options(encoding = "latin1", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
texts <- c(
"And there with it isn't I think anyone would.",
"Command lands of a few I two of it is."
test_that("lma_process works", {
expect_error(lma_process(function() {}))
files <- c(tempfile(fileext = ".txt"), tempfile(fileext = ".txt"))
dtm <-, sparse = FALSE))
meta <- lma_meta(texts)
colnames(meta) <- paste0("meta_", colnames(meta))
manual <- cbind(text = texts, dtm, meta)
expect_identical(lma_process(texts), manual)
pr <- lma_process(lma_patcat(
dict = lma_dict(as.regex = FALSE), return.dtm = TRUE, fixed = FALSE, globtoregex = TRUE
), weight = "count")
expect_identical(pr, lma_process(texts,
dict = lma_dict(as.regex = FALSE), fixed = FALSE,
globtoregex = TRUE, weight = "count", drop.zeros = FALSE
)[, names(pr)])
write(texts[1], files[1])
write(texts[2], files[2])
expect_identical(lma_process(files)[, -(1:3)], manual)
expect_identical(lma_process(read.segments(files))[, -(1:3)], manual)
expect_identical(as.numeric(lma_termcat(texts[1])), as.numeric(lma_termcat(files[1])))
expect_identical(as.numeric(lma_patcat(texts[1])), as.numeric(lma_patcat(files[1])))
manual[, colnames(dtm)] <- lma_weight(dtm, "tfidf", normalize = FALSE)
expect_identical(lma_process(texts, weight = "tfidf", normalize = FALSE), manual)
wmeta <- meta
wmeta[, c(9, 14:23)] <- wmeta[, c(9, 14:23)] / wmeta$meta_words
expect_identical(lma_process(texts, weight = "count")[, colnames(meta)], wmeta)
termcat <-
expect_identical(lma_process(texts, weight = "count", dict = lma_dict(1:9), meta = FALSE)[, -1], termcat)
expect_identical(lma_process(dtm, weight = "count", dict = lma_dict(1:9), meta = FALSE), termcat)
expect_identical(as.numeric(lma_process(dtm, dim.cutoff = .1)[, 1]), as.numeric(lma_lspace(dtm, dim.cutoff = .1)))
as.matrix(lma_process(dtm, dim.cutoff = .1, keep.dim = TRUE)),
lma_lspace(dtm, dim.cutoff = .1, keep.dim = TRUE)
dict <- list(ab = c("a", "b"), c = "c")
lma_process(list(a = c(1, 0), b = c(2, 1), c = c(3, 2)), dict = dict),
lma_process(list("a b b c c c", "c c b"), dict = dict)[, names(dict)],
test_that("lma_process works with a single text", {
dtm <-[1], sparse = FALSE))
pr <- lma_process(lma_patcat(
dict = lma_dict(as.regex = FALSE), return.dtm = TRUE, fixed = FALSE, globtoregex = TRUE
), weight = "count")
expect_identical(pr, lma_process(texts[1],
dict = lma_dict(as.regex = FALSE), fixed = FALSE,
globtoregex = TRUE, weight = "count"
)[, names(pr)])
termcat <-
expect_identical(lma_process(texts[1], weight = "count", dict = lma_dict(1:9), meta = FALSE)[, -1], termcat)
expect_identical(lma_process(dtm, weight = "count", dict = lma_dict(1:9), meta = FALSE), termcat)
dict <- list(ab = c("a", "b"), c = "c")
lma_process(c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3), dict = dict),
lma_process(list("a b b c c c"), dict = dict)[, names(dict)],
test_that("lma_dict works", {
expect_identical(names(lma_dict(c("ppron", "adv"))), c("ppron", "adverb"))
expect_identical(lma_dict(as.function = TRUE)(c("fefe", "and", "sksk")), c(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE))
expect_identical("wdk kdls loe (cc)", lma_dict(special, as.function = gsub)("wdk \u0137dls lo\u00cb \u00A9"))
test_that("read/write.dic works", {
file_dic <- tempfile(fileext = ".dic")
file_csv <- tempfile(fileext = ".csv")
dict <- list(
full = letters,
sub = letters[1:10],
partial = paste0(letters[11:21], "*"),
faces = c(": )", ":(", ":]", ": [", ": }", ":{")
write.dic(dict, file_dic)
