## List of linear models according to a grouping factor
## Extract the model formula
modelFormula <- function(form)
if (!inherits(form, "formula") || length(form) != 3)
stop("formula must be a two-sided formula object")
rhs <- form[[3]]
if (!inherits(rhs, "call") || rhs[[1]] != as.symbol('|'))
stop("rhs of formula must be a conditioning expression")
form[[3]] <- rhs[[2]]
list(model = dropOffset(form), groups = rhs[[3]])
dropOffset <- function(form) {
## atomic
if (is.symbol(form) || is.numeric(form)) return(form)
## binary
if (identical(form[[1]],quote(offset))) {
} else {
## unary operator
if (length(form)==2) {
form[[2]] <- dropOffset(form[[2]])
nb2 <- dropOffset(form[[2]])
nb3 <- dropOffset(form[[3]])
if (is.null(nb2))
else if (is.null(nb3))
else {
form[[2]] <- nb2
form[[3]] <- nb3
## dropOffset(y~x)
## dropOffset(y~x+offset(stuff))
## dropOffset(y~-x+offset(stuff))
## dropOffset(~-x+offset(stuff))
if(getRversion() < "3.5.0") {
##' Utility for lmList(), ...: Collect errors from a list \code{x},
##' produce a "summary warning" and keep that message as "warningMsg" attribute
warnErrList <- function(x, warn = TRUE) {
errs <- vapply(x, inherits, NA, what = "error")
if (any(errs)) {
v.err <- x[errs] <- paste(deparse(conditionCall(v.err[[1]])), collapse = "\n")
tt <- table(vapply(v.err, conditionMessage, ""))
msg <-
if(length(tt) == 1)
"%d error caught in %s: %s",
"%d times caught the same error in %s: %s"),
tt[[1]],, names(tt)[[1]])
else ## at least two different errors caught
"%d errors caught in %s. The error messages and their frequencies are",
paste(capture.output(sort(tt)), collapse="\n"), sep="\n")
warning(msg, call. = FALSE, domain = NA)
x[errs] <- list(NULL)
attr(x, "warningMsg") <- msg
}# R <= 3.4.x
##' @title List of lm Objects with a Common Model
##' @param formula a linear formula object of the form
##' \code{y ~ x1+...+xn | g}. In the formula object, \code{y} represents
##' the response, \code{x1,...,xn} the covariates, and \code{g} the
##' grouping factor specifying the partitioning of the data according to
##' which different \code{lm} fits should be performed.
##' @inheritParams lmer
##' @param family an optional family specification for a generalized
##' linear model.
##' @param pool logical scalar, should the variance estimate pool the
##' residual sums of squares
##' @param ... additional, optional arguments to be passed to the
##' model function or family evaluation.
##' @export
lmList <- function(formula, data, family, subset, weights,
na.action, offset,
pool = !isGLM || .hasScale(family2char(family)),
warn = TRUE, ...) {
stopifnot(inherits(formula, "formula"))
## model.frame(groupedData) was problematic ... but not as we
## are currently using it.
mCall <- mf <-
## MM: I had this (instead of below (inherited from nlme?)):
## if(!missing(subset))
## data <- data[eval(asOneSidedFormula(mf[["subset"]])[[2]], data),, drop = FALSE]
## in contrast to the usual R model-fitting idiom, we do **not**
## want to evaluate the model frame here; it will mess up any derived
## variables we have when we go to fit the sub-models. We were previously
## using model.frame() on the entire data set, but that does not
## exclude unused columns ... and hence screws us up when there are
## NA values in unused columns. All we need the model frame for
## is evaluating the groups.
## keep weights and offsets in case we have NAs there??
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action",
"weights", "offset"), names(mf), 0)
mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
## substitute `+' for `|' in the formula
mf$formula <- subbars(formula)
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
## pass NAs for now -- want *all* groups, weights, offsets recovered
mf$na.action <- na.pass
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
frm <- eval.parent(mf) ## <- including "..."
