
Defines functions lav_model_gradient_DD computeOmega computeDeltaDx computeDelta lav_model_gradient

# model gradient

lav_model_gradient <- function(lavmodel       = NULL,
                               GLIST          = NULL,
                               lavsamplestats = NULL,
                               lavdata        = NULL,
                               lavcache       = NULL,
                               type           = "free",
                               verbose        = FALSE,
                               group.weight   = TRUE,
                               Delta          = NULL,
                               m.el.idx       = NULL,
                               x.el.idx       = NULL,
                               ceq.simple     = FALSE) {

    nmat           <- lavmodel@nmat
    estimator      <- lavmodel@estimator
    representation <- lavmodel@representation
    meanstructure  <- lavmodel@meanstructure
    categorical    <- lavmodel@categorical
    group.w.free   <- lavmodel@group.w.free
    fixed.x        <- lavmodel@fixed.x
    conditional.x  <- lavmodel@conditional.x
    num.idx        <- lavmodel@num.idx
    th.idx         <- lavmodel@th.idx
    nx.free        <- lavmodel@nx.free
    if(.hasSlot(lavmodel, "estimator.args")) {
        estimator.args <- lavmodel@estimator.args
    } else {
        estimator.args <- list()

    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    if(estimator == "REML") warning("analytical gradient not implement; use numerical approximation")

    # group.weight
    # FIXME --> block.weight
    if(group.weight) {
        if(estimator %in% c("ML","PML","FML","MML","REML","NTRLS","catML")) {
            group.w <- (unlist(lavsamplestats@nobs)/lavsamplestats@ntotal)
        } else if(estimator == "DLS") {
            if(estimator.args$dls.FtimesNminus1) {
                group.w <- ((unlist(lavsamplestats@nobs)-1)/lavsamplestats@ntotal)
            } else {
                group.w <- (unlist(lavsamplestats@nobs)/lavsamplestats@ntotal)
        } else {
            # FIXME: double check!
            group.w <- ((unlist(lavsamplestats@nobs)-1)/lavsamplestats@ntotal)
    } else {
        group.w <- rep(1.0, lavmodel@nblocks)

    # do we need WLS.est?
    if(estimator %in% c("WLS", "DWLS", "ULS", "GLS", "NTRLS", "DLS")) {

        # always compute WLS.est
        WLS.est <- lav_model_wls_est(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST) #,
                                     # cov.x = lavsamplestats@cov.x)

    if(estimator %in% c("ML", "PML", "FML", "REML", "NTRLS", "catML")) {
        # compute moments for all groups
        #if(conditional.x) {
        #    Sigma.hat <- computeSigmaHatJoint(lavmodel = lavmodel,
        #                     GLIST = GLIST,
        #                     extra = (estimator %in% c("ML", "REML","NTRLS")))
        #} else {
            Sigma.hat <- computeSigmaHat(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST,
                             extra = (estimator %in% c("ML", "REML",
                                                       "NTRLS", "catML")))

        if(meanstructure) {
            #if(conditional.x) {
            #    Mu.hat <- computeMuHat(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
            #} else {
                Mu.hat <- computeMuHat(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)

        if(categorical) {
            TH <- computeTH(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)

        if(conditional.x) {
            PI <- computePI(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
        } else if(estimator == "PML") {
            PI <- vector("list", length = lavmodel@nblocks)

        if(group.w.free) {
            GW <- computeGW(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
    } else if(estimator == "DLS" && estimator.args$dls.GammaNT == "model") {
        Sigma.hat <- computeSigmaHat(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST,
                                         extra = FALSE)
        Mu.hat <- computeMuHat(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
    } else if(estimator == "MML") {
        TH    <- computeTH(   lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
        THETA <- computeTHETA(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
        GW    <- computeGW(   lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)

    # four approaches (FIXME!!!! merge this!)
    # - ML approach: using Omega (and Omega.mu)
    #    Omega = 'POST' = Sigma.inv %*% (S - Sigma) %*% t(Sigma.inv)
    #   (still 2x faster than Delta method)
    # - WLS/DWLS/GLS: using Delta + WLS.V; support for fixed.x, conditional.x
    # - (ML)/NTRLS: using Delta, no support for fixed.x, conditional.x
    # - PML/FML/MML: custom

    # 1. ML approach
    if( (estimator == "ML" || estimator == "REML" || estimator == "catML") &&
        lavdata@nlevels == 1L &&
        !lavmodel@conditional.x ) {

        if(meanstructure) {
            Omega <- computeOmega(Sigma.hat=Sigma.hat, Mu.hat=Mu.hat,
                                  conditional.x = conditional.x)
            Omega.mu <- attr(Omega, "mu")
        } else {
            Omega <- computeOmega(Sigma.hat=Sigma.hat, Mu.hat=NULL,
                                  conditional.x = conditional.x)
            Omega.mu <- vector("list", length = lavmodel@nblocks)

        # compute DX (for all elements in every model matrix)
        DX <- vector("list", length=length(GLIST))

        for(g in 1:lavmodel@nblocks) {
            # which mm belong to group g?
            mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
            mm.names <- names( GLIST[mm.in.group] )

            if(representation == "LISREL") {
                DX.group <- derivative.F.LISREL(GLIST[mm.in.group],

                # FIXME!!!
                # add empty gamma
                if(lavmodel@conditional.x) {
                    DX.group$gamma <- lavmodel@GLIST$gamma

                # only save what we need
                DX[mm.in.group] <- DX.group[ mm.names ]
            } else if(representation == "RAM") {
                DX.group <- lav_ram_df(GLIST[mm.in.group],
                # only save what we need
                DX[mm.in.group] <- DX.group[ mm.names ]
            } else {
                stop("only LISREL and RAM representation has been implemented for now")

            # weight by group
            if(lavmodel@nblocks > 1L) {
                for(mm in mm.in.group) {
                    DX[[mm]] <- group.w[g] * DX[[mm]]

        # extract free parameters

        if(type == "free") {
            if(.hasSlot(lavmodel, "ceq.simple.only") &&
               lavmodel@ceq.simple.only) { # new in 0.6-11
                dx <- numeric( lavmodel@nx.unco )
                for(g in 1:lavmodel@nblocks) {
                    mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
                    for(mm in mm.in.group) {
                        m.free.idx  <- lavmodel@m.free.idx[[mm]]
                        x.unco.idx  <- lavmodel@x.unco.idx[[mm]]
                        dx[x.unco.idx] <- DX[[mm]][m.free.idx]
                if(ceq.simple) {
                    dx <- drop( crossprod(lavmodel@ceq.simple.K,  dx) )
            } else {
                dx <- numeric( nx.free )
                for(g in 1:lavmodel@nblocks) {
                    mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
                    for(mm in mm.in.group) {
                        m.free.idx  <- lavmodel@m.free.idx[[mm]]
                        x.free.idx  <- lavmodel@x.free.idx[[mm]]
                        dx[x.free.idx] <- DX[[mm]][m.free.idx]

        } else {
            dx <- DX
            # handle equality constraints
            ### FIXME!!!! TODO!!!!

