#' @title Group Sequential Design for One-Sample Mean
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for a group sequential design for one-sample mean.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param meanH0 The mean under the null hypothesis.
#' Defaults to 0.
#' @param mean The mean under the alternative hypothesis.
#' @param stDev The standard deviation.
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
#' Defaults to \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_efficacyStopping
#' @inheritParams param_futilityStopping
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @inheritParams param_alpha
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_futilityBounds
#' @inheritParams param_typeBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userBetaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designOneMean} object with three components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The overall significance level.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level, which is
#' different from the overall significance level in the presence of
#' futility stopping.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{theta}: The parameter value.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{drift}: The drift parameter, equal to
#' \code{theta*sqrt(information)}.
#' - \code{inflationFactor}: The inflation factor (relative to the
#' fixed design).
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{meanH0}: The mean under the null hypothesis.
#' - \code{mean}: The mean under the alternative hypothesis.
#' - \code{stDev}: The standard deviation.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{futilityBounds}: The futility boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityPerStage}: The probability for futility stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutility}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha spent.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{futilityP}: The futility boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{efficacyStopping}: Whether to allow efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityStopping}: Whether to allow futility stopping.
#' - \code{rejectPerStageH0}: The probability for efficacy stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{futilityPerStageH0}: The probability for futility stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejectionH0}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutilityH0}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping under H0.
#' - \code{efficacyMean}: The efficacy boundaries on the mean scale.
#' - \code{futilityMean}: The futility boundaries on the mean scale.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{typeBetaSpending}: The type of beta spending.
#' - \code{parameterBetaSpending}: The parameter value for beta spending.
#' - \code{userBetaSpending}: The user defined beta spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' # Example 1: group sequential trial power calculation
#' (design1 <- getDesignOneMean(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, meanH0 = 7, mean = 6, stDev = 2.5,
#' kMax = 5, alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
#' typeBetaSpending = "sfP"))
#' # Example 2: sample size calculation for one-sample t-test
#' (design2 <- getDesignOneMean(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, meanH0 = 7, mean = 6, stDev = 2.5,
#' normalApproximation = FALSE, alpha = 0.025))
#' @export
getDesignOneMean <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
meanH0 = 0,
mean = 0.5,
stDev = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
efficacyStopping = NA_integer_,
futilityStopping = NA_integer_,
criticalValues = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.025,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
futilityBounds = NA_real_,
typeBetaSpending = "none",
parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_,
userBetaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
if ( && {
stop("beta and n cannot be both missing")
if (! && ! {
stop("Only one of beta and n should be provided")
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (! && n <= 0) {
stop("n must be positive")
if (stDev <= 0) {
stop("stDev must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
if (any( {
informationRates = (1:kMax)/kMax
directionUpper = mean > meanH0
theta = ifelse(directionUpper, mean - meanH0, meanH0 - mean)
# variance for one sampling unit
v1 = stDev^2
if ( { # power calculation
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
informationRates = round(n*informationRates)/n
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
if (!any( {
alpha = 1 - pnorm(criticalValues)
b = qt(1-alpha, n-1)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
power = pt(b, n-1, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
delta = b/sqrt(n/v1)
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$futilityPerStage = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeFutility = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$futilityBounds = b
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMean = delta + meanH0
des$byStageResults$futilityMean = delta + meanH0
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMean = -delta + meanH0
des$byStageResults$futilityMean = -delta + meanH0
} else {
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMean =
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + meanH0
des$byStageResults$futilityMean =
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + meanH0
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMean =
-des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + meanH0
des$byStageResults$futilityMean =
-des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + meanH0
} else { # sample size calculation
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
if (!any( {
alpha = 1 - pnorm(criticalValues)
n0 = (qnorm(1-alpha) + qnorm(1-beta))^2*v1/theta^2
n = uniroot(function(n) {
b = qt(1-alpha, n-1)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
pt(b, n-1, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE) - (1 - beta)
}, c(n0, 2*n0))$root
if (rounding) n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
b = qt(1-alpha, n-1)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
power = pt(b, n-1, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
delta = b/sqrt(n/v1)
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$futilityPerStage = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeFutility = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$futilityBounds = b
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMean = delta + meanH0
des$byStageResults$futilityMean = delta + meanH0
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMean = -delta + meanH0
des$byStageResults$futilityMean = -delta + meanH0
} else {
des = getDesign(
beta, IMax = NA, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
n = des$overallResults$information*v1
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
informationRates = des$byStageResults$informationRates
informationRates = round(n*informationRates)/n
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMean =
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + meanH0
des$byStageResults$futilityMean =
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + meanH0
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMean =
-des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + meanH0
des$byStageResults$futilityMean =
-des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + meanH0
des$overallResults$theta = theta
des$overallResults$numberOfSubjects = n
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1 =
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0 =
des$overallResults$meanH0 = meanH0
des$overallResults$mean = mean
des$overallResults$stDev = stDev
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta = NULL
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta = NULL
des$byStageResults$numberOfSubjects =
des$settings$normalApproximation = normalApproximation
des$settings$rounding = rounding
des$settings$varianceRatio = NULL
attr(des, "class") = "designOneMean"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for Paired Mean Difference
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for a group sequential design for paired mean
#' difference.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param pairedDiffH0 The paired difference under the null hypothesis.
#' Defaults to 0.
#' @param pairedDiff The paired difference under the alternative hypothesis.
#' @param stDev The standard deviation for paired difference.
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
#' Defaults to \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_efficacyStopping
#' @inheritParams param_futilityStopping
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @inheritParams param_alpha
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_futilityBounds
#' @inheritParams param_typeBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userBetaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designPairedMeanDiff} object with three
#' components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The overall significance level.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level, which is
#' different from the overall significance level in the presence of
#' futility stopping.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{theta}: The parameter value.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{drift}: The drift parameter, equal to
#' \code{theta*sqrt(information)}.
#' - \code{inflationFactor}: The inflation factor (relative to the
#' fixed design).
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{pairedDiffH0}: The paired difference under the null
#' hypothesis.
#' - \code{pairedDiff}: The paired difference under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' - \code{stDev}: The standard deviation for paired difference.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{futilityBounds}: The futility boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityPerStage}: The probability for futility stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutility}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha spent.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{futilityP}: The futility boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{efficacyStopping}: Whether to allow efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityStopping}: Whether to allow futility stopping.
#' - \code{rejectPerStageH0}: The probability for efficacy stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{futilityPerStageH0}: The probability for futility stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejectionH0}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutilityH0}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping under H0.
#' - \code{efficacyPairedDiff}: The efficacy boundaries on the paired
#' difference scale.
#' - \code{futilityPairedDiff}: The futility boundaries on the paired
#' difference scale.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{typeBetaSpending}: The type of beta spending.
#' - \code{parameterBetaSpending}: The parameter value for beta spending.
#' - \code{userBetaSpending}: The user defined beta spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' # Example 1: group sequential trial power calculation
#' (design1 <- getDesignPairedMeanDiff(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, pairedDiffH0 = 0, pairedDiff = -2, stDev = 5,
#' kMax = 5, alpha = 0.05, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF"))
#' # Example 2: sample size calculation for one-sample t-test
#' (design2 <- getDesignPairedMeanDiff(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, pairedDiffH0 = 0, pairedDiff = -2, stDev = 5,
#' normalApproximation = FALSE, alpha = 0.025))
#' @export
getDesignPairedMeanDiff <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
pairedDiffH0 = 0,
pairedDiff = 0.5,
stDev = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
efficacyStopping = NA_integer_,
futilityStopping = NA_integer_,
criticalValues = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.025,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
futilityBounds = NA_real_,
typeBetaSpending = "none",
parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_,
userBetaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
des = getDesignOneMean(
beta, n, pairedDiffH0, pairedDiff, stDev,
rounding, kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
nov = names(des$overallResults)
names(des$overallResults)[nov == "meanH0"] <- "pairedDiffH0"
names(des$overallResults)[nov == "mean"] <- "pairedDiff"
nby = names(des$byStageResults)
names(des$byStageResults)[nby == "efficacyMean"] <- "efficacyPairedDiff"
names(des$byStageResults)[nby == "futilityMean"] <- "futilityPairedDiff"
attr(des, "class") = "designPairedMeanDiff"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for Paired Mean Ratio
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for a group sequential design for paired mean ratio.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param pairedRatioH0 The paired ratio under the null hypothesis.
#' @param pairedRatio The paired ratio under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' @param CV The coefficient of variation for paired ratio.
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
#' Defaults to \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_efficacyStopping
#' @inheritParams param_futilityStopping
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @inheritParams param_alpha
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_futilityBounds
#' @inheritParams param_typeBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userBetaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designPairedMeanRatio} object with three
#' components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The overall significance level.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level, which is
#' different from the overall significance level in the presence of
#' futility stopping.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{theta}: The parameter value.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{drift}: The drift parameter, equal to
#' \code{theta*sqrt(information)}.
#' - \code{inflationFactor}: The inflation factor (relative to the
#' fixed design).
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{pairedRatioH0}: The paired ratio under the null hypothesis.