expect_identical(read.dic(file_dic), dict)
expect_true(all(vapply(read.dic(file_dic, type = "term"), function(cat) {
sum(grepl(paste(cat, collapse = "|"), unlist(dict))) >= length(cat)
}, TRUE)))
expect_identical(read.dic(raw = write.dic(dict, save = FALSE)), dict)
dict_weighted <- read.dic(dict, as.weighted = TRUE)
write.dic(dict_weighted, file_csv)
expect_equal(read.dic(file_csv), dict_weighted)
term1 = dict_weighted[, 1],
dict_weighted[, -1],
term2 = paste0(sample(letters, nrow(dict_weighted), TRUE), seq_len(nrow(dict_weighted)))
), as.weighted = TRUE), dict_weighted)
files <- sub("^.*\\\\", "", c(file_dic, file_csv))
dir <- sub("\\\\[^\\]+$", "", file_dic)
expect_identical(unname(read.dic(files, dir = dir)), unname(read.dic(list(dict_weighted, dict_weighted))))
expect_equal(dim(dict_weighted), c(length(unique(unlist(dict))), length(dict) + 1))
expect_identical(write.dic(dict, file_dic, as.weighted = TRUE), dict_weighted)
expect_identical(read.dic(file_dic, as.weighted = FALSE), dict)
expect_identical(read.dic(file_dic), dict_weighted)
wdict <- data.frame(
term = sample(unlist(dict, use.names = FALSE), 50),
cat1 = rnorm(50), cat2 = rpois(50, 1)
write.dic(wdict, file_csv)
expect_equal(read.dic(file_csv), wdict)
expect_equivalent(read.dic(files, dir = dir), read.dic(list(dict, wdict)))
read.dic(list(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c(0, 2, 4))),
read.dic(data.frame(a = c(1, 2, 3), b = c(0, 2, 4)))
dict <- list(
positive = c("good", "great"),
neutral = c("what", "hey"),
negative = c("bad", "horrible")
expect_identical(dict, read.dic(data.frame(
unlist(dict, use.names = FALSE),
c(1, 1.5, 0, 0, -1, -1.5)
expect_identical(dict[c(1, 3)], read.dic(data.frame(
unlist(dict[c(1, 3)], use.names = FALSE),
c(1, 1.5, -1, -1.5)
expect_identical(c(a = dict, b = dict)[c(3, 2, 1, 6, 5, 4)], read.dic(data.frame(unlist(dict, use.names = FALSE),
a = c(1, 1.5, 0, 0, -1, -1.5), b = c(1, 1.5, 0, 0, -1, -1.5)
term = unlist(dict, use.names = FALSE), sentiment = rep(c(1, 0, -1), each = 2)
)), dict)
term = unlist(dict, use.names = FALSE), category = rep(names(dict), each = 2)
))[names(dict)], dict)
dicts <- select.dict(dir = "~/Dictionaries")$info
if (! <- which(dicts$downloaded != "")[1])) {
read.dic(rownames(dicts)[d]), read.dic(dicts[d, "downloaded"])
dict <- dict2 <- data.frame(
term = c("a", "b", "c", "f", "g"), a = c(1, 2, 3, 0, 0), b = c(4, 0, 0, 5, 0),
row.names = c("a", "b", "c", "f", "g")
expect_identical(dict, read.dic(list(a = c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3), b = c(a = 4, f = 5, g = 0))))
dict2[5, 3] <- NA
expect_identical(dict, read.dic(dict2, as.weighted = TRUE))
expect_identical(dict, read.dic(dict[, -1], as.weighted = TRUE))
expect_identical(list(x = dict$term), read.dic(data.frame(dict$term, "x")))
dict[, -1] <- rep(c(1, 2, 1), c(2, 5, 3))
dict2 <- list(a = c("c", "f", "g"), b = c("a", "b"))
expect_identical(dict2, read.dic(dict))
expect_identical(dict2, read.dic(cbind(dict, letters[1:5])))
expect_identical(read.dic(list(c("a", "b"), NULL), cats = "cat1"), list(cat1 = c("a", "b")))
expect_identical(read.dic(list(c("a", "b"), c("c", "d")), cats = "cat1"), list(cat1 = c("a", "b")))
expect_identical(unname(read.dic(list(dict2, dict2))), unname(unlist(list(dict2, dict2), FALSE)))
dict2 <- data.frame(dict, dict[, -1])
dict2[5, 2] <- 1.5
unname(read.dic(list(rbind(dict, data.frame(term = "g", a = 1, b = 1)), dict), as.weighted = TRUE)),
dict <- list(a = c("a", "b"), b = c("c", "d"))
