
Defines functions predict.ncsSpline ncsSpline

globalVariables(c("Snapshot.ID.Tag", "Snapshot.Time.Stamp", "Time.after.Planting..d.", 
                  "Smarthouse", "Days", "xDays", "xPosn", "xMainPosn", "Area", 
                  "Genotype.ID", "Treatment.1", "Zones", "Lane", "ZLane",
                  "SHZones", "Mainplots", "ZMainplots", "xZones", 
                  "Hour", "Area.SV", "Area.SV1", "Area.SV2", "Area.TV", "Image.Biomass", "Centre.Mass", 
                  "Convex.Hull.SV", "Convex.Hull.TV", "Compactness.SV", "Max.Height", "Density", "Volume",
                  "Center.Of.Mass.Y.SV1", "Center.Of.Mass.Y.SV2", "Convex.Hull.Area.SV1",
                  "Convex.Hull.Area.SV1", "Convex.Hull.Area.TV", "Max.Dist.Above.Horizon.Line.SV1", 
                  "Weight.Before", "Weight.After", "Water.Amount", "r", "Cumulative.Propn"),
                "imageData", add = TRUE)

#Function to move camera prefix to a suffix without the characters up to the first _ (eg RBG_) 
#If no _ then moves whole prefix.
#Assumes that prefix ends at first full.stop
"pre2suffix" <- function(name, labsCamerasViews, keepCameraType)
  prefix <- (strsplit(name, ".", fixed=TRUE))[[1]][1]
  if (any(labsCamerasViews %in% prefix))
    if (grepl("_", prefix) && !keepCameraType)
      suffix <- (strsplit(prefix, "_"))[[1]]
      if (length(suffix) == 2)
        suffix <- suffix[2]
        suffix <- paste(suffix[2:length(suffix)], collapse = "_")
      suffix <- prefix
    fst <- nchar(prefix)+2
    name <- paste(substring(name, first=fst), suffix, sep=".")

"importExcel" <- function(file, sheet="raw data", sep = ",", cartId = "Snapshot.ID.Tag", 
                          imageTimes = "Snapshot.Time.Stamp", 
                          timeAfterStart = "Time.after.Planting..d.", 
                          cameraType = "RGB", keepCameraType = FALSE, 
                          labsCamerasViews = NULL, prefix2suffix = TRUE, 
                          startTime = NULL, timeFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", 
                          imagetimesPlot = TRUE, ...)
  #Check arguments
  impArgs <- match.call()
  if ("intervals" %in% names(impArgs))
    stop(paste("importExcel assumes that intervals are specified by timeAfterStart; \n", 
               "to have different intervals, call imagetimesPlot separately"))
  if ("timeAfterPlanting"%in% names(impArgs))
    stop("timeAfterPlanting has been deprecated; use timeAfterStart")
  if ("planting.time"%in% names(impArgs))
    stop("planting.time has been deprecated; use startTime")
  #Input the raw imaging data
  if (grepl("csv", file))
    raw.dat <- read.csv(file, sep = sep, as.is=TRUE)
    raw.dat[imageTimes] <- as.POSIXct(raw.dat[[imageTimes]], format = timeFormat)
  else if(grepl("xlsx", file))
    raw.dat <- as.data.frame(read_excel(file, sheet=sheet))
    colnames(raw.dat) <- make.names(colnames(raw.dat))
    #raw.dat <- readWorksheetFromFile(file, sheet=sheet)
    stop("File name does not include csv or xlsx")
  ncinput <- ncol(raw.dat)
  if (!(cartId %in% names(raw.dat)))
    stop("cartId not in imported data")
  if (!(imageTimes%in% names(raw.dat)))
    stop("imageTimes not in imported data")

  #Rename image columns 
  #Change cameras and views as specified by labsCamerasViews
  vars <- names(raw.dat)
  if (!is.null(names(labsCamerasViews)))
    old.names <- names(labsCamerasViews)
    for (old in old.names)
      vars <- gsub(old, labsCamerasViews[old], vars, fixed = TRUE)
    names(raw.dat) <- vars
  } else #find
    labsCamerasViews <- vars[grep(cameraType, vars, fixed = TRUE)]
    if (length(labsCamerasViews) == 0)
      warning(paste("No imaging variables for a camera of type ", cameraType, " found", sep=""))
    labsCamerasViews <- strsplit(labsCamerasViews, ".", fixed=TRUE)
    labsCamerasViews <- unique(unlist(lapply(labsCamerasViews, 
                                        function(name) {return(name[[1]][1])})))
    names(labsCamerasViews) <- labsCamerasViews
  #Move prefix for camera View to become a suffix without the RGB_
  if (prefix2suffix)
    newvars <- sapply(vars[1:length(vars)], pre2suffix, 
                      labsCamerasViews = labsCamerasViews, keepCameraType = keepCameraType)
    names(newvars) <- NULL
    names(raw.dat)[match(vars, names(raw.dat))] <- newvars
  } else
    if (!keepCameraType)
      vars <- names(raw.dat)
      vars <- gsub(paste(cameraType, "_",sep = ""), "", vars, fixed = TRUE) 
      names(raw.dat) <- vars
  #Change day calculation to take away a time origin and truncate to the nearest whole day
  if (!is.null(startTime))
    raw.dat <- calcTimes(raw.dat, imageTimes = imageTimes, timeFormat = timeFormat,
                         intervals = timeAfterStart , startTime = startTime,
                         intervalUnit = "days", timePositions = "Hour")

  #Plot the imaging times if required
  if (imagetimesPlot)
    imagetimesPlot(raw.dat, intervals=timeAfterStart, timePositions = "Hour", 
                   groupVariable = cartId, ...)

  #Check unique for Snapshot.ID.Tag, Time.after.Planting..d.
  combs <- as.vector(table(raw.dat[[cartId]], raw.dat[[timeAfterStart]]))
  if (any(combs != 1))
    warning(paste("There is not a single observation for",  
                  length(combs[combs != 1]), 
                  "combination(s) of",cartId,"and", timeAfterStart))
  #Sort data into cartId, Time.after.Planting..d. order and store
  # - may need to be reordered for analysis purposes
  raw.dat <- raw.dat[order(raw.dat[[cartId]], raw.dat[[timeAfterStart]]), ]

#Function to reduce imaging responses to those to be retained, forming longi.prime.dat
"longitudinalPrime" <- function(data, cartId = "Snapshot.ID.Tag", 
                                imageTimes = "Snapshot.Time.Stamp", 
                                timeAfterStart = "Time.after.Planting..d.", 
                                idcolumns = c("Genotype.ID","Treatment.1"),
                                traits = list(all = c("Area", "Boundary.Points.To.Area.Ratio", 
                                                      "Caliper.Length", "Compactness", 
                                              side = c("Center.Of.Mass.Y", 
                                labsCamerasViews = list(all = c("SV1", "SV2", "TV"),
                                                      side = c("SV1", "SV2")), 
                                smarthouse.lev = NULL, 
                                calcWaterLoss = TRUE, pixelsPERcm)
  #Extract variables from data to form data frame of longitudinal data
  posndatevars <- c(cartId,timeAfterStart,
  imagevars <- NULL
  if (is.list(traits) && !is.null(traits))
    if (is.null(labsCamerasViews))
      imagevars <- unlist(traits)
      if (!is.list(labsCamerasViews) || length(traits) != length(labsCamerasViews))
        stop(paste0("When traits is a list then labsCamerasViews must also be a list ",
                    "with the same number of components as traits"))
      if (length(labsCamerasViews) == 1)
        imagevars <- as.vector(outer(traits[[1]], labsCamerasViews[[1]], paste, sep = "."))
        imagevars <- unlist(mapply(FUN =  function(traits, names) {
          if (is.null(names))
             t <- traits
            t <- as.vector(t(outer(traits, names, paste, sep = ".")))
        traits, labsCamerasViews))
      names(imagevars) <- NULL
  } else
    if (is.character(traits))
      if (is.null(labsCamerasViews))
        imagevars <- unlist(traits)
        imagevars <- as.vector(outer(traits, labsCamerasViews, paste, sep = "."))
    } else
      stop("traits is neither a list nor a character")
  if (calcWaterLoss)
    vars <- c(posndatevars, idcolumns, "Weight.Before","Weight.After","Water.Amount",
              "Projected.Shoot.Area..pixels.", imagevars)
    vars <- c(posndatevars, idcolumns, "Projected.Shoot.Area..pixels.", imagevars)

