
Defines functions twSigmaLogitnorm modeLogitnorm .ofModeLogitnorm momentsLogitnorm twCoefLogitnormE .ofLogitnormE .ofModeFlat .twCoefLogitnormMLEFlat_scalar twCoefLogitnormMLEFlat .tmp.f twCoefLogitnormMLE .ofLogitnormMLE twCoefLogitnormCi twCoefLogitnorm twCoefLogitnormN .ofLogitnorm .dlogit qlogitnorm dlogitnorm plogitnorm rlogitnorm invlogit logit

Documented in dlogitnorm invlogit logit modeLogitnorm momentsLogitnorm plogitnorm qlogitnorm rlogitnorm twCoefLogitnorm twCoefLogitnormCi twCoefLogitnormE twCoefLogitnormMLE twCoefLogitnormMLEFlat twCoefLogitnormN twSigmaLogitnorm

# random, percentile, density and quantile function of the logit-normal
# distribution and estimation of parameters from percentiles by Sum of Squares
# Newton optimization

logit <- function(
  ### Transforming (0,1) to normal scale (-Inf Inf)
  p      ##<< percentile
  ,...   ##<< further arguments to qlogis
  ## function \eqn{logit(p) = log \left( \frac{p}{1-p} \right) = log(p) - log(1-p)}
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{invlogit}}
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}

invlogit <- function(
  ### Transforming (-Inf,Inf) to original scale (0,1)
  q,   ##<< quantile
  ...  ##<< further arguments to plogis
  ## function \eqn{f(z) = \frac{e^{z}}{e^{z} + 1} \! = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-z}} \!}
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{logit}}
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}

# for normal-logit transformation do not use scale and location, better use it
# in generating rnorm etc

rlogitnorm <- function(
  ### Random number generation for logitnormal distribution
  n,          ##<< number of observations
  mu = 0,     ##<< distribution parameter
  sigma = 1,	##<< distribution parameter
  ...	##<< arguments to \code{\link{rnorm}}
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}
  plogis( rnorm(n = n, mean = mu, sd = sigma, ...) ) 

plogitnorm <- function(
  ### Distribution function for logitnormal distribution	
  q  ##<< vector of quantiles
  , mu = 0    ##<< location distribution parameter
  , sigma = 1	##<< scale distribution parameter
  , ...       ##<< further arguments to pnorm
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}
  ql <- qlogis(q)
  pnorm(ql,mean = mu,sd = sigma,...)

dlogitnorm <- function(
  ### Density function of logitnormal distribution	
  x		##<< vector of quantiles
  , mu = 0         ##<< scale distribution parameter
  , sigma = 1	     ##<< location distribution parameter
  , log = FALSE    ##<< if TRUE, the log-density is returned
  , ...	##<< further arguments passed to \code{\link{dnorm}}: \code{mean}, 
  ## and \code{sd} for mu and sigma respectively.  
  ##details<< \describe{\item{Logitnorm distribution}{ 
  ## \itemize{
  ## \item{density function: dlogitnorm }
  ## \item{distribution function: \code{\link{plogitnorm}} }
  ## \item{quantile function: \code{\link{qlogitnorm}} }
  ## \item{random generation function: \code{\link{rlogitnorm}} }
  ## }
  ## }}
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}
  ##details<< The function is only defined in interval (0,1), but the density 
  ## returns 0 outside the support region.
  ql <- qlogis(x)
  # multiply (or add in the log domain) by the Jacobian (derivative) of the
  # back-Transformation (logit)
  if (log) {
      x <= 0 | x >= 1, 0, 
      dnorm(ql, mean = mu, sd = sigma, log = TRUE, ...) - log(x) - log1p(-x)
  } else {
      x <= 0 | x >= 1, 0, 
      dnorm(ql,mean = mu,sd = sigma,...)/x/(1 - x)

qlogitnorm <- function(
  ### Quantiles of logitnormal distribution.	
  p ##<< vector of probabilities
  , mu = 0    ##<< location distribution parameter
  , sigma = 1	##<< scale distribution parameter
  , ...       ##<< further arguments to plogis
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}
  qn <- qnorm(p,mean = mu,sd = sigma,...)

