#' Theme elements
#' @description
#' In conjunction with the \link{theme} system, the `element_` functions
#' specify the display of how non-data components of the plot are drawn.
#' - `element_blank()`: draws nothing, and assigns no space.
#' - `element_rect()`: borders and backgrounds.
#' - `element_line()`: lines.
#' - `element_text()`: text.
#' `rel()` is used to specify sizes relative to the parent,
#' `margin()` is used to specify the margins of elements.
#' @param fill Fill colour.
#' @param colour,color Line/border colour. Color is an alias for colour.
#' @param linewidth Line/border size in mm.
#' @param size text size in pts.
#' @param inherit.blank Should this element inherit the existence of an
#' `element_blank` among its parents? If `TRUE` the existence of
#' a blank element among its parents will cause this element to be blank as
#' well. If `FALSE` any blank parent element will be ignored when
#' calculating final element state.
#' @return An S3 object of class `element`, `rel`, or `margin`.
#' @examples
#' plot <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point()
#' plot + theme(
#' panel.background = element_blank(),
#' axis.text = element_blank()
#' )
#' plot + theme(
#' axis.text = element_text(colour = "red", size = rel(1.5))
#' )
#' plot + theme(
#' axis.line = element_line(arrow = arrow())
#' )
#' plot + theme(
#' panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
#' plot.margin = margin(2, 2, 2, 2, "cm"),
#' plot.background = element_rect(
#' fill = "grey90",
#' colour = "black",
#' linewidth = 1
#' )
#' )
#' @name element
#' @aliases NULL
#' @export
#' @rdname element
element_blank <- function() {
class = c("element_blank", "element")
#' @export
#' @rdname element
element_rect <- function(fill = NULL, colour = NULL, linewidth = NULL,
linetype = NULL, color = NULL, inherit.blank = FALSE, size = deprecated()) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(size)) {
deprecate_soft0("3.4.0", "element_rect(size)", "element_rect(linewidth)")
linewidth <- size
if (!is.null(color)) colour <- color
list(fill = fill, colour = colour, linewidth = linewidth, linetype = linetype,
inherit.blank = inherit.blank),
class = c("element_rect", "element")
#' @export
#' @rdname element
#' @param linetype Line type. An integer (0:8), a name (blank, solid,
#' dashed, dotted, dotdash, longdash, twodash), or a string with
#' an even number (up to eight) of hexadecimal digits which give the
#' lengths in consecutive positions in the string.
#' @param lineend Line end Line end style (round, butt, square)
#' @param arrow Arrow specification, as created by [grid::arrow()]
element_line <- function(colour = NULL, linewidth = NULL, linetype = NULL,
lineend = NULL, color = NULL, arrow = NULL, inherit.blank = FALSE, size = deprecated()) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(size)) {
deprecate_soft0("3.4.0", "element_line(size)", "element_line(linewidth)")
linewidth <- size
if (!is.null(color)) colour <- color
if (is.null(arrow)) arrow <- FALSE
list(colour = colour, linewidth = linewidth, linetype = linetype, lineend = lineend,
arrow = arrow, inherit.blank = inherit.blank),
class = c("element_line", "element")
#' @param family Font family
#' @param face Font face ("plain", "italic", "bold", "bold.italic")
#' @param hjust Horizontal justification (in \eqn{[0, 1]})
#' @param vjust Vertical justification (in \eqn{[0, 1]})
#' @param angle Angle (in \eqn{[0, 360]})
#' @param lineheight Line height
#' @param margin Margins around the text. See [margin()] for more
#' details. When creating a theme, the margins should be placed on the
#' side of the text facing towards the center of the plot.
#' @param debug If `TRUE`, aids visual debugging by drawing a solid
#' rectangle behind the complete text area, and a point where each label
#' is anchored.
#' @export
#' @rdname element
element_text <- function(family = NULL, face = NULL, colour = NULL,
size = NULL, hjust = NULL, vjust = NULL, angle = NULL, lineheight = NULL,
color = NULL, margin = NULL, debug = NULL, inherit.blank = FALSE) {
if (!is.null(color)) colour <- color
n <- max(
length(family), length(face), length(colour), length(size),
length(hjust), length(vjust), length(angle), length(lineheight)
if (n > 1) {
"Vectorized input to {.fn element_text} is not officially supported.",
"i" = "Results may be unexpected or may change in future versions of ggplot2."
list(family = family, face = face, colour = colour, size = size,
hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust, angle = angle, lineheight = lineheight,
margin = margin, debug = debug, inherit.blank = inherit.blank),
class = c("element_text", "element")
#' @export
print.element <- function(x, ...) utils::str(x)
#' @param x A single number specifying size relative to parent element.
