## Copyright (C) 2012 Marius Hofert and Valerie Chavez-Demoulin
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <>.
## *G*eneralized *A*dditive *M*odeling for *E*xtremes
## Remark:
## 1) Notation:
## paper | Valerie's thesis | Valerie's former code | Coles' book + ismev
## xi -kappa kappa xi
## beta sigma sigma sigma
## nu nu eta --
## 2) GPD(xi in IR, beta > 0) distribution function (same as in ismev; up to notation):
## G_{xi,beta}(x) = 1-(1+xi*x/beta)^(-1/xi) if xi!=0
## = 1-exp(-x/beta) if xi =0
## x>=0 when xi>=0 and x in [0,-beta/xi] when xi<0
## 3) GPD(xi, beta) density for xi>0:
## g_{xi,beta}(x) = (1+xi*x/beta)^(-(1+1/xi))/beta if x>0
## loading required packages
# require(mgcv) # comes with R natively (one of the recommended packages)
# require(ismev) # for computing initial values xi.init, beta.init (not required to load within package ismev)
### Auxiliary functions ########################################################
##' Reparameterized log-likelihood l^r(xi, nu; y_1,..,y_n) = l(xi, exp(nu)/(1+xi);
##' y_1,..,y_n), where l(xi, beta; y_1,..,y_n) = -n*log(beta)-(1+1/xi)*sum(
##' log(1+xi*y_i/beta)) denotes the log-likelihood of a GPD(xi, beta) distribution
##' @title Reparameterized log-Likelihood l^r
##' @param y vector of excesses (over a high threshold u)
##' @param xi GPD(xi,beta) (single) parameter xi
##' @param nu GPD(xi, beta) (single) parameter nu (orthogonal in the Fisher
##' information metric to xi)
##' @param multivariate logical indicating whether xi and nu may be vectors of the
##' same length as y
##' @return reparametrized log-likelihood l^r
##' @author Marius Hofert
rLogL <- function(y, xi, nu, multivariate=TRUE)
stopifnot((n <- length(y)) > 0)
if(multivariate){ # new setup
stopifnot(length(xi)==n, length(nu)==n)
sum(mapply(rLogL, y=y, xi=xi, nu=nu, multivariate=FALSE)) # note: this leads to n=length(y)==1 in the next call of rLogL (so n==1 and sum() goes over 1 obs. => correct)
} else { # classical setup
stopifnot(length(xi)==1, length(nu)==1) # classical setup
##' @title Compute Derivatives of the Reparameterized log-Likelihood
##' @param y vector of excesses (over a high threshold u)
##' @param xi vector of GPD(xi,beta) parameters xi
##' @param nu vector of (orthogonal in the Fisher information metric)
##' GPD(xi, beta) parameters nu
##' @param verbose logical indicating whether wrong arguments to log1p are printed
##' @return (n x 4) matrix containing the partial derivatives of the
##' reparameterized log-likelihood l^r where
##' column 1: derivative of the reparameterized log-likelihood w.r.t. xi
##' column 2: derivative of the reparameterized log-likelihood w.r.t. nu
##' column 3: 2nd derivative of the reparameterized log-likelihood w.r.t. xi
##' column 4: 2nd derivative of the reparameterized log-likelihood w.r.t. nu
##' @author Marius Hofert
##' Note: Column 3 and 4 have different sign than in the old code
DrLogL <- function(y, xi, nu, verbose=TRUE)
stopifnot((n <- length(y)) > 0, length(xi)==n, length(nu)==n)
## auxiliary results
enu <- exp(nu)
xi1 <- 1+xi
b <- enu/xi1 # beta
bxiy <- b+xi*y # beta+xi*y
ybxiy <- y/bxiy # y/(beta+xi*y)
bbxiy <- b*bxiy # beta*(beta+xi*y)
## check (since this is sometimes a problematic case)
if(verbose && any(ind <- ((value <- xi*y/b) <= -1))){
warning("Some 1 + xi * y / b are <= 0, which, theoretically, should not happen:")
tab <- cbind(xi=xi[ind], b=b[ind], y=y[ind], value=value[ind])
nr <- nrow(tab)
if (nr > 10) {
cat("... ... ... ...\n")
} else {
lxiyb <- log1p(xi*y/b) # log(1+xi*y/beta)
## components of the score function l(\bm{xi},\bm{beta};y_i, i=1,..,n')
## corresponding to l(xi(_i),beta(_i);y(_i))=log g_{xi(_i),beta(_i)}(y(_i)),
## => sum to get l(\bm{xi},\bm{beta};y_i, i=1,..,n')
l.b <- (xi1*ybxiy-1) / b # derivative of rLogL w.r.t. beta
