
Defines functions lav_data_full lavData

# the lavData class describes how the data looks like
#  - do we have a full data frame, or only sample statistics?
#    (TODO: allow for patterns + freq, if data is categorical)
#  - variable type ("numeric", "ordered", ...)
#  - how many groups, how many observations, ...
#  - what about missing patterns?
# initial version: YR 14 April 2012

# YR 23 Feb 2017: blocks/levels/groups, but everything is group-based!

# FIXME: if nlevels > 1L, and ngroups > 1L, we should check that
# group is at the upper-level

# YR 08 May  2019: sampling weights normalization -> different options

# extract the data we need for this particular model
lavData <- function(data              = NULL,          # data.frame
                    group             = NULL,          # multiple groups?
                    cluster           = NULL,          # clusters?
                    ov.names          = NULL,          # variables in model
                    ov.names.x        = character(0),  # exo variables
                    ov.names.l        = list(),        # names per level
                    ordered           = NULL,          # ordered variables
                    sampling.weights  = NULL,          # sampling weights
                    sample.cov        = NULL,          # sample covariance(s)
                    sample.mean       = NULL,          # sample mean vector(s)
                    sample.th         = NULL,          # sample thresholds
                    sample.nobs       = NULL,          # sample nobs

                    lavoptions        = lavOptions(),  # lavoptions
                    allow.single.case = FALSE          # for newdata in predict

    # get info from lavoptions

    # group.labels
    group.label <- lavoptions$group.label
    if(is.null(group.label)) {
        group.label <- character(0L)

    # level.labels
    level.label <- lavoptions$level.label
    if(is.null(level.label)) {
        level.label <- character(0L)

    # block.labels
    block.label <- character(0L)
    if(length(group.label) > 0L && length(level.label) == 0L) {
        block.label <- group.label
    } else if(length(level.label) > 0L && length(group.label) == 0L) {
        block.label <- level.label
    } else if(length(group.label) > 0L &&
              length(level.label) > 0L) {
        block.label <- paste(rep(group.label, each = length(level.label)),
                             rep(level.label, times = length(group.label)),
                             sep = ".")

    # std.ov?
    std.ov <- lavoptions$std.ov
    if(is.null(std.ov)) {
        std.ov <- FALSE

    # missing?
    missing <- lavoptions$missing
    if(is.null(missing) || missing == "default") {
        missing <- "listwise"

    # warn?
    warn <- lavoptions$warn
    if(is.null(warn)) {
        warn <- TRUE
    if(allow.single.case) { # eg, in lavPredict
        warn <- FALSE

    # four scenarios:
    #    0) data is already a lavData object: do nothing
    #    1) data is full data.frame (or a matrix)
    #    2) data are sample statistics only
    #    3) no data at all

    # 1) full data
    if(!is.null(data)) {

       # catch lavaan/lavData objects
        if(inherits(data, "lavData")) {
        } else if(inherits(data, "lavaan")) {

        # catch matrix
        if(!is.data.frame(data)) {
            # is it a matrix?
            if(is.matrix(data)) {
                if(nrow(data) == ncol(data)) {
                    # perhaps it is a covariance matrix?
                    if(isSymmetric(data)) {
                        warning("lavaan WARNING: data argument looks like a covariance matrix; please use the sample.cov argument instead")
                # or perhaps it is a data matrix?
                ### FIXME, we should avoid as.data.frame() and handle
                ### data matrices directly
                data <- as.data.frame(data, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            } else {
                stop("lavaan ERROR: data= argument",
                     " is not a data.fame, but of class ", sQuote(class(data)))

        # no ov.names?
        if(is.null(ov.names)) {
            ov.names <- names(data)
            # remove group variable, if provided
            if(length(group) > 0L) {
                group.idx <- which(ov.names == group)
                ov.names <- ov.names[-group.idx]
            # remove cluster variable, if provided
            if(length(cluster) > 0L) {
                cluster.idx <- which(ov.names == cluster)
                ov.names <- ov.names[-cluster.idx]

        lavData <- lav_data_full(data              = data,
                                 group             = group,
                                 cluster           = cluster,
                                 group.label       = group.label,
                                 level.label       = level.label,
                                 block.label       = block.label,
                                 ov.names          = ov.names,
                                 ordered           = ordered,
                                 sampling.weights  = sampling.weights,
                                 sampling.weights.normalization =
                                 ov.names.x        = ov.names.x,
                                 ov.names.l        = ov.names.l,
                                 std.ov            = std.ov,
                                 missing           = missing,
                                 warn              = warn,
                                 allow.single.case = allow.single.case)
        sample.cov <- NULL # not needed, but just in case

    # 2) sample moments
    if(is.null(data) && !is.null(sample.cov)) {

        # for now: no levels!!
        nlevels <- 1L

        # we also need the number of observations (per group)
        if(is.null(sample.nobs)) {
            stop("lavaan ERROR: please specify number of observations")

        # if a 'group' argument was provided, keep it -- new in 0.6-4
        if(is.null(group)) {
            group <- character(0L)
        } else if(is.character(group)) {
            # nothing to do, just store it
        } else {
            stop("lavaan ERROR: group argument should be a string")

