
Defines functions is_marked_active mark_active new_py_class maybe_delayed_r_to_py_R6ClassGenerator `%<-active%` type_sum.py_R6ClassGenerator `$.py_R6ClassGenerator` print.py_R6ClassGenerator delayed_r_to_py_R6ClassGenerator py_callable_as_function2 activeBindingFunction `%py_class%` r_formals_to_py__signature__ as_py_method as_py_methods resolve_py_type_inherits new_get_private r_to_py.R6ClassGenerator

Documented in mark_active

#' @importFrom reticulate r_to_py import_builtins py_eval py_dict py_call
#' @export
r_to_py.R6ClassGenerator <- function(x, convert = FALSE) {

  inherit <- resolve_py_type_inherits(x$get_inherit(), convert)

  mask_env <- new.env(parent = x$parent_env)
  # common-mask-env: `super`, `__class__`, classname

  # R6 by default includes this in public methods list, not applicable here.
  methods <- x$public_methods
  methods$clone <- NULL

  methods <- as_py_methods(methods, mask_env, convert, x$classname)
  active <- as_py_methods(x$active, mask_env, convert, x$classname)

  # having convert=FALSE here means py callables are not wrapped in R functions
  # https://github.com/rstudio/reticulate/issues/1024
  builtins <- import_builtins(convert)

  py_property <- builtins$property
  active <- lapply(active, function(fn) py_call(py_property, fn, fn))

  namespace <- c(x$public_fields, methods, active)

  # we need a __module__ because python-keras introspects to see if a layer is
  # subclassed by consulting layer.__module__
  # (not sure why builtins.issubclass() doesn't work over there)
  # `__module__` is used to construct the S3 class() of py_class instances,
  # it needs to be stable (e.g, can't use format(x$parent_env))
  if(!"__module__" %in% names(namespace))
    namespace$`__module__` <- "R6type"

  new_exec_body <- py_eval("lambda ns_entries: (lambda ns: ns.update(ns_entries))",
  exec_body <- py_call(new_exec_body,
                       py_dict(names(namespace), unname(namespace), convert))

  py_class <- py_call(import("types", convert=convert)$new_class,
    name = x$classname,
    bases = inherit$bases,
    kwds = inherit$keywords,
    exec_body = exec_body

  # https://github.com/rstudio/reticulate/issues/1024
  py_class <- py_to_r(py_class)
  assign("convert", convert, as.environment(py_class))

  mask_env$`__class__` <- py_class
  mask_env[[x$classname]] <- py_class
  attr(mask_env, "get_private") <-
    new_get_private(r6_class = x, shared_mask_env = mask_env)

    super <- base::structure(
      function(type = get("__class__"),
               object = base::get("self", parent.frame())) {
        convert <- get("convert", envir = as.environment(object))
        bt <- reticulate::import_builtins(convert)
        reticulate::py_call(bt$super, type, object)
      class = "python_class_super")
  }), mask_env)

  attr(py_class, "r6_class") <- x
  class(py_class) <- c("py_R6ClassGenerator", class(py_class))


#' @importFrom reticulate py_id
new_get_private <- function(r6_class, shared_mask_env) {
  force(r6_class); force(shared_mask_env)

  privates <- list()

  new_instance_private <- function(self, key) {

    private <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
    privates[[key]] <<- private

      self, finalize_instance_private, key)

    if (length(r6_class$private_fields))
      list2env(r6_class$private_fields, envir = private)

    if (length(r6_class$private_methods)) {
      instance_mask_env <- new.env(parent = shared_mask_env)
      instance_mask_env$self <- self
      instance_mask_env$private <- private

      for (nm in names(r6_class$private_methods)) {
        method <- r6_class$private_methods[[nm]]
        environment(method) <- instance_mask_env
        private[[nm]] <- method


  finalize_instance_private <- function(key) {
    privates[[key]] <<- NULL

  function(self) {
    key <- py_id(self)
    .subset2(privates, key) %||% new_instance_private(self, key)

resolve_py_type_inherits <- function(inherit, convert=FALSE) {

  # inherits can be
  # a) NULL %||% list()
  # b) a python.builtin.type or R6ClassGenerator
  # c) a list or tuple of python.builtin.types and/or R6ClassGenerators
  # d) a list, with keyword args meant to be passed to builtin.type()
  # returns: list(tuple_of_'python.builtin.type's, r_named_list_of_kwds)
  # (both potentially of length 0)

  if(is.null(inherit) || identical(inherit, list()))
    return(list(bases = tuple(), keywords = list()))

  bases <-
    if (inherits(inherit, "python.builtin.tuple")) as.list(inherit)
  else if (is.list(inherit)) inherit
  else list(inherit)

