#' Natural language description of Ceteris Paribus explainer
#' @description Generic function \code{describe} generates a natural language
#' description of \code{ceteris_paribus()}, \code{aggregated_profiles()} and
#' \code{feature_importance()} explanations what enchaces their interpretability.
#' @details Function \code{describe.ceteris_paribus()} generates a natural language description of
#' ceteris paribus profile. The description summarizes variable values, that would change
#' model's prediction at most. If a ceteris paribus profile for multiple variables is passed,
#' \code{variables} must specify a single variable to be described. Works only for a ceteris paribus profile
#' for one observation. For \code{display_numbers = TRUE}
#' three most important variable values are displayed, while \code{display_numbers = FALSE} displays
#' all the important variables, however without further details.
#' @param x a ceteris paribus explanation produced with function \code{ceteris_paribus()}
#' @param nonsignificance_treshold a parameter specifying a treshold for variable importance
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @param display_values allows for displaying variable values
#' @param display_numbers allows for displaying numerical values
#' @param variables a character of a single variable name to be described
#' @param label label for model's prediction
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom stats setNames smooth lm
#' @examples
#' library("DALEX")
#' library("ingredients")
#' library("ranger")
#' \donttest{
#' model_titanic_rf <- ranger(survived ~., data = titanic_imputed, probability = TRUE)
#' explain_titanic_rf <- explain(model_titanic_rf,
#' data = titanic_imputed[,-8],
#' y = titanic_imputed[,8],
#' label = "ranger forest",
#' verbose = FALSE)
#' selected_passanger <- select_sample(titanic_imputed, n = 1, seed = 123)
#' cp_rf <- ceteris_paribus(explain_titanic_rf, selected_passanger)
#' plot(cp_rf, variable_type = "categorical")
#' describe(cp_rf, variables = "class", label = "the predicted probability")
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname describe
describe <- function(x, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname describe
describe.ceteris_paribus_explainer <- function(x,
nonsignificance_treshold = 0.15,
display_values = FALSE,
display_numbers = FALSE,
variables = NULL,
label = "prediction") {
if (length(unique(x[ ,'_vname_'])) == 1) variables <- as.character(x[1,'_vname_'])
if (is.null(variables)) stop("Choose a single variable to be described.")
if (!is(variables, "character")) stop("Enter the single variables name as character.")
# Assigning model's name
model_name <- as.character(x[1,'_label_'])
model_name <- paste(toupper(substr(model_name, 1, 1)), substr(model_name, 2, nchar(model_name)), sep="")
# Assigning a value to the choosen variable
variables_value <- ifelse(is(attr(x, "observations")[,variables], "numeric"),
round(attr(x, "observations")[,variables],3),
as.character(attr(x, "observations")[,variables]))
value <- ifelse(display_values,
paste0(" (", variables, " = ",
variables_value, ")"),
# Generating description
if (is(x[ ,variables], "numeric")) {
description <- describe_ceteris_paribus_continuous(x = x,
nonsignificance_treshold = nonsignificance_treshold,
display_values = display_values,
display_numbers = display_numbers,
variables = variables,
label = label,
model_name = model_name,
value = value)
} else {
x[ ,variables] <- as.character(x[ ,variables])
description <- describe_ceteris_paribus_factor(x = x,
nonsignificance_treshold = nonsignificance_treshold,
display_values = display_values,
display_numbers = display_numbers,
variables = variables,
label = label,
model_name = model_name,
value = value)
class(description) <- c("ceteris_paribus_description", "description", "character")
specify_df <- function(x, variables, nonsignificance_treshold) {
#Creates a df for easier description generation
df <- x[which(x[ ,'_vname_'] == variables), ]
if (nrow(df) == 0) stop("There is no such variable.")
if (length(unique(df[ ,variables])) != length(df[ ,variables])) {
stop("Use aggregated_profile() function for describing a ceteris paribus explanation for more than one instance.")
