
Defines functions plot.gg_variable

Documented in plot.gg_variable

####  ----------------------------------------------------------------
####  Written by:
####  ----------------------------------------------------------------
####    John Ehrlinger, Ph.D.
####    email:  john.ehrlinger@gmail.com
####    URL:    https://github.com/ehrlinger/ggRandomForests
####  ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Plot a \code{\link{gg_variable}} object,
#' @param x \code{\link{gg_variable}} object created from a
#' \code{\link[randomForestSRC]{rfsrc}} object
#' @param xvar variable (or list of variables) of interest.
#' @param time For survival, one or more times of interest
#' @param time_labels string labels for times
#' @param panel Should plots be faceted along multiple xvar?
#' @param oob oob estimates (boolean)
#' @param points plot the raw data points (boolean)
#' @param smooth include a smooth curve (boolean)
#' @param ... arguments passed to the \code{ggplot2} functions.
#' @return A single \code{ggplot} object, or list of \code{ggplot} objects
#' @references Breiman L. (2001). Random forests, Machine Learning, 45:5-32.
#' Ishwaran H. and Kogalur U.B. (2007). Random survival forests for R, Rnews,
#' 7(2):25-31.
#' Ishwaran H. and Kogalur U.B. (2013). Random Forests for Survival, Regression
#' and Classification (RF-SRC), R package version 1.4.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot aes_string geom_point geom_smooth labs 
#' @importFrom ggplot2 facet_wrap geom_boxplot geom_jitter
#' @importFrom parallel mclapply
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @importFrom stats reformulate
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## ------------------------------------------------------------
#' ## classification
#' ## ------------------------------------------------------------
#' ## -------- iris data
#' ## iris
#' #rfsrc_iris <- rfsrc(Species ~., data = iris)
#' data(rfsrc_iris, package="ggRandomForests")
#' gg_dta <- gg_variable(rfsrc_iris)
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar="Sepal.Width")
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar="Sepal.Length")
#' ## !! TODO !! this needs to be corrected
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar=rfsrc_iris$xvar.names,
#'      panel=TRUE, se=FALSE)
#' ## ------------------------------------------------------------
#' ## regression
#' ## ------------------------------------------------------------
#' ## -------- air quality data
#' #rfsrc_airq <- rfsrc(Ozone ~ ., data = airquality)
#' data(rfsrc_airq, package="ggRandomForests")
#' gg_dta <- gg_variable(rfsrc_airq)
#' # an ordinal variable
#' gg_dta[,"Month"] <- factor(gg_dta[,"Month"])
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar="Wind")
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar="Temp")
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar="Solar.R")
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar=c("Solar.R", "Wind", "Temp", "Day"), panel=TRUE)
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar="Month", notch=TRUE)
#' ## -------- motor trend cars data
#' #rfsrc_mtcars <- rfsrc(mpg ~ ., data = mtcars)
#' data(rfsrc_mtcars, package="ggRandomForests")
#' gg_dta <- gg_variable(rfsrc_mtcars)
#' # mtcars$cyl is an ordinal variable
#' gg_dta$cyl <- factor(gg_dta$cyl)
#' gg_dta$am <- factor(gg_dta$am)
#' gg_dta$vs <- factor(gg_dta$vs)
#' gg_dta$gear <- factor(gg_dta$gear)
#' gg_dta$carb <- factor(gg_dta$carb)
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar="cyl")
#' # Others are continuous
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar="disp")
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar="hp")
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar="wt")
#' # panel
#' plot(gg_dta,xvar=c("disp","hp", "drat", "wt", "qsec"),  panel=TRUE)
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar=c("cyl", "vs", "am", "gear", "carb") ,panel=TRUE)
#' ## -------- Boston data
#' ## ------------------------------------------------------------
#' ## survival examples
#' ## ------------------------------------------------------------
#' ## -------- veteran data
#' ## survival
#' data(veteran, package = "randomForestSRC")
#' rfsrc_veteran <- rfsrc(Surv(time,status)~., veteran, nsplit = 10,
#'                        ntree = 100)
#' # get the 1 year survival time.