#' - \code{pairedRatio}: The paired ratio under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' - \code{CV}: The coefficient of variation for paired ratio.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{futilityBounds}: The futility boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityPerStage}: The probability for futility stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutility}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha spent.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{futilityP}: The futility boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{efficacyStopping}: Whether to allow efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityStopping}: Whether to allow futility stopping.
#' - \code{rejectPerStageH0}: The probability for efficacy stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{futilityPerStageH0}: The probability for futility stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejectionH0}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutilityH0}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping under H0.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' - \code{efficacyPairedRatio}: The efficacy boundaries on the paired
#' ratio scale.
#' - \code{futilityPairedRatio}: The futility boundaries on the paired
#' ratio scale.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{typeBetaSpending}: The type of beta spending.
#' - \code{parameterBetaSpending}: The parameter value for beta spending.
#' - \code{userBetaSpending}: The user defined beta spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' # Example 1: group sequential trial power calculation
#' (design1 <- getDesignPairedMeanRatio(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, pairedRatio = 1.2, CV = 0.35,
#' kMax = 5, alpha = 0.05, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF"))
#' # Example 2: sample size calculation for one-sample t-test
#' (design2 <- getDesignPairedMeanRatio(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, pairedRatio = 1.2, CV = 0.35,
#' normalApproximation = FALSE, alpha = 0.05))
#' @export
getDesignPairedMeanRatio <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
pairedRatioH0 = 1,
pairedRatio = 1.2,
CV = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
efficacyStopping = NA_integer_,
futilityStopping = NA_integer_,
criticalValues = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.025,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
futilityBounds = NA_real_,
typeBetaSpending = "none",
parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_,
userBetaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
if (pairedRatioH0 <= 0) {
stop("pairedRatioH0 must be positive")
if (pairedRatio <= 0) {
stop("pairedRatio must be positive")
if (CV <= 0) {
stop("CV must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
des = getDesignPairedMeanDiff(
beta, n, pairedDiffH0 = log(pairedRatioH0),
pairedDiff = log(pairedRatio),
stDev = sqrt(log(1 + CV^2)),
rounding, kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
des$overallResults$pairedRatioH0 = pairedRatioH0
des$overallResults$pairedRatio = pairedRatio
des$overallResults$CV = CV
des$overallResults$pairedDiffH0 = NULL
des$overallResults$pairedDiff = NULL
des$overallResults$stDev = NULL
des$byStageResults$efficacyPairedRatio =
des$byStageResults$futilityPairedRatio =
des$byStageResults$efficacyPairedDiff = NULL
des$byStageResults$futilityPairedDiff = NULL
attr(des, "class") = "designPairedMeanRatio"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for Two-Sample Mean Difference
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for a group sequential design for two-sample mean
#' difference.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param meanDiffH0 The mean difference under the null hypothesis.
#' Defaults to 0.
#' @param meanDiff The mean difference under the alternative hypothesis.
#' @param stDev The standard deviation.
#' @param allocationRatioPlanned Allocation ratio for the active treatment
#' versus control. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization.
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
#' Defaults to \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_efficacyStopping
#' @inheritParams param_futilityStopping
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @inheritParams param_alpha
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_futilityBounds
#' @inheritParams param_typeBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userBetaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designMeanDiff} object with three components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The overall significance level.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level, which is
#' different from the overall significance level in the presence of
#' futility stopping.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{theta}: The parameter value.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{drift}: The drift parameter, equal to
#' \code{theta*sqrt(information)}.
#' - \code{inflationFactor}: The inflation factor (relative to the
#' fixed design).
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{meanDiffH0}: The mean difference under the null hypothesis.
#' - \code{meanDiff}: The mean difference under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' - \code{stDev}: The standard deviation.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{futilityBounds}: The futility boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityPerStage}: The probability for futility stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutility}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha spent.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{futilityP}: The futility boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{efficacyStopping}: Whether to allow efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityStopping}: Whether to allow futility stopping.
#' - \code{rejectPerStageH0}: The probability for efficacy stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{futilityPerStageH0}: The probability for futility stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejectionH0}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutilityH0}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping under H0.
#' - \code{efficacyMeanDiff}: The efficacy boundaries on the mean
#' difference scale.
#' - \code{futilityMeanDiff}: The futility boundaries on the mean
#' difference scale.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{typeBetaSpending}: The type of beta spending.
#' - \code{parameterBetaSpending}: The parameter value for beta spending.
#' - \code{userBetaSpending}: The user defined beta spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{allocationRatioPlanned}: Allocation ratio for the active
#' treatment versus control.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' # Example 1: group sequential trial power calculation
#' (design1 <- getDesignMeanDiff(
#' beta = NA, n = 456, meanDiff = 9, stDev = 32,
#' kMax = 5, alpha = 0.025, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
#' typeBetaSpending = "sfP"))
#' # Example 2: sample size calculation for two-sample t-test
#' (design2 <- getDesignMeanDiff(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, meanDiff = 0.3, stDev = 1,
#' normalApproximation = FALSE, alpha = 0.025))
#' @export
getDesignMeanDiff <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
meanDiffH0 = 0,
meanDiff = 0.5,
stDev = 1,
allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
efficacyStopping = NA_integer_,
futilityStopping = NA_integer_,
criticalValues = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.025,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
futilityBounds = NA_real_,
typeBetaSpending = "none",
parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_,
userBetaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
if ( && {
stop("beta and n cannot be both missing")
if (! && ! {
stop("Only one of beta and n should be provided")
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (! && n <= 0) {
stop("n must be positive")
if (stDev <= 0) {
stop("stDev must be positive")
if (allocationRatioPlanned <= 0) {
stop("allocationRatioPlanned must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
if (any( {
informationRates = (1:kMax)/kMax
r = allocationRatioPlanned/(1 + allocationRatioPlanned)
directionUpper = meanDiff > meanDiffH0
theta = ifelse(directionUpper, meanDiff - meanDiffH0,
meanDiffH0 - meanDiff)
# variance for one sampling unit
v1 = stDev^2/(r*(1-r))
if ( { # power calculation
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
informationRates = round(n*informationRates)/n
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
if (!any( {
alpha = 1 - pnorm(criticalValues)
b = qt(1-alpha, n-2)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
power = pt(b, n-2, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
delta = b/sqrt(n/v1)
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$futilityPerStage = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeFutility = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$futilityBounds = b
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff = delta
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff = delta
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff = -delta
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff = -delta
} else {
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff =
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff =
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff =
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff =
} else { # sample size calculation
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
if (!any( {
alpha = 1 - pnorm(criticalValues)
n0 = (qnorm(1-alpha) + qnorm(1-beta))^2*v1/theta^2
n = uniroot(function(n) {
b = qt(1-alpha, n-2)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
pt(b, n-2, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE) - (1 - beta)
}, c(n0, 2*n0))$root
if (rounding) n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
b = qt(1-alpha, n-2)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
power = pt(b, n-2, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
delta = b/sqrt(n/v1)
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$futilityPerStage = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeFutility = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$futilityBounds = b
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff = delta
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff = delta
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff = -delta
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff = -delta
} else {
des = getDesign(
beta, IMax = NA, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
n = des$overallResults$information*v1
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
informationRates = des$byStageResults$informationRates
informationRates = round(n*informationRates)/n
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff =
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff =
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff =
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff =
des$overallResults$theta = theta
des$overallResults$numberOfSubjects = n
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1 =
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0 =
des$overallResults$meanDiffH0 = meanDiffH0
des$overallResults$meanDiff = meanDiff
des$overallResults$stDev = stDev
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta = NULL
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta = NULL
des$byStageResults$numberOfSubjects =
des$settings$allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned
des$settings$normalApproximation = normalApproximation
des$settings$rounding = rounding
des$settings$varianceRatio = NULL
attr(des, "class") = "designMeanDiff"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for Two-Sample Mean Ratio
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for a group sequential design for two-sample mean
#' ratio.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param meanRatioH0 The mean ratio under the null hypothesis.
#' Defaults to 1.
#' @param meanRatio The mean ratio under the alternative hypothesis.
#' @param CV The coefficient of variation. The standard deviation on the
#' log scale is equal to \code{sqrt(log(1 + CV^2))}.
#' @param allocationRatioPlanned Allocation ratio for the active treatment
#' versus control. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization.
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
#' Defaults to \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_efficacyStopping
#' @inheritParams param_futilityStopping
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @inheritParams param_alpha
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_futilityBounds
#' @inheritParams param_typeBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userBetaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designMeanRatio} object with three components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The overall significance level.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level, which is
#' different from the overall significance level in the presence of
#' futility stopping.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{theta}: The parameter value.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{drift}: The drift parameter, equal to
#' \code{theta*sqrt(information)}.
#' - \code{inflationFactor}: The inflation factor (relative to the
#' fixed design).
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{meanRatioH0}: The mean ratio under the null hypothesis.
#' - \code{meanRatio}: The mean ratio under the alternative hypothesis.
#' - \code{CV}: The coefficient of variation.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{futilityBounds}: The futility boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityPerStage}: The probability for futility stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutility}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha spent.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{futilityP}: The futility boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{efficacyStopping}: Whether to allow efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityStopping}: Whether to allow futility stopping.