# derivative of logit(x)
.dlogit <- function(x) 1/x + 1/(1-x)

#------------------ estimating parameters from fitting to distribution 
.ofLogitnorm <- function(
  ### Objective function used by \code{\link{coefLogitnorm}}. 
  theta				##<< theta[1] is mu, theta[2] is the sigma
  ,quant				##<< q are the quantiles for perc
  ,perc = c(0.5,0.975) 
  # there is an analytical expression for the gradient, but here just use
  # numerical gradient
  # calculating perc should be faster than calculating quantiles of the normal
  # distr.
  if (theta[2] <= 0) return( Inf )
  tmp.predp = plogitnorm(quant, mu = theta[1], sigma = theta[2] )
  tmp.diff = tmp.predp - perc
  #however, q not so long valley and less calls to objective function
  #but q has problems with high sigma
  #tmp.predq = qlogitnorm(perc, mean = theta[1], sigma = theta[2] )
  #tmp.diff =  tmp.predq - quant

twCoefLogitnormN <- function(
  ### Estimating coefficients from a vector of quantiles and percentiles (non-vectorized).	
  quant					##<< the quantile values
  ,perc = c(0.5,0.975)		##<< the probabilities for which the quantiles were specified
  , method = "BFGS"			##<< method of optimization (see \code{\link{optim}})
  , theta0 = c(mu = 0,sigma = 1)	##<< starting parameters
  , returnDetails = FALSE	##<< if TRUE, the full output of optim is returned instead of only entry par
  , ... 					##<< further parameters passed to optim, e.g. \code{control = list(maxit = 1000)}
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}
  names(theta0) <- c("mu","sigma")
  tmp <- optim( theta0, .ofLogitnorm, quant = quant,perc = perc, method = method, ...)
  if (tmp$convergence != 0)
    warning(paste("coefLogitnorm: optim did not converge. theta0 = ",paste(theta0,collapse = ",")))
  if (returnDetails )
  ### named numeric vector with estimated parameters of the logitnormal distribution.
  ### names: \code{c("mu","sigma")}
attr(twCoefLogitnormN,"ex") <- function(){
  # experiment of re-estimation the parameters from generated observations
  thetaTrue <- c(mu = 0.8, sigma = 0.7)
  obsTrue <- rlogitnorm(thetaTrue["mu"],thetaTrue["sigma"], n = 500)
  obs <- obsTrue + rnorm(100, sd = 0.05)        # some observation uncertainty
  plot(density(obsTrue),col = "blue"); lines(density(obs))
  # re-estimate parameters based on the quantiles of the observations
  (theta <- twCoefLogitnorm( median(obs), quantile(obs,probs = 0.9), perc = 0.9))
  # add line of estimated distribution
  x <- seq(0,1,length.out = 41)[-c(1,41)]	# plotting grid
  dx <- dlogitnorm(x,mu = theta[1],sigma = theta[2])
  lines( dx ~ x, col = "orange")