    } else # ML

    # 2. using Delta - *LS family
    if(estimator %in% c("WLS", "DWLS", "ULS", "GLS", "NTGLS", "DLS")) {

        if(type != "free") {
                stop("FIXME: Delta should be given if type != free")
            #stop("FIXME: WLS gradient with type != free needs fixing!")
        } else {
            Delta <- computeDelta(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST. = GLIST,
                                  ceq.simple = ceq.simple)

        for(g in 1:lavmodel@nblocks) {
            #diff <- as.matrix(lavsamplestats@WLS.obs[[g]]  - WLS.est[[g]])
            #group.dx <- -1 * ( t(Delta[[g]]) %*% lavsamplestats@WLS.V[[g]] %*% diff)
            # 0.5-17: use crossprod twice; treat DWLS/ULS special
            if(estimator == "WLS" ||
               estimator == "GLS" ||
               estimator == "DLS" ||
               estimator == "NTRLS") {
                # full weight matrix
                diff <- lavsamplestats@WLS.obs[[g]]  - WLS.est[[g]]

                # full weight matrix
                if(estimator == "GLS" || estimator == "WLS") {
                    WLS.V <- lavsamplestats@WLS.V[[g]]
                    group.dx <- -1 * crossprod(Delta[[g]],
                                               crossprod(WLS.V, diff))
                } else if(estimator == "DLS") {
                    if(estimator.args$dls.GammaNT == "sample") {
                        WLS.V <- lavsamplestats@WLS.V[[g]] # for now
                    } else {
                        dls.a <- estimator.args$dls.a
                        GammaNT <- lav_samplestats_Gamma_NT(
                            COV            = Sigma.hat[[g]],
                            MEAN           = Mu.hat[[g]],
                            rescale        = FALSE,
                            x.idx          = lavsamplestats@x.idx[[g]],
                            fixed.x        = lavmodel@fixed.x,
                            conditional.x  = lavmodel@conditional.x,
                            meanstructure  = lavmodel@meanstructure,
                            slopestructure = lavmodel@conditional.x)
                        W.DLS <- (1 - dls.a)*lavsamplestats@NACOV[[g]] + dls.a*GammaNT
                        WLS.V <- lav_matrix_symmetric_inverse(W.DLS)
                    group.dx <- -1 * crossprod(Delta[[g]],
                                               crossprod(WLS.V, diff))
                } else if(estimator == "NTRLS") {
                    #WLS.V <- lav_samplestats_Gamma_inverse_NT(
                    #         ICOV = attr(Sigma.hat[[g]],"inv")[,,drop=FALSE],
                    #         COV            = Sigma.hat[[g]][,,drop=FALSE],
                    #         MEAN           = Mu.hat[[g]],
                    #         x.idx          = lavsamplestats@x.idx[[g]],
                    #         fixed.x        = fixed.x,
                    #         conditional.x  = conditional.x,
                    #         meanstructure  = meanstructure,
                    #         slopestructure = conditional.x)

                    S    <- lavsamplestats@cov[[g]]
                    Sigma <- Sigma.hat[[g]]
                    Sigma.inv <- attr(Sigma, "inv")
                    nvar  <- NROW(Sigma)

                    if(meanstructure) {
                        MEAN <- lavsamplestats@mean[[g]]; Mu <- Mu.hat[[g]]
                        POST.Sigma <- lav_matrix_duplication_pre(
                        matrix((Sigma.inv %*% (S - Sigma) %*% t(Sigma.inv)) %*%
                           (diag(nvar) + (S - Sigma) %*% Sigma.inv) +
                           (Sigma.inv %*% tcrossprod(MEAN - Mu) %*% Sigma.inv),
                           ncol = 1) )
                        POST.Mu <- as.numeric(2 * Sigma.inv %*% (MEAN - Mu))
                        POST <- c(POST.Mu, POST.Sigma)
                    } else {
                        POST <- lav_matrix_duplication_pre(
                        matrix((Sigma.inv %*% (S - Sigma) %*% t(Sigma.inv)) %*%
                           (diag(nvar) + (S - Sigma) %*% Sigma.inv), ncol = 1))

                    group.dx <- as.numeric( -1 * crossprod(Delta[[g]], POST) )

            } else

            if(estimator == "DWLS" || estimator == "ULS") {
                # diagonal weight matrix
                diff <- lavsamplestats@WLS.obs[[g]]  - WLS.est[[g]]
                group.dx <- -1 * crossprod(Delta[[g]],
                                           lavsamplestats@WLS.VD[[g]] * diff)

            group.dx <- group.w[g] * group.dx
            if(g == 1) {
                dx <- group.dx
            } else {
                dx <- dx + group.dx
        } # g

        if(type == "free") {
            # nothing to do
        } else {
            # make a GLIST
            dx <- lav_model_x2GLIST(lavmodel = lavmodel, x = dx,
                                    type = "custom", setDelta = FALSE,
                                    m.el.idx = m.el.idx,
                                    x.el.idx = x.el.idx)

    } # WLS

    # ML + conditional.x
    else if(estimator %in% c("ML", "catML") && lavmodel@conditional.x
                              && lavdata@nlevels == 1L) {
        if(type != "free") {
                stop("FIXME: Delta should be given if type != free")
            #stop("FIXME: WLS gradient with type != free needs fixing!")
        } else {
            Delta <- computeDelta(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST. = GLIST,
                                  ceq.simple = ceq.simple)

        for(g in 1:lavmodel@nblocks) {

            # augmented mean.x + cov.x matrix
            mean.x <- lavsamplestats@mean.x[[g]]
            cov.x  <- lavsamplestats@cov.x[[g]]
            C3 <- rbind(c(1,mean.x),
                        cbind(mean.x, cov.x + tcrossprod(mean.x)))