  #Check that vars are in data
  if (!all(vars %in% names(data)))
    stop(paste("The following variables are not present in data:  ",
               paste(vars[!(vars %in% names(data))], collapse = ", "), sep = ""))

  longi.prime.dat <- data[, vars]

  #Add factors and variates needed in the analysis
  longi.prime.dat <- longi.prime.dat[do.call(order, longi.prime.dat), ]
  if (is.null(smarthouse.lev))
    smarthouse.lev <- unique(longi.prime.dat$Smarthouse)
  longi.prime.dat$Days <- as.numeric(longi.prime.dat[[timeAfterStart]])
  longi.prime.dat <- within(longi.prime.dat, 
                              Smarthouse <- factor(Smarthouse, levels=smarthouse.lev)
                              xDays <- Days - mean(unique(Days))
                              xPosn <- Position - mean(unique(Position))
                              Position <- factor(Position, levels=sort(unique(Position)))
                              Area <- Projected.Shoot.Area..pixels./1000

  facs <- c("Lane", idcolumns, "Days")
  longi.prime.dat[facs] <- as.data.frame(lapply(longi.prime.dat[facs], FUN = factor))

#Now derive a Reps factor 
if (all(idcolumns %in% vars))
  longi.prime.dat <- within(longi.prime.dat, 
                              Reps <- 1
                              trts <- fac.combine(as.list(longi.prime.dat[idcolumns]))
  for (t in levels(longi.prime.dat$trts))
    which.indiv <- with(longi.prime.dat, 
                        sort(unique(longi.prime.dat[trts==t, cartId])))
  for (k in 1:length(which.indiv))
    longi.prime.dat[longi.prime.dat$trts == t & 
                      longi.prime.dat$Snapshot.ID.Tag == which.indiv[k], "Reps"] <- k
  longi.prime.dat$Reps <- factor(longi.prime.dat$Reps)
} else 
  longi.prime.dat$Reps <- NA

  #Form responses that can be calculated by row-wise  operations: 
  longi.prime.dat <- calcTimes(longi.prime.dat, imageTimes = imageTimes,
                               timePositions = "Hour")
  kpx.vars <- imagevars[c(grep("Area.", imagevars, fixed = TRUE), 
                          grep("Convex.Hull.Circumference", imagevars, fixed = TRUE))]
  kpx.vars <- kpx.vars[!grepl("Ratio", kpx.vars, fixed = TRUE)]
  longi.prime.dat[kpx.vars] <- longi.prime.dat[kpx.vars]/1000
  #'## Calculate Water Use
  if (calcWaterLoss)
    longi.prime.dat <- within(longi.prime.dat, 
                                Water.Loss <- unlist(by(Weight.After, list(Snapshot.ID.Tag), 
                                                        FUN=calcLagged)) - Weight.Before

  out.posndatevars <- c("Smarthouse","Lane","Position","Days",
                        cartId, imageTimes,"xPosn", "Reps", "Hour", "xDays")
  imagevars <- c("Area", imagevars)
  if (calcWaterLoss)
    imagevars <- c("Weight.Before","Weight.After","Water.Amount", "Water.Loss", imagevars)
  out.vars <- c(out.posndatevars, idcolumns, imagevars)
  #Re-order rows and response columns
  longi.prime.dat <- longi.prime.dat[order(longi.prime.dat[[cartId]], longi.prime.dat$Days), ]
  longi.prime.dat <- longi.prime.dat[out.vars]

#Function to add design factors for blocked, split plot design
"designFactors" <- function(data, insertName = NULL, designfactorMethod = "LanePosition", 
                            nzones = 6, nlanesperzone = 4, nmainplotsperlane = 11, nsubplotspermain = 2)
  options <- c("LanePosition","StandardOrder")
  desfactor <- options[check.arg.values(designfactorMethod, options=options)]

  #Extract variables from data
  vars <- names(data)
  required <- c("Smarthouse", "xPosn", "Snapshot.ID.Tag", "xDays")
  if (desfactor == "LanePosition")
    required <- c("Lane", "Position", required)
  if (any(is.na(match(required, vars))))
    stop("Some required columns are not in data")

  n <- nrow(data)
  smarthouse.lev <- levels(data$Smarthouse)
  nshouse <- length(smarthouse.lev)
  ncarts = length(unique(data$Snapshot.ID.Tag))
  nexpcarts <- nshouse * nzones * nlanesperzone * nmainplotsperlane * nsubplotspermain

  if (desfactor == "StandardOrder" )
  { if (ncarts != nexpcarts)
    stop(paste("The number of unique Snapshot.ID.Tag values must be equal to the product of the numbers of\n",
               "      smarthouses, zones, lanes per zone, mainplots per zone and subplots per mainplot"))
  } else
  { if (ncarts != nexpcarts)
    warning(paste("The number of unique Snapshot.ID.Tag values is not equal to the product of the numbers of\n",
                  "      smarthouses, zones, lanes per zone, mainplots per zone and subplots per mainplot"))
  if (n %% ncarts != 0)
    warning("There is not the same number imagings for each cart")

  #Add factors and variates needed in the analysis
  data <- data[do.call(order, data), ]

  #Generate design factors
  if (desfactor == "LanePosition")
  { if (!is.factor(data$Lane))
      levs <- unique(data$Lane)
      levs <- levs[order(levs)]
      data <- cbind(data, 
                    with(data, fac.divide(factor(Lane, levels = levs), 
                                          list(Zones=nzones, ZLane = nlanesperzone))))
    } else
    data <- cbind(data, 
                  with(data, fac.divide(Lane, 
                                        list(Zones=nzones, ZLane = nlanesperzone))))
    if (!is.factor(data$Position))
      levs <- unique(data$Position)
      levs <- levs[order(levs)]
      data <- cbind(data, 
                         fac.divide(factor(Position, levels = levs), 
                                         Subplots = nsubplotspermain))))
    } else
    data <- cbind(data, 
                                       Subplots = nsubplotspermain))))
  } else
    if (desfactor == "StandardOrder")
    { id <- unique(data$Snapshot.ID.Tag)
      data <- merge(data, 
                                            Zones=nzones, ZLane = nlanesperzone, 
                                            Subplots = nsubplotspermain))[,-1],
                               Snapshot.ID.Tag = id), 
                    all.x=TRUE, sort=FALSE)
  if (nshouse == 1)
    xMain <- with(data, aggregate(xPosn, by=list(Zones, ZLane, Mainplots), mean))
    names(xMain) <- c("Zones", "ZLane", "Mainplots", "xMainPosn") 
    data <- merge(data, xMain, all.x =TRUE, by = c("Zones", "ZLane", "Mainplots"), sort=FALSE)
  } else
    xMain <- with(data, aggregate(xPosn, by=list(Smarthouse, Zones, ZLane, Mainplots), mean))
    names(xMain) <- c("Smarthouse", "Zones", "ZLane", "Mainplots", "xMainPosn") 
    data <- merge(data, xMain, all.x =TRUE, sort=FALSE)
    data <- with(data, data[order(Snapshot.ID.Tag, xDays), ])
    data <- within(data, { SHZones <- fac.combine(list(Smarthouse,Zones))
                           ZMainplots <- fac.combine(list(ZLane,Mainplots))
                           xZones <- as.numeric(Zones)
                           xZones <- xZones - mean(unique(xZones))

  facs <- c("Zones","xZones","SHZones","ZLane","ZMainplots",
            "Subplots", "xMainPosn")
  out.vars <- c(vars,facs)
  if (!is.null(insertName))
  { k <- match(insertName, vars)
    if (!is.na(k))
      out.vars <- c(vars[1:k],facs,vars[(k+1):length(vars)])

