
Defines functions hydroPSO hydromod.eval Random.Topology.Generation RegroupingSwarm ComputeSwarmRadiusAndDiameter UpdateNgbest UpdateLocalBest InitializateV InitializateX decrease.search.space computeCurrentXmaxMin sync.update.pgbests async.update.pgbests position.update.and.boundary.treatment velocity.boundary.treatment compute.c1.with.GLratio compute.w.with.GLratio compute.w.aiwf compute.value.with.iter roll.vector compute.veloc compute.CF alea.sphere alea.normal enorm rLHS Random.Bounded.Matrix

Documented in hydroPSO hydroPSO rLHS

# File PSO_v2013.R
# Part of the hydroPSO R package, https://github.com/hzambran/hydroPSO
#                                 http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/hydroPSO
#                                 http://www.rforge.net/hydroPSO/
# Copyright 2010-2020 Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini
# Distributed under GPL 2 or later

##                          Random.Bounded.Matrix                             ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                        ##
# Created: 2008                                                               ##
# Updates: 23-Nov-2010                                                        ##
#          20-Sep-2012 ; 29-Oct-2012                                          ##
# Purpose  : To create a matrix randomly generated, with a bounded uniform distribution

# 'npart'   : number of particles in the swarm
# 'X.MinMax': Matrix of 'n' rows and 2 columns, 
#             the first column has the minimum values for each dimension, and
#             the second column has the maximum values for each dimension
Random.Bounded.Matrix <- function(npart, x.MinMax) {

  # dimension of the solution space (number of parameters )
  n <- nrow(x.MinMax)
  lower <- matrix( rep(x.MinMax[,1], npart), nrow=npart, byrow=TRUE)
  upper <- matrix( rep(x.MinMax[,2], npart), nrow=npart, byrow=TRUE)
  # random initialization for all the particles, with a value in [0,1]
  X <- matrix(runif(n*npart, min=0, max=1), nrow=npart, ncol=n)

  # Transforming X into the real range defined by the user
  #X <- t( lower +  (upper - lower )*t(X) ) # when using vector instead of matrixes
  X <- lower + (upper-lower)*X  
} # 'Random.Bounded.Matrix' end
#Random.Bounded.Matrix(10, x.MinMax)

##                        random Latin-Hypercube Sampling                     ##
# Author: Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         ##
# Created: 17-Dec-2010                                                        ##
# Updates: 20-Sep-2012  ; 29-Oct-2012                                         ##
#          07-Feb-2014                                                        ##
# Purpose  : Draws a Latin Hypercube Sample from a set of uniform distributions
#            for use in creating a Latin Hypercube Design
# Output   : An n by ndim Latin Hypercube Sample matrix with values uniformly 
#            distributed on 'ranges'

# 'n'      : number of strata used to divide each parameter range. 
#            For hydroPSO: 'n=npart'
# 'ranges' : Matrix of 'N' rows and 2 columns, (N is the number of parameters)
#            the first column has the minimum values for each dimension, and
#            the second column has the maximum values for each dimension
rLHS <- function(n, ranges) {

  # dimension of the solution space (number of parameters )
  ndim <- nrow(ranges)
  # number of particles
  npart <- n
  lower <- matrix( rep(ranges[,1], npart), nrow=npart, byrow=TRUE)
  upper <- matrix( rep(ranges[,2], npart), nrow=npart, byrow=TRUE)
  # LHS initialization for all the particles, with a value in [0,1]
  X <- randomLHS(n, ndim) # lhs::randomLHS

  # Transforming X into the real range defined by the user
  #X <- t( lower +  (upper - lower )*t(X) ) # when using vector instead of matrixes
  X <- lower + (upper-lower)*X  
} # 'rLHS' end

#                                    enorm                                     #
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
# Created: 19-Sep-2012                                                         #
# Updates:                                                                     #
# Purpose  : Computes the Euclidean norm of a vector                           #
# Output   : single numeric value with the euclidean norm of 'x'               #
enorm <- function(x) sqrt( sum(x*x) )

#                                alea.normal                                   #
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
#          Based on the Matlab function developed by Maurice Clerc (May 2011), #
#          and available on:                                                   #
#          http://www.particleswarm.info/SPSO2011_matlab.zip                   #
# Created: 19-Sep-2012                                                         #
# Updates: 29-Oct-2012                                                         #
# Purpose  : It uses the polar form of the Box-Muller transformation to obtain #
#            a pseudo-random number from a Gaussian distribution               #
# Output   : single numeric value with a pseudo-random number from a Gaussian  #
#            distribution with mean='mean' and standard deviation ='sd'        #
alea.normal <- function(mean=0, sd=1) {

  w <- 2  
  while (w >= 1) {
     x1 <- 2 * runif(1) - 1
     x2 <- 2 * runif(1) - 1
     w  <- x1*x1 + x2*x2   
  } # 'WHILE' end   
  w  <- sqrt( -2*log(w) / w )
  y1 <- x1*w  
  if ( runif(1) < 0.5 ) y1 <- -y1  
  y1 <- y1 * sd + mean 

} # 'alea.normal' end

#                                alea.sphere                                   #
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
#          Based on the Matlab function developed by Maurice Clerc (May 2011), #
#          and available on:                                                   #
#          http://www.particleswarm.info/SPSO2011_matlab.zip                   #
# Created: 19-Sep-2012                                                         #
# Updates:                                                                     #
# Purpose  : It generates a random point inside the hypersphere centered       #
#            around G with radius = r                                          #
# Output   : numeric vector with the location of a random point inside the     #
#            hypersphere around G with radius = r                              #
alea.sphere <- function(G, radius) {

  # dimension of 'G' (number of parameters)
  n <- length(G)
  # Step 1. Direction
  l <- 0
  #x <- replicate( n, alea.normal(mean=0, sd=1) )
  x <- rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=1)
  l <- sqrt( sum(x*x) )
  # Step 2. Random Radius
  r <- runif(1)
  x <- r * radius * x / l
  # Centering the random point at 'G'
  return( x + G)

} # 'alea.sphere' end

#                               compute.CF Function                            #
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
# Created: 2008                                                                #
# Updates:                                                                     #
# Computes the Clerc's Constriction Factor
# Clerc, M.; Kennedy, J.; , "The particle swarm - explosion, stability, and 
# convergence in a multidimensional complex space," Evolutionary Computation, 
# IEEE Transactions on , vol.6, no.1, pp.58-73, Feb 2002
# doi: 10.1109/4235.985692

compute.CF <- function(c1, c2) {
    psi <- c1 + c2  # psi >= 4
    CF <- 2 / abs( 2 - psi - sqrt(psi^2 - 4*psi) )
} # 'compute.CF' end

# 'x' 	      : vector of 'n' parameters, corresponding to one particle
# 'v'         : vector of 'n' velocities of each parameter, corresponding to the current particle
# 'vmax.perc' : percentage of the range of each dimension that is allowed as 
#               maximum velocity in that dimension
# 'Pbest'     : matrix with the current best parameter values for all the particles
# 'gbest'     : vector with the best parameter values in the swarm
# 'w'	      : Inertial factor.
# 'c1'        : constant that encourages the exploration of the solution space
# 'c2'	      : constant that encourages the exploitation of the current global best
# 'CF'        : constant representing the Clerk's Constriction Factor,to insure convergence of the PSO algorithm
# 'x.MinMax'  : Matrix with the valid range for each parameter of 'X'.
#               Rows = 'n' (number of parameter
#               Columns = 2, 
#               First column has the minimum possible value for each parameter
#               Second column has the maximum possible value for each parameter
# 'topology'  : character, with the topology to be used in PSO. Valid values
#               are in c('gbest', 'lbest')
# 'method'    : character, with the method to be used as PSO algorithm. Valid values
#               are in c('spso2007', 'spso2011', 'ipso', 'fips', 'wfips')

# Result      : vector of 'n' velocities, one for each parameter, corresponding to the current particle
##                        compute.veloc Function                              ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
# Created: 2008                                                                #
# Updates: Oct-2011 ; Nov-2011                                                 #
#          19-Sep-2012 ; 20-Sep-2012 ; 28-Oct-2012 ; 31-Oct-2012               #
#          09-May-2016                                                         #
compute.veloc <- function(x, v, w, c1, c2, CF, Pbest, part.index, gbest, 
                          topology, method, MinMax, neighs.index, 
                          localBest, localBest.pos, 
                          ngbest.fit, ngbest, lpbest.fit) {

  pbest <- Pbest[part.index, ]
  # dimension of 'x' (number of parameters)
  n <- length(gbest)

  r1 <- runif(n, min=0, max=1)
  r2 <- runif(n, min=0, max=1)
  if ( method=="spso2011" ) {

       p <- x + r1*c1 * ( pbest - x )
       l <- x + r2*c2 * ( localBest - x )

      if ( part.index != localBest.pos) {
        Gr <- (x + p + l) / 3
      } else  Gr <- (x + p) / 2
      vn <- CF * (w*v + alea.sphere( G=Gr, radius= enorm(Gr-x) ) - x )
  } else if ( method == "spso2007" ) {
           if( part.index != localBest.pos) {
                  vn <- CF * ( w*v + r1*c1*(pbest-x) + r2*c2*(localBest-x) )
           } else vn <- CF * ( w*v + r1*c1*(pbest-x) ) 
         } else if ( method=="ipso" ) {
               # number of best particles that have to be considered      
               nngbest <- length(ngbest.fit)
               R2 <-  matrix(rep(r2,nngbest), nrow=nngbest, byrow=TRUE)
               # computing the c2 values for each one of the best particles,
               # weighted according to their fitness value
               if(MinMax == "min") {
                 c2i <- c2 * ( (1/ngbest.fit)/sum(1/ngbest.fit) )
               } else c2i <- c2 * ( ngbest.fit/sum(ngbest.fit) )
               nan.index <- which(is.nan(c2i))
               if (length(nan.index) > 0) c2i[nan.index] <- c2

               # transforming 'x' into a matrix, with the same values in each row, in 
               # order to be able to substract 'x' from 'ngest'
               X <- matrix(rep(x, nngbest), ncol=n, byrow=TRUE)
               # computing the velocity
               vn <- CF * ( w*v + r1*c1*(pbest-x) + colSums(R2*c2i*(ngbest-X) ) )      
           } else if ( method=="fips" ) {
                     neighs.index <- neighs.index[!is.na(neighs.index)] # only for topology=='random' 
                     N   <- length(neighs.index)              
                     X   <- matrix(rep(x,N), nrow=N, byrow=TRUE)
                     P   <- Pbest[neighs.index, ]
                     phi <- c1 + c2
                     r   <- runif(N, min=0, max=phi)
                     vn  <-  CF * ( w*v + (1/N)*colSums( r*(P-X) ) )
                   } else if ( method=="wfips" ) {
                       neighs.index <- neighs.index[!is.na(neighs.index)] # only for topology=='random' 
                       N    <- length(neighs.index)              
                       X    <- matrix(rep(x,N), nrow=N, byrow=TRUE)
                       P    <- Pbest[neighs.index, ]
                       pfit <- lpbest.fit[neighs.index]
                       phi  <- c1 + c2
                       r    <- runif(N, min=0, max=phi)
                       if(MinMax == "min") {
                         wght <- (1/pfit)/sum(1/pfit)
                       } else wght <- pfit/sum(pfit) 
                       vn  <-  CF * ( w*v + (1/N) * colSums( wght*r*(P-X) ) )	
                     }  else if ( method == "canonical")    
                           vn <- CF * ( w*v + r1*c1*(pbest-x) + r2*c2*(localBest-x) )
} # 'compute.veloc' end

##                             roll.vector Function                           ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
# Created: 2009                                                                #
# Updates:                                                                     #
# 'old.vector': vector of length 'L' that will be rolled
# 'new.value' : real that will be put at the end of 'old.vector'

# Result: a vector with elements x.new[i] = x.old[i+1], i=1,L-1, x.new[L]= 'new.value'
roll.vector <- function(old.vector, new.value) {
  tmp	<- old.vector
  L		<- length(old.vector)  
  tmp[1:(L-1)]	<- old.vector[2:L]
  tmp[L]        <- new.value

} # 'roll.vector' end

##                       compute.value.with.iter Function                     ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
# Created: 2008                                                                #
# Updates: 29-Oct-2012                                                         #
# 'iter'    : the current iteration number
# 'niter'   : maximum number of iteration that can be done within a single run
# 'nexp'    : nonlinear modulation index
# 'val.ini' : initial inertial weight at the start of a given run
# 'val.fin' : fiinal inertial weight at the end of a given run

# Result    : Nonlinear modulated inertial weight
compute.value.with.iter <- function(iter, niter, nexp, val.ini, val.fin) {

  w <- ( ( (niter - iter) / niter )^nexp ) * ( val.ini - val.fin) + val.fin

} # 'compute.value.with.iter' end

##                         compute.w.aiwf Function                            ##
##                 Adaptive inertial weight factor (AIWF)                     ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                        ##
# Started: 2008                                                               ##
# Updates: 24-Nov-2011                                                        ##
#          22-Oct-2012 ; 28-Oct-2012                                          ##
# Reference:
# According to Liu et al., 2005 ("Improved Particle Swarm Combined with Caos")
# B. Liu, et al., "An improved particle swarm optimization combined with chaos," 
# Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol. 25, pp. 1261-1271, 2005.

# 'iter.fit'    : vector with 'n.particles' values corresponding to the fitness
#                 obtained in the current iteration for each one of the particles
# 'particle.pos': position of the particle, for identifying it
# 'gbest.fit'   : number with the best fitness found so far, considering all the particles
# 'w.max'       : initial inertial weight at the start of a given run (maximum value)
# 'w.min'       : final inertial weight at the end of a given run (minimum value)
# 'MinMax'      : string indicating if PSO have to find a minimum or a maximum for the fitness function.
#                 valid values are: "min", "max"

# Result        : Adaptive inertial weight factor (AIWF)
compute.w.aiwf <- function(iter.fit, particle.pos, gbest.fit, w.max, w.min, MinMax) {
  # 'f' : fitness value of the particle in the current iteration
  f <- iter.fit[particle.pos]
  # 'f.avg': mean fitness value of all the particles in the current iteration
  f.avg <- mean(iter.fit, na.rm=TRUE) 
  # 'f.min': best fitness value of all the particles in the current iteration
  if(MinMax == "min") {
    f.min <- min(iter.fit, na.rm=TRUE)
   } else f.min <- max(iter.fit, na.rm=TRUE)
  if(MinMax == "min") {
    to.apply <- f <= f.avg
  } else to.apply <- f >= f.avg
  if ( (to.apply) & (abs(f.avg - f.min)!=0) ) {
    w <- w.min + ( ( (w.max - w.min) * abs(f - f.min) ) / abs(f.avg - f.min) )
  } else w <- w.max

} # 'compute.w.aiwf' end

##                      compute.w.with.GLratio Function                       ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
# Started: 23-Dec-2010                                                         #
# Updates: 28-Oct-2012                                                         #
compute.w.with.GLratio <- function(MinMax, gbest.fit, pbest.fit) {
  # If we are Minimizing, the ratio 'gbest/pbest' have to be less than 1,
  # and the closer to 1, the closer the particle to 'gbest'
  if(MinMax == "min") { 
    w <- 1.1 - ( gbest.fit / mean(pbest.fit) )
  } else w <- 1.1 - ( mean(pbest.fit) / gbest.fit )

} # 'compute.w.with.GLratio' END

##                       compute.c1.with.GLratio Function                     ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
# Started: 27-Dec-2010                                                         #
# Updates: 28-Oct-2012                                                         #
# Based on M. Senthil Arumugam and M.V.C. Rao; 2008. Applied Soft Computing
# "On the improved Performances of the particle swarm optimization algorithms
#  with adaptive parameters, cross-over operators and root mean square (RMS) 
#  variants for computing optimal control of a class of hybrid systems"

# 'gbest.fit': global best objective function
# 'pbest.fit': best objective function of the current particle
compute.c1.with.GLratio <- function(MinMax, gbest.fit, pbest.fit) {
  # If we are Minimizing, the ratio 'gbest/pbest' have to be less than 1,
  # and the closer to 1, the closer the particle to 'gbest'
  if(MinMax == "min") { 
     c1 <- 1.0 + ( gbest.fit / pbest.fit )
  } else c1 <- 1.0 + ( pbest.fit / gbest.fit )

