
Defines functions lav_sam_step1_local lav_sam_step1

# step 1 in SAM: fitting the measurement blocks

lav_sam_step1 <- function(cmd = "sem", mm.list = NULL, mm.args = list(),
                          FIT = FIT, data = NULL, sam.method = "local") {

    lavoptions <- FIT@Options
    lavpta     <- FIT@pta
    PT         <- FIT@ParTable
    nblocks    <- lavpta$nblocks
    ngroups    <- lavpta$ngroups

    if(lavoptions$verbose) {
        cat("Fitting the measurement part:\n")

    # local only -> handle missing data
    if(sam.method %in% c("local", "fsr")) {
        # if missing = "listwise", make data complete, to avoid different
        # datasets per measurement block
        if(lavoptions$missing == "listwise") {
            # FIXME: make this work for multiple groups!!
            OV <- unique(unlist(FIT@pta$vnames$ov))
            # add group/cluster/sample.weights variables (if any)
            OV <- c(OV, FIT@Data@group, FIT@Data@cluster,
            data <- na.omit(data[,OV])

    # total number of free parameters
    if(FIT@Model@ceq.simple.only) {
        npar <- FIT@Model@nx.unco
        PT.free <- PT$free
        PT.free[ PT.free > 0 ] <- seq_len(npar)
    } else {
        npar <- FIT@Model@nx.free
        PT.free <- PT$free
    if(npar < 1L) {
        stop("lavaan ERROR: model does not contain any free parameters")

    # check for higher-order factors
    # 0.6-11: hard stop for now, as we do not support them (yet)!
    LV.IND.names <- unique(unlist(FIT@pta$vnames$lv.ind))
    if(length(LV.IND.names) > 0L) {
        stop("lavaan ERROR: model contains indicators that are also latent variables:\n\t", paste(LV.IND.names, collapse = " "))
        #ind.idx <- match(LV.IND.names, LV.names)
        #LV.names <- LV.names[-ind.idx]

    # do we have at least 1 'regular' (measured) latent variable?
    LV.names <- unique(unlist(FIT@pta$vnames$lv.regular))
    if(length(LV.names) == 0L) {
        stop("lavaan ERROR: model does not contain any (measured) latent variables; use sem() instead")

    # how many measurement models?
    if(!is.null(mm.list)) {
        nMMblocks <- length(mm.list)
        # check each measurement block
        for(b in seq_len(nMMblocks)) {
            # check if we can find all lv names in LV.names
            if(!all(unlist(mm.list[[b]]) %in% LV.names)) {
              tmp <- unlist(mm.list[[b]])
              stop("lavaan ERROR: mm.list contains unknown latent variable(s): ",
                paste( tmp[ !tmp %in% LV.names ], collapse = " "),
            # make list per block
            if(!is.list(mm.list[[b]])) {
                mm.list[[b]] <- rep(list(mm.list[[b]]), nblocks)
            } else {
                if(length(mm.list[[b]]) != nblocks) {
                    stop("lavaan ERROR: mm.list block ", b, " has length ",
                         length(mm.list[[b]]), " but nblocks = ", nblocks)
    } else {
        # TODO: here comes the automatic 'detection' of linked
        #       measurement models
        # for now we take a single latent variable per measurement model block
        mm.list <- as.list(LV.names)
        nMMblocks <- length(mm.list)
        for(b in seq_len(nMMblocks)) {
            # make list per block
            mm.list[[b]] <- rep(list(mm.list[[b]]), nblocks)

    # adjust options for measurement models
    lavoptions.mm <- lavoptions
    lavoptions.mm$optim.bounds <- NULL
    if(lavoptions$se == "none") {
        lavoptions.mm$se <- "none"
    } else {
        lavoptions.mm$se <- "standard" # may be overriden later
    #if(sam.method == "global") {
    #    lavoptions.mm$test <- "none"
    # we need the tests to create summary info about MM
    lavoptions.mm$debug <- FALSE
    lavoptions.mm$verbose <- FALSE
    lavoptions.mm$check.post <- FALSE # neg lv variances may be overriden
    lavoptions.mm$check.gradient <- FALSE # too sensitive in large model (global)
    lavoptions.mm$baseline <- FALSE
    lavoptions.mm$bounds <- "wide.zerovar"