        # list?
        if(is.list(sample.cov)) {
            # multiple groups, multiple cov matrices
            if(!is.null(sample.mean)) {
                stopifnot(length(sample.mean) == length(sample.cov))
            if(!is.null(sample.th)) {
                stopifnot(length(sample.th) == length(sample.cov))
            # multiple groups, multiple cov matrices
            ngroups     <- length(sample.cov)
            LABEL <- names(sample.cov)
            if(is.null(group.label) || length(group.label) == 0L) {
                if(is.null(LABEL)) {
                    group.label <- paste("Group ", 1:ngroups, sep="")
                } else {
                    group.label <- LABEL
            } else {
                if(is.null(LABEL)) {
                    stopifnot(length(group.label) == ngroups)
                } else {
                    # FIXME!!!!
                    # check if they match
        } else {
            ngroups <- 1L; group.label <- character(0)
                stop("lavaan ERROR: sample.cov must be a matrix or a list of matrices")
            sample.cov <- list(sample.cov)

        # get ov.names
        if(is.null(ov.names)) {
            ov.names <- lapply(sample.cov, row.names)
        } else if(!is.list(ov.names)) {
            # duplicate ov.names for each group
            tmp <- ov.names; ov.names <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
            ov.names[1:ngroups] <- list(tmp)
        } else {
            if (length(ov.names) != ngroups)
                stop("lavaan ERROR: ov.names assumes ", length(ov.names),
                     " groups; data contains ", ngroups, " groups")
            # nothing to do

        # handle ov.names.x
        if(!is.list(ov.names.x)) {
            tmp <- ov.names.x; ov.names.x <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
            ov.names.x[1:ngroups] <- list(tmp)
        } else {
            if(length(ov.names.x) != ngroups)
                stop("lavaan ERROR: ov.names.x assumes ", length(ov.names.x),
                     " groups; data contains ", ngroups, " groups")

        ov <- list()
        ov$name <- unique( unlist(c(ov.names, ov.names.x)) )
        nvar    <- length(ov$name)
        ov$idx  <- rep(NA, nvar)
        ov$nobs <- rep(sum(unlist(sample.nobs)), nvar)
        ov$type <- rep("numeric", nvar)
        ov$nlev <- rep(0, nvar)
        # check for categorical
        if(!is.null(sample.th)) {
            th.idx <- attr(sample.th, "th.idx")
            if(is.list(th.idx)) {
                th.idx <- th.idx[[1]] ## FIRST group only (assuming same ths!)
            if(any(th.idx > 0)) {
                TAB <- table(th.idx[th.idx > 0])
                ord.idx <- as.numeric(names(TAB))
                nlev <- as.integer(unname(TAB) + 1)
                ov$type[ord.idx ] <- "ordered"
                ov$nlev[ord.idx ] <- nlev

        # if std.ov = TRUE, give a warning (suggested by Peter Westfall)
        if(std.ov && warn) {
            warning("lavaan WARNING: std.ov argument is ignored if only sample statistics are provided.")

        # check variances (new in 0.6-7)
        for(g in seq_len(ngroups)) {
            VAR <- diag(sample.cov[[g]])
            # 1. finite?
            if(!all(is.finite(VAR))) {
                stop("lavaan ERROR: at least one variance in the sample covariance matrix is not finite.")
            # 2. near zero (or negative)?
            if(any(VAR < .Machine$double.eps)) {
                stop("lavaan ERROR: at least one variance in the sample covariance matrix is (near) zero or negative.")
            # 3. very large?
            max.var <- max(VAR)
            if(max.var > 1000000) {
                warning("lavaan WARNING: some observed variances in the sample covariance matrix are larger than 1000000.")

        # block.labels
        block.label <- character(0L)
        if(length(group.label) > 0L && length(level.label) == 0L) {
            block.label <- group.label
        } else if(length(level.label) > 0L && length(group.label) == 0L) {
            block.label <- level.label
        } else if(length(group.label) > 0L &&
                  length(level.label) > 0L) {
            block.label <- paste(rep(group.label, each = length(level.label)),
                                 rep(level.label, times = length(group.label)),
                                 sep = ".")

        # construct lavData object
        lavData <- new("lavData",
                       data.type   = "moment",
                       ngroups     = ngroups,
                       group       = group,
                       nlevels     = 1L, # for now
                       cluster     = character(0L),
                       group.label = group.label,
                       level.label = character(0L),
                       block.label = block.label,
                       nobs        = as.list(sample.nobs),
                       norig       = as.list(sample.nobs),
                       ov.names    = ov.names,
                       ov.names.x  = ov.names.x,
                       ov.names.l  = ov.names.l,
                       ordered     = as.character(ordered),
                       weights     = vector("list", length = ngroups),
                       sampling.weights = character(0L),
                       ov          = ov,
                       std.ov      = FALSE,
                       missing     = "listwise",
                       case.idx    = vector("list", length = ngroups),
                       Mp          = vector("list", length = ngroups),
                       Rp          = vector("list", length = ngroups),
                       Lp          = vector("list", length = ngroups),
                       X           = vector("list", length = ngroups),
                       eXo         = vector("list", length = ngroups)


    # 3) data.type = "none":  both data and sample.cov are NULL
    if(is.null(data) && is.null(sample.cov)) {

        # clustered/multilevel? --> ov.names.l should be filled in
        if(length(ov.names.l) > 0L) {
            nlevels <- length(ov.names.l[[1]]) # we assume the same number
                                               # of levels in each group!