data[["(weights)"]] <- model.weights(frm)
data[["(offset)"]] <- model.offset(frm)
mform <- modelFormula(formula)
isGLM <- !missing(family) ## TODO in future, consider isNLM / isNLS
groups <- eval(mform$groups, frm)
if (!is.factor(groups)) groups <- factor(groups)
fit <- if (isGLM) glm else lm
mf2 <- if (missing(family)) NULL else list(family=family)
fitfun <- function(data, formula) {
tryCatch({, c(list(formula, data,
## don't use model.offset()/model.weights from stats() - warning with tibbles
weights = data[["(weights)"]],
offset = data[["(offset)"]], ...),
}, error = function(x) x)
## split *original data*, not frm (derived model frame), on groups
## we have to do this because we need raw, not derived variables
## when evaluating linear regression.
## need to apply subset first ((or even much earlier ??))
## (hope there aren't tricky interactions with NAs in subset ... ??)
if (!missing(subset)) {
data <- eval(substitute(data[subset,]), list2env(data))
frm.split <- split(data, groups)
## NB: levels() is only OK if grouping variable is a factor
nms <- names(frm.split)
val <- ## mapply(fitfun,
lapply(frm.split, fitfun, formula = as.formula(mform$model))
## use warnErrList(), but expand msg for back compatibility and user-friendliness:
val <- warnErrList(val, warn = FALSE)
## Contrary to nlme, we keep the erronous ones as well (with a warning):
if(warn && length(wMsg <- attr(val,"warningMsg"))) {
if(grepl("contrasts.* factors? .* 2 ", wMsg)){ # try to match translated msg, too
warning("Fitting failed for ", sum(vapply(val, is.null, NA)),
" group(s), probably because a factor only had one level",
sub(".*:", ":\n ", wMsg), domain=NA)
} else
warning(wMsg, domain=NA)
new("lmList4", setNames(val, nms),
call = mCall, pool = pool,
groups = ordered(groups),
origOrder = match(unique(as.character(groups)), nms)
## (currently hidden) auxiliaries
isGLMlist <- function(object, ...) {
D <- getDataPart(object)
length(D) >= 1 && inherits(D[[1]], "glm")
## does a glm family have a "scale" [from stats:::logLik.glm() ] :
.hasScale <- function(family)
family %in% c("gaussian", "Gamma", "inverse.gaussian")
family2char <- function(fam) {
if(is.function(fam)) fam()$family else if(!is.character(fam)) fam$family else fam
##' Does a lmList4 object have a "scale" / sigma / useScale ?
hasScale <- function(object)
!isGLMlist(object) || .hasScale(family(object[[1]])$family)
##' @importFrom stats coef
##' @S3method coef lmList4
## Extract the coefficients and form a data.frame if possible
## FIXME: commented out nlme stuff (augFrame etc.). Restore, or delete for good
## FIXME: modified so that non-estimated values will be NA rather than set to
## coefs of first non-null estimate. Is that OK??
coef.lmList4 <- function(object,
## augFrame = FALSE, data = NULL,
##which = NULL, FUN = mean, omitGroupingFactor = TRUE,
...) {
coefs <- lapply(object, coef)
non.null <- !vapply(coefs, is.null, logical(1))
if (any(non.null)) {
template <- coefs[non.null][[1]]
## different parameter sets may be estimated for different subsets of data ...
allnames <- Reduce(union, lapply(coefs[non.null], names))
if (is.numeric(template)) {
co <- matrix(NA,
ncol = length(allnames),
nrow = length(coefs),
dimnames = list(names(object), allnames))
for (i in names(object)) {
co[i,names(coefs[[i]])] <- coefs[[i]]
coefs <-
effectNames <- names(coefs)
## if(augFrame) {
## if (is.null(data)) {
## data <- getData(object)
## }
## data <-
## if (is.null(which)) {
## which <- 1:ncol(data)
## }
## data <- data[, which, drop = FALSE]
## ## eliminating columns with same names as effects
## data <- data[,, effectNames)), drop = FALSE]
## data <- gsummary(data, FUN = FUN, groups = getGroups(object))
## if (omitGroupingFactor) {
## data <- data[,,
## names(getGroupsFormula(object,
## asList = TRUE)))),
## drop = FALSE]
## }
## if (length(data) > 0) {
## coefs <- cbind(coefs, data[row.names(coefs),,drop = FALSE])
## }
## }
attr(coefs, "level") <- attr(object, "level")
attr(coefs, "label") <- "Coefficients"
attr(coefs, "effectNames") <- effectNames
attr(coefs, "standardized") <- FALSE
} ## is.numeric(template)