            Sigma <- Sigma.hat[[g]]
            Mu.g    <- Mu.hat[[g]]
            PI.g    <- PI[[g]]
            Sigma.inv <- attr(Sigma, "inv")
            nvar  <- NROW(Sigma)
            S <- lavsamplestats@res.cov[[g]]

            # beta
            OBS <- t( cbind(lavsamplestats@res.int[[g]],
                            lavsamplestats@res.slopes[[g]]) )
            EST <- t( cbind(Mu.g, PI.g) )
            #obs.beta <- c(lavsamplestats@res.int[[g]],
            #              lav_matrix_vec(lavsamplestats@res.slopes[[g]]))
            #est.beta <- c(Mu.g,  lav_matrix_vec(PI.g))
            #beta.COV <- C3 %x% Sigma.inv

            #a <- t(obs.beta - est.beta)
            #b <- as.matrix(obs.beta - est.beta)
            #K <- lav_matrix_commutation(m = nvar, n = nvar)
            #AB <- (K %x% diag(NROW(C3)*NROW(C3))) %*%
            #          (diag(nvar) %x% lav_matrix_vec(C3) %x% diag(nvar))
            #K <- lav_matrix_commutation(m = nvar, n = NROW(C3))
            #AB <- ( diag(NROW(C3)) %x% K %x% diag(nvar) ) %*%
            #        (lav_matrix_vec(C3) %x% diag( nvar * nvar) )

            #POST.beta <- 2 *  beta.COV %*% (obs.beta - est.beta)
            d.BETA <- C3 %*% (OBS - EST) %*% Sigma.inv
            # NOTE: the vecr here, unlike lav_mvreg_dlogl_beta
            #       this is because DELTA has used vec(t(BETA)),
            #       instead of vec(BETA)
            #POST.beta <- 2 * lav_matrix_vecr(d.BETA)
            # NOT any longer, since 0.6-1!!!
            POST.beta <- 2 * lav_matrix_vec(d.BETA)

            #POST.sigma1 <- lav_matrix_duplication_pre(
            #        (Sigma.inv %x% Sigma.inv)  %*% t(AB)  %*% (t(a) %x% b) )

            # Sigma
            #POST.sigma2 <- lav_matrix_duplication_pre(
            #                 matrix( lav_matrix_vec(
            #          Sigma.inv %*% (S - Sigma) %*% t(Sigma.inv)), ncol = 1L))
            W.tilde <- S + t(OBS - EST) %*% C3 %*% (OBS - EST)
            d.SIGMA <- (Sigma.inv - Sigma.inv %*% W.tilde %*% Sigma.inv)
            d.vechSigma <- as.numeric( lav_matrix_duplication_pre(
                                       as.matrix(lav_matrix_vec(d.SIGMA)) ) )
            POST.sigma <- -1 * d.vechSigma

            #POST <- c(POST.beta, POST.sigma1 + POST.sigma2)
            POST <- c(POST.beta, POST.sigma)

            group.dx <- as.numeric( -1 * crossprod(Delta[[g]], POST) )

            # because we still use obj/2, we need to divide by 2!
            group.dx <- group.dx / 2 # fixed in 0.6-1

            group.dx <- group.w[g] * group.dx
            if(g == 1) {
                dx <- group.dx
            } else {
                dx <- dx + group.dx
        } # g

        if(type == "free") {
            # nothing to do
        } else {
            # make a GLIST
            dx <- lav_model_x2GLIST(lavmodel = lavmodel, x = dx,
                                    type = "custom", setDelta = FALSE,
                                    m.el.idx = m.el.idx,
                                    x.el.idx = x.el.idx)
    } # ML + conditional.x

    else if(estimator == "ML" && lavdata@nlevels > 1L) {
        if(type != "free") {
            stop("FIXME: type != free in lav_model_gradient for estimator ML for nlevels > 1")
        } else {
            Delta <- computeDelta(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST. = GLIST,
                                  ceq.simple = ceq.simple)

        # for each upper-level group....
        for(g in 1:lavmodel@ngroups) {
            if(!lavsamplestats@missing.flag) { # complete data
                if(lavmodel@conditional.x) {
                    DX <- lav_mvreg_cluster_dlogl_2l_samplestats(
                           YLp = lavsamplestats@YLp[[g]],
                           Lp  = lavdata@Lp[[g]],
                           Res.Sigma.W = Sigma.hat[[(g-1)*2 + 1]],
                           Res.Int.W   =    Mu.hat[[(g-1)*2 + 1]],
                           Res.Pi.W    =        PI[[(g-1)*2 + 1]],
                           Res.Sigma.B = Sigma.hat[[(g-1)*2 + 2]],
                           Res.Int.B   =    Mu.hat[[(g-1)*2 + 2]],
                           Res.Pi.B    =        PI[[(g-1)*2 + 2]],
                           Sinv.method = "eigen")
                } else {
                    DX <- lav_mvnorm_cluster_dlogl_2l_samplestats(
                           YLp = lavsamplestats@YLp[[g]],
                           Lp  = lavdata@Lp[[g]],
                           Mu.W    = Mu.hat[[(g-1)*2 + 1]],
                           Sigma.W = Sigma.hat[[(g-1)*2 + 1]],
                           Mu.B    = Mu.hat[[(g-1)*2 + 2]],
                           Sigma.B = Sigma.hat[[(g-1)*2 + 2]],
                           Sinv.method  = "eigen")
            } else {
                # missing data
                if(lavmodel@conditional.x) {
                    stop("lavaan ERROR: gradient for twolevel + conditional.x + fiml is not ready; use optim.gradient = \"numerical\"")
                } else {
                    DX <- lav_mvnorm_cluster_missing_dlogl_2l_samplestats(
                           Y1 = lavdata@X[[g]],
                           Y2 = lavsamplestats@YLp[[g]][[2]]$Y2,
                           Lp  = lavdata@Lp[[g]],
                           Mp = lavdata@Mp[[g]],
                           Mu.W    = Mu.hat[[(g-1)*2 + 1]],
                           Sigma.W = Sigma.hat[[(g-1)*2 + 1]],
                           Mu.B    = Mu.hat[[(g-1)*2 + 2]],
                           Sigma.B = Sigma.hat[[(g-1)*2 + 2]],
                           Sinv.method  = "eigen")

            group.dx <- as.numeric( DX %*% Delta[[g]] )

