## FIXME: I would like to use the following function instead of repeating
## the pattern, but I'm worried that lazy evaluation of arguments will
## cause all kinds of trouble
family_factory <- function(default_link, family, variance) {
f <- function(link=default_link) {
r <- list(family=family, link=link, variance=variance)
r <- c(r,
class(r) <- "family"
## suppress code warnings for nbinom1/nbinom2; can't use .Theta <- NULL trick here ...
## see whether calling function has been called from ...
in_glm_fit <- function() {
up_two <- sys.calls()[[sys.nframe()-2]]
identical(up_two[[1]], quote(
make_family <- function(x, link, needs_nonneg = FALSE, needs_int = FALSE) {
if (is.character(link)) {
x <- c(x, list(link=link),
} else {
x <- c(x, list(link=link$name), link)
## stubs for Effect.default/
if (is.null(x$aic)) {
x <- c(x,list(aic=function(...) NA_real_))
if (is.null(x$initialize)) {
x <- c(x,list(initialize=
substitute(env = list(FAMILY=x$family),
expr = expression({
## should handle log-links adequately
mustart <- y+0.1
if (needs_int) {
if (any(abs(y - round(y)) > 0.001)) {
warning(gettextf("non-integer counts in a %s response variable",
FAMILY), domain = NA)
if (needs_nonneg) {
if (any(y < 0)) {
warning(gettextf("negative values in a %s response variable",
FAMILY), domain = NA)
if (is.null(x$dev.resids)) {
x <- c(x,list(dev.resids=function(y,mu,wt) {
if (in_glm_fit()) {
## can't return NA, is unhappy
## glm() is called by the effects package
## cat("in\n")
} else {
paste0("deviance residuals not defined ",
"for family ",
": returning NA"),
class = c("dev_resids_undefined", "glmmTMB_warn")))
return(rep(NA_real_, length(y)))
class(x) <- "family"
## even better (?) would be to have a standalone list including
## name, default link, variance function, (optionally) initialize
## for each family
nbinom_errstr <- function(pname = "theta") {
sprintf("%s (nbinom parameter) neither passed as an argument nor stored in enviroment", pname)
missing_disp <- "stop"
## find dispersion parameter in environment, if possible, or fall back
get_nbinom_disp <- function(disp, pname1 = ".Theta", pname2 = "theta") {
if (is.null(disp)) {
## look in environment
if (!exists(pname1, parent.frame())) {
disp <- switch(missing_disp,
} else {
disp <- get(pname1, parent.frame())
assign(pname2, disp, parent.frame())
##' Family functions for glmmTMB
##' @aliases family_glmmTMB
##' @param link (character) link function for the conditional mean ("log", "logit", "probit", "inverse", "cloglog", "identity", or "sqrt")
##' @return returns a list with (at least) components
##' \item{family}{length-1 character vector giving the family name}
##' \item{link}{length-1 character vector specifying the link function}
##' \item{variance}{a function of either 1 (mean) or 2 (mean and dispersion
##' parameter) arguments giving a value proportional to the
##' predicted variance (scaled by \code{sigma(.)})
##' }
##' @details
##' If specified, the dispersion model uses a log link. Denoting the variance as \eqn{V}, the dispersion parameter
##' as \eqn{\phi=\exp(\eta)}{phi=exp(eta)} (where \eqn{\eta}{eta} is the linear predictor from the dispersion model),
##' and the predicted mean as \eqn{\mu}{mu}:
##' \describe{
##' \item{gaussian}{(from base R): constant \eqn{V=\phi^2}{V=phi^2}}
##' \item{Gamma}{(from base R) phi is the shape parameter. \eqn{V=\mu\phi}{V=mu*phi}}
##' \item{ziGamma}{a modified version of \code{Gamma} that skips checks for zero values, allowing it to be used to fit hurdle-Gamma models}
##' \item{nbinom2}{Negative binomial distribution: quadratic parameterization (Hardin & Hilbe 2007). \eqn{V=\mu(1+\mu/\phi) = \mu+\mu^2/\phi}{V=mu*(1+mu/phi) = mu+mu^2/phi}.}