l.xi <- 1/xi^2 * lxiyb - (1+1/xi) * ybxiy # derivative of rLogL w.r.t. xi
## components of the observed Fisher information <- -(y/b + (y-b)/bxiy) / bbxiy # 2nd derivative of rLogL w.r.t. beta
l.xixi <- -2/xi^3 * lxiyb + ybxiy * (2/xi^2 + (1+1/xi) * ybxiy) # 2nd derivative of rLogL w.r.t. xi
l.xib <- ybxiy * ((1+1/xi)/bxiy - 1/(xi*b)) # mixed partial derivative of rLogL w.r.t. xi and beta
## differentiate beta = beta(xi,nu) = exp(nu)/(1+xi) w.r.t. xi and nu
b.xi <- -enu/xi1^2 # derivative of beta w.r.t. xi <- b # derivative of beta w.r.t. nu
b.xixi <- 2*enu/xi1^3 # 2nd derivative of beta w.r.t. xi
b.nunu <- b # 2nd derivative of beta w.r.t. nu
## Now let's derive the form of the reparameterized log-likelihood l^r (=rl)
rl.xi <- l.xi + l.b * b.xi
rl.xixi <- l.xixi + 2 * l.xib * b.xi + * b.xi^2 + l.b * b.xixi <- l.b *
rl.nunu <- *^2 + l.b * b.nunu
## return partial derivatives of the reparameterized log-likelihood l^r
## w.r.t. xi and nu
cbind(rl.xi=rl.xi,, rl.xixi=rl.xixi, rl.nunu=rl.nunu)
##' @title Function to Check and Adjust Second-Order Derivatives
##' @param der vector second-order derivatives
##' @param verbose logical indicating whether warnings about adjustments of
##' the derivatives are printed
##' @return adjusted derivatives
##' @author Marius Hofert
##' Note: That's a helper function of gamGPDfitUp()
adjustD2 <- function(der, verbose=TRUE)
## setup
isFinite <- is.finite(der)
isNonFinite <- !isFinite
isNonNeg <- isFinite & der >= 0
## adjust the derivatives
isOK <- isFinite & !isNonNeg # logical indicating if der is okay (-Inf < . < 0)
if(any(!isOK)){ # if not all derivativess are okay...
if(sum(isOK)==0) stop("Can't adjust the derivatives, there are no finite, negative derivatives")
der[!isOK] <- mean(der[isOK]) # Note: there is no justification for this (just a quick-and-dirty solution)
## throw warning
n <- length(der)
if(verbose && any(isNonFinite)){
numNA <- sum(isNonFinite)
perNA <- round(100*numNA/n, 2)
warning(numNA," (",perNA,"%) non-finite derivatives found and adjusted")
if(verbose && any(isNonNeg)){
numNonNeg <- sum(isNonNeg)
perNonNeg <- round(100*numNonNeg/n, 2)
warning(numNonNeg," (",perNonNeg,"%) non-negative second-order derivatives found and adjusted")
## return
##' @title Compute Update (one Iteration) in gamGPDfit()
##' @param y data.frame containing the excesses over the threshold in a column
##' labeled yname
##' @param 2-column matrix of GPD parameters (xi,nu) to be updated where
##' nu is orthogonal to xi in the Fisher information metric
##' @param xiFrhs right-hand side of the formula for xi in the gam() call
##' for fitting xi
##' @param nuFrhs right-hand side of the formula for nu in the gam() call
##' for fitting nu
##' @param yname string containing the name of the column of y which contains
##' the excesses
##' @param verbose logical indicating whether warnings about adjustments of
##' the derivatives and wrong arguments in DrLogL() are printed
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to gam()
##' @return a list of length four containing
##' element 1 (xi): object of class gamObject for xi as returned by mgcv::gam()
##' element 2 (nu): object of class gamObject for nu as returned by mgcv::gam()
##' element 3 (xi.weights): weights associated with xi
##' element 4 (nu.weights): weights associated with nu
##' @author Marius Hofert
##' Note: That's a helper function of gamGPDfit()
gamGPDfitUp <- function(y,, xiFrhs, nuFrhs, yname, verbose=TRUE, ...)
if(! stop("gamGPDfitUp: invalid y argument.")
dim. <- dim( y )
n <- dim.[ 1 ]
if(dim.[ 2 ] < 1 || n <= 0) stop("gamGPDfitUp: invalid y argument.")
