
Defines functions BoxTidwell.glm BoxTidwell.lm BoxTidwell localInfluence.glm stepCriterion.glm residuals2 confint2 gvif.glm gvif.lm estequa.glm anova2 ROCc hltest envelope.lm stepCriterion.lm vdtest.lm vdtest envelope stepCriterion estequa gvif leverage localInfluence adjR2.lm adjR2.glm adjR2 FisherScoring

Documented in adjR2 adjR2.glm adjR2.lm anova2 BoxTidwell BoxTidwell.glm BoxTidwell.lm confint2 envelope envelope.lm estequa estequa.glm FisherScoring gvif gvif.glm gvif.lm hltest leverage localInfluence localInfluence.glm residuals2 ROCc stepCriterion stepCriterion.glm stepCriterion.lm vdtest vdtest.lm

#' @title Fisher Scoring algorithm in Generalized Linear Models
#' @description This function displays the entire path performed by the
#' Fisher Scoring algorithm for parameter estimation in Generalized Linear
#' Models. It starts with the starting value until convergence is achieved
#' or the maximum number of iterations is exceeded.
#' @param object one object of the class \emph{glm}.
#' @param verbose an (optional) logical indicating if should the report of results be printed. As default, \code{verbose} is set to TRUE.
#' @param digits an (optional) integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be used. As default, \code{digits} is set to \code{max(3, getOption("digits") - 2)}.
#' @return a matrix whose first three columns are the following
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{Iteration} \tab the iteration number,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{Deviance} \tab value of the (unscaled) deviance computed using the current value of the parameter vector,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{Tolerance} \tab value of \eqn{|deviance-deviance_{old}|/(deviance_{old} + 0.1)},\cr
#' }
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Fuel efficiency of cars
#' Auto <- ISLR::Auto
#' fit1 <- glm(mpg ~ horsepower + weight + horsepower*weight, family=Gamma(inverse), data=Auto,
#'             control=list(trace=TRUE))
#' FisherScoring(fit1)
#' ###### Example 2: Hill races in Scotland
#' data(races)
#' fit2 <- glm(rtime ~ log(distance) + cclimb, family=Gamma(log), data=races,
#'             control=list(trace=TRUE))
#' FisherScoring(fit2)
#' ###### Example 3:
#' burn1000 <- aplore3::burn1000
#' burn1000 <- within(burn1000, death <- factor(death, levels=c("Dead","Alive")))
#' fit3 <- glm(death ~ age*inh_inj + tbsa*inh_inj, family=binomial("logit"), data=burn1000,
#'             control=list(trace=TRUE))
#' FisherScoring(fit3)
#' ###### Example 4: Skin cancer in women
#' data(skincancer)
#' fit4 <- glm(cases ~ offset(log(population)) + city + age, family=poisson, data=skincancer,
#'             control=list(trace=TRUE))
#' FisherScoring(fit4)
#' ###### Example 5: Agents to stimulate cellular differentiation
#' data(cellular)
#' fit5 <- glm(cbind(cells,200-cells) ~ tnf + ifn, family=binomial(logit), data=cellular,
#'             control=list(trace=TRUE))
#' FisherScoring(fit5)
#' ###### Example 6: Advertising
#' data(advertising)
#' fit6 <- glm(sales ~ log(TV) + radio + log(TV)*radio, family=gaussian(log), data=advertising,
#'             control=list(trace=TRUE))
#' FisherScoring(fit6)
#' @export FisherScoring
FisherScoring <- function(object,verbose=TRUE,digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2)){
  X <- model.matrix(object)
  y <- object$y
  mustart <- object$call$mustart
  etastart <- object$call$etastart
  start <- object$call$start
  nobs <- nrow(X)
  omega <- weights <- object$prior.weights
  if(is.null(object$offset)) offset <- matrix(0,nobs,1) else offset <- object$offset
        family <- object$family
        mu <- mustart
        eta <- object$family$linkfun(mu)
      else{betanew <- eval(object$call$start)
      eta <- offset + X%*%betanew
      mu <- object$family$linkinv(eta)}
    }else{eta <- eval(object$call$etastart)
    mu <- object$family$linkinv(eta)
  }else{mu <- eval(object$call$mustart)
  eta <- object$family$linkfun(mu)
  epsilon <- object$control$epsilon
  tol <- epsilon + 1
  atras <- matrix(1e-15,1,3+ncol(X))
  i <- 1
  while(tol > epsilon & i <= object$control$maxit){
    if(i > 1){
      betaold <- betanew
      devold <- devnew
      eta <- offset + X%*%betaold
      mu <- object$family$linkinv(eta)
    G <- object$family$mu.eta(eta)
    V <- object$family$variance(mu)
    W <- omega*G^2/V
    X2 <- X*matrix(W,nrow(X),ncol(X))
    z <- eta - offset + (y-mu)/G
    betanew <- tcrossprod(chol2inv(chol(crossprod(X,X2))),X2)%*%z
    eta <- offset + X%*%betanew
    mu <- object$family$linkinv(eta)
    devnew <- sum(object$family$dev.resids(y,mu,omega))
    if(i==1) tol <- epsilon + 1
    else tol <- abs(devnew - devold)/(abs(devold) + 0.1)
    atras <- rbind(atras,c(i,devnew,tol,t(betanew)))
    i <- i + 1
  atras <- atras[-1,]
  colnames(atras) <- c("Iteration","Deviance","Tolerance",colnames(X))
  rownames(atras) <- rep("",nrow(atras))
  cat("Tolerance Limit: ",epsilon,"\n")
  cat("Maximum number of iterations: ",object$control$maxit,"\n\n")
  atras[1,3] <- NA
  atras[,-c(1:3)] <- round(atras[,-c(1:3)],digits=digits)
  if(object$family$family=="gaussian" & object$family$link=="identity") atras[,1] <- atras[,1] - 1
  if(verbose) print(atras,digits=digits)
  if(tol > epsilon) cat("\nConvergence was not achieved!!!\n")

#' @title Adjusted R-squared
#' @description Computes the adjusted R-squared
#' @param ... one of several model fit objects.
#' @param verbose an (optional) logical indicating if should the report of results be printed.
#' @param digits an (optional) integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be used.
#' @return A matrix with the values of the adjusted R-squared for all model fit objects.
#' @export adjR2
adjR2 <- function(...,digits,verbose){
#' @title Adjusted R-squared in Generalized Linear Models
#' @description Computes the adjusted deviance-based R-squared in generalized linear models.
#' @param ... one or several objects of the class \emph{glm}, which are obtained from the fit of generalized linear models.
#' @param verbose an (optional) logical indicating if should the report of results be printed. As default, \code{verbose} is set to TRUE.
#' @param digits an (optional) integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be used. As default, \code{digits} is set to \code{max(3, getOption("digits") - 2)}.
#' @details The deviance-based R-squared is computed as \eqn{R^2=1 - Deviance/Null.Deviance}. Then,
#' the adjusted deviance-based R-squared is computed as
#' \eqn{1 - \frac{n-1}{n-p}(1-R^2)}, where \eqn{p} is the
#' number of parameters in the linear predictor and \eqn{n} is the sample size.
#' @return a matrix with the following columns
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{Deviance} \tab value of the residual deviance,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{R-squared} \tab value of the deviance-based R-squared,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{df}       \tab number of parameters in the linear predictor,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{adj.R-squared} \tab value of the adjusted deviance-based R-squared,\cr
#' }
#' @method adjR2 glm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Fuel efficiency of cars
#' Auto <- ISLR::Auto
#' fit1 <- glm(mpg ~ horsepower*weight, family=Gamma(inverse), data=Auto)
#' fit2 <- update(fit1, formula=mpg ~ horsepower*weight*cylinders)
#' fit3 <- update(fit1, family=Gamma(log))
#' fit4 <- update(fit2, family=Gamma(log))
#' fit5 <- update(fit1, family=inverse.gaussian(log))
#' fit6 <- update(fit2, family=inverse.gaussian(log))
#' AIC(fit1,fit2,fit3,fit4,fit5,fit6)
#' BIC(fit1,fit2,fit3,fit4,fit5,fit6)
#' adjR2(fit1,fit2,fit3,fit4,fit5,fit6)
adjR2.glm <- function(...,digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),verbose=TRUE){
  x <- list(...)
  if(any(unlist(lapply(x,function(xx) !is(xx,"glm")))))
    stop("Only glm-type objects are supported!!",call.=FALSE)
  if(any(unlist(lapply(x,function(x) names(coef(x))[1]!="(Intercept)"))))
    stop("zero-intercept models are not supported!!",call.=FALSE)
  out_ <- matrix(NA,length(x),4)
  call. <- match.call()
  for(i in 1:length(x)){
    out_[i,1] <- x[[i]]$deviance
    out_[i,3] <- length(x[[i]]$coefficients)
    out_[i,2] <- round(1 - x[[i]]$deviance/x[[i]]$null.deviance,digits=digits)
    out_[i,4] <- round(1 - (x[[i]]$deviance/x[[i]]$df.residual)/(x[[i]]$null.deviance/x[[i]]$df.null),digits=digits)
  rownames(out_) <- as.character(call.[2:(length(x) + 1)])
  colnames(out_) <- c("Deviance","R-squared","df","adj.R-squared")
    out_ <- as.numeric(out_[1,4])
  if(verbose) print(out_)
#' @title Adjusted R-squared in Normal Linear Models
#' @description Extracts the adjusted R-squared in normal linear models.
#' @param ... one or several objects of the class \emph{lm}, which are obtained from the fit of normal linear models.
#' @param verbose an (optional) logical indicating if should the report of results be printed. As default, \code{verbose} is set to TRUE.
#' @param digits an (optional) integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be used. As default, \code{digits} is set to \code{max(3, getOption("digits") - 2)}.
#' @details The R-squared is computed as \eqn{R^2=1 - RSS/Null.RSS}. Then,
#' the adjusted R-squared is computed as
#' \eqn{1 - \frac{n-1}{n-p}(1-R^2)}, where \eqn{p} is the
#' number of parameters in the linear predictor and \eqn{n} is the sample size.
#' @return a matrix with the following columns
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{RSS} \tab value of the residual sum of squares,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{R-squared} \tab value of the R-squared,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{df}       \tab number of parameters in the linear predictor,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{adj.R-squared} \tab value of the adjusted R-squared,\cr
#' }
#' @method adjR2 lm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Fuel efficiency of cars
#' fit1 <- lm(mpg ~ log(hp) + log(wt) + qsec, data=mtcars)
#' fit2 <- lm(mpg ~ log(hp) + log(wt) + qsec + log(hp)*log(wt), data=mtcars)
#' fit3 <- lm(mpg ~ log(hp)*log(wt)*qsec, data=mtcars)
#' AIC(fit1,fit2,fit3)
#' BIC(fit1,fit2,fit3)
#' adjR2(fit1,fit2,fit3)
adjR2.lm <- function(...,digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),verbose=TRUE){
  x <- list(...)
  if(any(unlist(lapply(x,function(xx) !is(xx,"lm")))))
    stop("Only lm-type objects are supported!!",call.=FALSE)
  if(any(unlist(lapply(x,function(x) names(coef(x))[1]!="(Intercept)"))))
    stop("zero-intercept models are not supported!!",call.=FALSE)
  out_ <- matrix(NA,length(x),4)
  call. <- match.call()
  for(i in 1:length(x)){
    temporal <- summary(x[[i]])
    out_[i,1] <- temporal$sigma^2*x[[i]]$df.residual
    out_[i,3] <- length(x[[i]]$coefficients)
    out_[i,2] <- round(temporal$r.squared,digits=digits)
    out_[i,4] <- round(temporal$adj.r.squared,digits=digits)
  rownames(out_) <- as.character(call.[2:(length(x) + 1)])
  colnames(out_) <- c("RSS","R-squared","df","adj.R-squared")
    out_ <- as.numeric(out_[1,4])
  if(verbose) print(out_)

#' @title Local Influence
#' @description Computes measures of local influence for a fitted model object.
#' @param object a fitted model object.
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return An object with the measures of local influence.
#' @export localInfluence
localInfluence <- function(object,...) {
#' @title Leverage
#' @description Computes leverage measures for a fitted model object.
#' @param object a fitted model object.
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return An object with the values of the leverage measures.
#' @export leverage
leverage <- function(object,...) {

#' @title Generalized Variance Inflation Factor
#' @description Computes the generalized variance inflation factor (GVIF) for a fitted model object.
#' @param model a fitted model object.
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return An object with the values of the GVIF for all effects in the model.
#' @export gvif
gvif <- function(model,...) {

#' @title Function to extract estimating equations
#' @description Extracts estimating equations evaluated at the parameter estimates and the observed data for a fitted model object.
#' @param object a fitted model object.
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A vector with the value of the estimating equations evaluated at the parameter estimates and the observed data.
#' @export estequa
estequa <- function(object,...) {

#' @title Variable selection in regression models from a chosen criterion
#' @description Generic function for selecting variables from a fitted regression model using a chosen criterion.
#' @param model a fitted model object.
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A list which includes the descriptions of the linear predictors of the initial and final models as well as the criterion used to compare the candidate models.
#' @export stepCriterion
stepCriterion <- function(model,...){

#' @title Normal QQ-plot with simulated envelope of model residuals
#' @description Generic function for building a normal QQ-plot with simulated envelope of residuals obtained from a fitted model.
#' @param object a fitted model object.
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A matrix with the simulated envelope and, optionally, a plot of it.
#' @export envelope
envelope <- function(object,...) {

#' @title Test for Varying Dispersion Parameter
#' @description Generic function for testing for varying dispersion parameter from a fitted model.
#' @param model a fitted model object.
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A list which includes the main attributes of the test as, for example, value of the statistic and \emph{p}-value.
#' @export vdtest
vdtest <- function(model,...) {
#' @title Test for Varying Dispersion Parameter in Normal Linear Models
#' @description Performs Rao's score test for varying dispersion parameter in weighted and unweighted normal linear models.
#' @param model an object of the class \emph{lm}.
#' @param varformula an (optional) \code{formula} expression of the form \code{~ z1 + z2 + ... + zq} indicating the potential explanatory variables for the dispersion parameter. As default, the same explanatory variables are taken as in the model for the mean.
#' @param verbose an (optional) logical switch indicating if should the report of results be printed. As default, \code{verbose} is set to TRUE.
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @details From the heteroskedastic normal linear model in which
#' \eqn{\log(\sigma^2)=\gamma_0 + \gamma_1z_1 + \gamma_2z_2 + ...+ \gamma_qz_q}, where
#' \eqn{\sigma^2} is the dispersion parameter of the distribution of the
#' random errors, the Rao's score test (denoted here as \eqn{S}) to assess the
#' hypothesis \eqn{H_0: \gamma=0} versus \eqn{H_1: \gamma\neq 0} is computed,
#' where \eqn{\gamma=(\gamma_1,\ldots,\gamma_q)}. The corresponding \emph{p}-value is
#' computed from the chi-squared distribution with \eqn{q} degrees of freedom,
#' that is, \emph{p}-value = Prob\eqn{[\chi^2_{q} > S]}. If the object
#' \code{model} corresponds to an unweighted normal linear model, then the
#' test assess the assumption of constant variance, which coincides with the
#' non-studentized Breusch-Pagan test against heteroskedasticity.
#' @return a list list with components including
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{statistic} \tab value of the Rao's score test (\eqn{S}),\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{df}        \tab number of degrees of freedom (\eqn{q}),\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{p.value}   \tab \emph{p}-value of the test,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{vars}   \tab names of explanatory variables for the dispersion parameter,\cr
#' }
#' @method vdtest lm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Fuel consumption of automobiles
#' fit1 <- lm(mpg ~ log(hp) + log(wt), data=mtcars)
#' vdtest(fit1)
#' vdtest(fit1,varformula = ~ hp + wt)
#' vdtest(fit1,varformula = ~ hp + wt + hp*wt)
#' ###### Example 2: Species richness in plots
#' data(richness)
#' fit2 <- lm(Species ~ Biomass + pH, data=richness)
#' vdtest(fit2)
#' ### The test conclusions change when the outlying observations are excluded
#' fit2a <- lm(Species ~ Biomass + pH, data=richness, subset=-c(1,3,18,20))
#' vdtest(fit2a)
#' ###### Example 3: Gas consumption in a home before and after insulation
#' whiteside <- MASS::whiteside
#' fit3 <- lm(Gas ~ Temp + Insul + Temp*Insul, data=whiteside)
#' vdtest(fit3)
#' ### The test conclusions change when the outlying observations are excluded
#' fit3a <- lm(Gas ~ Temp + Insul + Temp*Insul, data=whiteside, subset=-c(8,9,36,46,55))
#' vdtest(fit3a)
#' @references Breusch T.S., Pagan A.R. (1979) A simple test for heteroscedasticity and random coefficient variation. \emph{Econometrica} 47, 1287–1294.
#' @references Cook R.D., Weisberg S. (1983) Diagnostics for heteroscedasticity in regression. \emph{Biometrika} 70, 1–10.
#' @seealso \link{vdtest.glm}
vdtest.lm <- function(model,varformula,verbose=TRUE,...){
  if(missingArg(varformula)) varformula <- as.formula(model$call$formula)
  if(is.null(model$call$data)) Z <- model.matrix(varformula)
  else Z <- model.matrix(varformula,eval(model$call$data))
  if(!is.null(model$call$subset)) Z <- Z[eval(model$call$subset,eval(model$call$data)),]
  n <- nrow(Z)
    out_ <- colnames(Z)
    Zstar <- cbind(1,Z)
    out_ <- colnames(Z)[-1]
    Zstar <- Z
    Z <- Z[,-1]
  p <- ncol(Zstar) - 1
  if(is.null(model$weights)) w <- matrix(1,n,1) else w <- model$weights
  phies <- mean(resid(model)^2*w)
  mus <- fitted(model)
  tau <- resid(model)^2*w/phies - 1
  Zstar <- matrix(1,n,ncol(Zstar))*Zstar
  Zstar2 <- chol2inv(chol(crossprod(Zstar)))[-1,-1]
  sc = 0.5*(crossprod(tau,Z)%*%Zstar2%*%crossprod(Z,tau))
    cat("\n             Score test for varying dispersion parameter\n\n")
    cat("          Statistic = ",round(sc,digits=5),"\n degrees of freedom = ",p,"\n            p-value = ",format.pval(1-pchisq(sc,p)),"\n\n")