expect_identical(read.dic(, dict)
dict <- data.frame(t = c("a", "b", "c"), c1 = c("a", "a", "b"), c2 = c("b", "a", "a"))
expect_identical(read.dic(dict), as.list(dict)[c("c1", "c2", "t")])
dict <- data.frame(term = c("a", "b", "c"), weight = c(2, 2, 3))
expect_identical(read.dic(dict), list(`2` = c("a", "b"), `3` = "c"))
expect_identical(read.dic(dict, as.weighted = TRUE), dict)
dict$category <- c("c1", "c2", "c1")
read.dic(dict, as.weighted = TRUE),
data.frame(term = dict$term, c1 = c(2, 0, 3), c2 = c(0, 2, 0))
expect_identical(read.dic(rep("xxx", 3)), list(cat1 = rep("xxx", 3)))
test_that("lma_initdirs works", {
options(lingmatch.dict.dir = "", lingmatch.lspace.dir = "")
if (!"lusi.dic" %in% list.files("~/Dictionaries")) expect_error(read.dic("lusi"))
if (!any(grepl("^glove", list.files("~/Latent Semantic Spaces")))) expect_error(lma_lspace("glove"))
dir <- tempdir()
new <- lma_initdirs(dir, link = FALSE)
expect_equal(names(new), c("dict", "lspace"))
new <- normalizePath(new, "/", FALSE)
names(new) <- c("dict", "lspace")
normalizePath(paste0(dir, "/", c("Dictionaries", "Latent Semantic Spaces")), "/", FALSE)
new_single <- lma_initdirs(dict = paste0(dir, "/other_dicts"), link = FALSE)
expect_identical(names(new_single), "dict")
expect_identical(normalizePath(getOption("lingmatch.dict.dir"), "/", FALSE), new[["dict"]])
if (!dir.exists(paste0(dir, "/other_lspace"))) {
(if ([["sysname"]] == "Windows") Sys.junction else file.symlink)(
new[["lspace"]], paste0(dir, "/other_lspace")
new_single <- lma_initdirs(dir, lspace = "other_lspace", link = FALSE)
expect_identical(names(new_single), "lspace")
options(lingmatch.dict.dir = "", lingmatch.lspace.dir = "")
test_that("read.segments works", {
dir <- path.package("lingmatch")
files <- grep("[DNRAE]{2}", list.files(dir, full.names = TRUE), value = TRUE)
skip_if(is.null(tryCatch(lapply(files, readLines, 1), error = function(e) NULL)), "unable to read package files")
expect_equal(read.segments(texts, segment.size = 5, bysentence = TRUE)$WC, c(9, 10))
segs <- read.segments(files, ext = "")
wc <- sum(segs$WC)
expect_equal(unique(segs$input), files)
all_segs <- read.segments(dir, ext = "")
expect_equivalent(segs, all_segs[all_segs$input %in% files, ])
manual <- vapply(files, function(f) {
gsub("\\s{2,}", " ", paste(readLines(f), collapse = " "))
}, "")
expect_equal(as.character(tapply(segs$text, segs$input, paste, collapse = " ")), as.character(manual))
segs1 <- read.segments(files, 1, ext = "")
expect_equal(segs1, read.segments(files, 1, ext = "", bysentence = TRUE))
expect_equal(segs1[, -1], read.segments(manual, 1)[, -1])
expect_true(all(table(segs1$input) == 1))
expect_true(sum(segs1$WC) == wc)
expect_true(all(segs1$text == manual))
segs5 <- read.segments(files, 5, ext = "")
expect_equal(segs5[, -1], read.segments(manual, 5)[, -1])
expect_true(all(table(segs5$input) <= 5))
expect_true(sum(segs5$WC) == wc)
expect_equal(as.character(tapply(segs5$text, segs5$input, paste, collapse = " ")), as.character(manual))
segs50w <- read.segments(files, ext = "", segment.size = 50)
expect_equal(segs50w[, -1], read.segments(manual, segment.size = 50)[, -1])
expect_true(all(segs50w$WC <= 50))
expect_true(sum(segs50w$WC) == wc)
expect_equal(as.character(tapply(segs50w$text, segs50w$input, paste, collapse = " ")), as.character(manual))
test_that("read.segments sentence parsing works", {
text <- 'S. Mwdok wdko lksk. I) efewod, efe II) "koslk." wdkowe. Wok dsle? Wodks?!?! Dr. Wodsk xjvkc jkfu.'