### FIXME?: nlme *does* export this -- we export sigma() [instead ?]
pooledSD <- function(x, allow.0.df = TRUE)
stopifnot(is(x, "lmList4"))
if(!hasScale(x)) {
return(structure(1, df = NA)) ## scale := 1 if(!useScale)
## else
stop("no scale, hence no pooled SD for this object")
sumsqr <- rowSums(sapply(x,
function(el) {
if (is.null(el)) {
} else {
res <- resid(el)
c(sum(res^2), length(res) - length(coef(el)))
if (sumsqr[2] == 0) { ## FIXME? rather return NA with a warning ??
stop("No degrees of freedom for estimating std. dev.")
val <- sqrt(sumsqr[1]/sumsqr[2])
attr(val, "df") <- sumsqr[2]
sigma.lmList4 <- function(object, ...)
if(hasScale(object)) as.vector(pooledSD(object)) else 1
## 1 for GLM <==> 1 when useScale is FALSE for [G]LMMs
##' @importFrom methods show
##' @exportMethod show
setMethod("show", "lmList4", function(object)
mCall <- object@call
cat("Call:", deparse(mCall), "\n")
if (object@pool) {
poolSD <- pooledSD(object)
dfRes <- attr(poolSD, "df")
RSE <- c(poolSD)
cat("Degrees of freedom: ", length(unlist(lapply(object, fitted))),
" total; ", dfRes, " residual\n", sep = "")
cat("Residual standard error:", format(RSE))
##' @S3method confint lmList4
confint.lmList4 <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)
mCall <-
if (length(object) < 1)
return(new("lmList4.confint", array(numeric(0), c(0,0,0))))
mCall$object <- object[[1]]
## the old recursive strategy doesn't work with S3 objects --
## calls "confint.lmList4" again instead of calling "confint"
mCall[[1]] <- quote(confint)
template <- eval(mCall)
if(is.null(d <- dim(template))) ## MASS:::confint.profile.glm() uses drop(), giving vector
d <- dim(template <- rbind("(Intercept)" = template))
template[] <- NA_real_
val <- array(template, c(d, length(object)),
c(dimnames(template), list(names(object))))
pool <- list(...)$pool
if (is.null(pool)) pool <- object$pool
if (length(pool) > 0 && pool[1]) { ## do our own
sd <- pooledSD(object)
a <- (1 - level)/2
fac <- sd * qt(c(a, 1 - a), attr(sd, "df"))
parm <- dimnames(template)[[1]]
for (i in seq_along(object))
if(!is.null(ob.i <- object[[i]]))
val[ , , i] <- coef(ob.i)[parm] +
sqrt(diag(summary(object[[i]], corr = FALSE)$cov.unscaled
)[parm]) %o% fac
} else { ## build on confint() method for "glm" / "lm" :
for (i in seq_along(object))
if(!is.null(mCall$object <- object[[i]])) {
ci <- eval(mCall)
if(is.null(dim(ci))) ## MASS:::confint.profile.glm() ...
ci <- rbind("(Intercept)" = ci)
if(identical(dim(ci), d))
val[ , , i] <- ci
else ## some coefficients were not estimable
val[rownames(ci), , i] <- ci
new("lmList4.confint", aperm(val, 3:1))
##' @importFrom graphics plot
##' @importFrom lattice .......
##' @S3method plot lmList4.confint
plot.lmList4.confint <- function(x, y, order, ...)