    # override with user-specified mm.args
    lavoptions.mm <- modifyList(lavoptions.mm, mm.args)

    # create MM slotOptions
    slotOptions.mm <- lav_options_set(lavoptions.mm)

    # we assume the same number/names of lv's per group!!!
    MM.FIT <- vector("list", nMMblocks)         # fitted object

    # for joint model later
    if(lavoptions$se != "none") {
        Sigma.11 <- matrix(0, npar, npar)
    step1.free.idx <- integer(0L)

    # NOTE: we should explicitly add zero-constrained LV covariances
    # to PT, and keep them zero in PTM
    if(cmd == "lavaan") {
        add.lv.cov <- FALSE
    } else {
        add.lv.cov <- TRUE

    # fit mm model for each measurement block
    for(mm in seq_len(nMMblocks)) {

        if(lavoptions$verbose) {
            cat("  block ", mm, "[",
                paste(mm.list[[mm]], collapse = " "), "]\n")

        # create parameter table for this measurement block only
        PTM <- lav_partable_subset_measurement_model(PT = PT,
                                                     lavpta = lavpta,
                                                     add.lv.cov = add.lv.cov,
                                                     add.idx = TRUE,
                                                     lv.names = mm.list[[mm]])
        mm.idx <- attr(PTM, "idx"); attr(PTM, "idx") <- NULL
        PTM$est <- NULL
        PTM$se <- NULL

        # update slotData for this measurement block
        ov.names.block <- lapply(1:ngroups, function(g)
            unique(unlist(lav_partable_vnames(PTM, type = "ov", group = g))))
        slotData.block <- lav_data_update_subset(FIT@Data,
                                                 ov.names = ov.names.block)
        # handle single block 1-factor CFA with (only) two indicators
        if(length(unlist(ov.names.block)) == 2L && ngroups == 1L) {
            # hard stop for now, unless se = "none"
            if(lavoptions$se != "none") {
                stop("lavaan ERROR: measurement block [", mm, "] (",
                     paste(mm.list[[mm]], collapse = " "),
                     ") contains only two indicators;\n",
                     "\t\tfix both factor loadings to unity, or\n",
                     "\t\tcombine factors into a single measurement block.", sep = "")
            } else {
                lambda.idx <- which(PTM$op == "=~")
                PTM$free[lambda.idx] <- 0L
                PTM$ustart[lambda.idx] <- 1
                PTM$start[lambda.idx] <- 1
                free.idx <- which(as.logical(PTM$free))
                if(length(free.idx) > 0L) {
                    PTM$free[ free.idx ] <- seq_len(length(free.idx))
                warning("lavaan WARNING: measurement block [", mm, "] (",
                        paste(mm.list[[mm]], collapse = " "),
                        ") contains only two indicators;\n",
                        "\t\t -> fixing both factor loadings to unity",
                        sep = "")

        # fit this measurement model only
        # (question: can we re-use even more slots?)
        fit.mm.block <- lavaan(model = PTM, slotData = slotData.block,
                               slotOptions = slotOptions.mm)

        # check convergence
        if(!lavInspect(fit.mm.block, "converged")) {
            # warning for now, but this is not good!
            warning("lavaan WARNING: measurement model for ",
                 paste(mm.list[[mm]], collapse = " "), " did not converge!")