#' - \code{rejectPerStageH0}: The probability for efficacy stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{futilityPerStageH0}: The probability for futility stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejectionH0}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutilityH0}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping under H0.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' - \code{efficacyMeanRatio}: The efficacy boundaries on the mean
#' ratio scale.
#' - \code{futilityMeanRatio}: The futility boundaries on the mean
#' ratio scale.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{typeBetaSpending}: The type of beta spending.
#' - \code{parameterBetaSpending}: The parameter value for beta spending.
#' - \code{userBetaSpending}: The user defined beta spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{allocationRatioPlanned}: Allocation ratio for the active
#' treatment versus control.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' (design1 <- getDesignMeanRatio(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, meanRatio = 1.25, CV = 0.25,
#' alpha = 0.05, normalApproximation = FALSE))
#' @export
getDesignMeanRatio <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
meanRatioH0 = 1,
meanRatio = 1.25,
CV = 1,
allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
efficacyStopping = NA_integer_,
futilityStopping = NA_integer_,
criticalValues = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.025,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
futilityBounds = NA_real_,
typeBetaSpending = "none",
parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_,
userBetaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
if (meanRatioH0 <= 0) {
stop("meanRatioH0 must be positive")
if (meanRatio <= 0) {
stop("meanRatio must be positive")
if (CV <= 0) {
stop("CV must be positive")
if (allocationRatioPlanned <= 0) {
stop("allocationRatioPlanned must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
des = getDesignMeanDiff(
beta, n, meanDiffH0 = log(meanRatioH0),
meanDiff = log(meanRatio),
stDev = sqrt(log(1 + CV^2)),
normalApproximation, rounding,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
des$overallResults$meanRatioH0 = meanRatioH0
des$overallResults$meanRatio = meanRatio
des$overallResults$CV = CV
des$overallResults$meanDiffH0 = NULL
des$overallResults$meanDiff = NULL
des$overallResults$stDev = NULL
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanRatio =
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanRatio =
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff = NULL
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff = NULL
attr(des, "class") = "designMeanRatio"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for Mean Difference in 2x2 Crossover
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for a group sequential design for two-sample mean
#' difference in 2x2 crossover.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param meanDiffH0 The mean difference under the null hypothesis.
#' Defaults to 0.
#' @param meanDiff The mean difference under the alternative hypothesis.
#' @param stDev The standard deviation for within-subject random error.
#' @param allocationRatioPlanned Allocation ratio for sequence A/B
#' versus sequence B/A. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization.
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
#' Defaults to \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_efficacyStopping
#' @inheritParams param_futilityStopping
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @inheritParams param_alpha
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_futilityBounds
#' @inheritParams param_typeBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userBetaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designMeanDiffXO} object with three components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The overall significance level.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level, which is
#' different from the overall significance level in the presence of
#' futility stopping.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{theta}: The parameter value.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{drift}: The drift parameter, equal to
#' \code{theta*sqrt(information)}.
#' - \code{inflationFactor}: The inflation factor (relative to the
#' fixed design).
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{meanDiffH0}: The mean difference under the null hypothesis.
#' - \code{meanDiff}: The mean difference under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' - \code{stDev}: The standard deviation for within-subject random
#' error.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{futilityBounds}: The futility boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityPerStage}: The probability for futility stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutility}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha spent.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{futilityP}: The futility boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{efficacyStopping}: Whether to allow efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityStopping}: Whether to allow futility stopping.
#' - \code{rejectPerStageH0}: The probability for efficacy stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{futilityPerStageH0}: The probability for futility stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejectionH0}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutilityH0}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping under H0.
#' - \code{efficacyMeanDiff}: The efficacy boundaries on the mean
#' difference scale.
#' - \code{futilityMeanDiff}: The futility boundaries on the mean
#' difference scale.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{typeBetaSpending}: The type of beta spending.
#' - \code{parameterBetaSpending}: The parameter value for beta spending.
#' - \code{userBetaSpending}: The user defined beta spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{allocationRatioPlanned}: Allocation ratio for sequence A/B
#' versus sequence B/A.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' (design1 <- getDesignMeanDiffXO(
#' beta = 0.2, n = NA, meanDiff = 75, stDev = 150,
#' normalApproximation = FALSE, alpha = 0.05))
#' @export
getDesignMeanDiffXO <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
meanDiffH0 = 0,
meanDiff = 0.5,
stDev = 1,
allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
efficacyStopping = NA_integer_,
futilityStopping = NA_integer_,
criticalValues = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.025,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
futilityBounds = NA_real_,
typeBetaSpending = "none",
parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_,
userBetaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
if ( && {
stop("beta and n cannot be both missing")
if (! && ! {
stop("Only one of beta and n should be provided")
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (! && n <= 0) {
stop("n must be positive")
if (stDev <= 0) {
stop("stDev must be positive")
if (allocationRatioPlanned <= 0) {
stop("allocationRatioPlanned must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
if (any( {
informationRates = (1:kMax)/kMax
r = allocationRatioPlanned/(1 + allocationRatioPlanned)
directionUpper = meanDiff > meanDiffH0
theta = ifelse(directionUpper, meanDiff - meanDiffH0,
meanDiffH0 - meanDiff)
# variance for one sampling unit
v1 = stDev^2/(2*r*(1-r))
if ( { # power calculation
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
informationRates = round(n*informationRates)/n
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
if (!any( {
alpha = 1 - pnorm(criticalValues)
b = qt(1-alpha, n-2)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
power = pt(b, n-2, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
delta = b/sqrt(n/v1)
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$futilityPerStage = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeFutility = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$futilityBounds = b
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff = delta
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff = delta
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff = -delta
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff = -delta
} else {
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff =
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff =
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff =
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff =
} else { # sample size calculation
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
if (!any( {
alpha = 1 - pnorm(criticalValues)
n0 = (qnorm(1-alpha) + qnorm(1-beta))^2*v1/theta^2
n = uniroot(function(n) {
b = qt(1-alpha, n-2)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
pt(b, n-2, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE) - (1 - beta)
}, c(n0, 2*n0))$root
if (rounding) n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
b = qt(1-alpha, n-2)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
power = pt(b, n-2, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
delta = b/sqrt(n/v1)
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$futilityPerStage = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeFutility = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$futilityBounds = b
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff = delta
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff = delta
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff = -delta
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff = -delta
} else {
des = getDesign(
beta, IMax = NA, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
n = des$overallResults$information*v1
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
informationRates = des$byStageResults$informationRates
informationRates = round(n*informationRates)/n
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff =
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff =
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff =
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff =
des$overallResults$theta = theta
des$overallResults$numberOfSubjects = n
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1 =
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0 =
des$overallResults$meanDiffH0 = meanDiffH0
des$overallResults$meanDiff = meanDiff
des$overallResults$stDev = stDev
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta = NULL
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta = NULL
des$byStageResults$numberOfSubjects =
des$settings$allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned
des$settings$normalApproximation = normalApproximation
des$settings$rounding = rounding
des$settings$varianceRatio = NULL
attr(des, "class") = "designMeanDiffXO"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for Mean Ratio in 2x2 Crossover
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for a group sequential design for two-sample mean
#' ratio in 2x2 crossover.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param meanRatioH0 The mean ratio under the null hypothesis.
#' Defaults to 1.
#' @param meanRatio The mean ratio under the alternative hypothesis.
#' @param CV The coefficient of variation. The standard deviation on the
#' log scale is equal to \code{sqrt(log(1 + CV^2))}.
#' @param allocationRatioPlanned Allocation ratio for sequence A/B
#' versus sequence B/A. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization.
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
#' Defaults to \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_efficacyStopping
#' @inheritParams param_futilityStopping
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @inheritParams param_alpha
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_futilityBounds
#' @inheritParams param_typeBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userBetaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designMeanRatioXO} object with three components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The overall significance level.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level, which is
#' different from the overall significance level in the presence of
#' futility stopping.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{theta}: The parameter value.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{drift}: The drift parameter, equal to
#' \code{theta*sqrt(information)}.
#' - \code{inflationFactor}: The inflation factor (relative to the
#' fixed design).
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{meanRatioH0}: The mean ratio under the null hypothesis.
#' - \code{meanRatio}: The mean ratio under the alternative hypothesis.
#' - \code{CV}: The coefficient of variation.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{futilityBounds}: The futility boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityPerStage}: The probability for futility stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutility}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha spent.
#' - \code{efficacyMeanRatio}: The efficacy boundaries on the mean
#' ratio scale.
#' - \code{futilityMeanRatio}: The futility boundaries on the mean
#' ratio scale.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{futilityP}: The futility boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{efficacyStopping}: Whether to allow efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityStopping}: Whether to allow futility stopping.
#' - \code{rejectPerStageH0}: The probability for efficacy stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{futilityPerStageH0}: The probability for futility stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejectionH0}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutilityH0}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping under H0.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{typeBetaSpending}: The type of beta spending.
#' - \code{parameterBetaSpending}: The parameter value for beta spending.