#' @title Variable Selection in Normal Linear Models
#' @description Performs variable selection in normal linear models using a hybrid versions of forward stepwise and backward stepwise.
#' @param model an object of the class \emph{lm}.
#' @param direction an (optional) character string indicating the type of procedure which should be used. The available options are: hybrid backward stepwise ("backward") and hybrid forward stepwise ("forward"). As default, \code{direction} is set to "forward".
#' @param levels an (optional) two-dimensional vector of values in the interval \eqn{(0,1)} indicating the levels at which the variables should in and out from the model. This is only appropiate if \code{criterion}="p-value". As default, \code{levels} is set to \code{c(0.05,0.05)}.
#' @param criterion an (optional) character string indicating the criterion which should be used to compare the candidate models. The available options are: AIC ("aic"), BIC ("bic"), adjusted R-squared ("adjr2"), predicted R-squared ("prdr2"), Mallows' CP ("cp") and \emph{p}-value of the F test ("p-value"). As default, \code{criterion} is set to "bic".
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods. For example, \code{k}, that is, the magnitude of the penalty in the AIC/QICu, which by default is set to 2.
#' @param trace an (optional) logical switch indicating if should the stepwise reports be printed. As default, \code{trace} is set to TRUE.
#' @param scope an (optional) list containing components \code{lower} and \code{upper}, both formula-type objects, indicating the range of models which should be examined in the stepwise search. As default, \code{lower} is a model with no predictors and \code{upper} is the linear predictor of the model in \code{model}.
#' @param force.in an (optional) formula-type object indicating the effects that should be in all models
#' @param force.out an (optional) formula-type object indicating the effects that should be in no models
#' @details The "hybrid forward stepwise" algorithm starts with the
#' simplest model (which may be chosen at the argument \code{scope}, and
#' As default, is a model whose parameters in the linear predictor,
#' except the intercept, if any, are set to 0), and then the candidate
#' models are built by hierarchically including effects in the linear
#' predictor, whose "relevance" and/or "importance" in the model fit is
#' assessed by comparing nested models (that is, by comparing the models
#' with and without the added effect) using a criterion previously
#' specified. If an effect is added to the equation, this strategy may
#' also remove any effect which, according to the previously specified
#' criteria, no longer provides an improvement in the model fit. That
#' process continues until no more effects are included or excluded. The
#' "hybrid backward stepwise" algorithm works similarly.
#' @return a list list with components including
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{initial} \tab  a character string indicating the linear predictor of the "initial model",\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{direction} \tab  a character string indicating the type of procedure which was used,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{criterion} \tab a character string indicating the criterion used to compare the candidate models,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{final} \tab a character string indicating the linear predictor of the "final model",\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{final.fit} \tab an object of class \code{lm} with the results of the fit to the data of the "final model",\cr
#' }
#' @seealso \link{stepCriterion.glm}, \link{stepCriterion.overglm}, \link{stepCriterion.glmgee}
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: New York air quality measurements
#' fit1 <- lm(log(Ozone) ~ Solar.R + Temp + Wind, data=airquality)
#' scope=list(lower=~1, upper=~Solar.R*Temp*Wind)
#' stepCriterion(fit1, direction="forward", criterion="adjr2", scope=scope)
#' stepCriterion(fit1, direction="forward", criterion="bic", scope=scope)
#' stepCriterion(fit1, direction="forward", criterion="p-value", scope=scope)
#' ###### Example 2: Fuel consumption of automobiles
#' fit2 <- lm(mpg ~ log(hp) + log(wt) + qsec, data=mtcars)
#' scope=list(lower=~1, upper=~log(hp)*log(wt)*qsec)
#' stepCriterion(fit2, direction="backward", criterion="bic", scope=scope)
#' stepCriterion(fit2, direction="forward", criterion="cp", scope=scope)
#' stepCriterion(fit2, direction="backward", criterion="prdr2", scope=scope)
#' ###### Example 3: Credit card balance
#' Credit <- ISLR::Credit
#' fit3 <- lm(Balance ~ Cards + Age + Rating + Income + Student + Limit, data=Credit)
#' stepCriterion(fit3, direction="forward", criterion="prdr2")
#' stepCriterion(fit3, direction="forward", criterion="cp")
#' stepCriterion(fit3, direction="forward", criterion="p-value")
#' @seealso \link{stepCriterion.glm}, \link{stepCriterion.overglm}, \link{stepCriterion.glmgee}
#' @method stepCriterion lm
#' @export
#' @references James G., Witten D., Hastie T., Tibshirani R. (2013, page 210) An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R, Springer, New York.
stepCriterion.lm <- function(model, criterion=c("bic","aic","adjr2","prdr2","cp","p-value"), direction=c("forward","backward"), levels=c(0.05,0.05), trace=TRUE, scope, force.in, force.out, ...){
  xxx <- list(...)
  if(is.null(xxx$k)) k <- 2 else k <- xxx$k
  if(!missingArg(criterion)) criterion <- tolower(criterion)
  criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
  direction <- match.arg(direction)
  criters <- c("aic","bic","adjr2","prdr2","cp","p-value")
  criters2 <- c("AIC","BIC","adj.R-squared","prd.R-squared","Mallows' CP","Pr(>F)(*)")
  sentido <- c(1,1,-1,-1,1,1)
  ids <- criters == criterion
    upper <- formula(eval(model$call$formula))
    lower <- formula(eval(model$call$formula))
    lower <- formula(paste(deparse(lower[[2]]),"~",attr(terms(lower,data=eval(model$call$data)),"intercept")))
      lower <- formula(eval(model$call$formula))
      lower <- formula(paste(deparse(lower[[2]]),"~",attr(terms(lower,data=eval(model$call$data)),"intercept")))
    }else lower <- scope$lower
    if(is.null(scope$upper)) upper <- formula(eval(model$call$formula)) else upper <- scope$upper
      upper <- as.formula(paste0(model$call$formula[[length(model$call$formula)]],"~",paste0(attr(terms(eval(model$call$formula),data=eval(model$call$data)),"term.labels"),collapse="+")))
  model <- update(model,formula=upper)
  mf <- model$model
  y <- mf[,attr(model$terms,"response")]
  if(is.null(model$offset)) offset <- matrix(0,length(y),1)	else offset <- model$offset
  if(is.null(model$weights)) weights <- matrix(1,length(y),1) else weights <- model$weights
  n <- sum(weights > 0)
  X <- model.matrix(upper,mf)
  fit0 <- lm.fit(y=sqrt(weights)*(y-offset),x=X*matrix(sqrt(weights),nrow(X),ncol(X)))
  sigma20 <- sum((y-offset-X%*%fit0$coefficients)^2*weights)/(n-ncol(X))
  lmstats <- function(y,X,b,o,w,k){
    p <- ncol(X)
    sigma2 <- sum((y-o-X%*%b)^2*w)/(n-p)
    mu0 <- sum((y-o)*w)/sum(w)
    if(colnames(X)[1]=="(Intercept)") denom <- sum((y-o-mu0)^2*w)/(n-1)
    else denom <- sum((y-o)^2*w)/n
    adjr2 <- 1-sigma2/denom
    aic <- n*log(2*pi*sigma2*(n-p)/n) + n + k*(p+1)
    bic <- n*log(2*pi*sigma2*(n-p)/n) + n + log(n)*(p+1)
    Xw <- X*matrix(sqrt(w),nrow(X),ncol(X))
    salida <- svd(Xw)
    h <- apply(salida$u^2,1,sum)
    numer <- sum(((y-o-X%*%b)*sqrt(w)/(1-h))^2)
    if(colnames(X)[1]=="(Intercept)") denom <- sum(((y-o-mu0)*sqrt(w)/(1-w/sum(w)))^2)
    else denom <- sum((y-o)^2)
    predr2 <- 1-numer/denom
    cp <- (n-p)*(sigma2/sigma20-1) + p
    force.in <- attr(terms(as.formula(force.in)),"term.labels")
    lower <- as.formula(paste0("~",paste0(c(deparse(lower[[length(lower)]]),force.in[!(force.in %in% attr(terms(lower),"term.labels"))]),collapse="+")))
    upper <- as.formula(paste0("~",paste0(c(deparse(upper[[length(upper)]]),force.in[!(force.in %in% attr(terms(upper),"term.labels"))]),collapse="+")))
  }else force.in <- ""
    force.out <- attr(terms(as.formula(force.out)),"term.labels")
    upper <- as.formula(paste0("~",paste0(deparse(upper[[length(upper)]])[!(deparse(upper[[length(upper)]]) %in% force.out)],collapse="+")))
  }else force.out <- ""

  U <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(attr(terms(upper,data=eval(model$call$data)),"term.labels"),":"),function(x) paste(sort(x),collapse =":")))
  fs <- attr(terms(upper,data=eval(model$call$data)),"factors")
  long <- max(nchar(U)) + 2
  nonename <- paste("<none>",paste(replicate(max(long-6,0)," "),collapse=""),collapse="")
  cambio <- ""
  paso <- 1
  tol <- TRUE
    cat("\n       Family: gaussian\n")
    cat("Link function: identity\n")
    cat("    Criterion:",criters2[ids],"\n")
    oldformula <- lower
      cat("\nInitial model:\n")
      cat(paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" "),"\n\n")
    out_ <- list(initial=paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" "),direction=direction,criterion=criters2[criters==criterion])
      X <- model.matrix(oldformula,mf)
      fit.x <- lm.fit(y=sqrt(weights)*(y-offset),x=X*matrix(sqrt(weights),nrow(X),ncol(X)))
      none <- c(NA,lmstats(y,X,fit.x$coefficients,offset,weights,k),NA)
      S <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(attr(terms(oldformula),"term.labels"),":"),function(x) paste(sort(x),collapse =":")))
      entran <- seq(1:length(U))[is.na(match(U,S))]
      salen <- seq(1:length(U))[!is.na(match(U,S))]
      mas <- TRUE

      fsalen <- matrix(NA,length(salen),7)
      if(length(salen) > 0){
        nombres <- matrix("",length(salen),1)
        for(i in 1:length(salen)){
          salida <- apply(as.matrix(fs[,salen[i]]*fs[,-c(entran,salen[i])]),2,sum)
          if(all(salida < sum(fs[,salen[i]])) & U[salen[i]]!=cambio & !(U[salen[i]] %in% force.in)){
            newformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ . -",U[salen[i]]))
            X <- model.matrix(newformula,mf)
            fit.0 <- lm.fit(y=sqrt(weights)*(y-offset),x=X*matrix(sqrt(weights),nrow(X),ncol(X)))
            fsalen[i,1] <- length(fit.x$coefficients) - length(fit.0$coefficients)
            fsalen[i,2:7] <- lmstats(y,X,fit.0$coefficients,offset,weights,k)
            fsalen[i,7] <- ((n-length(fit.0$coefficients))*fsalen[i,7] - (n-length(fit.x$coefficients))*none[7])/(fsalen[i,1]*none[7])
            fsalen[i,7] <- (1 + fsalen[i,1] + n-length(fit.x$coefficients))*log(1 + fsalen[i,7]*fsalen[i,1]/(n-length(fit.x$coefficients)))
            nombres[i] <- U[salen[i]]
        rownames(fsalen) <- paste("-",nombres)
        if(criterion=="p-value" & any(!is.na(fsalen))){
          colnames(fsalen) <- c("df",criters2)
          if(nrow(fsalen) > 1){
            fsalen <- fsalen[order(fsalen[,7]),]
            fsalen <- na.omit(fsalen)
            attr(fsalen,"na.action")	<- attr(fsalen,"class") <- NULL
          u <- fsalen[,1]; v <- n - length(fit.x$coefficients); x <- fsalen[,7]
          fsalen[,7] <- 1 - pf((exp(fsalen[,7]/(1 + u + v)) - 1)*v/u,u,v)
          if(fsalen[1,7] > levels[2]){
            fsalen <- rbind(fsalen,none[-7])
            rownames(fsalen)[nrow(fsalen)] <- nonename
            mas <- FALSE
            oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fsalen)[1]))
            paso <- paso + 1
            cambio <- substring(rownames(fsalen)[1],3)
      if(length(entran) > 0 & mas){
        fentran <- matrix(NA,length(entran),7)
        nombres <- matrix("",length(entran),1)
        for(i in 1:length(entran)){
          salida <- apply(as.matrix(fs[,-c(salen,entran[i])]),2,function(x) sum(fs[,entran[i]]*x)!=sum(x))
          if(all(salida) & U[entran[i]]!=cambio & !(U[entran[i]] %in% force.out)){
            newformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ . +",U[entran[i]]))
            X <- model.matrix(newformula,mf)
            fit.0 <- lm.fit(y=sqrt(weights)*(y-offset),x=X*matrix(sqrt(weights),nrow(X),ncol(X)))
            fentran[i,1] <- length(fit.0$coefficients) - length(fit.x$coefficients)
            fentran[i,2:7] <- lmstats(y,X,fit.0$coefficients,offset,weights,k)
            fentran[i,7] <- ((n-length(fit.x$coefficients))*none[7]-(n-length(fit.0$coefficients))*fentran[i,7])/(fentran[i,1]*fentran[i,7])
            fentran[i,7] <- (1 + fentran[i,1] + n-length(fit.0$coefficients))*log(1 + fentran[i,7]*fentran[i,1]/(n-length(fit.0$coefficients)))
            nombres[i] <- U[entran[i]]
        rownames(fentran) <- paste("+",nombres)
          colnames(fentran) <- c("df",criters2)
          if(nrow(fentran) > 1){
            fentran <- fentran[order(-fentran[,7]),]
            fentran <- na.omit(fentran)
            attr(fentran,"na.action")	<- attr(fentran,"class") <- NULL
          u <- fentran[,1]; v <- n - fentran[,1] - length(fit.x$coefficients); x <- fentran[,7]
          fentran[,7] <- 1 - pf((exp(fentran[,7]/(1 + u + v)) - 1)*v/u,u,v)
          fentran <- rbind(fentran,none[-7])
          rownames(fentran)[nrow(fentran)] <- nonename
          if(trace) printCoefmat(fentran,P.values=TRUE,has.Pvalue=TRUE,na.print="",cs.ind=2:3,
          if(fentran[1,ncol(fentran)] < levels[1]){
            if(trace) cat("\nStep",paso,":",rownames(fentran)[1],"\n\n")
            paso <- paso + 1
            cambio <- substring(rownames(fentran)[1],3)
            oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fentran)[1]))
          }else tol <- FALSE
      if(length(entran) > 0 & criterion!="p-value"){
        u <- fentran[,1]; v <- n - fentran[,1] - length(fit.x$coefficients); x <- fentran[,7]
        fentran[,7] <- 1 - pf((exp(fentran[,7]/(1 + u + v)) - 1)*v/u,u,v)
          u <- fsalen[,1]; v <- n - length(fit.x$coefficients); x <- fsalen[,7]
          fsalen[,7] <- 1 - pf((exp(fsalen[,7]/(1 + u + v)) - 1)*v/u,u,v)
          fentran <- rbind(fentran,fsalen)
        fentran <- rbind(fentran,c(0,none[-c(1,7,8)],0))
        rownames(fentran)[nrow(fentran)] <- nonename