        # store fitted measurement model
        MM.FIT[[mm]] <- fit.mm.block

        # fill in point estimates measurement block (including slack values)
        PTM <- MM.FIT[[mm]]@ParTable
        PT$est[ seq_len(length(PT$lhs)) %in% mm.idx &
               (PT$free > 0L | PT$op %in% c(":=", ">", "<")) ] <-
            PTM$est[ (PTM$free > 0L | PTM$op %in% c(":=", "<", ">")) &
                     PTM$user != 3L ]

        # fill in standard errors measurement block
        if(lavoptions$se != "none") {

            if(fit.mm.block@Model@ceq.simple.only) {
                PTM.free <- PTM$free
                PTM.free[ PTM.free > 0 ] <- seq_len(fit.mm.block@Model@nx.unco)
            } else {
                PTM.free <- PTM$free

            PT$se[ seq_len(length(PT$lhs)) %in% mm.idx & PT$free > 0L ] <-
                PTM$se[ PTM$free > 0L & PTM$user != 3L]

            # compute variance matrix for this measurement block
            sigma.11 <- MM.FIT[[mm]]@vcov$vcov

            # fill in variance matrix
            par.idx <- PT.free[ seq_len(length(PT$lhs)) %in% mm.idx &
                                PT$free > 0L ]
            keep.idx <- PTM.free[ PTM$free > 0 & PTM$user != 3L ]
            Sigma.11[par.idx, par.idx] <-
                sigma.11[keep.idx, keep.idx, drop = FALSE]

            # store indices in step1.free.idx
            step1.free.idx <- c(step1.free.idx, par.idx)

    } # measurement block

    # only keep 'measurement part' parameters in Sigma.11
    if(lavoptions$se != "none") {
        Sigma.11 <- Sigma.11[step1.free.idx, step1.free.idx, drop = FALSE]
    } else {
        Sigma.11 <- NULL

    # create STEP1 list
    STEP1 <- list(MM.FIT = MM.FIT, Sigma.11 = Sigma.11,
                  step1.free.idx = step1.free.idx, PT.free = PT.free,
                  mm.list = mm.list, PT = PT)


## STEP 1b: compute Var(eta) and E(eta) per block
##          only needed for local approach!
lav_sam_step1_local <- function(STEP1 = NULL, FIT = NULL,
                                sam.method = "local",
                                local.options = list(M.method = "ML",
                                                 lambda.correction = TRUE,
                                                 alpha.correction  = 0L,
                                                 twolevel.method = "h1")) {

    # local.M.method
    local.M.method <- toupper(local.options[["M.method"]])
    if(!local.M.method %in% c("GLS", "ML", "ULS")) {
        stop("lavaan ERROR: local option M.method should be one of GLS, ML or ULS.")

    # local.twolevel.method
    local.twolevel.method <- tolower(local.options[["twolevel.method"]])
    if(!local.twolevel.method %in% c("h1", "anova", "mean")) {
        stop("lavaan ERROR: local option twolevel.method should be one of h1, anova or mean.")

    lavoptions <- FIT@Options
    lavpta     <- FIT@pta

    ngroups <- lavpta$ngroups
    nlevels <- lavpta$nlevels
    nblocks <- lavpta$nblocks
    nMMblocks <- length(STEP1$MM.FIT)
    mm.list   <- STEP1$mm.list

    if(length(unlist(lavpta$vnames$lv.interaction)) > 0L) {
        lv.interaction.flag <- TRUE
    } else {
        lv.interaction.flag <- FALSE

    if(lavoptions$verbose) {
        cat("Constructing the mapping matrix using the ",
            local.M.method, " method ... ", sep = "")

    LAMBDA.list <- vector("list", nMMblocks)
    THETA.list  <- vector("list", nMMblocks)
    NU.list     <- vector("list", nMMblocks)
    LV.idx.list <- vector("list", nMMblocks)
    OV.idx.list <- vector("list", nMMblocks)
    for(mm in seq_len(nMMblocks)) {

        fit.mm.block <- STEP1$MM.FIT[[mm]]

        # LV.idx.list/OV.idx.list: list per block
        LV.idx.list[[mm]] <- vector("list", nblocks)
        OV.idx.list[[mm]] <- vector("list", nblocks)