  #Re-order rows and response columns
  data <- with(data, data[order(Snapshot.ID.Tag, xDays), ])
  data <- data[out.vars]

"splitContGRdiff" <- function(data, responses, INDICES, 
                              which.rates = c("AGR","PGR","RGR"), suffices.rates=NULL, 
                              times.factor = "Days")
  options <- c("AGR","PGR","RGR")
  opt <- options[unlist(lapply(which.rates, check.arg.values, options=options))]
  if (!is.null(suffices.rates) & length(opt) != length(suffices.rates))
    stop("The length of of which.rates and suffices.rates should be equal")
  vars <- c(INDICES, times.factor, responses)
  times.diffs <- paste(times.factor, "diffs", sep=".")
  if (times.diffs %in% names(data))
    vars <- c(vars, times.diffs)
  if (any(is.na(match(vars, names(data)))))
    stop("One or more of response, INDICES and times.factor are not in data")
  if (any(is.na(data[[times.factor]])))
    warning(paste("Some values of ",times.factor,
                  " are missing, which can result in merge producing a large data.frame", 
                  sep = ""))
  if (any(unlist(lapply(as.list(data[INDICES]), 
    warning(paste("Some values of the factors in INDICES are missing, ",
                  "which can result in merge producing a large data.frame", sep = ""))
  #Get columns needed for calculation and order for INDICES, then times.factor
  tmp <- data[vars]
  tmp <- tmp[do.call(order, tmp), ]
  #Form time differences in a way that every first day is the same Day
  # - setting first time point to missing results in the growth rates also being NA
  if (!(times.diffs %in% names(tmp)))
    tmp[times.diffs] <- as.numfac(tmp[[times.factor]])
    tmp[times.diffs] <- calcLagged(tmp[[times.diffs]], operation ="-")
    tmp <- split(tmp, f = as.list(tmp[INDICES], simplify=FALSE))
    tmp <- lapply(tmp, 
                  function(tmp, times.diffs)
                    if (nrow(tmp) > 0)
                      tmp[[times.diffs]][1] <- NA
                  times.diffs = times.diffs)
    tmp <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
    rownames(tmp) <- NULL

  #Form AGR (because Day.diffs is NA for first day, so will the growth rates)
  if ("AGR" %in% opt)
  { if (is.null(suffices.rates))
      responses.GR <- paste(responses, "AGR", sep=".")
      responses.GR <- paste(responses, suffices.rates[match("AGR",opt)], sep=".")
    tmp[responses.GR] <- as.data.frame(lapply(tmp[responses], 
                                               FUN = AGRdiff, 
                                               time.diffs = tmp[[times.diffs]]))

  #Form PGR (because Day.diffs is NA for first day, so will the growth rates)
  if ("PGR" %in% opt)
  { if (is.null(suffices.rates))
    responses.GR <- paste(responses, "PGR", sep=".")
      responses.GR <- paste(responses, suffices.rates[match("PGR",opt)], sep=".")
    tmp[responses.GR] <- as.data.frame(lapply(tmp[responses], 
                                               FUN = PGR, 
                                               time.diffs = tmp[[times.diffs]]))
  #Form RGR (because Day.diffs is NA for first day, so will the growth rates)
  if ("RGR" %in% opt)
  { if (is.null(suffices.rates))
    responses.GR <- paste(responses, "RGR", sep=".")
      responses.GR <- paste(responses, suffices.rates[match("RGR",opt)], sep=".")
    tmp[responses.GR] <- as.data.frame(lapply(tmp[responses], 
                                               FUN = RGRdiff, 
                                               time.diffs = tmp[[times.diffs]]))
  #Remove NAs in INDICES and time.factor in tmp
  if (any(is.na(tmp[[times.factor]])))
    tmp <- tmp[!is.na(tmp[[times.factor]]), ]
  if (any(unlist(lapply(as.list(tmp[INDICES]), 
    for (f in INDICES)
      tmp <- tmp[!is.na(tmp[f]),]
  tmp <- tmp[,-match(responses,names(tmp))]
  if (times.diffs %in% names(data))
    tmp <- tmp[,-match(times.diffs,names(tmp))]
  data <- merge(data, tmp, by = c(INDICES, times.factor), sort = FALSE, all.x = TRUE)
  data  <- data[do.call(order, data),]

#Function to fit splines, including possible boundary correction from Huang (2001)
ncsSpline <- function(vars, correctBoundaries = FALSE, 
                      df = NULL, cv = FALSE,  ...)
  if (ncol(vars) != 2)
    stop("Must supply a two-column matrix or data.frame")
  if (!correctBoundaries)
    if (is.null(df))
      fity <- smooth.spline(vars, all.knots=TRUE, ...)
    } else
      fity <- smooth.spline(vars, all.knots=TRUE, df=df, ...)
    fit.spline <- list(x = fity$x, 
                       y = fity$y, 
                       lev = fity$lev,
                       lambda = fity$lambda,
                       df = fity$df,
                       uncorrected.fit = fity)  
  } else
    nval <- nrow(vars)
    W <- matrix(NA, nrow = nval, ncol = 4)
    W2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = nval, ncol = 4)
    W3 <- matrix(NA, nrow = nval, ncol = 4)
    x <- vars[,1]
    y <- vars[,2]
    # construct the four polynomials
    W[,1] <- x^2/2-x^4/4+x^5/10
    W[,2] <- x^3/6-x^4/6+x^5/20
    W[,3] <- x^4/4-x^5/10
    W[,4] <- -x^4/12+x^5/20
    if (is.null(df))
      lam <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nval)
      rss <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nval)
      tr <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nval)
      gcv <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nval)
      # use GCV to search for best lambda
      for(i in 1:nval) 
        u <- -7+7.0*(i-1)/(nval-1)
        lam[i] <- 10^u
        slam <- lam[i]
        # get regular fit for y and four polynomials
        fity <- smooth.spline(x,y,all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)
        W2[,1] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,1],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
        W2[,2] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,2],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
        W2[,3] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,3],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
        W2[,4] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,4],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
        #Apply boundary correction to the fitted spline
        W2 <- W-W2
        h <- solve(t(W2)%*%W2,t(W2)%*%(y-fity$y))
        # get the newfit, rss and calculate the trace of new S
        newfit <- fity$y+W2%*%h
        rss[i] <- sum((newfit-y)^2)
        W3[,1] <- smooth.spline(x,W2[,1],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
        W3[,2] <- smooth.spline(x,W2[,2],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
        W3[,3] <- smooth.spline(x,W2[,3],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
        W3[,4] <- smooth.spline(x,W2[,4],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
        W3 <- W2-W3
        K <- solve(t(W2)%*%W2,t(W3))
        tr[i] <- sum(fity$lev)+sum(diag(K%*%W2))
        gcv[i] <- nval*rss[i]/(nval-tr[i])^2
      # get the optimal lambda and apply to y and the four polynomials
      lam.opt<- lam[order(gcv)[1]]
      slam <- lam.opt
      fity <- smooth.spline(x,y,all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam)
      W2[,1] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,1],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
      W2[,2] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,2],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
      W2[,3] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,3],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
      W2[,4] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,4],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
    } else #df is specified
      # get regular fit for y and four polynomials for specified df
      fity <- smooth.spline(x,y,all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)
      W2[,1] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,1],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W2[,2] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,2],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W2[,3] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,3],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W2[,4] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,4],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      # calculate the trace of new S
      W3[,1] <- smooth.spline(x,W2[,1],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W3[,2] <- smooth.spline(x,W2[,2],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W3[,3] <- smooth.spline(x,W2[,3],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W3[,4] <- smooth.spline(x,W2[,4],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W3 <- W2-W3
      K <- solve(t(W2)%*%W2,t(W3))
    #Apply boundary correction to the fitted spline
    W2 <- W-W2
    h <- solve(t(W2)%*%W2,t(W2)%*%(y-fity$y))
    newy <- as.vector(fity$y+W2%*%h)
    # get the newfit leverage values of new S
    lev <- as.vector(fity$lev+diag(W2%*%K))
    tr <- sum(lev)
    rss <- sum((y - newy)^2)
    lambda <- nval*rss/(nval-tr)^2
    # Set up list to return
    fit.spline <- list(x = fity$x, 
                       y = newy, 
                       lev = lev,
                       lambda = lambda,
                       df = df,
                       uncorrected.fit = fity)  
  class(fit.spline) <- "ncsSpline"

predict.ncsSpline <- function(object, x, correctBoundaries = FALSE, 
                             df = NULL, cv = FALSE,  ...)
  if (!inherits(object, "ncsSpline"))
    stop("Must supply a an object of class ncsSpline")
  fit <- predict(object$uncorrected.fit, x = x)
  #Correct boundaries
  if (correctBoundaries)
    nval <- length(x)
    W <- matrix(NA, nrow = nval, ncol = 4)
    W2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = nval, ncol = 4)
    vars <- data.frame(x = object$uncorrected.fit$x, 
                       yin = object$uncorrected.fit$yin)
    vars <- merge(as.data.frame(fit), vars, all.x = TRUE)
    vars$yin[is.na(vars$yin)] <- vars$y[is.na(vars$yin)]
    vars <- vars[order(vars$x), ]
    x <- vars$x