        colnames(fentran) <- c("df",criters2)
        fentran <- na.omit(fentran)
        attr(fentran,"na.action")	<- attr(fentran,"class") <- NULL
        fentran[nrow(fentran),c(1,7)] <- NA
        fentran <- fentran[order(sentido[ids]*fentran[,c(FALSE,ids)]),]
          paso <- paso + 1
          cambio <- substring(rownames(fentran)[1],3)
          oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fentran)[1]))
          tol <- FALSE
          if(trace) printCoefmat(fentran,P.values=TRUE,has.Pvalue=TRUE,na.print="",cs.ind=c(2,3,6),
      if(length(entran) == 0 & mas) tol <- FALSE
    oldformula <- upper
      cat("\nInitial model:\n")
      cat(paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" "),"\n\n")
    out_ <- list(initial=paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" "),direction=direction,criterion=criters2[criters==criterion])
      X <- model.matrix(oldformula,mf)
      fit.x <- lm.fit(y=sqrt(weights)*(y-offset),x=X*matrix(sqrt(weights),nrow(X),ncol(X)))
      none <- c(NA,lmstats(y,X,fit.x$coefficients,offset,weights,k),NA)
      S <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(attr(terms(oldformula),"term.labels"),":"),function(x) paste(sort(x),collapse =":")))
      entran <- seq(1:length(U))[is.na(match(U,S))]
      salen <- seq(1:length(U))[!is.na(match(U,S))]
      menos <- TRUE

      fentran <- matrix(NA,length(entran),7)
      if(length(entran) > 0){
        nombres <- matrix("",length(entran),1)
        for(i in 1:length(entran)){
          salida <- apply(as.matrix(fs[,-c(salen,entran[i])]),2,function(x) sum(fs[,entran[i]]*x)!=sum(x))
          if(all(salida) & U[entran[i]]!=cambio & !(U[entran[i]] %in% force.out)){
            newformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ . +",U[entran[i]]))
            X <- model.matrix(newformula,mf)
            fit.0 <- lm.fit(y=sqrt(weights)*(y-offset),x=X*matrix(sqrt(weights),nrow(X),ncol(X)))
            fentran[i,1] <- length(fit.0$coefficients) - length(fit.x$coefficients)
            fentran[i,2:7] <- lmstats(y,X,fit.0$coefficients,offset,weights,k)
            fentran[i,7] <- ((n-length(fit.x$coefficients))*none[7]-(n-length(fit.0$coefficients))*fentran[i,7])/(fentran[i,1]*fentran[i,7])
            fentran[i,7] <- (1 + fentran[i,1] + n-length(fit.0$coefficients))*log(1 + fentran[i,7]*fentran[i,1]/(n-length(fit.0$coefficients)))
            nombres[i] <- U[entran[i]]
        rownames(fentran) <- paste("+",nombres)
        if(criterion=="p-value" & any(!is.na(fentran))){
          colnames(fentran) <- c("df",criters2)
          if(nrow(fentran) > 1){
            fentran <- fentran[order(-fentran[,7]),]
            fentran <- na.omit(fentran)
            attr(fentran,"na.action")	<- attr(fentran,"class") <- NULL
          u <- fentran[,1]; v <- n - fentran[,1] - length(fit.x$coefficients); x <- fentran[,7]
          fentran[,7] <- 1 - pf((exp(fentran[,7]/(1 + u + v)) - 1)*v/u,u,v)
          if(fentran[1,7] < levels[1]){
            fentran <- rbind(fentran,none[-7])
            rownames(fentran)[nrow(fentran)] <- nonename
            menos <- FALSE
            oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fentran)[1]))
            paso <- paso + 1
            cambio <- substring(rownames(fentran)[1],3)

      if(length(salen) > 0 & menos){
        fsalen <- matrix(NA,length(salen),7)
        nombres <- matrix("",length(salen),1)
        for(i in 1:length(salen)){
          salida <- apply(as.matrix(fs[,salen[i]]*fs[,-c(entran,salen[i])]),2,sum)
          if(all(salida < sum(fs[,salen[i]])) & !(U[salen[i]] %in% force.in)){
            newformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ . -",U[salen[i]]))
            X <- model.matrix(newformula,mf)
            fit.0 <- lm.fit(y=sqrt(weights)*(y-offset),x=X*matrix(sqrt(weights),nrow(X),ncol(X)))
            fsalen[i,1] <- length(fit.x$coefficients) - length(fit.0$coefficients)
            fsalen[i,2:7] <- lmstats(y,X,fit.0$coefficients,offset,weights,k)
            fsalen[i,7] <- ((n-length(fit.0$coefficients))*fsalen[i,7] - (n-length(fit.x$coefficients))*none[7])/(fsalen[i,1]*none[7])
            fsalen[i,7] <- (1 + fsalen[i,1] + n-length(fit.x$coefficients))*log(1 + fsalen[i,7]*fsalen[i,1]/(n-length(fit.x$coefficients)))
            nombres[i] <- U[salen[i]]
        rownames(fsalen) <- paste("-",nombres)
          colnames(fsalen) <- c("df",criters2)
          if(nrow(fsalen) > 1){
            fsalen <- fsalen[order(fsalen[,7]),]
            fsalen <- na.omit(fsalen)
            attr(fsalen,"na.action")	<- attr(fsalen,"class") <- NULL
          u <- fsalen[,1]; v <- n - length(fit.x$coefficients); x <- fsalen[,7]
          fsalen[,7] <- 1 - pf((exp(fsalen[,7]/(1 + u + v)) - 1)*v/u,u,v)
          fsalen <- rbind(fsalen,none[-7])
          rownames(fsalen)[nrow(fsalen)] <- nonename
          if(trace) printCoefmat(fsalen,P.values=TRUE,has.Pvalue=TRUE,na.print="",cs.ind=c(2,3,6),
          if(fsalen[1,ncol(fsalen)] > levels[2]){
            if(trace) cat("\nStep",paso,":",rownames(fsalen)[1],"\n\n")
            paso <- paso + 1
            cambio <- substring(rownames(fsalen)[1],3)
            oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fsalen)[1]))
          }else tol <- FALSE
        u <- fsalen[,1]; v <- n - length(fit.x$coefficients); x <- fsalen[,7]
        fsalen[,7] <- 1 - pf((exp(fsalen[,7]/(1 + u + v)) - 1)*v/u,u,v)
          u <- fentran[,1]; v <- n - fentran[,1] - length(fit.x$coefficients); x <- fentran[,7]
          fentran[,7] <- 1 - pf((exp(fentran[,7]/(1 + u + v)) - 1)*v/u,u,v)
          fentran <- rbind(fentran,fsalen)
        fsalen <- rbind(fsalen,c(0,none[-c(1,7,8)],0))
        rownames(fsalen)[nrow(fsalen)] <- nonename
        colnames(fsalen) <- c("df",criters2)
        fsalen <- na.omit(fsalen)
        attr(fsalen,"na.action")	<- attr(fsalen,"class") <- NULL
        fsalen[nrow(fsalen),c(1,7)] <- NA
        fsalen <- fsalen[order(sentido[ids]*fsalen[,c(FALSE,ids)]),]
          paso <- paso + 1
          cambio <- substring(rownames(fsalen)[1],3)
          oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fsalen)[1]))
          tol <- FALSE
          if(trace) printCoefmat(fsalen,P.values=TRUE,has.Pvalue=TRUE,na.print="",cs.ind=c(2,3,6),
      if(length(salen) == 0 & menos) tol <- FALSE
    cat("\n\nFinal model:\n")
    cat(paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" "),"\n\n")
    cat("\n (*) p-values of the F test")
      cat("\n Effects are included when their p-values are lower than",levels[1])
      cat("\n Effects are dropped when their p-values are higher than",levels[2])
    if(!is.null(xxx$k)) cat("The magnitude of the penalty in the AIC was set to ",k)
  out_$final <- paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" ")
    X <- model.matrix(oldformula,mf)
    final.fit <- lm(sqrt(weights)*(y-offset)~0+X*matrix(sqrt(weights),nrow(X),ncol(X)))
    names(final.fit$coefficients) <- substring(names(final.fit$coefficients),2)
    out_$final.fit <- final.fit

#' @importFrom stats dbinom delete.response dpois glm AIC BIC logLik fitted quantile
#'             pbinom pgamma ppoints ppois qqplot rchisq binomial poisson resid runif
#'              rgamma rpois rbinom  qqnorm dnbinom residuals pnbinom
#'             qnbinom qpois rbeta rnbinom .getXlevels lm optim simulate
#' @importFrom utils setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom numDeriv grad hessian jacobian
#' @importFrom Rfast Digamma Lgamma comb_n
#' @importFrom Formula Formula model.part
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom SuppDists rinvGauss

#' @title Normal QQ-plot with simulated envelope of residuals for normal linear models
#' @description Produces a normal QQ-plot with simulated envelope of residuals obtained from the fit of a normal linear model.
#' @param object an object of the class \emph{lm}.
#' @param rep an (optional) positive integer indicating the number of replicates which should be used to build the simulated envelope. As default, \code{rep} is set to 100.
#' @param conf an (optional) value in the interval (0,1) indicating the confidence level which should be used to build the pointwise confidence intervals, which form the envelope. As default, \code{conf} is set to 0.95.
#' @param type a character string indicating the type of residuals which should be used. The available options are: internally Studentized ("internal") and externally Studentized ("external") residuals. See Cook and Weisberg (1982, pages 18-20).
#' @param plot.it an (optional) logical switch indicating if the normal QQ-plot with simulated envelope of residuals is required or just the data matrix in which it is based. As default, \code{plot.it} is set to TRUE.
#' @param identify an (optional) positive integer value indicating the number of individuals to identify on the QQ-plot with simulated envelope of residuals. This is only appropriate if \code{plot.it=TRUE}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. If \code{plot.it=TRUE} then \code{...} may be used to include graphical parameters to customize the plot. For example, \code{col}, \code{pch}, \code{cex}, \code{main}, \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}.
#' @return A matrix with the following four columns:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{Lower limit} \tab the quantile (1 - \code{conf})/2 of the random sample of size \code{rep} of the \eqn{i}-th order\cr
#'                    \tab  statistic of the \code{type}-type residuals for \eqn{i=1,2,...,n},\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{Median} \tab the quantile 0.5 of the random sample of size \code{rep} of the \eqn{i}-th order\cr
#'               \tab  statistic of the \code{type}-type residuals for \eqn{i=1,2,...,n},\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{Upper limit} \tab the quantile (1 + \code{conf})/2 of the random sample of size \code{rep} of the \eqn{i}-th order\cr
#'                    \tab  statistic of the \code{type}-type residuals for \eqn{i=1,2,...,n},\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{Residuals} \tab the observed \code{type}-type residuals,\cr
#' }
#' @details The simulated envelope is built by simulating \code{rep} independent realizations
#' of the response variable for each individual, which is accomplished taking into account
#' the following: (1) the model assumption about the distribution of the response variable;
#' (2) the estimates of the parameters in the linear predictor; and (3) the estimate of the
#' dispersion parameter. The interest model is re-fitted \code{rep} times, as each time the
#' vector of observed responses is replaced by one of the simulated samples. The
#' \code{type}-type residuals are computed and then sorted for each replicate, so that for
#' each \eqn{i=1,2,...,n}, where \eqn{n} is the number of individuals in the sample, there
#' is a random sample of size \code{rep} of the \eqn{i}-th order statistic of the
#' \code{type}-type residuals. Therefore, the simulated envelope is composed of the quantiles
#' (1 - \code{conf})/2 and (1 + \code{conf})/2 of the random sample of size \code{rep} of the
#' \eqn{i}-th order statistic of the \code{type}-type residuals for \eqn{i=1,2,...,n}.
#' @references Atkinson A.C. (1985) \emph{Plots, Transformations and Regression}. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
#' @references Cook R.D., Weisberg S. (1982) \emph{Residuals and Influence in Regression}. Chapman and Hall, New York.
#' @seealso \link{envelope.glm}, \link{envelope.overglm}
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Fuel consumption of automobiles
#' fit1 <- lm(mpg ~ log(hp) + log(wt), data=mtcars)
#' envelope(fit1, rep=100, conf=0.95, type="external", col="red", pch=20, col.lab="blue",
#'          col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ###### Example 2: Species richness in plots
#' data(richness)
#' fit2 <- lm(Species ~ Biomass + pH + Biomass*pH, data=richness)
#' envelope(fit2, rep=100, conf=0.95, type="internal", col="red", pch=20, col.lab="blue",
#'          col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ###### Example 3: Gas consumption in a home before and after insulation
#' whiteside <- MASS::whiteside
#' fit3 <- lm(Gas ~ Temp + Insul + Temp*Insul, data=whiteside)
#' envelope(fit3, rep=100, conf=0.95, type="internal", col="red", pch=20, col.lab="blue",
#'          col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' @method envelope lm
#' @export
envelope.lm <- function(object, rep=100, conf=0.95, type=c("external","internal"), plot.it=TRUE, identify, ...){
  type <- match.arg(type)
  p <- length(coef(object))
  X <- model.matrix(object)
  mu <- fitted(object)
  n <- length(mu)
  sigma2 <- summary(object)$sigma^2
  if(is.null(object$offset)) offset <- rep(0,n) else offset <- object$offset
  if(is.null(object$weights)) weights <- rep(1,n) else weights <- object$weights
  if(any(weights == 0)) stop("Only positive weights are supported!!",call.=FALSE)
  Xw <- X*matrix(sqrt(weights),n,p)
  salida <- svd(Xw)
  h <- apply(salida$u^2,1,sum)
  rep <- max(1,floor(abs(rep)))
  e <- matrix(0,n,rep)
  bar <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=rep, initial=0, width=min(50,rep), char="+", style=3)
  i <- 1
  while(i <= rep){
    resp <- sqrt(sigma2/weights)*rnorm(n) + mu
    fits <- try(lm.wfit(x=X,y=resp,w=weights,offset=offset),silent=TRUE)
      phis <- sum((resp-fits$fitted.values)^2*weights)/(n-p)
      t <- (resp-fits$fitted.values)/sqrt(phis*(1-h))
      if(type=="external") t <- t*sqrt((n-p-1)/(n-p-t^2))
      e[,i] <- sort(t)
      i <- i + 1
  alpha <- 1 - max(0,min(1,abs(conf)))
  e <- as.matrix(e[,1:(i-1)])
  es <- apply(e,1,function(x) return(quantile(x,probs=c(alpha/2,0.5,1-alpha/2))))
  td <- residuals(object,type="response")/sqrt(sigma2*(1-h))
  if(type=="external") td <- td*sqrt((n-p-1)/(n-p-td^2))
  out_ <- as.matrix(cbind(t(es),sort(td)))
  colnames(out_) <- c("Lower limit","Median","Upper limit","Residuals")
    nano <- list(...)
    nano$y <- td
    nano$type <- "p"
    if(is.null(nano$ylim)) nano$ylim <- 1.1*range(out_)
    if(is.null(nano$pch)) nano$pch <- 20
    if(is.null(nano$col)) nano$col <- "black"
    if(is.null(nano$xlab)) nano$xlab <- "Expected quantiles"
    if(is.null(nano$ylab)) nano$ylab <- "Observed quantiles"
    if(is.null(nano$main)) nano$main <- paste0("Normal QQ plot with simulated envelope\n of ",type,"ly studentized residuals")
    if(is.null(nano$labels)) labels <- 1:length(td)
      labels <- nano$labels
      nano$labels <- NULL
    outm <- do.call("qqnorm",nano)
    lines(sort(outm$x),es[2,],xlab="",ylab="",main="", type="l",lty=3)
    lines(sort(outm$x),es[1,],xlab="",ylab="",main="", type="l",lty=1)
    lines(sort(outm$x),es[3,],xlab="",ylab="",main="", type="l",lty=1)
    if(!missingArg(identify)) identify(outm$x,outm$y,n=max(1,floor(abs(identify))),labels=labels)
#'@title The Hosmer-Lemeshow Goodness-of-Fit Test
#' @description Computes the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test for a generalized linear model fitted to binary responses.
#' @param model an object of the class \emph{glm}, which is obtained from the fit of a generalized linear model where the distribution for the response variable is assumed to be binomial.
#' @param verbose an (optional) logical switch indicating if should the report of results be printed. As default, \code{verbose} is set to TRUE.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A matrix with the following four columns:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{hm} \tab a matrix with the values of Group, Size, Observed and Expected, which are required to compute the statistic of the test,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{statistic} \tab the value of the statistic of the test,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{df} \tab the number of degrees of freedom, given by the number of groups minus 2,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{p.value} \tab the \emph{p}-value of the test computed using the Chi-square distribution,\cr
#' }
#' @references Hosmer D.W., Lemeshow S. (2000) \emph{Applied Logistic Regression. 2nd ed.} John Wiley & Sons, New York.
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Patients with burn injuries
#' burn1000 <- aplore3::burn1000
#' burn1000 <- within(burn1000, death <- factor(death, levels=c("Dead","Alive")))
#' fit1 <- glm(death ~ age*inh_inj + tbsa*inh_inj, family=binomial("logit"), data=burn1000)
#' hltest(fit1)
#' ###### Example 2: Bladder cancer in mice
#' data(bladder)
#' fit2 <-  glm(cancer/exposed ~ dose, weights=exposed, family=binomial("cloglog"), data=bladder)
#' hltest(fit2)
#' ###### Example 3: Liver cancer in mice
#' data(liver)
#' fit3 <-  glm(cancer/exposed ~ dose, weights=exposed, family=binomial("probit"), data=liver)
#' hltest(fit3)
#' @export hltest
hltest <- function(model,verbose=TRUE,...){
  if(class(model)[1] != "glm") stop("Only glm-type objects are supported!!",call.=FALSE)
  if(model$family$family!="binomial") stop("Only binomial regression models are supported!!",call.=FALSE)
  temp <- data.frame(mus=fitted(model),ys=model$y*model$prior.weights,size=model$prior.weights)
  temp2 <- aggregate(cbind(m=size,events=ys)~mus,data=temp,sum)
  if(nrow(temp2) <= 2) stop("The Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test is not computed because the number of groups should be greater than 2!!",call.=FALSE)
  if(nrow(temp2) >= 10){
    N <- sum(temp2$m)
    M <- floor(0.5 + N/10)
    j <- 1
    i <- 1
    group <- matrix(0,nrow(temp2),1)
    while(j <= nrow(temp2)){
      c <- 0
      while(((c + floor(temp2[j,2]/2) <= M) & (c < M)) || c==0){
        group[j] <- i
        c <- c + temp2[j,2]
        j <- j + 1
        if(j > nrow(temp2)) break
      i <- i + 1
    group2 <- group
    group2[nrow(temp2)] <- group2[nrow(temp2)-1]
    temp3 <- data.frame(temp2,gr=group)
    temp4 <- data.frame(temp2,gr=group2)
    hm <- aggregate(cbind(m,events,mus*m)~gr,data=temp3,sum)
    hm1 <- aggregate(cbind(m,events,mus*m)~gr,data=temp4,sum)
    if(sd(hm[,2]) > sd(hm1[,2])) hm <- hm1
  if(nrow(temp2) < 10){
    hm <- cbind(1:nrow(temp2),temp2[,c(2,3,1)])
    hm[,4] <- temp2[,1]*temp2[,2]
  colnames(hm) <- c("Group","Size","Observed","Expected")
  rownames(hm) <- NULL
  hmt <- sum((hm[,3] - hm[,4])^2/(hm[,4]*(1-hm[,4]/hm[,2])))
    cat("\n   The Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test\n\n")
    cat("\n         Statistic = ",round(hmt,digits=5),"\ndegrees of freedom = ",nrow(hm)-2,"\n           p-value = ",format.pval(1-pchisq(hmt,nrow(hm)-2)),"\n\n")