#' - \code{userBetaSpending}: The user defined beta spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{allocationRatioPlanned}: Allocation ratio for sequence A/B
#' versus sequence B/A.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' (design1 <- getDesignMeanRatioXO(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, meanRatio = 1.25, CV = 0.25,
#' alpha = 0.05, normalApproximation = FALSE))
#' @export
getDesignMeanRatioXO <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
meanRatioH0 = 1,
meanRatio = 1.25,
CV = 1,
allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
efficacyStopping = NA_integer_,
futilityStopping = NA_integer_,
criticalValues = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.025,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
futilityBounds = NA_real_,
typeBetaSpending = "none",
parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_,
userBetaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
if (meanRatioH0 <= 0) {
stop("meanRatioH0 must be positive")
if (meanRatio <= 0) {
stop("meanRatio must be positive")
if (CV <= 0) {
stop("CV must be positive")
if (allocationRatioPlanned <= 0) {
stop("allocationRatioPlanned must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
des = getDesignMeanDiffXO(
beta, n, meanDiffH0 = log(meanRatioH0),
meanDiff = log(meanRatio),
stDev = sqrt(log(1 + CV^2)),
normalApproximation, rounding,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
des$overallResults$meanRatioH0 = meanRatioH0
des$overallResults$meanRatio = meanRatio
des$overallResults$CV = CV
des$overallResults$meanDiffH0 = NULL
des$overallResults$meanDiff = NULL
des$overallResults$stDev = NULL
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanRatio =
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanRatio =
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff = NULL
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff = NULL
attr(des, "class") = "designMeanRatioXO"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for Equivalence in Paired Mean
#' Difference
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for a group sequential design for equivalence in
#' paired mean difference.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param pairedDiffLower The lower equivalence limit of paired difference.
#' @param pairedDiffUpper The upper equivalence limit of paired difference.
#' @param pairedDiff The paired difference under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' @param stDev The standard deviation for paired difference.
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
#' Defaults to \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @param alpha The significance level for each of the two one-sided
#' tests. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designPairedMeanDiffEquiv} object with three
#' components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The significance level for each of the two one-sided
#' tests. Defaults to 0.05.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level under H0.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{pairedDiffLower}: The lower equivalence limit of paired
#' difference.
#' - \code{pairedDiffUpper}: The upper equivalence limit of paired
#' difference.
#' - \code{pairedDiff}: The paired difference under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' - \code{stDev}: The standard deviation for paired difference.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale for
#' each of the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha for each of
#' the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{cumulativeAttainedAlpha}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{efficacyPairedDiffLower}: The efficacy boundaries on the
#' paired difference scale for the one-sided null hypothesis on the
#' lower equivalence limit.
#' - \code{efficacyPairedDiffUpper}: The efficacy boundaries on the
#' paired difference scale for the one-sided null hypothesis on the
#' upper equivalence limit.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy bounds on the p-value scale for
#' each of the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' # Example 1: group sequential trial power calculation
#' (design1 <- getDesignPairedMeanDiffEquiv(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, pairedDiffLower = -1.3, pairedDiffUpper = 1.3,
#' pairedDiff = 0, stDev = 2.2,
#' kMax = 4, alpha = 0.05, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF"))
#' # Example 2: sample size calculation for t-test
#' (design2 <- getDesignPairedMeanDiffEquiv(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, pairedDiffLower = -1.3, pairedDiffUpper = 1.3,
#' pairedDiff = 0, stDev = 2.2,
#' normalApproximation = FALSE, alpha = 0.05))
#' @export
getDesignPairedMeanDiffEquiv <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
pairedDiffLower = NA_real_,
pairedDiffUpper = NA_real_,
pairedDiff = 0,
stDev = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.05,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
if ( && {
stop("beta and n cannot be both missing")
if (! && ! {
stop("Only one of beta and n should be provided")
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (! && n <= 0) {
stop("n must be positive")
if ( {
stop("pairedDiffLower must be provided")
if ( {
stop("pairedDiffUpper must be provided")
if (pairedDiffLower >= pairedDiff) {
stop("pairedDiffLower must be less than pairedDiff")
if (pairedDiffUpper <= pairedDiff) {
stop("pairedDiffUpper must be greater than pairedDiff")
if (stDev <= 0) {
stop("stDev must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
if (any( {
informationRates = (1:kMax)/kMax
# variance for one sampling unit
v1 = stDev^2
f <- function(n) { # power for two one-sided t-tests
b = qt(1-alpha, n-1)
ncpLower = (pairedDiff - pairedDiffLower)*sqrt(n/v1)
powerLower = pt(b, n-1, ncpLower, lower.tail = FALSE)
ncpUpper = (pairedDiffUpper - pairedDiff)*sqrt(n/v1)
powerUpper = pt(b, n-1, ncpUpper, lower.tail = FALSE)
power = powerLower + powerUpper - 1
if ( { # calculate sample size
des = getDesignEquiv(
beta = beta, IMax = NA, thetaLower = pairedDiffLower,
thetaUpper = pairedDiffUpper, theta = pairedDiff,
kMax = kMax, informationRates = informationRates,
alpha = alpha, typeAlphaSpending = typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending = parameterAlphaSpending,
userAlphaSpending = userAlphaSpending,
spendingTime = spendingTime)
n = des$overallResults$information*v1
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
n = uniroot(function(n) f(n) - (1-beta), c(0.5*n, 1.5*n))$root
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
informationRates = round(n*informationRates)/n
if ( || rounding) { # calculate power
des = getDesignEquiv(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, thetaLower = pairedDiffLower,
thetaUpper = pairedDiffUpper, theta = pairedDiff,
kMax = kMax, informationRates = informationRates,
alpha = alpha, typeAlphaSpending = typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending = parameterAlphaSpending,
userAlphaSpending = userAlphaSpending,
spendingTime = spendingTime)
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
power = f(n)
b = qt(1-alpha, n-1)
ncp = (pairedDiffUpper - pairedDiffLower)*sqrt(n/v1)
attainedAlpha = integrate(function(x) {
t1 = pnorm(-b*x + ncp) - pnorm(b*x)
t2 = dgamma((n-1)*x*x, (n-1)/2, 1/2)*2*(n-1)*x
}, 0, ncp/(2*b))$value
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$overallResults$attainedAlpha = attainedAlpha
des$overallResults$information = n/v1
des$overallResults$expectedInformationH1 = n/v1
des$overallResults$expectedInformationH0 = n/v1
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeAttainedAlpha = attainedAlpha
des$byStageResults$efficacyPairedDiffLower = b*sqrt(v1/n) +
des$byStageResults$efficacyPairedDiffUpper = -b*sqrt(v1/n) +
des$byStageResults$information = n/v1
} else {
des$overallResults$attainedAlpha =
des$overallResults$expectedInformationH0 =
des$byStageResults$cumulativeAttainedAlpha =
des$byStageResults$efficacyPairedDiffLower =
des$byStageResults$efficacyPairedDiffUpper =
des$overallResults$numberOfSubjects = n
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1 =
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0 =
des$overallResults$pairedDiffLower = pairedDiffLower
des$overallResults$pairedDiffUpper = pairedDiffUpper
des$overallResults$pairedDiff = pairedDiff
des$overallResults$stDev = stDev
des$overallResults <-
des$overallResults[, c("overallReject", "alpha", "attainedAlpha",
"kMax", "information", "expectedInformationH1",
"expectedInformationH0", "numberOfSubjects",
"expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0", "pairedDiffLower",
"pairedDiffUpper", "pairedDiff", "stDev")]
des$byStageResults$numberOfSubjects = n*informationRates
des$byStageResults <-
des$byStageResults[, c("informationRates", "efficacyBounds",
"rejectPerStage", "cumulativeRejection",
"cumulativeAlphaSpent", "cumulativeAttainedAlpha",
"efficacyPairedDiffUpper", "efficacyP",
"information", "numberOfSubjects")]
des$settings$normalApproximation = normalApproximation
des$settings$rounding = rounding
des$settings <-
des$settings[c("typeAlphaSpending", "parameterAlphaSpending",
"userAlphaSpending", "spendingTime",
"normalApproximation", "rounding")]
attr(des, "class") = "designPairedMeanDiffEquiv"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for Equivalence in Paired Mean Ratio
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for a group sequential design for equivalence in
#' paired mean ratio.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param pairedRatioLower The lower equivalence limit of paired ratio.
#' @param pairedRatioUpper The upper equivalence limit of paired ratio.
#' @param pairedRatio The paired ratio under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' @param CV The coefficient of variation for paired ratio.
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
#' Defaults to \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @param alpha The significance level for each of the two one-sided
#' tests. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designPairedMeanRatioEquiv} object with three
#' components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The significance level for each of the two one-sided
#' tests. Defaults to 0.05.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level under H0.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{pairedRatioLower}: The lower equivalence limit of paired
#' ratio.
#' - \code{pairedRatioUpper}: The upper equivalence limit of paired
#' ratio.
#' - \code{pairedRatio}: The paired ratio under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' - \code{CV}: The coefficient of variation for paired ratios.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale for
#' each of the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha for each of
#' the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{cumulativeAttainedAlpha}: The cumulative alpha attained under
#' H0.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy bounds on the p-value scale for
#' each of the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' - \code{efficacyPairedRatioLower}: The efficacy boundaries on the
#' paired ratio scale for the one-sided null hypothesis on the
#' lower equivalence limit.