#' @rdname element
#' @export
rel <- function(x) {
structure(x, class = "rel")
#' @export
print.rel <- function(x, ...) print(noquote(paste(x, " *", sep = "")))
#' Reports whether x is a rel object
#' @param x An object to test
#' @keywords internal
is.rel <- function(x) inherits(x, "rel")
#' Render a specified theme element into a grob
#' Given a theme object and element name, returns a grob for the element.
#' Uses [`element_grob()`] to generate the grob.
#' @param theme The theme object
#' @param element The element name given as character vector
#' @param ... Other arguments provided to [`element_grob()`]
#' @param name Character vector added to the name of the grob
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
element_render <- function(theme, element, ..., name = NULL) {
# Get the element from the theme, calculating inheritance
el <- calc_element(element, theme)
if (is.null(el)) {
cli::cli_inform("Theme element {.var {element}} is missing")
grob <- element_grob(el, ...)
ggname(paste(element, name, sep = "."), grob)
# Returns NULL if x is length 0
len0_null <- function(x) {
if (length(x) == 0) NULL
else x
#' Generate grid grob from theme element
#' @param element Theme element, i.e. `element_rect` or similar.
#' @param ... Other arguments to control specific of rendering. This is
#' usually at least position. See the source code for individual methods.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
element_grob <- function(element, ...) {
#' @export
element_grob.element_blank <- function(element, ...) zeroGrob()
#' @export
element_grob.element_rect <- function(element, x = 0.5, y = 0.5,
width = 1, height = 1,
fill = NULL, colour = NULL, linewidth = NULL, linetype = NULL, ..., size = deprecated()) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(size)) {
deprecate_soft0("3.4.0", "element_grob.element_rect(size)", "element_grob.element_rect(linewidth)")
linewidth <- size
# The gp settings can override element_gp
gp <- gpar(lwd = len0_null(linewidth * .pt), col = colour, fill = fill, lty = linetype)
element_gp <- gpar(lwd = len0_null(element$linewidth * .pt), col = element$colour,
fill = element$fill, lty = element$linetype)
rectGrob(x, y, width, height, gp = modify_list(element_gp, gp), ...)
#' @export
element_grob.element_text <- function(element, label = "", x = NULL, y = NULL,
family = NULL, face = NULL, colour = NULL, size = NULL,
hjust = NULL, vjust = NULL, angle = NULL, lineheight = NULL,
margin = NULL, margin_x = FALSE, margin_y = FALSE, ...) {
if (is.null(label))
vj <- vjust %||% element$vjust
hj <- hjust %||% element$hjust
margin <- margin %||% element$margin
angle <- angle %||% element$angle %||% 0
# The gp settings can override element_gp
gp <- gpar(fontsize = size, col = colour,
fontfamily = family, fontface = face,
lineheight = lineheight)
element_gp <- gpar(fontsize = element$size, col = element$colour,
fontfamily = element$family, fontface = element$face,
lineheight = element$lineheight)
titleGrob(label, x, y, hjust = hj, vjust = vj, angle = angle,
gp = modify_list(element_gp, gp), margin = margin,
margin_x = margin_x, margin_y = margin_y, debug = element$debug, ...)
#' @export
element_grob.element_line <- function(element, x = 0:1, y = 0:1,
colour = NULL, linewidth = NULL, linetype = NULL, lineend = NULL,
default.units = "npc", id.lengths = NULL, ..., size = deprecated()) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(size)) {
deprecate_soft0("3.4.0", "element_grob.element_line(size)", "element_grob.element_line(linewidth)")
linewidth <- size
# The gp settings can override element_gp
gp <- gpar(
col = colour, fill = colour,
lwd = len0_null(linewidth * .pt), lty = linetype, lineend = lineend
element_gp <- gpar(
col = element$colour, fill = element$colour,
lwd = len0_null(element$linewidth * .pt), lty = element$linetype,
lineend = element$lineend
arrow <- if (is.logical(element$arrow) && !element$arrow) {
} else {
x, y, default.units = default.units,
gp = modify_list(element_gp, gp),
id.lengths = id.lengths, arrow = arrow, ...
#' Define and register new theme elements
#' The underlying structure of a ggplot2 theme is defined via the element tree, which
#' specifies for each theme element what type it should have and whether it inherits from
#' a parent element. In some use cases, it may be necessary to modify or extend this
#' element tree and provide default settings for newly defined theme elements.