df <- df[ ,c(variables,"_yhat_")]
treshold <- NULL
if (is(df[ ,variables], "factor") | is(df[ ,variables], "character")) {
# choosing the prediction value for the observation being explained
baseline_prediction <- attr(x, "observations")[1,'_yhat_']
df['importance'] <- sapply(df[ ,'_yhat_'], function(x) abs(x-baseline_prediction))
df['importance'] <- round(df['importance'], 3)
df <- df[order(df[ ,'importance'], decreasing = TRUE), ]
df['variable_name'] <- paste0('"', df[ ,variables],'"')
df <- df[-which(df[ ,variables] == attr(x, "observations")[1,variables]), ]
most_important_prediction <- max(df[ ,'importance'])
treshold <- most_important_prediction * nonsignificance_treshold
df['important'] <- sapply(df[ ,'importance'], function(x) if (x < treshold) FALSE else TRUE)
list("df" = df, "treshold" = treshold)
describe_ceteris_paribus_factor <- function(x,
value) {
# Specifying a df for easier variable description
df_list <- specify_df(x = x,
variables = variables,
nonsignificance_treshold = nonsignificance_treshold)
df <- df_list$df
treshold <- df_list$treshold
#Selecting model's prediction for the observation being explained
baseline_prediction <- attr(x, "observations")[1,'_yhat_']
# Choosing the mode of the explanation
if (display_numbers) {
argument1 <- NULL
argument2 <- NULL
argument3 <- NULL
if (nrow(df) > 0) {
sign1 <- if (df[1,'_yhat_'] > baseline_prediction) "increases" else "decreases"
argument1 <- paste0("The most important change in ", model_name,
"'s prediction would occur for ", variables, " = ",
df[1,'variable_name'], ". It ",sign1,
" the prediction by ", df$importance[1], ".")
if (nrow(df) > 1) {
sign2 <- if (df[2,'_yhat_'] > baseline_prediction) "increases" else "decreases"
argument2 <- paste0("The second most important change in ", "the",
" prediction would occur for ", variables, " = ",
df[2,'variable_name'], ". It ",sign2,
" the prediction by ", df$importance[2], ".")
if (nrow(df) > 2) {
sign3 <- if (df[3,'_yhat_'] > baseline_prediction) "increases" else "decreases"
argument3 <- paste0("The third most important change in ", "the",
" prediction would occur for ", variables, " = ",
df[3,'variable_name'], ". It ",sign3,
" the prediction by ", df$importance[3], ".")
introduction <- paste0(model_name," predicts that for the selected instance", value, ", ",
label, " is equal to ", round(baseline_prediction, 3))
argumentation <- paste(argument1, argument2, argument3, sep = " \n")
summary <- ifelse((nrow(df) > 3),
paste0("Other variable values are with less importance.",
" They do not change the ", label, " by more than ",
"All variables are being displayed.")
description <- paste0(introduction, "\n\n",
argumentation, "\n\n",
} else {
df_important <- df[which(df[ ,'important'] == TRUE ), ]
df_positive <- df[which(df_important[ ,'_yhat_'] >= baseline_prediction), ]
df_negative <- df[which(df_important[ ,'_yhat_'] < baseline_prediction), ]
if (nrow(df_positive) == 0) {
arguments_increasing <- NULL
} else {
increasing <- paste(df_positive[ ,'variable_name'], collapse = ", ")
arguments_increasing <- paste0("increase substantially if the value of ",
variables, " variable would change to ", increasing)
if (nrow(df_negative) == 0) {
arguments_decreasing <- NULL
} else {
decreasing <- paste(df_negative[ ,'variable_name'], collapse = ", ")
arguments_decreasing <- paste0("decrease substantially if the value of ",
variables, " variable would change to ", decreasing)
introduction <- paste0("For the selected instance", value,", ",
label," estimated by ", model_name, " is equal to ",
round(baseline_prediction,3), ".")
argumentation <- ifelse((is.null(arguments_increasing) | is.null(arguments_decreasing)),
paste0("Model's prediction would ", arguments_increasing,
arguments_decreasing, ".\n",
"The largest change would be marked if ",
variables, " variable would change to ",
df_important[1,"variable_name"], "."),
paste0("Model's prediction would ", arguments_increasing,
". On the other hand, ",
model_name,"'s ", label, " would ", arguments_decreasing,
". The largest change would be marked if ",
variables, " variable would change to ",
df_important[1,"variable_name"], "."))
described_all <- (nrow(df_important) == nrow(df))
summary <- ifelse(described_all,
"All the variables were displayed.",
paste0("Other variables are with less importance and they do not change ",
label, " by more than ", round(treshold,2), "%."))
