
#' @import assertthat

#' Convert a huxtable for Excel
#' If the `openxlsx` package is installed, Huxtables can be converted to
#' [openxlsx::openxlsx()] Worbook objects, for use in Excel documents.
#' @param ht A huxtable.
#' @param Workbook An existing `Workbook` object. By default, a new workbook will be created.
#' @param sheet Name for the worksheet where the huxtable will be created.
#' @param write_caption If `TRUE`, print any caption in the row above or below the table.
#' @param start_row,start_col Number. Write data starting at the given row and column.
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @details
#' Use [openxlsx::saveWorkbook()] to save the resulting object to an Excel file.
#' Properties are supported with the following exceptions:
#' * Non-numeric column widths and row heights, table width and height.
#' * Decimal padding.
#' * Cell padding.
#' * Table position.
#' * Caption width.
#' Huxtable tries to guess appropriate widths and height for rows and columns; numeric [width()] and
#' [height()] are treated as scaling factors.
#' Contents are only stored as numbers if a whole column is "numeric", i.e. can
#' be converted by [as.numeric()]). Otherwise, they are stored as text.
#' @return An object of class `Workbook`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' wb <- as_Workbook(jams)
#' \dontrun{
#'   openxlsx::saveWorkbook(wb,
#'         "my-excel-file.xlsx")
#' }
#' # multiple sheets in a single workbook:
#' wb <- openxlsx::createWorkbook()
#' wb <- as_Workbook(jams,
#'       Workbook = wb, sheet = "sheet1")
#' wb <- as_Workbook(
#'       hux("Another", "huxtable"),
#'       Workbook = wb,
#'       sheet = "sheet2")
as_Workbook <- function (ht, ...) UseMethod("as_Workbook")

memo_env <- new.env()

#' @export
#' @rdname as_Workbook
as_Workbook.huxtable <- function (
        Workbook      = NULL,
        sheet         = "Sheet 1",
        write_caption = TRUE,
        start_row     = 1,
        start_col     = 1,
      ) {
  assert_package("as_Workbook", "openxlsx")
  assert_that(is.string(sheet), is.count(start_row), is.count(start_col))

  if (! exists("memoised_createStyle", where = memo_env)) {
    memo_env$memoised_createStyle <- memoise::memoise(openxlsx::createStyle)
  wb <- if (missing(Workbook) || is.null(Workbook)) openxlsx::createWorkbook() else Workbook
  openxlsx::addWorksheet(wb, sheet)

  cap <- caption(ht)
  cap_pos <- caption_pos(ht)
  top_cap <- write_caption && ! is.na(cap) && grepl("top", cap_pos)
  cap_row <- if (top_cap) start_row else start_row + nrow(ht)
  if (write_caption && ! is.na(cap)) {
    openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet, x = cap, startRow = cap_row)
    cap_style <- openxlsx::createStyle(halign = get_caption_hpos(ht))
    openxlsx::addStyle(wb, sheet, style = cap_style, rows = cap_row, cols = seq_len(ncol(ht)),
      gridExpand = TRUE)
    openxlsx::mergeCells(wb, sheet, cols = seq_len(ncol(ht)), rows = cap_row)

  contents <- clean_contents(ht, output_type = "excel") # character matrix

  nr <- nrow(contents)
  contents <- as.data.frame(contents, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  is_a_number_mx <- suppressWarnings(apply(contents, 2, function (col) {
    ! is.na(as.numeric(col))
  dim(is_a_number_mx) <- dim(contents) # apply might return a vector :-/
  # for each column we go down it. If everything remaining is one type, we insert it. Otherwise
  # we insert the cell.
  for (j in seq_len(ncol(contents))) {
    col_contents <- contents[[j]]
    ws_col <- start_col - 1 + j

    for (i in seq_len(nr)) {
      ws_row <- start_row - 1 + i
      if (top_cap) ws_row <- ws_row + 1

      is_a_number_col <- is_a_number_mx[i:nr, j]
      if (all(is_a_number_col) || all(! is_a_number_col)) {
        insert <- col_contents[i:nr]
        if (all(is_a_number_col)) insert <- as.numeric(insert)

        openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet, insert, startRow = ws_row, startCol = ws_col,
              colNames = FALSE, rowNames = FALSE, borders = "none", borderStyle = "none")
        break # to the next column
      } else {
        insert <- col_contents[i]
        if (is_a_number_col[1]) insert <- as.numeric(insert)
        openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet, insert, startRow = ws_row, startCol = ws_col,
            colNames = FALSE, rowNames = FALSE, borders = "none", borderStyle = "none")

  dcells <- display_cells(ht, all = FALSE)
  for (r in seq_len(nrow(dcells))) {
    dcell <- dcells[r, ]
    drow <- dcell$display_row
    dcol <- dcell$display_col

    workbook_rows <- start_row - 1 + seq(drow, dcell$end_row)
    if (top_cap) workbook_rows <- workbook_rows + 1
    workbook_cols <- start_col - 1 + seq(dcol, dcell$end_col)

    null_args <- list()
    null_args$tc <- text_color(ht)[drow, dcol]
    null_args$fs <- font_size(ht)[drow, dcol]
    null_args$ft <- font(ht)[drow, dcol]
    null_args$bgc <- background_color(ht)[drow, dcol]
    # can't assign NULL to list elements
    null_args <- lapply(null_args, function (x) if (is.na(x)) NULL else x)

    nf <- number_format(ht)[[drow, dcol]] # double brackets needed here
    format_zero <- format_numbers(0, nf)
    num_fmt <- if (grepl("^0\\.0+$", format_zero)) format_zero else
          if (is.numeric(contents[drow, dcol])) "NUMBER" else "GENERAL"

    borders <- get_all_borders(ht, drow, dcol) # list of numerics
    border_char <- names(borders)
    border_colors <- get_all_border_colors(ht, drow, dcol)
    border_colors <- unlist(border_colors[border_char])
    border_colors[is.na(border_colors)] <- getOption("openxlsx.borderColour", "black")

    border_styles <- get_all_border_styles(ht, drow, dcol)
    border_styles <- unlist(border_styles[border_char])
    border_styles[border_styles == "solid"] <- as.character(cut(
            unlist(borders[border_styles == "solid"]),
            c(-1, 0, 0.5, 1, 2, Inf),
            labels = c("none", "hair", "thin", "medium", "thick")

    va           <- valign(ht)[drow, dcol]

    style <- memo_env$memoised_createStyle(
            fontName       = null_args$ft,
            fontSize       = null_args$fs,
            fontColour     = null_args$tc,
            numFmt         = num_fmt,
            border         = border_char,
            borderColour   = border_colors,
            borderStyle    = border_styles,
            fgFill         = null_args$bgc, # bgFill is "for conditional formatting only"
            halign         = real_align(ht)[drow, dcol],
            valign         = switch(va, middle = "center", va),
            textDecoration = c("bold", "italic")[c(bold(ht)[drow, dcol], italic(ht)[drow, dcol])],
            wrapText       = wrap(ht)[drow, dcol],
            textRotation   = rotation(ht)[drow, dcol]
    openxlsx::addStyle(wb, sheet, style = style, rows = workbook_rows, cols = workbook_cols,
          gridExpand = TRUE)
    if (dcell$rowspan > 1 || dcell$colspan > 1) openxlsx::mergeCells(wb, sheet, cols = workbook_cols,
          rows = workbook_rows)

  cw <- col_width(ht)
  if (! is.numeric(cw) || anyNA(cw)) cw <- rep(1/ncol(ht), ncol(ht))
  basic_width <- 20 * ncol(ht)
  w <- width(ht)
  if (! is.numeric(w) || is.na(w)) w <- 0.5
  openxlsx::setColWidths(wb, sheet, cols = start_col - 1 + seq_len(ncol(ht)),
        widths = cw * w * basic_width)

  if (is.numeric(rh <- row_height(ht)) && length(rh) > 0) {
    table_height <- height(ht)
    if (is.na(table_height) || ! is.numeric(table_height)) table_height <- 1
    basic_height <- 30 * nrow(ht)
    openxlsx::setRowHeights(wb, sheet, rows = start_row - 1 + seq_len(nrow(ht)),
          heights = rh * basic_height * table_height)


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huxtable documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:59 a.m.