} # 'compute.c1.with.GLratio' END

##                    velocity.boundary.treatment Function                    ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
# Started: 2008                                                                #
# Updates:                                                                     #
# 'x' 		  : vector of 'n' parameters, corresponding to one particle
# 'n'             : dimension of the solution space (number of parameters)
# 'X.MinMax'      : string indicating if PSO have to find a minimum or a maximum 
#                   for the fitness function.
#                   valid values are: "min", "max"
# 'v'             : vector of 'n' velocities of each parameter, corresponding to 
#                   the current particle
# 'boundary.wall' : boundary treatment that is used to limit the sea
#                   the limits given by 'X.MinMax'.
#                   Valid values are: 'absorbing', 'reflecting' and 'invisible'

# Result          : vector of 'n' velocities, one for each parameter, 
#                   corresponding to the current particle
velocity.boundary.treatment <- function(v, vmax ) {	
  byd.vmax.pos <- which( abs(v) > vmax )
  if ( length(byd.vmax.pos) > 0 ) 
       v[byd.vmax.pos] <- sign(v[byd.vmax.pos])*abs(vmax[byd.vmax.pos])
} # 'velocity.boundary.treatment' end

##                  position.update.and.boundary.treatment Function           ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
# Started: 2008                                                                #
# Updates: Nov-2011                                                            #
#          23-Sep-2012 ; 29-Oct-2012                                           #
# 'x'             : vector of 'n' parameters, corresponding to one particle
# 'X.MinMax'      : string indicating if PSO have to find a minimum or a maximum 
#                   for the fitness function.
#                   valid values are: "min", "max"
# 'v'             : vector of 'n' velocities of each parameter, corresponding to 
#                   the current particle
# 'boundary.wall' : boundary treatment that is used to limit the sea
#                   the limits given by 'X.MinMax'.
#                   Valid values are: 'absorbing', 'reflecting', 'invisible', 'damping'

# Result          : vector of 'n' velocities, one for each parameter, 
#                   corresponding to the current particle

# References:
# Robinson, J.; Rahmat-Samii, Y.; Particle swarm optimization in electromagnetics. 
# Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on , vol.52, no.2, pp. 397-407, 
# Feb. 2004. doi: 10.1109/TAP.2004.823969

# Huang, T.; Mohan, A.S.; , A hybrid boundary condition for robust particle
# swarm optimization. Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE , vol.4, 
# no., pp. 112-117, 2005. doi: 10.1109/LAWP.2005.846166
position.update.and.boundary.treatment <- function(x, v, x.MinMax, boundary.wall) {
 # Vector with the new positions of the current particle
 x.new <- x + v
 # By default the new velocity is assumed not to be limited
 v.new <- v
 # Minimum and maximum values for each dimension
 x.min <- x.MinMax[,1]
 x.max <- x.MinMax[,2]
 byd.min.pos <- which(x.new < x.min)
 if ( length(byd.min.pos) > 0) { 
    if ( boundary.wall == "absorbing2011") {     
       x.new[byd.min.pos] <- x.min[byd.min.pos]
       v.new[byd.min.pos] <- -0.5*v[byd.min.pos]      
    } else if ( boundary.wall == "absorbing2007") {     
         x.new[byd.min.pos] <- x.min[byd.min.pos]
         v.new[byd.min.pos] <- 0*v[byd.min.pos]      
      } else if ( boundary.wall == "reflecting") {    
           x.new[byd.min.pos] <- 2*x.min[byd.min.pos] - x.new[byd.min.pos] 
           v.new[byd.min.pos] <- -v[byd.min.pos]
      } else if ( boundary.wall == "invisible") {
             x.new[byd.min.pos] <- x[byd.min.pos]
             v.new[byd.min.pos] <- v[byd.min.pos]
        } else if ( boundary.wall == "damping") {
             L                  <- abs( x.min[byd.min.pos] - x.new[byd.min.pos] )
             x.new[byd.min.pos] <- x.min[byd.min.pos] + runif(1)*L
             v.new[byd.min.pos] <- -v[byd.min.pos]
        }# ELSE end
 } # IF end
 byd.max.pos <- which( x.new > x.max )
 if ( length(byd.max.pos) > 0 ) {	 
    if ( boundary.wall == "absorbing2011") { 
       x.new[byd.max.pos] <- x.max[byd.max.pos]
       v.new[byd.max.pos] <- -0.5*v[byd.max.pos] 
    } else if ( boundary.wall == "absorbing2007") { 
        x.new[byd.max.pos] <- x.max[byd.max.pos]
        v.new[byd.max.pos] <- 0*v[byd.max.pos] 
      } else if ( boundary.wall == "reflecting") {
           x.new[byd.max.pos] <- 2*x.max[byd.max.pos] - x.new[byd.max.pos] 
           v.new[byd.max.pos] <- -v[byd.max.pos]
        } else if ( boundary.wall == "invisible") {
             x.new[byd.max.pos] <- x[byd.max.pos]
             v.new[byd.max.pos] <- v[byd.max.pos]
          } else if ( boundary.wall == "damping") {
              L                  <- abs( x.new[byd.max.pos] - x.max[byd.max.pos])
              x.new[byd.max.pos] <- x.max[byd.max.pos] - runif(1)*L
              v.new[byd.max.pos] <- -v[byd.max.pos]
            }# ELSE end
 } # IF end
 out <- list(x.new=x.new, v.new=v.new)

} # 'position.update.and.boundary.treatment' end

##                    async.update.pgbests Function                           ##
## Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                       ## 
## Started: 2008                                                              ##
## Updated: 26-Jan-2012 ; 28-Oct-2012                                         ##
# Function for updating the values of 'pbest', 'x.best', 'gbest.fit' and 'gbest.pos'
# for ONLY 1 particle !!

# 'x'           : vector with the 'n' parameters of a single particle
# 'x.pos'       : position of the current particle
# 'xt.fitness'  : particle's fitness
# 'MinMax'      : string indicating if PSO have to find a minimum or a maximum 
#                 for the fitness function.
#                 valid values are: "min", "max"
# 'of.name'     : function that will be used for computing the fitness.
# 'l.pbest.fit' : best fitness value found by the particle so far.
# 'gbest.fit'   : best fitness value found by the swarm so far.
# 'gbest.pos'   : position of the particle corresponding to 'gbest.fit'.
# 'x.best'      : 'n' values corresponding to the parameters of the particle 
#                 that achieve the best fitness value for the particle

# Result        : a list of 4 components (this values are different of the input ones,
#                 only if the new values provide a better fitness value )
#               : 1: pbest      : real with the new best fitness value of the particle
#               : 2: x.best     : vector with the new 'n' best parameters for the particle
#               : 3: gbest.fit  : real with the new best fitness value for the swarm
#               : 4: gbest.pos  : integer with the location of the particle that has
#                                 the best fitness value in the swarm

async.update.pgbests <- function(x, 
                                 ) {
  if(MinMax == "max") {
    l.update <- which(xt.fitness > l.pbest.fit )
  } else l.update <- which(xt.fitness < l.pbest.fit )
  # Updating 'pbest.fit', 'gbest.fit', 'gbest.pos' and 'x.best.part'
  if ( length(l.update>0) ) {
    # 'pbest.fit': updating the value of the best fit of the particles
    l.pbest.fit <- xt.fitness
    # 'X.best' updating
    x.best <- x  
    # 'gbest.fit': updating the value of the best global fit
    # 'gbest.pos': updating the position of the particle with the best global fit
    if ( MinMax=="max" ) {
      if ( l.pbest.fit > gbest.fit ) { 
          gbest.fit <- l.pbest.fit 
          gbest.pos <- x.pos 
      } # IF end 
    } else if ( MinMax=="min" ) {
        if ( l.pbest.fit < gbest.fit ) { 
           gbest.fit <- l.pbest.fit
           gbest.pos <- x.pos 
        } # IF end 
      } # ELSE end 
  } # IF end  
  tmp      <- list(4)
  tmp[[1]] <- l.pbest.fit
  tmp[[2]] <- x.best
  tmp[[3]] <- gbest.fit
  tmp[[4]] <- gbest.pos 
  names(tmp)  <- c("pbest", "x.best", "gbest.fit", "gbest.pos") 
} # 'async.update.pgbests' end

##                        sync.update.pgbests Function                        ##
## Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                       ## 
## Started: 2008                                                              ##
## Updated: 27-Jan-2012 ; 28-Oct-2012                                         ##
# Function for updating the values of 'pbest', 'x.best', 'gbest.fit' and 'gbest.pos'
# for the ALL the SWARM !!

# 'x'                : Matrix with the 'n' parameters of all the particles
# 'xt.fitness'       : numeric vector of 'n.particles', with the current fitness 
#                      obtained by all the particles in the swarm
# 'MinMax'           : Character indicating if PSO have to find a minimum or a 
#                      maximum for the fitness function.
#                      Valid values are in: c('min', 'max')
# 'pbest.fit'        : numeric vector with length equal to 'n.particles', with the best 
#                      fitness value found by each particle in the swarm so far.
# 'gbest.fit'        : numeric, with the best fitness value found by the swarm so far.
# 'gbest.pos'        : numeric, with the position of the particle corresponding 
#                      to 'gbest.fit'.
# 'x.best'           : Matrix of 'n*n.particles' values, corresponding to the
#                      'n' parameters of each one of the particles in the swarm 
#                      that achieve the best fitness value for the particle

# Result: a list of 4 components (this values are different of the input ones,
#         only if the new values provide a better fitness value )
#       : 1: pbest.fit  : numeric vector with the new best fitness value of each 
#                         particle
#       : 2: x.best     : matrix with the new 'n' best parameters for each particle
#       : 3: gbest.fit  : numeric (single value) with the new best fitness value 
#                         for the swarm
#       : 4: gbest.pos  : integer with the location of the particle that has the 
#                         best fitness value in the swarm   

sync.update.pgbests <- function(x, 
                                ) {
  # index of all the particles which current fit is better than their last 'pbest'
  if(MinMax == "max") {
    better.index <- which( xt.fitness > pbest.fit )
  } else better.index <- which( xt.fitness < pbest.fit )
  # if it exists some particles that have a better fitness value
  if (length(better.index) > 0) {
    # 'pbest.fit': updating the value of the best fit for each particle
    pbest.fit[ better.index ] <- xt.fitness[better.index ]
    # 'X.best.part': updating the value of the best parameters for the particles 
    #                with better fitness
    x.best[better.index, ] <- x[better.index, ]  
    # 'gbest.fit': updating the value of the best global fit
    # 'gbest.pos': updating the position of the particle with the best global fit
    if ( MinMax == "max" ) {    
      if ( max(pbest.fit, na.rm=TRUE) > gbest.fit ) { 
          gbest.pos <- which.max(pbest.fit) 
          #gbest.fit <- max(xt.fitness[better.index ])          
          gbest.fit <- pbest.fit[gbest.pos]
      } # IF end          
    } else if ( MinMax == "min" ) {    
          if ( min(pbest.fit, na.rm=TRUE) < gbest.fit ) { 
              gbest.pos <- which.min(pbest.fit) 
              #gbest.fit <- min(xt.fitness[better.index ])
              gbest.fit <- pbest.fit[gbest.pos]
          } # IF end          
      } # ELSE end 
  } # IF end   
  # Creating the output
  tmp      <- list(4) 
  tmp[[1]] <- pbest.fit
  tmp[[2]] <- x.best
  tmp[[3]] <- gbest.fit
  tmp[[4]] <- gbest.pos 
  names(tmp)  <- c("pbest", "x.best", "gbest.fit", "gbest.pos") 
} # 'sync.update.pgbests' end

#                          computeCurrentXmaxMin                               #
# Author: Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                          #
# Started: 22-Dec-2010                                                         #
# Updates: 28-Oct-2012                                                         #
# Purpose: To compute the minimum parameter range currently embraced for the best
#          positions found so far in the swarm
# 'x.best.part': matrix with the best parameter values for each particle.
#                nrows = number of particles
#                ncols = number of parameters = n 
computeCurrentXmaxMin <- function(x.best.part) {

  # number of parameters
  n <- ncol(x.best.part)

  x.min <- sapply(1:n, function(i,y) { min(y[,i], na.rm=TRUE) }, y = x.best.part)
  x.max <- sapply(1:n, function(i,y) { max(y[,i], na.rm=TRUE) }, y = x.best.part)
  return (cbind(x.min, x.max))
}  # 'computeCurrentXmaxMin' END

#                      decrease.search.space Function                          #
## Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                       ## 
## Started: 2010                                                              ##
## Updated:                                                                   ##
# Decrease the search space according to the methodology proposed in the CPSO #

# 'Lmin.min'        : vector of 'n' elements, with the minimum value that each dimension
#                     take within the minimum searching space defined by the user
# 'Lmin.max'        : vector of 'n' elements, with the maximum value that each dimension
#                     take within the minimum searching space defined by the user
# 'Lmin'            : vector of 'n' elements, with the minimum length that each dimension
#                     can take in the searching space defined by the user
# 'x.MinMaxCurrent' : Matrix with the minimum and maximum values for each dimension 
#                     during the current iteration
#                     Rows = 'n' (number of parameters)
#                     Columns = 2, 
#                     First column has the minimum possible value for each parameter
#                     Second column has the maximum possible value for each parameter
# 'x.MinMaxRange'   : Matrix with the valid range for each parameter of 'X', as 
#                     defined by the user
#                     Rows = 'n' (number of parameters)
#                     Columns = 2, 
#                     First column has the minimum possible value for each parameter
#                     Second column has the maximum possible value for each parameter
# 'x.best'          : vector of 'n' elements with the parameters of the particle 
#                     with the best fitness value
# 'r'               : real between 0 and 1.  Only required when 'use.CLS' =TRUE
#                     represents the rate that is used for decreasing the 
#                     searching space in the chaotic implementation 

# Result            : vector with the 'n' parameters of only 1 particle
decrease.search.space <- function(Lmin, x.MinMaxCurrent, x.MinMaxRange, x.best, r) {
  # name of each parameter  
  param.IDs <- row.names(x.MinMaxRange)
  # number of dimensions
  n <- length(param.IDs)

  # Removing possible attributes
  x.best     <- as.numeric( x.best ) 
  x.min.curr <- as.numeric( x.MinMaxCurrent[ ,1] )
  x.max.curr <- as.numeric( x.MinMaxCurrent[ ,2] )
  x.min.rng  <- as.numeric( x.MinMaxRange[ ,1] )
  x.max.rng  <- as.numeric( x.MinMaxRange[ ,2] )

  # Current lenght of the parameter space in each dimension
  Lcurr <- x.max.curr - x.min.curr 

  # New desired lenght of the parameter space in each dimension
  Lnew  <- r*Lcurr  

  # Creating the new minimum and maximum boundaries
  x.min.new <- x.min.curr
  x.max.new <- x.max.curr

  # Updating the boundaries when the new length is larger than Lmin
  for (i in 1:n) {
    if (Lnew[i] >= Lmin[i]) {
      x.min.new[i] <- max( x.min.curr[i], x.best[i] - 0.5*Lnew[i] )
      x.max.new[i] <- min( x.max.curr[i], x.best[i] + 0.5*Lnew[i] )
      #x.min.new[i] <- max( x.min.rng[i], x.best[i] - 0.5*Lnew[i] )
      #x.max.new[i] <- min( x.max.rng[i], x.best[i] + 0.5*Lnew[i] )
    } # IF end      
  } # FOR end

  # New lenght of the parameter space in each dimension
  Lnew  <- x.max.new - x.min.new 

  #x.min.new <- pmax(x.min.rng, x.best - 0.5*Lnew )
  #x.max.new <- pmin(x.max.rng, x.best + 0.5*Lnew )
  x.MinMaxCurrent[ ,1] <- x.min.new
  x.MinMaxCurrent[ ,2] <- x.max.new
  # Relative change achieved in each dimension
  rel.change        <- (Lnew-Lcurr)/Lcurr
  names(rel.change) <- param.IDs 

} # 'decrease.search.space' end 
#decrease.search.space(Lmin, x.MinMaxCurrent, x.MinMaxRange, x.best, r)