##' \item{nbinom1}{Negative binomial distribution: linear parameterization (Hardin & Hilbe 2007). \eqn{V=\mu(1+\phi)}{V=mu*(1+phi)}. \emph{Note} that the \eqn{phi} parameter has opposite meanings in the \code{nbinom1} and \code{nbinom2} families. In \code{nbinom1} overdispersion increases with increasing \code{phi} (the Poisson limit is \code{phi=0}); in \code{nbinom2} overdispersion decreases with increasing \code{phi} (the Poisson limit is reached as \code{phi} goes to infinity).}
##' \item{nbinom12}{Negative binomial distribution: mixed linear/quadratic, as in the \code{DESeq2} package or as described by Lindén and Mäntyniemi (2011). \eqn{V=\mu(1+\phi+\mu/psi)}{V=mu*(1+phi+mu/psi)}. (In Lindén and Mäntyniemi's parameterization, \eqn{\omega = \phi}{omega=phi} and \eqn{\theta=1/\psi}{theta=1/psi}.) If a dispersion model is specified, it applies only to the linear (\code{phi}) term.}
##' \item{truncated_nbinom2}{Zero-truncated version of nbinom2: variance expression from Shonkwiler 2016. Simulation code (for this and the other truncated count distributions) is taken from C. Geyer's functions in the \code{aster} package; the algorithms are described in \href{}{this vignette}.}
##' \item{compois}{Conway-Maxwell Poisson distribution: parameterized with the exact mean (Huang 2017), which differs from the parameterization used in the \pkg{COMPoissonReg} package (Sellers & Shmueli 2010, Sellers & Lotze 2015). \eqn{V=\mu\phi}{V=mu*phi}.}
##' \item{genpois}{Generalized Poisson distribution (Consul & Famoye 1992). \eqn{V=\mu\exp(\eta)}{V=mu*exp(eta)}. (Note that Consul & Famoye (1992) define \eqn{\phi}{phi} differently.) Our implementation is taken from the \code{HMMpa} package, based on Joe and Zhu (2005) and implemented by Vitali Witowski.}
##' \item{beta}{Beta distribution: parameterization of Ferrari and Cribari-Neto (2004)
##' and the \pkg{betareg} package (Cribari-Neto and Zeileis 2010); \eqn{V=\mu(1-\mu)/(\phi+1)}{V=mu*(1-mu)/(phi+1)}}
##' \item{betabinomial}{Beta-binomial distribution: parameterized according to Morris (1997). \eqn{V=\mu(1-\mu)(n(\phi+n)/(\phi+1))}{V=mu*(1-mu)*(n*(phi+n)/(phi+1))}}
##' \item{tweedie}{Tweedie distribution: \eqn{V=\phi\mu^power}{V=phi*mu^power}. The power parameter is restricted to the interval \eqn{1<power<2}, i.e. the compound Poisson-gamma distribution. Code taken from the \code{tweedie} package, written by Peter Dunn. The power parameter (designated \code{psi} in the list of parameters) uses the link function \code{qlogis(psi-1.0)}; thus one can fix the power parameter to a specified value using \code{start = list(psi = qlogis(fixed_power-1.0)), map = list(psi = factor(NA))}.}
##' \item{t_family}{Student-t distribution with adjustable scale and location parameters (also called a \href{}{Pearson type VII distribution}). The shape (degrees of freedom parameter) is fitted with a log link; it may be often be useful to fix the shape parameter using \code{start = list(psi = log(fixed_df)), map = list(psi = factor(NA))}.}
##' \item{ordbeta}{Ordered beta regression from Kubinec (2022); fits continuous (e.g. proportion) data in the \emph{closed} interval [0,1]. Unlike the implementation in the \code{ordbeta} package, this family will not automatically scale the data. If your response variable is defined on the closed interval [a,b], transform it to [0,1] via \code{y_scaled <- (y-a)/(b-a)}.}
##' \item{lognormal}{Log-normal, parameterized by the mean and standard deviation \emph{on the data scale}}
##' \item{skewnormal}{Skew-normal, parameterized by the mean, standard deviation, and shape (Azzalini & Capitanio, 2014); constant \eqn{V=\phi^2}{V=phi^2}}
##' \item{bell}{Bell distribution (see Castellares et al 2018).