#' @title The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve
#' @description Computes the exact area under the ROC curve (AUROC), the Gini coefficient, and the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) statistic for a binary classifier. Optionally, this function can plot the ROC curve, that is, the plot of the estimates of Sensitivity versus the estimates of 1-Specificity. This function also computes confidence intervals for AUROC and Gini coefficient using the method proposed by DeLong et al. (1988).
#' @param object a matrix with two columns: the first one is a numeric vector of 1's and 0's indicating whether each row is a "success" or a "failure"; the second one is a numeric vector of values indicating the probability (or propensity score) of each row to be a "success". Optionally, \code{object} can be an object of the class glm which is obtained from the fit of a generalized linear model where the distribution of the response variable is assumed to be binomial.
#' @param plot.it an (optional) logical switch indicating if the plot of the ROC curve is required or just the data matrix in which it is based. As default, \code{plot.it} is set to TRUE.
#' @param verbose an (optional) logical switch indicating if should the report of results be printed. As default, \code{verbose} is set to TRUE.
#' @param level an (optional) value indicating the required confidence level. As default, \code{level} is set to 0.95.
#' @param digits an (optional) integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be used. As default, \code{digits} is set to \code{max(3, getOption("digits") - 2)}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. For example, if \code{plot.it=TRUE} then \code{...} may to include graphical parameters as \code{col}, \code{pch}, \code{cex}, \code{main}, \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}.
#' @return A list which contains the following objects:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{roc}}{ A matrix with the Cutoffs and the associated estimates of Sensitivity and Specificity.}
#' \item{\code{auroc}}{ The exact area under the ROC curve.}
#' \item{\code{ci.auroc}}{ Confidence interval for the area under the ROC curve.}
#' \item{\code{gini}}{ The value of the Gini coefficient computed as 2(\code{auroc}-0.5).}
#' \item{\code{ci.gini}}{ Confidence interval for the Gini coefficient.}
#' \item{\code{ks}}{ The value of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic computed as the maximum value of |1-Sensitivity-Specificity|.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' ###### Example: Patients with burn injuries
#' burn1000 <- aplore3::burn1000
#' burn1000 <- within(burn1000, death2 <- ifelse(death=="Dead",1,0))
#' ### splitting the sample: 70% for the training sample and 30% for the validation sample
#' train <- sample(1:nrow(burn1000),size=nrow(burn1000)*0.7)
#' traindata <- burn1000[train,]
#' testdata <- burn1000[-train,]
#' fit <- glm(death ~ age*inh_inj + tbsa*inh_inj, family=binomial("logit"), data=traindata)
#' probs <- predict(fit, newdata=testdata, type="response")
#' ### ROC curve for the validation sample
#' ROCc(cbind(testdata[,"death2"],probs), col="red", col.lab="blue", col.axis="black",
#'      col.main="black", family="mono")
#' @export ROCc
#' @importFrom stats aggregate sd
#' @references Cho H., Matthews G.J., Harel O. (2019) Confidence Intervals for the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve in the Presence of Ignorable Missing Data. \emph{International statistical review} 87, 152–177.
#' @references DeLong E.R., DeLong D.M., Clarke-Pearson D.L. (1988). Comparing the areas under two or more correlated receiver operating characteristic curves: a nonparametric approach. \emph{Biometrics} 44, 837–845.
#' @references Nahm F.S. (2022). Receiver operating characteristic curve: overview and practical use for clinicians. \emph{Korean journal of anesthesiology} 75, 25–36.
#' @references Hanley J.A., McNeil B.J. (1982) The Meaning and Use of the Area under a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve. \emph{Radiology} 143, 29–36.
ROCc <- function(object,plot.it=TRUE,verbose=TRUE,level=0.95,digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),...){
    if(object$family$family!="binomial") stop("Only binomial regression models are supported!!",call.=FALSE)
    temp <- data.frame(mus=fitted(object),ys=object$y*object$prior.weights,size=object$prior.weights)
    object <- as.matrix(object)
    temp <- data.frame(ys=as.numeric(object[,1])-min(as.numeric(object[,1])),mus=object[,2],size=rep(1,nrow(object)))
    if(any(temp$ys!=0 & temp$ys!=1)) stop("First column of object should contain only 1's or 0's!!",call.=FALSE)
  temp2 <- aggregate(cbind(m=size,events=ys)~mus,data=temp,sum)
  mus <- temp2[,1]
  if(nrow(temp2) > 10000) mus <- quantile(rep(temp2[,1],temp2[,2]), probs=c(0:10000)/10000)
  results <- matrix(0,length(mus),3)
  d1 <- sum(temp2[,3])
  d3 <- sum(temp2[,2])
  d2 <- d3 - d1
  C <- 0
  for(i in 1:length(mus)){
    results[i,1] <- mus[i]
    results[i,2] <- sum(temp2[temp2[,1] >= mus[i],3])/d1
    results[i,3] <- (sum(temp2[temp2[,1] < mus[i],2]) - sum(temp2[temp2[,1] < mus[i],3]))/d2
    if(i >= 2) C <- C + (1/2)*(results[i,3] - results[i-1,3])*(min(results[i,2],results[i-1,2]) + max(results[i,2],results[i-1,2]))
    results <- rbind(results,c(1,0,1))
    C <- 0.5
  z <- cbind(temp2[temp2[,2]>temp2[,3],1],temp2[temp2[,2]>temp2[,3],2]-temp2[temp2[,2]>temp2[,3],3])
  o <- temp2[temp2[,3]>0,c(1,3)]
  v <- matrix(0,nrow(z),1)
  u <- matrix(0,nrow(o),1)
  for(i in 1:nrow(z)) v[i] <- z[i,2]*(sum(o[ ,2]*((z[i,1] < o[ ,1]) + 0.5*(z[i,1]==o[ ,1])))/sum(o[,2]) - C)^2
  for(i in 1:nrow(o)) u[i] <-	o[i,2]*(sum(z[ ,2]*((z[ ,1] < o[i,1]) + 0.5*(z[ ,1]==o[i,1])))/sum(z[,2]) - C)^2
  sdA <- sqrt(sum(v)/(sum(z[,2])*(sum(z[,2])-1)) + sum(u)/(sum(o[,2])*(sum(o[,2])-1)))
    nano <- list(...)
    nano$x <- 1-results[,3]
    nano$y <- results[,2]
    nano$type <- "l"
    limits <- range(1-results[,3],results[,2])
    if(is.null(nano$col)) nano$col <- "blue"
    if(is.null(nano$xlab)) nano$xlab <- "1-Specificity"
    if(is.null(nano$ylab)) nano$ylab <- "Sensitivity"
    if(is.null(nano$xlim)) nano$xlim <- limits
    if(is.null(nano$ylim)) nano$ylim <- limits
    if(is.null(nano$main)) nano$main <- "Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve"
    kss <- cbind(results[,1],rbind(cbind(1-results[,2],results[,3])[-1,],c(1,1)))
    idks <- max(abs(kss[,2]-kss[,3]))==abs(kss[,2]-kss[,3])
    plot(kss[,1],kss[,2],type="s",ylim=c(0,1),col="blue",main="Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistic",xlab=expression(hat(mu)),ylab="Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function")
  ks <- max(abs(1-results[,3]-results[,2]))
  liA <- max(C - qnorm(1-(1-level)/2)*sdA,0)
  lsA <- min(C + qnorm(1-(1-level)/2)*sdA,1)
  liG <- max(2*(C-0.5) - 2*qnorm(1-(1-level)/2)*sdA,-1)
  lsG <- min(2*(C-0.5) + 2*qnorm(1-(1-level)/2)*sdA,1)
    cat("\n Area Under ROC Curve  = ",paste0(round(C,digits=3),",   ",round(100*level,digits=1),"% CI: (",round(liA,digits=3),", ",round(lsA,digits=3),")"),"\n")
    cat("     Gini Coefficient  = ",paste0(round(2*(C-0.5),digits=3),",   ",round(100*level,digits=1),"% CI: (",round(liG,digits=3),", ",round(lsG,digits=3),")"),"\n")
    cat("        K-S Statistic  = ",round(ks,digits=3),"\n")
  results <- as.data.frame(results)
  colnames(results) <- c("Cutoff","Sensitivity","Specificity")
  out_ <- list(roc=results,auroc=C,ci.auroc=c(liA,lsA),gini=2*(C-0.5),ci.gini=c(liG,lsG),ks=ks)

#' @title Comparison of nested Generalized Linear Models
#' @description Allows to compare nested generalized linear models using Wald, score, gradient, and likelihood ratio tests.
#' @param object an object of the class glm which is obtained from the fit of a generalized linear model.
#' @param ... another objects of the class glm which are obtained from the fit of generalized linear models.
#' @param test an (optional) character string indicating the required type of test. The available options are: Wald ("wald"), Rao's score ("score"), Terrell's gradient ("gradient"), and likelihood ratio ("lr") tests. As default, \code{test} is set to "wald".
#' @param verbose an (optional) logical indicating if should the report of results be printed. As default, \code{verbose} is set to TRUE.
#' @details The Wald, Rao's score and Terrell's gradient tests are performed using the expected Fisher information matrix.
#' @references Buse A. (1982) The Likelihood Ratio, Wald, and Lagrange Multiplier Tests: An Expository Note. \emph{The American Statistician} 36, 153-157.
#' @references Terrell G.R. (2002) The gradient statistic. \emph{Computing Science and Statistics} 34, 206 – 215.
#' @examples
#' ## Example 1
#' Auto <- ISLR::Auto
#' fit1 <- glm(mpg ~ weight, family=inverse.gaussian("log"), data=Auto)
#' fit2 <- update(fit1, . ~ . + horsepower)
#' fit3 <- update(fit2, . ~ . + horsepower:weight)
#' anova2(fit1, fit2, fit3, test="lr")
#' anova2(fit1, fit2, fit3, test="score")
#' anova2(fit1, fit2, fit3, test="wald")
#' anova2(fit1, fit2, fit3, test="gradient")
#' ## Example 2
#' burn1000 <- aplore3::burn1000
#' mod <- death ~ age + tbsa + inh_inj
#' fit1 <- glm(mod, family=binomial("logit"), data=burn1000)
#' fit2 <- update(fit1, . ~ . + inh_inj + age*inh_inj + tbsa*inh_inj)
#' anova2(fit1, fit2, test="lr")
#' anova2(fit1, fit2, test="score")
#' anova2(fit1, fit2, test="wald")
#' anova2(fit1, fit2, test="gradient")
#' ## Example 3
#' data(aucuba)
#' fit <- glm(lesions ~ 1 + time, family=poisson("log"), data=aucuba)
#' anova2(fit, test="lr")
#' anova2(fit, test="score")
#' anova2(fit, test="wald")
#' anova2(fit, test="gradient")
#' @return A matrix with three columns which contains the following:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{Chi}}{ The value of the statistic of the test.}
#' \item{\code{Df}}{ The number of degrees of freedom.}
#' \item{\code{Pr(>Chi)}}{ The \emph{p}-value of the test computed using the Chi-square distribution.}
#' }
#' @export anova2

anova2 <- function(object,...,test=c("wald","lr","score","gradient"),verbose=TRUE){
  test <- match.arg(test)
  x <- list(object,...)
  if(any(lapply(x,function(xx) class(xx)[1])!="glm"))
    stop("Only glm-type objects are supported!!",call.=FALSE)
    terminos <- attr(object$terms,"term.labels")
    x[[1]] <- update(object,paste(". ~ . -",paste(terminos,collapse="-")))
    for(i in 1:length(terminos)) x[[i+1]] <- update(x[[i]],paste(". ~ . + ",terminos[i]))
  hast <- length(x)
  out_ <- matrix(0,hast-1,3)
  for(i in 2:hast){
    vars0 <- names(coef(x[[i-1]]))
    vars1 <- names(coef(x[[i]]))
    nest <- vars0 %in% vars1
    ids <- is.na(match(vars1,vars0))
    phi <- sum(resid(x[[i]],type="pearson")^2)/x[[i]]$df.residual
    if(x[[i]]$family$family=="poisson" | x[[i]]$family$family=="binomial") phi <- 1
    if(test=="wald") sc <- crossprod(coef(x[[i]])[ids],solve(vcov(x[[i]])[ids,ids]))%*%coef(x[[i]])[ids]
    if(test=="lr") sc <- (x[[i-1]]$deviance - x[[i]]$deviance)/phi
    if(test=="score" | test=="gradient"){
      X <- model.matrix(x[[i]])
      u0 <- crossprod(X[,ids],resid(x[[i-1]],type="pearson")*sqrt(x[[i-1]]$weights))/phi
        v0 <- phi*chol2inv(chol(crossprod(X,X*matrix(x[[i-1]]$weights,nrow(X),ncol(X)))))[ids,ids]
        sc <- crossprod(u0,v0)%*%u0
      }else sc <- abs(crossprod(u0,coef(x[[i]])[ids]))
    df <- sum(ids)
    out_[i-1,] <- cbind(sc,df,1-pchisq(sc,df))
  colnames(out_) <- c(" Chi  ", " df", " Pr(Chisq>)")
  rownames(out_) <- paste(1:(hast-1),"vs",2:hast)
    test <- switch(test,"lr"="Likelihood-ratio test",
                   "wald"="Wald test",
                   "score"="Rao's score test",
                   "gradient"="Gradient test")
    cat("\n ",test,"\n\n")
    for(i in 1:hast) cat(paste("Model", i,": ",x[[i]]$formula[2],x[[i]]$formula[1],x[[i]]$formula[3:length(x[[i]]$formula)],collapse=""),"\n")
    printCoefmat(out_, P.values=TRUE, has.Pvalue=TRUE, digits=5, signif.legend=TRUE, cs.ind=2)