            # do we have a cluster argument? if not, create one
            if(is.null(cluster)) {
                if(nlevels == 2L) {
                    cluster <- "cluster"
                } else {
                    cluster <- paste0("cluster", seq_len(nlevels - 1L))

            # default level.labels
            if(length(level.label) == 0L) {
                level.label <- c("within", cluster)
            } else {
                # check if length(level.label) = 1 + length(cluster)
                if(length(level.label) != length(cluster) + 1L) {
                    stop("lavaan ERROR: length(level.label) != length(cluster) + 1L")
                # nothing to do
        } else {
            nlevels <- 1L
            cluster <- character(0L)
            level.label <- character(0L)

        # ngroups: ov.names (when group: is used), or sample.nobs
        if(is.null(ov.names)) {
            warning("lavaan WARNING: ov.names is NULL")
            ov.names <- character(0L)
            if(is.null(sample.nobs)) {
                ngroups <- 1L
                sample.nobs <- rep(list(0L), ngroups)
            } else {
                sample.nobs <- as.list(sample.nobs)
                ngroups <- length(sample.nobs)
        } else if(!is.list(ov.names)) {
            if(is.null(sample.nobs)) {
                ngroups <- 1L
                sample.nobs <- rep(list(0L), ngroups)
            } else {
                sample.nobs <- as.list(sample.nobs)
                ngroups <- length(sample.nobs)
            ov.names <- rep(list(ov.names), ngroups)
        } else if(is.list(ov.names)) {
            ngroups <- length(ov.names)
            if(is.null(sample.nobs)) {
                sample.nobs <- rep(list(0L), ngroups)
            } else {
                sample.nobs <- as.list(sample.nobs)
                if(length(sample.nobs) != ngroups) {
                    stop("lavaan ERROR: length(sample.nobs) = ",
                         " but syntax implies ngroups = ", ngroups)

        # group.label
        if(ngroups > 1L) {
            if(is.null(group)) {
                group <- "group"
            group.label <- paste("Group", 1:ngroups, sep="")
        } else {
            group <- character(0L)
            group.label <- character(0L)

        # handle ov.names.x
        if(!is.list(ov.names.x)) {
            ov.names.x <- rep(list(ov.names.x), ngroups)

        ov <- list()
        ov$name <- unique( unlist(c(ov.names, ov.names.x)) )
        nvar    <- length(ov$name)
        ov$idx  <- rep(NA, nvar)
        ov$nobs <- rep(0L, nvar)
        ov$type <- rep("numeric", nvar)
        ov$nlev <- rep(0L, nvar)

        # collect information per upper-level group
        Lp <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
        for(g in 1:ngroups) {
            if(nlevels > 1L) {
                # ALWAYS add ov.names.x at the end, even if conditional.x
                OV.NAMES <- unique(c(ov.names[[g]], ov.names.x[[g]]))
                Lp[[g]] <- lav_data_cluster_patterns(Y = NULL, clus = NULL,
                                                 cluster = cluster,
                                                 multilevel = TRUE,
                                                 ov.names = OV.NAMES,
                                                 ov.names.x = ov.names.x[[g]],
                                                 ov.names.l = ov.names.l[[g]])
        } # g

        # block.labels
        block.label <- character(0L)
        if(length(group.label) > 0L && length(level.label) == 0L) {
            block.label <- group.label
        } else if(length(level.label) > 0L && length(group.label) == 0L) {
            block.label <- level.label
        } else if(length(group.label) > 0L &&
                  length(level.label) > 0L) {
            block.label <- paste(rep(group.label, each = length(level.label)),
                                 rep(level.label, times = length(group.label)),
                                 sep = ".")

        # construct lavData object
        lavData <- new("lavData",
                       data.type   = "none",
                       ngroups     = ngroups,
                       group       = group,
                       nlevels     = nlevels,
                       cluster     = cluster,
                       group.label = group.label,
                       level.label = level.label,
                       block.label = block.label,
                       nobs        = sample.nobs,
                       norig       = sample.nobs,
                       ov.names    = ov.names,
                       ov.names.x  = ov.names.x,
                       ov.names.l  = ov.names.l,
                       ordered     = as.character(ordered),
                       weights     = vector("list", length = ngroups),
                       sampling.weights = character(0L),
                       ov          = ov,
                       missing     = "listwise",
                       case.idx    = vector("list", length = ngroups),
                       Mp          = vector("list", length = ngroups),
                       Rp          = vector("list", length = ngroups),
                       Lp          = Lp,
                       X           = vector("list", length = ngroups),
                       eXo         = vector("list", length = ngroups)


