
Defines functions bootstrap_n_hypervolumes

bootstrap_n_hypervolumes <- function(name, hv, n = 10, points_per_resample = 'sample_size', cores = 1, verbose = TRUE, seed = NULL) {
  # check if hv is an object of class Hypervolume
  # if yes, transform it to a list
  if(inherits(hv, "Hypervolume")){
    hv <- hypervolume_join(hv)
  # get random state from global environment
  old_state <- get0(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
    # restore random state
    if (!is.null(old_state)) {
      assign(".Random.seed", old_state, envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
  }, add = TRUE)
  # Check if cluster registered to doparallel backend exists
  exists_cluster = TRUE
  if(cores > 1 & getDoParWorkers() == 1) {
    # If no cluster is registered, create a new one based on use input
    cl = makeCluster(cores)
    clusterEvalQ(cl, {
    exists_cluster = FALSE
    # If a cluster was created for this specific function call, close cluster and register sequential backend
    if(!exists_cluster) {
  }, add = TRUE)
  # Create folder to store bootstrapped hypervolumes
  dir.create(file.path('./Objects', name), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)

  # check if names are equal, if yes, add a number to make them unique
  hv_names <- unlist(lapply(hv@HVList, function(x) x@Name))
  if(length(unique(hv_names)) != length(hv@HVList)){
    hv_names <- paste(hv_names, 1:length(hv@HVList), sep = "_")
  # write the original order of hypervolumes, needed to avoid poor alignment when using
  # hypervolume_n_occupancy
  write.table(hv_names, file = file.path('./Objects', name, "log.txt"), row.names = FALSE)
    Fun <- function(...) progress_bar_foreach(iterator = n, fun = function (a, ...)c(a, list(...)), clear = FALSE) 
  } else {
    Fun <- function(...) function (a, ...)c(a, list(...))
  for(j in 1:length(hv@HVList)){
    # Construct n hypervolumes from points_per_sample points sampled with replacement from original data
    path_j <- file.path('./Objects', name, hv_names[j])
    name_j <- dir.create(path_j, showWarnings = FALSE)
    hv_j <- hv@HVList[[j]]
      cat("\n Permuting hypervolume", hv_names[j], "...\n")

    foreach(i = 1:n, .combine = Fun()) %dopar% {
      if(points_per_resample == 'sample_size') {
        sample_dat = hv_j@Data[sample(1:nrow(hv_j@Data), nrow(hv_j@Data), replace = TRUE),]
      } else {
        sample_dat = hv_j@Data[sample(1:nrow(hv_j@Data), points_per_resample, replace = TRUE),]
      h = suppressMessages(copy_param_hypervolume(hv_j, sample_dat, name = paste("resample", as.character(i)))) 
      path = paste0(h@Name, '.rds')
      saveRDS(h, file.path(path_j, path))

  # Absolute path to hypervolume objects
  return(file.path(getwd(), 'Objects', name))

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hypervolume documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 5:08 p.m.