# rotation algorithms
# YR 3 April 2019 -- gradient projection algorithm
# YR 21 April 2019 -- pairwise rotation algorithm
# YR 11 May 2020 -- order.idx is done in rotation matrix
# (suggested by Florian Scharf)
# YR 02 June 2024 -- add group argument, so target and target.mask can
# be a list
# main function to rotate a single matrix 'A'
lav_matrix_rotate <- function(A = NULL, # original matrix
orthogonal = FALSE, # default is oblique
method = "geomin", # default rot method
method.args = list(
geomin.epsilon = 0.01,
orthomax.gamma = 1,
cf.gamma = 0,
oblimin.gamma = 0,
promax.kappa = 4,
target = matrix(0, 0, 0),
target.mask = matrix(0, 0, 0)
init.ROT = NULL, # initial rotation matrix
init.ROT.check = TRUE, # check if init ROT is ok
rstarts = 100L, # number of random starts
row.weights = "default", # row weighting
std.ov = FALSE, # rescale ov
ov.var = NULL, # ov variances
algorithm = "gpa", # rotation algorithm
reflect = TRUE, # refect sign = "index", # how to order the lv's
gpa.tol = 0.00001, # stopping tol gpa
tol = 1e-07, # stopping tol others
keep.rep = FALSE, # store replications
max.iter = 10000L, # max gpa iterations
group = 1L) { # group number
# check A
if (!inherits(A, "matrix")) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("A does not seem to a matrix"))
P <- nrow(A)
M <- ncol(A)
if (M < 2L) { # single dimension
res <- list(
LAMBDA = A, PHI = matrix(1, 1, 1), ROT = matrix(1, 1, 1),
orthogonal = orthogonal, method = "none",
method.args = list(), row.weights = "none",
algorithm = "none", iter = 0L, converged = TRUE,
method.value = 0
# method
method <- tolower(method)
# if promax, skip everything, then call promax() later
if (method == "promax") {
# orig.algorithm <- algorithm
# orig.rstarts <- rstarts
algorithm <- "none"
rstarts <- 0L
init.ROT <- NULL
ROT <- diag(M)
# check init.ROT
if (!is.null(init.ROT) && init.ROT.check) {
if (!inherits(init.ROT, "matrix")) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("init.ROT does not seem to a matrix"))
if (nrow(init.ROT) != M) {
"nrow(init.ROT) = %1$s does not equal ncol(A) = %2$s",
nrow(init.ROT), M))
if (nrow(init.ROT) != ncol(init.ROT)) {
"nrow(init.ROT) = %1$s does not equal ncol(init.ROT) = %2$s",
nrow(init.ROT), ncol(init.ROT)))
# rotation matrix? init.ROT^T %*% init.ROT = I
RR <- crossprod(init.ROT)
if (!lav_matrix_rotate_check(init.ROT, orthogonal = orthogonal)) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("init.ROT does not look like a rotation matrix"))
# determine method function name
if (method %in% c(
"cf-quartimax", "cf-varimax", "cf-equamax",
"cf-parsimax", "cf-facparsim"
)) {
method.fname <- "lav_matrix_rotate_cf"
method.args$cf.gamma <- switch(method,
"cf-quartimax" = 0,
"cf-varimax" = 1 / P,
"cf-equamax" = M / (2 * P),
"cf-parsimax" = (M - 1) / (P + M - 2),
"cf-facparsim" = 1
} else if (method %in% c("bi-quartimin", "biquartimin")) {
method.fname <- "lav_matrix_rotate_biquartimin"
} else if (method %in% c("bi-geomin", "bigeomin")) {
method.fname <- "lav_matrix_rotate_bigeomin"
} else {
method.fname <- paste("lav_matrix_rotate_", method, sep = "")
# check if rotation method exists
check <- try(get(method.fname), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(check, "try-error")) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("unknown rotation method:"), method.fname)
# if target, check target matrix
if (method == "target" || method == "pst") {
target <- method.args$target
if (is.list(target)) {
method.args$target <- target <- target[[group]]
# check dimension of target/A
if (nrow(target) != nrow(A)) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("nrow(target) != nrow(A)"))