# handle full data
lav_data_full <- function(data          = NULL,          # data.frame
                          group         = NULL,          # multiple groups?
                          cluster       = NULL,          # clustered?
                          group.label   = NULL,          # custom group labels?
                          level.label   = NULL,
                          block.label   = NULL,
                          ov.names      = NULL,          # variables needed
                                                         # in model
                          ordered       = NULL,          # ordered variables
                          sampling.weights = NULL,       # sampling weights
                          sampling.weights.normalization = "none",
                          ov.names.x    = character(0L), # exo variables
                          ov.names.l    = list(),        # var per level
                          std.ov        = FALSE,         # standardize ov's?
                          missing       = "listwise",    # remove missings?
                          warn          = TRUE,          # produce warnings?
                          allow.single.case = FALSE      # allow single case?
    # number of groups and group labels
    if(!is.null(group) && length(group) > 0L) {
        if(!(group %in% names(data))) {
            stop("lavaan ERROR: grouping variable ", sQuote(group),
                 " not found;\n  ",
                 "variable names found in data frame are:\n  ",
                 paste(names(data), collapse=" "))
        # note: by default, we use the order as in the data;
        # not as in levels(data[,group])
        if(length(group.label) == 0L) {
            group.label <- unique(as.character(data[[group]]))
            if(warn && any(is.na(group.label))) {
                warning("lavaan WARNING: group variable ", sQuote(group),
                        " contains missing values\n", sep="")
            group.label <- group.label[!is.na(group.label)]
        } else {
            group.label <- unique(as.character(group.label))
            # check if user-provided group labels exist
            LABEL <- unique(as.character(data[[group]]))
            idx <- match(group.label, LABEL)
            if(warn && any(is.na(idx))) {
                warning("lavaan WARNING: some group.labels do not appear ",
                        "in the grouping variable: ",
                        paste(group.label[which(is.na(idx))], collapse=" "))
            group.label <- group.label[!is.na(idx)]
            # any groups left?
            if(length(group.label) == 0L)
                stop("lavaan ERROR: no group levels left; check the group.label argument")
        ngroups     <- length(group.label)
    } else {
        if(warn && length(group.label) > 0L)
            warning("lavaan WARNING: `group.label' argument",
                    " will be ignored if `group' argument is missing")
        ngroups <- 1L
        group.label <- character(0L)
        group <- character(0L)

    # sampling weights
    if(!is.null(sampling.weights)) {
        if(is.character(sampling.weights)) {
            if(!(sampling.weights %in% names(data))) {
                stop("lavaan ERROR: sampling weights variable ",
                     " not found;\n  ",
                     "variable names found in data frame are:\n  ",
                     paste(names(data), collapse=" "))
            # check for missing values in sampling weight variable
            if(any(is.na(data[[sampling.weights]]))) {
                stop("lavaan ERROR: sampling.weights variable ",
                        " contains missing values\n", sep = "")
        } else {
            stop("lavaan ERROR: sampling weights argument should be a variable name in the data.frame")

    # clustered?
    if(!is.null(cluster) && length(cluster) > 0L) {

        # cluster variable in data?
        if(!all(cluster %in% names(data))) {
            # which one did we not find?
            not.ok <- which(!cluster %in% names(data))

            stop("lavaan ERROR: cluster variable(s) ", sQuote(cluster[not.ok]),
                 " not found;\n  ",
                 "variable names found in data frame are:\n  ",
                 paste(names(data), collapse = " "))

        # check for missing values in cluster variable(s)
        for(cl in 1:length(cluster)) {
            if(warn && anyNA(data[[cluster[cl]]])) {
                warning("lavaan WARNING: cluster variable ",
                        " contains missing values\n", sep = "")

        # multilevel?
        if(length(ov.names.l) > 0L) {
            # default level.labels
            if(length(level.label) == 0L) {
                level.label <- c("within", cluster)
            } else {
                # check if length(level.label) = 1 + length(cluster)
                if(length(level.label) != length(cluster) + 1L) {
                    stop("lavaan ERROR: length(level.label) != length(cluster) + 1L")
                # nothing to do
            nlevels <- length(level.label)
        } else {
            # just clustered data, but no random effects
            nlevels <- 1L
            level.label <- character(0L)
    } else {
        if(warn && length(level.label) > 0L)
            warning("lavaan WARNING: `level.label' argument",
                    " will be ignored if `cluster' argument is missing")
        nlevels <- 1L
        level.label <- character(0L)
        cluster <- character(0L)

    # check ov.names vs ngroups
    if(ngroups > 1L) {
        if(is.list(ov.names)) {
            if(length(ov.names) != ngroups)
                stop("lavaan ERROR: ov.names assumes ", length(ov.names),
                     " groups; data contains ", ngroups, " groups")
        } else {
            tmp <- ov.names
            ov.names <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
            ov.names[1:ngroups] <- list(tmp)
        if(is.list(ov.names.x)) {
            if(length(ov.names.x) != ngroups)
                stop("lavaan ERROR: ov.names assumes ", length(ov.names.x),
                     " groups; data contains ", ngroups, " groups")
        } else {
            tmp <- ov.names.x
            ov.names.x <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
            ov.names.x[1:ngroups] <- list(tmp)
    } else {
        if(is.list(ov.names)) {
            if(length(ov.names) > 1L)
                stop("lavaan ERROR: model syntax defines multiple groups; data suggests a single group")
        } else {
            ov.names <- list(ov.names)
        if(is.list(ov.names.x)) {
            if(length(ov.names.x) > 1L)
                stop("lavaan ERROR: model syntax defines multiple groups; data suggests a single group")
        } else {
            ov.names.x <- list(ov.names.x)

    # check if all ov.names can be found in the data.frame
    for(g in 1:ngroups) {
        # does the data contain all the observed variables
        # needed in the user-specified model for this group
        ov.all <- unique(c(ov.names[[g]], ov.names.x[[g]])) # no overlap if categ