twCoefLogitnorm <- function(
  ### Estimating coefficients of logitnormal distribution from median and upper quantile	
  median					##<< numeric vector: the median of the density function
  , quant					##<< numeric vector: the upper quantile value
  , perc = 0.975				##<< numeric vector: the probability for which the quantile was specified
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}
  # twCoefLogitnorm
  mu = logit(median)
  upperLogit = logit(quant)
  sigmaFac = qnorm(perc)
  sigma = 1/sigmaFac*(upperLogit - mu)
  c(mu = mu, sigma = sigma)
  ### numeric matrix with columns \code{c("mu","sigma")}
  ### rows correspond to rows in median, quant, and perc
attr(twCoefLogitnorm,"ex") <- function(){
  # estimate the parameters, with median at 0.7 and upper quantile at 0.9
  med = 0.7; upper = 0.9 
  med = 0.2; upper = 0.4 
  (theta <- twCoefLogitnorm(med,upper))
  x <- seq(0,1,length.out = 41)[-c(1,41)]	# plotting grid
  px <- plogitnorm(x,mu = theta[1],sigma = theta[2])	#percentiles function
  plot(px~x); abline(v = c(med,upper),col = "gray"); abline(h = c(0.5,0.975),col = "gray")
  dx <- dlogitnorm(x,mu = theta[1],sigma = theta[2])	#density function
  plot(dx~x); abline(v = c(med,upper),col = "gray")
  # vectorized
  (theta <- twCoefLogitnorm(seq(0.4,0.8,by = 0.1),0.9))
  .tmp.f <- function(){
    # xr = rlogitnorm(1e5, mu = theta["mu"], sigma = theta["sigma"])
    # median(xr)
    qlogitnorm(0.975, mu = theta["mu"], sigma = theta["sigma"])

twCoefLogitnormCi <- function( 
  ### Calculates mu and sigma of the logitnormal distribution from lower and upper quantile, i.e. confidence interval.
  lower	##<< value at the lower quantile, i.e. practical minimum
  ,upper	##<< value at the upper quantile, i.e. practical maximum
  ,perc = 0.975	##<< numeric vector: the probability for which the quantile was specified
  , sigmaFac = qnorm(perc) 	##<< sigmaFac = 2 is 95% sigmaFac = 2.6 is 99% interval
  , isTransScale = FALSE ##<< if true lower and upper are already on logit scale
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}
  if (!isTRUE(isTransScale) ) {
    lower <- logit(lower)
    upper <- logit(upper)
  halfWidth <- (upper - lower)/2
  sigma <- halfWidth/sigmaFac
  cbind( mu = upper - halfWidth, sigma = sigma )
  ### named numeric vector: mu and sigma parameter of the logitnormal distribution.
attr(twCoefLogitnormCi,"ex") <- function(){
  mu = 2
  sd = c(1,0.8)
  p = 0.99
  lower <- l <- qlogitnorm(1 - p, mu, sd )		# p-confidence interval
  upper <- u <- qlogitnorm(p, mu, sd )		# p-confidence interval
  cf <- twCoefLogitnormCi(lower,upper, perc = p)	
  all.equal( cf[,"mu"] , c(mu,mu) )
  all.equal( cf[,"sigma"] , sd )

.ofLogitnormMLE <- function(
  ### Objective function used by \code{\link{coefLogitnormMLE}}. 
  mu	##<< numeric vector of proposed parameter				
  ## make sure that logit(mu)<mle for mle>0.5 and logit(mu)>mle for mle<0.5
  , mle				##<< the mode of the density distribution
  , logitMle = logit(mle)##<< may provide for performance reasons
  , quant				##<< q are the quantiles for perc
  , perc = c(0.975) 
  # given mu and mle, we can calculate sigma
  sigma2 = (logitMle - mu)/(2*mle - 1)
  ifelse( sigma2 <= 0, Inf, {
    tmp.predp = plogitnorm(quant, mu = mu, sigma = sqrt(sigma2) )
    tmp.diff = tmp.predp - perc