if (ncol(target) != ncol(A)) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("ncol(target) != ncol(A)"))
if (method == "pst") {
target.mask <- method.args$target.mask
if (is.list(target.mask)) {
method.args$target.mask <- target.mask <- target.mask[[group]]
# check dimension of target.mask/A
if (nrow(target.mask) != nrow(A)) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("nrow(target.mask) != nrow(A)"))
if (ncol(target.mask) != ncol(A)) {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("col(target.mask) != ncol(A)"))
# we keep this here, so lav_matrix_rotate() can be used independently
if (method == "target" && anyNA(target)) {
method <- "pst"
method.fname <- "lav_matrix_rotate_pst"
target.mask <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(target), ncol = ncol(target))
target.mask[] <- 0
method.args$target.mask <- target.mask
# set orthogonal option
if (missing(orthogonal)) {
# the default is oblique, except for varimax, entropy and a few others
if (method %in% c(
"varimax", "entropy", "mccammon",
"tandem1", "tandem2"
)) {
orthogonal <- TRUE
} else {
orthogonal <- FALSE
} else {
if (!orthogonal && method %in% c(
"varimax", "entropy", "mccammon",
"tandem1", "tandem2"
)) {
"rotation method %s may not work with oblique rotation.",
# set row.weights
row.weights <- tolower(row.weights)
if (row.weights == "default") {
# the default is "none", except for varimax
if (method %in% c("varimax", "promax")) {
row.weights <- "kaiser"
} else {
row.weights <- "none"
# check algorithm
algorithm <- tolower(algorithm)
if (algorithm %in% c("gpa", "pairwise", "none")) {
# nothing to do
} else {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("algorithm must be gpa or pairwise"))
# 1. compute row weigths
# 1.a cov -> cor?
if (std.ov) {
A <- A * 1 / sqrt(ov.var)
if (row.weights == "none") {
weights <- rep(1.0, P)
} else if (row.weights == "kaiser") {
weights <- lav_matrix_rotate_kaiser_weights(A)
} else if (row.weights == "cureton-mulaik") {
weights <- lav_matrix_rotate_cm_weights(A)
} else {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("row.weights can be none, kaiser or cureton-mulaik"))
A <- A * weights
# 2. rotate
# multiple random starts?
if (rstarts > 0L) {
REP <- sapply(seq_len(rstarts), function(rep) {
# random start (always orthogonal)
init.ROT <- lav_matrix_rotate_gen(M = M, orthogonal = TRUE)
# init.ROT <- lav_matrix_rotate_gen(M = M, orthogonal = orthogonal)
if (lav_verbose()) {
cat("rstart = ", sprintf("%4d", rep), " start:\n")
# choose rotation algorithm
if (algorithm == "gpa") {
ROT <- lav_matrix_rotate_gpa(
A = A, orthogonal = orthogonal,
init.ROT = init.ROT,
method.fname = method.fname,
method.args = method.args,
gpa.tol = gpa.tol,
max.iter = max.iter
info <- attr(ROT, "info")
attr(ROT, "info") <- NULL
res <- c(info$method.value, lav_matrix_vec(ROT))
} else if (algorithm == "pairwise") {
ROT <- lav_matrix_rotate_pairwise(
A = A,
orthogonal = orthogonal,
init.ROT = init.ROT,
method.fname = method.fname,
method.args = method.args,
tol = tol,
max.iter = max.iter
info <- attr(ROT, "info")
attr(ROT, "info") <- NULL
res <- c(info$method.value, lav_matrix_vec(ROT))
if (lav_verbose()) {
"rstart = ", sprintf("%4d", rep),
" end; current crit = ", sprintf("%17.15f", res[1]), "\n"
best.idx <- which.min(REP[1, ])
ROT <- matrix(REP[-1, best.idx], nrow = M, ncol = M)
if (keep.rep) {
info <- list(method.value = REP[1, best.idx], REP = REP)
} else {
info <- list(method.value = REP[1, best.idx])
} else if (algorithm != "none") {
# initial rotation matrix
if (is.null(init.ROT)) {
init.ROT <- diag(M)