        # handle interactions
        ov.int.names <- ov.all[ grepl(":", ov.all) ]
        n.int <- length(ov.int.names)
        if(n.int > 0L) {
            ov.names.noint <- ov.all[!ov.all %in% ov.int.names]
            for(iv in seq_len(n.int)) {
                NAMES <- strsplit(ov.int.names[iv], ":", fixed = TRUE)[[1L]]
                if(all(NAMES %in% ov.names.noint)) {
                    # add this interaction term to the data.frame, unless
                    # it already exists
                    if(is.null(data[[ ov.int.names[iv] ]])) {
                        data[[ ov.int.names[iv] ]] <-
                            data[[NAMES[1L]]] * data[[NAMES[2L]]]

        # check for missing observed variables
        idx.missing <- which(!(ov.all %in% names(data)))

        if(length(idx.missing)) {
            stop("lavaan ERROR: some (observed) variables specified in the model are not found in the dataset: ",
                 paste(ov.all[idx.missing], collapse=" "))

    # here, we know for sure all ov.names exist in the data.frame
    # create varTable
    # FIXME: should we add the 'group'/'cluster' variable (no for now)
    ov <- lav_dataframe_vartable(frame = data, ov.names = ov.names,
                                 ov.names.x = ov.names.x, ordered = ordered,
                                 as.data.frame. = FALSE)

    # do some checking
    # check for unordered factors (but only if nlev > 2)
    if("factor" %in%  ov$type) {
        f.names     <- ov$name[ov$type == "factor" & ov$nlev > 2L]
        f.names.all <- ov$name[ov$type == "factor"]
        OV.names <- unlist(ov.names)
        OV.names.x <- unlist(ov.names.x)
        OV.names.nox <- OV.names[! OV.names %in% OV.names.x]
        if(any(f.names %in% OV.names.x)) {
            stop(paste("lavaan ERROR: unordered factor(s) with more than 2 levels detected as exogenous covariate(s):", paste(f.names, collapse=" ")))
        } else if(any(f.names.all %in% OV.names.nox)) {
            stop(paste("lavaan ERROR: unordered factor(s) detected; make them numeric or ordered:", paste(f.names.all, collapse=" ")))
    # check for ordered exogenous variables
    if("ordered" %in% ov$type[ov$name %in% unlist(ov.names.x)]) {
        f.names <- ov$name[ov$type == "ordered" &
                           ov$name %in% unlist(ov.names.x)]
        if(warn && any(f.names %in% unlist(ov.names.x)))
            warning(paste("lavaan WARNING: exogenous variable(s) declared as ordered in data:", paste(f.names, collapse=" ")))
    # check for ordered endogenous variables with more than 12 levels
    if("ordered" %in% ov$type[!ov$name %in% unlist(ov.names.x)]) {
        f.names <- ov$name[ov$type == "ordered" &
                           !ov$name %in% unlist(ov.names.x) &
                           ov$nlev > 12L]
        if(warn && length(f.names) > 0L) {
            warning(paste("lavaan WARNING: some ordered categorical variable(s) have more than 12 levels:", paste(f.names, collapse=" ")))
    # check for zero-cases
    idx <- which(ov$nobs == 0L | ov$var == 0)
    if(!allow.single.case && length(idx) > 0L) {
        OV <- as.data.frame(ov)
        rn <- rownames(OV)
        rn[idx] <- paste(rn[idx], "***", sep="")
        rownames(OV) <- rn
        stop("lavaan ERROR: some variables have no values (only missings) or no variance")
    # check for single cases (no variance!)
    idx <- which(ov$nobs == 1L | (ov$type == "numeric" & !is.finite(ov$var)))
    if(!allow.single.case && length(idx) > 0L) {
        OV <- as.data.frame(ov)
        rn <- rownames(OV)
        rn[idx] <- paste(rn[idx], "***", sep="")
        rownames(OV) <- rn
        stop("lavaan ERROR: some variables have only 1 observation or no finite variance")
    # check for ordered variables with only 1 level
    idx <- which(ov$type == "ordered" & ov$nlev == 1L)
    if(!allow.single.case && length(idx) > 0L) {
        OV <- as.data.frame(ov)
        rn <- rownames(OV)
        rn[idx] <- paste(rn[idx], "***", sep="")
        rownames(OV) <- rn
        stop("lavaan ERROR: ordered variable(s) has/have only 1 level")
    # check for mix small/large variances (NOT including exo variables)
    if(!std.ov && !allow.single.case && warn && any(ov$type == "numeric")) {
        num.idx <- which(ov$type == "numeric" & ov$exo == 0L)
        if(length(num.idx) > 0L) {
            min.var <- min(ov$var[num.idx])
            max.var <- max(ov$var[num.idx])
            rel.var <- max.var/min.var
            if(warn && rel.var > 1000) {
                warning("lavaan WARNING: some observed variances are (at least) a factor 1000 times larger than others; use varTable(fit) to investigate")
    # check for really large variances (perhaps -999999 for missing?)
    if(!std.ov && warn && any(ov$type == "numeric")) {
        num.idx <- which(ov$type == "numeric" & ov$exo == 0L)
        if(length(num.idx) > 0L) {
            max.var <- max(ov$var[num.idx])
            if(warn && max.var > 1000000) {
                warning("lavaan WARNING: some observed variances are larger than 1000000\n", "  lavaan NOTE: use varTable(fit) to investigate")
    # check for all-exogenous variables (eg in f <~ x1 + x2 + x3)
    if(warn && all(ov$exo == 1L)) {
        warning("lavaan WARNING: all observed variables are exogenous; model may not be identified")