  # split out keyword args (e.g., metaclass=)
  keywords <- list()
  for (nm in names(bases)) {
    if(is.na(nm) || !nzchar(nm)) next
    keywords[[nm]] <- bases[[nm]]
    bases[[nm]] <- NULL
  names(bases) <- NULL

  bases <- lapply(bases, function(cls) {
    if (inherits(cls, "R6ClassGenerator"))
      return(r_to_py.R6ClassGenerator(cls, convert))

    if (!inherits(cls, "python.builtin.object"))
        cls <- r_to_py(cls),
        error = function(e)
          stop(e, "Supplied superclasses must be python objects, not: ",
               paste(class(cls), collapse = ", "))

    if(inherits(cls, "python.builtin.type") && is.function(cls))


  bases <- do.call(tuple, bases)

  list(bases = bases, keywords = keywords)

as_py_methods <- function(x, env, convert, class_name) {
  out <- list()

  if ("initialize" %in% names(x) && "__init__" %in% names(x))
    stop("You should not specify both `__init__` and `initialize` methods.")

  if ("finalize" %in% names(x) && "__del__" %in% names(x))
    stop("You should not specify both `__del__` and `finalize` methods.")

  for (name in names(x)) {
    fn <- x[[name]]
    label <- sprintf("%s$%s", class_name, name)
    name <- switch(name,
                   initialize = "__init__",
                   finalize = "__del__",
    out[[name]]  <- as_py_method(fn, name, env, convert, label)

#' @importFrom reticulate py_func py_clear_last_error
as_py_method <- function(fn, name, env, convert, label) {

    # if user did conversion, they're responsible for ensuring it is right.
    if (inherits(fn, "python.builtin.object")) {
      #assign("convert", convert, as.environment(fn))

    srcref <- attr(fn, "srcref")

    if (!is.function(fn))
      stop("Cannot coerce non-function to a python class method")

    environment(fn) <- env

    if (!identical(formals(fn)[1], alist(self =)))
      formals(fn) <- c(alist(self =), formals(fn))

    doc <- NULL
    if (is.call(body(fn)) &&
        body(fn)[[1]] == quote(`{`) &&
        length(body(fn)) > 1 &&
        typeof(body(fn)[[2]]) == "character") {
      doc <- glue::trim(body(fn)[[2]])
      body(fn)[[2]] <- NULL

    # __init__ must return NULL
    if (name == "__init__") {
      body(fn) <- substitute({
      }, list(body = body(fn)))

    if (!"private" %in% names(formals(fn)) &&
        "private" %in% all.names(body(fn))) {
      body(fn) <- substitute({
        private <- attr(env, "get_private", TRUE)(self)
      }, list(body = body(fn), env = env))

    # python tensorflow does quite a bit of introspection on user-supplied
    # functions e.g., as part of determining which of the optional arguments
    # should be passed to layer.call(,training=,mask=). Here, we try to make
    # user supplied R function present to python tensorflow introspection
    # tools as faithfully as possible, but with a silent fallback.
    # TODO: reticulate::py_func() pollutes __main__ with 'wrap_fn', doesn't
    # call py_clear_last_error(), doesn't assign __name__, doesn't accept `convert`

    # Can't use py_func here because it doesn't accept a `convert` argument

    py_sig <- tryCatch(r_formals_to_py__signature__(fn),
                       error = function(e) NULL)

    attr(fn, "py_function_name") <- name
    attr(fn, "pillar") <- list(label = label) # for print method of rlang::trace_back()

    # https://github.com/rstudio/reticulate/issues/1024
    fn <- py_to_r(r_to_py(fn, convert))
    assign("convert", convert, as.environment(fn))

      fn$`__signature__` <- py_sig

      fn$`__doc__` <- doc

    attr(fn, "srcref") <- srcref
    # TODO, maybe also copy over "wholeSrcref". See `removeSource()` as a starting point.
    # This is used to generate clickable links in rlang traceback printouts.


r_formals_to_py__signature__ <- function(fn) {
  inspect <- import("inspect", convert = FALSE)
  py_repr <- import_builtins(FALSE)$repr
  params <- py_eval("[]", convert = FALSE)
  Param <- inspect$Parameter

  frmls <- formals(fn)
  for (nm in names(frmls)) {
    if(nm == "...") {
        Param("_R_dots_positional_args", Param$VAR_POSITIONAL),
        Param("_R_dots_keyword_args", Param$VAR_KEYWORD)
      kind <- Param$KEYWORD_ONLY

    if(identical(frmls[[nm]], quote(expr=))) {
        inspect$Parameter(nm, kind)

    default <- r_to_py(eval(frmls[[nm]], environment(fn)))
      inspect$Parameter(nm, kind, default=default)