        # store LAMBDA/THETA
        LAMBDA.list[[mm]] <- computeLAMBDA(fit.mm.block@Model )
         THETA.list[[mm]] <- computeTHETA( fit.mm.block@Model )
        if(lavoptions$meanstructure) {
            NU.list[[mm]] <- computeNU( fit.mm.block@Model,
                             lavsamplestats = fit.mm.block@SampleStats )

        for(bb in seq_len(nblocks)) {
            lambda.idx <- which(names(FIT@Model@GLIST) == "lambda")[bb]
            ind.names <- fit.mm.block@pta$vnames$ov.ind[[bb]]
            LV.idx.list[[mm]][[bb]] <- match(mm.list[[mm]][[bb]],
            OV.idx.list[[mm]][[bb]] <- match(ind.names,
        } # nblocks
    } ## nMMblocks

    # assemble global LAMBDA/THETA (per block)
    LAMBDA <- computeLAMBDA(FIT@Model, handle.dummy.lv = FALSE)
    THETA  <- computeTHETA(FIT@Model, fix = FALSE) # keep dummy lv
    if(lavoptions$meanstructure) {
        NU <- computeNU(FIT@Model, lavsamplestats = FIT@SampleStats)
    for(b in seq_len(nblocks)) {
        # remove 'lv.interaction' columns from LAMBDA[[b]]
        if(length(lavpta$vidx$lv.interaction[[b]]) > 0L) {
            LAMBDA[[b]] <- LAMBDA[[b]][,-lavpta$vidx$lv.interaction[[b]]]
        for(mm in seq_len(nMMblocks)) {
            ov.idx <- OV.idx.list[[mm]][[b]]
            lv.idx <- LV.idx.list[[mm]][[b]]
            LAMBDA[[b]][ov.idx, lv.idx] <- LAMBDA.list[[mm]][[b]]
             THETA[[b]][ov.idx, ov.idx] <-  THETA.list[[mm]][[b]]
            # new in 0.6-10: check if any indicators are also involved
            # in the structural part; if so, set THETA row/col to zero
            # and make sure LAMBDA element is correctly set
            # (we also need to adjust M)
            dummy.ov.idx <- FIT@Model@ov.y.dummy.ov.idx[[b]]
            dummy.lv.idx <- FIT@Model@ov.y.dummy.lv.idx[[b]]
            if(length(dummy.ov.idx)) {
                THETA[[b]][ dummy.ov.idx,] <- 0
                THETA[[b]][,dummy.ov.idx ] <- 0
                LAMBDA[[b]][dummy.ov.idx,] <- 0
                LAMBDA[[b]][cbind(dummy.ov.idx, dummy.lv.idx)] <- 1
            if(lavoptions$meanstructure) {
                NU[[b]][ov.idx, 1] <- NU.list[[mm]][[b]]
                if(length(dummy.ov.idx)) {
                    NU[[b]][dummy.ov.idx, 1] <- 0

        # check if LAMBDA has full column rank
        if(qr(LAMBDA[[b]])$rank < ncol(LAMBDA[[b]])) {
            stop("lavaan ERROR: LAMBDA has no full column rank. Please use sam.method = global")
    } # b

    # store LAMBDA/THETA/NU per block
    if(lavoptions$meanstructure) {
        STEP1$NU <- NU

    VETA   <- vector("list", nblocks)
    REL    <- vector("list", nblocks)
    alpha  <- vector("list", nblocks)
    lambda <- vector("list", nblocks)
    if(lavoptions$meanstructure) {
        EETA <- vector("list", nblocks)
    } else {
        EETA <- NULL
    M <- vector("list", nblocks)

    if(lv.interaction.flag) {
        # compute Bartlett factor scores
        FS <- vector("list", nblocks)
        FS.mm <- lapply(STEP1$MM.FIT, lav_predict_eta_bartlett)
        for(b in seq_len(nblocks)) {
            tmp <- lapply(1:length(STEP1$MM.FIT),
                          function(x) FS.mm[[x]][[b]])
            FS[[b]] <- do.call("cbind", tmp)
            # label? (not for now)