    # prepare empty lists

    # group-based
    case.idx <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
    Mp       <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
    Rp       <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
    norig    <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
    nobs     <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
    X        <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
    eXo      <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
    Lp       <- vector("list", length = ngroups)
    weights  <- vector("list", length = ngroups)

    # collect information per upper-level group
    for(g in 1:ngroups) {

        # extract variables in correct order
        if(nlevels > 1L) {
            # keep 'joint' (Y,X) matrix in @X if multilevel (or always?)
            # yes for multilevel (for now); no for clustered only
            OV.NAMES <- unique(c(ov.names[[g]], ov.names.x[[g]]))
            ov.idx  <- ov$idx[match(OV.NAMES,   ov$name)]
        } else {
            ov.idx  <- ov$idx[match(ov.names[[g]],   ov$name)]
        exo.idx <- ov$idx[match(ov.names.x[[g]], ov$name)]
        all.idx <- unique(c(ov.idx, exo.idx))

        # extract cases per group
        if(ngroups > 1L || length(group.label) > 0L) {
            if(missing == "listwise") {
                case.idx[[g]] <- which(data[[group]] == group.label[g] &
                nobs[[g]] <- length(case.idx[[g]])
                norig[[g]] <- length(which(data[[group]] == group.label[g]))
            #} else if(missing == "pairwise" && length(exo.idx) > 0L) {
            #    case.idx[[g]] <- which(data[[group]] == group.label[g] &
            #                           complete.cases(data[exo.idx]))
            #    nobs[[g]] <- length(case.idx[[g]])
            #    norig[[g]] <- length(which(data[[group]] == group.label[g]))
            } else if(length(exo.idx) > 0L && missing != "ml.x") {
                case.idx[[g]] <- which(data[[group]] == group.label[g] &
                nobs[[g]] <- length(case.idx[[g]])
                norig[[g]] <- length(which(data[[group]] == group.label[g]))
                if(warn && (nobs[[g]] < norig[[g]])) {
                    warning("lavaan WARNING: ", (norig[[g]] - nobs[[g]]),
                        " cases were deleted in group ", group.label[g],
                        " due to missing values in ",
                        "\n\t\t  exogenous variable(s), while fixed.x = TRUE.")
            } else {
                case.idx[[g]] <- which(data[[group]] == group.label[g])
                nobs[[g]] <- norig[[g]] <- length(case.idx[[g]])
        } else {
            if(missing == "listwise") {
                case.idx[[g]] <- which(complete.cases(data[all.idx]))
                nobs[[g]] <- length(case.idx[[g]])
                norig[[g]] <- nrow(data)
            #} else if(missing == "pairwise" && length(exo.idx) > 0L) {
            #    case.idx[[g]] <- which(complete.cases(data[exo.idx]))
            #    nobs[[g]] <- length(case.idx[[g]])
            #    norig[[g]] <- nrow(data)
            } else if(length(exo.idx) > 0L && missing != "ml.x") {
                case.idx[[g]] <- which(complete.cases(data[exo.idx]))
                nobs[[g]] <- length(case.idx[[g]])
                norig[[g]] <- nrow(data)
                if(warn && (nobs[[g]] < norig[[g]])) {
                    warning("lavaan WARNING: ", (norig[[g]] - nobs[[g]]),
                        " cases were deleted due to missing values in ",
                        "\n\t\t  exogenous variable(s), while fixed.x = TRUE.")
            } else {
                case.idx[[g]] <- 1:nrow(data)
                nobs[[g]] <- norig[[g]] <- length(case.idx[[g]])

        # extract data
        X[[g]] <- data.matrix( data[case.idx[[g]], ov.idx, drop = FALSE] )
        dimnames(X[[g]]) <- NULL ### copy?

        # sampling weights (but no normalization yet)
        if(!is.null(sampling.weights)) {
            WT <- data[[sampling.weights]][case.idx[[g]]]
            if(any(WT < 0)) {
                stop("lavaan ERROR: some sampling weights are negative")

            # check for missing values in sampling weight variable
            if(any(is.na(WT))) {
                stop("lavaan ERROR: sampling.weights variable ",
                        " contains missing values\n", sep = "")

            weights[[g]] <- WT

        # construct integers for user-declared 'ordered' factors
        # FIXME: is this really (always) needed???
        #  (but still better than doing lapply(data[,idx], ordered) which
        #   generated even more copies)
        user.ordered.names <- ov$name[ov$type == "ordered" & ov$user == 1L]
        user.ordered.idx <- which(ov.names[[g]] %in% user.ordered.names)
        if(length(user.ordered.idx) > 0L) {
          for(i in user.ordered.idx) {
                X[[g]][,i][is.na(X[[g]][,i])] <- NA # change NaN to NA
                X[[g]][,i] <- as.numeric(as.factor(X[[g]][,i]))
                # possible alternative to the previous two lines:
                # X[[g]][,i] <- as.numeric(factor(X[[g]][,i], exclude = c(NA, NaN)))

        ## FIXME:
        ## - why also in X? (for samplestats, for now)
        if(length(exo.idx) > 0L) {
            eXo[[g]] <- data.matrix(data[case.idx[[g]], exo.idx, drop = FALSE])
            dimnames(eXo[[g]]) <- NULL
        } else {
            eXo[g] <- list(NULL)