#' @title Estimating Equations in Generalized Linear Models
#' @description Extracts estimating equations evaluated at the parameter estimates and the observed data for a generalized linear model fitted to the data.
#' @param object an object of the class glm which is obtained from the fit of a generalized linear model.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A vector with the value of the estimating equations evaluated at the parameter estimates and the observed data.
#' @method estequa glm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Example 1
#' Auto <- ISLR::Auto
#' mod <- mpg ~ cylinders + displacement + acceleration + origin + horsepower*weight
#' fit1 <- glm(mod, family=inverse.gaussian("log"), data=Auto)
#' estequa(fit1)
#' ## Example 2
#' burn1000 <- aplore3::burn1000
#' burn1000 <- within(burn1000, death <- factor(death, levels=c("Dead","Alive")))
#' mod2 <- death ~ age + gender + race + tbsa + inh_inj + flame + age*inh_inj + tbsa*inh_inj
#' fit2 <- glm(mod2, family=binomial("logit"), data=burn1000)
#' estequa(fit2)
#' ## Example 3
#' data(skincancer)
#' fit3 <- glm(cases ~ offset(log(population)) + city + age, family=poisson("log"), data=skincancer)
#' estequa(fit3)
estequa.glm <- function(object,...){
  X <- model.matrix(object)
  y <- object$y
  if(is.null(object$prior.weights)) omega <- matrix(1,nrow(X),1) else omega <- object$prior.weights
  if(is.null(object$offset)) offset <- matrix(0,nrow(X),1) else offset <- object$offset
  beta <- coef(object)
  eta <- offset + X%*%beta
  mu <- object$family$linkinv(eta)
  G <- object$family$mu.eta(eta)
  V <- object$family$variance(mu)
  z <- (y-mu)*omega*G/V
  out_ <- t(X)%*%z/summary(object)$dispersion
  colnames(out_) <- " "
  rownames(out_) <- names(coef(object))
#' @title Generalized Variance Inflation Factor
#' @description Computes the generalized variance inflation factor (GVIF) for a weighted or unweighted normal linear model.
#' @param model an object of the class \emph{lm}.
#' @param verbose an (optional) logical switch indicating if should the report of results be printed. As default, \code{verbose} is set to TRUE.
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @details If the number of degrees of freedom is 1 then the GVIF reduces to the Variance
#' Inflation Factor (VIF).
#' @return A matrix with so many rows as effects in the model and the following columns:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{GVIF}            \tab the values of GVIF,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{df}              \tab the number of degrees of freedom,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{GVIF^(1/(2*df))} \tab the values of GVIF\eqn{^{1/2 df}},\cr
#' }
#' @method gvif lm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: New York air quality measurements
#' fit1 <- lm(log(Ozone) ~ Solar.R + Temp + Wind, data=airquality)
#' gvif(fit1)
#' ###### Example 2: Fuel consumption of automobiles
#' fit2 <- lm(mpg ~ log(hp) + log(wt) + qsec, data=mtcars)
#' gvif(fit2)
#' ###### Example 3: Credit card balance
#' Credit <- ISLR::Credit
#' fit3 <- lm(Balance ~ Cards + Age + Rating + Income + Student + Limit, data=Credit)
#' gvif(fit3)
#' @references Fox J., Monette G. (1992) Generalized collinearity diagnostics, \emph{JASA} 87, 178–183.
#' @seealso \link{gvif.glm}
gvif.lm <- function(model,verbose=TRUE,...){
  X <- model.matrix(model)
  postos <- model$assign
  vars <- attr(model$terms,"term.labels")
  vcovar <- vcov(model)
    vcovar <- vcovar[-1,-1]
    postos <- postos[-1]
  nn <- max(postos)
  if(nn==1) stop("At least two effects are required to calculate GVIFs!!",call.=FALSE)
  results <- matrix(0,nn,3)
  cors <- cov2cor(vcovar)
  detx <- det(cors)
  for(i in 1:nn){
    rr2 <- as.matrix(cors[postos==i,postos==i])
    rr3 <- as.matrix(cors[postos!=i,postos!=i])
    results[i,1] <- round(det(rr2)*det(rr3)/detx,digits=4)
    results[i,2] <- ncol(rr2)
    results[i,3] <- round(results[i,1]^(1/(2*ncol(rr2))),digits=4)
  rownames(results) <- vars
  colnames(results) <- c("GVIF", "df", "GVIF^(1/(2*df))")
  if(verbose) print(results)
#' @title Generalized Variance Inflation Factor
#' @description Computes the generalized variance inflation factor (GVIF) for a generalized linear model.
#' @param model an object of the class \emph{glm}.
#' @param verbose an (optional) logical switch indicating if should the report of results be printed. As default, \code{verbose} is set to TRUE.
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @details If the number of degrees of freedom is 1 then the GVIF reduces to the Variance
#' Inflation Factor (VIF).
#' @return A matrix with so many rows as effects in the model and the following columns:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{GVIF} \tab the values of GVIF,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{df}\tab the number of degrees of freedom,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{GVIF^(1/(2*df))}\tab the values of GVIF\eqn{^{1/2 df}},\cr
#' }
#' @method gvif glm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Fuel consumption of automobiles
#' Auto <- ISLR::Auto
#' Auto2 <- within(Auto, origin <- factor(origin))
#' mod <- mpg ~ cylinders + displacement + acceleration + origin + horsepower*weight
#' fit1 <- glm(mod, family=inverse.gaussian("log"), data=Auto2)
#' gvif(fit1)
#' ###### Example 2: Patients with burn injuries
#' burn1000 <- aplore3::burn1000
#' burn1000 <- within(burn1000, death <- factor(death, levels=c("Dead","Alive")))
#' mod2 <- death ~ gender + race + flame + age*inh_inj + tbsa*inh_inj
#' fit2 <- glm(mod2, family=binomial("logit"), data=burn1000)
#' gvif(fit2)
#' ###### Example 3: Hill races in Scotland
#' data(races)
#' fit3 <- glm(rtime ~ log(distance) + cclimb, family=Gamma(log), data=races)
#' gvif(fit3)
#' @references Fox J., Monette G. (1992) Generalized collinearity diagnostics, \emph{JASA} 87, 178–183.
#' @seealso \link{gvif.lm}
gvif.glm <- function(model,verbose=TRUE,...){
  X <- model.matrix(model)
  postos <- attr(X,"assign")
  vars <- attr(model$terms,"term.labels")
  vcovar <- vcov(model)
    vcovar <- vcovar[-1,-1]
    postos <- postos[-1]
  nn <- max(postos)
  if(nn==1) stop("At least two effects are required to calculate GVIFs!!",call.=FALSE)
  results <- matrix(0,nn,3)
  cors <- cov2cor(vcovar)
  detx <- det(cors)
  for(i in 1:nn){
    rr2 <- as.matrix(cors[postos==i,postos==i])
    rr3 <- as.matrix(cors[postos!=i,postos!=i])
    results[i,1] <- round(det(rr2)*det(rr3)/detx,digits=4)
    results[i,2] <- ncol(rr2)
    results[i,3] <- round(results[i,1]^(1/(2*ncol(rr2))),digits=4)
  rownames(results) <- vars
  colnames(results) <- c("GVIF", "df", "GVIF^(1/(2*df))")
  if(verbose) print(results)

#' @title Confidence Intervals for Generalized Linear Models
#' @description Computes confidence intervals based on Wald, likelihood-ratio, Rao's score or Terrell's gradient tests for a generalized linear model.
#' @param model an object of the class \emph{glm}.
#' @param test an (optional) character string indicating the required type of test. The available options are: Wald ("wald"), Rao's score ("score"), Terrell's gradient ("gradient"), and likelihood ratio ("lr") tests. As default, \code{test} is set to "wald".
#' @param digits an (optional) integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be used. As default, \code{digits} is set to \code{max(3, getOption("digits") - 2)}.
#' @param level an (optional) value indicating the required confidence level. As default, \code{level} is set to 0.95.
#' @param verbose an (optional) logical indicating if should the report of results be printed. As default, \code{verbose} is set to TRUE.
#' @details The approximate 100(\code{level})\% confidence interval for \eqn{\beta} based on the \code{test} test is the set of values of \eqn{\beta_0} for which the hypothesis \eqn{H_0}: \eqn{\beta=\beta_0} versus \eqn{H_1}: \eqn{\beta!=\beta_0} is not rejected at the approximate significance level of 100(1-\code{level})\%. The Wald, Rao's score and Terrell's gradient tests are performed using the expected Fisher information matrix.
#' @return A matrix with so many rows as parameters in the linear predictor and two columns: "Lower limit" and "Upper limit".
#' @references Buse A. (1982) The Likelihood Ratio, Wald, and Lagrange Multiplier Tests: An Expository Note. \emph{The American Statistician} 36, 153-157.
#' @references Terrell G.R. (2002) The gradient statistic. \emph{Computing Science and Statistics} 34, 206 – 215.
#' @export confint2
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Fuel consumption of automobiles
#' Auto <- ISLR::Auto
#' fit1 <- glm(mpg ~ weight*horsepower, family=inverse.gaussian("log"), data=Auto)
#' confint2(fit1, test="lr")
#' confint2(fit1, test="score")
#' ###### Example 2: Patients with burn injuries
#' burn1000 <- aplore3::burn1000
#' burn1000 <- within(burn1000, death <- factor(death, levels=c("Dead","Alive")))
#' fit2 <- glm(death ~ age*inh_inj + tbsa*inh_inj, family=binomial("logit"), data=burn1000)
#' confint2(fit2, test="lr")
#' confint2(fit2, test="gradient")
confint2 <- function(model, level=0.95, test=c("wald","lr","score","gradient"), digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2), verbose=TRUE){
  test <- match.arg(test)
    stop("Only glm-type objects are supported!!",call.=FALSE)
  alpha <- 1 - level
  X <- model.matrix(model)
  p <- ncol(X)
  n <- nrow(X)
  ee <- sqrt(diag(vcov(model)))
  prefi <- "Approximate"
  if(test=="lr" | test=="score" | test=="gradient"){
    results <- matrix(0,p,2)
    phi <- summary(model)$dispersion
    for(i in 1:p){
      offset0 <- ifelse(is.null(model$offset),0,model$offset)
      Xs <- X[,-i]
      starts <- coef(model)[-i]
      f1 <- function(beta0){
        offsets <- offset0 + X[,i]*beta0
        if(p > 1) fit0s <- glm(model$y ~ -1 + Xs, family=model$family, offset=offsets, weights=model$prior.weights)
        if(p == 1) fit0s <- glm(model$y ~ -1, family=model$family, offset=offsets, weights=model$prior.weights)
        if(test=="lr") salida <- (fit0s$deviance - model$deviance)/phi - qchisq(1-alpha,1)
          ui <- (crossprod(X,resid(fit0s,type="pearson")*sqrt(fit0s$weights))/phi)[i]
          Xw <- X*matrix(sqrt(fit0s$weights),n,p)
          vi <- phi*solve(crossprod(Xw))[i,i]
          salida <- ui^2*vi - qchisq(1-alpha,1)
          ui <- (crossprod(X,resid(fit0s,type="pearson")*sqrt(fit0s$weights))/phi)[i]
          salida <- abs(ui*(coef(model)[i]-beta0)) - qchisq(1-alpha,1)
      betas <- coef(model)[i]
      betai <- betas - 1.05*qnorm(1-alpha/2)*ee[i]
      while(f1(betai) <= 0) betai <- betas + 1.05*(betai - betas)
      results[i,1] <- uniroot(f1, lower=betai, upper=betas)$root
      betai <- coef(model)[i]
      betas <- betas + 1.05*qnorm(1-alpha/2)*ee[i]
      while(f1(betas) <= 0) betas <- betai + 1.05*(betas - betai)
      results[i,2] <- uniroot(f1, lower=betai, upper=betas)$root
    if(model$family$family=="gaussian" & model$family$link=="identity"){
      results <- cbind(coef(model) - qt(1-alpha/2,n-p)*ee,coef(model) + qt(1-alpha/2,n-p)*ee)
      prefi <- "Exact"
      results <- cbind(coef(model) - qnorm(1-alpha/2)*ee,coef(model) + qnorm(1-alpha/2)*ee)
  rownames(results) <- colnames(X)
  colnames(results) <- c("Lower limit","Upper limit")
    test <- switch(test,"lr"="Likelihood-ratio test",
                   "wald"="Wald test",
                   "score"="Rao's score test",
                   "gradient"="Gradient test")
    cat("\n",prefi,round(100*(1-alpha),digits=1),"percent confidence intervals based on the",test,"\n")

#' @title Residuals for Linear and Generalized Linear Models
#' @description Computes residuals for a fitted linear or generalized linear model.
#' @param object a object of the class \emph{lm} or \emph{glm}.
#' @param type an (optional) character string giving the type of residuals which should be returned. The available options for LMs are: (1) externally studentized ("external"); (2) internally studentized ("internal") (default). The available options for GLMs are: (1) "pearson"; (2) "deviance" (default);  (3) "quantile".
#' @param standardized an (optional) logical switch indicating if the residuals should be standardized by dividing by the square root of \eqn{(1-h)}, where \eqn{h} is a measure of leverage. As default, \code{standardized} is set to FALSE.
#' @param plot.it an (optional) logical switch indicating if a plot of the residuals versus the fitted values is required. As default, \code{plot.it} is set to FALSE.
#' @param identify an (optional) integer value indicating the number of individuals to identify on the plot of residuals. This is only appropriate when \code{plot.it=TRUE}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @return A vector with the observed residuals type \code{type}.
#' @references Atkinson A.C. (1985) \emph{Plots, Transformations and Regression}. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
#' @references Davison A.C., Gigli A. (1989) Deviance Residuals and Normal Scores Plots. \emph{Biometrika} 76, 211-221.
#' @references Dunn P.K., Smyth G.K. (1996) Randomized Quantile Residuals. \emph{Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics} 5, 236-244.
#' @references Pierce D.A., Schafer D.W. (1986) Residuals in Generalized Linear Models. \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association} 81, 977-986.
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Species richness in plots
#' data(richness)
#' fit1 <- lm(Species ~ Biomass + pH, data=richness)
#' residuals2(fit1, type="external", plot.it=TRUE, col="red", pch=20, col.lab="blue",
#'            col.axis="blue", col.main="black", family="mono", cex=0.8)
#' ###### Example 2: Lesions of Aucuba mosaic virus
#' data(aucuba)
#' fit2 <- glm(lesions ~ time, family=poisson, data=aucuba)
#' residuals2(fit2, type="quantile", plot.it=TRUE, col="red", pch=20, col.lab="blue",
#'            col.axis="blue",col.main="black",family="mono",cex=0.8)
#' @export residuals2
residuals2 <- function(object,type,standardized=FALSE,plot.it=FALSE,identify,...){
  if(class(object)[1]!="glm" & class(object)[1]!="lm") stop("Only lm- and glm-type objects are supported!!",call.=FALSE)
  if(class(object)[1]=="glm" & missingArg(type)) type <- "deviance"
  if(class(object)[1]=="lm" & missingArg(type)) type <- "internal"
  if(class(object)[1]=="glm" & type!="quantile" & type!="pearson" & type!="deviance")
    stop("Only quantile-, pearson- and deviance-type residuals are supported for glm-type objects !!",call.=FALSE)
  if(class(object)[1]=="lm" & type!="internal" & type!="external")
    stop("Only internal-, and external-type residuals are supported for lm-type objects !!",call.=FALSE)
  if(class(object)[1]=="glm" & type=="quantile")
    if(object$family$family %in% c("quasi","quasibinomial","quasipoisson"))
      stop("Quantile-type residuals are not supported for quasi-likelihood models !!",call.=FALSE)
    quantileres <- function(family,y,mu,phi){
      resi <- switch(family,
                     Gamma = pgamma(y,shape=1/phi,scale=mu*phi),
                     inverse.gaussian = pnorm((y/mu-1)/sqrt(phi*y)) + exp(2/(mu*phi))*pnorm(-(y/mu+1)/sqrt(y*phi)),
                     gaussian = pnorm((y-mu)/sqrt(phi)),
                     poisson = ppois(y-1,lambda=mu) + dpois(y,lambda=mu)*runif(length(mu)),
                     binomial = pbinom(y/phi-1,size=1/phi,prob=mu) + dbinom(y/phi,size=1/phi,prob=mu)*runif(length(mu)))
    phi <- summary(object)$dispersion
      rd <- quantileres(object$family$family,object$y,object$fitted.values,phi/object$prior.weights)
    else rd <- residuals(object,type=type)/sqrt(phi)
      X <- model.matrix(object)
      Xw <- X*matrix(sqrt(object$weights),nrow(X),ncol(X))
      salida <- svd(Xw)
      h <- apply(salida$u^2,1,sum)
      rd <- rd/sqrt(1-h)
    X <- model.matrix(object)
    if(is.null(object$weights)) weights <- rep(1,nrow(X)) else weights <- object$weights
    Xw <- X*matrix(sqrt(weights),nrow(X),ncol(X))
    salida <- svd(Xw)
    h <- apply(salida$u^2,1,sum)
    sigma2 <- summary(object)$sigma^2
    rd <- residuals(object,type="response")/sqrt(sigma2*(1-h))
    if(type=="external") rd <- rd*sqrt((nrow(X)-ncol(X)-1)/(nrow(X)-ncol(X)-rd^2))
    nano <- list(...)
    nano$x <- object$fitted.values
    nano$y <- rd
    if(is.null(nano$ylim)) nano$ylim <- c(min(-3.5,min(rd)),max(+3.5,max(rd)))
    if(is.null(nano$xlab)) nano$xlab <- "Fitted values"
      if(class(object)[1]=="lm") nano$ylab <- paste0(type,"lly studentized residual",sep="")
      else nano$ylab <- paste(type," - type residual",sep="")
    if(is.null(nano$pch))  nano$pch  <- 20
    if(is.null(nano$labels))  labels <- 1:length(rd)
      labels <- nano$labels
      nano$labels <- NULL
    if(!missingArg(identify)) identify(nano$x,nano$y,n=max(1,floor(abs(identify))),labels=labels)
  rd <- as.matrix(rd)
  colnames(rd) <- type