if( any( dim( ) != c( n, 2 ) ) ) stop( "gamGPDfitUp: invalid argument." )
# stopifnot(, (dim. <- dim(y))[2] >= 1,
# length(which(colnames(y)==yname))==1,
# (n <- dim.[1]) > 0, dim(, 2),
# require(mgcv))
## pick out xi and nu (for readability)
xi <-[,1]
nu <-[,2]
## compute one Newton step in xi
DrLL <- DrLogL(y[,yname], xi=xi, nu=nu, verbose=verbose) # (n1,4) matrix
rl.xi <- DrLL[,"rl.xi"] # score in xi
rl.xixi. <- adjustD2(DrLL[,"rl.xixi"], verbose=verbose) # -weight
Newton.xi <- xi - rl.xi / rl.xixi. # Newton step
## concatenate Newton.xi and rl.xixi. to y, build formula, and estimate xi
if("Newton.xi" %in% colnames(y))
stop("y is not allowed to have a column named 'Newton.xi'")
y. <- cbind(y, Newton.xi=Newton.xi, rl.xixi.=rl.xixi.)
xi.formula <- update(xiFrhs, Newton.xi~.) # build formula Newton.xi ~ xiFrhs
xi.obj <- gam(xi.formula, data=y., weights=-rl.xixi., ...) # updated xi object of type gamObject
## build fitted (xi) object and check <- fitted(xi.obj)
if((n. <- length( != n) stop(paste("length( = ",n.," != ",n,". This most likely comes from non-finite weights in the call to adjustD2()",sep=""))
## compute one Newton step in nu (for given new xi)
DrLL <- DrLogL(y[,yname],, nu=nu, verbose=verbose) # (n1,4) matrix <- DrLL[,""] # score in nu
rl.nunu. <- adjustD2(DrLL[,"rl.nunu"], verbose=verbose) # -weight <- nu - / rl.nunu. # Newton step
## concatenate and rl.nunu. to y, build formula, and estimate nu
if("" %in% colnames(y))
stop("y is not allowed to have a column named ''")
y. <- cbind(y,, rl.nunu.=rl.nunu.)
nu.formula <- update(nuFrhs, # build formula ~ nuFrhs
nu.obj <- gam(nu.formula, data=y., weights=-rl.nunu., ...) # updated nu object of type gamObject
## return list of two gamObject objects (for xi, nu)
list(xi=xi.obj, nu=nu.obj, xi.weights=-rl.xixi., nu.weights=-rl.nunu.) # note: the naming (xi, nu) is not ideal but guarantees that colnames(param.old) = colnames( in gamGPDfit
### gamGPDfit() ################################################################
##' @title Semi-parametric Estimation of GPD Parameters via Penalized
##' Maximum Likelihood Estimation Based on Reweighted Least Squares (Backfitting)
##' @param x data.frame containing the losses (all other columns are treated
##' as covariates)
##' @param threshold POT threshold above which losses are considered
##' @param nexc number of excesses
##' @param datvar name of the data column which contains the data to be modeled,
##' for example, the losses
##' @param xiFrhs right-hand side of the formula for xi in the gam() call
##' for fitting xi
##' @param nuFrhs right-hand side of the formula for nu in the gam() call
##' for fitting nu
##' @param init bivariate vector containing initial values for (xi, beta)
##' @param niter maximal number of iterations in the backfitting algorithm
##' @param include.updates logical indicating whether updates for xi and nu are
##' returned as well
##' @param epsxi epsilon for stop criterion for xi
##' @param epsnu epsilon for stop criterion for nu
##' @param progress logical indicating whether progress information is displayed
##' @param verbose logical passed to gamGPDfitUp() (thus to DrLogL() and
##' adjustD2())
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to gam() (called by gamGPDfitUp())
##' @return a list; see below
##' @author Marius Hofert
gamGPDfit <- function(x, threshold, nexc=NULL, datvar, xiFrhs, nuFrhs,[, datvar], threshold=threshold, show=FALSE)$mle[2:1],
niter=32, include.updates=FALSE, epsxi=1e-5, epsnu=1e-5,
progress=TRUE, verbose=FALSE, ...)