        # standardize observed variables? numeric only!
        if(std.ov) {
            num.idx <- which(ov$name %in% ov.names[[g]] &
                             ov$type == "numeric" & ov$exo == 0L)
            if(length(num.idx) > 0L) {
                X[[g]][,num.idx] <-
                   scale(X[[g]][,num.idx,drop = FALSE])[,,drop = FALSE]
                # three copies are made!!!!!
            if(length(exo.idx) > 0L) {
                eXo[[g]] <- scale(eXo[[g]])[,,drop = FALSE]

        # response patterns (ordered variables only)
        ord.idx <- which(ov.names[[g]] %in% ov$name[ov$type == "ordered"])
        if(length(ord.idx) > 0L) {
            Rp[[g]] <- lav_data_resp_patterns(X[[g]][,ord.idx, drop = FALSE])

        # warn if we have a small number of observations (but NO error!)
        if( !allow.single.case && warn &&
            nobs[[g]] < (nvar <- length(ov.idx)) ) {
            txt <- ""
            if(ngroups > 1L) txt <- paste(" in group ", g, sep="")
            warning("lavaan WARNING: small number of observations (nobs < nvar)", txt,
                    "\n  nobs = ", nobs[[g]], " nvar = ", nvar)
        # check variances per group (if we have multiple groups)
        # to catch zero-variance variables within a group (new in 0.6-8)
        if(ngroups > 1L) {
            # X
            group.var <- apply(X[[g]], 2, var, na.rm = TRUE)
            zero.var <- which(group.var < .Machine$double.eps)
            if(length(zero.var) == 0L) {
                # all is good
            } else {
                # some zero variances!
                gtxt <- if(ngroups > 1L) {
                            paste(" in group ", g, ":", sep = "")
                        } else { ":" }
                txt <- c("some variables have no variance ", gtxt,
                   paste( ov.names[[g]][zero.var], collapse = " "))
                stop(lav_txt2message(txt, header = "lavaan ERROR:"))

            # eXo (if conditional.x = TRUE)...
            if(length(exo.idx) > 0L) {
                group.var <- apply(eXo[[g]], 2, var, na.rm = TRUE)
                zero.var <- which(group.var < .Machine$double.eps)
                if(length(zero.var) == 0L) {
                    # all is good
                } else {
                    # some zero variances!
                    gtxt <- if(ngroups > 1L) {
                                paste(" in group ", g, ":", sep = "")
                            } else { ":" }
                    txt <- c("some exogenous variables have no variance ", gtxt,
                       paste( ov.names.x[[g]][zero.var], collapse = " "))
                    stop(lav_txt2message(txt, header = "lavaan ERROR:"))

        # cluster information
        if(length(cluster) > 0L) {
            # extract cluster variable(s), for this group
            clus <- data.matrix(data[case.idx[[g]], cluster])
            if(nlevels > 1L) {
                multilevel <- TRUE
            } else {
                multilevel <- FALSE
            # ALWAYS add ov.names.x at the end, even if conditional.x (0.6-7)
            OV.NAMES <- unique(c(ov.names[[g]], ov.names.x[[g]]))
            Lp[[g]] <- lav_data_cluster_patterns(Y = X[[g]], clus = clus,
                                                 cluster = cluster,
                                                 multilevel = multilevel,
                                                 ov.names = OV.NAMES,
                                                 ov.names.x = ov.names.x[[g]],
                                                 ov.names.l = ov.names.l[[g]])

            # new in 0.6-4
            # check for 'level-1' variables with zero within variance
            l1.idx <- c(Lp[[g]]$within.idx[[2]], # within only
            for(v in l1.idx) {
                within.var <- tapply(X[[g]][,v], Lp[[g]]$cluster.idx[[2]],
                                     FUN = var, na.rm = TRUE)
                # ignore singletons
                singleton.idx <- which( Lp[[g]]$cluster.size[[2]] == 1L )
                if(length(singleton.idx) > 0L) {
                    within.var[singleton.idx] <- 10 # non-zero variance
                zero.var <- which(within.var < .Machine$double.eps)
                if(length(zero.var) == 0L) {
                    # all is good
                } else if(length(zero.var) == length(within.var)) {
                    # all zero! possibly a between-level variable
                    gtxt <- if(ngroups > 1L) {
                                paste(" in group ", g, ".", sep = "")
                            } else { "." }
                    txt <- c("Level-1 variable ", dQuote(ov.names[[g]][v]),
                             " has no variance at the within level", gtxt,
                             " The variable appears to be a between-level
                             variable. Please remove this variable from
                             the level 1 section in the model syntax.")
                } else {
                    # some zero variances!
                    gtxt <- if(ngroups > 1L) {
                                paste(" in group ", g, ".", sep = "")
                            } else { "." }
                    txt <- c("Level-1 variable ", dQuote(ov.names[[g]][v]),
                       " has no variance within some clusters", gtxt,
                       " The cluster ids with zero within variance are:\n",
                       paste( Lp[[g]]$cluster.id[[2]][zero.var],
                              collapse = " "))