            # group weights (if any)
            group.dx <- group.w[g] * group.dx
            if(g == 1) {
                dx <- group.dx
            } else {
                dx <- dx + group.dx
        } # g

        # divide by 2 * N
        dx <- dx / (2 * lavsamplestats@ntotal)

        #cat("dx1 (numerical) = \n"); print( zapsmall(dx1) )
        #cat("dx  (analytic)  = \n"); print( zapsmall(dx ) )

    } # ML + two-level

    else if(estimator == "PML" || estimator == "FML" ||
            estimator == "MML") {

        if(type != "free") {
            stop("FIXME: type != free in lav_model_gradient for estimator PML")
        } else {
            Delta <- computeDelta(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST. = GLIST,
                                  ceq.simple = ceq.simple)

        for(g in 1:lavmodel@nblocks) {

            #print(lav_model_get_parameters(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST))

            # compute partial derivative of logLik with respect to
            # thresholds/means, slopes, variances, correlations
            if(estimator == "PML") {

                if(lavdata@nlevels  > 1L) {
                    stop("lavaan ERROR: PL gradient + multilevel not implemented; try optim.gradient = \"numerical\"")
                } else if(conditional.x) {
                    d1 <- pml_deriv1(Sigma.hat  = Sigma.hat[[g]],
                                     Mu.hat     = Mu.hat[[g]],
                                     TH         = TH[[g]],
                                     th.idx     = th.idx[[g]],
                                     num.idx    = num.idx[[g]],
                                     X          = lavdata@X[[g]],
                                     lavcache   = lavcache[[g]],
                                     eXo        = lavdata@eXo[[g]],
                                     PI         = PI[[g]],
                                     missing    = lavdata@missing)
                } else {
                    d1 <- pml_deriv1(Sigma.hat  = Sigma.hat[[g]],
                                     Mu.hat     = Mu.hat[[g]],
                                     TH         = TH[[g]],
                                     th.idx     = th.idx[[g]],
                                     num.idx    = num.idx[[g]],
                                     X          = lavdata@X[[g]],
                                     lavcache   = lavcache[[g]],
                                     eXo        = NULL,
                                     PI         = NULL,
                                     missing    = lavdata@missing)
                } # not conditional.x

                # chain rule (fmin)
                group.dx <-
                    as.numeric(t(d1) %*% Delta[[g]])

           } # PML

           else if(estimator == "FML") {
                d1 <- fml_deriv1(Sigma.hat = Sigma.hat[[g]],
                                 TH        = TH[[g]],
                                 th.idx    = th.idx[[g]],
                                 num.idx   = num.idx[[g]],
                                 X         = lavdata@X[[g]],
                                 lavcache  = lavcache[[g]])

                # chain rule (fmin)
                group.dx <-
                    as.numeric(t(d1) %*% Delta[[g]])/lavsamplestats@nobs[[g]]

            } else if(estimator == "MML") {
                group.dx <-
                    lav_model_gradient_mml(lavmodel    = lavmodel,
                                    GLIST          = GLIST,
                                    THETA          = THETA[[g]],
                                    TH             = TH[[g]],
                                    group          = g,
                                    lavdata        = lavdata,
                                    sample.mean    = lavsamplestats@mean[[g]],
                                    sample.mean.x  = lavsamplestats@mean.x[[g]],
                                    lavcache       = lavcache)

            # group weights (if any)
            group.dx <- group.w[g] * group.dx
            if(g == 1) {
                dx <- group.dx
            } else {
                dx <- dx + group.dx
        } # g
    } else {
        stop("lavaan ERROR: no analytical gradient available for estimator ",

    # group.w.free for ML
    if(lavmodel@group.w.free &&
       estimator %in% c("ML","MML","FML","PML","REML","catML")) {
        #est.prop <- unlist( computeGW(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST) )
        #obs.prop <- unlist(lavsamplestats@group.w)
        # FIXME: G2 based -- ML and friends only!!
        #dx.GW <- - (obs.prop - est.prop)

        # poisson version
        est.freq <- exp(unlist(computeGW(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)))
        obs.freq <- unlist(lavsamplestats@group.w) * lavsamplestats@ntotal
        dx.GW <- - (obs.freq - est.freq)
        # divide by N (to be consistent with the rest of lavaan)
        dx.GW <- dx.GW / lavsamplestats@ntotal

        # remove last element (fixed LAST group to zero)
        # dx.GW <- dx.GW[-length(dx.GW)]

        # fill in in dx
        gw.mat.idx <- which(names(lavmodel@GLIST) == "gw")
        gw.x.idx <- unlist( lavmodel@x.free.idx[gw.mat.idx] )
        dx[gw.x.idx] <- dx.GW

    # dx is 1xnpar matrix of LIST (type != "free")
    if(is.matrix(dx)) {
        dx <- as.numeric(dx)


# for testing purposes only
# computeDeltaNumerical <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL, g = 1L) {
#     # state or final?
#    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST
#    compute.moments <- function(x) {
#        GLIST <- lav_model_x2GLIST(lavmodel = lavmodel, x=x, type="free")
#        Sigma.hat <- computeSigmaHat(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST = GLIST)
#         S.vec <- lav_matrix_vech(Sigma.hat[[g]])
#         if(lavmodel@meanstructure) {
#             Mu.hat <- computeMuHat(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST=GLIST)
#             out <- c(Mu.hat[[g]], S.vec)
#         } else {
#             out <- S.vec
#         }
#         out
#     }
#     x <- lav_model_get_parameters(lavmodel = lavmodel, GLIST=GLIST, type="free")
#     Delta <- lav_func_jacobian_complex(func=compute.moments, x = x)
#     Delta
# }

### FIXME: should we here also:
###        - weight for groups? (no, for now)
###        - handle equality constraints? (yes, for now)
computeDelta <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST. = NULL,
                         m.el.idx. = NULL, x.el.idx. = NULL,
                         ceq.simple = FALSE,
                         force.conditional.x.false = FALSE) {

    representation   <- lavmodel@representation
    categorical      <- lavmodel@categorical
    if(.hasSlot(lavmodel, "correlation")) {
        correlation   <- lavmodel@correlation
    } else {
        correlation   <- FALSE
    conditional.x    <- lavmodel@conditional.x
    group.w.free     <- lavmodel@group.w.free
    nmat             <- lavmodel@nmat
    nblocks          <- lavmodel@nblocks
    nvar             <- lavmodel@nvar
    num.idx          <- lavmodel@num.idx
    th.idx           <- lavmodel@th.idx
    nexo             <- lavmodel@nexo
    parameterization <- lavmodel@parameterization