#' - \code{efficacyPairedRatioUpper}: The efficacy boundaries on the
#' paired ratio scale for the one-sided null hypothesis on the
#' upper equivalence limit.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' # Example 1: group sequential trial power calculation
#' (design1 <- getDesignPairedMeanRatioEquiv(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, pairedRatioLower = 0.8, pairedRatioUpper = 1.25,
#' pairedRatio = 1, CV = 0.35,
#' kMax = 4, alpha = 0.05, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF"))
#' # Example 2: sample size calculation for t-test
#' (design2 <- getDesignPairedMeanRatioEquiv(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, pairedRatioLower = 0.8, pairedRatioUpper = 1.25,
#' pairedRatio = 1, CV = 0.35,
#' normalApproximation = FALSE, alpha = 0.05))
#' @export
getDesignPairedMeanRatioEquiv <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
pairedRatioLower = NA_real_,
pairedRatioUpper = NA_real_,
pairedRatio = 1,
CV = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.05,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
if ( {
stop("pairedRatioLower must be provided")
if ( {
stop("pairedRatioUpper must be provided")
if (pairedRatioLower <= 0) {
stop("pairedRatioLower must be positive")
if (pairedRatioLower >= pairedRatio) {
stop("pairedRatioLower must be less than pairedRatio")
if (pairedRatioUpper <= pairedRatio) {
stop("pairedRatioUpper must be greater than pairedRatio")
if (CV <= 0) {
stop("CV must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
des = getDesignPairedMeanDiffEquiv(
beta, n, pairedDiffLower = log(pairedRatioLower),
pairedDiffUpper = log(pairedRatioUpper),
pairedDiff = log(pairedRatio),
stDev = sqrt(log(1 + CV^2)),
normalApproximation, rounding,
kMax, informationRates,
alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
des$overallResults$pairedRatioLower = pairedRatioLower
des$overallResults$pairedRatioUpper = pairedRatioUpper
des$overallResults$pairedRatio = pairedRatio
des$overallResults$CV = CV
des$overallResults$pairedDiffLower = NULL
des$overallResults$pairedDiffUpper = NULL
des$overallResults$pairedDiff = NULL
des$overallResults$stDev = NULL
des$byStageResults$efficacyPairedRatioLower =
des$byStageResults$efficacyPairedRatioUpper =
des$byStageResults$efficacyPairedDiffLower = NULL
des$byStageResults$efficacyPairedDiffUpper = NULL
attr(des, "class") = "designPairedMeanRatioEquiv"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for Equivalence in Two-Sample
#' Mean Difference
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for a group sequential design for equivalence in
#' two-sample mean difference.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param meanDiffLower The lower equivalence limit of mean difference.
#' @param meanDiffUpper The upper equivalence limit of mean difference.
#' @param meanDiff The mean difference under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' @param stDev The standard deviation.
#' @param allocationRatioPlanned Allocation ratio for the active treatment
#' versus control. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization.
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
#' Defaults to \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @param alpha The significance level for each of the two one-sided
#' tests. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designMeanDiffEquiv} object with three
#' components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The significance level for each of the two one-sided
#' tests. Defaults to 0.05.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{meanDiffLower}: The lower equivalence limit of mean
#' difference.
#' - \code{meanDiffUpper}: The upper equivalence limit of mean
#' difference.
#' - \code{meanDiff}: The mean difference under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' - \code{stDev}: The standard deviation.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale for
#' each of the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha for each of
#' the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{cumulativeAttainedAlpha}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{efficacyMeanDiffLower}: The efficacy boundaries on the
#' mean difference scale for the one-sided null hypothesis on the
#' lower equivalence limit.
#' - \code{efficacyMeanDiffUpper}: The efficacy boundaries on the
#' mean difference scale for the one-sided null hypothesis on the
#' upper equivalence limit.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy bounds on the p-value scale for
#' each of the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{allocationRatioPlanned}: Allocation ratio for the active
#' treatment versus control.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' # Example 1: group sequential trial power calculation
#' (design1 <- getDesignMeanDiffEquiv(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, meanDiffLower = -1.3, meanDiffUpper = 1.3,
#' meanDiff = 0, stDev = 2.2,
#' kMax = 4, alpha = 0.05, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF"))
#' # Example 2: sample size calculation for t-test
#' (design2 <- getDesignMeanDiffEquiv(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, meanDiffLower = -1.3, meanDiffUpper = 1.3,
#' meanDiff = 0, stDev = 2.2,
#' normalApproximation = FALSE, alpha = 0.05))
#' @export
getDesignMeanDiffEquiv <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
meanDiffLower = NA_real_,
meanDiffUpper = NA_real_,
meanDiff = 0,
stDev = 1,
allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.05,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
if ( && {
stop("beta and n cannot be both missing")
if (! && ! {
stop("Only one of beta and n should be provided")
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (! && n <= 0) {
stop("n must be positive")
if ( {
stop("meanDiffLower must be provided")
if ( {
stop("meanDiffUpper must be provided")
if (meanDiffLower >= meanDiff) {
stop("meanDiffLower must be less than meanDiff")
if (meanDiffUpper <= meanDiff) {
stop("meanDiffUpper must be greater than meanDiff")
if (stDev <= 0) {
stop("stDev must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
if (allocationRatioPlanned <= 0) {
stop("allocationRatioPlanned must be positive")
if (any( {
informationRates = (1:kMax)/kMax
# variance for one sampling unit
r = allocationRatioPlanned/(1 + allocationRatioPlanned)
v1 = stDev^2/(r*(1-r))
f <- function(n) { # power for two one-sided t-tests
b = qt(1-alpha, n-2)
ncpLower = (meanDiff - meanDiffLower)*sqrt(n/v1)
powerLower = pt(b, n-2, ncpLower, lower.tail = FALSE)
ncpUpper = (meanDiffUpper - meanDiff)*sqrt(n/v1)
powerUpper = pt(b, n-2, ncpUpper, lower.tail = FALSE)
power = powerLower + powerUpper - 1
if ( { # calculate sample size
des = getDesignEquiv(
beta = beta, IMax = NA, thetaLower = meanDiffLower,
thetaUpper = meanDiffUpper, theta = meanDiff,
kMax = kMax, informationRates = informationRates,
alpha = alpha, typeAlphaSpending = typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending = parameterAlphaSpending,
userAlphaSpending = userAlphaSpending,
spendingTime = spendingTime)
n = des$overallResults$information*v1
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
n = uniroot(function(n) f(n) - (1-beta), c(0.5*n, 1.5*n))$root
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
informationRates = round(n*informationRates)/n
if ( || rounding) { # calculate power
des = getDesignEquiv(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, thetaLower = meanDiffLower,
thetaUpper = meanDiffUpper, theta = meanDiff,
kMax = kMax, informationRates = informationRates,
alpha = alpha, typeAlphaSpending = typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending = parameterAlphaSpending,
userAlphaSpending = userAlphaSpending,
spendingTime = spendingTime)
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
power = f(n)
b = qt(1-alpha, n-2)
ncp = (meanDiffUpper - meanDiffLower)*sqrt(n/v1)
attainedAlpha = integrate(function(x) {
t1 = pnorm(-b*x + ncp) - pnorm(b*x)
t2 = dgamma((n-2)*x*x, (n-2)/2, 1/2)*2*(n-2)*x
}, 0, ncp/(2*b))$value
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$overallResults$attainedAlpha = attainedAlpha
des$overallResults$information = n/v1
des$overallResults$expectedInformationH1 = n/v1
des$overallResults$expectedInformationH0 = n/v1
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeAttainedAlpha = attainedAlpha
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiffLower = b*sqrt(v1/n) +
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiffUpper = -b*sqrt(v1/n) +
des$byStageResults$information = n/v1
} else {
des$overallResults$attainedAlpha =
des$overallResults$expectedInformationH0 =
des$byStageResults$cumulativeAttainedAlpha =
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiffLower =
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiffUpper =
des$overallResults$numberOfSubjects = n
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1 =
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0 =
des$overallResults$meanDiffLower = meanDiffLower
des$overallResults$meanDiffUpper = meanDiffUpper
des$overallResults$meanDiff = meanDiff
des$overallResults$stDev = stDev
des$overallResults <-
des$overallResults[, c("overallReject", "alpha", "attainedAlpha",
"kMax", "information", "expectedInformationH1",
"expectedInformationH0", "numberOfSubjects",
"expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0", "meanDiffLower",
"meanDiffUpper", "meanDiff", "stDev")]
des$byStageResults$numberOfSubjects = n*informationRates
des$byStageResults <-
des$byStageResults[, c("informationRates", "efficacyBounds",
"rejectPerStage", "cumulativeRejection",
"cumulativeAlphaSpent", "cumulativeAttainedAlpha",
"efficacyMeanDiffUpper", "efficacyP",
"information", "numberOfSubjects")]
des$settings$allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned
des$settings$normalApproximation = normalApproximation
des$settings$rounding = rounding
des$settings <-
des$settings[c("typeAlphaSpending", "parameterAlphaSpending",
"userAlphaSpending", "spendingTime",
"normalApproximation", "rounding")]
attr(des, "class") = "designMeanDiffEquiv"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for Equivalence in Two-Sample
#' Mean Ratio
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for a group sequential design for equivalence in
#' two-sample mean ratio.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param meanRatioLower The lower equivalence limit of mean ratio.