    # compute VETA/EETA per block
    if(nlevels > 1L && local.twolevel.method == "h1") {
        H1 <- lav_h1_implied_logl(lavdata = FIT@Data,
                                  lavsamplestats = FIT@SampleStats,
                                  lavoptions     = FIT@Options)

    for(b in seq_len(nblocks)) {

        # get sample statistics for this block
        if(nlevels > 1L) {
            if(ngroups > 1L) {
                this.level <- (b - 1L) %% ngroups + 1L
            } else {
                    this.level <- b
            this.group <- floor(b/nlevels + 0.5)

            if(this.level == 1L) {

                if(local.twolevel.method == "h1") {
                    COV  <- H1$implied$cov[[1]]
                    YBAR <- H1$implied$mean[[1]]
                } else if(local.twolevel.method == "anova" ||
                          local.twolevel.method == "mean") {
                    COV  <- FIT@SampleStats@YLp[[this.group]][[2]]$Sigma.W
                    YBAR <- FIT@SampleStats@YLp[[this.group]][[2]]$Mu.W

                # reduce
                ov.idx <- FIT@Data@Lp[[this.group]]$ov.idx[[this.level]]
                COV <- COV[ov.idx, ov.idx, drop = FALSE]
                YBAR <- YBAR[ov.idx]
            } else if(this.level == 2L) {
                if(local.twolevel.method == "h1") {
                    COV  <- H1$implied$cov[[2]]
                    YBAR <- H1$implied$mean[[2]]
                } else if(local.twolevel.method == "anova") {
                    COV  <- FIT@SampleStats@YLp[[this.group]][[2]]$Sigma.B
                    YBAR <- FIT@SampleStats@YLp[[this.group]][[2]]$Mu.B
                } else if(local.twolevel.method == "mean") {
                    S.PW <- FIT@SampleStats@YLp[[this.group]][[2]]$Sigma.W
                    NJ   <- FIT@SampleStats@YLp[[this.group]][[2]]$s
                    Y2   <- FIT@SampleStats@YLp[[this.group]][[2]]$Y2
                    # grand mean
                    MU.Y <- ( FIT@SampleStats@YLp[[this.group]][[2]]$Mu.W +                                   FIT@SampleStats@YLp[[this.group]][[2]]$Mu.B )
                    Y2c <- t( t(Y2) - MU.Y ) # MUST be centered
                    YB <- crossprod(Y2c)/nrow(Y2c)
                    COV  <- YB - 1/NJ * S.PW
                   YBAR <- FIT@SampleStats@YLp[[this.group]][[2]]$Mu.B

                # reduce
                ov.idx <- FIT@Data@Lp[[this.group]]$ov.idx[[this.level]]
                COV <- COV[ov.idx, ov.idx, drop = FALSE]
                YBAR <- YBAR[ov.idx]
            } else {
                stop("lavaan ERROR: level 3 not supported (yet).")

        # single level
        } else {
            this.group <- b
            YBAR <- FIT@h1$implied$mean[[b]] # EM version if missing="ml"
            COV  <- FIT@h1$implied$cov[[b]]
            if(local.M.method == "GLS") {
                if(FIT@Options$sample.cov.rescale) {
                   # get unbiased S
                   N <- FIT@SampleStats@nobs[[b]]
                   COV.unbiased <- COV * N/(N-1)
                   ICOV <- solve(COV.unbiased)
                } else {
                    ICOV <- solve(COV)

        # compute mapping matrix 'M'
        Mb <- lav_sam_mapping_matrix(LAMBDA = LAMBDA[[b]],
                                     THETA = THETA[[b]],
                                     S = COV, S.inv = ICOV,
                                     method = local.M.method,
                                     warn = lavoptions$warn)