    # number of thresholds per group (if any)
    nth <- sapply(th.idx, function(x) sum(x > 0L))

    # state or final?
        GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST
        GLIST <- GLIST.

    # type = "free" or something else?
    type <- "nonfree"
    m.el.idx <- m.el.idx.; x.el.idx <- x.el.idx.
    if(is.null(m.el.idx) && is.null(x.el.idx))
         type <- "free"

    # number of rows in DELTA.group
    pstar <- integer(nblocks)
    for(g in 1:nblocks) {
        pstar[g] <- as.integer(nvar[g] * (nvar[g] + 1) / 2)
        if(lavmodel@meanstructure) {
            pstar[g] <- nvar[g] + pstar[g]  # first the means, then sigma
        if(categorical) {
            pstar[g] <- pstar[g] - nvar[g] # remove variances
            pstar[g] <- pstar[g] - nvar[g] # remove means

            pstar[g] <- pstar[g] + nth[g]  # add thresholds
            pstar[g] <- pstar[g] + length(num.idx[[g]]) # add num means
            pstar[g] <- pstar[g] + length(num.idx[[g]]) # add num vars
        } else if(correlation) {
            pstar[g] <- pstar[g] - nvar[g] # remove variances
        if(conditional.x && nexo[g] > 0L) {
                pstar[g] <- pstar[g] + (nvar[g] * nexo[g]) # add slopes
        if(group.w.free) {
            pstar[g] <- pstar[g] + 1L # add group weight

    # number of columns in DELTA + m.el.idx/x.el.idx
    if(type == "free") {
        if(.hasSlot(lavmodel, "ceq.simple.only") && lavmodel@ceq.simple.only) {
            NCOL <- lavmodel@nx.unco
        } else {
            NCOL <- lavmodel@nx.free
        m.el.idx <- x.el.idx <- vector("list", length=length(GLIST))
        for(mm in 1:length(GLIST)) {
            m.el.idx[[mm]] <- lavmodel@m.free.idx[[mm]]
            if(.hasSlot(lavmodel, "ceq.simple.only") &&
               lavmodel@ceq.simple.only) {
                x.el.idx[[mm]] <- lavmodel@x.unco.idx[[mm]]
            } else {
                x.el.idx[[mm]] <- lavmodel@x.free.idx[[mm]]
            # handle symmetric matrices
            if(lavmodel@isSymmetric[mm]) {
                # since we use 'x.free.idx', only symmetric elements
                # are duplicated (not the equal ones, only in x.free.free)
                dix <- duplicated(x.el.idx[[mm]])
                if(any(dix)) {
                    m.el.idx[[mm]] <- m.el.idx[[mm]][!dix]
                    x.el.idx[[mm]] <- x.el.idx[[mm]][!dix]
    } else {
        ## FIXME: this does *not* take into account symmetric
        ##        matrices; hence NCOL will be too large, and empty
        ##        columns will be added
        ##        this is ugly, but it doesn't hurt
        ## alternative could be:
        ## NCOL <- sum(unlist(lapply(x.el.idx, function(x) length(unique(x)))))
        #NCOL <- sum(unlist(lapply(m.el.idx, length)))
        NCOL <- sum(unlist(lapply(x.el.idx, function(x) length(unique(x)))))
        # sanity check
        #nx <- sum(unlist(lapply(x.el.idx, length)))
        #stopifnot(NCOL == nx)

    # compute Delta
    Delta <- vector("list", length=nblocks)
    for(g in 1:nblocks) {
        Delta.group <- matrix(0, nrow=pstar[g], ncol=NCOL)

        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]

        # label rows of Delta.group --- FIXME!!!
        #if(categorical) {
        #    # 1. th (means interleaved?)
        #    # 2. pi
        #    # 3. var num + cor
        #} else {
        #    if(meanstructure) {
        #    }
        #if(group.w.free) {

        # if theta, do some preparation
        if(representation == "LISREL" && parameterization == "theta") {
            sigma.hat <- computeSigmaHat.LISREL(MLIST=GLIST[mm.in.group],
            dsigma <- diag(sigma.hat)
            # dcor/dcov for sigma
            R <- lav_deriv_cov2cor(sigma.hat, num.idx = lavmodel@num.idx[[g]])
            theta.var.idx <- lav_matrix_diagh_idx(nvar[g])

        for(mm in mm.in.group) {
            mname <- names(lavmodel@GLIST)[mm]

            # skip empty ones
            if(!length(m.el.idx[[mm]])) next

            # get Delta columns for this model matrix
            if(representation == "LISREL") {

                # Sigma
                DELTA <- dxSigma <-
                    derivative.sigma.LISREL(m = mname,
                                            idx = m.el.idx[[mm]],
                                            MLIST = GLIST[ mm.in.group ],
                                            delta = parameterization == "delta")
                if(categorical && parameterization == "theta") {
                    DELTA <- R %*% DELTA

                if(categorical) {
                    # reorder: first variances (of numeric), then covariances
                    cov.idx  <- lav_matrix_vech_idx(nvar[g])
                    covd.idx <- lav_matrix_vech_idx(nvar[g], diagonal = FALSE)

                    var.idx <- which(is.na(match(cov.idx,
                    cor.idx <- match(covd.idx, cov.idx)

                    DELTA <- rbind(DELTA[var.idx,,drop=FALSE],

                # correlation structure?
                if(!categorical && correlation) {
                    rm.idx <- lav_matrix_diagh_idx(nvar[g])
                    DELTA <- DELTA[-rm.idx, , drop = FALSE]

                if(!categorical) {
                    if(conditional.x) {
                        # means/intercepts
                        DELTA.mu <- derivative.mu.LISREL(m=mname,
                               idx=m.el.idx[[mm]], MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ])

                        # slopes
                        if(lavmodel@nexo[g] > 0L) {
                            DELTA.pi <- derivative.pi.LISREL(m=mname,
                                 idx=m.el.idx[[mm]], MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ])

                            if(lavmodel@multilevel) {
                                DELTA <- rbind(DELTA.mu, DELTA.pi, DELTA)
                            } else {
                                # ATTENTION: we need to change the order here
                                # lav_mvreg_scores_* uses 'Beta' where the
                                # the intercepts are just the first row
                                # using the col-major approach, we need to
                                # interweave the intercepts with the slopes!