    # construct the four polynomials
    W[,1] <- x^2/2-x^4/4+x^5/10
    W[,2] <- x^3/6-x^4/6+x^5/20
    W[,3] <- x^4/4-x^5/10
    W[,4] <- -x^4/12+x^5/20
    if (is.null(df))
      slam <- object$lambda
      # get regular fit for y and four polynomials
      W2[,1] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,1],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
      W2[,2] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,2],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
      W2[,3] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,3],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
      W2[,4] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,4],all.knots=TRUE,spar=slam, ...)$y
    } else #df is specified
      # get regular fit for y and four polynomials for specified df
      W2[,1] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,1],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W2[,2] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,2],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W2[,3] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,3],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
      W2[,4] <- smooth.spline(x,W[,4],all.knots=TRUE,df=df, ...)$y
    #Apply boundary correction to the fitted spline
    W2 <- W-W2
    h <- solve(t(W2)%*%W2,t(W2)%*%(vars$yin-vars$y))
    fit <- list(x = vars$x, 
                y = as.vector(vars$y+W2%*%h))  

#Function to fit a spline using smooth.spline
"fitSpline" <- function(data, response, x, df=NULL, smoothing.scale = "identity", 
                        correctBoundaries = FALSE, 
                        deriv=NULL, suffices.deriv=NULL, RGR=NULL, AGR = NULL, 
                        na.x.action="exclude", na.y.action = "exclude", ...)
  #check input arguments
  impArgs <- match.call()
  if ("na.rm"%in% names(impArgs))
    stop("na.rm has been deprecated; use na.x.action and na.y.action")
  smscales <- c("identity", "logarithmic")
  smscale <- smscales[check.arg.values(smoothing.scale, options=smscales)]
  na.x <- na.y <- c("exclude", "omit", "fail")
  na.y <- c(na.y, "allx", "trimx", "ltrimx", "utrimx")
  na.act.x <- na.x[check.arg.values(na.x.action, options=na.x)]
  na.act.y <- na.y[check.arg.values(na.y.action, options=na.y)]  
  if (correctBoundaries & !is.null(deriv))
    stop("Unable to estimate derivatives when correctBoundaries = TRUE")
  if (!is.null(deriv) & !is.null(suffices.deriv))
    if (length(deriv) != length(suffices.deriv))
      stop("The number of names supplied must equal the number of derivatives specified")
  if (!is.null(RGR)) 
    if (!(1 %in% deriv))
      stop("To form the RGR, 1 must be included in deriv so that the first derivative is obtained")
      kagr <- match(1, deriv)
  tmp <- data
  #Transform data, if required
  if (smscale == "logarithmic")
    tmp[[response]] <- log(tmp[[response]])

  #Convert any infinite values to missing
  if (any(is.infinite(tmp[[response]])))
    tmp[[response]][is.infinite(tmp[[response]])] <- NA
    warning("Some infinite values have been converted to missing")
  #Set up fit data.frame
  fit.names <- c(x, paste(response,"smooth",sep="."))
  if (!is.null(deriv))
    if (is.null(suffices.deriv))
      fit.names <- c(fit.names, paste(response,".smooth.dv",deriv,sep=""))
      fit.names <- c(fit.names, paste(response,"smooth", suffices.deriv, sep="."))
  #Add RGR if required
  if (!is.null(RGR))
    fit.names <- c(fit.names, paste(response,"smooth",RGR,sep="."))
  fit <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(fit.names))
  names(fit) <- fit.names
  #Process missing values
  #tmp will have no missing values and is what is used in the fitting
  #data retains missing values and is used to obtain the returned data.frame
  #x.pred has the x-values for which predictions are required 
  #  - it should include all the x values that are returned by smooth.spline;
  #    it will not include any x values that are missing, but may include
  #    x values for which there are missing y values, depending on the settings 
  #    of na.y.action, and these x values wil not have been supplied to smooth.spline.
  if (nrow(tmp) == 0)
    warning("A response with no data values supplied")
  } else
    #remove any observations with missing x values
    if (na.act.x %in% c("omit", "exclude"))
      tmp <- tmp[!is.na(tmp[[x]]), ]
      if (na.act.x == "omit")
        data <- tmp
    x.pred <- tmp[[x]]
    #Are there any missing response values now
    if (na.act.y != "fail")
      if (na.act.y %in% c("omit", "exclude"))
        x.pred <- tmp[!is.na(tmp[[response]]), ][[x]]
      } else
        if (grepl("trimx", na.act.y, fixed = TRUE))
          tmp <- tmp[order(tmp[[x]]), ]
          y.nonmiss <- c(1:nrow(tmp))[!is.na(tmp[[response]])]
          x.pred <- tmp[[x]]
          if (length(y.nonmiss) > 0)
            if (na.act.y %in% c("trimx", "ltrimx"))
              x.pred <- x.pred[y.nonmiss[1]:length(tmp[[x]])]
              y.nonmiss <- y.nonmiss - y.nonmiss[1] + 1
            if (na.act.y %in% c("trimx", "utrimx"))
              x.pred <- x.pred[1:y.nonmiss[length(y.nonmiss)]]
            y.nonmiss <- diff(y.nonmiss)
            if (any(y.nonmiss >= 3))
              warning("There are runs of 3 or more contiguous y values that are missing")
          } else
            x.pred <- NULL
      tmp <- tmp[!is.na(tmp[[response]]), ]
      if (na.act.y == "omit")
        data <- tmp
  #What are the distinct x values
  distinct.xvals <- sort(unique(tmp[[x]]))
  tol <- 1e-06 * IQR(distinct.xvals)
  distinct.xvals <- remove.repeats(distinct.xvals, tolerance = tol)
  if (length(distinct.xvals) < 4) 
  { #< 4 distinct values and so all fitted values are set to NA
    warning(paste("Need at least 4 distinct x values to fit a spline",
                  "- all fitted values set to NA", sep = " "))
    fit <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(data), ncol = length(fit.names)))
    colnames(fit) <- fit.names
    fit[x] <- data[[x]]
  } else
    #smooth and obtain predictions corresponding to x.pred
    fitcorrectBoundaries <- correctBoundaries
    if (length(distinct.xvals) <= 5)
      warning(paste("Need more than 5 distinct x values to correct the end-points of a spline",
                    "- no corrections made", sep = " "))
      fitcorrectBoundaries <- FALSE
      fit.spline <- with(tmp, 
                         ncsSpline(tmp[c(x, response)], 
                                   correctBoundaries = fitcorrectBoundaries, 
                                   df = df, ...))
    } else
      fit.spline <- with(tmp, 
                         ncsSpline(tmp[c(x, response)], 
                                   correctBoundaries = correctBoundaries, 
                                   df = df, ...))
    x.pred <- remove.repeats(sort(x.pred), tolerance = tol)
    fit <- NULL
    if (length(x.pred) == length(fit.spline$x))
      if (all(abs(x.pred - fit.spline$x) < tol))
        fit <- list(fit.spline$x, fit.spline$y)
    #Need to refit for current x.pred
    if (is.null(fit))
      fit <- predict.ncsSpline(fit.spline, x = x.pred, 
                               correctBoundaries = fitcorrectBoundaries)
    rsmooth <- paste(response,"smooth",sep=".")
    names(fit) <- c(x, rsmooth)
    #backtransform if transformed
    if (smscale == "logarithmic")
      fit[[rsmooth]] <- exp(fit[[rsmooth]])
    #get derivatives if required
    if (!correctBoundaries & !is.null(deriv))
      for (d in deriv)
        if (is.null(suffices.deriv))
          rsmooth.dv <- paste(response,".smooth.dv",d,sep="")
          k <- match(d, deriv)
          rsmooth.dv <- paste(response,"smooth", suffices.deriv[k], sep=".")
        fit[[rsmooth.dv]] <- predict(fit.spline$uncorrected.fit, x = x.pred, deriv=d)$y
      #Add RGR if required
      if (!is.null(RGR) && smscale == "identity")
        if (is.null(suffices.deriv))
          rsmooth.dv <- paste(response,".smooth.dv",1,sep="")
          k <- match(1, deriv)
          rsmooth.dv <- paste(response,"smooth", suffices.deriv[k], sep=".")
        if (!(rsmooth.dv %in% names(fit)))
          stop("First derivative not available to calculate RGR")
        fit[[paste(rsmooth,RGR,sep=".")]] <- fit[[rsmooth.dv]]/fit[[rsmooth]]
      #Add AGR if required
      if (!is.null(AGR) && smscale == "logarithmic")
        if (is.null(suffices.deriv))
          rsmooth.dv <- paste(response,".smooth.dv",1,sep="")
          k <- match(1, deriv)
          rsmooth.dv <- paste(response,"smooth", suffices.deriv[k], sep=".")
        if (!(rsmooth.dv %in% names(fit)))
          stop("First derivative not available to calculate AGR")
        fit[[paste(rsmooth,AGR,sep=".")]] <- fit[[rsmooth.dv]]*fit[[rsmooth]]
    fit <- as.data.frame(fit)
    #Merge data and fit, preserving x-order in data
    x.ord <- order(data[[x]])
    fit <- merge(data[c(x,response)],fit, all.x = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
    fit <- fit[,-match(response, names(fit))]
    fit <- fit[order(fit[[x]]),]
    fit[x.ord,] <- fit
  rownames(fit) <- NULL