#' @param meanRatioUpper The upper equivalence limit of mean ratio.
#' @param meanRatio The mean ratio under the alternative hypothesis.
#' @param CV The coefficient of variation.
#' @param allocationRatioPlanned Allocation ratio for the active treatment
#' versus control. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization.
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
#' Defaults to \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @param alpha The significance level for each of the two one-sided
#' tests. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designMeanRatioEquiv} object with three
#' components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The significance level for each of the two one-sided
#' tests. Defaults to 0.05.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{meanRatioLower}: The lower equivalence limit of mean ratio.
#' - \code{meanRatioUpper}: The upper equivalence limit of mean ratio.
#' - \code{meanRatio}: The mean ratio under the alternative hypothesis.
#' - \code{CV}: The coefficient of variation.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale for
#' each of the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha for each of
#' the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{cumulativeAttainedAlpha}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy bounds on the p-value scale for
#' each of the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' - \code{efficacyMeanRatioLower}: The efficacy boundaries on the
#' mean ratio scale for the one-sided null hypothesis on the
#' lower equivalence limit.
#' - \code{efficacyMeanRatioUpper}: The efficacy boundaries on the
#' mean ratio scale for the one-sided null hypothesis on the
#' upper equivalence limit.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{allocationRatioPlanned}: Allocation ratio for the active
#' treatment versus control.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' # Example 1: group sequential trial power calculation
#' (design1 <- getDesignMeanRatioEquiv(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, meanRatioLower = 0.8, meanRatioUpper = 1.25,
#' meanRatio = 1, CV = 0.35,
#' kMax = 4, alpha = 0.05, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF"))
#' # Example 2: sample size calculation for t-test
#' (design2 <- getDesignMeanRatioEquiv(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, meanRatioLower = 0.8, meanRatioUpper = 1.25,
#' meanRatio = 1, CV = 0.35,
#' normalApproximation = FALSE, alpha = 0.05))
#' @export
getDesignMeanRatioEquiv <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
meanRatioLower = NA_real_,
meanRatioUpper = NA_real_,
meanRatio = 1,
CV = 1,
allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.05,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
if ( {
stop("meanRatioLower must be provided")
if ( {
stop("meanRatioUpper must be provided")
if (meanRatioLower <= 0) {
stop("meanRatioLower must be positive")
if (meanRatioLower >= meanRatio) {
stop("meanRatioLower must be less than meanRatio")
if (meanRatioUpper <= meanRatio) {
stop("meanRatioUpper must be greater than meanRatio")
if (CV <= 0) {
stop("CV must be positive")
if (allocationRatioPlanned <= 0) {
stop("allocationRatioPlanned must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
des = getDesignMeanDiffEquiv(
beta, n, meanDiffLower = log(meanRatioLower),
meanDiffUpper = log(meanRatioUpper),
meanDiff = log(meanRatio),
stDev = sqrt(log(1 + CV^2)),
normalApproximation, rounding,
kMax, informationRates,
alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
des$overallResults$meanRatioLower = meanRatioLower
des$overallResults$meanRatioUpper = meanRatioUpper
des$overallResults$meanRatio = meanRatio
des$overallResults$CV = CV
des$overallResults$meanDiffLower = NULL
des$overallResults$meanDiffUpper = NULL
des$overallResults$meanDiff = NULL
des$overallResults$stDev = NULL
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanRatioLower =
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanRatioUpper =
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiffLower = NULL
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiffUpper = NULL
attr(des, "class") = "designMeanRatioEquiv"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for Equivalence in Mean Difference
#' in 2x2 Crossover
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for a group sequential design for equivalence in
#' mean difference in 2x2 crossover.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param meanDiffLower The lower equivalence limit of mean difference.
#' @param meanDiffUpper The upper equivalence limit of mean difference.
#' @param meanDiff The mean difference under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' @param stDev The standard deviation for within-subject random error.
#' @param allocationRatioPlanned Allocation ratio for sequence A/B
#' versus sequence B/A. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization.
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
#' Defaults to \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @param alpha The significance level for each of the two one-sided
#' tests. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designMeanDiffXOEquiv} object with three
#' components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The overall significance level.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{meanDiffLower}: The lower equivalence limit of mean
#' difference.
#' - \code{meanDiffUpper}: The upper equivalence limit of mean
#' difference.
#' - \code{meanDiff}: The mean difference under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' - \code{stDev}: The standard deviation for within-subject random
#' error.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale for
#' each of the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha for each of
#' the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{cumulativeAttainedAlpha}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{efficacyMeanDiffLower}: The efficacy boundaries on the
#' mean difference scale for the one-sided null hypothesis on the
#' lower equivalence limit.
#' - \code{efficacyMeanDiffUpper}: The efficacy boundaries on the
#' mean difference scale for the one-sided null hypothesis on the
#' upper equivalence limit.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy bounds on the p-value scale for
#' each of the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{allocationRatioPlanned}: Allocation ratio for sequence A/B
#' versus sequence B/A.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' # Example 1: group sequential trial power calculation
#' (design1 <- getDesignMeanDiffXOEquiv(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, meanDiffLower = -1.3, meanDiffUpper = 1.3,
#' meanDiff = 0, stDev = 2.2,
#' kMax = 4, alpha = 0.05, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF"))
#' # Example 2: sample size calculation for t-test
#' (design2 <- getDesignMeanDiffXOEquiv(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, meanDiffLower = -1.3, meanDiffUpper = 1.3,
#' meanDiff = 0, stDev = 2.2,
#' normalApproximation = FALSE, alpha = 0.05))
#' @export
getDesignMeanDiffXOEquiv <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
meanDiffLower = NA_real_,
meanDiffUpper = NA_real_,
meanDiff = 0,
stDev = 1,
allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.05,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
if ( && {
stop("beta and n cannot be both missing")
if (! && ! {
stop("Only one of beta and n should be provided")
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (! && n <= 0) {
stop("n must be positive")
if ( {
stop("meanDiffLower must be provided")
if ( {
stop("meanDiffUpper must be provided")
if (meanDiffLower >= meanDiff) {
stop("meanDiffLower must be less than meanDiff")
if (meanDiffUpper <= meanDiff) {
stop("meanDiffUpper must be greater than meanDiff")
if (stDev <= 0) {
stop("stDev must be positive")
if (allocationRatioPlanned <= 0) {
stop("allocationRatioPlanned must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
if (any( {
informationRates = (1:kMax)/kMax
# variance for one sampling unit
r = allocationRatioPlanned/(1 + allocationRatioPlanned)
v1 = stDev^2/(2*r*(1-r))
f <- function(n) { # power for two one-sided t-tests
b = qt(1-alpha, n-2)
ncpLower = (meanDiff - meanDiffLower)*sqrt(n/v1)
powerLower = pt(b, n-2, ncpLower, lower.tail = FALSE)
ncpUpper = (meanDiffUpper - meanDiff)*sqrt(n/v1)
powerUpper = pt(b, n-2, ncpUpper, lower.tail = FALSE)
power = powerLower + powerUpper - 1
if ( { # calculate sample size
des = getDesignEquiv(
beta = beta, IMax = NA, thetaLower = meanDiffLower,
thetaUpper = meanDiffUpper, theta = meanDiff,
kMax = kMax, informationRates = informationRates,
alpha = alpha, typeAlphaSpending = typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending = parameterAlphaSpending,
userAlphaSpending = userAlphaSpending,
spendingTime = spendingTime)
n = des$overallResults$information*v1
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
n = uniroot(function(n) f(n) - (1-beta), c(0.5*n, 1.5*n))$root
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
informationRates = round(n*informationRates)/n
if ( || rounding) { # calculate power
des = getDesignEquiv(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, thetaLower = meanDiffLower,
thetaUpper = meanDiffUpper, theta = meanDiff,
kMax = kMax, informationRates = informationRates,
alpha = alpha, typeAlphaSpending = typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending = parameterAlphaSpending,
userAlphaSpending = userAlphaSpending,
spendingTime = spendingTime)
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
power = f(n)
b = qt(1-alpha, n-2)
ncp = (meanDiffUpper - meanDiffLower)*sqrt(n/v1)
attainedAlpha = integrate(function(x) {
t1 = pnorm(-b*x + ncp) - pnorm(b*x)
t2 = dgamma((n-2)*x*x, (n-2)/2, 1/2)*2*(n-2)*x
}, 0, ncp/(2*b))$value
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$overallResults$attainedAlpha = attainedAlpha
des$overallResults$information = n/v1
des$overallResults$expectedInformationH1 = n/v1
des$overallResults$expectedInformationH0 = n/v1
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeAttainedAlpha = attainedAlpha
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiffLower = b*sqrt(v1/n) +
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiffUpper = -b*sqrt(v1/n) +
des$byStageResults$information = n/v1
} else {
des$overallResults$attainedAlpha =
des$overallResults$expectedInformationH0 =
des$byStageResults$cumulativeAttainedAlpha =
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiffLower =
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiffUpper =
des$overallResults$numberOfSubjects = n
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1 =
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0 =
des$overallResults$meanDiffLower = meanDiffLower
des$overallResults$meanDiffUpper = meanDiffUpper
des$overallResults$meanDiff = meanDiff
des$overallResults$stDev = stDev
des$overallResults <-
des$overallResults[, c("overallReject", "alpha", "attainedAlpha",
"kMax", "information", "expectedInformationH1",
"expectedInformationH0", "numberOfSubjects",
"expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0", "meanDiffLower",
"meanDiffUpper", "meanDiff", "stDev")]
des$byStageResults$numberOfSubjects = n*informationRates
des$byStageResults <-
des$byStageResults[, c("informationRates", "efficacyBounds",
"rejectPerStage", "cumulativeRejection",
"cumulativeAlphaSpent", "cumulativeAttainedAlpha",
"efficacyMeanDiffUpper", "efficacyP",
"information", "numberOfSubjects")]
des$settings$allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned
des$settings$normalApproximation = normalApproximation
des$settings$rounding = rounding
des$settings <-
des$settings[c("typeAlphaSpending", "parameterAlphaSpending",
"userAlphaSpending", "spendingTime",
"normalApproximation", "rounding")]
attr(des, "class") = "designMeanDiffXOEquiv"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for Equivalence in Mean Ratio
#' in 2x2 Crossover
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for a group sequential design for equivalence
#' mean ratio in 2x2 crossover.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param meanRatioLower The lower equivalence limit of mean ratio.
