#' Fit joint model for survival and longitudinal data measured with error
#' @description This generic function fits a joint model with random latent
#' association, building on the formulation described in Wulfsohn and Tsiatis
#' (1997) while allowing for the presence of longitudinal and survival
#' covariates, and three choices for the latent process. The link between the
#' longitudinal and survival processes can be proportional or separate. When
#' failure is attributable to 2 separate causes, a competing risks joint model
#' is fitted as per Williamson et al. (2008).
#' @param data an object of class \code{jointdata} containing the variables
#' named in the formulae arguments.
#' @param long.formula a formula object with the response variable, and the
#' covariates to include in the longitudinal sub-model.
#' @param surv.formula a formula object with the survival time, censoring
#' indicator and the covariates to include in the survival sub-model. The
#' response must be a survival object as returned by the
#' \code{\link[survival]{Surv}} function.
#' @param model a character string specifying the type of latent association.
#' This defaults to the intercept and slope version as seen in Wulfsohn and
#' Tsiatis (1997). For association via the random intercept only, choose
#' \code{model = "int"}, whereas for a quadratic association, use \code{model
#' = "quad"}. Computing times are commensurate with the type of association
#' structure chosen.
#' @param sepassoc logical value: if \code{TRUE} then the joint model is fitted
#' with separate association, see \code{Details}.
#' @param longsep logical value: if \code{TRUE}, parameter estimates and
#' log-likelihood from a separate linear mixed model analysis of the
#' longitudinal data (see the \code{\link[nlme]{lme}} function for details)
#' are returned.
#' @param survsep if \code{TRUE}, parameter estimates and log-likelihood from a
#' separate analysis of the survival data using the Cox proportional hazards
#' model are returned (see \code{\link[survival]{coxph}} function for
#' details).
#' @param gpt the number of quadrature points across which the integration with
#' respect to the random effects will be performed. Defaults to \code{gpt = 3}
#' which produces stable estimates in most datasets.
#' @param lgpt the number of quadrature points which the log-likelihood is
#' evaluated over following a model fit. This defaults to \code{lgpt = 10},
#' though \code{lgpt = 3} is often sufficient.
#' @param the maximum number of iterations of the EM algorithm that the
#' function will perform. Defaults to \code{ = 200}, though more
#' iterations may be necessary for large, complex data.
#' @param tol the tolerance level before convergence of the algorithm is deemed
#' to have occurred. Default value is \code{tol = 0.001}.
#' @param verbose if \code{TRUE}, the parameter estimates at each iteration of
#' the EM algorithm are printed. Default is \code{verbose = FALSE}.
#' @details The \code{joint} function fits a joint model to survival and
#' longitudinal data. The formulation is similar to Wulfsohn and Tsiatis
#' (1997). A linear mixed effects model is assumed for the longitudinal data,
#' namely
#' \deqn{Y_i = X_{i1}(t_i)^T\beta_1 + D_i(t_i)^T U_i + \epsilon_i,}
#' where \eqn{U_i} is a vector of random effects, \eqn{(U_{0i}, \ldots
#' U_{qi})} whose length depends on the model chosen, i.e. \eqn{q = 1} for the
#' random intercept model. \eqn{D_i} is the random effects covariate matrix,
#' which will be time-dependent for all but the random intercept model.
#' \eqn{X_{i1}} is the longitudinal design matrix for unit \eqn{i}, and
#' \eqn{t_i} is the vector of measurement times for subject \eqn{i}.
#' Measurement error is represented by \eqn{\epsilon_i}.
#' The Cox proportional hazards model is adopted for the survival data, namely
#' \deqn{\lambda(t) = \lambda_0(t) \exp\{{X_{i2}(t)^T \beta_2 +
#' D_i(t)(\gamma^T U_i)}\}.}
#' The parameter \eqn{\gamma} determines the level of association between the
#' two processes. For the intercept and slope model with separate association
#' we have
#' \deqn{D_i(t) (\gamma^T U_i) = \gamma_0 U_{0i} + \gamma_1 U_{1i} t,}
#' whereas under proportional association
#' \deqn{D_i(t)(\gamma^T U_i) = \gamma (U_{0i} + U_{1i} t).}
#' \eqn{X_{i2}} is the vector of survival covariates for unit \eqn{i}. The
#' baseline hazard function is \eqn{\lambda_0(t)}.