#                            InitializateX                                     #
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
# Started: 23-Dec-2010                                                         #
# Updates: 24-Dec-2010                                                         #
#          28-Oct-2012                                                         #
# Purpose: Function for the initialization of the position and the velocities  # 
# of all the particles in the swarm                                            #
# -) npart     : number of particles
# -) X.MinMax  : Matrix with the minimum and maximum values for each dimension 
#                during the current iteration
#              -) Rows = 'n' (number of parameters)
#              -) Columns = 2, 
#                 First column has the minimum possible value for each parameter
#                 Second column has the maximum possible value for each parameter
# 'init.type' : character, indicating how to carry out the initialization 
#               of the position of all the particles in the swarm
#               valid values are in c('random', 'lhs') 
InitializateX <- function(npart, x.MinMax, x.ini.type) {
  # 'X' #
  # Matrix of unknown parameters. 
  # Rows = 'npart'; 
  # Columns = 'n' (Dimension of the Solution Space)
  # Random bounded values are assigned to each dimension
  if ( x.ini.type=="random" ) {
      X <- Random.Bounded.Matrix(npart, x.MinMax)
  } else X <- rLHS(npart, x.MinMax)      


} # InitializateX

#                            InitializateV                                     #
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
# Started: 24-Dec-2010                                                         #
# Updates: 24-Nov-2011                                                         #
#          17-Sep-2012 ; 28-Oct-2012                                           #
# Purpose: Function for the initialization of the position and the velocities  #
#          of all the particles in the swarm                                   #
# -) npart     : number of particles
# -) X.MinMax  : Matrix with the minimum and maximum values for each dimension 
#                during the current iteration
#              -) Rows = 'n' (number of parameters)
#              -) Columns = 2, 
#                 First column has the minimum possible value for each parameter
#                 Second column has the maximum possible value for each parameter
# 'v.ini'      : character, indicating how to carry out the initialization 
#                of the velocitites of all the particles in the swarm
#                valid values are in c('zero', 'random2007', 'lhs2007', 'random2011', 'lhs2011') 
InitializateV <- function(npart, x.MinMax, v.ini.type, Xini) {

  # Number of parameters
  n <- nrow(x.MinMax)
  # 'V' #
  # Matrix of velocities for each particle and iteration. 
  # Rows    = 'npart'; 
  # Columns = 'n' (Dimension of the solution space)
  # Random bounded values are assigned to each dimension
  if (v.ini.type %in% c("random2011", "lhs2011") ) {
    lower <- matrix( rep(x.MinMax[,1], npart), nrow=npart, byrow=TRUE)
    upper <- matrix( rep(x.MinMax[,2], npart), nrow=npart, byrow=TRUE)
    if ( v.ini.type=="random2011" ) {
      V <- matrix(runif(n*npart, min=as.vector(lower-Xini), max=as.vector(upper-Xini)), nrow=npart)
    } else if ( v.ini.type=="lhs2011" ) {
        # LHS initialization for all the particles, with a value in [0,1]
        V <- randomLHS(npart, n) 

        # Transforming V into the real range defined by SPSO-2011
        lower <- lower - Xini
        upper <- upper - Xini

        V <- lower + (upper-lower)*V  
      } # ELSE end 
  } else if ( v.ini.type=="random2007" ) {
        V <- ( Random.Bounded.Matrix(npart, x.MinMax) - Xini ) / 2
      } else if ( v.ini.type=="lhs2007" ) {
          V <- ( rLHS(npart, x.MinMax) - Xini ) / 2
        } else if ( v.ini.type=="zero" ) {
            V <- matrix(0, ncol=n, nrow=npart, byrow=TRUE)    
          } # ELSE end


} # InitializateV

##                            UpdateLocalBest                                 ##
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                        ##
# Started: 24-Dec-2010                                                        ##
# Updates: 29-Dec-2010 ;                                                      ##
#          14-Nov-2011 ; 27-Jan-2011                                          ##
#          28-Oct-2012 ; 29-Oct-2012                                          ##
# Purpose: Function for computing the best value in the neighbourhood of each 
#          particle
# pbest.fit    : numeric, with best fitness in the history of each particle
# LocalBest.fit: numeric, best fitness in the history of the neighbourhood of 
#                each particle
# x.neighbours : numeric matrix, with the index/position of the particles that 
#                are considered "informants" of each particle.
#                rows   = number of particles
#                columns= K+1 ; K: nmbr of informants provided by the user
# MinMax       : character, indicating if PSO have to find a minimum or a 
#                maximum for the fitness function.
#                Valid values are in: c('min', 'max')
UpdateLocalBest <- function(pbest.fit, localBest.pos, localBest.fit, x.neighbours, MinMax) {

  # Number of particles
  npart <- nrow(x.neighbours)  
  for ( i in 1:npart ) {
    # index of all the particles that are "neighbours" to the particle 'i'
    neighs.index <- x.neighbours[i,]
    # if one or more of the "neighbours" have a better fitness than the current Local Best
    if(MinMax == "max") { 
      best.neigh.index <- which.max( pbest.fit[neighs.index] )
      if (pbest.fit[best.neigh.index] > localBest.fit[i] ) {
        localBest.pos[i] <- neighs.index[best.neigh.index ]
        localBest.fit[i] <- pbest.fit[localBest.pos[i]]
      } # IF end
    } else {
        best.neigh.index <- which.min( pbest.fit[neighs.index] )
        if ( pbest.fit[neighs.index][best.neigh.index] < localBest.fit[i] ) {
          localBest.pos[i] <- neighs.index[best.neigh.index]
          localBest.fit[i] <- pbest.fit[localBest.pos[i]]
        } # IF end
      } # ELSE end
  } # FOR end 
  out <- list(localBest.pos=localBest.pos, localBest.fit=localBest.fit)

} # UpdateLocalBest

#                            UpdateNgbest                                      #
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini
# Started: 24-Dec-2010
# Updates: 29-Dec-2010
#          28-Oct-2012
# Purpose: Function for computing the 'n.neighbours' best values in the swarm, 
#          and its positions
# pbest.fit : numeric, with best fitness in the history of each particle
# ngbest    : Number of local best that have to be considered
# MinMax    : character, indicating if PSO have to find a minimum or a 
#             maximum for the fitness function.
#             Valid values are in: c('min', 'max')
UpdateNgbest <- function(pbest.fit, ngbest, MinMax) {
  if(MinMax=="max") {
    sorted.fit <- sort(pbest.fit, decreasing= TRUE)
  } else sorted.fit <- sort(pbest.fit, decreasing= FALSE)
  # Ordered index of all the particles, 
  # MinMax=="max" => Decreasing order
  # MinMax=="min" => Increasing order
  sorted.index <- pmatch(sorted.fit, pbest.fit)
  ngbest.fit <- pbest.fit[sorted.index][1:ngbest]  
  ngbest.pos <- sorted.index[1:ngbest]    

  # Creating the output
  out <- list(2)
  out[[1]] <- ngbest.fit
  out[[2]] <- ngbest.pos
  names(out) <- c("ngbest.fit", "ngbest.pos")

} # UpdateNgbest

#                    ComputeSwarmRadiusAndDiameter                             #
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
# Started: 12-Jan-2011                                                         #
# Updates: 12-Jan-2011 ; 28-Oct-2011                                           #
#          06-Nov-2012 ; 07-Nov-2012                                           #
# Purpose: Function for computing the swarm radius, for detecting premature    #
#          convergence, in order to avoid stagnation                           #
# X      : matrix, with the current parameter values for all the particles
# gbest  : numeric, with the parameter values for the best particle in the swarm
#          Valid values are in: c('min', 'max')
# Lmax   : vector with the range of the search space in each dimension
ComputeSwarmRadiusAndDiameter <- function(x, gbest, Lmax) {
  # number of parameters
  n <- ncol(x)
  # number of particles
  npart <- nrow(x)
  # Euclidean distance, in the n-dimensional space for all the particles
  radius <- numeric(npart)
  gbest  <- matrix(rep(gbest, npart), nrow=npart, byrow=TRUE)
  radius <- sqrt( rowSums( (x-gbest)^2, na.rm=TRUE) )
  #swarm.radius   <- max(radius, na.rm=TRUE)
  swarm.radius   <- median(radius, na.rm=TRUE)
  swarm.diameter <- sqrt(sum(Lmax^2))

  out        <- list(2)
  out[[1]]   <- swarm.radius
  out[[2]]   <- swarm.diameter
  names(out) <- c("swarm.radius", "swarm.diameter")
  return( out )

} # ComputeSwarmRadiusAndDiameter

#                           RegroupingSwarm                                    #
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
# Started: 13-Jan-2011                                                         #
# Updates: 18-Nov-2011                                                         #
#          06-Nov-2012 ; 07-Nov-2012 ; 08-Nov-2012                             #
# Purpose: Function for regrouping the swarm in a search space centered around #
#          the global best, which is hoped to be both, small enough for        #
#          efficient search and large enough to allow the swarm to escape from #
#          the current local best.                                             #
#          There are 4 differences wrt Evers and Ghalia 2009:                  #
#          -) swarm radius: median is used instead of max                      #
#          -) computation of the new range of parameter space, which           #
#             corresponds to the maximum boundary of all the swarm, instead of #
#             abs(x-Gbest)                                                     #
#          -) regrouping factor: user-defined instead of 6/(5*ro)              #
#          -) velocity is re-initialized using Vini.type instead of using the  #
#             formula proposed by Evers and Ghalia 2009                        #
# Reference: Evers, G.I.; Ben Ghalia, M. 2009. Regrouping particle swarm       #
#            optimization: A new global optimization algorithm with improved   #
#            performance consistency across benchmarks.                        #
#            Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2009. SMC 2009.                     #
#            IEEE International Conference on, vol., no., pp.3901-3908,        #
#            DOI: 10.1109/ICSMC.2009.5346625                                   #
RegroupingSwarm <- function(x, 
                            RG.r) {

  # number of parameters
  n <- ncol(x)
  # number of particles
  npart <- nrow(x)

  # Regrouping factor 
  rf <- RG.r          # user-defined
  #rf <- 6/(5*RG.thr) # Evers & Ghalia
  # name of each parameter  
  param.IDs <- row.names(x.Range)

  # Removing possible attributes
  x.min.rng  <- as.numeric( x.Range[ ,1] )
  x.max.rng  <- as.numeric( x.Range[ ,2] )
  # Computing current boundaries for the whole swarm
  xmin    <- apply(x, MARGIN=2, FUN=min) 
  xmax    <- apply(x, MARGIN=2, FUN=max) 
  xMinMaxO <- cbind(xmin, xmax)  
  #message("Boundaries0  :")
  # Maximum length of the parameter space in each dimension
  RangeO <- xmax - xmin   
  #message("RangeO  :")

  # Transforming the 'gbest' into a matrix, in order to make easier some 
  # further computations
  Gbest <- matrix(rep(gbest, npart), nrow=npart, byrow=TRUE)

  # New desired length of the parameter space in each dimension
  # Is equal to the product of the regrouping factor with the maximum distance of 
  # each particle to the global best, for each dimension
  #RangeNew <- rf * apply( abs(x-Gbest), MARGIN=2, FUN=max) ## Evers & Ghalia
  RangeNew <- rf * abs(xmax - xmin)                        ## MZB
  # Making sure that the new range for each dimension is no larger than the original one
  RangeNew <- pmin(abs(x.max.rng - x.min.rng), RangeNew)  

  # Re-initializing particle's positions around gbest
  for (part in 1:npart) {
    r3        <- runif(n, 0, 1) 
    x[part, ] <- gbest + r3*RangeNew - 0.5*RangeNew
    # If needed, Clamping the particle positions to the maximum value
    x[part, ] <- pmin(x[part,], x.max.rng)
    # If needed, Clamping the particle positions to the minimum value 
    x[part, ] <- pmax(x[part,], x.min.rng)
  } # FOR end
  # Defining the new boundaries
  #xmin <- gbest - 0.5*RangeNew           ## Evers & Ghalia
  #xmax <- gbest + 0.5*RangeNew           ## Evers & Ghalia  
  xmin    <- apply(x, MARGIN=2, FUN=min)  ## MZB
  xmax    <- apply(x, MARGIN=2, FUN=max)  ## MZB
  xMinMax <- cbind(xmin, xmax)            ## MZB  
  # Printing old velocities
  #vmin    <- apply(v, MARGIN=2, FUN=min) 
  #vmax    <- apply(v, MARGIN=2, FUN=max) 
  #vMinMax <- cbind(vmin, vmax)
  # Re-initializing velocities
  v <- InitializateV(npart=npart, x.MinMax=xMinMax, v.ini.type=vini.type, Xini=x)
  # Printing new velocities
  #vmin    <- apply(v, MARGIN=2, FUN=min) 
  #vmax    <- apply(v, MARGIN=2, FUN=max) 
  #vMinMax <- cbind(vmin, vmax)  
  # Relative change achieved in each dimension
  #rel.change        <- (RangeNew-RangeO)/RangeO
  #names(rel.change) <- param.IDs 
  out      <- list(3)
  out[[1]] <- x
  out[[2]] <- v
  out[[3]] <- RangeNew
  names(out)  <- c("X", "V", "RangeNew") 
} # 'RegroupingSwarm' end

#                      Random.Topology.Generation                              #
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini
# Started: 23-Nov-2011
# Updates: 
# Purpose: Function for creating a random topology, as implemented on the 
#          Standard PSO 2007
Random.Topology.Generation <- function(npart, K, 
                                       psoout.drty, iter # only needed during testing phase
                                       ) { 

  p.avg <- 1 - (1 - 1/npart)^K
  tmp   <- matrix(runif(npart*npart, 0, 1) <= p.avg, nrow=npart, ncol=npart)
  diag(tmp) <- TRUE
  X.neighbours <- matrix(rep(NA, npart*npart), ncol=npart, nrow=npart, byrow=TRUE)
  for (i in 1:npart) {
       l <- length(which(tmp[,i]))
       X.neighbours[i, 1:l] <- which(tmp[,i])
  } # FOR end

} # ELSE end

###  Function for evaluating the hydrological model for a single particle  #####
### Started: 21-Jun-2011                                                     ###
### Updates: 28-Jun-2011                                                     ###
###          19-Jun-2012 ; 03-Jul-2012 ; 09-Jul-2012 ; 04-Dec-2012           ###
hydromod.eval <- function(part, Particles, iter, npart, maxit, 
                          REPORT, verbose, digits, 
                          model.FUN, model.FUN.args, 
                          parallel, ncores, part.dirs) {

  if ( iter/REPORT == floor(iter/REPORT) ) {
    if (verbose) message("================================================================================")
    if (verbose) message( "[Iter: ", format( iter, width=4, justify="left" ), "/", maxit, 
			  ". Particle: ", format( part, width=4, justify="left" ), "/", npart, 
			  ": Starting...]" )
    if (verbose) message("================================================================================")
  } # IF end
  if (parallel!="none")         
     model.FUN.args <- modifyList(model.FUN.args, list(model.drty=part.dirs[part]) ) 
  # Creating the R output
  nelements <- 2        
  out       <- vector("list", nelements)

  # Evaluating the hydrological model
  model.FUN.args <- modifyList(model.FUN.args, list(param.values=Particles[part,]) ) 
  hydromod.out   <- do.call(model.FUN, as.list(model.FUN.args)) 
  out[[1]] <- as.numeric(hydromod.out[["GoF"]])
  out[[2]] <- hydromod.out[["sim"]]
  # meaningful names
  names(out)[1:nelements] <- c("GoF", "sim") 

  if ( iter/REPORT == floor(iter/REPORT) ) {
    if (verbose) message("================================================================================")
    if (verbose) message( "[Iter: ", format( iter, width=4, justify="left" ), "/", maxit,  
                          ". Particle: ", format( part, width=4, justify="left" ), "/", npart,  
                          ". Finished !.   GoF: ", format(hydromod.out[["GoF"]], scientific=TRUE, digits=digits), 
                          "]" )
    if (verbose) message("================================================================================")
    if (verbose) message("                                    |                                           ")  
    if (verbose) message("                                    |                                           ")    
  } # IF end
} # 'hydromod.eval' END