# TODO: (maybe?) factor out a py_class() function,
# funnel r_to_py.R6ClassGenerator() and %py_class%() to go through py_class()
# export py_class()
# differences from reticulate::PyClass would be:
# *) python objects (including callables) pass through unmodified
# *) all R functions are forced to share the same parent/mask
# *) R functions are maybe modified to ensure their first formal is `quote(self=)`
# *) make the converted functions present to python introspection tools better
# *) `super` can be accessed in both R6 style using `$`, and python-style as a callable
# *) `super()` can resolve `self` properly when called from a nested scope
# *) method calls respect user-supplied `convert` values for all args

# @seealso <https://tensorflow.rstudio.com/articles/new-guides/python_subclasses.html>

#' Make a python class constructor
#' @param spec a bare symbol `MyClassName`, or a call `MyClassName(SuperClass)`
#' @param body an expression that can be evaluated to construct the class
#'   methods.
#' @return The python class constructor, invisibly. Note, the same constructor is
#'   also assigned in the parent frame.
#' @export
#' @aliases py_class
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' MyClass %py_class% {
#'   initialize <- function(x) {
#'     print("Hi from MyClass$initialize()!")
#'     self$x <- x
#'   }
#'   my_method <- function() {
#'     self$x
#'   }
#' }
#' my_class_instance <- MyClass(42)
#' my_class_instance$my_method()
#' MyClass2(MyClass) %py_class% {
#'   "This will be a __doc__ string for MyClass2"
#'   initialize <- function(...) {
#'     "This will be the __doc__ string for the MyClass2.__init__() method"
#'     print("Hi from MyClass2$initialize()!")
#'     super$initialize(...)
#'   }
#' }
#' my_class_instance2 <- MyClass2(42)
#' my_class_instance2$my_method()
#' reticulate::py_help(MyClass2) # see the __doc__ strings and more!
#' # In addition to `self`, there is also `private` available.
#' # This is an R environment unique to each class instance, where you can
#' # store objects that you don't want converted to Python, but still want
#' # available from methods. You can also assign methods to private, and
#' # `self` and `private` will be available in private methods.
#' MyClass %py_class% {
#'   initialize <- function(x) {
#'     print("Hi from MyClass$initialize()!")
#'     private$y <- paste("A Private field:", x)
#'   }
#'   get_private_field <- function() {
#'     private$y
#'   }
#'   private$a_private_method <- function() {
#'     cat("a_private_method() was called.\n")
#'     cat("private$y is ", sQuote(private$y), "\n")
#'   }
#'   call_private_method <- function()
#'     private$a_private_method()
#'   # equivalent of @property decorator in python
#'   an_active_property %<-active% function(x = NULL) {
#'     if(!is.null(x)) {
#'       cat("`an_active_property` was assigned", x, "\n")
#'       return(x)
#'     } else {
#'       cat("`an_active_property` was accessed\n")
#'       return(42)
#'     }
#'   }
#' }
#' inst1 <- MyClass(1)
#' inst2 <- MyClass(2)
#' inst1$get_private_field()
#' inst2$get_private_field()
#' inst1$call_private_method()
#' inst2$call_private_method()
#' inst1$an_active_property
#' inst1$an_active_property <- 11
#' }
`%py_class%` <- function(spec, body) {
  spec <- substitute(spec)
  body <- substitute(body)
  parent_env <- parent.frame()

  inherit <- NULL
  convert <- TRUE
  delay_load <- !identical(topenv(parent_env), globalenv()) # likely in a package

  if (is.call(spec)) {
    classname <- as.character(spec[[1L]])

    # `convert` keyword argument is intercepted here
    if(!is.null(spec$convert)) {
      convert <- eval(spec$convert, parent_env)
      spec$convert <- NULL

    # `delay_load` keyword argument is intercepted here
    if(!is.null(spec$delay_load)) {
      delay_load <- eval(spec$delay_load, parent_env)
      spec$delay_load <- NULL

    # all other keyword args are passed on to __builtin__.type() (e.g, metaclass=)
    if(length(spec) <= 2) {
      spec <- spec[[length(spec)]]
    } else {
      spec[[1]] <- quote(base::list)

    inherit <- spec # R6Class wants an expression for this

  } else {
    classname <- as.character(spec)

  env <- new.env(parent = parent_env)
  env$private <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

  eval(body, env)

  if (!"__doc__" %in% names(env) &&
      body[[1]] == quote(`{`) &&
      typeof(body[[2]]) == "character")
    env$`__doc__` <- glue::trim(body[[2]])

  private <- as.list.environment(env$private, all.names = TRUE)
  rm(list = "private", envir = env)

  public <- active <- list()
  for (nm in names(env)) {
    if (bindingIsActive(nm, env))
      active[[nm]] <- activeBindingFunction(nm, env)
    else if (is_marked_active(env[[nm]]))
      active[[nm]] <- env[[nm]]
      public[[nm]] <- env[[nm]]