#Fit splines to smooth the longitudinal trends in the primary responses
#Specify responses to be smoothed and then loop over them
"splitSplines" <- function(data, response, x, INDICES, df = NULL, 
                           smoothing.scale = "identity", 
                           correctBoundaries = FALSE, 
                           deriv = NULL, suffices.deriv=NULL, RGR=NULL, AGR = NULL, sep=".", 
                           na.x.action="exclude", na.y.action = "exclude", ...)
  impArgs <- match.call()
  if ("na.rm"%in% names(impArgs))
    stop("na.rm has been deprecated; use na.x.action and na.y.action")
  smscales <- c("identity", "logarithmic")
  smscale <- smscales[check.arg.values(smoothing.scale, options=smscales)]

  #Split data frame by each combination of the INDICES factors
  old.names <- names(data)
  tmp <- split(data, as.list(data[INDICES]), sep=sep)
  #Fit splines for each combination of the INDICES factors
  tmp <- lapply(tmp, fitSpline, response=response, x = x, df=df, 
                smoothing.scale = smscale, 
                correctBoundaries = correctBoundaries, 
                deriv=deriv, suffices.deriv=suffices.deriv,  RGR=RGR, AGR=AGR, 
                na.x.action=na.x.action, na.y.action=na.y.action, ...)
  tmp <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
  ncols <- ncol(tmp)
  indices <- rownames(tmp)
  indices <- strsplit(indices, split=sep, fixed=TRUE)
  for (fac in 1:length(INDICES))
  { tmp[[INDICES[fac]]] <- unlist(lapply(indices, 
                                         function(x, fac)
                                         { x[fac]}, 
  if (is.factor(data[[INDICES[fac]]]))
    tmp[[INDICES[fac]]] <- factor(tmp[[INDICES[fac]]])
    if (is.numeric(data[[INDICES[fac]]]))
      tmp[[INDICES[fac]]] <- as.numeric(tmp[[INDICES[fac]]])
  tmp <- tmp[, c((ncols+1):length(tmp),1:ncols)]
  #Remove any pre-existing smoothed cols in data
  tmp.smooth <- names(tmp)[-match(c(INDICES,x), names(tmp))]
  tmp.smooth <- na.omit(match(tmp.smooth, names(data)))
  if (length(tmp.smooth) > 0)
    data <- data[ ,-tmp.smooth]
  tmp <- tmp[!is.na(tmp[[x]]), ]
  data <- merge(data, tmp, all.x = TRUE, sort=FALSE)
  #Rearrange columns so original column are followed by new columns
  new.names <- names(data)
  new.names <- new.names[-match(old.names, new.names)]
  data <- data[c(old.names, new.names)]
  rownames(data) <- NULL

#Functions to do calculations between successive dates 
# - does not assume same number time points for all individuals
#"Replace"  <- function(x, y) {z <- y}
"calcLagged" <- function(x, operation = NULL, lag=1)
  #This function replaces the observations with values calculated  
  # (i) for positive lag, itself and the value lag observations before it, 
  # (ii) for negative lag, itself and the value lag observations after it.
  #operation specifies calculation to be made on the pair of  values 
  #It returns as many values as are in data, the 1st lag values being NA
{ n <- length(x)
  nl <- n-abs(lag)
  if (is.null(operation))
  { if (lag > 0)
      x[(lag+1):n] <- x[1:nl]
     { if (lag < 0)
         x[1:nl] <- x[(abs(lag)+1):n]
  { FUN <- get(operation)
    FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
    if (lag > 0)
      x[(lag+1):n] <- FUN(x[(lag+1):n], x[1:nl])
    { if (lag < 0)
        x[1:nl] <- FUN(x[1:nl], x[(abs(lag)+1):n])
        x[1:n] <- FUN(x[1:n], x[1:n])
  if (lag > 0)
    x[1:lag] <- NA
    x[(nl+1):n] <- NA

#Function to test if any values in a set of values are anomalous
# in being outside specified limits 
"anom" <- function(x, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, na.rm = TRUE)
{ if (is.null(lower))
  { if (is.null(upper))
      stop("Must supply at least a lower or an  upper limit below or above which values are anomalous")
      anom <- any(x > upper, na.rm=na.rm)
  } else
  { if (is.null(upper))
      anom <- any(x < lower, na.rm=na.rm)
      anom <- any(x < lower, na.rm=na.rm) || any(x > upper, na.rm=na.rm)

#Function to calculate the cumulative sum, ignoring the first element if exclude.1st is TRUE
"cumulate" <- function(x, exclude.1st=FALSE)
{ sum <- x
  if (exclude.1st)
    sum[-1] <- cumsum(x[-1])
    sum <- cumsum(x)

#Functions to calculate growth rates between successive imagings
"AGRdiff" <- function(x, time.diffs, lag=1)
{ x.diffs <- calcLagged(x, operation = "-", lag = lag)
  x.diffs <- x.diffs / time.diffs
"PGR" <- function(x, time.diffs, lag=1)
{ x.rates <- calcLagged(x, operation = "/", lag = lag)
  x.rates <- x.rates ^ (1/time.diffs)

"RGRdiff" <- function(x, time.diffs, lag=1)
{ x.rates <- log(PGR(x, time.diffs, lag = lag))

"WUI" <- function(response, water)
{ response.WUI <- ifelse(water != 0, 
                         response / water, 