#' The function uses an EM algorithm to estimate parameters in the joint
#' model. Starting values are provided by calls to standard R functions
#' \code{\link[nlme]{lme}} and \code{\link[survival]{coxph}} for the
#' longitudinal and survival components, respectively.
#' @section Competing risks: If failure can be attributed to 2 causes, i.e.
#' so-called competing risks events data, then a cause-specific hazards model
#' is adopted, namely
#' \deqn{\lambda_g(t) = \lambda_{0g}(t) \exp\{{X_{i2}(t)^T \beta_2^{(g)} +
#' D_i(t)(\gamma^T U_i)}\},}
#' where \eqn{g = 1,2} denotes the failure type, \eqn{\beta_2^{(g)}} (\eqn{g =
#' 1,2}) are cause-specific hazard parameters corresponding to the same
#' covariates, and \eqn{\lambda_{0g}(t)} are cause-specific baseline hazard
#' functions. For this data, a proportional association structure is assumed
#' (i.e. \code{sepassoc = FALSE}) and a random-intercepts and random-slopes
#' model must be used (i.e. \code{model = "intslope"}). Note that the function
#' only permits 2 failure types. The model is specified in full by Williamson
#' et al. (2008). The function \code{joint()} automatically detects whether
#' competing risks are present by counting the number of unique components in
#' the event column on the event time data.
#' @section Separate models: Both \code{longsep} and \code{survsep} ignore any
#' latent association (i.e. \eqn{\gamma = 0}) between the longitudinal and
#' survival processes but their output can be used to compare with the results
#' from the joint model. If interest is solely in the individual processes
#' then the user should instead make use of the functions
#' \code{\link[nlme]{lme}} and \code{\link[survival]{coxph}} mentioned above.
#' Furthermore, if interest is in the separate effect of each random effect
#' (this is for intercept and slope or quadratic models only) upon the
#' survival data, the user should set \code{sepassoc = TRUE}.
#' @note Since numerical integration is required, it is advisable to check the
#' stability of the maximum likelihood estimates with an increasing number of
#' Gauss-Hermite quadrature points. \code{joint()} uses \code{gpt = 3} by
#' default, as this has been adequate for many datasets. However, for certain
#' datasets and models, this might be too small.
#' @author Pete Philipson
#' @keywords models survival
#' @seealso \code{\link[nlme]{lme}}, \code{\link[survival]{coxph}},
#' \code{\link{jointdata}}, \code{\link{jointplot}}.
#' @references
#' Wulfsohn MS, Tsiatis AA. A joint model for survival and longitudinal data
#' measured with error. \emph{Biometrics.} 1997; \strong{53(1)}: 330-339.
#' Henderson R, Diggle PJ, Dobson A. Joint modelling of longitudinal
#' measurements and event time data. \emph{Biostatistics.} 2000; \strong{1(4)}:
#' 465-480.
#' Williamson PR, Kolamunnage-Dona R, Philipson P, Marson AG. Joint modelling of
#' longitudinal and competing risks data. \emph{Stat Med.} 2008; \strong{27}:
#' 6426-6438.
#' @return A list containing the parameter estimates from the joint model and,
#' if required, from either or both of the separate analyses. The combined
#' log-likelihood from a separate analysis and the log-likelihood from the
#' joint model are also produced as part of the fit.