#                                    P.S.O.                                    #
# Author : Mauricio Zambrano-Bigiarini                                         #
# Started: 2008                                                                #
# Updates: Dec-2010                                                            #
#          May-2011    ; 28-Oct-2011 ; 14-Nov-2011 ; 23-Nov-2011 ;             #
#          15-Jan-2012 ; 23-Jan-2012 ; 30-Jan-2012 ; 23-Feb-2012 ; 23-Mar-2012 #
#          14-Jun-2012 ; 15-Jun-2012 ; 03-Jul-2012 ; 06-Jul-2012               #
#          11-Jul-2012 ; 17-Jul-2012 ; 18-Jul-2012 ; 13-Sep-2012 ; 14-Sep-2012 #
#          17-Sep-2012 ; 23-Sep-2012 ; 15-Oct-2012 ; 25-Oct-2012 ; 28-Oct-2012 #
#          08-Nov-2012 ; 26-Nov-2012 ; 27-Nov-2012 ; 28-Nov-2012 ; 29-Nov-2012 #
#          19-Dec-2012                                                         #
#          07-May-2013 ; 10-May-2013 ; 28-May-2013 ; 29-May-2013               #
#          07-Feb-2014 ; 09-Abr-2014                                           #
#          29-Jan-2016 ; 09-May-2016                                           #
#          10-Jun-2018                                                         #
#          27-Feb-2020 ; 28-Feb-2020 ; 06-Mar-2020 ; 09-Mar-2020 ; 12-Mar-2020 #
#          13-Mar-2020 ; 24-Apr-2020                                           #
# 'lower'           : minimum possible value for each parameter
# 'upper'           : maximum possible value for each parameter
# 'of.name'         : String with the test function that will be used for computing the fitness.
#                     Valid values are in: c('sinc', 'rosenbrock', 'sphere', 
#                     'rastrigin', 'griewank', 'schafferF6', 'hydromod')
# 'MinMax'          : character, indicating if PSO have to find a minimum or a 
#                     maximum for the fitness function.
#                     Valid values are in: c('min', 'max')
# 'npart'           : number of particles that makes the swarm. 
#                     Must be divisible by 5 (requirement for the chaotic part)
# 'maxit'           : numeric, with the maximum number of iterations
# 'c1'              : numeric, representing the cognition constant. 
#                     Encourages the exploitation of the solution space.
#                     How much the particle is influenced by the memory of his best location
# 'c2'              : numeric, representing the social constant. 
#                     Encourages the exploration of the current global best
#                     How much the particle is influenced by the rest of the swarm	
# 'use.CF'          : logical, indicating if the Clerc's Constriction Factor have to be used
#                     to ensure the convergence of the PSO algorithm
# 'lambda'          : numeric in [0,1] representing a percentage to limit
#                     the maximum velocity for each dimension, which is computed
#                     as 'vmax = Vmax.perc*(Xmax-Xmin)'
# 'par'             : OPTIONAL. numeric of length 'n' (number of parameters), 
#                     providing a first guess for the parameters to be optimised. 
#                     If it is not present, all the particles are randomly initialized,
#                     according to the value of \code{Xini.type}
# 'Xini.type'       : character, indicating how to initialise the position of all
#                     the particles in the swarm, within the ranges defined by 
#                     \code{X.Boundaries}. Valid values are: \cr
#                     -) "random": random initialisation
#                     -) "lhs"   : Latin Hypercube initialisation. \bold{it 
#                                  requires the \pkg{lhs} package}
# 'Vini.type        : character, indicating how to initialise the velocity of all
#                     the particles in the swarm, within the ranges defined by 
#                     \code{X.Boundaries}. Valid values are: \cr
#                     -) 0       : all the particles are initialised with zero velocity
#                     -) "random": random initialisation
#                     -) "lhs"   : Latin Hypercube initialisation. \bold{it 
#                                  requires the \pkg{lhs} package}
# 'best.update'     : character, indicating when to update the global and local best
#                     Valid values are: \cr
#                     -) "sync" : the update is made in a synchronous way, i.e., 
#                                 after computing the position and fitness of 
#                                 ALL the particles in the swarm
#                     -) "async": the update is made in an asynchronous way, i.e., 
#                                 after computing the position and fitness of 
#                                 EACH particle in the swarm
# 'boundary.wall'   : Boundary treatment that is used to limit the sea
#                     the limits given by 'X.Boundaries'.
#                     Valid values are: 'absorbing', 'reflecting' and 'invisible'
#                     See  \citet{RobinsonRahmatSamii2004}
# 'topology'        : character, with the neighbourhood topology to be used in PSO. 
#                     Valid values are in \code{c('gbest', 'lbest', 'ipso')}:
#                      \kbd{gbest}: every particle is connected to every other individual,
#                                   and in particular to the best one. This is 
#                                   also termed \textit{star} topology, and it is 
#                                   generally assumed to have a fast convergence. 
#                                   However, if the global optimum is not close 
#                                   to the attraction zone of the best particle, 
#                                   the swarm can get trapped into local optima.
#                                   see Kennedy 1999; Kennedy and Mendes 2002
#                      \kbd{lbest}: each particle is connected to its \textit{K} 
#                                   immediate neighbours only. This is also termed 
#                                   \textit{circles} or \textit{ring} topology, 
#                                   and generally the swarm will converge slower 
#                                   than with the \kbd{gbest} topology,
#                                   but it has a greater chance to locate the
#                                   global optimum. see Kennedy 1999; Kennedy and Mendes 2002
#                      \kbd{ipso}:  At each iteration, al the particles in the swarm
#                                   are rearranged in descending order according 
#                                   to  their fitness value and the best \kbd{ngbest}
#                                   particles to modify particle's position and velocity. 
#                                   See Zhao 2006.
# 'K'               : OPTIONAL. Only used when \code{topology=='lbest'}
#                     numeric, with the total amount of neighbours of each particle
#                     to be considered in the computation of their personal best.
#                     It MUST BE an even number, in order to consider the same 
#                     amount of neighbours to the left and the right of each particle.
#                     By default \code{K=3}. 
# 'iter.ini'        : OPTIONAL. Only used when \code{topology=='lbest'}
#                     numeric, with the amount of iterations in which the topology 
#                     \kbd{gbest} will be used before starting to use the \kbd{lbest}
#                     topology for the computation of the personal best of each particle.
#                     This argument has not been found in literature, and it aims at
#                     making faster the localization of the global zone of attraction. 
#                     By default \code{iter.ini=0}.
# 'ngbest'          : OPTIONAL. Only used when \code{topology=='ipso'}
#                     numeric, with the amount of particles that will be considered 
#                     in the computation of the global best. \cr
#                     By default \code{ngbest=4}. See Zhao 2006.
# 'use.IW'          : logical, indicating if an inertia weight (\env{w}) will be used
#                     to avoid particles fly around their best position without 
#                     converging into it. See Shi and Eberhart 1998 and Zheng et al. 2003.
# 'IW.type'         : OPTIONAL, only required when \code{use.IW= TRUE}.
#                     character, that defined how to vary the inertia weight 
#                     \env{w} along the iterations. Valid values are: \cr
#                     Valid values are: \cr
#                     -) "linear"    : \env{w} varies linearly between the initial 
#                                       and final values specified by the user 
#                                       in \code{IW.w}. 
#                                       See Shi and Eberhart, 1998. and Zheng et al., 2003
#                     -) "non-linear": \env{w} varies non-linearly between the initial 
#                                       and final values specified by the user 
#                                       in \code{IW.w}. 
#                                       See Chatterjee and Siarry, 2006. \cr
#                     -) "runif"     : \env{w} is a uniform random variable in
#                                       the range [w.min, w.max] specified by the user 
#                                       in \code{IW.w}. It is a generalization of 
#                                       the variation proposed in Eberhart and Shi, 2001b
#                     -) "aiwf"      : Adaptive inertia weight factor, where the 
#                                      inertia weight is varied adaptively 
#                                      depending of the objective values of the particles \cr
#                                      See Liu et al., 2005 \cr
#                     -) "GLratio"   : \env{w} varies according to the ration between 
#                                      the global best and the average of the particle's 
#                                      local best. See Arumugam and Rao, 2008 \cr
# 'IW.w'            : OPTIONAL, only required when \code{use.IW= TRUE & IW.type!='GLratio'}
#                     numeric with the inertia weight(s) (\env{w} or \env{[w.ini, w.fin]}). 
#                     It can be one single number which is then used during all the algorithm, 
#                     or it can be a vector of length 2, with the initial and final values 
#                     (in that order) that \env{w} will take along the iterations
# 'IW.exp'          : OPTIONAL, only required when \code{use.IW= TRUE} AND \code{IW.type= 'non-linear'}
#                     non-linear modulation index. See Chatterjee and Siarry, 2006. \cr
#                     When \code{IW.type='nparamsetslinear'}, \code{IW.exp} is set to 1.
# 'use.TVc1'        : logical, indicating if the cognitive constant (c1) will have
#                     a time-varying value instead of a constant one provided by the user.
#                     See Ratnaweera et al., 2004
# 'TVc1.type'       : character, required only when \code{use.TVc1 = TRUE}.
#                     Valid values are in: \code{c('linear', 'non-linear', 'GLratio')}
# 'TVc1.rng'        : OPTIONAL, only required when \code{use.TVc1= TRUE & TVc1.type!='GLratio'}
#                     numeric with the initial and final values for the cognitive 
#                     constant \env{[c1.ini, c1.fin]} (in that order) along the iterations
# 'TVc1.exp'        : OPTIONAL, only required when \code{use.TVc1= TRUE} AND ('TVc1.type'= "non-linear"). \cr
#                     non-linear modulation index. When  \code{TVc1.type= 'linear} 
#                     \code{TVc1.exp} is set to 1.   
#                     When \code{TVc1.exp} is equal to 1, \code{TVc1} corresponds 
#                     to the improvement proposed by Ratnaweera et al., 2004,
#                     whereas when \code{TVc1.exp} is different from one, no reference 
#                     has been found in literature by the authors, but it was included 
#                     as an option taking into account the work of Chatterjee and 
#                     Siarry 2006 for the inertia weight.\cr                      
# 'use.TVc2'        : logical, indicating if the social constant (c2) will have
#                     a time-varying value instead of a constant one provided by the user.
#                     See Ratnaweera et al., 2004
# 'TVc2.type'       : character, required only when \code{use.TVc2 = TRUE}.
#                     Valid values are in: \code{c('linear', 'non-linear')}
# 'TVc2.rng'        : OPTIONAL, only required when \code{use.TVc2= TRUE}
#                     numeric with the initial and final values for the social 
#                     constant \env{[c2.ini, c2.fin]} (in that order) 
#                     for \env{c1} along the iterations
# 'TVc2.exp'        : OPTIONAL, only required when \code{use.TVc1= TRUE} AND ('TVc1.type'= "non-linear"). \cr
#                     non-linear modulation index. When  \code{TVc1.type= 'linear} 
#                     \code{TVc1.exp} is set to 1. 
#                     When \code{TVc2.exp} is equal to 1, \code{TVc2} corresponds 
#                     to the improvement proposed by Ratnaweera et al., 2004,
#                     whereas when \code{TVc2.exp} is different from one, no reference 
#                     has been found in literature by the authors, but it was included 
#                     as an option taking into account the work of Chatterjee and 
#                     Siarry 2006 for the inertia weight.\cr  
# 'use.RG'          : logical, indicating if the swarm should be regrouped when 
#                     premature convergence is detected. When \code{use.RG=TRUE} 
#                     the swarm is regrouped in a search space centred about gbest,
#                     which is hoped to be both small enough for efficient search 
#                     and large enough to allow the swarm to escape from stagnation. 
#                     See Evers and Ghalia 2009
# 'RG.thr'          : ONLY required when \code{use.RG=TRUE}. \cr
#                     numeric with a positive value representing the 
#                     \kbd{stagnation threshold}, which is used to decide if the 
#                     swarm has to be regrouped or not. See Evers and Galia 2009 
#                     for further details \cr
#                     Regrouping occurs when the \kbd{normalised swarm radius} 
#                     is less than \code{RG.thr}.                   
# 'RG.r'            : ONLY required when \code{use.RG=TRUE}. \cr
#                     numeric with a positive value representing the 
#                     \kbd{regrouping factor}, which is used to regroup the swarm 
#                     in a search space centred about the global best, which is 
#                     hoped to be both small enough for efficient search and 
#                     large enough to allow the swarm escape from the current well. 
#                     See Evers and Galia 2009 for further details 
# 'RG.miniter'      : ONLY required when \code{use.RG=TRUE}. \cr
#                     numeric with the minimum number of iterations needed before 
#                     regrouping
# 'psoout.drty'     : character, with the name of the directory where the output 
#                     files will be written
# 'use.DS'          : Boolean. It indicates if the solution space will be decreased 
#                     when the particles are stagned around gbest
# 'DS.dmin'         : Real between 0 and 1, indicating the minimum length of 
#                     each dimension accepted by the user. 
#                     Only required when 'use.DS' = TRUE 
# 'DS.tol'          : Real. Tolerance that will be used for deciding when
#                     to decrease the solution space 
#                     It starts when 'gbest.fit.rate' < DS.tol, 
#                     gbest.fit.rate = abs( [gbest.fit(n)-gbest.fit(n-1)/gbest.fit(n) )
#                     Only required when 'use.DS' = TRUE 
# 'DS.r'            : Real between 0 and 1. 
#                     represents the rate that is used for decreasing the 
#                     searching space 
#                     Only required when 'use.DS' = TRUE 
# 'out.with.pbest'  : Logical, indicating if the best parameter values for each 
#                     particle and their fitness has to be included in the output 
#                     of the algorithm 
# 'out.with.fit.iter: Logical,indicating if the fitness of each particle and in 
#                     each iteration has to be included in the output of the algorithm
# 'write2disk'      : Logical, indicating if output files have to be written to
#                     the disk or not  
# 'param.ranges'    : character, with the name of the file that stores the desired 
#                     range of variation for each
# 'verbose'         : logical, should progress messages be printed ?
# 'REPORT'          : OPTIONAL, only used when \code{verbose=TRUE}.
#                     The frequency of report messages printed to the screen. Default
#                     to every 10 iterations

hydroPSO <- function(
                    method=c("spso2011", "spso2007", "ipso", "fips", "wfips", "canonical"),
                    ) {

    # 0) Checkings and Basic computations - Start                          #

    if (!missing(par)) { 
      if (class(par)=="numeric") {
	n <- length(par)
      } else if ( (class(par)=="matrix") | (class(par)=="data.frame") ) {
	  n <- ncol(par)
	} # ELSE IF end
    } else n <- NULL

    if (missing(fn)) {
      stop("Missing argument: 'fn' must be provided")
    } else 
        if ( is.character(fn) | is.function(fn) )  {
          if (is.character(fn)) {
            if (fn=="hydromod") {
              fn.name <- fn
	      fn      <- match.fun(fn)
            } else if (fn=="hydromodInR") {
                fn.name <- fn
	              fn      <- match.fun(model.FUN)
              } else stop("Invalid argument: valid character values for 'fn' are only: c('hydromod', 'hydromodInR')")
	  } else if (is.function(fn)) {
	      fn.name <- as.character(substitute(fn))
	      fn      <- fn
	    } # ELSE end
        } else stop("Missing argument: 'class(fn)' must be in c('function', 'character')")

    method <- match.arg(method)       

    if (length(lower) != length(upper) )
      stop( "Invalid argument: 'length(lower) != length(upper) (", length(lower), "!=", length(upper), ")'" )

    if (!is.null(n)) {
       if (length(lower) != n)
	 stop( "Invalid argument: 'length(lower) != nparam (", length(lower), "!=", n, ")'" )             
       if (length(upper) != n)
	 stop( "Invalid argument: 'length(upper) != nparam (", length(lower), "!=", n, ")'" )
    } else n <- length(lower)      


    con <- list(

	    MinMax=c("min", "max"), 
	    c1= 0.5+log(2), 
	    c2= 0.5+log(2), 
	    use.IW= TRUE, IW.w=1/(2*log(2)), IW.type=c("linear", "non-linear", "runif", "aiwf", "GLratio"), IW.exp= 1, 
	    use.CF= FALSE, 
	    lambda= 1,

	    abstol= NULL,    
	    Xini.type=c("random", "lhs"),  
	    Vini.type=c(NA, "random2011", "lhs2011", "random2007", "lhs2007",  "zero"), 
	    best.update=c("sync", "async"),
	    boundary.wall=c(NA, "absorbing2011", "absorbing2007", "reflecting", "damping", "invisible"),
	    topology=c("random", "gbest", "lbest", "vonNeumann"), K=3, 
	    iter.ini=0, # only used when 'topology=lbest'   
	    ngbest=4,   # only used when 'method=ipso'   

	    use.TVc1= FALSE, TVc1.rng= c(1.28, 1.05), TVc1.type=c("linear", "non-linear", "GLratio"), TVc1.exp= 1, 
	    use.TVc2= FALSE, TVc2.rng= c(1.05, 1.28), TVc2.type=c("linear", "non-linear"), TVc2.exp= 1, 
	    use.TVlambda=FALSE, TVlambda.rng= c(1, 0.25), TVlambda.type=c("linear", "non-linear"), TVlambda.exp= 1, 
	    use.RG = FALSE, RG.thr= 1.1e-4, RG.r= 0.8, RG.miniter= 5, # RG.r not used in reagrouping

	    parallel=c("none", "multicore", "parallel", "parallelWin"),
	    par.pkgs= c()