#' The function `register_theme_elements()` provides the option to globally register new
#' theme elements with ggplot2. In general, for each new theme element both an element
#' definition and a corresponding entry in the element tree should be provided. See
#' examples for details. This function is meant primarily for developers of extension
#' packages, who are strongly urged to adhere to the following best practices:
#' 1. Call `register_theme_elements()` from the `.onLoad()` function of your package, so
#' that the new theme elements are available to anybody using functions from your package,
#' irrespective of whether the package has been attached (with `library()` or `require()`)
#' or not.
#' 2. For any new elements you create, prepend them with the name of your package, to avoid
#' name clashes with other extension packages. For example, if you are working on a package
#' **ggxyz**, and you want it to provide a new element for plot panel annotations (as demonstrated
#' in the Examples below), name the new element `ggxyz.panel.annotation`.
#' @param ... Element specifications
#' @param element_tree Addition of or modification to the element tree, which specifies the
#' inheritance relationship of the theme elements. The element tree must be provided as
#' a list of named element definitions created with el_def().
#' @param complete If `TRUE` (the default), elements are set to inherit from blank elements.
#' @seealso
#' The `r link_book("defining theme elements section", "extensions#sec-defining-theme-elements")`
#' @examples
#' # Let's assume a package `ggxyz` wants to provide an easy way to add annotations to
#' # plot panels. To do so, it registers a new theme element `ggxyz.panel.annotation`
#' register_theme_elements(
#' ggxyz.panel.annotation = element_text(color = "blue", hjust = 0.95, vjust = 0.05),
#' element_tree = list(ggxyz.panel.annotation = el_def("element_text", "text"))
#' )
#' # Now the package can define a new coord that includes a panel annotation
#' coord_annotate <- function(label = "panel annotation") {
#' ggproto(NULL, CoordCartesian,
#' limits = list(x = NULL, y = NULL),
#' expand = TRUE,
#' default = FALSE,
#' clip = "on",
#' render_fg = function(panel_params, theme) {
#' element_render(theme, "ggxyz.panel.annotation", label = label)
#' }
#' )
#' }
#' # Example plot with this new coord
#' df <- data.frame(x = 1:3, y = 1:3)
#' ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +
#' geom_point() +
#' coord_annotate("annotation in blue")
#' # Revert to the original ggplot2 settings
#' reset_theme_settings()
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
register_theme_elements <- function(..., element_tree = NULL, complete = TRUE) {
old <- ggplot_global$theme_default
t <- theme(..., complete = complete)
ggplot_global$theme_default <- ggplot_global$theme_default %+replace% t
# Merge element trees
ggplot_global$element_tree <- defaults(element_tree, ggplot_global$element_tree)
#' @rdname register_theme_elements
#' @details
#' The function `reset_theme_settings()` restores the default element tree, discards
#' all new element definitions, and (unless turned off) resets the currently active
#' theme to the default.
#' @param reset_current If `TRUE` (the default), the currently active theme is
#' reset to the default theme.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
reset_theme_settings <- function(reset_current = TRUE) {
ggplot_global$element_tree <- .element_tree
# reset the underlying fallback default theme
ggplot_global$theme_default <- theme_grey()
if (isTRUE(reset_current)) {
# reset the currently active theme
ggplot_global$theme_current <- ggplot_global$theme_default
# create the global variables holding all the theme settings
ggplot_global$theme_all_null <- theme_all_null() # cache all null theme, required by theme_grey()
ggplot_global$theme_current <- NULL # the current theme applied to plots if none is specified
ggplot_global$theme_default <- NULL # the underlying fallback default theme
ggplot_global$element_tree <- NULL # the current element tree for themes
reset_theme_settings() # sets the preceding three global variables to their actual defaults
#' @rdname register_theme_elements
#' @details
#' The function `get_element_tree()` returns the currently active element tree.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
get_element_tree <- function() {
#' @rdname register_theme_elements
#' @details
#' The function `el_def()` is used to define new or modified element types and
#' element inheritance relationships for the element tree.
#' @param class The name of the element class. Examples are "element_line" or
#' "element_text" or "unit", or one of the two reserved keywords "character" or
#' "margin". The reserved keyword "character" implies a character
#' or numeric vector, not a class called "character". The keyword
#' "margin" implies a unit vector of length 4, as created by [margin()].
#' @param inherit A vector of strings, naming the elements that this
#' element inherits from.