                                nEls <- NROW(DELTA.mu) + NROW(DELTA.pi)
                                # = (nexo + 1 int) * nvar

                                # intercepts on top
                                tmp <- rbind(DELTA.mu, DELTA.pi)
                                # change row index
                                row.idx <- lav_matrix_vec(matrix(seq.int(nEls),
                                   nrow = lavmodel@nexo[g] + 1L,
                                   ncol = lavmodel@nvar[g], byrow = TRUE))
                                DELTA.beta <- tmp[row.idx,,drop = FALSE]
                                DELTA <- rbind(DELTA.beta, DELTA)
                        } else {
                           DELTA <- rbind(DELTA.mu, DELTA)
                    } else if(!conditional.x && lavmodel@meanstructure) {
                            DELTA.mu <- derivative.mu.LISREL(m=mname,
                               idx=m.el.idx[[mm]], MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ])
                            DELTA <- rbind(DELTA.mu, DELTA)

                else if(categorical) {
                    DELTA.th <- derivative.th.LISREL(m=mname,
                                                     MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ],
                                                     delta = TRUE)
                    if(parameterization == "theta") {
                        # dy/ddsigma = -0.5/(ddsigma*sqrt(ddsigma))
                        dDelta.dx <-
                            ( dxSigma[theta.var.idx,,drop=FALSE] *
                              -0.5 / (dsigma*sqrt(dsigma)) )
                        dth.dDelta <-
                            derivative.th.LISREL(m = "delta",
                                                 idx = 1:nvar[g],
                                                 MLIST = GLIST[ mm.in.group ],
                                                 th.idx = th.idx[[g]])
                        # add dth.dDelta %*% dDelta.dx
                        no.num.idx <- which(th.idx[[g]] > 0)
                        DELTA.th[no.num.idx,] <-
                            DELTA.th[no.num.idx,,drop=FALSE] +
                            (dth.dDelta %*% dDelta.dx)[no.num.idx,,drop=FALSE]
                    if(conditional.x && lavmodel@nexo[g] > 0L) {
                        DELTA.pi <-
                                                 MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ])
                        if(parameterization == "theta") {
                            dpi.dDelta <-
                                derivative.pi.LISREL(m = "delta",
                                    idx = 1:nvar[g],
                                    MLIST = GLIST[ mm.in.group ])
                            # add dpi.dDelta %*% dDelta.dx
                            no.num.idx <-
                                which(!seq.int(1L,nvar[g]) %in% num.idx[[g]])
                            no.num.idx <- rep(seq.int(0,nexo[g]-1) * nvar[g],
                                          each=length(no.num.idx)) + no.num.idx
                            DELTA.pi[no.num.idx,] <-
                                DELTA.pi[no.num.idx,,drop=FALSE] +
                                (dpi.dDelta %*% dDelta.dx)[no.num.idx,,drop=FALSE]
                        DELTA <- rbind(DELTA.th, DELTA.pi, DELTA)
                    } else {
                        DELTA <- rbind(DELTA.th, DELTA)
                if(group.w.free) {
                    DELTA.gw <- derivative.gw.LISREL(m=mname,
                                                     MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ])
                    DELTA <- rbind(DELTA.gw, DELTA)
            } else if(representation == "RAM") {
                DELTA <- dxSigma <-
                    lav_ram_dsigma(m     = mname,
                                   idx   = m.el.idx[[mm]],
                                   MLIST = GLIST[ mm.in.group ])
                if(lavmodel@meanstructure) {
                    DELTA.mu <- lav_ram_dmu(m    = mname,
                                           idx   = m.el.idx[[mm]],
                                           MLIST = GLIST[ mm.in.group ])
                    DELTA <- rbind(DELTA.mu, DELTA)
            } else {
                stop("representation ", representation, " not implemented yet")

            Delta.group[ ,x.el.idx[[mm]]] <- DELTA
        } # mm

        # if type == "free" take care of equality constraints
        if(type == "free" && ceq.simple &&
           .hasSlot(lavmodel, "ceq.simple.only") && lavmodel@ceq.simple.only) {
            Delta.group <- Delta.group %*% lavmodel@ceq.simple.K

        Delta[[g]] <- Delta.group

    } # g

    # if multilevel, rbind levels within group
    if(.hasSlot(lavmodel, "multilevel") && lavmodel@multilevel) {
        DELTA <- vector("list", length = lavmodel@ngroups)
        for(g in 1:lavmodel@ngroups) {
            DELTA[[g]] <- rbind( Delta[[(g-1)*2 + 1]],
                                 Delta[[(g-1)*2 + 2]] )
        Delta <- DELTA


computeDeltaDx <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL, target = "lambda",
                           ceq.simple = FALSE) {

    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    representation   <- lavmodel@representation
    nmat             <- lavmodel@nmat
    nblocks          <- lavmodel@nblocks
    num.idx          <- lavmodel@num.idx
    th.idx           <- lavmodel@th.idx

    # number of columns in DELTA + m.el.idx/x.el.idx
    type <- "free"
    #if(type == "free") {
        if(.hasSlot(lavmodel, "ceq.simple.only") && lavmodel@ceq.simple.only) {
            NCOL <- lavmodel@nx.unco
        } else {
            NCOL <- lavmodel@nx.free
        m.el.idx <- x.el.idx <- vector("list", length=length(GLIST))
        for(mm in 1:length(GLIST)) {
            m.el.idx[[mm]] <- lavmodel@m.free.idx[[mm]]
            if(.hasSlot(lavmodel, "ceq.simple.only") &&
               lavmodel@ceq.simple.only) {
                x.el.idx[[mm]] <- lavmodel@x.unco.idx[[mm]]
            } else {
                x.el.idx[[mm]] <- lavmodel@x.free.idx[[mm]]
            # handle symmetric matrices
            if(lavmodel@isSymmetric[mm]) {
                # since we use 'x.free.idx', only symmetric elements
                # are duplicated (not the equal ones, only in x.free.free)
                dix <- duplicated(x.el.idx[[mm]])
                if(any(dix)) {
                    m.el.idx[[mm]] <- m.el.idx[[mm]][!dix]
                    x.el.idx[[mm]] <- x.el.idx[[mm]][!dix]
    #} else {
    #    NCOL <- sum(unlist(lapply(x.el.idx, function(x) length(unique(x)))))