expect_identical(read.segments(text, segment.size = 1, bysentence = TRUE, end_in_quotes = FALSE)$WC, c(4, 6, 2, 1, 4))
expect_identical(read.segments(text, segment.size = 1, bysentence = TRUE)$WC, c(4, 5, 1, 2, 1, 4))
test_that("select dict and lspace work", {
expect_equal(nrow(select.dict(c("inq", "sent"))$selected), 5)
expect_equal(select.dict("sentiment analysis")$selected, select.dict("afinn")$selected)
expect_equal(nrow(select.lspace("goo")$selected), 1)
expect_equal(nrow(select.lspace(c("goo", "glove"), dir = "", = FALSE)$selected), 4)
select.lspace("goo glove", dir = "", = FALSE)$selected,
select.lspace(c("goo", "glove"), dir = "", = FALSE)$selected,
select.lspace("5-word window, Positive", dir = "", = FALSE)$selected,
select.lspace("100k$", dir = "", = FALSE)$selected,
select.lspace("hyper hierarchical", dir = "", = FALSE)$selected,
select.lspace(c("100k$", "turian_hlbl"), dir = "", = FALSE)$selected,
skip_if_not(file.exists("~/Latent Semantic Spaces/lma_term_map.rda"), "term map not present")
expect_equal(select.lspace(terms = c("cenepa", "didn't", "pansear", "xenops"))$selected$coverage, c(1, 1, .75, .5, .5))
test_that("standardize.lspace works", {
dir <- path.expand("~/Latent Semantic Spaces/")
f <- paste0(dir, "stdtest.", c("txt", "rda"))
skip_if_not(all(file.exists(f)), paste("raw embeddings test files not present in", dir, "from", getwd()))
enc <- getOption("encoding")
on.exit(options(encoding = enc))
options(encoding = "latin1")
standardize.lspace("stdtest.txt", "stdtest", dir = dir)
o <- read.table(f[1], sep = " ", quote = "", row.names = 1)
o <- as.matrix(o[!grepl("[^a-z]", rownames(o)), ])
expect_equal(o, matrix(scan(paste0(dir, "stdtest.dat"), quiet = TRUE),
nrow(o), 300, TRUE,
dimnames = list(readLines(paste0(dir, "stdtest_terms.txt")), colnames(o))
standardize.lspace(paste0(dir, "stdtest.txt"), "stdtest")
o <- read.table(f[1], sep = " ", quote = "", row.names = 1)
o <- as.matrix(o[!grepl("[^a-z]", rownames(o)), ])
expect_equal(o, matrix(scan(paste0(dir, "stdtest.dat"), quiet = TRUE),
nrow(o), 300, TRUE,
dimnames = list(readLines(paste0(dir, "stdtest_terms.txt")), colnames(o))
standardize.lspace("stdtest.rda", "stdtest", dir = dir)
expect_equal(o, matrix(scan(paste0(dir, "stdtest.dat"), quiet = TRUE),
nrow(o), 300, TRUE,
dimnames = list(readLines(paste0(dir, "stdtest_terms.txt")), colnames(o))
skip_if(!grepl("R_LIBS", getwd(), fixed = TRUE), "not downloading dictionary or embeddings files")
dir <- tempdir()
test_that("select.lspace can download term_map", {
expect_true("term_map" %in% names(select.lspace( = TRUE, dir = dir)))
test_that("download.dict works", {
download.dict("lusi", dir = dir)
expect_true(file.exists(paste0(dir, "/lusi.dic")))
test_that("download.lspace works", {
download.lspace(c("default", "blogging"), dir = dir)
paste0(dir, "/", c("100k_lsa", "blogs"), rep(c(".dat", "_terms.txt"), 2))
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