#' gg_dta <- gg_variable(rfsrc_veteran, time=90)
#' # Generate variable dependance plots for age and diagtime
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar = "age")
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar = "diagtime")
#' # Generate coplots
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar = c("age", "diagtime"), panel=TRUE)
#' # If we want to compare survival at different time points, say 30, 90 day
#' # and 1 year
#' gg_dta <- gg_variable(rfsrc_veteran, time=c(30, 90, 365))
#' # Generate variable dependance plots for age and diagtime
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar = "age")
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar = "diagtime")
#' # Generate coplots
#' plot(gg_dta, xvar =  c("age", "diagtime"), panel=TRUE)
#' ## -------- pbc data
#' }
#' @export
plot.gg_variable <- function(x,
                             panel = FALSE,
                             oob = TRUE,
                             points = TRUE,
                             smooth = TRUE,
                             ...) {
  gg_dta <- x
  # I don't think this will work with latest S3 models.
  if (inherits(x, "rfsrc"))
    gg_dta <- gg_variable(x, ...)
  # Set the family to decide how to plot the data.
  family <- "class"
  if (inherits(gg_dta, "surv")) {
    family <- "surv"
  } else if (inherits(gg_dta, "regr")) {
    family <- "regr"
  } else if (inherits(gg_dta, "regression")) {
    family <- "regr"
  # These may be dangerous because they work on column names only.
  if (sum(colnames(gg_dta) == "event") != 0)
    family <- "surv"
  # Same here, but it's how I know there are multiple classes right now.
  if (length(grep("yhat.", colnames(gg_dta))) > 0) {
    # We have a classification forest with multiple outcomes.
    if (length(grep("yhat.", colnames(gg_dta))) == 2) {
      # For the case of two, we are only interested in the TRUE, not FALSE.
      gg_dta  <- gg_dta[, -grep("yhat.", colnames(gg_dta))[1]]
      colnames(gg_dta)[grep("yhat.", colnames(gg_dta))] <- "yhat"
    } else {
      # Else we want to split and duplicate the data... make it long format.
      gg_dta_x <- gg_dta[, -grep("yhat.", colnames(gg_dta))]
      gg_dta_y <- gg_dta[, grep("yhat.", colnames(gg_dta))]
      lng <- ncol(gg_dta_y)
      gg2 <- mclapply(seq_len(ncol(gg_dta_y)),
                      function(ind) {
                        cbind(gg_dta_x, yhat = gg_dta_y[, ind], outcome = ind)
      gg3 <- do.call(rbind, gg2)
      gg3$outcome <- factor(gg3$outcome)
      gg_dta <- gg3

  # If we don't know what to plot...
  if (missing(xvar)) {
    # We need to remove response variables here
    cls <- c(grep("yhat", colnames(gg_dta)),
             grep("event", colnames(gg_dta)),
             grep("time", colnames(gg_dta)))
    xvar <- colnames(gg_dta)[-cls]
  lng <- length(xvar)
  # Predictor variables
  wch_x_var <- which(colnames(gg_dta) %in% xvar)
  # Two types of variables, categorical and continuous.
  # By default, if there are less than 10 unique values,
  # assume categorical.
  for (ind in seq_len(ncol(gg_dta))) {
    if (!is.factor(gg_dta[, ind])) {
      if (length(unique(gg_dta[which(!is.na(gg_dta[, ind])), ind])) <= 2) {
        if (sum(range(gg_dta[, ind], na.rm = TRUE) ==  c(0, 1)) ==  2) {
          gg_dta[, ind] <- as.logical(gg_dta[, ind])
    } else {
      if (length(unique(gg_dta[which(!is.na(gg_dta[, ind])), ind])) <= 2) {
        if (sum(sort(unique(gg_dta[, ind])) ==  c(0, 1)) ==  2) {
          gg_dta[, ind] <- as.logical(gg_dta[, ind])
        if (sum(sort(unique(gg_dta[, ind])) ==  c(FALSE, TRUE)) ==  2) {
          gg_dta[, ind] <- as.logical(gg_dta[, ind])
  # Check for categorical X values...
  ccls <- sapply(gg_dta, class)
  ccls[which(ccls == "integer")] <- "numeric"