description <- paste0(introduction, "\n\n",
argumentation, "\n\n",
describe_ceteris_paribus_continuous <- function(x,
value) {
# Specifying a df for variable description
df <- specify_df(x = x, variables = variables)$df
baseline_prediction <- attr(x, "observations")[1,'_yhat_']
introduction <- paste0(model_name," predicts that for the selected instance", value, ", ",
label, " is equal to ", round(baseline_prediction, 3))
# prefix
max_name <- df[which.max(df$`_yhat_`), variables]
min_name <- df[which.min(df$`_yhat_`), variables]
cutpoint <- find_optimal_cutpoint_average(smooth(df$`_yhat_`))
# do not round if it's below minimum #76
cut_name <- max(
round(df[cutpoint, variables], 3),
min(c(df[, variables])) # never get smaller than min
# Test if the break point is between max_name and min_name
multiple_breakpoints <- ifelse((cut_name < min(min_name, max_name) | cut_name > max(min_name, max_name)),
if (multiple_breakpoints) {
df_additional <- df[which(df[ ,variables] == min(min_name, max_name)):which(df[ ,variables] == max(min_name, max_name)), ]
cutpoint_additional <- find_optimal_cutpoint_average(smooth(na.omit(df_additional$`_yhat_`)))
breakpoint_description <- ifelse(multiple_breakpoints,
paste0("Breakpoints are identified at (",
variables, " = ", cut_name, " and ",
variables, " = ",
round(df[cutpoint_additional, variables], 3), ")."),
paste0("Breakpoint is identified at (",
variables, " = ", cut_name, ")."))
prefix <- paste0("The highest prediction occurs for (", variables, " = ", max_name, "),",
" while the lowest for (", variables, " = ", min_name, ").\n",
cutpoint <- ifelse(multiple_breakpoints,
sufix <- describe_numeric_variable(original_x = attr(x, "observations"),
df = df,
cutpoint = cutpoint,
variables = variables)
description <- paste(introduction, prefix, sufix, sep = "\n\n")
#:# could use some comments
find_optimal_cutpoint <- function(vector_predictions) {
# Finds breakpoints for ceteris_paribus profile description
vector_observations <- 1:length(vector_predictions)
breakpoints_all <-sapply(vector_observations, function(x) {
dum_x <- ifelse(vector_observations <= x, 1, 0)
fit = lm(vector_predictions ~ vector_observations*dum_x)
p <- summary(fit)$coefficients[,4][c('dum_x', 'vector_observations:dum_x')]
important <- ifelse(any(, NA,
if (all(unname(p) < 0.5)) abs(summary(fit)$coefficients[2,1] - summary(fit)$coefficients[3,1]) else 0)
setNames(important, x)
breakpoints_all <- breakpoints_all[order(abs(breakpoints_all), decreasing = TRUE, na.last = TRUE)]
#:# could use some comments
find_optimal_cutpoint_average <- function(x) {
diffs <- sapply(1:(length(x) - 1), function(cutpoint) {
abs(mean(x[1:cutpoint]) - mean(x[-(1:cutpoint)]))
w <- pmin(seq_along(diffs) / length(diffs), 1 - seq_along(diffs) / length(diffs))
which.max(diffs * w^0.25)
describe_numeric_variable <- function(original_x, df, cutpoint, variables) {
# Describes a numeric variable given a cutpoint
# Different default value for ceteris_paribus and pdp
default <- if (!(is.null(original_x))) original_x[1, variables] else mean(df[,'_yhat_'])
# selected point is on the left from cutpoint
if (default <= df[cutpoint, variables]) {
# point is higher than the average
if (mean(df[1:cutpoint, "_yhat_"]) > mean(df[, "_yhat_"])) {
sufix <- paste0("Average model responses are *lower* for variable values *higher* than breakpoint ")
} else {
sufix <- paste0("Average model responses are *higher* for variable values *higher* than breakpoint ")
} else {
# point is higher than the average
if (mean(df[1:cutpoint, "_yhat_"]) > mean(df[, "_yhat_"])) {
sufix <- paste0("Average model responses are *higher* for variable values *lower* than breakpoint ")
} else {
sufix <- paste0("Average model responses are *lower* for variable values *lower* than breakpoint")
paste0(sufix, "(= ", round(df[cutpoint, variables], 3), ").")
describe_numeric_variable_average <- function(original_x, x_part, cutpoint, vname) {
# selected point is on the left from cutpoint
if (original_x[1, vname] <= x_part[cutpoint, vname]) {
# point is higher than the average
if (mean(x_part[1:cutpoint, "_yhat_"]) > mean(x_part[, "_yhat_"])) {
sufix <- paste0("Model responses are *lower* for *higher* values of ", vname, " \n")
} else {
sufix <- paste0("Model responses are *higher* for *higher* values of ", vname, " \n")
} else {
# point is higher than the average
if (mean(x_part[1:cutpoint, "_yhat_"]) > mean(x_part[, "_yhat_"])) {
sufix <- paste0("Model responses are *higher* for *lower* values of ", vname, " \n")
} else {
sufix <- paste0("Model responses are *lower* for *lower* values of ", vname, " \n")
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