# Gradient Projection Algorithm
if (algorithm == "gpa") {
ROT <- lav_matrix_rotate_gpa(
A = A, orthogonal = orthogonal,
init.ROT = init.ROT,
method.fname = method.fname,
method.args = method.args,
gpa.tol = gpa.tol,
max.iter = max.iter
} else if (algorithm == "pairwise") {
ROT <- lav_matrix_rotate_pairwise(
A = A,
orthogonal = orthogonal,
init.ROT = init.ROT,
method.fname = method.fname,
method.args = method.args,
tol = tol,
max.iter = max.iter
info <- attr(ROT, "info")
attr(ROT, "info") <- NULL
# final rotation
if (orthogonal) {
# LAMBDA <- A %*% solve(t(ROT))
# note: when ROT is orthogonal, solve(t(ROT)) == ROT
PHI <- diag(ncol(LAMBDA)) # correlation matrix == I
} else {
# LAMBDA <- A %*% solve(t(ROT))
LAMBDA <- t(solve(ROT, t(A)))
PHI <- crossprod(ROT) # correlation matrix
# 3. undo row weighting
LAMBDA <- LAMBDA / weights
# here, after re-weighted, we run promax if needed
if (method == "promax") {
# first, run 'classic' varimax using varimax() from the stats package
# we split varimax from promax, so we can control the normalize flag
normalize.flag <- row.weights == "kaiser"
xx <- stats::varimax(x = LAMBDA, normalize = normalize.flag)
# promax
kappa <- method.args$promax.kappa
out <- lav_matrix_rotate_promax(
x = xx$loadings, m = kappa,
varimax.ROT = xx$rotmat
LAMBDA <- out$loadings
PHI <- solve(crossprod(out$rotmat))
# compute 'ROT' to be compatible with GPa
ROTt.inv <- solve(
crossprod(LAMBDA.orig, LAMBDA)
ROT <- solve(t(ROTt.inv))
info <- list(
algorithm = "promax", iter = 0L, converged = TRUE,
method.value = as.numeric(NA)
# 3.b undo cov -> cor
if (std.ov) {
LAMBDA <- LAMBDA * sqrt(ov.var)
# 4.a reflect so that column sum is always positive
if (reflect) {
SUM <- colSums(LAMBDA)
neg.idx <- which(SUM < 0)
if (length(neg.idx) > 0L) {
LAMBDA[, neg.idx] <- -1 * LAMBDA[, neg.idx, drop = FALSE]
ROT[, neg.idx] <- -1 * ROT[, neg.idx, drop = FALSE]
if (!orthogonal) {
# recompute PHI
PHI <- crossprod(ROT)
# 4.b reorder the columns
if ( == "sumofsquares") {
order.idx <- base::order(colSums(L2), decreasing = TRUE)
} else if ( == "index") {
# reorder using Asparouhov & Muthen 2009 criterion (see Appendix D)
max.loading <- apply(abs(LAMBDA), 2, max)
# 1: per factor, number of the loadings that are at least 0.8 of the
# highest loading of the factor
# 2: mean of the index numbers
average.index <- sapply(seq_len(ncol(LAMBDA)), function(i) {
mean(which(abs(LAMBDA[, i]) >= 0.8 * max.loading[i]))
# order of the factors
order.idx <- base::order(average.index)
} else if ( == "none") {
order.idx <- seq_len(ncol(LAMBDA))
} else {
lav_msg_stop(gettext("order must be index, sumofsquares or none"))
# do the same in PHI
LAMBDA <- LAMBDA[, order.idx, drop = FALSE]
PHI <- PHI[order.idx, order.idx, drop = FALSE]
# new in 0.6-6, also do this in ROT, so we won't have to do this
# again upstream
ROT <- ROT[, order.idx, drop = FALSE]
# 6. return results as a list
res <- list(
LAMBDA = LAMBDA, PHI = PHI, ROT = ROT, order.idx = order.idx,
orthogonal = orthogonal, method = method,
method.args = method.args, row.weights = row.weights
# add method info
res <- c(res, info)
# Gradient Projection Algorithm (Jennrich 2001, 2002)
# - this is a translation of the SAS PROC IML code presented in the Appendix
# of Bernaards & Jennrich (2005)
# - as the orthogonal and oblique algorithm are so similar, they are
# combined in a single function
# - the default is oblique rotation
lav_matrix_rotate_gpa <- function(A = NULL, # original matrix
orthogonal = FALSE, # default is oblique
init.ROT = NULL, # initial rotation
method.fname = NULL, # criterion function
method.args = list(), # optional method args
gpa.tol = 0.00001,