    # compute Delta per group
    Delta <- vector("list", length=nblocks)
    for(g in 1:nblocks) {
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
        Delta.group <- NULL
        for(mm in mm.in.group) {
            mname <- names(lavmodel@GLIST)[mm]

            # skip empty ones
            if(!length(m.el.idx[[mm]])) next

            # get Delta columns for this model matrix
            if(representation == "LISREL") {
                if(target == "lambda") {
                    DELTA <- derivative.lambda.LISREL(m=mname,
                               idx=m.el.idx[[mm]], MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ])
                } else if(target == "th") {
                    DELTA <- derivative.th.LISREL(m=mname, th.idx = th.idx[[g]],
                               idx=m.el.idx[[mm]], MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ],
                } else if(target == "mu") {
                    DELTA <- derivative.mu.LISREL(m=mname,
                               idx=m.el.idx[[mm]], MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ])
                } else if(target == "nu") {
                    DELTA <- derivative.nu.LISREL(m=mname,
                               idx=m.el.idx[[mm]], MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ])
                } else if(target == "tau") {
                    DELTA <- derivative.tau.LISREL(m=mname,
                               idx=m.el.idx[[mm]], MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ])
                } else if(target == "theta") {
                    DELTA <- derivative.theta.LISREL(m=mname,
                               idx=m.el.idx[[mm]], MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ])
                } else if(target == "gamma") {
                    DELTA <- derivative.gamma.LISREL(m=mname,
                               idx=m.el.idx[[mm]], MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ])
                } else if(target == "beta") {
                    DELTA <- derivative.beta.LISREL(m=mname,
                               idx=m.el.idx[[mm]], MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ])
                } else if(target == "alpha") {
                    DELTA <- derivative.alpha.LISREL(m=mname,
                               idx=m.el.idx[[mm]], MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ])
                } else if(target == "psi") {
                    DELTA <- derivative.psi.LISREL(m=mname,
                               idx=m.el.idx[[mm]], MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ])
                } else if(target == "sigma") {
                    DELTA <- derivative.sigma.LISREL(m=mname,
                               idx=m.el.idx[[mm]], MLIST=GLIST[ mm.in.group ],
                } else {
                    stop("lavaan ERROR: target ", target, " not implemented yet")

                # initialize?
                if(is.null(Delta.group)) {
                    Delta.group <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(DELTA), ncol=NCOL)
                Delta.group[ ,x.el.idx[[mm]]] <- DELTA
        } # mm

        if(type == "free" && ceq.simple &&
           .hasSlot(lavmodel, "ceq.simple.only") && lavmodel@ceq.simple.only) {
            Delta.group <- Delta.group %*% lavmodel@ceq.simple.K

        Delta[[g]] <- Delta.group
    } # g


computeOmega <- function(Sigma.hat=NULL, Mu.hat=NULL,
                         lavsamplestats=NULL, estimator="ML",
                         meanstructure=FALSE, conditional.x = FALSE) {

    # nblocks
    nblocks <- length(Sigma.hat)

    Omega    <- vector("list", length = nblocks)
    Omega.mu <- vector("list", length = nblocks)

    for(g in 1:nblocks) {

        # ML
        if(estimator %in% c("ML", "REML", "catML")) {

            if(attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "po") == FALSE) {
                # CURRENTLY: stop
                warning("lav_model_gradient: Sigma.hat is not positive definite\n")
                Sigma.hat.inv <- MASS::ginv(Sigma.hat[[g]])
                Sigma.hat.log.det <- log(.Machine$double.eps)
            } else {
                Sigma.hat.inv <-  attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "inv")
                Sigma.hat.log.det <- attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "log.det")

            if(!lavsamplestats@missing.flag) { # complete data
                if(meanstructure) {
                    if(conditional.x) {
                        diff <- lavsamplestats@res.int[[g]] - Mu.hat[[g]]
                        W.tilde <- lavsamplestats@res.cov[[g]] + tcrossprod(diff)
                    } else {
                        diff <- lavsamplestats@mean[[g]] - Mu.hat[[g]]
                        W.tilde <- lavsamplestats@cov[[g]] + tcrossprod(diff)
                    # Browne 1995 eq 4.55
                    Omega.mu[[g]] <- t(t(diff) %*% Sigma.hat.inv)
                    Omega[[g]] <-
                        ( Sigma.hat.inv %*% (W.tilde - Sigma.hat[[g]]) %*%
                          Sigma.hat.inv )
                } else {
                    if(conditional.x) {
                        W.tilde <- lavsamplestats@res.cov[[g]]
                    } else {
                        W.tilde <- lavsamplestats@cov[[g]]
                    Omega[[g]] <-
                        ( Sigma.hat.inv %*% (W.tilde - Sigma.hat[[g]]) %*%
                          Sigma.hat.inv )
            } else { # missing data
                M <- lavsamplestats@missing[[g]]

                nvar <- ncol(lavsamplestats@cov[[g]])
                OMEGA    <- matrix(0, nvar, nvar)
                OMEGA.MU <- matrix(0, nvar, 1)

                for(p in 1:length(M)) {
                    SX <- M[[p]][["SY"]]
                    MX <- M[[p]][["MY"]]
                    nobs <- M[[p]][["freq"]]
                    var.idx <- M[[p]][["var.idx"]]

                    Sigma.inv <- inv.chol(Sigma.hat[[g]][var.idx, var.idx],
                    Mu <- Mu.hat[[g]][var.idx]
                    W.tilde <- SX + tcrossprod(MX - Mu)

                    OMEGA.MU[var.idx, 1] <-
                        ( OMEGA.MU[var.idx, 1] + nobs/lavsamplestats@ntotal *
                          t(t(MX - Mu) %*% Sigma.inv) )

                    OMEGA[var.idx, var.idx] <-
                        ( OMEGA[var.idx, var.idx] + nobs/lavsamplestats@ntotal *
                          (Sigma.inv %*%
                           (W.tilde - Sigma.hat[[g]][var.idx,var.idx]) %*%
                           Sigma.inv ) )
                Omega.mu[[g]] <- OMEGA.MU
                Omega[[g]]    <- OMEGA
            } # missing

        # GLS
        } else if(estimator == "GLS") {
            W.inv <- lavsamplestats@icov[[g]]
            W     <- lavsamplestats@cov[[g]]
            Omega[[g]] <- (lavsamplestats@nobs[[g]]-1)/lavsamplestats@nobs[[g]] *
                              (W.inv %*% (W - Sigma.hat[[g]]) %*% W.inv)
            if(meanstructure) {
                diff <- as.matrix(lavsamplestats@mean[[g]] - Mu.hat[[g]])
                Omega.mu[[g]] <- t( t(diff) %*% W.inv )