#' @title Variable Selection in Generalized Linear Models
#' @description Performs variable selection in generalized linear models using hybrid versions of forward stepwise and backward stepwise.
#' @param model an object of the class \emph{glm}.
#' @param direction an (optional) character string indicating the type of procedure which should be used. The available options are: hybrid backward stepwise ("backward") and hybrid forward stepwise ("forward"). As default, \code{direction} is set to "forward".
#' @param levels an (optional) two-dimensional vector of values in the interval \eqn{(0,1)} indicating the levels at which the variables should in and out from the model. This is only appropiate if \code{criterion}="p-value". As default, \code{levels} is set to \code{c(0.05,0.05)}.
#' @param test an (optional) character string indicating the statistical test which should be used to compare nested models. The available options are: Wald ("wald"), Rao's score ("score"), likelihood-ratio ("lr") and gradient ("gradient") tests. As default, \code{test} is set to "wald".
#' @param criterion an (optional) character string indicating the criterion which should be used to compare the candidate models. The available options are: AIC ("aic"), BIC ("bic"), adjusted deviance-based R-squared ("adjr2"), and \emph{p}-value of the \code{test} test ("p-value"). As default, \code{criterion} is set to "adjr2".
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods. For example, \code{k}, that is, the magnitude of the penalty in the AIC/QICu, which by default is set to 2.
#' @param trace an (optional) logical switch indicating if should the stepwise reports be printed. As default, \code{trace} is set to TRUE.
#' @param scope an (optional) list, containing components \code{lower} and \code{upper}, both formula-type objects, indicating the range of models which should be examined in the stepwise search. As default, \code{lower} is a model with no predictors and \code{upper} is the linear predictor of the model in \code{model}.
#' @param force.in an (optional) formula-type object indicating the effects that should be in all models
#' @param force.out an (optional) formula-type object indicating the effects that should be in no models
#' @details The "hybrid forward stepwise" algorithm starts with the simplest model (which may
#' be chosen at the argument \code{scope}, and As default, is a model whose parameters in the
#' linear predictor, except the intercept, if any, are set to 0), and then the candidate
#' models are built by hierarchically including effects in the linear predictor, whose
#' "relevance" and/or "importance" in the model fit is assessed by comparing nested models
#' (that is, by comparing the models with and without the added effect) using a criterion
#' previously specified. If an effect is added to the equation, this strategy may also remove
#' any effect which, according to the previously specified criterion, no longer provides
#' improvement in the model fit. That process continues until no more effects are included
#' or excluded. The "hybrid backward stepwise" algorithm works similarly.
#' @return a list list with components including
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{initial} \tab  a character string indicating the linear predictor of the "initial model",\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{direction} \tab  a character string indicating the type of procedure which was used,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{criterion} \tab a character string indicating the criterion used to compare the candidate models,\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{final} \tab a character string indicating the linear predictor of the "final model",\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{final.fit} \tab an object of class \code{glm} with the results of the fit to the data of the "final model",\cr
#' }
#' @seealso \link{bestSubset}, \link{stepCriterion.lm}, \link{stepCriterion.overglm}, \link{stepCriterion.glmgee}
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Fuel consumption of automobiles
#' Auto <- ISLR::Auto
#' Auto2 <- within(Auto, origin <- factor(origin))
#' mod <- mpg ~ cylinders + displacement + acceleration + origin + horsepower*weight
#' fit1 <- glm(mod, family=inverse.gaussian("log"), data=Auto2)
#' stepCriterion(fit1, direction="forward", criterion="p-value", test="lr")
#' stepCriterion(fit1, direction="backward", criterion="bic", force.in=~cylinders)
#' ###### Example 2: Patients with burn injuries
#' burn1000 <- aplore3::burn1000
#' burn1000 <- within(burn1000, death <- factor(death, levels=c("Dead","Alive")))
#' upper <- ~ age + gender + race + tbsa + inh_inj + flame + age*inh_inj + tbsa*inh_inj
#' fit2 <- glm(death ~ age + gender + race + tbsa + inh_inj, family=binomial("logit"), data=burn1000)
#' stepCriterion(fit2, direction="backward", criterion="bic", scope=list(upper=upper),force.in=~tbsa)
#' stepCriterion(fit2, direction="forward", criterion="p-value", test="score")
#' ###### Example 3: Skin cancer in women
#' data(skincancer)
#' upper <- cases ~ city + age + city*age
#' fit3 <- glm(upper, family=poisson("log"), offset=log(population), data=skincancer)
#' stepCriterion(fit3, direction="backward", criterion="aic", scope=list(lower=~ 1,upper=upper))
#' stepCriterion(fit3, direction="forward", criterion="p-value", test="lr")
#' @method stepCriterion glm
#' @export
#' @references James G., Witten D., Hastie T., Tibshirani R. (2013, page 210) An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R, Springer, New York.
stepCriterion.glm <- function(model, criterion=c("adjr2","bic","aic","p-value","qicu"), test=c("wald","lr","score","gradient"), direction=c("forward","backward"), levels=c(0.05,0.05), trace=TRUE, scope, force.in, force.out,...){
  xxx <- list(...)
  if(is.null(xxx$k)) k <- 2 else k <- xxx$k
  if(!missingArg(criterion)) criterion <- tolower(criterion)
  criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
  direction <- match.arg(direction)
  test <- match.arg(test)
  if(test=="wald") test2 <- "Wald test"
  if(test=="score") test2 <- "Rao's score test"
  if(test=="lr") test2 <- "likelihood-ratio test"
  if(test=="gradient") test2 <- "Gradient test"

  quasi <- FALSE
  if(model$family$family %in% c("quasi","quasibinomial","quasipoisson")){
    quasi <- TRUE
      familia <- switch(model$family$varfun,"constant"="gaussian","mu(1-mu)"="binomial",
    }else familia <- switch(model$family$family,"quasibinomial"="binomial","quasipoisson"="poisson")
  if(quasi & criterion %in% c("aic","bic")) stop("The AIC and BIC are not supported for quasi-likelihood models!!",call.=FALSE)
  if(!quasi & criterion=="qicu") stop("The QICu is not supported for likelihood-based models!!",call.=FALSE)
  if(quasi & criterion=="qicu") criterion <- "aic"

  quasilik <- function(familia,modelo){
    mu <- modelo$fitted.values
    y <- model$y
    weights <- model$prior.weights
    phi <- sum((y-mu)^2*weights/model$family$variance(mu))/modelo$df.residual
    if(familia=="gaussian") qll <- sum(-weights*(y - mu)^2/2)
    if(familia=="binomial") qll <- sum(weights*(y*log(mu) + (1-y)*log(1-mu)))
    if(familia=="poisson") qll <- sum(weights*(y*log(mu) - mu))
    if(familia=="Gamma") qll <- sum(-weights*(y/mu + log(mu)))
    if(familia=="inverse.gaussian") qll <- sum(weights*(mu - y/2)/mu^2)
  tests <- function(fitred,fitcom,type){
    phi <- sum((model$y-fitcom$fitted.values)^2*model$prior.weights/model$family$variance(fitcom$fitted.values))
    phi <- phi/fitcom$df.residual
    if(fitcom$family$family %in% c("poisson","binomial")) phi <- 1
    if(type=="lr") sc <- (fitred$deviance - fitcom$deviance)/phi
    cuales <- is.na(match(names(fitcom$coefficients),names(fitred$coefficients)))
      vcovar <- phi*chol2inv(fitcom$R)
      sc <- crossprod(fitcom$coefficients[cuales],chol2inv(chol(vcovar[cuales,cuales])))%*%fitcom$coefficients[cuales]
      X <- qr.X(fitcom$qr)/sqrt(fitcom$weights)
      Xw <- X*matrix(sqrt(fitred$weights),nrow(X),ncol(X))
      vcovar0 <- phi*chol2inv(chol(crossprod(Xw)))
      U0 <- crossprod(Xw,(model$y-fitred$fitted.values)*sqrt(model$prior.weights/model$family$variance(fitred$fitted.values)))/phi
      sc <- crossprod(U0[cuales],vcovar0[cuales,cuales])%*%U0[cuales]
      X <- qr.X(fitcom$qr)/sqrt(fitcom$weights)
      Xw <- X*matrix(sqrt(fitred$weights),nrow(X),ncol(X))
      U0 <- t(Xw)%*%((model$y-fitred$fitted.values)*sqrt(model$prior.weights/model$family$variance(fitred$fitted.values)))/phi
      sc <- abs(t(U0[cuales])%*%fitcom$coefficients[cuales])

  criters <- c("aic","bic","adjr2","p-value")
  criters2 <- c("AIC","BIC","adj.R-squared","P(Chisq>)(*)")
  sentido <- c(1,1,-1,1)
  if(names(coef(model))[1]!="(Intercept)") sentido[3] <- 1
  pen <- attr(logLik(model),"df")-length(model$coefficients)
    upper <- formula(eval(model$call$formula))
    lower <- formula(eval(model$call$formula))
    lower <- formula(paste(deparse(lower[[2]]),"~",attr(terms(lower,data=eval(model$call$data)),"intercept")))
      lower <- formula(eval(model$call$formula))
      lower <- formula(paste(deparse(lower[[2]]),"~",attr(terms(lower,data=eval(model$call$data)),"intercept")))
    }else lower <- scope$lower
    if(is.null(scope$upper)) upper <- formula(eval(model$call$formula)) else upper <- scope$upper

  if(is.null(model$call$data)) datas <- get_all_vars(upper,environment(eval(model$call$formula)))
  else datas <- get_all_vars(upper,eval(model$call$data))
  if(!is.null(model$call$subset)) datas <- datas[eval(model$call$subset,datas),]
  datas <- na.omit(datas)
      upper <- as.formula(paste0(eval(model$call$formula)[[length(eval(model$call$formula))]],"~",paste0(attr(terms(eval(model$call$formula),data=datas),"term.labels"),collapse="+")))

    force.in <- attr(terms(as.formula(force.in)),"term.labels")
    lower <- as.formula(paste0("~",paste0(c(deparse(lower[[length(lower)]]),force.in[!(force.in %in% attr(terms(lower),"term.labels"))]),collapse="+")))
    upper <- as.formula(paste0("~",paste0(c(deparse(upper[[length(upper)]]),force.in[!(force.in %in% attr(terms(upper),"term.labels"))]),collapse="+")))
  }else force.in <- ""
    force.out <- attr(terms(as.formula(force.out)),"term.labels")
    upper <- as.formula(paste0("~",paste0(deparse(upper[[length(upper)]])[!(deparse(upper[[length(upper)]]) %in% force.out)],collapse="+")))
  }else force.out <- ""
  U <- attr(terms(upper,data=datas),"term.labels")
  U <- lapply(lapply(strsplit(U,":"),sort),paste,collapse=":")
  fs <- attr(terms(upper,data=datas),"factors")
  long <- max(nchar(U)) + 2
  nonename <- paste("<none>",paste(replicate(max(long-6,0)," "),collapse=""),collapse="")
  cambio <- ""
  paso <- 1
  tol <- TRUE
      if(model$family$family!="quasi") model$family$varfun <- switch(model$family$family,"quasibinomial"="mu(1-mu)","quasipoisson"="mu")
      if(model$family$varfun!="constant") cat("     Variance:  proportional to",model$family$varfun,"\n")
      else cat("     Variance: ",model$family$varfun,"\n")
    }else cat("\n       Family: ",model$family$family,"\n")
    cat("Link function: ",model$family$link,"\n")
    cat("    Criterion: ",criters2[criters==criterion],"\n")

    oldformula <- lower
      cat("\nInitial model:\n")
      cat(paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" "),"\n\n")
    out_ <- list(initial=paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" "),direction=direction,criterion=criters2[criters==criterion])
      X <- model.matrix(oldformula,data=datas)
      fit.x <- glm.fit(y=model$y,x=X,family=model$family,offset=model$offset,weights=model$prior.weights)
      S <- attr(terms(oldformula),"term.labels")
      S <- lapply(lapply(strsplit(S,":"),sort),paste,collapse=":")
      entran <- seq(1:length(U))[is.na(match(U,S))]
      salen <- seq(1:length(U))[!is.na(match(U,S))]
      mas <- TRUE

      fsalen <- matrix(NA,length(salen),5)
      if(length(salen) > 0){
        nombres <- matrix("",length(salen),1)
        for(i in 1:length(salen)){
          salida <- apply(as.matrix(fs[,salen[i]]*fs[,-c(entran,salen[i])]),2,sum)
          if(all(salida < sum(fs[,salen[i]])) & U[salen[i]]!=cambio & !(U[salen[i]] %in% force.in)){
            newformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ . -",U[salen[i]]))
            X <- model.matrix(newformula,data=datas)
            fit.0 <- glm.fit(y=model$y,x=X,family=model$family,offset=model$offset,weights=model$prior.weights)
            fsalen[i,1] <- fit.0$df.residual - fit.x$df.residual
            fsalen[i,5] <- tests(fit.0,fit.x,type=test)
            fsalen[i,5] <- sqrt(9*fsalen[i,1]/2)*((fsalen[i,5]/fsalen[i,1])^(1/3) - 1 + 2/(9*fsalen[i,1]))
            fsalen[i,2] <- ifelse(quasi,-2*quasilik(familia,fit.0) + k*length(fit.0$coefficients),fit.0$aic + (k-2)*(length(fit.0$coefficients)+pen))
            fsalen[i,3] <- fsalen[i,2] + (log(length(fit.0$y))-k)*(length(fit.0$coefficients)+pen)
            fsalen[i,4] <- fit.0$deviance/fit.0$df.residual
            if(names(coef(model))[1]=="(Intercept)") fsalen[i,4] <- 1 - fsalen[i,4]/(model$null.deviance/model$df.null)
            nombres[i] <- U[salen[i]]
        rownames(fsalen) <- paste("-",nombres)
        if(criterion=="p-value" & any(!is.na(fsalen))){
          colnames(fsalen) <- c("df",criters2)
          if(nrow(fsalen) > 1){
            fsalen <- fsalen[order(fsalen[,5]),]
            fsalen <- na.omit(fsalen)
            attr(fsalen,"na.action")	<- attr(fsalen,"class") <- NULL
          fsalen[,5] <- 1-pchisq((sqrt(2/(9*fsalen[,1]))*fsalen[,5] + 1 - 2/(9*fsalen[,1]))^3*fsalen[,1],fsalen[,1])
          if(fsalen[1,5] > levels[2]){
            aic <- ifelse(quasi,-2*quasilik(familia,fit.x) + k*length(fit.x$coefficients),fit.x$aic + (k-2)*(length(fit.x$coefficients)+pen))
            none <- c(aic,aic + (log(length(fit.x$y))-k)*(length(fit.x$coefficients)+pen),fit.x$deviance/fit.x$df.residual)
            if(names(coef(model))[1]=="(Intercept)") none[3] <- 1 - none[3]/(model$null.deviance/model$df.null)
            fsalen <- rbind(fsalen,c(NA,none,NA))
            rownames(fsalen)[nrow(fsalen)] <- nonename
              fsalen <- fsalen[,-3]
              colnames(fsalen)[2] <- "QICu"
            mas <- FALSE
            oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fsalen)[1]))
            paso <- paso + 1
            cambio <- substring(rownames(fsalen)[1],3)