  if (panel) {
    # The different families are driven by the response variables.
    ## Survival plots
    if (family == "surv") {
      ## response variables.
      wch_y_var <-
        which(colnames(gg_dta) %in% c("event", "yhat", "time"))
      # Handle categorical and continuous differently...
      tmp_dta <- gg_dta[, c(wch_y_var, wch_x_var)]
      gathercols <-
        colnames(tmp_dta)[-which(colnames(tmp_dta) %in% 
                                   c("time", "event", "yhat"))]
      gg_dta_mlt <-
        tidyr::gather(tmp_dta, "variable", "value", gathercols)
      gg_dta_mlt$variable <-
        factor(gg_dta_mlt$variable, levels = xvar)
      if (points) {
        gg_plt <- ggplot(gg_dta_mlt,
                           x = "value",
                           y = "yhat",
                           color = "event",
                           shape = "event"
      } else {
        gg_plt <- ggplot(gg_dta_mlt,
                         aes_string(x = "value", y = "yhat"))
      # If these are all continuous...
      if (sum(ccls[wch_x_var] == "numeric") == length(wch_x_var)) {
        gg_plt <- gg_plt +
          labs(y = "Survival")
        if (points) {
          gg_plt <- gg_plt +
        } else {
          gg_plt <- gg_plt +
        if (smooth) {
          gg_plt <- gg_plt +
      } else {
        # Check if there are numeric variables here...
        if (sum(ccls[wch_x_var] == "numeric") > 0)
            "Mismatched variable types for panel plots... 
            assuming these are all factor variables."
        gg_plt <- gg_plt +
            aes_string(x = "value", y = "yhat"),
            color = "grey",
            outlier.shape = NA
          ) +
            x = "value",
            y = "yhat",
            color = "event",
            shape = "event"
      if (length(levels(gg_dta$time)) > 1) {
        gg_plt <- gg_plt +
          facet_grid(reformulate("variable", "time"),
                     scales = "free_x") +
          labs(x = "")
      } else {
        gg_plt <- gg_plt +
          facet_wrap(~ variable,
                     scales = "free_x") +
          labs(x = "",
               y = paste("Survival at", gg_dta$time[1], "year"))
    } else {
      # Panels for
      # This will work for regression and binary classification... maybe.
      ## Create a panel plot
      wch_y_var <- which(colnames(gg_dta) %in% c("yhat"))
      if (family == "class") {
        wch_y_var <- c(wch_y_var, which(colnames(gg_dta) == "yvar"))
        tmp_dta <- gg_dta[, c(wch_y_var, wch_x_var)]
        gathercols <-
          colnames(tmp_dta)[-which(colnames(tmp_dta) %in% c("yvar", "yhat"))]
        gg_dta_mlt <-
          tidyr::gather(tmp_dta, "variable", "value", gathercols)
      } else {
        wch_y_var <- c(wch_y_var, which(colnames(gg_dta) == "yvar"))
        tmp_dta <- gg_dta[, c(wch_y_var, wch_x_var)]
        gathercols <-
          colnames(tmp_dta)[-which(colnames(tmp_dta) == "yhat")]
        gg_dta_mlt <-
          tidyr::gather(tmp_dta, "variable", "value", gathercols)
      gg_dta_mlt$variable <-
        factor(gg_dta_mlt$variable, levels = xvar)
      # If these are all continuous...
      if (sum(ccls[wch_x_var] == "numeric") == length(wch_x_var)) {
        if (family == "class") {
          gg_plt <-
                     x = "value",
                     y = "yhat",
                     color = "yvar",
                     shape = "yvar"
                   )) +
        } else {
          gg_plt <- ggplot(gg_dta_mlt, aes_string(x = "value", y = "yhat")) +
      } else {
        # Check if there are numberic variables here...
        if (sum(ccls[wch_x_var] == "numeric") > 0)
          warning("Mismatched variable types... 
                  assuming these are all factor variables.")