    MinMax        <- match.arg(control[["MinMax"]], con[["MinMax"]])    
    Xini.type     <- match.arg(control[["Xini.type"]], con[["Xini.type"]])     
    Vini.type     <- match.arg(control[["Vini.type"]], con[["Vini.type"]])     
    Vini.type     <- if (is.na(Vini.type)) { 
                            ifelse(method=="spso2007", "random2007", "random2011")
                     } else Vini.type
    best.update   <- match.arg(control[["best.update"]], con[["best.update"]]) 
    boundary.wall <- match.arg(control[["boundary.wall"]], con[["boundary.wall"]]) 
    boundary.wall <- ifelse(is.na(boundary.wall), 
                            ifelse(method %in% c("spso2007", "canonical"), 
                                   "absorbing2007", "absorbing2011"),
    topology      <- match.arg(control[["topology"]], con[["topology"]]) 
    IW.type       <- match.arg(control[["IW.type"]], con[["IW.type"]])
    TVc1.type     <- match.arg(control[["TVc1.type"]], con[["TVc1.type"]]) 
    TVc2.type     <- match.arg(control[["TVc2.type"]], con[["TVc2.type"]]) 
    TVlambda.type <- match.arg(control[["TVlambda.type"]], con[["TVlambda.type"]])
    parallel      <- match.arg(control[["parallel"]], con[["parallel"]])    
    nmsC <- names(con)
    con[(namc <- names(control))] <- control
    if (length(noNms <- namc[!namc %in% nmsC])) 
      warning("[Unknown names in control: ", paste(noNms, collapse = ", "), " (not used) !]")	       

    drty.in           <- con[["drty.in"]]
    drty.out          <- con[["drty.out"]]
    param.ranges      <- con[["param.ranges"]]         
    digits            <- con[["digits"]]                    
    npart             <- ifelse(is.na(con[["npart"]]), 
                                ifelse(method=="spso2007", floor(10+2*sqrt(n)), 40),
                                con[["npart"]] )                                 
    maxit             <- con[["maxit"]] 
    maxfn             <- con[["maxfn"]] 
    c1                <- ifelse(method=="canonical", 2.05, con[["c1"]])
    c2                <- ifelse(method=="canonical", 2.05, con[["c2"]])
    use.IW            <- ifelse(method=="canonical", FALSE, as.logical(con[["use.IW"]]))
    IW.w              <- con[["IW.w"]]
    IW.exp            <- con[["IW.exp"]]
    use.CF            <- ifelse(method=="canonical", TRUE, as.logical(con[["use.CF"]]))
    lambda            <- con[["lambda"]]  
    abstol            <- con[["abstol"]]     
    reltol            <- con[["reltol"]]             
    random.update     <- as.logical(con[["random.update"]])
    K                 <- con[["K"]]      
    iter.ini          <- con[["iter.ini"]]
    ngbest            <- con[["ngbest"]]
    normalise         <- as.logical(con[["normalise"]])             
    use.TVc1          <- as.logical(con[["use.TVc1"]])
    TVc1.rng          <- con[["TVc1.rng"]]
    TVc1.exp          <- con[["TVc1.exp"]]
    use.TVc2          <- as.logical(con[["use.TVc2"]])
    TVc2.rng          <- con[["TVc2.rng"]]
    TVc2.exp          <- con[["TVc2.exp"]]
    use.TVlambda      <- as.logical(con[["use.TVlambda"]])
    TVlambda.rng      <- con[["TVlambda.rng"]]
    TVlambda.exp      <- con[["TVlambda.exp"]]
    use.RG            <- as.logical(con[["use.RG"]])
    RG.thr            <- con[["RG.thr"]]
    RG.r              <- con[["RG.r"]]
    RG.miniter        <- con[["RG.miniter"]]
    plot              <- as.logical(con[["plot"]])            
    out.with.pbest    <- as.logical(con[["out.with.pbest"]])
    out.with.fit.iter <- as.logical(con[["out.with.fit.iter"]])
    write2disk        <- as.logical(con[["write2disk"]])
    verbose           <- as.logical(con[["verbose"]])
    REPORT            <- con[["REPORT"]] 
    par.nnodes        <- con[["par.nnodes"]]
    par.pkgs          <- con[["par.pkgs"]] 

    ######################### Dummy checkings ##################################

    if (maxit < REPORT) {
      REPORT <- maxit
      warning("[ 'REPORT' is greater than 'maxit' => 'REPORT=maxit' ]")
    } # IF end

    if ( (lambda < 0) | (lambda >1) )
      stop("Invalid argument: 'lambda' has to be in [0, 1] !!")

    if ( K > npart ) {
      K <- npart
      warning("[ 'K' is greater than 'npart' => 'K=npart' ]")
    } # IF end

    if ( (K < 1) | (floor(K) != K) ) {
      K <- npart
      stop("'K' must be a positive integer (> 0) !!'")
    } # IF end
    if ( ("gof.Ini" %in% names(model.FUN.args)) ) {
      gof.Ini.exists <- TRUE
    } else gof.Ini.exists <- FALSE
    if ( ("gof.Fin" %in% names(model.FUN.args)) ) {
      gof.Fin.exists <- TRUE 
    } else gof.Fin.exists <- FALSE
    if ( ("date.fmt" %in% names(model.FUN.args)) ) {
      date.fmt.exists <- TRUE
    } else date.fmt.exists <- FALSE

    # 1)                              Initialisation                           #
    if (verbose) message("                                                                                ")          
    if (verbose) message("================================================================================")
    if (verbose) message("[                                Initialising  ...                             ]")
    if (verbose) message("================================================================================")
    if (verbose) message("                                                                                ")        

    tmp.stg <- c("npart", "maxit", "method", "topology", "boundary.wall")
    tmp.val <- c(npart, maxit, method, topology, boundary.wall)
    message("[", paste(tmp.stg, tmp.val, collapse = " ; ", sep="="), "]")

    if (length(yesNms <- namc[namc %in% nmsC])) {          
      yesVals <- con[pmatch(namc[namc %in% nmsC], nmsC)][c(yesNms)]
      message("         ")
      message("[ user-definitions in control: ", paste(yesNms, yesVals, collapse = " ; ", sep="="), " ]")
      message("         ")          
    } # IF end

    if (fn.name=="hydromod") {

      if (drty.in == basename(drty.in) )
        drty.in <- paste( getwd(), "/", drty.in, sep="")

      if ( !file.exists( file.path(drty.in) ) )
        stop( "Invalid argument: The directory '", drty.in, "' doesn't exist !" )

      if (param.ranges == basename(param.ranges) )
        param.ranges <- paste( file.path(drty.in), "/", param.ranges, sep="")

      if ( !file.exists( param.ranges ) )
        stop( "Invalid argument: The file '", param.ranges, "' doesn't exist !" ) 

      if ( is.null(model.FUN) ) {
        stop( "'model.FUN' has to be defined !" )
      } else  {
          model.FUN.name <- model.FUN
          model.FUN      <- match.fun(model.FUN)
        } # ELSE end

      if ( length(model.FUN.args)==0 ) {
        warning( "['model.FUN.args' is an empty list. Are you sure your model does not have any argument(s) ?]" )
      } else {
          model.FUN.argsDefaults <- formals(model.FUN)
          model.FUN.args         <- modifyList(model.FUN.argsDefaults, model.FUN.args) 
        } # ELSE end

    } # IF end   

    if (fn.name=="hydromodInR") {					
      if ( is.null(model.FUN) ) {
        stop( "'model.FUN' has to be defined !" )
      } else  {
          model.FUN.name <- as.character(substitute(model.FUN))
          model.FUN      <- match.fun(model.FUN)   
        } # ELSE end

      if (!("param.values" %in% names(formals(model.FUN)) ))
        stop("[ Invalid argument: 'param.values' must be the first argument of the 'model.FUN' function! ]")

      if (!("obs" %in% names(formals(model.FUN)) )) 
        stop("[ Invalid argument: 'obs' must be an argument of the 'model.FUN' function! ]")
      model.FUN.argsDefaults <- formals(model.FUN)
      if ( length(model.FUN.args) > 0 ) {
        model.FUN.args <- modifyList(model.FUN.argsDefaults, model.FUN.args) 
      } else model.FUN.args <- model.FUN.argsDefaults

    } # IF end   

    # checking 'X.Boundaries' 
    if (fn.name=="hydromod") {

        if (verbose) message("================================================================================")
        if (verbose) message("[                          Reading 'param.ranges' ...                          ]")
        if (verbose) message("================================================================================") 

        X.Boundaries <- read.ParameterRanges(ParamRanges.fname=param.ranges) 

        lower <- X.Boundaries[,1]
        upper <- X.Boundaries[,2]

    } else {
        if ( (lower[1L] == -Inf) || (upper[1L] == Inf) ) {
          stop( "Invalid argument: 'lower' and 'upper' boundaries must be finite !!'" )
        } else X.Boundaries <- cbind(lower, upper)              
      } # ELSE end

    n <- nrow(X.Boundaries)
    if (is.null(rownames(X.Boundaries))) {
      param.IDs <- paste("Param", 1:n, sep="")
    } else param.IDs <- rownames(X.Boundaries)
    if (normalise) {
      # Backing up the original boundaries
      lower.ini <- lower
      upper.ini <- upper
      X.Boundaries.ini <- X.Boundaries
      LOWER.ini <- matrix( rep(lower.ini, npart), nrow=npart, byrow=TRUE)
      UPPER.ini <- matrix( rep(upper.ini, npart), nrow=npart, byrow=TRUE)
      # normalising
      lower <- rep(0, n)
      upper <- rep(1, n)
      X.Boundaries <- cbind(lower, upper)
      rownames(X.Boundaries) <- param.IDs
    } # IF end

    if (drty.out == basename(drty.out) )
      drty.out <- paste( getwd(), "/", drty.out, sep="")

    if (!file.exists(file.path(drty.out))) {
      if (write2disk) {
	if (verbose) message("                                            ")
	if (verbose) message("[ Output directory '", basename(drty.out), "' was created on: '", dirname(drty.out), "' ]") 
	if (verbose) message("                                            ")
      } # IF end
    } # IF end  

    if (is.null(abstol)) 
      if (MinMax == "max") {
        abstol <- +Inf
      } else abstol <- -Inf

    if (Xini.type=="lhs") { 
	if ( length(find.package("lhs", quiet=TRUE)) == 0 ) {
	    warning("[ Package 'lhs' is not installed =>  Xini.type='random' ]")
	    Xini.type <- "random"
	}  # IF end  
    } # IF end

    if (Vini.type %in% c("lhs2011", "lhs2007")) { 
	if ( length(find.package("lhs", quiet=TRUE)) == 0 ) {
	    warning("[ Package 'lhs' is not installed =>  Vini.type='random2011' ]")
	    Vini.type <- "random2011"
	}  # IF end  
    } # IF end

    if (use.IW) {
       w <- IW.w   

       if (length(w) == 2) {    
	   w.ini <- w[1] #initial inertial weight at the start of a given run
	   w.fin <- w[2] #final inertial weight at the end of a given run
       } else if (length(w) == 1) {
	      w.ini <- w
	      w.fin <- w
	 } else stop("Invalid argument: 'length(w)' must be 1 or 2 !!")

       if  (IW.type == "linear") {
	   if (IW.exp != 1) {
	     warning("[ IW.type == 'linear' => 'IW.exp=1' ]")
	     IW.exp= 1 
	   } # IF end
       } # IF end                
    } # IF end

    if (use.CF) {
      if (c1+c2 < 4) stop("Invalid argument: 'c1+c2' must be >= 4 when 'use.CF=TRUE'")
      CF <- compute.CF(c1, c2)

      if ( use.TVc1 ) stop("Invalid argument: You can not use 'TVc1' when 'use.CF=TRUE'")
      if ( use.TVc2 ) stop("Invalid argument: You can not use 'TVc2' when 'use.CF=TRUE'")
    } else CF <- 1  

    if ( use.IW & use.CF ) 
      stop("Invalid argument: Inertia Weight and Constriction Factor can not be used simultaneously !!")       

    if (use.TVc1) {         
       c1.ini <- TVc1.rng[1]
       c1.fin <- TVc1.rng[2]                
       if  (TVc1.type == "linear") {
	   if (TVc1.exp != 1) {
	     warning("[ TVc1.type == 'linear' => 'TVc1.exp=1' ]")
	     TVc1.exp= 1 
	   } # IF end
       } # IF end              
    } # IF end

    if (use.TVc2) {      
       c2.ini <- TVc2.rng[1]
       c2.fin <- TVc2.rng[2]                  
       if  (TVc2.type == "linear") {
	   if (TVc2.exp != 1) {
	     warning("[ TVc2.type == 'linear' => 'TVc2.exp=1' ]")
	     TVc2.exp= 1 
	   } # IF end
       } # IF end             
    } # IF end

    if (use.TVlambda) {            
       # Computing ('vmax.ini', 'vmax.fin') 
       vmax.ini <- TVlambda.rng[1]
       vmax.fin <- TVlambda.rng[2]                  
       if  (TVlambda.type == "linear") {
	   if (TVlambda.exp != 1) {
	     warning("[ TVlambda.type == 'linear' => 'TVlambda.exp=1' ]")
	     TVlambda.exp= 1 
	   } # IF end
       } # IF end             
    } # IF end

    if ( (topology == "lbest") | (topology == "random") ) {

       if (topology == "lbest") {
	 if (K != npart) {
	   if ( (trunc((K-1)/2) -(K-1)/2) != 0 )
	       stop("Invalid argument: 'K' must be odd" )
	 } # IF end
       } # IF end
    } else if (topology=="vonNeumann") {
	   topology <- "lbest"
	   if (npart < 5) stop("Invalid argument: for 'vonNeumann' topology 'npart' should be >= 5 !!")
	   if (K != 5) K <- 5
	   } else if (topology == "gbest") {
	       K <- npart  
	     } # ELSE end

    if ( method == "ipso" ) {
       if ( (ngbest < 1) | (ngbest > npart) )
	 stop("Invalid argument: 'ngbest' must be in [1, 'npart]'" )

       if ( topology!="gbest") {
	 if (verbose) warning("[ Note: 'method=ipso' => 'topology' was changed to 'gbest' !]" )
	 topology <- "gbest"
       } # IF end
    } # IF end