#' @import graphics stats survival utils
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Standard joint model
#' data(heart.valve)
#' heart.surv <- UniqueVariables(heart.valve,
#' var.col = c("fuyrs", "status"),
#' id.col = "num")
#' heart.long <- heart.valve[, c("num", "time", "log.lvmi")]
#' heart.cov <- UniqueVariables(heart.valve,
#' c("age", "hs", "sex"),
#' id.col = "num")
#' heart.valve.jd <- jointdata(longitudinal = heart.long,
#' baseline = heart.cov,
#' survival = heart.surv,
#' id.col = "num",
#' time.col = "time")
#' fit <- joint(data = heart.valve.jd,
#' long.formula = log.lvmi ~ 1 + time + hs,
#' surv.formula = Surv(fuyrs, status) ~ hs,
#' model = "intslope")
#' ## Competing risks joint model (same data as Williamson et al. 2008)
#' \dontrun{
#' data(epileptic)
#' epileptic$interaction <- with(epileptic, time * (treat == "LTG"))
#' longitudinal <- epileptic[, c(1:3, 13)]
#' survival <- UniqueVariables(epileptic, c(4, 6), "id")
#' baseline <- UniqueVariables(epileptic, "treat", "id")
#' data <- jointdata(longitudinal = longitudinal,
#' survival = survival,
#' baseline = baseline,
#' id.col = "id",
#' time.col = "time")
#' fit2 <- joint(data = data,
#' long.formula = dose ~ time + treat + interaction,
#' surv.formula = Surv(with.time, with.status2) ~ treat,
#' longsep = FALSE, survsep = FALSE,
#' gpt = 3)
#' summary(fit2)
#' }
joint <- function(data, long.formula, surv.formula,
model = c("intslope", "int", "quad"),
sepassoc = FALSE, longsep = FALSE, survsep = FALSE,
gpt, lgpt,, tol, verbose = FALSE) {
if (!inherits(data, "jointdata")) {
stop("Data must be of class 'jointdata'\n")
id <- data$subj.col
time.long <- data$time.col
# Control parameters
if (missing(gpt)) {
gpt <- 3
if (missing(lgpt)) {
lgpt <- 10
if (missing( { <- 200
if (missing(tol)) {
tol <- 0.001
Call <-
if (any(sapply(data$baseline, "class") == "factor")) {
data$baseline <- droplevels(data$baseline)
# Data
# Longitudinal data
ldatList <- prepLongData(long.formula, data, id, time.long)
longdat <- ldatList$longdat <- ldatList$
# Survival data
sdatList <- prepSurvData(surv.formula, data, id, time.long)
survdat <- sdatList$survdat
survdat2 <- sdatList$survdat2
p2 <- sdatList$p2
compRisk <- sdatList$compRisk
# Sort the data
sort.dat <- function(longdat, survdat) {
longid <- longdat[, 1]
nn <- diff(match(unique(longid), longid))
nn[length(nn) + 1] <- length(longid) - sum(nn)
svec <- rep(survdat[, 2], nn)
sort.long <- longdat[order(svec), ]
os <- order(survdat[, 2])
sort.surv <- survdat[os, ]
list(long.s = data.frame(sort.long),
surv.s = data.frame(sort.surv))
sort <- sort.dat(longdat, survdat)
longdat <- sort$long.s
survdat <- sort$surv.s
# Model structure
model <- match.arg(model)
if ((model == "int" || model == "quad") && compRisk) {
warning("Competing risks models are only fitted with model = 'intslope'")
model <- "intslope"
if (model != "intslope" && model != "int" && model != "quad") {
stop(paste("Unknown model:", model))
ran <- 2
if (model == "int") {
ran <- 1
if (model == "quad") {
ran <- 3
lat <- ran
if (sepassoc && compRisk) {
warning("Competing risks models are only fitted with sepassoc = FALSE")
sepassoc <- FALSE
if (!sepassoc) {
lat <- 1
# Inits
# Longitudinal submodel
ldaests <- longst(longdat,
# Time-to-event submodel
if (!compRisk) {
# single event time
survests <- survst(survdat,
paraests <- c(ldaests, survests)
} else {
# competing risks
survests.a <- survstCR(survdat,
event = 1)
survests.b <- survstCR(survdat,
event = 2)