        if (family == "class") {
          gg_plt <-
                     x = "value",
                     y = "yhat",
                     color = "yvar"
                   )) +
        } else {
          gg_plt <- ggplot(gg_dta_mlt, aes_string(x = "value", y = "yhat")) +
      if (family != "class") {
        if (points) {
          gg_plt <- ggplot(gg_dta_mlt, aes_string(x = "value", y = "yhat")) +
        } else {
          gg_plt <- ggplot(gg_dta_mlt, aes_string(x = "value", y = "yhat")) +
        if (smooth)
          gg_plt <- gg_plt +
      gg_plt <- gg_plt +
        facet_wrap(~ variable,
                   scales = "free_x") +
        labs(x = "")
  } else {
    # Don't want a panel, but a single plot or list of plots.
    gg_plt <- vector("list", length = lng)
    for (ind in 1:lng) {
      ch_indx <- which(colnames(gg_dta) == xvar[ind])
      h_name <- colnames(gg_dta)[ch_indx]
      colnames(gg_dta)[ch_indx] <- "var"
      ccls <- class(gg_dta[, "var"])
      ccls[which(ccls == "integer")] <- "numeric"
      gg_plt[[ind]] <- ggplot(gg_dta)
      if (family == "surv") {
        gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
          labs(x = h_name, y = "Survival")
        if (ccls == "numeric") {
          if (points) {
            gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
                x = "var",
                y = "yhat",
                color = "event",
                shape = "event"
          } else {
            gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
              geom_smooth(aes_string(x = "var", y = "yhat"),  ...)
          if (smooth) {
            gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
              geom_smooth(aes_string(x = "var", y = "yhat"), ...)
        } else {
          gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
              aes_string(x = "var", y = "yhat"),
              color = "black",
              outlier.shape = NA
            ) +
              x = "var",
              y = "yhat",
              color = "event",
              shape = "event"
        if (length(levels(gg_dta$time)) > 1) {
          gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] + facet_wrap(~ time, ncol = 1)
        } else {
          gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
            labs(x = h_name,
                 y = paste("Survival at", gg_dta$time[1], "year"))
      } else if (family == "class") {
        gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
          labs(x = h_name, y = "Predicted")
        if (sum(colnames(gg_dta) == "outcome") == 0) {
          if (ccls == "numeric") {
            if (points) {
              gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
                  x = "var",
                  y = "yhat",
                  color = "yvar",
                  shape = "yvar"
            } else {
              gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
                  aes_string(x = "var", y = "yhat"),
                  color = "black",
                  linetype = 2,
            if (smooth) {
              gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
          } else {
            gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
                x = "var",
                y = "yhat",
                color = "yvar",
                shape = "yvar"
              ...) +
                aes_string(x = "var", y = "yhat"),
                color = "grey",
                outlier.shape = NA
        } else {
          if (ccls == "numeric") {
            gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
                x = "var",
                y = "yhat",
                color = "yvar",
                shape = "yvar"
          } else {
            gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
                aes_string(x = "var", y = "yhat"),
                color = "grey",
                outlier.shape = NA
              ) +
                x = "var",
                y = "yhat",
                color = "yvar",
                shape = "yvar"
          gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] + facet_grid(~ outcome)
      } else {
        # assume regression
        gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
          labs(x = h_name, y = "Predicted")
        if (ccls == "numeric") {
          if (points) {
            gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
              geom_point(aes_string(x = "var", y = "yhat"), ...)
          } else {
            gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
              geom_smooth(aes_string(x = "var", y = "yhat"), ...)
          if (smooth)
            gg_plt[[ind]]  <- gg_plt[[ind]]  +
              geom_smooth(aes_string(x = "var", y = "yhat"), ...)
        } else {
          gg_plt[[ind]] <- gg_plt[[ind]] +
              aes_string(x = "var", y = "yhat"),
              color = "grey",
              outlier.shape = NA
            ) +
            geom_jitter(aes_string(x = "var", y = "yhat"),
      # Replace the original colname
      colnames(gg_dta)[ch_indx] <- h_name
    if (lng == 1)
      gg_plt <- gg_plt[[1]]

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ggRandomForests documentation built on Sept. 1, 2022, 5:07 p.m.