#' @param description An optional character vector providing a description
#' for the element.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
el_def <- function(class = NULL, inherit = NULL, description = NULL) {
list(class = class, inherit = inherit, description = description)
# This data structure represents the default theme elements and the inheritance
# among them. It should not be read from directly, since users may modify the
# current element tree stored in ggplot_global$element_tree
.element_tree <- list(
line = el_def("element_line"),
rect = el_def("element_rect"),
text = el_def("element_text"),
title = el_def("element_text", "text"),
axis.line = el_def("element_line", "line"),
axis.text = el_def("element_text", "text"),
axis.title = el_def("element_text", "title"),
axis.ticks = el_def("element_line", "line"),
legend.key.size = el_def("unit"),
panel.grid = el_def("element_line", "line"),
panel.grid.major = el_def("element_line", "panel.grid"),
panel.grid.minor = el_def("element_line", "panel.grid"),
strip.text = el_def("element_text", "text"),
axis.line.x = el_def("element_line", "axis.line"), = el_def("element_line", "axis.line.x"),
axis.line.x.bottom = el_def("element_line", "axis.line.x"),
axis.line.y = el_def("element_line", "axis.line"),
axis.line.y.left = el_def("element_line", "axis.line.y"),
axis.line.y.right = el_def("element_line", "axis.line.y"),
axis.line.theta = el_def("element_line", "axis.line.x"),
axis.line.r = el_def("element_line", "axis.line.y"),
axis.text.x = el_def("element_text", "axis.text"), = el_def("element_text", "axis.text.x"),
axis.text.x.bottom = el_def("element_text", "axis.text.x"),
axis.text.y = el_def("element_text", "axis.text"),
axis.text.y.left = el_def("element_text", "axis.text.y"),
axis.text.y.right = el_def("element_text", "axis.text.y"),
axis.text.theta = el_def("element_text", "axis.text.x"),
axis.text.r = el_def("element_text", "axis.text.y"),
axis.ticks.length = el_def("unit"),
axis.ticks.length.x = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "axis.ticks.length"), = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "axis.ticks.length.x"),
axis.ticks.length.x.bottom = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "axis.ticks.length.x"),
axis.ticks.length.y = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "axis.ticks.length"),
axis.ticks.length.y.left = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "axis.ticks.length.y"),
axis.ticks.length.y.right = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "axis.ticks.length.y"),
axis.ticks.length.theta = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "axis.ticks.length.x"),
axis.ticks.length.r = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "axis.ticks.length.y"),
axis.ticks.x = el_def("element_line", "axis.ticks"), = el_def("element_line", "axis.ticks.x"),
axis.ticks.x.bottom = el_def("element_line", "axis.ticks.x"),
axis.ticks.y = el_def("element_line", "axis.ticks"),
axis.ticks.y.left = el_def("element_line", "axis.ticks.y"),
axis.ticks.y.right = el_def("element_line", "axis.ticks.y"),
axis.ticks.theta = el_def("element_line", "axis.ticks.x"),
axis.ticks.r = el_def("element_line", "axis.ticks.y"),
axis.title.x = el_def("element_text", "axis.title"), = el_def("element_text", "axis.title.x"),
axis.title.x.bottom = el_def("element_text", "axis.title.x"),
axis.title.y = el_def("element_text", "axis.title"),
axis.title.y.left = el_def("element_text", "axis.title.y"),
axis.title.y.right = el_def("element_text", "axis.title.y"), = el_def("element_line", ""),
axis.minor.ticks.x.bottom = el_def("element_line", "axis.ticks.x.bottom"),
axis.minor.ticks.y.left = el_def("element_line", "axis.ticks.y.left"),
axis.minor.ticks.y.right = el_def("element_line", "axis.ticks.y.right"),
axis.minor.ticks.theta = el_def("element_line", "axis.ticks.theta"),
axis.minor.ticks.r = el_def("element_line", "axis.ticks.r"),
axis.minor.ticks.length = el_def(c("unit", "rel")),
axis.minor.ticks.length.x = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "axis.minor.ticks.length"), = el_def(
c("unit", "rel"), c("axis.minor.ticks.length.x", "")
axis.minor.ticks.length.x.bottom = el_def(
c("unit", "rel"), c("axis.minor.ticks.length.x", "axis.ticks.length.x.bottom")
axis.minor.ticks.length.y = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "axis.minor.ticks.length"),
axis.minor.ticks.length.y.left = el_def(
c("unit", "rel"), c("axis.minor.ticks.length.y", "axis.ticks.length.y.left")
axis.minor.ticks.length.y.right = el_def(
c("unit", "rel"), c("axis.minor.ticks.length.y", "axis.ticks.length.y.right")
axis.minor.ticks.length.theta = el_def(
c("unit", "rel"), c("axis.minor.ticks.length.x", "axis.ticks.length.theta"),
axis.minor.ticks.length.r = el_def(
c("unit", "rel"), c("axis.minor.ticks.length.y", "axis.ticks.length.r")
legend.background = el_def("element_rect", "rect"),