#' @param meanRatioUpper The upper equivalence limit of mean ratio.
#' @param meanRatio The mean ratio under the alternative hypothesis.
#' @param CV The coefficient of variation.
#' @param allocationRatioPlanned Allocation ratio for sequence A/B
#' versus sequence B/A. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization.
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
#' Defaults to \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @param alpha The significance level for each of the two one-sided
#' tests. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designMeanRatioEquiv} object with three
#' components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The overall significance level.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{meanRatioLower}: The lower equivalence limit of mean ratio.
#' - \code{meanRatioUpper}: The upper equivalence limit of mean ratio.
#' - \code{meanRatio}: The mean ratio under the alternative hypothesis.
#' - \code{CV}: The coefficient of variation.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale for
#' each of the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha for each of
#' the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{cumulativeAttainedAlpha}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{efficacyMeanRatioLower}: The efficacy boundaries on the
#' mean ratio scale for the one-sided null hypothesis on the
#' lower equivalence limit.
#' - \code{efficacyMeanRatioUpper}: The efficacy boundaries on the
#' mean ratio scale for the one-sided null hypothesis on the
#' upper equivalence limit.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy bounds on the p-value scale for
#' each of the two one-sided tests.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{allocationRatioPlanned}: Allocation ratio for sequence A/B
#' versus sequence B/A.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' # Example 1: group sequential trial power calculation
#' (design1 <- getDesignMeanRatioXOEquiv(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, meanRatioLower = 0.8, meanRatioUpper = 1.25,
#' meanRatio = 1, CV = 0.35,
#' kMax = 4, alpha = 0.05, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF"))
#' # Example 2: sample size calculation for t-test
#' (design2 <- getDesignMeanRatioXOEquiv(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, meanRatioLower = 0.8, meanRatioUpper = 1.25,
#' meanRatio = 1, CV = 0.35,
#' normalApproximation = FALSE, alpha = 0.05))
#' @export
getDesignMeanRatioXOEquiv <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
meanRatioLower = NA_real_,
meanRatioUpper = NA_real_,
meanRatio = 1,
CV = 1,
allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.05,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
if ( {
stop("meanRatioLower must be provided")
if ( {
stop("meanRatioUpper must be provided")
if (meanRatioLower <= 0) {
stop("meanRatioLower must be positive")
if (meanRatioLower >= meanRatio) {
stop("meanRatioLower must be less than meanRatio")
if (meanRatioUpper <= meanRatio) {
stop("meanRatioUpper must be greater than meanRatio")
if (CV <= 0) {
stop("CV must be positive")
if (allocationRatioPlanned <= 0) {
stop("allocationRatioPlanned must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
des = getDesignMeanDiffXOEquiv(
beta, n, meanDiffLower = log(meanRatioLower),
meanDiffUpper = log(meanRatioUpper),
meanDiff = log(meanRatio),
stDev = sqrt(log(1 + CV^2)),
normalApproximation, rounding,
kMax, informationRates,
alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
des$overallResults$meanRatioLower = meanRatioLower
des$overallResults$meanRatioUpper = meanRatioUpper
des$overallResults$meanRatio = meanRatio
des$overallResults$CV = CV
des$overallResults$meanDiffLower = NULL
des$overallResults$meanDiffUpper = NULL
des$overallResults$meanDiff = NULL
des$overallResults$stDev = NULL
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanRatioLower =
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanRatioUpper =
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiffLower = NULL
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiffUpper = NULL
attr(des, "class") = "designMeanRatioXOEquiv"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for Two-Sample Wilcoxon Test
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for a group sequential design for two-sample
#' Wilcoxon test.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param pLarger The probability that a randomly chosen sample from
#' the treatment group is larger than a randomly chosen sample from the
#' control group under the alternative hypothesis.
#' @param allocationRatioPlanned Allocation ratio for the active treatment
#' versus control. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
#' Defaults to \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_efficacyStopping
#' @inheritParams param_futilityStopping
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @inheritParams param_alpha
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_futilityBounds
#' @inheritParams param_typeBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userBetaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designWilcoxon} object with three
#' components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The overall significance level.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level, which is
#' different from the overall significance level in the presence of
#' futility stopping..
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{theta}: The parameter value.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{drift}: The drift parameter, equal to
#' \code{theta*sqrt(information)}.
#' - \code{inflationFactor}: The inflation factor (relative to the
#' fixed design).
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{pLarger}: The probability that a randomly chosen sample from
#' the treatment group is larger than a randomly chosen sample from the
#' control group under the alternative hypothesis.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{futilityBounds}: The futility boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityPerStage}: The probability for futility stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutility}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha spent.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{futilityP}: The futility boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{efficacyStopping}: Whether to allow efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityStopping}: Whether to allow futility stopping.
#' - \code{rejectPerStageH0}: The probability for efficacy stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{futilityPerStageH0}: The probability for futility stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejectionH0}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutilityH0}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping under H0.
#' - \code{efficacyPLarger}: The efficacy boundaries on the proportion
#' of pairs of samples from the two treatment groups with the sample
#' from the treatment group greater than that from the control group.
#' - \code{futilityPLarger}: The futility boundaries on the proportion
#' of pairs of samples from the two treatment groups with the sample
#' from the treatment group greater than that from the control group.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{typeBetaSpending}: The type of beta spending.
#' - \code{parameterBetaSpending}: The parameter value for beta spending.
#' - \code{userBetaSpending}: The user defined beta spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{allocationRatioPlanned}: Allocation ratio for the active
#' treatment versus control.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' # Example 1: fixed design
#' (design1 <- getDesignWilcoxon(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA,
#' pLarger = pnorm((8 - 2)/sqrt(2*25^2)), alpha = 0.025))
#' # Example 2: group sequential design
#' (design2 <- getDesignWilcoxon(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA,
#' pLarger = pnorm((8 - 2)/sqrt(2*25^2)), alpha = 0.025,
#' kMax = 3, typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF"))
#' @export
getDesignWilcoxon <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
pLarger = 0.6,
allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
efficacyStopping = NA_integer_,
futilityStopping = NA_integer_,
criticalValues = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.025,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
futilityBounds = NA_real_,
typeBetaSpending = "none",
parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_,
userBetaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
if ( && {
stop("beta and n cannot be both missing")
if (! && ! {
stop("Only one of beta and n should be provided")
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (! && n <= 0) {
stop("n must be positive")
if (pLarger <= 0 || pLarger >= 1) {
stop("pLarger must lie between 0 and 1")
if (allocationRatioPlanned <= 0) {
stop("allocationRatioPlanned must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
if (any( {
informationRates = (1:kMax)/kMax
r = allocationRatioPlanned/(1 + allocationRatioPlanned)
directionUpper = pLarger > 0.5
theta = ifelse(directionUpper, pLarger - 0.5, 0.5 - pLarger)
# variance for one sampling unit
v1 = 1/(12*r*(1-r))
if ( { # power calculation
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
informationRates = round(n*informationRates)/n
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
} else { # sample size calculation
des = getDesign(
beta, IMax = NA, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
n = des$overallResults$information*v1
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
informationRates = des$byStageResults$informationRates
informationRates = round(n*informationRates)/n
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
des$overallResults$numberOfSubjects = n
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1 =
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0 =
des$overallResults$pLarger = pLarger
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyPLarger =
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + 0.5
des$byStageResults$futilityPLarger =
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + 0.5
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyPLarger =
-des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + 0.5
des$byStageResults$futilityPLarger =
-des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + 0.5
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta = NULL
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta = NULL
des$byStageResults$numberOfSubjects =
des$settings$allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned
des$settings$rounding = rounding
des$settings$varianceRatio = NULL
attr(des, "class") = "designWilcoxon"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for Two-Sample Mean Difference From the
#' MMRM Model
#' @description Obtains the power and sample size for two-sample
#' mean difference at the last time point from the mixed-model
#' for repeated measures (MMRM) model.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param meanDiffH0 The mean difference at the last time point
#' under the null hypothesis. Defaults to 0.