      if(length(entran) > 0 & mas){
        fentran <- matrix(NA,length(entran),5)
        nombres <- matrix("",length(entran),1)
        for(i in 1:length(entran)){
          salida <- apply(as.matrix(fs[,-c(salen,entran[i])]),2,function(x) sum(fs[,entran[i]]*x)!=sum(x))
          if(all(salida) & U[entran[i]]!=cambio & !(U[entran[i]] %in% force.out)){
            newformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ . +",U[entran[i]]))
            X <- model.matrix(newformula,data=datas)
            fit.0 <- glm.fit(y=model$y,x=X,family=model$family,offset=model$offset,weights=model$prior.weights)
            fentran[i,1] <- fit.x$df.residual - fit.0$df.residual
            fentran[i,5] <- tests(fit.x,fit.0,type=test)
            fentran[i,5] <- sqrt(9*fentran[i,1]/2)*((fentran[i,5]/fentran[i,1])^(1/3) - 1 + 2/(9*fentran[i,1]))
            fentran[i,2] <- ifelse(quasi,-2*quasilik(familia,fit.0) + k*length(fit.0$coefficients),fit.0$aic + (k-2)*(length(fit.0$coefficients)+pen))
            fentran[i,3] <- fentran[i,2] + (log(length(fit.0$y))-k)*(length(fit.0$coefficients)+pen)
            fentran[i,4] <- fit.0$deviance/fit.0$df.residual
            if(names(coef(model))[1]=="(Intercept)") fentran[i,4] <- 1 - fentran[i,4]/(model$null.deviance/model$df.null)
            nombres[i] <- U[entran[i]]
        rownames(fentran) <- paste("+",nombres)
          colnames(fentran) <- c("df",criters2)
          if(nrow(fentran) > 1){
            fentran <- fentran[order(-fentran[,5]),]
            fentran <- na.omit(fentran)
            attr(fentran,"na.action")	<- attr(fentran,"class") <- NULL
          fentran[,5] <- 1-pchisq((sqrt(2/(9*fentran[,1]))*fentran[,5] + 1 - 2/(9*fentran[,1]))^3*fentran[,1],fentran[,1])
          pen <- length(fit.x$coefficients) + attr(logLik(model),"df")-length(model$coefficients)
          aic <- ifelse(quasi,-2*quasilik(familia,fit.x) + k*length(fit.x$coefficients),fit.x$aic + (k-2)*(length(fit.x$coefficients)+pen))
          none <- c(aic,aic + (log(length(fit.x$y))-k)*(length(fit.x$coefficients)+pen),fit.x$deviance/fit.x$df.residual)
          if(names(coef(model))[1]=="(Intercept)") none[3] <- 1 - none[3]/(model$null.deviance/model$df.null)
          fentran <- rbind(fentran,c(NA,none,NA))
          rownames(fentran)[nrow(fentran)] <- nonename
            fentran <- fentran[,-3]
            colnames(fentran)[2] <- "QICu"
          if(trace) printCoefmat(fentran,P.values=TRUE,has.Pvalue=TRUE,na.print="",cs.ind=2:(ncol(fentran)-2),
          if(fentran[1,ncol(fentran)] < levels[1]){
            if(trace) cat("\nStep",paso,":",rownames(fentran)[1],"\n\n")
            paso <- paso + 1
            cambio <- substring(rownames(fentran)[1],3)
            oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fentran)[1]))
          }else tol <- FALSE
      if(length(entran) > 0 & criterion!="p-value"){
        if(any(!is.na(fsalen))) fentran <- rbind(fentran,fsalen)
        fentran[,5] <- 1-pchisq((sqrt(2/(9*fentran[,1]))*fentran[,5] + 1 - 2/(9*fentran[,1]))^3*fentran[,1],fentran[,1])
        aic <- ifelse(quasi,-2*quasilik(familia,fit.x) + k*length(fit.x$coefficients),fit.x$aic + (k-2)*(length(fit.x$coefficients)+pen))
        none <- c(aic,aic + (log(length(fit.x$y))-k)*(length(fit.x$coefficients)+pen),fit.x$deviance/fit.x$df.residual)
        if(names(coef(model))[1]=="(Intercept)") none[3] <- 1 - none[3]/(model$null.deviance/model$df.null)
        fentran <- rbind(fentran,c(0,none,0))
        rownames(fentran)[nrow(fentran)] <- nonename
        ids <- criters == criterion
        colnames(fentran) <- c("df",criters2)
        fentran <- na.omit(fentran)
        attr(fentran,"na.action")	<- attr(fentran,"class") <- NULL
        fentran[nrow(fentran),c(1,5)] <- NA
        fentran <- fentran[order(sentido[ids]*fentran[,c(FALSE,ids)]),]
            fentran <- fentran[,-3]
            colnames(fentran)[2] <- "QICu"
          paso <- paso + 1
          cambio <- substring(rownames(fentran)[1],3)
          oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fentran)[1]))
          tol <- FALSE
            fentran <- fentran[,-3]
            colnames(fentran)[2] <- "QICu"
          if(trace) printCoefmat(fentran,P.values=TRUE,has.Pvalue=TRUE,na.print="",cs.ind=2:(ncol(fentran)-2),
      if(length(entran) == 0 & mas) tol <- FALSE
    oldformula <- upper
      cat("\nInitial model:\n")
      cat(paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" "),"\n\n")
    out_ <- list(initial=paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" "),direction=direction,criterion=criters2[criters==criterion])
      X <- model.matrix(oldformula,data=datas)
      fit.x <- glm.fit(y=model$y,x=X,family=model$family,offset=model$offset,weights=model$prior.weights)
      S <- attr(terms(oldformula),"term.labels")
      S <- lapply(lapply(strsplit(S,":"),sort),paste,collapse=":")
      entran <- seq(1:length(U))[is.na(match(U,S))]
      salen <- seq(1:length(U))[!is.na(match(U,S))]
      menos <- TRUE

      fentran <- matrix(NA,length(entran),5)
      if(length(entran) > 0){
        nombres <- matrix("",length(entran),1)
        for(i in 1:length(entran)){
          salida <- apply(as.matrix(fs[,-c(salen,entran[i])]),2,function(x) sum(fs[,entran[i]]*x)!=sum(x))
          if(all(salida) & U[entran[i]]!=cambio & !(U[entran[i]] %in% force.out)){
            newformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ . +",U[entran[i]]))
            X <- model.matrix(newformula,data=datas)
            fit.0 <- glm.fit(y=model$y,x=X,family=model$family,offset=model$offset,weights=model$prior.weights)
            fentran[i,1] <- fit.x$df.residual - fit.0$df.residual
            fentran[i,5] <- tests(fit.x,fit.0,type=test)
            fentran[i,5] <- sqrt(9*fentran[i,1]/2)*((fentran[i,5]/fentran[i,1])^(1/3) - 1 + 2/(9*fentran[i,1]))
            fentran[i,2] <- ifelse(quasi,-2*quasilik(familia,fit.0) + k*length(fit.0$coefficients),fit.0$aic + (k-2)*(length(fit.0$coefficients)+pen))
            fentran[i,3] <- fentran[i,2] + (log(length(fit.0$y))-k)*(length(fit.0$coefficients)+pen)
            fentran[i,4] <- fit.0$deviance/fit.0$df.residual
            if(names(coef(model))[1]=="(Intercept)") fentran[i,4] <- 1 - fentran[i,4]/(model$null.deviance/model$df.null)
            nombres[i] <- U[entran[i]]
        rownames(fentran) <- paste("+",nombres)
        if(criterion=="p-value" & any(!is.na(fentran))){
          colnames(fentran) <- c("df",criters2)
          if(nrow(fentran) > 1){
            fentran <- fentran[order(-fentran[,5]),]
            fentran <- na.omit(fentran)
            attr(fentran,"na.action")	<- attr(fentran,"class") <- NULL
          fentran[,5] <- 1-pchisq((sqrt(2/(9*fentran[,1]))*fentran[,5] + 1 - 2/(9*fentran[,1]))^3*fentran[,1],fentran[,1])
          if(fentran[1,5] < levels[1]){
            aic <- ifelse(quasi,-2*quasilik(familia,fit.x) + k*length(fit.x$coefficients),fit.x$aic + (k-2)*(length(fit.x$coefficients)+pen))
            none <- c(aic,aic + (log(length(fit.x$y))-k)*(length(fit.x$coefficients)+pen),fit.x$deviance/fit.x$df.residual)
            if(names(coef(model))[1]=="(Intercept)") none[3] <- 1 - none[3]/(model$null.deviance/model$df.null)
            fentran <- rbind(fentran,c(NA,none,NA))
            rownames(fentran)[nrow(fentran)] <- nonename
              fentran <- fentran[,-3]
              colnames(fentran)[2] <- "QICu"
            menos <- FALSE
            oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fentran)[1]))
            paso <- paso + 1
            cambio <- substring(rownames(fentran)[1],3)

      if(length(salen) > 0 & menos){
        fsalen <- matrix(NA,length(salen),5)
        nombres <- matrix("",length(salen),1)
        for(i in 1:length(salen)){
          salida <- apply(as.matrix(fs[,salen[i]]*fs[,-c(entran,salen[i])]),2,sum)
          if(all(salida < sum(fs[,salen[i]])) & !(U[salen[i]] %in% force.in)){
            newformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ . -",U[salen[i]]))
            X <- model.matrix(newformula,data=datas)
            fit.0 <- glm.fit(y=model$y,x=X,family=model$family,offset=model$offset,weights=model$prior.weights)
            fsalen[i,1] <- fit.0$df.residual - fit.x$df.residual
            fsalen[i,5] <- tests(fit.0,fit.x,type=test)
            fsalen[i,5] <- sqrt(9*fsalen[i,1]/2)*((fsalen[i,5]/fsalen[i,1])^(1/3) - 1 + 2/(9*fsalen[i,1]))
            fsalen[i,2] <- ifelse(quasi,-2*quasilik(familia,fit.0) + k*length(fit.0$coefficients),fit.0$aic + (k-2)*(length(fit.0$coefficients)+pen))
            fsalen[i,3] <- fsalen[i,2] + (log(length(fit.0$y))-k)*(length(fit.0$coefficients)+pen)
            fsalen[i,4] <- fit.0$deviance/fit.0$df.residual
            if(names(coef(model))[1]=="(Intercept)") fsalen[i,4] <- 1 - fsalen[i,4]/(model$null.deviance/model$df.null)
            nombres[i] <- U[salen[i]]
        rownames(fsalen) <- paste("-",nombres)
          colnames(fsalen) <- c("df",criters2)
          if(nrow(fsalen) > 1){
            fsalen <- fsalen[order(fsalen[,5]),]
            fsalen <- na.omit(fsalen)
            attr(fsalen,"na.action")	<- attr(fsalen,"class") <- NULL
          fsalen[,5] <- 1-pchisq((sqrt(2/(9*fsalen[,1]))*fsalen[,5] + 1 - 2/(9*fsalen[,1]))^3*fsalen[,1],fsalen[,1])
          aic <- ifelse(quasi,-2*quasilik(familia,fit.x) + k*length(fit.x$coefficients),fit.x$aic + (k-2)*(length(fit.x$coefficients)+pen))
          none <- c(aic,aic + (log(length(fit.x$y))-k)*(length(fit.x$coefficients)+pen),fit.x$deviance/fit.x$df.residual)
          if(names(coef(model))[1]=="(Intercept)") none[3] <- 1 - none[3]/(model$null.deviance/model$df.null)
          fsalen <- rbind(fsalen,c(NA,none,NA))
          rownames(fsalen)[nrow(fsalen)] <- nonename
            fsalen <- fsalen[,-3]
            colnames(fsalen)[2] <- "QICu"
          if(trace) printCoefmat(fsalen,P.values=TRUE,has.Pvalue=TRUE,na.print="",cs.ind=2:(ncol(fsalen)-2),
          if(fsalen[1,ncol(fsalen)] > levels[2]){
            if(trace) cat("\nStep",paso,":",rownames(fsalen)[1],"\n\n")
            paso <- paso + 1
            cambio <- substring(rownames(fsalen)[1],3)
            oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fsalen)[1]))
          }else tol <- FALSE
        if(any(!is.na(fentran))) fsalen <- rbind(fsalen,fentran)
        fsalen[,5] <- 1-pchisq((sqrt(2/(9*fsalen[,1]))*fsalen[,5] + 1 - 2/(9*fsalen[,1]))^3*fsalen[,1],fsalen[,1])
        aic <- ifelse(quasi,-2*quasilik(familia,fit.x) + k*length(fit.x$coefficients),fit.x$aic + (k-2)*(length(fit.x$coefficients)+pen))
        none <- c(aic,aic + (log(length(fit.x$y))-k)*(length(fit.x$coefficients)+pen),fit.x$deviance/fit.x$df.residual)
        if(names(coef(model))[1]=="(Intercept)") none[3] <- 1 - none[3]/(model$null.deviance/model$df.null)
        fsalen <- rbind(fsalen,c(0,none,0))
        rownames(fsalen)[nrow(fsalen)] <- nonename
        ids <- criters == criterion
        colnames(fsalen) <- c("df",criters2)
        fsalen <- na.omit(fsalen)
        attr(fsalen,"na.action")	<- attr(fsalen,"class") <- NULL
        fsalen[nrow(fsalen),c(1,5)] <- NA
        fsalen <- fsalen[order(sentido[ids]*fsalen[,c(FALSE,ids)]),]
            fsalen <- fsalen[,-3]
            colnames(fsalen)[2] <- "QICu"
          paso <- paso + 1
          cambio <- substring(rownames(fsalen)[1],3)
          oldformula <- update(oldformula, paste("~ .",rownames(fsalen)[1]))
          tol <- FALSE
            fsalen <- fsalen[,-3]
            colnames(fsalen)[2] <- "QICu"
          if(trace) printCoefmat(fsalen,P.values=TRUE,has.Pvalue=TRUE,na.print="",cs.ind=2:(ncol(fsalen)-2),
      if(length(salen) == 0 & menos) tol <- FALSE
    cat("\nFinal model:\n")
    cat(paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" "),"\n\n")
    cat("\n(*) p-values of the",test2)
      cat("\n Effects are included when their p-values are lower than",levels[1])
      cat("\n Effects are dropped when their p-values are higher than",levels[2])
    if(!is.null(xxx$k)) cat("The magnitude of the penalty in the AIC/QICu was set to ",xxx$k)
  out_$final <- paste("~",as.character(oldformula)[length(oldformula)],sep=" ")
    X <- model.matrix(oldformula,data=datas)
    final.fit <- glm(model$y~0+X,family=model$family,offset=model$offset,weights=model$prior.weights)
    names(final.fit$coefficients) <- substring(names(final.fit$coefficients),2)
    out_$final.fit <- final.fit

#' @title Local Influence for Generalized Linear Models
#' @description Computes some measures and, optionally, display	graphs of them to perform
#' influence analysis based on the approaches described by Cook (1986).
#' @param object an object of class \emph{glm}.
#' @param type an (optional) character string indicating the type of approach to study the
#' local influence. The options are: the absolute value of the elements of the eigenvector which corresponds to the maximum absolute eigenvalue ("local"); and the absolute value of the elements of the main diagonal ("total"). As default, \code{type} is set to "total".
#' @param perturbation an (optional) character string indicating the perturbation scheme
#' to apply. The options are: case weight perturbation of observations ("case-weight"); perturbation of covariates ("covariate"); and perturbation of response ("response"). As default, \code{perturbation} is set to "case-weight".
#' @param plot.it an (optional) logical indicating if the plot of the measures of local
#' influence is required or just the data matrix in which that plot is based. By default,
#' \code{plot.it} is set to FALSE.
#' @param covariate an character string which (partially) match with the names of one of
#' the parameters in the linear predictor. This is only appropriate if \code{perturbation="covariate"}.
#' @param coefs	an (optional) character string which (partially) match with the names of
#' some of the parameters in the linear predictor.
#' @param identify an (optional) integer indicating the number of observations to identify
#' on the plot of the measures of local influence. This is only appropriate if
#' \code{plot.it=TRUE}.
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods. If \code{plot.it=TRUE}
#' then \code{...} may be used to include graphical parameters to customize the plot. For example, \code{col}, \code{pch}, \code{cex}, \code{main}, \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{ylab}.
#' @return A matrix as many rows as observations in the sample and one column with the values of the measures of local influence.
#' @method localInfluence glm
#' @export
#' @references Cook D. (1986) Assessment of Local Influence. \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological)} 48, 133-155.
#' @references Thomas W., Cook D. (1989) Assessing Influence on Regression Coefficients in Generalized Linear Models. \emph{Biometrika} 76, 741-749.
localInfluence.glm <- function(object,type=c("total","local"),perturbation=c("case-weight","response","covariate"),covariate,coefs,plot.it=FALSE,identify,...){
  type <- match.arg(type)
  perturbation <- match.arg(perturbation)
  if(perturbation=="response" & object$family$family %in% c("binomial","poisson")) warning("response perturbation scheme is not appropiate for discrete response models!!",call.=FALSE)
  beta <- object$coefficients
  phi <- summary(object)$dispersion
  X <- model.matrix(object)
  p <- ncol(X)
  n <- nrow(X)
  y <- object$y
  w <- object$prior.weights
  if(is.null(object$offset)) eta <- X%*%beta
  else eta <- X%*%beta + object$offset
  mu <- object$family$linkinv(eta)
  vmu <- object$family$variance(mu)
  subst <- NULL
    ids <- grepl(coefs,rownames(object$coefficients),ignore.case=TRUE)
    if(sum(ids) > 0) subst <- rownames(object$coefficients)[ids]
    else stop(paste("There are no coefficients with the name",coefs,collapse=""),call.=FALSE)
    if(missingArg(covariate)) stop("Under this perturbation scheme a covariate should be specified!!",call.=FALSE)
    covar <- grep(covariate,names(coef(object)),ignore.case=TRUE)[1]
    if(is.na(covar)) stop(paste("The covariate '",covariate,"' was not found!!",sep=""),call.=FALSE)
    Xr <- matrix(0,n,p);Xr[,covar] <- rep(1,n)
    br <- coef(object)[covar]
  kp1 <- matrix(object$family$mu.eta(eta),n,1)
  kp2 <- grad(object$family$mu.eta,eta)
  vp <- grad(object$family$variance,mu)
  vmu <- object$family$variance(mu)
  Xw <- X*matrix(w*(vmu*((y - mu)*kp2 - kp1^2) - (y - mu)*kp1^2*vp)/vmu^2,n,p)
  Qpp <- -crossprod(X,Xw)
  if(perturbation=="case-weight") Delta <- matrix(w*(y - mu)*kp1/vmu,n,p)*X
  if(perturbation=="response") Delta <- matrix(kp1/sqrt(vmu/w),n,p)*X
  if(perturbation=="covariate") Delta <- Xw*br + matrix(w*(y - mu)*kp1/vmu,n,p)*Xr