#Function that produces a longitudinal plot
"longiPlot" <- function(data, x = "xDays+44.5", response = "Area", individuals="Snapshot.ID.Tag", 
                        x.title = "Days", y.title = "Area (1000 pixels)", title = NULL, 
                        facet.x = "Treatment.1", facet.y =   "Smarthouse", labeller = NULL,  
                        colour = "black", colour.column=NULL, colour.values=NULL, alpha = 0.1, 
                        ggplotFuncs = NULL, printPlot = TRUE)
  data <- data[!is.na(data[response]),]
  longi.plot <- ggplot(data=data, aes_string(x = x, y = response)) +
                theme_bw() +
                theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey60", size = 0.5), 
                      panel.grid.minor = element_line(colour = "grey80", size = 0.5)) +
                xlab(x.title) + ylab(y.title) + ggtitle(title)
  #Do facet if have any
  if (facet.x != "." | facet.y != ".")
    facet.string <- paste(facet.y,facet.x,sep="~")
    if (is.null(labeller))
      longi.plot <- longi.plot + facet_grid(facet.string)
      longi.plot <- longi.plot + facet_grid(facet.string, labeller = labeller)
    longi.plot <- longi.plot + theme(strip.text = element_text(size=12, face="bold"),
                                     axis.title = element_text(face="bold"), legend.position="none")
  if (is.null(colour.column))
    longi.plot <- longi.plot + geom_line(aes_string(group=individuals),  
                                         colour=colour, alpha=alpha)
    longi.plot <- longi.plot + geom_line(aes_string(group=individuals, colour=colour.column), 
  if (!(is.null(colour.values)))
    longi.plot <- longi.plot + scale_colour_manual(values = colour.values)
  if (!is.null(ggplotFuncs))
    for (f in ggplotFuncs)
      longi.plot <- longi.plot + f
  if (printPlot)

#Function that calculates intervals and imageTimes from imageTimes
"calcTimes" <- function(data, imageTimes = NULL, 
                        timeFormat = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
                        intervals = "Time.after.Planting..d.", startTime = NULL, 
                        intervalUnit = "days", timePositions = NULL)
  if (!is.null(imageTimes))
    if (!(imageTimes %in% names(data)))
      stop("A column for imageTimes is not present in data")
    if (any(class(data[[imageTimes]])[1] %in% c("character", "factor")))
      data[imageTimes] <- as.POSIXct(data[[imageTimes]], format = timeFormat)
    units <- c("secs", "mins", "hours", "days")
    unit <- units[check.arg.values(intervalUnit, options=units)]
    if (unit == "secs")
      d <- getOption("digits.secs")
      if (d == 0)
        warning(paste("Fractions of sections will not be stored or extracted unless: \n",
                      "(i) option(digits.secs) has been set to the number of decimal places required \n",
                      "and (ii) %OS is used for seconds in timeFormat",
    if (!is.null(startTime))
      startTime <- as.POSIXct(startTime, format = timeFormat)
      data[[intervals]] <- difftime(data[[imageTimes]], startTime, units=intervalUnit)
      data[[intervals]] <- as.numeric(trunc(data[[intervals]], units=intervalUnit))
    if (!is.null(timePositions))
      data[[timePositions]] <- trunc(data[[imageTimes]], units=unit)
      if (unit == "secs")
        data[[timePositions]] <- as.numeric(format(data[[imageTimes]], "%OS"))
        data[[timePositions]] <- data[[timePositions]] - floor(data[[timePositions]])
        data[[timePositions]] <- as.numeric(difftime(data[[imageTimes]], 
                                                     units=units[(match(unit, units) - 1)]))

#Function that produces a plot of the imaging times
"imagetimesPlot" <- function(data, intervals = "Time.after.Planting..d.", 
                             timePositions = "Hour", 
                             groupVariable = "Snapshot.ID.Tag", colourVariable = "Lane", 
                             ggplotFuncs = NULL)
  #Check whether have enough information to do the calculations
  if (!all(c(intervals, timePositions, groupVariable, colourVariable) %in% names(data)))
    stop(paste("At least one of the columns for intervals, timePositions", 
               "groupVariable or colourVariable is not present in data", sep=""))
  if (!(is.numeric(data[[intervals]])))
    data[intervals] <- dae::as.numfac(data[[intervals]])
  if (!(is.numeric(data[[colourVariable]])))
    data[colourVariable] <- dae::as.numfac(data[[colourVariable]])
  #Do plot
  start <- min(data[intervals], na.rm=TRUE)
  end <- max(data[intervals], na.rm=TRUE)
  time.plot <- ggplot(data, aes_string(x=intervals, y=timePositions)) +
    geom_line(aes_string(group=groupVariable, colour=colourVariable), alpha=0.05) + 
    scale_colour_gradient(low="grey60", high="grey20") + 
    geom_point(aes_string(group=groupVariable), size=0.5) +
    facet_grid(Smarthouse ~ .) + theme_bw() +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(start, end, by=2)) +
    ylab("Hour of day")
  if (!is.null(ggplotFuncs))
    for (f in ggplotFuncs)
      time.plot <- time.plot + f

"anomPlot" <- function(data, x="xDays+24.16666667", response="Area.smooth.RGR", 
                       breaks=seq(12, 36, by=2), vertical.line=NULL, 
                       groupsFactor=NULL, lower=NULL, upper=NULL, 
                       start.time=NULL, end.time=NULL, times.factor = "Days", 
                       columns.retained=c("Snapshot.ID.Tag", "Smarthouse", "Lane", "Position", 
                                          "Treatment.1", "Genotype.ID"),
                       whichPrint=c("anomalous","innerPlot","outerPlot"), na.rm=TRUE, ...)
  if (!all(individuals %in% columns.retained))
    stop("The individuals column(s) is (are) not in the columns.retained")
  if (is.null(lower) & is.null(upper))
    stop("Must set at least one of lower and upper")
  options <- c("anomalous","innerPlot","outerPlot")
  opt <- options[unlist(lapply(whichPrint, check.arg.values, options=options))]
  #Determine anomalous individuals
  if (is.null(groupsFactor))
    anomalous.individuals <- intervalValueCalculate(response=response, FUN = "anom", data=data,
                                                    lower=lower, upper=upper, 
                                                    start.time=start.time, end.time=end.time, 
    data <- merge(data, anomalous.individuals[,1:2], by=individuals, sort=FALSE)
    tmp <- split(data, data[[groupsFactor]])
    ngrps <- length(tmp)
    nstart <- length(start.time)
    nend <- length(end.time)
    nlow <- length(lower)
    nup <- length(upper)
    if (nstart == 0)
      kstart <- NULL
      if (nend != 1 & nend != ngrps)
        stop("Number of end.time values must be equal 1 or the number of levels in groupsFactor")
      kend <- end.time[1]
    } else
      if (nend ==0)
        kend <- NULL
        if (nstart != 1 & nstart != ngrps)
          stop("Number of start.time values must be equal 1 or the number of levels in groupsFactor")
        kstart <- start.time[1]
      } else
        if (nstart != nend | (nstart != ngrps & nstart != 1))
          stop("Number of start.time and end.time values must be equal and equal to 1 \n",
               "or the number of levels in groupsFactor")
        kstart <- start.time[1]
        kend <- end.time[1]
    if (!(nlow == 0 | nlow  == ngrps |  nlow == 1))
      stop("Number of lower values must equal to 1 or the number of levels in groupsFactor")
    if (!(nup == 0 | nup  == ngrps | nup == 1))
      stop("Number of upper values must equal to 1 or the number of levels in groupsFactor")
    klow <- lower[1]
    kup <- upper[1]
    for (k in 1:ngrps)
      if (nstart > 1)
        kstart <- start.time[k]
      if (nend > 1)
        kend <- end.time[k]
      if (nlow > 1)
        klow <- lower[k]
      if (nup > 1)
        kup <- upper[k]
      anomalous.individuals <- intervalValueCalculate(response=response, FUN = "anom", data=tmp[[k]],
                                                      lower=klow, upper=kup, 
                                                      start.time=kstart, end.time=kend, 
      tmp[[k]] <- merge(tmp[[k]], anomalous.individuals[,1:2], by=individuals, sort=FALSE)
    data <- do.call(rbind, tmp)
  response.anom <- names(anomalous.individuals)[2]
  #Plot without anomalous individuals
  if (sum(!data[[response.anom]] > 0))
    innerPlot <- longiPlot(data = subset(data, !data[[response.anom]]), 
                           x=x, response = response, 
                           printPlot=FALSE, ...)
    innerPlot <- innerPlot + scale_x_continuous(breaks=breaks)
    if (!is.null(vertical.line))
      innerPlot <- innerPlot + geom_vline(xintercept=vertical.line, linetype="longdash", size=1)
    if ("innerPlot" %in% opt)
  } else
    innerPlot <- NULL
  #Print out anomalous individuals
  if ("anomalous" %in% opt)
    anom.dat <- data[c(columns.retained, response.anom)] 
    anom.dat <- split(anom.dat, anom.dat[[individuals]])
    anom.dat <- lapply(anom.dat, 
                         dat <- dat[1,])
    anom.dat <- do.call(rbind, anom.dat)
    anom.dat <- anom.dat[anom.dat[[response.anom]],]
    anom.dat <- anom.dat[order(anom.dat[[individuals]]), columns.retained]
  #Plot anomalous individuals, adding Snapshot.ID.Tag
  if (sum(data[[response.anom]] > 0))
    outerPlot <- longiPlot(data = subset(data, data[[response.anom]]), 
                           x=x, response = response, alpha=0.5, colour="purple", 
                           printPlot=FALSE, ...)
    outerPlot <- outerPlot + scale_x_continuous(breaks=breaks)
    if (!is.null(vertical.line))
      outerPlot <- outerPlot + geom_vline(xintercept=vertical.line, linetype="longdash", size=1)
    if ("outerPlot" %in% opt)
  } else
    outerPlot <- NULL
  invisible(list(data = data, innerPlot = innerPlot, outerPlot = outerPlot))