##' }
##' }
##' @references
##' \itemize{
##' \item Azzalini A & Capitanio A (2014). "The skew-normal and related families." Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
##' \item Castellares F, Ferrari SLP, & Lemonte AJ (2018) "On the Bell Distribution and Its Associated Regression Model for Count Data" Applied Mathematical Modelling 56: 172–85. \doi{10.1016/j.apm.2017.12.014}
##' \item Consul PC & Famoye F (1992). "Generalized Poisson regression model." Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 21:89–109.
##' \item Ferrari SLP, Cribari-Neto F (2004). "Beta Regression for Modelling Rates and Proportions." \emph{J. Appl. Stat.} 31(7), 799-815.
##' \item Hardin JW & Hilbe JM (2007). "Generalized linear models and extensions." Stata Press.
##' \item Huang A (2017). "Mean-parametrized Conway–Maxwell–Poisson regression models for dispersed counts." \emph{Statistical Modelling} 17(6), 1-22.
##' \item Joe H & Zhu R (2005). "Generalized Poisson Distribution: The Property of Mixture of Poisson and Comparison with Negative Binomial Distribution." \emph{Biometrical Journal} 47(2): 219–29. \doi{10.1002/bimj.200410102}.
##' \item Lindén, A & Mäntyniemi S. (2011). "Using the Negative Binomial Distribution to Model Overdispersion in Ecological Count Data." \emph{Ecology} 92 (7): 1414–21. \doi{10.1890/10-1831.1}.
##' \item Morris W (1997). "Disentangling Effects of Induced Plant Defenses and Food Quantity on Herbivores by Fitting Nonlinear Models." \emph{American Naturalist} 150:299-327.
##' \item Kubinec R (2022). "Ordered Beta Regression: A Parsimonious, Well-Fitting Model for Continuous Data with Lower and Upper Bounds." \emph{Political Analysis}. doi:10.1017/pan.2022.20.
##' \item Sellers K & Lotze T (2015). "COMPoissonReg: Conway-Maxwell Poisson (COM-Poisson) Regression". R package version 0.3.5.
##' \item Sellers K & Shmueli G (2010) "A Flexible Regression Model for Count Data." \emph{Annals of Applied Statistics} 4(2), 943–61. \doi{10.1214/09-AOAS306}.
##' \item Shonkwiler, J. S. (2016). "Variance of the truncated negative binomial distribution." \emph{Journal of Econometrics} 195(2), 209–210. \doi{10.1016/j.jeconom.2016.09.002}.
##' }
##' @export
##' @importFrom stats
nbinom2 <- function(link="log") {
r <- list(family="nbinom2",
variance=function(mu, theta=NULL) {
get_nbinom_disp(theta, ".Theta", "theta")
}, ## variance function
## full versions needed for
## (so we can evaluate a glm)
initialize = expression({
if (any(y < 0))
stop("negative values not allowed for the negative binomial family")
n <- rep(1, nobs)
mustart <- y + (y == 0)/6
dev.resids = function (y, mu, wt, theta = NULL) {
get_nbinom_disp(theta, ".Theta", "theta")
return(2 * wt * (y * log(pmax(1, y)/mu) - (y + theta) * log((y + theta)/(mu + theta))))
#' @rdname nbinom2
#' @export
nbinom1 <- function(link="log") {
r <- list(family="nbinom1",
variance=function(mu, phi=NULL) {
get_nbinom_disp(phi, ".Phi", "phi")
initialize = expression({
if (any(y < 0))
stop("negative values not allowed for the negative binomial family")
n <- rep(1, nobs)
mustart <- y + (y == 0)/6
dev.resids = function (y, mu, wt, phi = NULL) {
get_nbinom_disp(phi, ".Phi", "phi")
## convert phi to theta and use nbinom2 expression
## V = mu*(1+phi) = mu*(1+mu/theta) -> theta = mu/phi
theta <- mu/phi
return(2 * wt * (y * log(pmax(1, y)/mu) - (y + theta) * log((y + theta)/(mu + theta))))
#' @rdname nbinom2
#' @export
compois <- function(link="log") {