legend.margin = el_def("margin"),
legend.spacing = el_def("unit"),
legend.spacing.x = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "legend.spacing"),
legend.spacing.y = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "legend.spacing"),
legend.key = el_def("element_rect", "panel.background"),
legend.key.height = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "legend.key.size"),
legend.key.width = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "legend.key.size"),
legend.key.spacing = el_def("unit"),
legend.key.spacing.x = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "legend.key.spacing"),
legend.key.spacing.y = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "legend.key.spacing"),
legend.frame = el_def("element_rect", "rect"),
legend.axis.line = el_def("element_line", "line"),
legend.ticks = el_def("element_line", "legend.axis.line"),
legend.ticks.length = el_def(c("rel", "unit"), "legend.key.size"),
legend.text = el_def("element_text", "text"),
legend.text.position = el_def("character"),
legend.title = el_def("element_text", "title"),
legend.title.position = el_def("character"),
legend.byrow = el_def("logical"),
legend.position = el_def("character"),
legend.position.inside = el_def(c("numeric", "integer")),
legend.direction = el_def("character"),
legend.justification = el_def(c("character", "numeric", "integer")), = el_def(
c("character", "numeric", "integer"),
legend.justification.bottom = el_def(
c("character", "numeric", "integer"),
legend.justification.left = el_def(
c("character", "numeric", "integer"),
legend.justification.right = el_def(
c("character", "numeric", "integer"),
legend.justification.inside = el_def(
c("character", "numeric", "integer"),
legend.location = el_def("character"), = el_def("character"), = el_def("character"), = el_def("margin"), = el_def("element_rect", "rect"), = el_def("unit"),
panel.background = el_def("element_rect", "rect"),
panel.border = el_def("element_rect", "rect"),
panel.spacing = el_def("unit"),
panel.spacing.x = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "panel.spacing"),
panel.spacing.y = el_def(c("unit", "rel"), "panel.spacing"),
panel.grid.major.x = el_def("element_line", "panel.grid.major"),
panel.grid.major.y = el_def("element_line", "panel.grid.major"),
panel.grid.minor.x = el_def("element_line", "panel.grid.minor"),
panel.grid.minor.y = el_def("element_line", "panel.grid.minor"),
panel.ontop = el_def("logical"),
strip.background = el_def("element_rect", "rect"),
strip.background.x = el_def("element_rect", "strip.background"),
strip.background.y = el_def("element_rect", "strip.background"),
strip.clip = el_def("character"),
strip.text.x = el_def("element_text", "strip.text"), = el_def("element_text", "strip.text.x"),
strip.text.x.bottom = el_def("element_text", "strip.text.x"),
strip.text.y = el_def("element_text", "strip.text"),
strip.text.y.left = el_def("element_text", "strip.text.y"),
strip.text.y.right = el_def("element_text", "strip.text.y"),
strip.placement = el_def("character"),
strip.placement.x = el_def("character", "strip.placement"),
strip.placement.y = el_def("character", "strip.placement"),
strip.switch.pad.grid = el_def("unit"),
strip.switch.pad.wrap = el_def("unit"),
plot.background = el_def("element_rect", "rect"),
plot.title = el_def("element_text", "title"),
plot.title.position = el_def("character"),
plot.subtitle = el_def("element_text", "title"),
plot.caption = el_def("element_text", "title"),
plot.caption.position = el_def("character"),
plot.tag = el_def("element_text", "title"),
plot.tag.position = el_def(c("character", "numeric", "integer")), # Need to also accept numbers
plot.tag.location = el_def("character"),
plot.margin = el_def("margin"),
aspect.ratio = el_def(c("numeric", "integer"))
# Check that an element object has the proper class
# Given an element object and the name of the element, this function
# checks it against the element inheritance tree to make sure the
# element is of the correct class
# It throws error if invalid, and returns invisible() if valid.
# @param el an element
# @param elname the name of the element
# @param element_tree the element tree to validate against
validate_element <- function(el, elname, element_tree, call = caller_env()) {
eldef <- element_tree[[elname]]
if (is.null(eldef)) {
cli::cli_warn("The {.var {elname}} theme element is not defined in the element hierarchy.", call = call)
# NULL values for elements are OK
if (is.null(el)) return()
if ("margin" %in% eldef$class) {
if (!is.unit(el) && length(el) == 4)
cli::cli_abort("The {.var {elname}} theme element must be a {.cls unit} vector of length 4.", call = call)
} else if (!inherits(el, eldef$class) && !inherits(el, "element_blank")) {
cli::cli_abort("The {.var {elname}} theme element must be a {.cls {eldef$class}} object.", call = call)
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