## checks
stopifnot(, length(init)==2, niter>=1, epsxi>0, epsnu>0)
has.threshold <- !missing(threshold)
has.nexc <- !is.null(nexc)
if(has.threshold && has.nexc)
warning("Only one of 'threshold' and 'nexc' is allowed -- will take 'threshold'") # both threshold and nexc given
if(!has.threshold && !has.nexc)
stop("Provide either 'threshold' or 'nexc'") # none of threshold or nexc given
dim. <- dim(x) # dimension of x
stopifnot((n <- dim.[1])>=1, dim.[2]>=2) # there should at least be one observation (actually, quite a bit more) and one column of covariates
if(has.nexc){ # nexc given but no threshold
stopifnot(0 < nexc, nexc <= n)
threshold <- quantile(x[,datvar], probs=1-nexc/n, names=FALSE)
} # => now we can work with threshold
## determine excesses
y. <- x[x[,datvar]>threshold,] # pick out excesses; note: y. still contains covariates
y.[,datvar] <- y.[,datvar] - threshold # replace excesses by excess sizes
n.ex <- nrow(y.) # number of excesses
## initial values for xi, beta, and nu (nu = reparameterization of beta)
xi.init <- init[1]
beta.init <- init[2]
nu.init <- log((1+xi.init) * beta.init)
## iteration ###############################################################
iter <- 1 # iteration number
updates <- list() # (empty) list of update (gamGPDfitUp) objects
## update/fit parameters (xi, nu)
param.old <- if(iter==1){
matrix(rep(c(xi.init, nu.init), each=n.ex), ncol=2,
dimnames=list(rownames(y.), c("xi", "nu"))) # (n.ex,2)-matrix with cols "xi" and "nu"
} else{
updates[[iter]] <- gamGPDfitUp(y.,,
xiFrhs=xiFrhs, nuFrhs=nuFrhs,
yname=datvar, verbose=verbose, ...) # returns a list of two gam() objects containg the fitted (xi, nu) <- sapply(updates[[iter]][c("xi", "nu")], fitted)
## note: param.old and have the same rownames/colnames
## check
if(any(dim(!=dim(param.old))) stop("gamGPDfitUp() returned an updated gamObject object of wrong dimension")
conv <- sapply(updates[[iter]][c("xi", "nu")], function(x) x$converged) # convergence status for (xi, nu)
if(any(!conv)) warning("gam() in gamGPDfitUp() did not converge for ", paste(c("xi","nu")[!conv], collapse=", "))
## tracing
MRD.. <- colMeans(abs(( # mean relative distance for (xi, nu)
MRD. <- c(iter=iter, MRD..[1], MRD..[2])
MRD <- if(iter==1) MRD. else rbind(MRD, MRD., deparse.level=0)
cat("Mean relative differences in iteration ", iter,
" (xi, nu): (", sprintf("%g", MRD..[1]), ", ",
sprintf("%g", MRD..[2]), ")\n", sep="")
## check for "convergence"
conv <- c(MRD..[1] <= epsxi, MRD..[2] <= epsnu)
if(all(conv)) break
if(iter >= niter){
if(progress) warning("Reached 'niter' without the required precision for ",
paste(c("xi","nu")[!conv], collapse=", "))
iter <- iter + 1 # update iteration
## finish and return #######################################################
## fitted parameters
xi <-[,"xi"] # fitted xi's
nu <-[,"nu"] # fitted nu's
beta <- exp(nu)/(1+xi) # corresponding (fitted) beta
## log-likelihood
logL <- rLogL(y=y.[,datvar], xi=xi, nu=nu) # reparameterized log-likelihood (reparameterization doesn't matter, it's the same *value* as the original log-likelihood)
## fitted gamObjects for xi and nu and standard errors
## (contained in updates but for convenience we treat this additionally)
xiObj <- updates[[iter]]$xi
nuObj <- updates[[iter]]$nu
se.xi <- updates[[iter]]$xi.weights <- updates[[iter]]$nu.weights
## determine *all* combinations of the provided covariates
## xi
xi.covars <- names(xiObj$var.summary)
x.xi <- x[,xi.covars, drop=FALSE] # all cols with covariates used for fitting xi
all.covars.xi <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(x.xi)), function(j) sort(unique(x.xi[,j]))) # determine levels
## => we only can determine those which appear at least in one column
names(all.covars.xi) <- colnames(x.xi) # put in names
## nu
nu.covars <- names(nuObj$var.summary) <- x[,nu.covars, drop=FALSE] # all cols with covariates used for fitting nu <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(, function(j) sort(unique([,j]))) # determine levels
names( <- colnames( # put in names
## build list
res <- list(xi=xi, # estimated xi
beta=beta, # estimated beta
nu=nu, # estimated nu
se.xi=se.xi, # standard error for xi, # standard error for nu
xi.covar=all.covars.xi, # (unique) covariates for xi, # (unique) covariates for nu
covar=y.[,union(xi.covars, nu.covars)], # *available* (not necessarily all) covariate combinations used for fitting beta (= xi *and* nu)
y=y.[,datvar], # excesses
res=log1p(y.[,datvar]*xi/beta)/xi, # residuals
MRD=MRD, # mean relative distances between old/new (xi, nu) for all iterations
logL=logL, # log-likelihood at the estimated parameters
xiObj=xiObj, # gamObject for estimated xi (return object of mgcv::gam())
nuObj=nuObj) # gamObject for estimated nu (return object of mgcv::gam())
if(include.updates) res <- c(res, xiUpdates=lapply(updates, `[[`, "xi"), # updates for xi for each iteration (list of gamObject objects); contains xiObj as last element
nuUpdates=lapply(updates, `[[`, "nu")) # updates for nu for each iteration (list of gamObject objects); contains nuObj as last element
## return
### gamGPDboot() ###############################################################
##' @title Adjusted Sampling for 1-Element Vectors
##' @param x see sample()
##' @param size see sample()
##' @param replace see sample()
##' @param prob see sample()
##' @return in case of length(x)==1, return x itself (rather than a sample from 1:x)
##' otherwise return sample(x, ...)