r <- list(family="compois",
variance=function(mu,phi) {
if (length(phi)==1) phi <- rep(phi, length=length(mu))
.Call("compois_calc_var", mu, 1/phi, PACKAGE="glmmTMB")
return(make_family(r, link, needs_nonneg = TRUE, needs_int = TRUE))
#' @rdname nbinom2
#' @export
truncated_compois <- function(link="log") {
r <- list(family="truncated_compois",
variance=function(mu,phi) {
stop("variance for truncated compois family not yet implemented")
return(make_family(r,link, needs_nonneg = TRUE, needs_int = TRUE))
#' @rdname nbinom2
#' @export
genpois <- function(link="log") {
r <- list(family="genpois",
variance=function(mu,phi) {
return(make_family(r,link, needs_nonneg = TRUE, needs_int = TRUE))
#' @rdname nbinom2
#' @export
truncated_genpois <- function(link="log") {
r <- list(family="truncated_genpois",
variance=function(mu,phi) {
stop("variance for truncated genpois family not yet implemented")
return(make_family(r,link, needs_nonneg = TRUE, needs_int = TRUE))
#' @rdname nbinom2
#' @export
truncated_poisson <- function(link="log") {
r <- list(family="truncated_poisson",
variance=function(lambda) {
(lambda+lambda^2)/(1-exp(-lambda)) - lambda^2/((1-exp(-lambda))^2)
return(make_family(r,link, needs_nonneg = TRUE, needs_int = TRUE))
#' @rdname nbinom2
#' @importFrom stats dnbinom pnbinom
#' @export
truncated_nbinom2 <- function(link="log") {
theta_errstr <- "theta (nbinom parameter) neither passed as an argument nor stored in enviroment"
missing_theta <- "one" ## or "stop" or "na"
r <- list(family="truncated_nbinom2",
variance=function(mu,theta) {
if (missing(theta)) {
if (!exists(".Theta")) {
theta <- switch(missing_theta, one = 1, na = NA_real_,
stop = stop(theta_errstr))
else {
theta <- .Theta
a <- theta
c <- 0 ## truncation point
mu_star <- mu + (a+mu)*(c+1)*dnbinom(c+1,mu=mu,size=theta)/
return(mu_star + c*(mu_star-mu) +mu_star*mu*(1+1/a)-mu_star^2)
return(make_family(r,link, needs_nonneg = TRUE, needs_int = TRUE))
#' @rdname nbinom2
#' @export
truncated_nbinom1 <- function(link="log") {
r <- list(family="truncated_nbinom1",
variance=function(mu,alpha) {
stop("variance for truncated nbinom1 family not yet implemented")
return(make_family(r,link, needs_nonneg = TRUE, needs_int = TRUE))
## similar to mgcv::betar(), but simplified.
## variance has only one parameter; full variance is mu*(1-mu)/(1+phi) =
## sigma(.)*family(.)$variance(mu)
## initialize() tests for legal response values and sets trivial mustart
#' @rdname nbinom2
#' @export
beta_family <- function(link="logit") {
## note *internal* name must still be "beta",
## unless/until it's changed in src/glmmTMB.cpp (and R/enum.R is rebuilt)
r <- list(family="beta",
variance=function(mu) { mu*(1-mu) },
if (exists("ziformula") && !ident(ziformula, ~0)) {
if (any(y < 0 | y >= 1)) {
stop("y values must be 0 <= y < 1")
} else {
if (any(y <= 0 | y >= 1))
stop("y values must be 0 < y < 1")
mustart <- y
#' @rdname nbinom2
#' @export
## variance= (Wikipedia)
## n*alpha*beta*( alpha + beta + n )/ ((alpha+beta)^2*(alpha+beta+1))
## alpha = p*theta
## beta = (1-p)*theta
## -> n*p*(1-p)*theta^2*(theta+n)/(theta^2*(theta+1))
## = n*p*(1-p)*(theta+n)/(theta+1)
## *scaled* variance (dependence on mu only) is still just mu*(1-mu);
## scaling is n*(theta+n)/(theta+1) (vs. simply n for the binomial)
betabinomial <- function(link="logit") {
r <- list(family="betabinomial",
variance = function(mu, phi) {
initialize = our_binom_initialize(binomial()$initialize))