    Lmax <- (X.Boundaries[ ,2] - X.Boundaries[ ,1])        
    ##                                parallel                                 #
    if (parallel != "none") {
    #  if ( ( (parallel=="multicore") | (parallel=="parallel") ) & 
    #     ( (R.version$os=="mingw32") | (R.version$os=="mingw64") ) )
    #     stop("[ Fork clusters are not supported on Windows =>  'parallel' can not be set to '", parallel, "' ]")

    if (parallel=="multicore") {
       warning("[ Package 'parallel' is not available anymore in CRAN. It was changed to 'parallel='parallel' ]")
       parallel <- "parallel"
    } # IF end
    ifelse(parallel=="parallelWin", parallel.pkg <- "parallel",  parallel.pkg <- parallel) 
    if ( length(find.package(parallel.pkg, quiet=TRUE)) == 0 ) {               
      warning("[ Package '", parallel.pkg, "' is not installed =>  parallel='none' ]")
      parallel <- "none"
    }  else { 
         if (verbose) message("                               ")
         if (verbose) message("[ Parallel initialization ... ]")
         fn1 <- function(i, x) fn(x[i,])

         nnodes.pc <- parallel::detectCores()
         if (verbose) message("[ Number of cores/nodes detected: ", nnodes.pc, " ]")
         if ( (parallel=="parallel") | (parallel=="parallelWin") ) {             
            logfile.fname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "parallel_logfile.txt", sep="") 
            if (file.exists(logfile.fname)) file.remove(logfile.fname)
         } # IF end
         if (is.na(par.nnodes)) {
           par.nnodes <- nnodes.pc
         } else if (par.nnodes > nnodes.pc) {
             warning("[ 'nnodes' > number of detected cores (", par.nnodes, ">", nnodes.pc, ") =>  par.nnodes=", nnodes.pc, " ] !",)
             par.nnodes <- nnodes.pc
           } # ELSE end
         if (par.nnodes > npart) {
           warning("[ 'par.nnodes' > npart (", par.nnodes, ">", npart, ") =>  par.nnodes=", npart, " ] !")
           par.nnodes <- npart
         } # ELSE end  
         if (verbose) message("[ Number of cores/nodes used    : ", par.nnodes, " ]")                 
         if (parallel=="parallel") {
                    cl <- parallel::makeForkCluster(nnodes = par.nnodes, outfile=logfile.fname),
                    cl <- parallel::makeForkCluster(nnodes = par.nnodes) )         
         } else if (parallel=="parallelWin") {      
                    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(par.nnodes, outfile=logfile.fname),
                    cl <- parallel::makeCluster(par.nnodes) )
             pckgFn <- function(packages) {
               for(i in packages) library(i, character.only = TRUE)
             } # 'packFn' END
             parallel::clusterCall(cl, pckgFn, par.pkgs)
             parallel::clusterExport(cl, ls.str(mode="function",envir=.GlobalEnv) )
             if (fn.name=="hydromod") {
               parallel::clusterExport(cl, model.FUN.args$out.FUN)
               parallel::clusterExport(cl, model.FUN.args$gof.FUN)
             } # IF end                   
           } # ELSE end                   
           if (fn.name=="hydromod") {
             if (!("model.drty" %in% names(formals(hydromod)) )) {
                stop("[ Invalid argument: 'model.drty' has to be an argument of the 'hydromod' function! ]")
             } else { # Copying the files in 'model.drty' as many times as the number of cores
                 model.drty <- path.expand(model.FUN.args$model.drty)
                 files <- list.files(model.drty, full.names=TRUE, include.dirs=TRUE) 
                 tmp <- which(basename(files)=="parallel")
                 if (length(tmp) > 0) files <- files[-tmp]
                 parallel.drty <- paste(file.path(model.drty), "/parallel", sep="")

                 if (file.exists(parallel.drty)) {                      
                   if (verbose) message("[ Removing the 'parallel' directory ... ]")    
                   try(unlink(parallel.drty, recursive=TRUE, force=TRUE))
                 } # IF end 

                 mc.dirs <- character(par.nnodes)
                 if (verbose) message("                                                     ")
                 for (i in 1:par.nnodes) {
                   mc.dirs[i] <- paste(parallel.drty, "/", i, "/", sep="")
                   if (verbose) message("[ Copying model input files to directory '", mc.dirs[i], "' ... ]")
                   file.copy(from=files, to=mc.dirs[i], overwrite=TRUE, recursive=TRUE)
                 } # FOR end
                 tmp       <- ceiling(npart/par.nnodes)        
                 part.dirs <- rep(mc.dirs, tmp)[1:npart]  
               } # ELSE end                 
           } # IF end
         } # ELSE end  
    }  # IF end    

    # 2) Initialization of Swarm location and velocities                       #

    X.Boundaries.current <- X.Boundaries

    Vmax  <- lambda*Lmax

    X <- InitializateX(npart=npart, x.MinMax=X.Boundaries, x.ini.type=Xini.type)
    V <- InitializateV(npart=npart, x.MinMax=X.Boundaries, v.ini.type=Vini.type, 
    V <- matrix( apply(V, MARGIN=1, FUN=velocity.boundary.treatment, vmax=Vmax), nrow=npart,byrow=TRUE)

    if (!missing(par)) {
      if (!any(is.na(par)) && all(t(par)>=lower) && all(t(par)<=upper)) { 
	if (class(par)=="numeric") {
	  X[1,] <- par 
	} else if ( (class(par)=="matrix") | (class(par)=="data.frame") ) {
	  tmp <- ncol(par)
	  if ( tmp != n )
	    stop( "Invalid argument: 'ncol(par) != n' (",tmp, "!=", n, ")" )
	  tmp <- nrow(par)
	  X[1:tmp,] <- par 
	} # ELSE end
      } # IF end  
    } # IF end

    X.best.part <- X

    # Worst possible value defined for the objective function
    if(MinMax == "max") { 
      fn.worst.value <- -.Machine$double.xmax/2
    } else fn.worst.value <- +.Machine$double.xmax/2
    pbest.fit            <- rep(fn.worst.value, npart)     
    pbest.fit.iter       <- fn.worst.value
    pbest.fit.iter.prior <- fn.worst.value*2
    gbest.fit       <- fn.worst.value
    gbest.fit.iter  <- rep(gbest.fit, maxit)
    gbest.fit.prior <- gbest.fit
    gbest.pos       <- 1

    Xt.fitness <- matrix(rep(NA, maxit*npart), ncol=npart, nrow=maxit, byrow=TRUE)       

    if (topology != "random") {
      nc <- K  
      if (trunc(K/2) != ceiling(K/2)) {
        N   <- (K-1)/2
      } else N  <- K/2
      if (trunc(K/2) != ceiling(K/2)) {
        NN  <- 1
      } else NN  <- 0

      X.neighbours <- matrix(rep(-NA, nc*npart), ncol=nc, nrow=npart, byrow=TRUE)
      for ( i in 1:npart) {
	for ( j in -N:N ) {
	  neigh.index <- i + j
	  if ( neigh.index  < 1 )           neigh.index <- npart + neigh.index
	  if ( neigh.index  > npart ) neigh.index <- neigh.index - npart

	  X.neighbours[i,j+N+NN] <- neigh.index
	} # FOR end
      } # FOR end                      
    } # IF end 

    LocalBest.fit <- rep(fn.worst.value, npart)

    LocalBest.pos <- 1:npart

    if ( topology == "ipso") { 
      ngbest.fit <- rep(fn.worst.value, ngbest)

      ngbest.pos <- rep(1, ngbest)
    } else {
	ngbest.fit <- NA           
	ngbest.pos <- NA
      } # ELSE end

    #                          Text Files initialization                       #
    if (write2disk) {

      if (verbose) message("                                                                                ")
      if (verbose) message("================================================================================")
      if (verbose) message("[ Writing the 'PSO_logfile.txt' file ...                                       ]")
      if (verbose) message("================================================================================") 

      PSOparam.fname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "PSO_logfile.txt", sep="")
      PSOparam.TextFile  <- file(PSOparam.fname , "w+")
      writeLines("================================================================================", PSOparam.TextFile)  
      writeLines(c("hydroPSO version  :", sessionInfo()$otherPkgs$hydroPSO$Version), PSOparam.TextFile, sep="  ")
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("hydroPSO Built    :", sessionInfo()$otherPkgs$hydroPSO$Built), PSOparam.TextFile, sep="  ")
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("R version         :", sessionInfo()[[1]]$version.string), PSOparam.TextFile, sep="  ")
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("Platform          :", sessionInfo()[[1]]$platform), PSOparam.TextFile, sep="  ")
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines("================================================================================", PSOparam.TextFile)  
      Time.Ini <- Sys.time()
      writeLines(c("Starting Time     :", date()), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ")
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines("================================================================================", PSOparam.TextFile)  
      writeLines(c("Objective Function:", fn.name), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("MinMax            :", MinMax), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("Dimension         :", n), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("Nmbr of Particles :", npart), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("Max Iterations    :", maxit), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("Method            :", method), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      if ( method == "ipso" ) {
	writeLines(c("ngbest           :", ngbest), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile)  
      } # IF end
      writeLines(c("Topology          :", topology), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile)  
      if ( (topology == "lbest") | (topology == "random") ) {
	writeLines(c("K                 :", K), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile)  
	writeLines(c("iter.ini          :", iter.ini), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile)  
      } # IF end
      writeLines(c("Boundary wall     :", boundary.wall), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("normalise         :", normalise), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("Xini.type         :", Xini.type), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("Vini.type         :", Vini.type), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ")
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile)  
      writeLines(c("Best update method:", best.update), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("Random update     :", random.update), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      if (use.TVc1) {
	writeLines(c("use.TVc1          :", use.TVc1), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines(c("TVc1.rng          :", TVc1.rng), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines(c("TVc1.type         :", TVc1.type), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines(c("TVc1.exp          :", TVc1.exp), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      } else {
        writeLines(c("c1                :", c1), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
        writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      } # ELSE end
      if (use.TVc2) {
	writeLines(c("use.TVc2          :", use.TVc2), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines(c("TVc2.rng          :", TVc2.rng), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines(c("TVc2.type         :", TVc2.type), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines(c("TVc2.exp          :", TVc2.exp), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      } else {
        writeLines(c("c2                :", c2), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
        writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      } # ELSE end 
      writeLines(c("use.IW            :", use.IW), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      if (use.IW) {
	writeLines(c("IW.w              :", IW.w), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
	if ( length(IW.w) > 1 ) {
  	  writeLines(c("IW.type           :", IW.type), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	  writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
	  writeLines(c("IW.exp            :", IW.exp), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	  writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
	} # IF end
      }  # IF end
      if (use.TVlambda) {
	writeLines(c("use.TVlambda      :", use.TVlambda), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines(c("TVlambda.rng      :", TVlambda.rng), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines(c("TVlambda.type     :", TVlambda.type), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines(c("TVlambda.exp      :", TVlambda.exp), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      } else {
        writeLines(c("lambda            :", lambda), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
        writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile)   
      }  # ELSE end
      writeLines(c("use.RG            :", use.RG), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      if (use.RG) {
        writeLines(c("RG.thr            :", RG.thr), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines(c("RG.r              :", RG.r), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines(c("RG.miniter        :", RG.miniter), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 	
      }  # IF end
      writeLines(c("maxfn             :", maxfn), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ")  
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("abstol            :", abstol), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ")  
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("reltol            :", reltol), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ")  
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile)       
      writeLines(c("parallel          :", parallel), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ")  
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile)  
      if (parallel!="none") {
        writeLines(c("par.nnodes        :", par.nnodes), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile)
	writeLines(c("par.pkgs          :", par.pkgs), PSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile)     
      } # IF end

      # File 'Model_out.txt' #
      OFout.Text.fname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "Model_out.txt", sep="")
      OFout.Text.file  <- file(OFout.Text.fname, "w+")
      writeLines(c("Iter", "Part", "GoF", "Model_Output"), OFout.Text.file, sep="  ") 
      writeLines("", OFout.Text.file) 

      # File 'Particles.txt' #
      Particles.Textfname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "Particles.txt", sep="")
      Particles.TextFile  <- file(Particles.Textfname, "w+")
      writeLines(c("Iter", "Part", "GoF", param.IDs), Particles.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", Particles.TextFile) 

      # File 'Velocities.txt' #
      Velocities.Textfname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "Velocities.txt", sep="")
      Velocities.TextFile  <- file(Velocities.Textfname, "w+")
      writeLines(c("Iter", "Part", "GoF", param.IDs), Velocities.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", Velocities.TextFile) 

      # File 'ConvergenceMeasures.txt' #
      ConvergenceMeasures.Textfname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "ConvergenceMeasures.txt", sep="")
      ConvergenceMeasures.TextFile  <- file(ConvergenceMeasures.Textfname, "w+")
      writeLines(c("Iter", "Gbest", "GbestRate[%]", "IterBestFit", "normSwarmRadius", "|gbest-mean(pbest)|/mean(pbest)[%]"), ConvergenceMeasures.TextFile, sep=" ") 
      writeLines("", ConvergenceMeasures.TextFile) 

      # File 'BestParamPerIter.txt' #
      BestParamPerIter.Textfname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "BestParamPerIter.txt", sep="")
      BestParamPerIter.TextFile  <- file(BestParamPerIter.Textfname, "w+")
      writeLines(c("Iter", "GoF", param.IDs), BestParamPerIter.TextFile, sep="  ") 
      writeLines("", BestParamPerIter.TextFile) 
      # File 'PbestPerIter.txt' #
      PbestPerIter.Textfname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "PbestPerIter.txt", sep="")
      PbestPerIter.TextFile  <- file(PbestPerIter.Textfname, "w+")
      writeLines(c("Iter", paste("Part", 1:npart, sep="") ), PbestPerIter.TextFile, sep="  ") 
      writeLines("", PbestPerIter.TextFile) 
      # File 'LocalBestPerIter.txt' #
      LocalBestPerIter.Textfname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "LocalBestPerIter.txt", sep="")
      LocalBestPerIter.TextFile  <- file(LocalBestPerIter.Textfname, "w+")
      writeLines(c("Iter", paste("Part", 1:npart, sep="") ), LocalBestPerIter.TextFile, sep="  ") 
      writeLines("", LocalBestPerIter.TextFile) 

      if (use.RG) {
	# File 'Xmin.txt' #
	Xmin.Text.fname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "Xmin.txt", sep="")
	Xmin.Text.file  <- file(Xmin.Text.fname, "w+")
	writeLines(c("Iter", param.IDs), Xmin.Text.file, sep="  ") 
	writeLines("", Xmin.Text.file) 
	writeLines(as.character(c(1, X.Boundaries[,1])), Xmin.Text.file, sep=" ")
	writeLines("", Xmin.Text.file) 

	# File 'Xmax.txt' #
	Xmax.Text.fname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "Xmax.txt", sep="")
	Xmax.Text.file  <- file(Xmax.Text.fname, "w+")
	writeLines(c("Iter", param.IDs ), Xmax.Text.file, sep="  ")
	writeLines("", Xmax.Text.file)  
	writeLines(as.character(c(1, X.Boundaries[,2])), Xmax.Text.file, sep=" ")
	writeLines("", Xmax.Text.file) 
      } # IF end  

      if ( (fn.name=="hydromod") | (fn.name=="hydromodInR" ) ) {
	# 2)                           Writing Info File

	if (verbose) message("================================================================================")
	if (verbose) message("[ Writing the 'hydroPSO_logfile.txt' file ...                                  ]")
	if (verbose) message("================================================================================") 

	# File 'hydroPSO_logfile.txt' #        
	hydroPSOparam.fname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "hydroPSO_logfile.txt", sep="")
	hydroPSOparam.TextFile  <- file(hydroPSOparam.fname , "w+")
	writeLines("================================================================================", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines(c("Platform               :", sessionInfo()[[1]]$platform), hydroPSOparam.TextFile, sep="  ")
	writeLines("", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines(c("R version              :", sessionInfo()[[1]]$version.string), hydroPSOparam.TextFile, sep="  ")
	writeLines("", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines(c("hydroPSO version       :", sessionInfo()$otherPkgs$hydroPSO$Version), hydroPSOparam.TextFile, sep="  ")
	writeLines("", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines(c("hydroPSO Built         :", sessionInfo()$otherPkgs$hydroPSO$Built), hydroPSOparam.TextFile, sep="  ")
	writeLines("", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines("================================================================================", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
	Time.Ini <- Sys.time()
	writeLines(c("Starting Time          :", date()), hydroPSOparam.TextFile, sep="  ")
	writeLines("", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines("================================================================================", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
	if (fn.name=="hydromod") {
          writeLines(c("PSO Input Directory    :", drty.in), hydroPSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	  writeLines("", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
	  writeLines(c("PSO Output Directory   :", drty.out), hydroPSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	  writeLines("", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
	  writeLines(c("Parameter Ranges       :", basename(param.ranges)), hydroPSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	  writeLines("", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
        } # IF end  
        try(writeLines(c("hydromod function      :", model.FUN.name), hydroPSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") , TRUE)
	writeLines("", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
	if ( (fn.name=="hydromod") | (fn.name=="hydromodInR") ) {
        writeLines(c("hydromod args          :"), hydroPSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	writeLines("", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
	for ( i in 1:length(model.FUN.args) ) {
	  arg.name1  <- names(model.FUN.args)[i]
	  arg.name  <- format(paste("  ", arg.name1, sep=""), width=22, justify="left" )
	  arg.value <- ""
          if (arg.name1 != "param.values") 
            arg.value <- try( as.character( eval( model.FUN.args[[i]]) ), TRUE)
	  writeLines(c(arg.name, ":", arg.value), hydroPSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ") 
	  writeLines("", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
        } # FOR end
      } # IF end
      # Closing the text file