max.iter = 10000L) {
# number of columns
M <- ncol(A)
# transpose of A (not needed for orthogonal)
At <- t(A)
# check init.ROT
if (is.null(init.ROT)) {
ROT <- diag(M)
} else {
ROT <- init.ROT
# set initial value of alpha to 1
alpha <- 1
# initial rotation
if (orthogonal) {
} else {
LAMBDA <- t(solve(ROT, At))
# using the current LAMBDA, evaluate the user-specified
# rotation criteron; return Q (the criterion) and its gradient Gq
Q <-
c(list(LAMBDA = LAMBDA), method.args, list(grad = TRUE))
Gq <- attr(Q, "grad")
attr(Q, "grad") <- NULL
Q.current <- Q
# compute gradient GRAD of f() at ROT from the gradient Gq of Q at LAMBDA
# in a manner appropiate for orthogonal or oblique rotation
if (orthogonal) {
GRAD <- crossprod(A, Gq)
} else {
GRAD <- -1 * solve(t(init.ROT), crossprod(Gq, LAMBDA))
# start iterations
converged <- FALSE
for (iter in seq_len(max.iter + 1L)) {
# compute projection Gp of GRAD onto the linear manifold tangent at
# ROT to the manifold of orthogonal or normal (for oblique) matrices
# this projection is zero if and only if ROT is a stationary point of
# f() restricted to the orthogonal/normal matrices
if (orthogonal) {
MM <- crossprod(ROT, GRAD)
SYMM <- (MM + t(MM)) / 2
Gp <- GRAD - (ROT %*% SYMM)
} else {
Gp <- GRAD - t(t(ROT) * colSums(ROT * GRAD))
# check Frobenius norm of Gp
frob <- sqrt(sum(Gp * Gp))
# if verbose, print
if (lav_verbose()) {
"iter = ", sprintf("%4d", iter - 1),
" Q = ", sprintf("%9.7f", Q.current),
" frob.log10 = ", sprintf("%10.7f", log10(frob)),
" alpha = ", sprintf("%9.7f", alpha), "\n"
if (frob < gpa.tol) {
converged <- TRUE
# update
alpha <- 2 * alpha
for (i in seq_len(1000)) { # make option?
# step in the negative projected gradient direction
# (note, the original algorithm in Jennrich 2001 used G, not Gp)
X <- ROT - alpha * Gp
if (orthogonal) {
# use SVD to compute the projection ROTt of X onto the manifold
# of orthogonal matrices
svd.out <- svd(X)
U <- svd.out$u
V <- svd.out$v
ROTt <- U %*% t(V)
} else {
# compute the projection ROTt of X onto the manifold
# of normal matrices
v <- 1 / sqrt(apply(X^2, 2, sum))
ROTt <- X %*% diag(v)
# rotate again
if (orthogonal) {
LAMBDA <- A %*% ROTt
} else {
LAMBDA <- t(solve(ROTt, At))
# evaluate criterion <-, c(
method.args, list(grad = TRUE)
Gq <- attr(, "grad")
attr(, "grad") <- NULL
# check stopping criterion
if ( < Q.current - 0.5 * frob * frob * alpha) {
} else {
alpha <- alpha / 2
if (i == 1000) {
lav_msg_warn(gettext("half-stepping failed in GPA"))
# update
Q.current <-
if (orthogonal) {
GRAD <- crossprod(A, Gq)
} else {
GRAD <- -1 * solve(t(ROT), crossprod(Gq, LAMBDA))
} # iter
# warn if no convergence
if (!converged) {
"GP rotation algorithm did not converge after %s iterations",
# algorithm information
info <- list(
algorithm = "gpa",
iter = iter - 1L,
converged = converged,
method.value = Q.current
attr(ROT, "info") <- info
# pairwise rotation algorithm with direct line search
# based on Kaiser's (1959) algorithm and Jennrich and Sampson (1966) algorithm
# but to make it generic, a line search is used; inspired by Browne 2001
# - orthogonal: rotate one pair of columns (=plane) at a time
# - oblique: rotate 1 factor in one pair of columns (=plane) at a time
# note: in the oblique case, (1,2) is not the same as (2,1)
# - BUT use optimize() to find the optimal angle (for each plane)
# (see Browne, 2001, page 130)
# - repeat until the changes in the f() criterion are below tol
lav_matrix_rotate_pairwise <- function(A = NULL, # original matrix
orthogonal = FALSE,
init.ROT = NULL,
method.fname = NULL, # crit function
method.args = list(), # method args
tol = 1e-8,