twCoefLogitnormMLE <- function(
  ### Estimating coefficients of logitnormal distribution from mode and upper quantile	
  mle						  ##<< numeric vector: the mode of the density function
  ,quant					##<< numeric vector: the upper quantile value
  ,perc = 0.999		##<< numeric vector: the probability for which the quantile 
  ## was specified
  #, ... 					##<< Further parameters to \code{\link{optimize}}
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}
  # twCoefLogitnormMLE
  nc <- c(length(mle),length(quant),length(perc)) 
  n <- max(nc)
  res <- matrix( as.numeric(NA), n,2, dimnames = list(NULL,c("mu","sigma")))
  for (i in 1:n ) {
    i0 <- i - 1
    mleI <- mle[1 + i0 %% nc[1]]
    quantI <- quant[1 + i0 %% nc[2]]
    percI <- perc[1 + i0 %% nc[3]]
    if (mleI == 0.5) {
      # if mode is at 0.5 its symmetrical and corresponds to median
      mu = 0
      res[i,] = twCoefLogitnorm(0.5, quantI, percI)
    # in order to estimate sigma
    # we now that mu is in (\code{logit(mle)},0) for \code{mle < 0.5} and in 
    # \code{(0,logit(mle))} for \code{mle > 0.5} for unimodal distribution
    # there might be a maximum in the middle and optimized misses the low part
    # hence, first get near the global minimum by a evaluating the cost at a 
    # grid that is spaced narrower at the edge
    #intv <- if (logitMle < 0) c(logitMle+.Machine$double.eps,0) else c(0,logitMle-.Machine$double.eps)
    logitMle <- logit(mleI)
    upper <- abs(logitMle) - .Machine$double.eps
    muTry <- sign(logitMle)*log(seq(1,exp(upper),length.out = 40))
    ofMuTry <- .ofLogitnormMLE(
      muTry, mle = (mleI), logitMle = logitMle
      , quant = (quantI <- quant[1 + i0 %% nc[2]])
      , perc = (percI <- perc[1 + i0 %% nc[3]]))
    # now optimize starting from the near minimum
    imin <- which.min(ofMuTry)
    intv <- muTry[ c(max(1,imin - 1), min(length(muTry),imin + 1)) ]
    if (diff(intv) == 0 ) mu <- intv[1] else
      mu <- optimize( 
        .ofLogitnormMLE, interval = intv, mle = (mleI), logitMle = logitMle
        , quant = quantI
        , perc = percI)$minimum
      sigma <- sqrt((logitMle - mu)/(2*mleI - 1))
    res[i,] <- c(mu,sigma)
  ### numeric matrix with columns \code{c("mu","sigma")}
  ### rows correspond to rows in \code{mle}, \code{quant}, and \code{perc}
attr(twCoefLogitnormMLE,"ex") <- function(){
  # estimate the parameters, with mode 0.7 and upper quantile 0.9
  mode = 0.7; upper = 0.9
  (theta <- twCoefLogitnormMLE(mode,upper))
  x <- seq(0,1,length.out = 41)[-c(1,41)]	# plotting grid
  px <- plogitnorm(x,mu = theta[1],sigma = theta[2])	#percentiles function
  plot(px~x); abline(v = c(mode,upper),col = "gray"); abline(h = c(0.999),col = "gray")
  dx <- dlogitnorm(x,mu = theta[1],sigma = theta[2])	#density function
  plot(dx~x); abline(v = c(mode,upper),col = "gray")
  # vectorized
  (theta <- twCoefLogitnormMLE(mle = seq(0.4,0.8,by = 0.1),quant = upper))
  # flat
  (theta <- twCoefLogitnormMLEFlat(mode))

.tmp.f <- function(){
  (theta = twCoefLogitnormMLEFlat(0.9))
  (theta = twCoefLogitnormMLEFlat(0.1))
  (theta = twCoefLogitnormMLEFlat(0.5))
  mle = c(0.7,0.2)
  mle = seq(0.55,0.95,by=0.05)
  mle = seq(0.95,0.99,by=0.01)
  theta = twCoefLogitnormMLEFlat(mle)
  sigma = theta[,2]
  plot(sigma ~ mle)
  (sigmac = 1/(2*mle*(1-mle)))
  plot(sigmac ~ mle)