        # handle observed-only variables
        dummy.ov.idx <- FIT@Model@ov.y.dummy.ov.idx[[b]]
        dummy.lv.idx <- FIT@Model@ov.y.dummy.lv.idx[[b]]
        if(length(dummy.ov.idx)) {
            Mb[dummy.lv.idx,] <- 0
            Mb[cbind(dummy.lv.idx, dummy.ov.idx)] <- 1
        # compute EETA
        if(lavoptions$meanstructure) {
            EETA[[b]] <- lav_sam_eeta(M = Mb, YBAR = YBAR, NU = NU[[b]])

        # compute VETA
        if(sam.method == "local") {
            tmp <- lav_sam_veta(M = Mb, S = COV, THETA = THETA[[b]],
                       alpha.correction  = local.options[["alpha.correction"]],
                       lambda.correction = local.options[["lambda.correction"]],
                       N <- FIT@SampleStats@nobs[[this.group]],
                       extra = TRUE)
            VETA[[b]] <- tmp[,,drop = FALSE] # drop attributes
            alpha[[b]]  <- attr(tmp, "alpha")
            lambda[[b]] <- attr(tmp, "lambda")
        } else {
            # FSR -- no correction
            VETA[[b]] <- Mb %*% COV %*% t(Mb)
        # standardize? not really needed, but we may have 1.0000001
        # as variances, and this may lead to false convergence
        if(FIT@Options$std.lv) {
            VETA[[b]] <- stats::cov2cor(VETA[[b]])

        # lv.names, including dummy-lv covariates
        psi.idx <- which(names(FIT@Model@GLIST) == "psi")[b]
        if(!lv.interaction.flag) {
            dimnames(VETA[[b]]) <- FIT@Model@dimNames[[psi.idx]]
        } else {
            lv.int.names <-  lavpta$vnames$lv.interaction[[b]]
            # including dummy-lv covariates!
            tmp <- FIT@Model@dimNames[[psi.idx]][[1]]
            # remove interaction terms
            lv.names1 <- tmp[!tmp %in% lv.int.names]
            colnames(VETA[[b]]) <- rownames(VETA[[b]]) <- lv.names1

        # compute model-based RELiability
        MSM <- Mb %*% COV %*% t(Mb)
        #REL[[b]] <- diag(VETA[[b]]] %*% solve(MSM)) # CHECKme!
        REL[[b]] <- diag(VETA[[b]]) / diag(MSM)

        # check for lv.interactions
        if(lv.interaction.flag && length(lv.int.names) > 0L) {

            # EETA2
            EETA1 <- EETA[[b]]
            EETA[[b]] <- lav_sam_eeta2(EETA = EETA1, VETA = VETA[[b]],
                           lv.names = lv.names1,
                           lv.int.names = lv.int.names)

            # VETA2
            if(sam.method == "local") {
                 tmp <- lav_sam_veta2(FS = FS[[b]], M = Mb,
                       VETA = VETA[[b]], EETA = EETA1,
                       THETA = THETA[[b]],
                       lv.names = lv.names1,
                       lv.int.names = lv.int.names,
                       alpha.correction  = local.options[["alpha.correction"]],
                       lambda.correction = local.options[["lambda.correction"]],
                       extra = TRUE)
                VETA[[b]] <- tmp[,,drop = FALSE] # drop attributes
                alpha[[b]]  <- attr(tmp, "alpha")
                lambda[[b]] <- attr(tmp, "lambda")
            } else {
                stop("FIXME: not ready yet!")
                # FSR -- no correction
                VETA[[b]] <- lav_sam_fs2(FS = FS[[b]],
                       lv.names = lv.names1, lv.int.names = lv.int.names)

        # store Mapping matrix for this block
        M[[b]] <- Mb

    } # blocks

    # label blocks
    if(nblocks > 1L) {
        names(EETA) <- FIT@Data@block.label
        names(VETA) <- FIT@Data@block.label
        names(REL)  <- FIT@Data@block.label

    # store EETA/VETA/M/alpha/lambda
    STEP1$M <- M; STEP1$lambda <- lambda; STEP1$alpha  <- alpha

    if(lavoptions$verbose) {


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