max.iter = 1000L) {
# number of columns
M <- ncol(A)
# initial LAMBDA + PHI
if (is.null(init.ROT)) {
if (!orthogonal) {
PHI <- diag(M)
} else {
if (orthogonal) {
LAMBDA <- A %*% init.ROT
} else {
LAMBDA <- t(solve(init.ROT, t(A)))
PHI <- crossprod(init.ROT)
# using the current LAMBDA, evaluate the user-specified
# rotation criteron; return Q (the criterion) only
Q.current <-, c(
method.args, list(grad = FALSE)
# if verbose, print
if (lav_verbose()) {
"iter = ", sprintf("%4d", 0),
" Q = ", sprintf("%13.11f", Q.current), "\n"
# plane combinations
if (orthogonal) {
PLANE <- utils::combn(M, 2)
} else {
tmp <- utils::combn(M, 2)
PLANE <- cbind(tmp, tmp[c(2, 1), , drop = FALSE])
# define objective function -- orthogonal
objf_orth <- function(theta = 0, A = NULL, col1 = 0L, col2 = 0L) {
# construct ROT
ROT <- diag(M)
ROT[col1, col1] <- base::cos(theta)
ROT[col1, col2] <- base::sin(theta)
ROT[col2, col1] <- -1 * base::sin(theta)
ROT[col2, col2] <- base::cos(theta)
# rotate
# evaluate criterion
Q <-, c(
method.args, list(grad = FALSE)
# define objective function -- oblique
objf_obliq <- function(delta = 0, A = NULL, col1 = 0L, col2 = 0L,
phi12 = 0) {
# construct ROT
ROT <- diag(M)
# gamma
gamma2 <- 1 + (2 * delta * phi12) + (delta * delta)
ROT[col1, col1] <- sqrt(abs(gamma2))
ROT[col1, col2] <- -1 * delta
ROT[col2, col1] <- 0
ROT[col2, col2] <- 1
# rotate
# evaluate criterion
Q <-, c(
method.args, list(grad = FALSE)
# start iterations
converged <- FALSE
Q.old <- Q.current
for (iter in seq_len(max.iter)) {
# rotate - one cycle
for (pl in seq_len(ncol(PLANE))) {
# choose plane
col1 <- PLANE[1, pl]
col2 <- PLANE[2, pl]
# optimize
if (orthogonal) {
out <- optimize(
f = objf_orth, interval = c(-pi / 4, +pi / 4),
A = LAMBDA, col1 = col1, col2 = col2,
maximum = FALSE, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25
# best rotation - for this plane
theta <- out$minimum
# construct ROT
ROT <- diag(M)
ROT[col1, col1] <- base::cos(theta)
ROT[col1, col2] <- base::sin(theta)
ROT[col2, col1] <- -1 * base::sin(theta)
ROT[col2, col2] <- base::cos(theta)
} else {
phi12 <- PHI[col1, col2]
out <- optimize(
f = objf_obliq, interval = c(-1, +1),
A = LAMBDA, col1 = col1, col2 = col2,
phi12 = phi12,
maximum = FALSE, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25
# best rotation - for this plane
delta <- out$minimum
# construct ROT
ROT <- diag(M)
# gamma
gamma2 <- 1 + (2 * delta * phi12) + (delta * delta)
gamma <- sqrt(abs(gamma2))
ROT[col1, col1] <- gamma
ROT[col1, col2] <- -1 * delta
ROT[col2, col1] <- 0
ROT[col2, col2] <- 1
# rotate
if (!orthogonal) {
# rotate PHI
PHI[col1, ] <- (1 / gamma) * PHI[col1, ] + (delta / gamma) * PHI[col2, ]
PHI[, col1] <- PHI[col1, ]
PHI[col1, col1] <- 1
} # all planes
# check for convergence
Q.current <-, c(
method.args, list(grad = FALSE)
# absolute change in Q
diff <- abs(Q.old - Q.current)
# if verbose, print
if (lav_verbose()) {
"iter = ", sprintf("%4d", iter),
" Q = ", sprintf("%13.11f", Q.current),
" change = ", sprintf("%13.11f", diff), "\n"
if (diff < tol) {
converged <- TRUE
} else {
Q.old <- Q.current
} # iter
# warn if no convergence
if (!converged) {
"pairwise rotation algorithm did not converge after %s iterations",
# compute final rotation matrix
if (orthogonal) {
ROT <- solve(crossprod(A), crossprod(A, LAMBDA))
} else {
# to be compatible with GPa
ROTt.inv <- solve(crossprod(A), crossprod(A, LAMBDA))
ROT <- solve(t(ROTt.inv))
# algorithm information
info <- list(
algorithm = "pairwise",
iter = iter,
converged = converged,
method.value = Q.current
attr(ROT, "info") <- info
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