twCoefLogitnormMLEFlat <- function(
  ### Estimating coefficients of a maximally flat unimodal logitnormal distribution given the mode 	
  mle		##<< numeric vector: the mode of the density function
  vectorList <- lapply(mle, .twCoefLogitnormMLEFlat_scalar)
  do.call(rbind, vectorList)
.twCoefLogitnormMLEFlat_scalar <- function(mle){
  if (mle == 0.5) {
    #sigma =  sqrt(dlogit(mle)/2) # 1.414214
    return(c(mu = 0.0, sigma = sqrt(2)))
  is_right <- mle > 0.5
  mler = ifelse(is_right, mle, 1-mle)
  xt <- optimize(.ofModeFlat, interval = c(0,0.5), m=mler, logitm=logit(mler))$minimum
  sigma2 <- (1/xt + 1/(1-xt))/2
  mur <- logit(mler) - sigma2*(2*mler - 1)
  mu <- ifelse(is_right, mur, -mur)
  c(mu = mu, sigma = sqrt(sigma2))

.ofModeFlat <- function(x, m, logitm = logit(m)){
  # lhs = 1/x + 1/(1-x)
  # rhs = (logitm - logit(x))/(m-x)
  # lhs = (m-x)/x + (m-x)/(1-x)
  # rhs = (logitm - logit(x))
  lhs = m/x + (m-1)/(1-x)
  rhs = logitm - logit(x)
  d = lhs - rhs

.ofLogitnormE <- function(
  ### Objective function used by \code{\link{coefLogitnormE}}. 
  theta				##<< theta[1] is the mu, theta[2] is the sigma
  , mean				##<< the expected value of the density distribution
  , quant				##<< q are the quantiles for perc
  , perc = c(0.975) 
  , ...				##<< further argument to \code{\link{momentsLogitnorm}}.
  tmp.predp = plogitnorm(quant, mu = theta[1], sigma = theta[2] )
  tmp.diff = tmp.predp - perc
  .exp <- momentsLogitnorm(theta[1],theta[2],...)["mean"]
  tmp.diff.e <- mean - .exp
  sum(tmp.diff^2) + tmp.diff.e^2

twCoefLogitnormE <- function(
  ### Estimating coefficients of logitnormal distribution from expected value, i.e. mean, and upper quantile.	
  mean					##<< the expected value of the density function
  , quant					##<< the quantile values
  , perc = c(0.975)			##<< the probabilities for which the quantiles were 
  ## specified
  , method = "BFGS"			##<< method of optimization (see \code{\link{optim}})
  , theta0 = c(mu = 0,sigma = 1)	##<< starting parameters
  , returnDetails = FALSE	##<< if TRUE, the full output of optim is returned 
  ## with attribute resOptim
  , ...                   ##<< further arguments to optim
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}
  # twCoefLogitnormE
  names(theta0) <- c("mu","sigma")
  mqp <- cbind(mean,quant,perc)
  n <- nrow(mqp)
  res <- matrix( as.numeric(NA), n,2, dimnames = list(NULL,c("mu","sigma")))
  resOptim <- list()
  for (i in 1:n ) {
    mqpi <- mqp[i,]
    tmp <- optim(
      theta0, .ofLogitnormE, mean = mqpi[1], quant = mqpi[2], perc = mqpi[3]
      , method = method, ...)
    resOptim[[i]] <- tmp
    if (tmp$convergence != 0)
        "coefLogitnorm: optim did not converge. theta0 = ",
        paste(theta0,collapse = ",")))
      res[i,] <- tmp$par
  if (returnDetails )
    attr(res,"resOptim") <- resOptim
  ### named numeric matrix with estimated parameters of the logitnormal 
  ### distribution.
  ### colnames: \code{c("mu","sigma")}
attr(twCoefLogitnormE,"ex") <- function(){
  # estimate the parameters
  (thetaE <- twCoefLogitnormE(0.7,0.9))
  x <- seq(0,1,length.out = 41)[-c(1,41)]	# plotting grid
  px <- plogitnorm(x,mu = thetaE[1],sigma = thetaE[2])	#percentiles function
  plot(px~x); abline(v = c(0.7,0.9),col = "gray"); abline(h = c(0.5,0.975),col = "gray")
  dx <- dlogitnorm(x,mu = thetaE[1],sigma = thetaE[2])	#density function
  plot(dx~x); abline(v = c(0.7,0.9),col = "gray")
  z <- rlogitnorm(1e5, mu = thetaE[1],sigma = thetaE[2])
  mean(z)	# about 0.7
  # vectorized
  (theta <- twCoefLogitnormE(mean = seq(0.4,0.8,by = 0.1),quant = 0.9))