  # R6Class() calls substitute() on inherit;
  r6_class <- eval(as.call(list(
    classname = classname,
    public = public,
    private = private,
    active = active,
    inherit = inherit,
    cloneable = FALSE,
    parent_env = parent_env

  if (delay_load)
    py_class <- delayed_r_to_py_R6ClassGenerator(r6_class, convert)
    py_class <- r_to_py.R6ClassGenerator(r6_class, convert)

  attr(py_class, "r6_class") <- r6_class

  assign(classname, py_class, envir = parent_env)

if (getRversion() < "4.0")
  activeBindingFunction <- function(nm, env) {
    as.list.environment(env, all.names = TRUE)[[nm]]

#' @importFrom reticulate py_call py_to_r
py_callable_as_function2 <- function(callable, convert) {

  function(...) {
    result <- py_call(callable, ...)

    if (convert)
      result <- py_to_r(result)

    if (is.null(result))

delayed_r_to_py_R6ClassGenerator <- function(r6_class, convert) {

  py_object <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  py_object$delayed <- TRUE
  attr(py_object, "class") <- c("py_R6ClassGenerator",
  attr(py_object, "r6_class") <- r6_class
  py_object_real <- NULL
  # keep a reference alive here, since this object
  # has the C finalizer registered
  force_py_object <- function(nm) {
    if (exists("delayed", envir = py_object, inherits = FALSE)) {
      py_object_real <<-
        attr(r_to_py.R6ClassGenerator(r6_class, convert), "py_object")
      list2env(as.list.environment(py_object_real, all.names = TRUE),
      rm(list = "delayed", envir = py_object)

      get(nm, envir = py_object)

  delayedAssign("pyobj", force_py_object("pyobj"), assign.env = py_object)
  delayedAssign("convert", force_py_object("convert"), assign.env = py_object)

  fn <- py_callable_as_function2(NULL, convert)
  attributes(fn) <- attributes(py_object)
  attr(fn, "py_object") <- py_object

  delayedAssign("callable", force_py_object(), assign.env = environment(fn))


#' @export
print.py_R6ClassGenerator <- function(x, ...) {
  r6_class <- attr(x, "r6_class")
  if (isTRUE(get0("delayed", attr(x, "py_object"))))
    cat(sprintf("<R6type.%s> (delayed)\n", r6_class$classname))


#' @export
`$.py_R6ClassGenerator` <- function(x, name) {
  if (identical(name, "new"))

#' @exportS3Method pillar::type_sum
type_sum.py_R6ClassGenerator <- function(x) {
  cl <- class(x)[[1L]]
  if(startsWith(cl, "R6type."))
    cl <- substr(cl, 8L, 2147483647L)

#' Make an Active Binding
#' @param sym symbol to bind
#' @param value A function to call when the value of `sym` is accessed.
#' @return `value`, invisibly
#' @export
#' @details Active bindings defined in a [`%py_class%`] are converted to
#'   `@property` decorated methods.
#' @seealso [`makeActiveBinding()`]
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1234)
#' x %<-active% function(value) {
#'   message("Evaluating function of active binding")
#'   if(missing(value))
#'     runif(1)
#'   else
#'    message("Received: ", value)
#' }
#' x
#' x
#' x <- "foo"
#' x <- "foo"
#' x
#' rm(x) # cleanup
`%<-active%` <- function(sym, value) {
  makeActiveBinding(substitute(sym), value, parent.frame())

maybe_delayed_r_to_py_R6ClassGenerator <-
  function(x, convert = FALSE,
           parent_env = parent.frame()) {
    if (identical(topenv(parent_env), globalenv()))
      # not in a package
      r_to_py.R6ClassGenerator(x, convert)
      delayed_r_to_py_R6ClassGenerator(x, convert)

new_py_class <-
           members = list(),
           inherit = NULL,
           parent_env = parent.frame(),
           convert = TRUE,
           inherit_expr = substitute(inherit)) {

    active <- NULL
    for(nm in names(members)) {
      if(is_marked_active(members[[nm]])) {
        active[[nm]] <- members[[nm]]
        members[[nm]] <- NULL
    # R6Class calls substitute() on inherit
    r6_class <- eval(as.call(list(
      classname = classname,
      public = members,
      active = active,
      inherit = inherit_expr,
      cloneable = FALSE,
      parent_env = parent_env
    maybe_delayed_r_to_py_R6ClassGenerator(r6_class, convert, parent_env)

#' @rdname new-classes
#' @export
mark_active <- function(x) {
    stop("Only R functions can be marked active")
  attr(x, "marked_active") <- TRUE

is_marked_active <- function(x)
  identical(attr(x, "marked_active", TRUE), TRUE)

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keras documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:20 a.m.