##' @author Marius Hofert
sample.real <- function(x, size, replace=FALSE, prob=NULL)
if(length(x)==1) x else sample(x, size=size, replace=replace, prob=prob)
##' @title Post-blackend Bootstrap of Chavez-Demoulin and Davison (2005) for gamGPDfit()
##' @param x see gamGPDfit()
##' @param B number of bootstrap replications
##' @param threshold see gamGPDfit()
##' @param nexc see gamGPDfit()
##' @param datvar see gamGPDfit()
##' @param xiFrhs see gamGPDfit()
##' @param nuFrhs see gamGPDfit()
##' @param init see gamGPDfit()
##' @param niter see gamGPDfit()
##' @param include.updates see gamGPDfit()
##' @param epsxi see gamGPDfit()
##' @param epsnu see gamGPDfit()
##' @param boot.progress logical indicating whether progress information is displayed
##' @param progress see gamGPDfit() (only used if progress==TRUE)
##' @param verbose see gamGPDfit() (only used if progress==TRUE)
##' @param debug logical indicating whether initial fit is saved
##' @param ... see gamGPDfit()
##' @return a list of length B+1, the first component being the fitted object
##' as returned by gamGPDfit(); the other components contain similar
##' objects based on the B bootstrap replications.
##' @author Marius Hofert
gamGPDboot <- function(x, B, threshold, nexc=NULL, datvar, xiFrhs, nuFrhs,[, datvar], threshold=threshold, show=FALSE)$mle[2:1],
niter=32, include.updates=FALSE, epsxi=1e-5, epsnu=1e-5,
boot.progress=TRUE, progress=FALSE, verbose=FALSE,
debug=FALSE, ...)
## progress
if(boot.progress) {
if(progress) cat("\nStarting initial fit:\n") else {
pb <- txtProgressBar(max=B+1, style=if(isatty(stdout())) 3 else 1) # setup progress bar
on.exit(close(pb)) # close progress bar
## (major) fit using gamGPDfit()
fit <- gamGPDfit(x=x, threshold=threshold, nexc=nexc, datvar=datvar,
xiFrhs=xiFrhs, nuFrhs=nuFrhs, init=init, niter=niter,
include.updates=include.updates, epsxi=epsxi, epsnu=epsnu,
progress=if(!boot.progress) FALSE else progress,
verbose=if(!boot.progress) FALSE else verbose, ...)
## progress
if(boot.progress) if(progress) cat("\n") else setTxtProgressBar(pb, 1)
## pick out fitted values
xi <- fit$xi # fitted xi
nu <- fit$nu # fitted nu
beta <- exp(nu)/(1+xi) # fitted beta
## for debugging
if(debug) save(fit, file="gamGPDboot_debug.rda")
## post-blackened bootstrap; see Chavez-Demoulin and Davison (2005)
rnum <- 1 # iteration number
bfit <- lapply(1:B, function(b){
## resample residuals within each group of (same) covariates,
rr <- ave(fit$res, fit$covar,
FUN=function(r) sample.real(r, size=length(r), replace=TRUE))
## compute and put in corresponding excesses (see Chavez-Demoulin and Davison (2005))
## Note: 1) they use a different reparameterization
## 2) solve rr=log(1+xi*y/beta)/xi w.r.t. y
y. <- expm1(rr*xi)*beta/xi # reconstruct excesses from residuals
x. <- cbind(fit$covar, y=y.) # add excesses
## progress
if(boot.progress && progress) cat("Starting fit in bootstrap run ",
b, " of ", B, ":\n", sep="")
## call gamGPDfit()
## note: threshold=0 => we discard those excesses which are equal to 0
bfitobj <- gamGPDfit(x=x., threshold=0, nexc=nexc, datvar="y",
xiFrhs=xiFrhs, nuFrhs=nuFrhs,, threshold=0, show=FALSE)$mle[2:1],
niter=niter, include.updates=include.updates,
epsxi=epsxi, epsnu=epsnu,
progress=if(!boot.progress) FALSE else progress,
verbose=if(!boot.progress) FALSE else verbose, ...)