## stopifnot(require("lattice"))
arr <- as(x, "array")
dd <- dim(arr)
dn <- dimnames(arr)
levs <- dn[[1]]
if (!missing(order) &&
(ord <- round(order[1])) %in% seq(dd[3]))
levs <- levs[order(rowSums(arr[ , , ord]))]
ll <- length(arr)
df <- data.frame(group =
ordered(rep(dn[[1]], dd[2] * dd[3]),
levels = levs),
intervals = as.vector(arr),
what = gl(dd[3], dd[1] * dd[2], length = ll, labels = dn[[3]]),
end = gl(dd[2], dd[1], length = ll))
panelfun <- function(x, y, pch = dot.symbol$pch,
col = dot.symbol$col, cex = dot.symbol$cex,
font = dot.symbol$font, ...)
x <- as.numeric(x)
y <- as.numeric(y)
ok <- ! & !
yy <- y[ok]
xx <- x[ok]
dot.symbol <- trellis.par.get("dot.symbol")
dot.line <- trellis.par.get("dot.line")
panel.abline(h = yy, lwd = dot.line$lwd, lty = dot.line$lty, col =
lpoints(xx, yy, pch = "|", col = col, cex = cex, font = font, ...)
lower <- tapply(xx, yy, min)
upper <- tapply(xx, yy, max)
nams <- as.numeric(names(lower))
lsegments(lower, nams, upper, nams, col = col, lty = 1, lwd =
if (dot.line$lwd) {
} else {
dotplot(group ~ intervals | what,
data = df,
scales = list(x="free"),
panel=panelfun, ...)
##' @importFrom stats update
##' @S3method update lmList4
update.lmList4 <- function(object, formula., ..., evaluate = TRUE) {
call <- object@call
if (is.null(call))
stop("need an object with call slot")
extras <- = FALSE)$...
if (!missing(formula.))
call$formula <- update.formula(formula(object), formula.)
if (length(extras) > 0) {
existing <- !, names(call)))
for (a in names(extras)[existing]) call[[a]] <- extras[[a]]
if (any(!existing)) {
call <- c(as.list(call), extras[!existing])
call <-
if (evaluate)
eval(call, parent.frame())
else call
##' @importFrom stats formula
##' @S3method formula lmList4
##' @return of class "formula" ==> as.formula() rather than just [["formula"]]
formula.lmList4 <- function(x, ...) structure(x@call[["formula"]], class = "formula")
##' Get the grouping factor of an "lmList4" object
##' Important as auxiliary method for many of the nlme-imported methods:
getGroups.lmList4 <- function(object, ...) object@groups
### All the other "lmList4" S3 methods are imported from nmle :
.ns.nlme <- asNamespace("nlme")
.ns.lme4 <- environment() ## == asNamespace("lme4") during build/load
## To do this, we need to make them use *our* namespace, e.g. to use our pooledSD()
## However, then we get from codetools :
## fitted.lmList4: no visible global function definition for 'getGroups'
## pairs.lmList4: no visible global function definition for 'gsummary'
## pairs.lmList4: no visible global function definition for 'getGroups'
## plot.lmList4: no visible global function definition for 'c_deparse'
## plot.lmList4: no visible global function definition for 'getGroups'
## predict.lmList4: no visible global function definition for 'getGroups'
## print.lmList4: no visible global function definition for 'c_deparse'
## qqnorm.lmList4: no visible global function definition for 'getGroups'
## qqnorm.lmList4: no visible global function definition for 'gsummary'
## residuals.lmList4: no visible global function definition for 'getGroups'
## which we avoid via
for(fn in c("gsummary", "c_deparse")) {
if (exists(fn, envir = .ns.nlme)) {
assign(fn, get(fn, envir = .ns.nlme, inherits=FALSE))
for(fn in c("fitted", "fixef", "logLik", "pairs", "plot", "predict",
## "print", <- have our own show()
"qqnorm", "ranef", "residuals", "summary")) {
meth <- get(paste(fn, "lmList", sep="."), envir = .ns.nlme, inherits=FALSE)
environment(meth) <- .ns.lme4 # e.g. in order to use *our* pooledSD()
assign(paste(fn, "lmList4", sep="."), meth)
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