## FIXME: should add needs_int = TRUE ??
#' @rdname nbinom2
#' @export
tweedie <- function(link="log") {
r <- list(family="tweedie",
variance = function(mu, phi, power) {
phi * mu ^ power
return(make_family(r,link, needs_nonneg = TRUE))
#' @rdname nbinom2
#' @export
skewnormal <- function(link="identity") {
r <- list(family="skewnormal",
variance = function(phi) {
#' @rdname nbinom2
#' @export
lognormal <- function(link="log") {
r <- list(family="lognormal",
variance=function(mu,phi) phi^2,
initialize = expression({
if (exists("ziformula") && !ident(ziformula, ~0)) {
if (any(y < 0)) {
stop("y values must be >= 0")
mustart <- y + 0.1
} else {
if (any(y <= 0)) {
stop("y values must be > 0 (may be =0 if ziformula is specified)")
#' List model options that glmmTMB knows about
#' @note these are all the options that are \emph{defined} internally; they have not necessarily all been \emph{implemented} (FIXME!)
#' @param what (character) which type of model structure to report on
#' ("all","family","link","covstruct")
#' @param check (logical) do brute-force checking to test whether families are really implemented (only available for \code{what="family"})
#' @return if \code{check==FALSE}, returns a vector of the names (or a list of name vectors) of allowable entries; if \code{check==TRUE}, returns a logical vector of working families
#' @export
getCapabilities <- function(what="all",check=FALSE) {
if (!check) {
stop(sprintf("unknown option %s",what)))
} else {
## run dummy models to see if we get a family-not-implemented error
if (what!="family") stop("'check' option only available for families")
families <- names(.valid_family)
family_OK <- setNames(rep(TRUE,length(.valid_family)),families)
y <- 1:3 ## dummy
for (f in families) {
tt1 <- utils::capture.output(tt0 <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(
family_OK[f] <- !(inherits(tt0,"try-error") &&
grepl("Family not implemented!",tt0))
#' @export
#' @rdname nbinom2
ziGamma <- function(link="inverse") {
g <- stats::Gamma(link=link)
## stats::Gamma does clever deparsing stuff ... need to work around it ...
if (is.function(link)) {
g$link <- deparse(substitute(link))
} else g$link <- link
## modify initialization to allow zero values in zero-inflated cases
g$initialize <- expression({
if (exists("ziformula") && !ident(ziformula, ~0)) {
if (any(y < 0)) stop("negative values not allowed for the 'Gamma' family with zero-inflation")
} else {
if (any(y <= 0)) stop("non-positive values not allowed for the 'Gamma' family")
n <-, nobs)
mustart <- y
#' @export
#' @rdname nbinom2
t_family <- function(link="identity") {
r <- list(family="t",
variance=function(mu, phi) {
rep(phi, length(mu))
#' @export
#' @rdname nbinom2
ordbeta <- function(link="logit") {
r <- list(family="ordbeta",
if (any(y < 0 | y > 1))
stop("y values must be 0 <= y <= 1")
mustart <- y
## from beta: not sure this is right ... ??
variance=function(mu) { warning("ordbeta variance function untested"); mu*(1-mu) }
#' @export
#' @rdname nbinom2
nbinom12 <- function(link="log") {
r <- list(family="nbinom12",
variance = function(mu, phi, psi) {
return(mu*(1+phi + mu/psi))
return(make_family(r,link, needs_nonneg = TRUE, needs_int = TRUE))
#' @export
#' @rdname nbinom2
bell <- function(link="log") {
## can we get away with Suggests: gsl for this?
## or do we need Imports: ?
if (!requireNamespace("gsl", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("the gsl package must be installed in order to use the Bell family")
r <- list(family="bell",
variance = function(mu) {
## Link <- list(linkfun = function(x) log(gsl::lambert_W0(x)),
## linkinv = function(x) exp(x)*exp(exp(x)),
## name = link ## mild hack to avoid make_family passing to, which has hard-coded options
## )
return(make_family(r, link, needs_nonneg = TRUE, needs_int = TRUE))
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