  Qpp2 <- try(chol(Qpp),silent=TRUE)
  if(is.matrix(Qpp2)) Qpp2 <- chol2inv(Qpp2) else Qpp2 <- solve(Qpp)
  if(!is.null(subst)) Qpp2[-ids,-ids] <- Qpp2[-ids,-ids] - solve(Qpp[-ids,-ids])
  li <- Delta%*%Qpp2
    tol <- 1
    bnew <- matrix(rnorm(nrow(li)),nrow(li),1)
    while(tol > 0.000001){
      bold <- bnew
      bnew <- li%*%crossprod(Delta,bold)
      bnew <- bnew/sqrt(sum(bnew^2))
      tol <- max(abs((bnew - bold)/bold))
    out_ <- abs(bnew/sqrt(sum(bnew^2)))
  }else out_ <- apply(li*Delta,1,sum)
  out_ <- matrix(out_,nrow=length(out_))
  rownames(out_) <- 1:n
  colnames(out_) <- type
    nano <- list(...)
    nano$x <- 1:length(out_)
    nano$y <- out_
    if(is.null(nano$xlab)) nano$xlab <- "Observation Index"
    if(is.null(nano$type)) nano$type <- "h"
    if(is.null(nano$ylab)) nano$ylab <- ifelse(type=="local",expression(d[max]),expression(diag[i]))
    if(is.null(nano$main) & perturbation=="covariate") nano$main <- names(coef(object))[covar]
    if(is.null(nano$labels)) labels <- 1:n
      labels <- nano$labels
      nano$labels <- NULL
    if(any(out_>0)) abline(h=3*mean(out_[out_>0]),lty=3)
    if(any(out_<0)) abline(h=3*mean(out_[out_<0]),lty=3)
    if(!missingArg(identify)) identify(nano$x,nano$y,n=max(1,floor(abs(identify))),labels=labels)
    message("The coefficients included in the measures of local influence are: ",paste(subst,sep=""),"\n")

#' @title Box-Tidwell transformations
#' @description Computes the Box-Tidwell power transformations of the predictors in a regression model.
#' @param object a model fit object.
#' @param transf an one-sided formula giving the predictors that are candidates for transformation.
#' @param epsilon an (optional) numerical value. If the maximum relative change in coefficients is less than
#'                \emph{epsilon}, then convergence is declared. As default, \emph{epsilon} is set to 0.0001.
#' @param maxiter an (optional) positive integer value indicating the maximum number of iterations. By default,
#'                \emph{maxiter} is set to 30.
#' @param trace an (optional) logical indicating if should the record of iterations be printed. By default,
#'                \emph{trace} is set to FALSE.
#' @param digits an (optional) integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be used.
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return Two matrices with the values of marginal and omnibus tests.
#' @export BoxTidwell
BoxTidwell <- function(object,transf,epsilon=0.0001,maxiter=30,trace=FALSE,digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),...){

#' @title Box-Tidwell transformations in Normal Linear Models
#' @description Computes the Box-Tidwell power transformations of the predictors in a normal linear model.
#' @param object an object of the class \emph{lm}.
#' @param transf an one-sided formula giving the quantitative predictors that are candidates for transformation.
#' @param epsilon an (optional) numerical value. If the maximum relative change in coefficients is less than
#'                \emph{epsilon}, then convergence is declared. As default, \emph{epsilon} is set to 0.0001.
#' @param maxiter an (optional) positive integer value indicating the maximum number of iterations. By default,
#'                \emph{maxiter} is set to 30.
#' @param trace an (optional) logical indicating if should the record of iterations be printed. By default,
#'              \emph{trace} is set to FALSE.
#' @param digits an (optional) integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be used.
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return a list list with components including
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{marginal} \tab a matrix with estimates, standard errors, and 95% confidence intervals for the powers, as well as the statistic
#'                       and the p-value of the Wald test to assess the hypothesis \eqn{H_0:\tau=1} versus \eqn{H_1:\tau\neq 1},\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{omnibus} \tab a matrix with the statistic and the p-value of the Wald test for null hypothesis that all powers
#'                      are 1,\cr
#' }
#' @references Box G.E.P., Tidwell P.W. (1962) Transformation of the independent variables. \emph{Technometrics} 4, 531-550.
#' @references Fox J. (2016) \emph{Applied Regression Analysis and Generalized Linear Models}, Third Edition. Sage.
#' @seealso \link{BoxTidwell.glm}
#' @method BoxTidwell lm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Hill races in Scotland
#' data(races)
#' fit1 <- lm(rtime ~ distance + cclimb, data=races)
#' AIC(fit1)
#' BoxTidwell(fit1, transf= ~ distance + cclimb)
#' fit1 <- update(fit1,formula=rtime ~ distance + I(cclimb^2))
#' AIC(fit1)
#' ###### Example 2: Gasoline yield
#' fit2 <- lm(mpg ~ hp + wt + am, data=mtcars)
#' AIC(fit2)
#' BoxTidwell(fit2, transf= ~ hp + wt)
#' fit2 <- update(fit2,formula=mpg ~ log(hp) + log(wt) + am)
#' AIC(fit2)
#' ###### Example 3: New York Air Quality Measurements
#' fit3 <- lm(log(Ozone) ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp, data=airquality)
#' AIC(fit3)
#' BoxTidwell(fit3, transf= ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp)
#' fit3 <- update(fit3,formula=log(Ozone) ~ log(Solar.R) + Wind + Temp)
#' AIC(fit3)
#' ###### Example 4: Heat capacity of hydrobromic acid
#' data(heatcap,package="GLMsData")
#' fit4 <- lm(Cp ~ Temp, data=heatcap)
#' AIC(fit4)
#' BoxTidwell(fit4, transf= ~ Temp)
#' fit4 <- update(fit4,formula=Cp ~ I(Temp^5))
#' AIC(fit4)
#' ###### Example 5: Age and Eye Lens Weight of Rabbits in Australia
#' data(rabbits)
#' fit5 <- lm(log(wlens) ~ age, data=rabbits)
#' AIC(fit5)
#' BoxTidwell(fit5, transf= ~ age)
#' fit5 <- update(fit5,formula=log(wlens) ~ I(age^(-1/3)))
#' AIC(fit5)
BoxTidwell.lm <- function(object,transf,epsilon=0.0001,maxiter=30,trace=FALSE,digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),...){
  X <- model.matrix(object)
  n <- nrow(X)
  transf.terms <- attr(terms(transf),"term.labels")
  transf.terms <- !is.na(match(colnames(X),transf.terms))
  if(sum(transf.terms)==0) stop("The variables to be transformed were not found in the fitted model",call.=FALSE)
  X1 <- as.matrix(X[,!transf.terms],nrow=n)
  X2 <- as.matrix(X[,transf.terms],nrow=n)
  nv <- ncol(X2)
  if(any(X2 <= 0)) stop("The variables to be transformed must have only positive values",call.=FALSE)
  if(colnames(X)[1]!="(Intercept)") stop("Models without Intercept are not supported",call.=FALSE)
  if(is.null(object$offset)) offset <- rep(0,n) else offset <- object$offset
  if(is.null(object$weights)) weights <- rep(1,n) else weights <- object$weights
  y <- object$residuals + object$fitted.values
  epsilon <- 0.0001
  tol <- epsilon + 1
  new.powers <- rep(1,nv)
  iter <- 1
  while(tol > epsilon & iter < maxiter){
    old.powers <- new.powers
    X22 <- X2^matrix(old.powers,nrow=n,ncol=nv,byrow=TRUE)
    X2.log <- X22*log(X22)
    mod.1 <- lm.wfit(x=cbind(X22,X1),y=y,w=weights,offset=offset)
    mod.2 <- lm.wfit(x=cbind(X2.log,X22,X1),y=y,w=weights,offset=offset)
    new.powers <- old.powers*(1 + coef(mod.2)[1:nv]/coef(mod.1)[1:nv])
    tol <- max(abs(new.powers-old.powers)/abs(new.powers))
    if(trace) cat("Iteration=",iter,"   taus=",new.powers,"\n")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if(iter==maxiter) warning("Iteration limit exceeded!!\n",call.=FALSE)
  X22 <- X2^matrix(new.powers,nrow=n,ncol=nv,byrow=TRUE)
  X2.log <- X22*log(X2)
  mod <- lm(y ~ 0 + cbind(X22,X1),weights=weights,offset=offset)
  XX <- cbind(X2.log*matrix(coef(mod)[1:nv],nrow=n,ncol=nv,byrow=TRUE),X22,X1)
  XX <- XX*matrix(sqrt(weights),nrow=n,ncol=ncol(XX))
  vc <- summary(mod)$sigma^2*chol2inv(chol(crossprod(XX)))[1:nv,1:nv]
  TAB	<- cbind(Estimate <- new.powers,
               StdErr <- sqrt(diag(if(nv==1) matrix(vc) else vc)),
               li <- Estimate - qnorm(0.975)*StdErr,
               ls <- Estimate + qnorm(0.975)*StdErr,
               zval <- (Estimate-1)/StdErr,
               p.value <- 1-pchisq(zval^2,df=1))
  TAB <- matrix(TAB,nrow=nv,ncol=6)
  colnames(TAB) <- c("Estimate", "Std.Error", "    95%","CI    ","z-value", "Pr(>|z|)")
  rownames(TAB) <- colnames(X)[transf.terms]
  printCoefmat(TAB, P.values=TRUE, signif.stars=FALSE, has.Pvalue=TRUE, digits=digits, dig.tst=digits, signif.legend=FALSE, tst.ind=c(1,2,3), na.print="")
  chi <- crossprod((new.powers-1),chol2inv(chol(vc)))%*%(new.powers-1)
  omnibus <- cbind(chi,nv,1-pchisq(chi,df=nv))
  colnames(omnibus) <- c("Chi","df","Pr(>Chi)"); rownames(omnibus) <- ""
  cat("\nWald test for null hypothesis that all taus are 1:\n")
  cat("chi = ",format(omnibus[1],digits=digits),", df = ",omnibus[2],", Pr(>chi) = ",format.pval(omnibus[3],digits=digits),"\n")

#' @title Box-Tidwell transformations in Generalized Linear Models
#' @description Computes the Box-Tidwell power transformations of the predictors in a generalized linear model.
#' @param object an object of the class \emph{glm}.
#' @param transf an one-sided formula giving the quantitative predictors that are candidates for transformation.
#' @param epsilon an (optional) numerical value. If the maximum relative change in coefficients is less than
#'                \emph{epsilon}, then convergence is declared. As default, \emph{epsilon} is set to 0.0001.
#' @param maxiter an (optional) positive integer value indicating the maximum number of iterations. By default,
#'                \emph{maxiter} is set to 30.
#' @param trace an (optional) logical indicating if should the record of iterations be printed. By default,
#'              \emph{trace} is set to FALSE.
#' @param digits an (optional) integer value indicating the number of decimal places to be used.
#' @param ...	further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return a list list with components including
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{marginal} \tab a matrix with estimates, standard errors, and 95% confidence intervals for the powers, as well as the statistic
#'                       and the p-value of the Wald test to assess the hypothesis \eqn{H_0:\tau=1} versus \eqn{H_1:\tau\neq 1},\cr
#' \tab \cr
#' \code{omnibus} \tab a matrix with the statistic and the p-value of the Wald test for null hypothesis that all powers
#'                      are 1,\cr
#' }
#' @seealso \link{BoxTidwell.lm}
#' @method BoxTidwell glm
#' @export
#' @references Box G.E.P., Tidwell P.W. (1962) Transformation of the independent variables. \emph{Technometrics} 4, 531-550.
#' @references Fox J. (2016) \emph{Applied Regression Analysis and Generalized Linear Models}, Third Edition. Sage.
#' @examples
#' ###### Example 1: Skin cancer in women
#' data(skincancer)
#' fit1 <- glm(cases ~ age + city, offset=log(population), family=poisson(log), data=skincancer)
#' AIC(fit1)
#' BoxTidwell(fit1, transf= ~ age)
#' fit1 <- update(fit1,formula=. ~ I(age^(-1/2)) + city)
#' AIC(fit1)
#' ###### Example 3: Gas mileage
#' data(Auto, package="ISLR")
#' fit3 <- glm(mpg ~ horsepower + weight, family=inverse.gaussian(log), data=Auto)
#' AIC(fit3)
#' BoxTidwell(fit3, transf= ~ horsepower + weight)
#' fit3 <- update(fit3,formula=. ~ I(horsepower^(-1/3)) + weight)
#' AIC(fit3)
#' ###### Example 4: Advertising
#' data(advertising)
#' fit4 <- glm(sales ~ TV + radio, family=gaussian(log), data=advertising)
#' AIC(fit4)
#' BoxTidwell(fit4, transf= ~ TV)
#' fit4 <- update(fit4,formula=. ~ I(TV^(1/10)) + radio)
#' AIC(fit4)
#' ###### Example 5: Leukaemia Patients
#' data(leuk, package="MASS")
#' fit5 <- glm(ifelse(time>=52,1,0) ~ ag + wbc, family=binomial, data=leuk)
#' AIC(fit5)
#' BoxTidwell(fit5, transf= ~ wbc)
#' fit5 <- update(fit5,formula=. ~ ag + I(wbc^(-0.18)))
#' AIC(fit5)

BoxTidwell.glm <- function(object,transf,epsilon=0.0001,maxiter=30,trace=FALSE,digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2),...){
  X <- model.matrix(object)
  n <- nrow(X)
  transf.terms <- attr(terms(transf),"term.labels")
  transf.terms <- !is.na(match(colnames(X),transf.terms))
  if(sum(transf.terms)==0) stop("The variables to be transformed were not found in the fitted model",call.=FALSE)
  X1 <- as.matrix(X[,!transf.terms],nrow=n)
  X2 <- as.matrix(X[,transf.terms],nrow=n)
  nv <- ncol(X2)
  if(any(X2 <= 0)) stop("The variables to be transformed must have only positive values",call.=FALSE)
  if(colnames(X)[1]!="(Intercept)") stop("Models without Intercept are not supported",call.=FALSE)
  if(is.null(object$offset)) offset <- rep(0,n) else offset <- object$offset
  epsilon <- 0.0001
  tol <- epsilon + 1
  new.powers <- rep(1,nv)
  iter <- 1
  while(tol > epsilon & iter < maxiter){
    old.powers <- new.powers
    X22 <- X2^matrix(old.powers,nrow=n,ncol=nv,byrow=TRUE)
    X2.log <- X22*log(X22)
    mod.1 <- glm.fit(x=cbind(X22,X1),y=object$y,family=object$family,weights=object$prior.weights,offset=offset)
    mod.2 <- glm.fit(x=cbind(X2.log,X22,X1),y=object$y,family=object$family,weights=object$prior.weights,offset=offset)
    new.powers <- old.powers*(1 + coef(mod.2)[1:nv]/coef(mod.1)[1:nv])
    tol <- max(abs(new.powers-old.powers)/abs(new.powers))
    if(trace) cat("Iteration=",iter,"   taus=",new.powers,"\n")
    iter <- iter + 1
  if(iter==maxiter) warning("Iteration limit exceeded!!\n",call.=FALSE)
  X22 <- X2^matrix(new.powers,nrow=n,ncol=nv,byrow=TRUE)
  X2.log <- X22*log(X2)
  mod <- glm(object$y ~ 0 + cbind(X22,X1),family=object$family,weights=object$prior.weights,offset=offset)
  XX <- cbind(X2.log*matrix(coef(mod)[1:nv],nrow=n,ncol=nv,byrow=TRUE),X22,X1)
  XX <- XX*matrix(sqrt(mod$weights),nrow=n,ncol=ncol(XX))
  vc <- summary(mod)$dispersion*chol2inv(chol(crossprod(XX)))[1:nv,1:nv]
  TAB	<- cbind(Estimate <- new.powers,
               StdErr <- sqrt(diag(if(nv==1) matrix(vc) else vc)),
               li <- Estimate - qnorm(0.975)*StdErr,
               ls <- Estimate + qnorm(0.975)*StdErr,
               zval <- (Estimate-1)/StdErr,
               p.value <- 1-pchisq(zval^2,df=1))
  TAB <- matrix(TAB,nrow=nv,ncol=6)
  colnames(TAB) <- c("Estimate", "Std.Error", "   95%", "   CI", "z-value", "Pr(>|z|)")
  rownames(TAB) <- colnames(X)[transf.terms]
  printCoefmat(TAB, P.values=TRUE, signif.stars=FALSE, has.Pvalue=TRUE, digits=digits, dig.tst=digits, signif.legend=FALSE, tst.ind=c(1,2,3), na.print="")
  chi <- t(new.powers-1)%*%chol2inv(chol(vc))%*%(new.powers-1)
  omnibus <- cbind(chi,nv,1-pchisq(chi,df=nv))
  colnames(omnibus) <- c("Chi","df","Pr(>Chi)"); rownames(omnibus) <- ""
  cat("\nWald test for null hypothesis that all taus are 1:\n")
  cat("chi = ",format(omnibus[1],digits=digits),", df = ",omnibus[2],", Pr(>chi) = ",format.pval(omnibus[3],digits=digits),"\n")

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