paraests <- c(ldaests, survests.a, survests.b)
# Initial log-likelihoods
if (!compRisk) {
# single event time
sep.ll <- ldaests$ + survests$[2]
sep.loglik <- list(seplhood = sep.ll,
sepy = ldaests$,
sepn = survests$[2])
} else {
# competing risks
sep.ll <- ldaests$ + survests.a$[2] + survests.b$[2]
sep.loglik <- list(seplhood = sep.ll,
sepy = ldaests$,
sepn = survests.a$[2] + survests.b$[2])
# EM algorithm
if (!compRisk) {
# single event time
jointfit <- emUpdate(longdat = longdat,
survdat = survdat,
model = model,
ran = ran,
lat = lat,
sepassoc = sepassoc,
paraests = paraests,
gpt = gpt, =,
tol = tol,
loglik = FALSE,
verbose = verbose)
} else {
# competing risks
jointfit <- emUpdateCR(longdat = longdat,
survdat = survdat,
paraests = paraests,
gpt = gpt, =,
tol = tol,
loglik = FALSE,
verbose = verbose)
# Extract results
# Extract MLEs (all except survival parameters)
b1 <- jointfit$b1
rownames(b1) <- rownames(paraests$b1)
random <- jointfit$random
colnames(random) <- paste0("U_", 0:(ran - 1))
rownames(random) <- survdat[, 1]
sigma.u <- jointfit$sigma.u
rownames(sigma.u) <- colnames(sigma.u) <- rownames(ldaests$sigma.u)
# Extract MLEs (survival parameters)
if (!compRisk) {
# single event time
hazard <- jointfit$haz
likeests <- c(jointfit, list(rs = survests$rs,
sf = survests$sf))
if (p2 > 0) {
b2 <- jointfit$b2[1:p2, ]
names(b2) <- names(paraests$b2)
} else {
b2 <- NULL
fixed <- list(longitudinal = b1,
survival = b2)
latent <- jointfit$b2[(p2 + 1):(p2 + lat), ]
names(latent) <- paste0("gamma_", 0:(lat - 1))
} else {
# competing risks
hazard <- list(
"haz.a" = jointfit$haz.a,
"haz.b" = jointfit$haz.b)
likeests <- c(jointfit, list(s.dist.a = survests.a$s.dist.a,
id.a = survests.a$id.a,
s.dist.b = survests.b$s.dist.b,
id.b = survests.b$id.b))
if (p2 > 0) {
b2.a <- jointfit$b2.a[1:p2, ]
b2.b <- jointfit$b2.b[1:p2, ]
names(b2.a) <- names(b2.b) <- names(paraests$b2.a[1:p2])
} else {
b2.a <- b2.b <- NULL
fixed <- list(longitudinal = b1,
survival1 = b2.a,
survival2 = b2.b)
latent <- with(jointfit, c(b2.a[(p2 + 1), ], b2.b[(p2 + 1), ]))
names(latent) <- paste0("gamma_", 1:2)
coefficients <- list(fixed = fixed,
random = random,
latent = latent)
# Log-likelihood at MLE
if (!compRisk) {
# single event time
jointll <- emUpdate(longdat = longdat,
survdat = survdat,
model = model,
ran = ran,
lat = lat,
sepassoc = sepassoc,
paraests = likeests,
gpt = lgpt, = 1,
tol = tol,
loglik = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE)
} else {
# competing risks
jointll <- emUpdateCR(longdat = longdat,
survdat = survdat,
paraests = likeests,
gpt = lgpt, = 1,
tol = tol,
loglik = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE)
loglik <- list(jointlhood = jointll$,
jointy = jointll$,
jointn = jointll$
# Separate model estimates
if (!compRisk) {
sepests <- list(longests = sep(ldaests, longsep),
survests = sep(survests, survsep))
} else {
sepests <- list(longests = sep(ldaests, longsep),
survests1 = sep(survests.a, survsep),
survests2 = sep(survests.b, survsep))
# Return joint object
results <- list(coefficients = coefficients,
sigma.z = jointfit$sigma.z,
sigma.u = sigma.u,
hazard = hazard,
loglik = loglik,
numIter = jointfit$iters,
convergence = jointfit$conv,
model = model,
sepassoc = sepassoc,
sepests = sepests,
compRisk = compRisk,
sep.loglik = sep.loglik,
formulae = list(lformula = long.formula,
sformula = surv.formula),
data = data,
call = Call)
class(results) <- "joint"
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