## progress
if(boot.progress) if(progress) cat("\n") else setTxtProgressBar(pb, b+1)
## return fit
## return list of length B+1 containing all the gamGPDfit() objects
c(fit=list(fit), bfit=bfit)
### Functions to extract fitted results and for predicting #####################
##' @title Compute Fitted lambda
##' @param x object as returned by gam()
##' @return a list with components
##' covar: containing the ('minimalized') covariate combinations
##' fit: corresponding fitted values of lambda
##' @author Marius Hofert <- function(x)
## check x
stopifnot(inherits(x, "gam"))
## determine the minimal grid which contains all combinations of covars used for fitting the model
covar.nms <- if(length(x$var.summary)>0) names(x$var.summary) else "1" # names of covariates used for fitting (right-hand side of the formula in gam()); NULL if no covariates are used
covars <- if(length(x$var.summary)>0) x$model[,covar.nms, drop=FALSE] else NULL # build 'minimal' grid of covariates used for fitting
## determine fitted values for each covariate combination in (the 'minimalized') covars
## => Only combinations of the covariates used for fitting are given and thus
## there are no fitted values returned for each excess.
y <- cbind(covars, lambda=x$fitted.values)
frml <- as.formula(paste("lambda ~", paste(rev(covar.nms), collapse=" + ")))
covar.lam.hat <- aggregate(frml, data=y, function(z) z[1]) # pick out only first value (they are equal anyways)
covar.lam.hat <- covar.lam.hat[,rev(names(covar.lam.hat)), drop=FALSE] # revert again to keep column order [now lambda is in the *first* column]
## return
list(covar = if(ncol(covar.lam.hat) > 1) covar.lam.hat[,-1] else NULL, # covariate combinations used for fitting
fit = covar.lam.hat[,1]) # fitted lambda
##' @title Compute Predicted lambda and Pointwise Asymptotic Two-Sided 1-alpha Confidence Intervals
##' @param x object as returned by gam()
##' @param newdata 'newdata' object as required by predict(); named data.frame
##' of type expand.grid(covar1=, covar2=) with at least the covariates
##' used for fitting with gam(); if more are provided, predict() returns
##' values which are equal uniformly over all of these additional
##' covariates. Each covariate which appears when fitting with gam() can
##' have more values than were actually used in gam() (for example,
##' half-years). In this case predict() 'interpolates' correctly with the
##' fitted model.
##' @param alpha significance level
##' @return a list with components
##' covar: containing the covariate combinations as provided by newdata
##' predict: the predicted lambda
##' CI.low: lower CI [based on *predicted* values]
##' CI.up: upper CI [based on *predicted* values]
##' @author Marius Hofert
lambda.predict <- function(x, newdata=NULL, alpha=0.05)
## check x
stopifnot(inherits(x, "gam"))
## default for newdata
if(is.null(newdata)) { # choose useful default (exactly the covariates used for fitting but *all* combis of such)
if(length(x$var.summary) > 0) {
covar.nms <- names(x$var.summary) # names of covariates used for fitting (right-hand side of the formula in gam())
## determine the minimal grid which contains all combinations of covars used for fitting the model
covars <- x$model[,covar.nms, drop=FALSE] # build 'minimal' grid of covariates used for fitting
lam.covars <- lapply(1:ncol(covars), function(j) sort(unique(covars[,j]))) # determine levels
names(lam.covars) <- colnames(covars) # put in names
newdata <- expand.grid(rev(lam.covars))[,rev(seq_len(length(lam.covars))), drop=FALSE] # expand grid with reverted covariates (and reverting back) to guarantee the same sorting order of rows as covars
## check newdata
if(!all(covar.nms %in% colnames(newdata)))
stop("'newdata' requires at least the covariates used for fitting lambda via gam()")
} else {
newdata <- data.frame(lambda.dummy.covar=1)