"fac.getinFormula" <- function(formula = NULL, data = NULL, ...)
#Get a list of the factors in a formula
  if (is.character(formula))
    formula <- as.formula(paste("~ ",formula, sep=""))
    if (!is.null(terms))  
      formula <- as.formula(formula)
  if (is.null(terms))
    facs <- NULL
    facs <- rownames(attr(terms(with(data, formula)), which="factor"))

plotDeviations <- function(dat, x, obs, smoothed, devnplots = "none", x.title = NULL, 
                           facet.x = "Treatment.1", facet.y = "Smarthouse", 
                           labeller = NULL, df)  
  ggfacet <- list()
  #Set up facet if have any
  if (facet.x != "." | facet.y != ".")
    facet.string <- paste(facet.y,facet.x,sep="~")
    if (is.null(labeller))
      ggfacet <- list(facet_grid(facet.string))
      ggfacet <- list(facet_grid(facet.string, labeller = labeller))
  if ("absolute" %in% devnplots)
    dat$deviations <- dat[[obs]] - dat[[smoothed]]
    print(ggplot(data = dat, aes_string(x=x, y = "deviations")) +
            theme_bw() + 
            geom_boxplot() + 
            geom_hline(yintercept=0, colour="blue") +
            ylab(paste("Absolute", obs, "deviations for df", df, sep = " ")) + 
            xlab(x.title) + ggfacet)
  if ("relative" %in% devnplots)
    dat$deviations <- (dat[[obs]] - dat[[smoothed]])/dat[[smoothed]]
    print(ggplot(data = dat, aes_string(x=x, y = "deviations")) +
            theme_bw() + 
            geom_boxplot() + 
            geom_hline(yintercept=0, colour="blue") +
            ylab(paste("Relative", obs, "deviations for df", df, sep = " ")) + 
            xlab(x.title) + ggfacet)