            # new in 0.6-4
            # check for 'level-2' only variables with non-zero within variance
            l2.idx <- Lp[[g]]$between.idx[[2]] # between only
            error.flag <- FALSE
            for(v in l2.idx) {
                within.var <- tapply(X[[g]][,v], Lp[[g]]$cluster.idx[[2]],
                                     FUN = var, na.rm = TRUE)
                non.zero.var <- which(unname(within.var) > .Machine$double.eps)
                if(length(non.zero.var) == 0L) {
                    # all is good
                } else if(length(non.zero.var) == 1L) {
                    # just one
                    gtxt <- if(ngroups > 1L) {
                                paste(" in group ", g, ".", sep = "")
                            } else { "." }
                    txt <- c("Level-2 variable ", dQuote(ov.names[[g]][v]),
                             " has non-zero variance at the within level", gtxt,
                             " in one cluster with id: ",
                               Lp[[g]]$cluster.id[[2]][non.zero.var], ".\n",
                             " Please double-check if this is a between only",
                             " variable.")
                } else {
                    error.flag <- TRUE
                    # several
                    gtxt <- if(ngroups > 1L) {
                                paste(" in group ", g, ".", sep = "")
                            } else { "." }
                    txt <- c("Level-2 variable ", dQuote(ov.names[[g]][v]),
                       " has non-zero variance at the within level", gtxt,
                       " The cluster ids with non-zero within variance are: ",
                           paste( Lp[[g]]$cluster.id[[2]][non.zero.var],
                              collapse = " "))

            if(error.flag) {
                txt <- c("Some between-level (only) variables have non-zero ",
                         " variance at the within-level. ",
                         " Please double-check your data. ")
                stop(lav_txt2message(txt, header = "lavaan ERROR"))

        } # clustered data

        # missing data
        if(missing != "listwise") {

            if(length(cluster) > 0L) {
                # get missing patterns
                Mp[[g]] <- lav_data_missing_patterns(X[[g]],
                               sort.freq = TRUE, coverage = TRUE,
                               Lp = Lp[[g]])
            } else {
                # get missing patterns
                Mp[[g]] <- lav_data_missing_patterns(X[[g]],
                               sort.freq = TRUE, coverage = TRUE,
                               Lp = NULL)

            # checking!
            if(length(Mp[[g]]$empty.idx) > 0L) {
                # new in 0.6-4: return 'original' index in full data.frame
                empty.case.idx <- case.idx[[g]][ Mp[[g]]$empty.idx ]
                if(warn) {
                    warning("lavaan WARNING: some cases are empty and will be ignored:\n  ", paste(empty.case.idx, collapse=" "))
            if(warn && any(Mp[[g]]$coverage == 0)) {
                txt <- c("due to missing values, some pairwise combinations have 0% coverage;", " use lavInspect(fit, \"coverage\") to investigate.")
            } else if(warn && any(Mp[[g]]$coverage < 0.1)) {
                txt <- c("due to missing values, some pairwise combinations have less than 10% coverage;", " use lavInspect(fit, \"coverage\") to investigate.")
            # in case we had observations with only missings
            nobs[[g]] <- NROW(X[[g]]) - length(Mp[[g]]$empty.idx)
    } # missing

    } # groups, at first level

    # sampling weigths, again
    if(is.null(sampling.weights)) {
        sampling.weights <- character(0L)
    } else {
        # check if we need normalization
        if(sampling.weights.normalization == "none") {
            # nothing to do
        } else if(sampling.weights.normalization == "total") {
            sum.weights <- sum(unlist(weights))
            ntotal <- sum(unlist(nobs))
            for(g in 1:ngroups) {
                WT <- weights[[g]]
                WT2 <- WT / sum.weights * ntotal
                weights[[g]] <- WT2
        } else if(sampling.weights.normalization == "group") {
            for(g in 1:ngroups) {
                WT <- weights[[g]]
                WT2 <- WT / sum(WT) * nobs[[g]]
                weights[[g]] <- WT2
        } else {
            stop("lavaan ERROR: sampling.weights.normalization should be total, group or none.")

    # block.labels
    block.label <- character(0L)
    if(length(group.label) > 0L && length(level.label) == 0L) {
        block.label <- group.label
    } else if(length(level.label) > 0L && length(group.label) == 0L) {
        block.label <- level.label
    } else if(length(group.label) > 0L &&
              length(level.label) > 0L) {
        block.label <- paste(rep(group.label, each = length(level.label)),
                             rep(level.label, times = length(group.label)),
                             sep = ".")

    lavData <- new("lavData",
                   data.type       = "full",
                   ngroups         = ngroups,
                   group           = group,
                   nlevels         = nlevels,
                   cluster         = cluster,
                   group.label     = group.label,
                   level.label     = level.label,
                   block.label     = block.label,
                   std.ov          = std.ov,
                   nobs            = nobs,
                   norig           = norig,
                   ov.names        = ov.names,
                   ov.names.x      = ov.names.x,
                   ov.names.l      = ov.names.l,
                   #ov.types        = ov.types,
                   #ov.idx          = ov.idx,
                   ordered         = as.character(ordered),
                   weights         = weights,
                   sampling.weights = sampling.weights,
                   ov              = ov,
                   case.idx        = case.idx,
                   missing         = missing,
                   X               = X,
                   eXo             = eXo,
                   Mp              = Mp,
                   Rp              = Rp,
                   Lp              = Lp

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lavaan documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:08 p.m.