      } # IF 'fn.name' END

    } # IF 'write2disk' end

    GPbest.fit.rate <- Inf

    iter     <- 1
    nfn      <- 1
    nfn.eff  <- 1
    iter.rg  <- 1
    nregroup <- 0

    iter.tv  <- iter
    niter.tv <- maxit

    if (write2disk) {
      OFout.Text.file              <- file(OFout.Text.fname, "a")           
      Particles.TextFile           <- file(Particles.Textfname, "a")  
      Velocities.TextFile          <- file(Velocities.Textfname, "a") 
      ConvergenceMeasures.TextFile <- file(ConvergenceMeasures.Textfname, "a")   
      BestParamPerIter.TextFile    <- file(BestParamPerIter.Textfname, "a")
      PbestPerIter.TextFile        <- file(PbestPerIter.Textfname, "a") 
      LocalBestPerIter.TextFile    <- file(LocalBestPerIter.Textfname, "a") 
      if (use.RG) {
	Xmin.Text.file <- file(Xmin.Text.fname, "a")        
	Xmax.Text.file <- file(Xmax.Text.fname, "a")
      } # IF end
    } # IF end      

    ######################### START Main Iteration Loop ########################
    abstol.conv <- FALSE
    reltol.conv <- FALSE
    improvement <- FALSE

    end.type.stg  <- "Unknown"
    end.type.code <- "-999"

    # 3)                              Main Algorithm                           #
    if (verbose) message("                                                                                ")          
    if (verbose) message("================================================================================")
    if (verbose) message("[                                 Running  PSO ...                             ]")
    if (verbose) message("================================================================================")
    if (verbose) message("                                                                                ")        

    while ( (iter <= maxit)  && (!abstol.conv) && (!reltol.conv) && (nfn.eff <= maxfn) ) { 

      if ( (topology=="random") & (!improvement) ) 
	X.neighbours <- Random.Topology.Generation(npart, K, drty.out, iter)
      ModelOut <- vector("list", npart)
      # IW: linear, non-linear, runif
      if (!use.IW) {
         w <- 1   
      } else {                   
	   if ( (IW.type == "linear") | (IW.type == "non-linear") ) {
	      w <- compute.value.with.iter(iter=iter.tv, niter=niter.tv, 
					   nexp=IW.exp, val.ini=w.ini, 
	   } else if (IW.type == "runif") {
	       w <- runif(1, min=w.ini, max=w.fin)
             } # ELSE end
	} # ELSE end 

        # TVc1: linear, non-linear
	if ( (use.TVc1) & (TVc1.type != "GLratio") ) {
	  if ( (TVc1.type == "linear") | (TVc1.type == "non-linear") )
	     c1 <- compute.value.with.iter(iter=iter.tv, niter=niter.tv, 
					   nexp=TVc1.exp, val.ini=c1.ini, 
	} # If end  

        # TVc2
	if (use.TVc2) 
	  c2 <- compute.value.with.iter(iter=iter.tv, niter=niter.tv, 
					nexp=TVc2.exp, val.ini=c2.ini, 
        # lambda
	if (use.TVlambda) {
	  lambda <- compute.value.with.iter(iter=iter.tv, niter=niter.tv, 
					    nexp=TVlambda.exp, val.ini=vmax.ini, 
	  Vmax   <- lambda*Lmax
	} # IF end  

      if (normalise) {
        Xn <- X * (UPPER.ini - LOWER.ini) + LOWER.ini
        Vn <- V * (UPPER.ini - LOWER.ini) + LOWER.ini
      } else {
          Xn <- X
          Vn <- V
        } # ELSE end

      # 3.a) Evaluate the particles fitness
      if ( (fn.name != "hydromod") & (fn.name != "hydromodInR") ) {
         # Evaluating an R Function 
         if (parallel=="none") {
           GoF <- apply(Xn, fn, MARGIN=1, ...)
         } else             
            if ( (parallel=="parallel") | (parallel=="parallelWin") ) {
                GoF <- parallel::parRapply(cl= cl, x=Xn, FUN=fn, ...)
            } else if (parallel=="multicore")
                GoF <- unlist(parallel::mclapply(1:npart, FUN=fn1, x=Xn, ..., mc.cores=par.nnodes, mc.silent=TRUE)) 
         Xt.fitness[iter, 1:npart] <- GoF
         ModelOut[1:npart]         <- GoF  ###

	 nfn     <- nfn + npart
	 nfn.eff <- nfn.eff + npart

      } else if (fn.name == "hydromod") { # fn.name = "hydromod"       

	     if ("verbose" %in% names(model.FUN.args)) {
	       verbose.FUN <- model.FUN.args[["verbose"]] 
	     } else verbose.FUN <- verbose
	     if (parallel=="none") {
	           out <- lapply(1:npart, hydromod.eval,       
                 } else if ( (parallel=="parallel") | (parallel=="parallelWin") ) {
                     out <- parallel::clusterApply(cl=cl, x=1:npart, fun= hydromod.eval,                                  
                                                   ) # sapply END
#                      out <- parallel::clusterMap(cl=cl, 
#                                                  fun= hydromod.eval.perRow,  
#                                                  part=1:npart,                                
#                                                  part.dir=part.dirs,
#                                                  MoreArgs=list(
#                                                           Particles=Xn, 
#                                                           iter=iter, 
#                                                           npart=npart, 
#                                                           maxit=maxit, 
#                                                           REPORT=REPORT, 
#                                                           verbose=verbose.FUN, 
#                                                           digits=digits, 
#                                                           model.FUN=model.FUN, 
#                                                           model.FUN.args=model.FUN.args, 
#                                                           parallel=parallel, 
#                                                           ncores=par.nnodes
#                                                           )                                                                             
#                                                   ) # sapply END
                   } else if (parallel=="multicore") {
                       out <- parallel::mclapply(1:npart, hydromod.eval,       
                                                  ) # mclapply END
                     } # ELSE end
             for (part in 1:npart){         
                   GoF                    <- out[[part]][["GoF"]] 
                   Xt.fitness[iter, part] <- GoF            
                   ModelOut[[part]]       <- out[[part]][["sim"]]  
                   nfn <- nfn + 1 
                   if(is.finite(GoF)) nfn.eff <- nfn.eff + 1                     
             } #FOR part end               

	} else if (fn.name == "hydromodInR") {
           # Evaluating an R-based model
           if (parallel=="none") {
             out <- apply(Xn, model.FUN, MARGIN=1, ...)
           } else             
               if ( (parallel=="parallel") | (parallel=="parallelWin") ) {
                   out <- parallel::parRapply(cl= cl, x=Xn, FUN=model.FUN, ...)
               } else if (parallel=="multicore")
                   out <- unlist(parallel::mclapply(1:npart, FUN=fn1, x=Xn, ..., mc.cores=par.nnodes, mc.silent=TRUE)) 
            for (part in 1:npart){         
              GoF                    <- out[[part]][["GoF"]] 
              Xt.fitness[iter, part] <- GoF            
              ModelOut[[part]]       <- out[[part]][["sim"]]  
              nfn <- nfn + 1 
              if(is.finite(GoF)) nfn.eff <- nfn.eff + 1                     
             } #FOR part end  
          } # ELSE IF end

      if ( best.update == "sync" ) {
	    tmp <- sync.update.pgbests(x=X, 
				       xt.fitness= Xt.fitness[iter, ], 
				       MinMax= MinMax, 
				       pbest.fit= pbest.fit, 
				       gbest.fit= gbest.fit, 
				       gbest.pos= gbest.pos, 
				       x.best= X.best.part

	    pbest.fit   <- tmp[["pbest"]]
	    X.best.part <- tmp[["x.best"]]
	    gbest.fit   <- tmp[["gbest.fit"]]
	    gbest.pos   <- tmp[["gbest.pos"]]
	    tmp <- UpdateLocalBest(pbest.fit=pbest.fit, 
            LocalBest.fit <- tmp[["localBest.fit"]]
            LocalBest.pos <- tmp[["localBest.pos"]]

            if ( method == "ipso" ) {
               tmp <- UpdateNgbest(pbest.fit=pbest.fit, 
               ngbest.fit <- tmp[["ngbest.fit"]]
               ngbest.pos <- tmp[["ngbest.pos"]]
            } # IF end

      } # IF end 
      # 'X.bak' is only needed to correctly compute the Normalised Swarm Radius
      # for the current iteration
      X.bak <- X           

      ###################   Particles Loop (j) - Start  ########################
      if ( (best.update == "async") & random.update) { 
	index.part.upd <- sample(npart)
      } else index.part.upd <- 1:npart
      for (j in index.part.upd) {
        if (write2disk) {
          GoF <- Xt.fitness[iter, j]
          # File 'Model_Out.txt'          
          if(is.finite(GoF)) {
             writeLines(as.character(c(iter, j, 
				       formatC(GoF, format="E", digits=digits, flag=" "), 
				       formatC(ModelOut[[j]], format="E", digits=digits, flag=" ") ) ), 
			OFout.Text.file, sep="  ")
          } else writeLines(as.character(c(iter, j, "NA", "NA" ) ), OFout.Text.file, sep="  ")
	  writeLines("", OFout.Text.file) 
          # File 'Particles.txt' #
	  if(is.finite(GoF)) {
	    writeLines(as.character( c(iter, j, 
				     formatC(GoF, format="E", digits=digits, flag=" "), #GoF
				     formatC(Xn[j, ], format="E", digits=digits, flag=" ") 
				      ) ), Particles.TextFile, sep="  ") 
	  } else suppressWarnings( writeLines(as.character( c(iter, j, "NA",
					  formatC(Xn[j, ], format="E", digits=digits, flag=" ") 
				      ) ), Particles.TextFile, sep="  ") 
	  writeLines("", Particles.TextFile)
	  # File 'Velocities.txt' #
	  if(is.finite(GoF)) {
	    writeLines( as.character( c(iter, j, 
					formatC(GoF, format="E", digits=digits, flag=" "), # GoF
					formatC(Vn[j, ], format="E", digits=digits, flag=" ")                                            
					) ), Velocities.TextFile, sep="  ") 
	  } else suppressWarnings( writeLines( as.character( c(iter, j, "NA",
					formatC(Vn[j, ], format="E", digits=digits, flag=" ")                                            
					) ), Velocities.TextFile, sep="  ")
	  writeLines("", Velocities.TextFile) 
        } # IF end

	if ( best.update == "async" ) {
	   tmp <- async.update.pgbests(x=X[j,], 
                                       xt.fitness= Xt.fitness[iter, j],
                                       MinMax= MinMax, 
                                       l.pbest.fit= pbest.fit[j], 
                                       gbest.fit= gbest.fit, 
                                       gbest.pos= gbest.pos,
                                       x.best= X.best.part[j, ]

	   pbest.fit[j]    <- tmp[["pbest"]]
	   X.best.part[j,] <- tmp[["x.best"]]       
	   gbest.pos       <- tmp[["gbest.pos"]] 
	   gbest.fit       <- tmp[["gbest.fit"]] 
	   tmp <- UpdateLocalBest(pbest.fit=pbest.fit, 
           LocalBest.fit <- tmp[["localBest.fit"]]
           LocalBest.pos <- tmp[["localBest.pos"]]

           if ( method == "ipso" ) {
              tmp <- UpdateNgbest(pbest.fit=pbest.fit, 
              ngbest.fit <- tmp[["ngbest.fit"]]
              ngbest.pos <- tmp[["ngbest.pos"]]
           } # IF end

	} # IF end  
	### IW, TVc1, Tv2, lambda
	# IW: aiwf, GLratio
	if (use.IW) { 
	  if (IW.type == "aiwf") { 
	        w <- compute.w.aiwf(iter.fit= Xt.fitness[iter, ],
                                    particle.pos =j, 
                                    w.max=max(w.ini, w.fin), 
                                    w.min=min(w.ini, w.fin),

	  } else if (IW.type == "GLratio") {
		w <- compute.w.with.GLratio(MinMax, gbest.fit, pbest.fit)   
	    }  # ELSE end
	} # IF end
	# TVc1: GLratio
	if ( (use.TVc1) & (TVc1.type == "GLratio") ) 
           c1 <- compute.c1.with.GLratio(MinMax, gbest.fit, pbest.fit[j])   

	# 3.b) Updating the velocity of all the particles
	if ( (topology=="lbest") & (iter <= iter.ini) ) {
          ltopology <- "gbest"
        } else ltopology <- topology
	V[j,] <- compute.veloc( 
				x= X[j, ], 
				v= V[j, ], 
				w= w, 
				c1= c1, 
				c2= c2, 
				CF= CF,
				Pbest= X.best.part,
				gbest= X.best.part[gbest.pos, ],
				MinMax=MinMax,                             # topology="ipso" | method="wfips"
				neighs.index=X.neighbours[j, ],            # method in c("fips", "wfips")
				localBest=X.best.part[LocalBest.pos[j], ], # topology=c("random", "lbest")
				localBest.pos=LocalBest.pos[j],            # topology=c("random", "lbest")
				ngbest.fit=ngbest.fit,                     # topology="ipso"
				ngbest=X.best.part[ngbest.pos, ],          # topology="ipso"
				lpbest.fit= pbest.fit                      # method="wfips"
	V[j,] <- velocity.boundary.treatment(v= V[j,], vmax=Vmax)

	# 4.c) Moving the particles: X[j,] <- X[j,] +  V[j,]
	out <- position.update.and.boundary.treatment(x= X[j,], v=V[j,], x.MinMax=X.Boundaries, boundary.wall=boundary.wall)
	X[j,] <- out[["x.new"]]
	V[j,] <- out[["v.new"]]

      } # FOR j end: Particles Loop
      ###################   Particles Loop (j) - End  ##########################
      if ( plot ) {
	if (MinMax == "max") {
          lgof <- max(GoF, na.rm=TRUE)
        } else lgof <- min(GoF, na.rm=TRUE)
	colorRamp= colorRampPalette(c("darkred", "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "darkgreen", "cyan"))
	XX.Boundaries.current <- computeCurrentXmaxMin(X) 
	xlim <- range(XX.Boundaries.current)
	ylim <- range(XX.Boundaries.current)
	if (iter==1) {
	   plot(X[,1], X[,2], xlim=X.Boundaries[1,], ylim=X.Boundaries[2,], 
	        main=paste("Iter= ", iter, ". GoF= ", 
	        format(lgof, scientific=TRUE, digits=digits), sep=""), 
	        col=colorRamp(npart), cex=0.5 )
	} else plot(X[,1], X[,2], xlim=X.Boundaries[1,], ylim=X.Boundaries[2,], 
	            main=paste("Iter= ", iter, ". GoF= ", 
	            format(lgof, scientific=TRUE, digits=digits), sep=""), 
	            col=colorRamp(npart), cex=0.5 )
      } # IF end 
      gbest.fit.iter[iter] <- gbest.fit
      suppressWarnings(if (MinMax=="max") {
                           pbest.fit.iter <- max( Xt.fitness[iter, ], na.rm=TRUE )
                       } else pbest.fit.iter <- min( Xt.fitness[iter, ], na.rm=TRUE)

      GPbest.fit.rate <- mean(pbest.fit, na.rm=TRUE)
      if ( (is.finite(GPbest.fit.rate) ) & ( GPbest.fit.rate !=0 ) ) { 
	GPbest.fit.rate <- abs( ( gbest.fit - GPbest.fit.rate ) / GPbest.fit.rate )
      } else GPbest.fit.rate <- +Inf

      if ( (gbest.fit.prior != 0) & (is.finite(gbest.fit.prior) ) ) { 
	gbest.fit.rate <- abs( ( gbest.fit - gbest.fit.prior ) / gbest.fit.prior )
      } else gbest.fit.rate <- +Inf

      out <- ComputeSwarmRadiusAndDiameter(x=X.bak, gbest= X.best.part[gbest.pos, ], Lmax=Lmax) 
      swarm.radius    <- out[["swarm.radius"]] 
      swarm.diameter  <- out[["swarm.diameter"]]
      NormSwarmRadius <- swarm.radius/swarm.diameter

      if ( (verbose) & ( iter/REPORT == floor(iter/REPORT) ) ) 
	   message( "iter:", format(iter, width=nchar(maxit), justify="right"), 
		    "  Gbest:", formatC( gbest.fit, format="E", digits=3, flag=" "), 
		    "  Gbest_rate:", format( round(gbest.fit.rate*100, 2), width=6, nsmall=2, justify="left"), "%",
		    "  Iter_best_fit:", formatC(pbest.fit.iter, format="E", digits=3, flag=" "),               
		    "  nSwarm_Radius:", formatC(NormSwarmRadius, format="E", digits=2, flag=" "),
		    "  |g-mean(p)|/mean(p):", format( round(GPbest.fit.rate*100, 2), width=6, nsmall=2, justify="left"), "%" )