"probeDF" <- function(data, response = "Area", xname="xDays", 
                      na.x.action="exclude", na.y.action = "exclude", 
                      df, smoothing.scale = "identity", correctBoundaries = FALSE, 
                      get.rates = TRUE, rates.method="differences", 
                      times.factor = "Days", x = NULL, x.title = NULL, 
                      facet.x = "Treatment.1", facet.y = "Smarthouse", 
                      labeller = NULL, colour = "black", colour.column=NULL, 
                      colour.values=NULL, alpha = 0.1, 
                      which.traits = c("response", "AGR", "RGR"), 
                      which.plots = "smoothedonly",
                      deviations.boxplots = "none", 
                      ggplotFuncs = NULL, ...)
  #check input arguments
  impArgs <- match.call()
  if ("na.rm"%in% names(impArgs))
    stop("na.rm has been deprecated; use na.x.action and na.y.action")
  options <- c("differences","derivative")
  opt <- options[check.arg.values(rates.method, options=options)]
  options <- c("none", "smoothedonly", "bothseparately", "compare", "deviationsboxplot")
  plots <- options[check.arg.values(which.plots, options=options)]
  if (any(c("bothseparately", "compare") %in% plots))
    plotunsmooth <- TRUE
    plotunsmooth <- FALSE
  options <- c("none", "absolute", "relative")
  devnplots <- options[unlist(lapply(deviations.boxplots, check.arg.values, 
  if ("none" %in% devnplots & length(devnplots) > 1)
    devnplots <- "none"
  if (is.null(x.title))
    x.title <- times.factor
  options <- c("response", "AGR", "RGR", "all")
  traits <- options[unlist(lapply(which.traits, check.arg.values, options=options))]
  if ("all" %in% traits)
    traits <- c("response", "AGR", "RGR")
  if (any(c("AGR","RGR") %in% traits) & !get.rates)
    stop("get.rates is FALSE but growth-rate plots have been requested")
    if (!any(c("AGR","RGR") %in% traits) & get.rates)
      get.rates <- FALSE
  #Form data.frame with just columns needed 
  v <- c(individuals, times.factor, xname, response)
  if (facet.x != ".")
    v <- c(v, fac.getinFormula(facet.x))
  if (facet.y != ".")
    v <- c(v, fac.getinFormula(facet.y))
  if (is.null(x))
    x <- xname
  #  else
  #    v <- c(v,x)
  if (!all(v %in% names(data)))
    stop(paste("Do not have the following required columns in data: ", 
               paste(v[!(v %in% names(data))],sep=", "), "\n", sep=""))
  tmp <- data[v]
  #Smooth response and form growth rates
  response.smooth <- paste(response, "smooth", sep=".")
  responses.smooth <- response.smooth 
  if ((plotunsmooth | !("none" %in% devnplots)) & get.rates)
    tmp <- splitContGRdiff(tmp, response, INDICES=individuals,
                           which.rates = c("AGR","RGR"), times.factor=times.factor)
  for (degfree in df)
    if (opt == "differences")
      tmp <- splitSplines(tmp, response, x=xname, INDICES = individuals, 
                          df = degfree, smoothing.scale = smoothing.scale, 
                          correctBoundaries = correctBoundaries, 
                          na.x.action = na.x.action, na.y.action = na.y.action)
      if (get.rates)
        responses.smooth <- c(responses.smooth, 
                              paste(response.smooth, c("AGR","RGR"), sep="."))
        tmp <- splitContGRdiff(tmp, response.smooth, INDICES=individuals,
                               which.rates = c("AGR","RGR"), times.factor=times.factor)
    } else #derivatives
      if (get.rates)
        responses.smooth <- c(responses.smooth, 
                              paste(response.smooth, c("AGR","RGR"), sep="."))
        tmp <- splitSplines(tmp, response, x=xname, INDICES = individuals, deriv=1, 
                            suffices.deriv="AGR", RGR="RGR", df = degfree, 
                            smoothing.scale = smoothing.scale, 
                            na.x.action = na.x.action, na.y.action = na.y.action)
        tmp <- splitSplines(tmp, response, x=xname, INDICES = individuals, 
                            df = degfree, smoothing.scale = smoothing.scale, 
                            correctBoundaries = correctBoundaries, 
                            na.x.action = na.x.action, na.y.action = na.y.action)
    responses.df <- paste(responses.smooth, as.character(degfree), sep=".")
    names(tmp)[match(responses.smooth, names(tmp))] <- responses.df
  #Plot some combination of unsmoothed and smoothed response, AGR and RGR
  if (!("none" %in% plots) | !("none" %in% devnplots))
    responses.tmp <- names(tmp)
    #Plot response
    if (plotunsmooth & "response" %in% traits)
      pltu <- longiPlot(data = tmp, x=x, response = response, individuals = individuals, 
                        facet.x=facet.x, facet.y=facet.y, labeller = labeller, 
                        colour = colour, colour.column = colour.column, 
                        colour.values = colour.values, alpha = alpha, 
                        title="Unsmoothed response", x.title = x.title, y.title = response, 
                        printPlot=FALSE, ...)
      if (!is.null(ggplotFuncs))
        for (f in ggplotFuncs)
          pltu <- pltu + f
        if (!("compare" %in% plots))
    if ("compare" %in% plots)
      for (degfree in df)
        r <- paste(response.smooth, degfree, sep=".")
        plt <- longiPlot(data = tmp, x=x, response = r, individuals = individuals, 
                         facet.x=facet.x, facet.y=facet.y, labeller = labeller, 
                         colour = colour, colour.column = colour.column, 
                         colour.values = colour.values, alpha = alpha, 
                         title="Smoothed response", x.title = x.title, y.title = r, 
                         printPlot=FALSE, ...)
        if (!is.null(ggplotFuncs))
          for (f in ggplotFuncs)
            plt <- plt + f
          pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(1, 2)))
          print(pltu, vp=viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=1))
          print(plt, vp=viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=2))
          plotDeviations(dat = tmp, x = times.factor, obs = response, smoothed = r, 
                         devnplots = devnplots, x.title = x.title, 
                         facet.x=facet.x, facet.y=facet.y, labeller = labeller, 
                         df = degfree)
      } else
        if ("compare" %in% plots)
          for (degfree in df)
            r <- paste(response.smooth, degfree, sep=".")
            plt <- longiPlot(data = tmp, x=x, response = r, individuals = individuals, 
                             facet.x=facet.x, facet.y=facet.y, labeller = labeller, 
                             colour = colour, colour.column = colour.column, 
                             colour.values = colour.values, alpha = alpha, 
                             title="Smoothed response", x.title = x.title, y.title = r, 
                             printPlot=FALSE, ...)
            if (!is.null(ggplotFuncs))
              for (f in ggplotFuncs)
                plt <- plt + f
            plotDeviations(dat = tmp, x = times.factor, obs = response, smoothed = r, 
                           devnplots = devnplots, x.title = x.title, 
                           facet.x=facet.x, facet.y=facet.y, labeller = labeller, 
                           df = degfree)
    #Plot AGRs
    if ("AGR" %in% traits)
      if (plotunsmooth & "AGR" %in% traits)
        pltu <- longiPlot(data = tmp, x=x, response = paste(response,"AGR",sep="."), 
                          individuals = individuals, 
                          facet.x=facet.x, facet.y=facet.y, labeller = labeller, 
                          colour = colour, colour.column = colour.column, 
                          colour.values = colour.values, alpha = alpha, 
                          title="Unsmoothed AGR by difference", 
                          x.title = x.title, y.title = paste(response,"AGR",sep="."), 
                          printPlot=FALSE, ...)
        if (!is.null(ggplotFuncs))
          for (f in ggplotFuncs)
            pltu <- pltu + f
          if (!("compare" %in% plots))
      if ("compare" %in% plots)
        for (degfree in df)
          r <- paste(response.smooth, "AGR", degfree, sep=".")
          plt <- longiPlot(data = tmp, x=x, response = r, individuals = individuals, 
                           facet.x=facet.x, facet.y=facet.y, labeller = labeller, 
                           colour = colour, colour.column = colour.column, 
                           colour.values = colour.values, alpha = alpha, 
                           title="Smoothed AGR", x.title = x.title, y.title = r, 
                           printPlot=FALSE, ...)
          if (!is.null(ggplotFuncs))
            for (f in ggplotFuncs)
              plt <- plt + f
            pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(1, 2)))
            print(pltu, vp=viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=1))
            print(plt, vp=viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=2))
            plotDeviations(dat = tmp, x = times.factor, 
                           obs = paste(response,"AGR",sep="."), smoothed = r, 
                           devnplots = devnplots, x.title = x.title, 
                           facet.x=facet.x, facet.y=facet.y, labeller = labeller, 
                           df = degfree)
        } else
          for (degfree in df)
            r <- paste(response.smooth, "AGR", degfree, sep=".")
            plt <- longiPlot(data = tmp, x=x, response = r, individuals = individuals, 
                             facet.x=facet.x, facet.y=facet.y, labeller = labeller, 
                             colour = colour, colour.column = colour.column, 
                             colour.values = colour.values, alpha = alpha, 
                             title=paste("Smoothed AGR by ", opt, sep=""), 
                             x.title = x.title, y.title = r, printPlot=FALSE, ...)
            if (!is.null(ggplotFuncs))
              for (f in ggplotFuncs)
                plt <- plt + f
              plotDeviations(dat = tmp, x = times.factor, 
                             obs = paste(response,"AGR",sep="."), smoothed = r, 
                             devnplots = devnplots, x.title = x.title, 
                             facet.x=facet.x, facet.y=facet.y, labeller = labeller, 
                             df = degfree)
    #Plot RGR
    if ("RGR" %in% traits)
      if (plotunsmooth & "RGR" %in% traits)
        pltu <- longiPlot(data = tmp, x=x, response = paste(response,"RGR",sep="."), 
                          individuals = individuals, 
                          facet.x=facet.x, facet.y=facet.y, labeller = labeller, 
                          colour = colour, colour.column = colour.column, 
                          colour.values = colour.values, alpha = alpha, 
                          title="Unsmoothed RGR by difference", 
                          x.title = x.title, y.title = paste(response,"RGR",sep="."), 
                          printPlot=FALSE, ...)
        if (!is.null(ggplotFuncs))
          for (f in ggplotFuncs)
            pltu <- pltu + f
          if (!("compare" %in% plots))
      if ("compare" %in% plots)
        for (degfree in df)
          r <- paste(response.smooth, "RGR", degfree, sep=".")
          plt <- longiPlot(data = tmp, x=x, response = r, individuals = individuals, 
                           facet.x=facet.x, facet.y=facet.y, labeller = labeller, 
                           colour = colour, colour.column = colour.column, 
                           colour.values = colour.values, alpha = alpha, 
                           title="Smoothed RGR", x.title = x.title, y.title = r, 
                           printPlot=FALSE, ...)
          if (!is.null(ggplotFuncs))
            for (f in ggplotFuncs)
              plt <- plt + f
            pushViewport(viewport(layout = grid.layout(1, 2)))
            print(pltu, vp=viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=1))
            print(plt, vp=viewport(layout.pos.row=1, layout.pos.col=2))
            plotDeviations(dat = tmp, x = times.factor, 
                           obs = paste(response,"RGR",sep="."), smoothed = r, 
                           devnplots = devnplots, x.title = x.title, 
                           facet.x=facet.x, facet.y=facet.y, labeller = labeller, 
                           df = degfree)
        } else
          for (degfree in df)
            r <- paste(response.smooth, "RGR", degfree, sep=".")
            plt <- longiPlot(data = tmp, x=x, response = r, individuals = individuals, 
                             facet.x=facet.x, facet.y=facet.y, labeller = labeller, 
                             colour = colour, colour.column = colour.column, 
                             colour.values = colour.values, alpha = alpha, 
                             title=paste("Smoothed RGR by ", opt, sep=""), 
                             x.title = x.title, y.title = r, printPlot=FALSE, ...)
            if (!is.null(ggplotFuncs))
              for (f in ggplotFuncs)
                plt <- plt + f
              plotDeviations(dat = tmp, x = times.factor, 
                             obs = paste(response,"RGR",sep="."), smoothed = r, 
                             devnplots = devnplots, x.title = x.title, 
                             facet.x=facet.x, facet.y=facet.y, labeller = labeller, 
                             df = degfree)

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imageData documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 5:08 p.m.