## predict (note: can contain half-years etc.)
pred <- predict(x, newdata=newdata, # predict object
lam.pred <- as.numeric(pred$fit) # predicted values for lambda <- as.numeric(pred$ # standard error
qa2 <- qnorm(1-alpha/2) # 1-alpha/2 quantile of N(0,1)
## return
list(covar = if(length(x$var.summary) > 0) newdata else NULL, # covariate combinations as specified by newdata
predict = exp(lam.pred), # predicted lambda
CI.low = exp(lam.pred-qa2*, # lower CI [based on *predicted* values]
CI.up = exp(lam.pred+qa2* # upper CI [based on *predicted* values]
##' @title Compute Fitted GPD Parameters xi and beta and Bootstrapped Pointwise Two-Sided
##' 1-alpha Confidence Intervals
##' @param x object as returned by gamGPDboot()
##' @param alpha significance level
##' @return a list with components
##' xi: a list with components
##' covar: a data.frame containing the 'minimal' covariate combinations
##' for the covariates used for fitting xi
##' fit: corresponding fitted xi's
##' CI.low: corresponding lower CIs
##' CI.up: corresponding upper CIs
##' boot: a matrix containing the corresponding bootstrapped xi's
##' beta: same as xi, just for beta.
##' @author Marius Hofert
##' Note: Standard errors as for lambda would be available via predict(...,,
##' but only for xi and nu, not for beta. That's why we need bootstrapped values
##' here (and thus only have CIs for the fitted values) <- function(x, alpha=0.05)
## basic check (B = number of bootstrap replicates; nr = number of rows of the data set
## provided to gamGPDboot())
xi.mat. <- sapply(x, `[[`, "xi") # pick out all B+1 vectors of xi; (nr, B+1) matrix
beta.mat. <- sapply(x, `[[`, "beta") # pick out all B+1 vectors of beta; (nr, B+1) matrix
## Note: Now these matrices typically have a huge number of rows nr. For each
## combination of covariates, they contain the same fitted value for
## each loss. This is 'overhead' we don't want. We therefore now pick
## out the fitted values for each unique combination of covariates which was
## originally used for fitting.
## determine the minimal grid which contains all *available* combinations of
## covars used for fitting xi and nu (and beta) but not more
## (in particular not for each excess)
covars. <- x[[1]]$covar # 'long' version (covariate combination for each excesses, too)
covar.nms <- if(length(covars.)>0) names(covars.) else "1" # names of covariates used for fitting xi and nu (or "1" if not depending on covariates)
y <- cbind(covars., index=seq_len(nrow(covars.))) # dummy data set ('long' version)
frml <- as.formula(paste("index ~", paste(rev(covar.nms), collapse=" + "))) # formula [with reverted covariates to guarantee the same sorting order of rows (cols are then reverted but we don't care here)]
covar.index <- aggregate(frml, data=y, FUN=function(z) z[1])[,"index"] # = 1 if y is list()
covars <- if(length(covar.index)==1) NULL else y[covar.index, covar.nms, drop=FALSE] # 'minimal' version (or NULL for no covariates)
## determine further minimalized version for xi (possibly less combinations than beta)
xi.covars. <- x[[1]]$xi.covar
xi.covar.nms <- if(length(xi.covars.)>0) names(xi.covars.) else "1" # names of covariates used for fitting xi (or "1" if not depending on covariates)
xi.frml <- as.formula(paste("index ~", paste(rev(xi.covar.nms), collapse=" + "))) # formula [see above]
xi.covar.index <- aggregate(xi.frml, data=y, FUN=function(z) z[1])[,"index"] # pick out only first value (they are equal anyways)
xi.covars <- if(length(xi.covar.index)==1) NULL else y[xi.covar.index, xi.covar.nms, drop=FALSE] # 'minimal' version (or NULL for no covariates)
## determine fitted values for each covariate combination in (the 'minimalized') covars
xi.mat <- xi.mat.[xi.covar.index,, drop=FALSE] # minimal number of rows
rownames(xi.mat) <- NULL
beta.mat <- beta.mat.[covar.index,, drop=FALSE] # minimal number of rows
rownames(beta.mat) <- NULL
## compute CIs (derived from fitted values + bootstrapped ones)
## 'na.rm=TRUE' is for those covariate combinations where there is no data (=> the whole row is NA)
xi.CI <- t(apply(xi.mat, 1, quantile, probs=c(alpha/2, 1-alpha/2), na.rm=TRUE, names=FALSE)) # CIs (low, up) for xi; (nrow(xi.mat), 2) matrix