      # Random Generation around gbest, if requested                           #
      do.RandomGeneration <- ( use.RG && (NormSwarmRadius < RG.thr)  
				      && (iter.rg >= RG.miniter) )

      if (do.RandomGeneration)  {        

	  if (topology!="ipso") {
	    x.bak         <- X[gbest.pos,]
	    v.bak         <- V[gbest.pos,]
	    gbest.fit.bak <- gbest.fit
	    gbest.pos.bak <- gbest.pos	                    
	  } # IF end

	  if (topology == "ipso") {
	   x.bak         <- X[ngbest.pos,]
	   v.bak         <- V[ngbest.pos,]
	   gbest.fit.bak <- gbest.fit
           gbest.pos.bak <- gbest.pos	
	   ngbest.fit.bak <- ngbest.fit
	   ngbest.pos.bak <- ngbest.pos	  
	  } # IF end

	  if (verbose) message("[ Re-grouping particles in the swarm (iter: ", iter, ") ... ]")

	  tmp <- RegroupingSwarm(x=X, 
	                         gbest= X.best.part[gbest.pos, ], 

	  X <- tmp[["X"]]
	  V <- tmp[["V"]]
	  Lmax <- tmp[["RangeNew"]]

	  if (topology == "ipso") {
	    X[ngbest.pos,] <- x.bak
	    gbest.fit      <- gbest.fit.bak
	    gbest.pos      <- gbest.pos.bak
	  } # IF end

          pbest.fit            <- rep(fn.worst.value, npart)     
          pbest.fit.iter       <- fn.worst.value
          pbest.fit.iter.prior <- fn.worst.value*2
          gbest.fit       <- fn.worst.value
          gbest.fit.iter  <- rep(gbest.fit, maxit)
          gbest.fit.prior <- gbest.fit
          gbest.pos       <- 1
          gbest.fit     <- gbest.fit.bak
          gbest.pos     <- gbest.pos.bak
          X[gbest.pos,] <- x.bak

	  GPbest.fit.rate <- +Inf              
	  if (MinMax=="max") {
            gbest.fit.prior <- +Inf
          } else gbest.fit.prior <- 0

	  niter.tv <- maxit - iter
	  iter.tv  <- 1   
	  iter.rg  <- 1   
	  nregroup <- nregroup + 1

      } # IF end

      # Updates required before the next iteration

      if (MinMax=="max") {
        abstol.conv <- gbest.fit >= abstol
      } else abstol.conv <- gbest.fit <= abstol
      if (reltol==0) {
        reltol.conv <- FALSE
      } else {
        tmp <- abs(pbest.fit.iter.prior - pbest.fit.iter)
        if (tmp==0) {
          reltol.conv <- FALSE
        } else reltol.conv <- tmp <= abs(reltol)
      } # ELSE end
      pbest.fit.iter.prior <- pbest.fit.iter

      # Gbest was improved ?
      if (gbest.fit.prior==gbest.fit) {
        improvement <- FALSE
      } else improvement <- TRUE

      gbest.fit.prior <- gbest.fit

      if (abstol.conv ) {
	end.type.stg  <- "Converged ('abstol' criterion)"
	end.type.code <- 0
      } else if (reltol.conv) {
	end.type.stg <- "Converged ('reltol' criterion)"
	end.type.code <- 1
      } else if (nfn.eff >= maxfn) {
	end.type.stg <- "Maximum number of function evaluations reached"
	end.type.code <- 2
      } else if (iter >= maxit) {
	end.type.stg <- "Maximum number of iterations reached"
	end.type.code <- 3
      } # ELSE end

      if (write2disk) {
        # File 'ConvergenceMeasures.txt'
	writeLines(as.character( c(iter, 
				   formatC(gbest.fit, format="E", digits=digits, flag=" "), 
				   format( round(gbest.fit.rate*100, 3), nsmall=3, width=7, justify="right"),
				   formatC(pbest.fit.iter, format="E", digits=digits, flag=" "),
				   formatC(NormSwarmRadius, format="E", digits=digits, flag=" "),
				   format( round(GPbest.fit.rate*100, 3), nsmall=3, width=7, justify="right")
				  ) ), ConvergenceMeasures.TextFile, sep="  ")
	writeLines("", ConvergenceMeasures.TextFile)
        # File 'BestParamPerIter.txt' #
        if (normalise) {
          temp <- X.best.part[gbest.pos, ] * (upper.ini - lower.ini) + lower.ini
        } else temp <- X.best.part[gbest.pos, ]
        GoF <- gbest.fit
	if(is.finite(GoF)) {	                    
	  suppressWarnings( writeLines( as.character( c(iter,
	                              formatC(GoF, format="E", digits=digits, flag=" "), 
	                              formatC(temp, format="E", digits=digits, flag=" ")	                                                            
	                          ) ), BestParamPerIter.TextFile, sep="  ") 
	} else suppressWarnings( writeLines( as.character( c(iter,
	                                   formatC(temp, format="E", digits=digits, flag=" ")                                                                                  
	                               ) ), BestParamPerIter.TextFile, sep="  ")
	writeLines("", BestParamPerIter.TextFile)  
	# File 'PbestPerIter.txt' #
        GoF <- pbest.fit
	writeLines( as.character( c(iter,
	                            formatC(GoF, format="E", digits=digits, flag=" ") 
	                           ) ), PbestPerIter.TextFile, sep="  ")
	writeLines("", PbestPerIter.TextFile)  
	# File 'LocalBestPerIter.txt' #
        GoF <- LocalBest.fit
	writeLines( as.character( c(iter,
	                            formatC(GoF, format="E", digits=digits, flag=" ") 
	                           ) ), LocalBestPerIter.TextFile, sep="  ")
	writeLines("", LocalBestPerIter.TextFile)  
      } # IF end

      iter    <- iter + 1
      iter.tv <- iter.tv + 1
      iter.rg <- iter.rg + 1

    } # WHILE end
    ########################## END Main Iteration Loop #########################
    if (normalise) X.best.part <- X.best.part * (UPPER.ini - LOWER.ini) + LOWER.ini

    if (write2disk) {
      if (use.RG) {
      } # IF end
    } # IF end

    # Sorting the particles according to their best fit
    if (MinMax=="max") {
      sorted.fit <- sort(pbest.fit, decreasing= TRUE)
    } else sorted.fit <- sort(pbest.fit, decreasing= FALSE)

    sorted.index <- pmatch(sorted.fit, pbest.fit)

    ###################   START WRITING OUTPUT FILES     ###################
    if (write2disk) {

      if (verbose) message("                           ")
      if (verbose) message("[ Writing output files... ]")
      if (verbose) message("                           ")

      niter.real <- iter - 1 

      PSOparam.TextFile <- file(PSOparam.fname, "a")    
      writeLines("================================================================================", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("Total fn calls    :", nfn-1), PSOparam.TextFile, sep="  ")
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("Nmbr of Iterations:", iter-1), PSOparam.TextFile, sep="  ")
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("Regroupings       :", nregroup), PSOparam.TextFile, sep="  ")
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines("================================================================================", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("Ending Time       :", date()), PSOparam.TextFile, sep="  ")
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      Time.Fin <- Sys.time()
      writeLines("================================================================================", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines(c("Elapsed Time      :", format(round(Time.Fin - Time.Ini, 2))), PSOparam.TextFile, sep="  ")
      writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
      writeLines("================================================================================", PSOparam.TextFile) 

      # Writing the file 'BestParameterSet.txt'
      tmp.fname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "BestParameterSet.txt", sep="") 
      tmp.TextFile  <- file(tmp.fname , "w+")
      writeLines(c("BestParticle", "GoF   ", param.IDs), tmp.TextFile, sep="  ") 
      writeLines("", tmp.TextFile)  
      suppressWarnings( tmp <- formatC(c(gbest.fit, X.best.part[gbest.pos,]), format="E", digits=digits, flag=" ") )
      writeLines(as.character(c(gbest.pos, tmp)), tmp.TextFile, sep="  ") 
      writeLines("", tmp.TextFile)  

      # Writing the file 'XMinMax.txt' with the parameter ranges used during PSO
      fname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "XMinMax.txt", sep="") 	
      ifelse(normalise, tmp <- X.Boundaries.ini, tmp <- X.Boundaries)				
      write.table(format(tmp, scientific=TRUE, digits=digits), file=fname, col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, sep="  ", quote=FALSE) 

      # Writing the file 'Particles_GofPerIter.txt', with the GoF for each particle in each iteration
      tmp.fname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "Particles_GofPerIter.txt", sep="") 
      tmp.TextFile  <- file(tmp.fname , "w+")
      writeLines(paste("Iter", paste("Part", 1:npart, collapse="    ", sep=""), sep="    "), tmp.TextFile, sep="  ") 
      writeLines("", tmp.TextFile)  
      for ( i in (1:niter.real) ) {               
	suppressWarnings( tmp <- formatC(Xt.fitness[i, ], format="E", digits=digits, flag=" ") )
	writeLines(as.character(c(i, tmp)), tmp.TextFile, sep="  ") 
	writeLines("", tmp.TextFile)    
      } # FOR end 

      # Writing the file 'BestParamPerParticle.txt', with ...
      fname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "BestParamPerParticle.txt", sep="") 
      tmp <- cbind(pbest.fit, X.best.part)
      colnames(tmp) <- c("GoF", param.IDs)
      write.table(format(tmp, scientific=TRUE, digits=digits), file=fname, col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, sep="  ", quote=FALSE)

      # Writing the file 'X.neighbours.txt' 
      fname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "Particles_Neighbours.txt", sep="") 
      ifelse(topology == "lbest", nc <- K, nc <- npart)
      write.table(X.neighbours, file=fname, col.names=paste("Neigh", 1:nc, sep=""), row.names=paste("Part", 1:npart, sep=""), sep="  ", na="", quote=FALSE) 

      # Writing the file 'LocalBest.txt' 
      fname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "LocalBest.txt", sep="") 	
      write.table(format(LocalBest.fit, scientific=TRUE, digits=digits), file=fname, col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, sep="  ", quote=FALSE)

      if ( (fn.name=="hydromod") | (fn.name=="hydromodInR") ) {

	hydroPSOparam.TextFile <- file(hydroPSOparam.fname, "a")    
	writeLines("================================================================================", PSOparam.TextFile) 
        writeLines(c("Total model calls      :", nfn-1), PSOparam.TextFile, sep="  ")
        writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
        writeLines(c("Effective model calls  :", nfn.eff-1), PSOparam.TextFile, sep="  ")
        writeLines("", PSOparam.TextFile) 
        writeLines("================================================================================", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines(c("Ending Time            :", date()), hydroPSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ")
	writeLines("", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines("================================================================================", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
	Time.Fin <- Sys.time()
	writeLines(c("Elapsed Time           :", format(round(Time.Fin - Time.Ini, 2))), hydroPSOparam.TextFile, sep=" ")
	writeLines("", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 
	writeLines("================================================================================", hydroPSOparam.TextFile) 

      } # IF 'fn.name' END           

    } # IF end

    #####################     END WRITING OUTPUT FILES     #####################

    ##                                parallel                             #
    if (parallel!="none") {
      if ( (parallel=="parallel") | (parallel=="parallelWin") )   
      if (fn.name=="hydromod") {
        if (verbose) message("                                         ")
        if (verbose) message("[ Removing the 'parallel' directory ... ]")    
        unlink(dirname(mc.dirs[1]), recursive=TRUE)
      } # IF end
    } # IF end
    if (verbose) message("                                    |                                           ")  
    if (verbose) message("================================================================================")
    if (verbose) message("[                          Creating the R output ...                           ]")
    if (verbose) message("================================================================================")

    # Creating the R output
    nelements <- 6 
    out       <- vector("list", nelements)

    out[[1]]        <- X.best.part[gbest.pos,]
    names(out[[1]]) <- param.IDs
    out[[2]] <- gbest.fit
    out[[3]] <- gbest.pos
    out[[4]] <- c("function.calls"=nfn-1, "iterations"=iter-1, "regroupings"=nregroup)
    out[[5]] <- end.type.code
    out[[6]] <- end.type.stg

    names(out)[1:nelements] <- c("par",           # "Best.Parameter.Values", 
				 "value",         # "Global.Best.Value", 
				 "best.particle", # "Global.Best.Position",

    if (out.with.pbest) {            
      out[[nelements+1]] <- X.best.part

      out[[nelements+2]] <- pbest.fit

      names(out)[(nelements+1):(nelements+2)] <- c("pbest.Parameter.Values", "pbest.fit") 

      nelements <- nelements + 2                
    } # IF end

    if (out.with.fit.iter) {  
      Xt.fitness <- Xt.fitness[1:(iter-1), ]
      out[[nelements+1]] <- Xt.fitness          
      names(out)[nelements+1] <- c("part.fit.per.iter")  
    } # IF end

    if  ( (fn.name=="hydromod") | (fn.name=="hydromodInR") ) {

      if (verbose) message("                                                                                ")  
      if (verbose) message("                                    |                                           ")  
      if (verbose) message("================================================================================")
      if (verbose) message("[         Running one last time the model with the 'best' parameter set ...    ]")
      if (verbose) message("================================================================================")  
      if (verbose) message("                                    |                                           ")  
      if (verbose) message("                                                                                ")  

      model.FUN.args <- modifyList(model.FUN.args, 
      hydromod.out   <- do.call(model.FUN, as.list(model.FUN.args))       
      # Writing observations and best model output
      if ("obs" %in% names(model.FUN.args)) {      
         if (date.fmt.exists) {
           date.fmt <- model.FUN.args[["date.fmt"]]
         } else date.fmt <- "%Y-%m-%d"        
         if ( gof.Ini.exists | gof.Fin.exists ) 
             if ( grepl("%H", date.fmt, fixed=TRUE) | grepl("%M", date.fmt, fixed=TRUE) |
                     grepl("%S", date.fmt, fixed=TRUE) | grepl("%I", date.fmt, fixed=TRUE) |
                     grepl("%p", date.fmt, fixed=TRUE) | grepl("%X", date.fmt, fixed=TRUE)
                 ) { subdaily.date.fmt <- TRUE
                   } else subdaily.date.fmt <- FALSE
        obs <- eval( model.FUN.args[["obs"]] )
        sim <- eval( hydromod.out[["sim"]] )
        obs.fname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "Observations.txt", sep="") 
        sim.fname <- paste(file.path(drty.out), "/", "BestModel_out.txt", sep="") 	
        if (is.zoo(obs)) { # zoo::is.zoo
          if (gof.Ini.exists) {
            if (subdaily.date.fmt) {
               gof.Ini <- as.POSIXct(model.FUN.args[["gof.Ini"]], format=date.fmt)
            } else gof.Ini <- as.Date(model.FUN.args[["gof.Ini"]], format=date.fmt)
            obs <- window(obs, start=gof.Ini)
            sim <- window(sim, start=gof.Ini)
          } # IF end
          if (gof.Fin.exists) {
            if (subdaily.date.fmt) {
              gof.Fin <- as.POSIXct(model.FUN.args[["gof.Fin"]], format=date.fmt)
            } else gof.Fin <- as.Date(model.FUN.args[["gof.Fin"]], format=date.fmt)
            obs <- window(obs, end=gof.Fin)
            sim <- window(sim, end=gof.Fin)
          } # IF end
          if (verbose) message("[ Writing Observations.txt (zoo) ... ]")
          write.zoo(x=obs, file=obs.fname) # zoo::write.zoo
          if (verbose) message("[ Writing BestModel_out.txt ... ]")
          write.zoo(x=sim, file=sim.fname) # zoo::write.zoo
        } else {
            if (verbose) message("[ Writing Observations.txt (numeric) ... ]")
            obs <- cbind(1:length(obs), obs)
            write.table(obs, file=obs.fname, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep="  ", quote=FALSE)
            if (verbose) message("[ Writing BestModel_out.txt ... ]")
            sim <- cbind(1:length(sim), sim)
            write.table(obs, file=sim.fname, col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, sep="  ", quote=FALSE)
          } # ELSE end
      } # IF end

    } # IF end    

    # 7)                                 Output                                #

} # 'PSO' end    

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hydroPSO documentation built on April 29, 2020, 9:37 a.m.