momentsLogitnorm <- function(
  ### First two moments of the logitnormal distribution by numerical integration
  mu	##<< parameter mu 
  ,sigma		##<< parameter sigma
  ,abs.tol = 0	##<< changing default to \code{\link{integrate}}
  ,...		##<< further parameters to the \code{\link{integrate}} function
  fExp <- function(x)  plogis(x)*dnorm(x,mean = mu,sd = sigma)
  .exp <- integrate(fExp,-Inf,Inf, abs.tol = abs.tol, ...)$value
  fVar <- function(x)   (plogis(x) - .exp)^2 * dnorm(x,mean = mu,sd = sigma)
  .var <- integrate(fVar,-Inf,Inf, abs.tol = abs.tol, ...)$value
  c( mean = .exp, var = .var )
  ### named numeric vector with components \itemize{
  ### \item{ \code{mean}: expected value, i.e. first moment}
  ### \item{ \code{var}: variance, i.e. second moment }
  ### }
attr(momentsLogitnorm,"ex") <- function(){
  (res <- momentsLogitnorm(4,1))
  (res <- momentsLogitnorm(5,0.1))

.ofModeLogitnorm <- function(
  ### Objective function used by \code{\link{coefLogitnormMLE}}.
  mle		##<< proposed mode
  ,mu	##<< parameter mu 
  ,sd2	##<< parameter sigma^2
  if (mle <= 0 | mle >= 1) return(.Machine$double.xmax)
  tmp.diff.mle <- mu - sd2*(1 - 2*mle) - logit(mle)

modeLogitnorm <- function(
  ### Mode of the logitnormal distribution by numerical optimization
  mu	##<< parameter mu 
  ,sigma		##<< parameter sigma
  ,tol = invlogit(mu)/1000	##<< precisions of the estimate
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}
  itv <- if(mu<0) c(0,invlogit(mu)) else c(invlogit(mu),1)
  tmp <- optimize( .ofModeLogitnorm, interval = itv, mu = mu, sd2 = sigma^2, tol = tol)

twSigmaLogitnorm <- function(
  ### Estimating coefficients of logitnormal distribution from mode and given mu	
  mle		##<< numeric vector: the mode of the density function
  ,mu = 0	##<< for mu = 0 the distribution will be the flattest case (maybe bimodal) 
  ## For a mostly flat unimodal distribution use \code{\link{twCoefLogitnormMLE}(mle,0)}
  sigma = sqrt( (logit(mle)-mu)/(2*mle-1) )
  ##seealso<< \code{\link{logitnorm}}
  # twSigmaLogitnorm
  cbind(mu = mu, sigma = sigma)
  ### numeric matrix with columns \code{c("mu","sigma")}
  ### rows correspond to rows in mle and mu
attr(twSigmaLogitnorm,"ex") <- function(){
  mle <- 0.8
  (theta <- twSigmaLogitnorm(mle))
  x <- seq(0,1,length.out = 41)[-c(1,41)]	# plotting grid
  px <- plogitnorm(x,mu = theta[1],sigma = theta[2])	#percentiles function
  plot(px~x); abline(v = c(mle),col = "gray")
  dx <- dlogitnorm(x,mu = theta[1],sigma = theta[2])	#density function
  plot(dx~x); abline(v = c(mle),col = "gray")
  # vectorized
  (theta <- twSigmaLogitnorm(mle = seq(0.401,0.8,by = 0.1)))

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