames(gof) <- ""
  gof[1,1] <- as.numeric(x$logl)

  ##print diagnostics and fit:
  if( !is.null(x$diagnostics) ) {
    cat("Diagnostics and fit:\n")
    printCoefmat(x$diagnostics, tst.ind=2,
      signif.stars=signif.stars, has.Pvalue=TRUE)
    printCoefmat(gof, digits=6, signif.stars=signif.stars)

} #end print.larch()

## residuals.larch()

residuals.larch <- function(object, ...){ return(object$residuals) }

## summary.larch()

summary.larch <- function(object, ...){ summary.default(object) }

## toLatex.larch()

toLatex.larch <- function(object, ...)
  printtex(object, fitted.name="\\ln\\sigma_t^2", ...)

## vcov.larch()

vcov.larch <- function(object, ...){ return(object$vcov) }

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