beta.CI <- t(apply(beta.mat, 1, quantile, probs=c(alpha/2, 1-alpha/2), na.rm=TRUE, names=FALSE)) # CIs (low, up) for beta; (nrow(beta.mat), 2) matrix
## result
list(xi = list(covar = xi.covars, # covariate combinations used for fitting (or NULL)
fit = xi.mat[,1], # fitted xi
CI.low = xi.CI[,1], # lower CI
CI.up = xi.CI[,2], # upper CI
boot = xi.mat[,-1]), # bootstrapped xi's
beta = list(covar = covars, # covariate combinations used for fitting (or NULL)
fit = beta.mat[,1], # fitted beta
CI.low = beta.CI[,1], # lower CI
CI.up = beta.CI[,2], # upper CI
boot = beta.mat[,-1])) # bootstrapped beta's
##' @title Compute Predicted GPD Parameters xi and beta
##' @param x object as returned by gamGPDboot()
##' @param xi.newdata 'newdata' object for xi as required by predict(); named data.frame
##' of type expand.grid(covar1=, covar2=) with at least the covariates
##' used for fitting xi with gam(); if more are provided, predict() returns
##' values which are equal uniformly over all of these additional
##' covariates. Each covariate which appears when fitting with gam() can
##' have more values than were actually used in gam() (for example,
##' half-years). In this case predict() 'interpolates' correctly with the
##' fitted model.
##' @param beta.newdata similar to xi.newdata. Since beta is estimated based on xi
##' (and nu), beta.newdata must contain at least the covariates of xi.newdata.
##' @return a list with components
##' xi: a list with components
##' covar: a data.frame containing the covariate combinations as provided by xi.newdata
##' predict: the predicted xi's
##' beta: same as xi, just for beta; predicted values are based on beta.newdata
##' @author Marius Hofert
GPD.predict <- function(x, xi.newdata=NULL, beta.newdata=NULL)
## default for xi.newdata and beta.newdata
if(is.null(xi.newdata)) { # choose useful default (covariates used for fitting but *all* combis of such)
xi.newdata <- if(length(x[[1]]$xi.covar)>0) {
expand.grid(rev(x[[1]]$xi.covar))[,rev(seq_len(length(x[[1]]$xi.covar))), drop=FALSE]
} else {
if(is.null(beta.newdata)) {
fulllist <- c(x[[1]]$xi.covar, x[[1]]$nu.covar) # some may be duplicate
sublist <- fulllist[unique(names(fulllist))] # pick out maximal unique subset
beta.newdata <- if(length(x[[1]]$xi.covar)>0 || length(x[[1]]$nu.covar)>0) {
expand.grid(rev(sublist))[,rev(seq_len(length(sublist))), drop=FALSE] # build grid
} else {
## check xi.newdata and beta.newdata (true for the default)
if(!all(names(x[[1]]$xi.covar) %in% colnames(xi.newdata)))
stop("'xi.newdata' requires at least the covariates used for fitting xi via gamGPDfit()")
if(!all(names(x[[1]]$covar) %in% colnames(beta.newdata)))
stop("'beta.newdata' requires at least the covariates used for fitting beta via gamGPDfit()")
## => implicitly also checks that beta.newdata contains the covariates of both xi and nu
## predict
## note: - *.newdata can be of different length than fitted values
## (can contain half-years etc.)
## - xi.newdata and beta.newdata can be of different length
## (depending on the covariates used for fitting, for example)
xi.pred <- as.numeric(predict(x[[1]]$xiObj, newdata=xi.newdata)) # predict xi (for its own)
xi.pred.beta <- as.numeric(predict(x[[1]]$xiObj, newdata=beta.newdata)) # predict xi on beta.newdata
nu.pred.beta <- as.numeric(predict(x[[1]]$nuObj, newdata=beta.newdata)) # predict nu on beta.newdata
## note: - there is no betaObj so we can't predict beta directly (only through nu)
## - we predict xi and nu both on beta.newdata since that's what we need
## to predict beta (see below)
## result
list(xi = list(covar = if(length(x[[1]]$xi.covar)>0) xi.newdata else NULL, # covariate combinations as specified by newdata
predict = xi.pred), # predicted xi
beta = list(covar = if(length(x[[1]]$xi.covar)>0 || length(x[[1]]$nu.covar)>0)
beta.newdata else NULL, # covariate combinations as specified by newdata
predict = exp(nu.pred.beta)/(1+xi.pred.beta))) # predicted beta
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