    } # g

    if(meanstructure) attr(Omega, "mu") <- Omega.mu


lav_model_gradient_DD <- function(lavmodel, GLIST = NULL, group = 1L) {

    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    #### FIX th + mu!!!!!
    Delta.lambda <- computeDeltaDx(lavmodel, GLIST=GLIST, target="lambda")[[group]]
    Delta.tau    <- computeDeltaDx(lavmodel, GLIST=GLIST, target="tau"   )[[group]]
    Delta.nu     <- computeDeltaDx(lavmodel, GLIST=GLIST, target="nu"    )[[group]]
    Delta.theta  <- computeDeltaDx(lavmodel, GLIST=GLIST, target="theta" )[[group]]
    Delta.beta   <- computeDeltaDx(lavmodel, GLIST=GLIST, target="beta"  )[[group]]
    Delta.psi    <- computeDeltaDx(lavmodel, GLIST=GLIST, target="psi"   )[[group]]
    Delta.alpha  <- computeDeltaDx(lavmodel, GLIST=GLIST, target="alpha" )[[group]]
    Delta.gamma  <- computeDeltaDx(lavmodel, GLIST=GLIST, target="gamma" )[[group]]

    ov.y.dummy.ov.idx <- lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.ov.idx[[group]]
    ov.x.dummy.ov.idx <- lavmodel@ov.x.dummy.ov.idx[[group]]
    ov.y.dummy.lv.idx <- lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.lv.idx[[group]]
    ov.x.dummy.lv.idx <- lavmodel@ov.x.dummy.lv.idx[[group]]
    ov.dummy.idx <- c(ov.y.dummy.ov.idx, ov.x.dummy.ov.idx)
    lv.dummy.idx <- c(ov.y.dummy.lv.idx, ov.x.dummy.lv.idx)
    th.idx <- lavmodel@th.idx[[group]]
    num.idx <- lavmodel@num.idx[[group]]
    ord.idx <- unique( th.idx[th.idx > 0L] )

    # fix Delta's...
    mm.in.group <- 1:lavmodel@nmat[group] + cumsum(c(0,lavmodel@nmat))[group]
    MLIST <- GLIST[ mm.in.group ]

    DD <- list()
    nvar <- lavmodel@nvar
    nfac <- ncol(MLIST$lambda) - length(lv.dummy.idx)

    # DD$theta
    theta.idx <- lav_matrix_diagh_idx(nvar)
    DD$theta <-  Delta.theta[theta.idx,,drop=FALSE]
    if(length(ov.dummy.idx) > 0L) {
        psi.idx <- lav_matrix_diagh_idx( ncol(MLIST$psi) )[lv.dummy.idx]
        DD$theta[ov.dummy.idx,] <- Delta.psi[psi.idx,,drop=FALSE]
    # num only? FIXME or just all of them?
    DD$theta <- DD$theta[num.idx,,drop=FALSE]

    # DD$nu
    DD$nu <- Delta.nu
    if(length(ov.dummy.idx) > 0L) {
        DD$nu[ov.dummy.idx,] <- Delta.alpha[lv.dummy.idx,]
    DD$nu <- DD$nu[num.idx,,drop=FALSE] # needed?

    # DD$lambda
    nr <- nvar; nc <- nfac
    lambda.idx <- nr*((1:nc) - 1L) + rep(1:nvar, each=nc)
    DD$lambda <- Delta.lambda[lambda.idx,,drop=FALSE]
    if(length(ov.dummy.idx) > 0L) {

        nr <- nrow(MLIST$beta); nc <- nfac # only the first 1:nfac columns
        # beta.idx <- rep(nr*((1:nc) - 1L), each=length(lv.dummy.idx)) + rep(lv.dummy.idx, times=nc) ## FIXME
        beta.idx <- rep(nr*((1:nc) - 1L), times=length(lv.dummy.idx)) + rep(lv.dummy.idx, each=nc)

        #l.idx <- inr*((1:nc) - 1L) + rep(ov.dummy.idx, each=nc) ## FIXME
        # l.idx <- rep(nr*((1:nc) - 1L), each=length(ov.dummy.idx)) + rep(ov.dummy.idx, times=nc)
        l.idx <- rep(nr*((1:nc) - 1L), times=length(ov.dummy.idx)) + rep(ov.dummy.idx, each=nc)
        DD$lambda[match(l.idx, lambda.idx),] <- Delta.beta[beta.idx,,drop=FALSE]

    # DD$KAPPA
    DD$kappa <- Delta.gamma
    if(length(ov.dummy.idx) > 0L) {
        nr <- nrow(MLIST$gamma); nc <- ncol(MLIST$gamma)
        kappa.idx <- nr*((1:nc) - 1L) + rep(lv.dummy.idx, each=nc)
       DD$kappa <- DD$kappa[kappa.idx,,drop=FALSE]

    # DD$GAMMA
    if(!is.null(MLIST$gamma)) {
        nr <- nrow(MLIST$gamma); nc <- ncol(MLIST$gamma)
        lv.idx <- 1:nfac
        # MUST BE ROWWISE!
        gamma.idx <- rep(nr*((1:nc) - 1L), times=length(lv.idx)) + rep(lv.idx, each=nc)
        DD$gamma <- Delta.gamma[gamma.idx,,drop=FALSE]

    # DD$BETA
    if(!is.null(MLIST$beta)) {
        nr <- nc <- nrow(MLIST$beta)
        lv.idx <- 1:nfac
        # MUST BE ROWWISE!
        beta.idx <- rep(nr*((1:nfac) - 1L), times=nfac) + rep(lv.idx, each=nfac)
        DD$beta <- Delta.beta[beta.idx,,drop=FALSE]

    ## DD$psi
    DD$psi <- Delta.psi
    if(length(lv.dummy.idx) > 0L) {
        nr <- nc <- nrow(MLIST$psi)
        lv.idx <- 1:nfac
        # MUST BE ROWWISE!
        psi.idx <- rep(nr*((1:nfac) - 1L), times=nfac) + rep(lv.idx, each=nfac)

        DD$psi <- DD$psi[psi.idx,,drop=FALSE]

    ## DD$tau
    if(!is.null(MLIST$tau)) {
        DD$tau <- Delta.tau


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