#' @param meanDiff The mean difference at the last time point
#' under the alternative hypothesis.
#' @param k The number of postbaseline time points.
#' @param t The postbaseline time points.
#' @param covar1 The covariance matrix for the repeated measures
#' given baseline for the active treatment group.
#' @param covar2 The covariance matrix for the repeated measures
#' given baseline for the control group. If missing, it will be
#' set equal to the covariance matrix for the active treatment group.
#' @inheritParams param_accrualTime
#' @inheritParams param_accrualIntensity
#' @inheritParams param_piecewiseSurvivalTime
#' @inheritParams param_gamma1
#' @inheritParams param_gamma2
#' @inheritParams param_accrualDuration
#' @inheritParams param_allocationRatioPlanned
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The
#' degrees of freedom for the t-distribution is the total effective
#' sample size minus 2. The exact calculation using the t distribution
#' is only implemented for the fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Defaults to
#' \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_efficacyStopping
#' @inheritParams param_futilityStopping
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @inheritParams param_alpha
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_futilityBounds
#' @inheritParams param_typeBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userBetaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designMeanDiffMMRM} object with three
#' components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The overall significance level.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level, which is
#' different from the overall significance level in the presence of
#' futility stopping.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{theta}: The parameter value.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{drift}: The drift parameter, equal to
#' \code{theta*sqrt(information)}.
#' - \code{inflationFactor}: The inflation factor (relative to the
#' fixed design).
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{studyDuration}: The maximum study duration.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{expectedStudyDurationH1}: The expected study duration
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedStudyDurationH0}: The expected study duration
#' under H0.
#' - \code{accrualDuration}: The accrual duration.
#' - \code{followupTime}: The follow-up time.
#' - \code{fixedFollowup}: Whether a fixed follow-up design is used.
#' - \code{meanDiffH0}: The mean difference under H0.
#' - \code{meanDiff}: The mean difference under H1.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{futilityBounds}: The futility boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityPerStage}: The probability for futility stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutility}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha spent.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{futilityP}: The futility boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{efficacyStopping}: Whether to allow efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityStopping}: Whether to allow futility stopping.
#' - \code{rejectPerStageH0}: The probability for efficacy stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{futilityPerStageH0}: The probability for futility stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejectionH0}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutilityH0}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping under H0.
#' - \code{efficacyMeanDiff}: The efficacy boundaries on the mean
#' difference scale.
#' - \code{futilityMeanDiff}: The futility boundaries on the mean
#' difference scale.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' - \code{analysisTime}: The average time since trial start.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{typeBetaSpending}: The type of beta spending.
#' - \code{parameterBetaSpending}: The parameter value for beta spending.
#' - \code{userBetaSpending}: The user defined beta spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{allocationRatioPlanned}: The allocation ratio for the active
#' treatment versus control.
#' - \code{accrualTime}: A vector that specifies the starting time of
#' piecewise Poisson enrollment time intervals.
#' - \code{accrualIntensity}: A vector of accrual intensities.
#' One for each accrual time interval.
#' - \code{piecewiseSurvivalTime}: A vector that specifies the
#' starting time of piecewise exponential survival time intervals.
#' - \code{gamma1}: The hazard rate for exponential dropout or
#' a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout
#' for the active treatment group.
#' - \code{gamma2}: The hazard rate for exponential dropout or
#' a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout
#' for the control group.
#' - \code{k}: The number of postbaseline time points.
#' - \code{t}: The postbaseline time points.
#' - \code{covar1}: The covariance matrix for the repeated measures
#' given baseline for the active treatment group.
#' - \code{covar2}: The covariance matrix for the repeated measures
#' given baseline for the control group.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' # function to generate the AR(1) correlation matrix
#' ar1_cor <- function(n, corr) {
#' exponent <- abs(matrix((1:n) - 1, n, n, byrow = TRUE) - ((1:n) - 1))
#' corr^exponent
#' }
#' (design1 = getDesignMeanDiffMMRM(
#' beta = 0.2,
#' meanDiffH0 = 0,
#' meanDiff = 0.5,
#' k = 4,
#' t = c(1,2,3,4),
#' covar1 = ar1_cor(4, 0.7),
#' accrualIntensity = 10,
#' gamma1 = 0.02634013,
#' gamma2 = 0.02634013,
#' accrualDuration = NA,
#' allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
#' kMax = 3,
#' alpha = 0.025,
#' typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF"))
#' @export
getDesignMeanDiffMMRM <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
meanDiffH0 = 0,
meanDiff = 0.5,
k = 1,
t = NA_real_,
covar1 = diag(k),
covar2 = NA_real_,
accrualTime = 0,
accrualIntensity = NA_real_,
piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0,
gamma1 = 0,
gamma2 = 0,
accrualDuration = NA_real_,
allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
efficacyStopping = NA_integer_,
futilityStopping = NA_integer_,
criticalValues = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.025,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
futilityBounds = NA_real_,
typeBetaSpending = "none",
parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_,
userBetaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
nintervals = length(piecewiseSurvivalTime)
if ( && {
stop("beta and accrualDuration cannot be both missing")
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (k <= 0 || k != round(k)) {
stop("k must be a positive integer")
if (any( {
stop("t must be provided")
} else if (length(t) != k) {
stop("Invalid length for t")
} else if (any(t <= 0)) {
stop("Elements of t must be positive")
} else if (k > 1 && any(diff(t) <= 0)) {
stop("Elements of t must be increasing")
if (!all(eigen(covar1)$values > 0)) {
stop("covar1 must be positive definite")
if (any( {
covar2 = covar1
} else if (!all(eigen(covar2)$values > 0)) {
stop("covar2 must be positive definite")
if (accrualTime[1] != 0) {
stop("accrualTime must start with 0")
if (length(accrualTime) > 1 && any(diff(accrualTime) <= 0)) {
stop("accrualTime should be increasing")
if (any( {
stop("accrualIntensity must be provided")
if (length(accrualTime) != length(accrualIntensity)) {
stop("accrualTime and accrualIntensity must have the same length")
if (any(accrualIntensity < 0)) {
stop("accrualIntensity must be non-negative")
if (piecewiseSurvivalTime[1] != 0) {
stop("piecewiseSurvivalTime must start with 0")
if (nintervals > 1 && any(diff(piecewiseSurvivalTime) <= 0)) {
stop("piecewiseSurvivalTime should be increasing")
if (any(gamma1 < 0)) {
stop("gamma1 must be non-negative")
if (any(gamma2 < 0)) {
stop("gamma2 must be non-negative")
if (length(gamma1) != 1 && length(gamma1) != nintervals) {
stop("Invalid length for gamma1")
if (length(gamma2) != 1 && length(gamma2) != nintervals) {
stop("Invalid length for gamma2")
if (length(gamma1) == 1) {
gamma1 = rep(gamma1, nintervals)
if (length(gamma2) == 1) {
gamma2 = rep(gamma2, nintervals)
if (! && accrualDuration <= 0) {
stop("accrualDuration must be positive")
if (allocationRatioPlanned <= 0) {
stop("allocationRatioPlanned must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
if (any( {
informationRates = (1:kMax)/kMax
r = allocationRatioPlanned/(1 + allocationRatioPlanned)
directionUpper = meanDiff > meanDiffH0
theta = ifelse(directionUpper, meanDiff - meanDiffH0,
meanDiffH0 - meanDiff)
# function to obtain the info for mean difference
f_info <- function(tau, k, t, covar1, covar2, accrualTime,
accrualIntensity, piecewiseSurvivalTime,
gamma1, gamma2, accrualDuration, r) {
# total number of enrolled subjects at interim analysis
n = accrual(tau, accrualTime, accrualIntensity, accrualDuration)
# total number of enrolled subjects at each time point
ns = accrual(tau - t, accrualTime, accrualIntensity, accrualDuration)
# probability of not dropping out at each time point by treatment
q1 = ptpwexp(t, piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, lower.tail = FALSE)
q2 = ptpwexp(t, piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma2, lower.tail = FALSE)
# number of subjects remaining at each time point by treatment
m1 = r*ns*q1
m2 = (1-r)*ns*q2
# number of subjects dropping out at each time point by treatment
n1 = c(-diff(m1), m1[k])
n2 = c(-diff(m2), m2[k])
# information matrix in each treatment group
I1 = 0
I2 = 0
I = matrix(0, k, k)
for (j in 1:k) {
I[1:j, 1:j] = solve(covar1[1:j, 1:j])
I1 = I1 + n1[j]*I
I[1:j, 1:j] = solve(covar2[1:j, 1:j])
I2 = I2 + n2[j]*I
# variance for the treatment mean at the last time point by treatment
V1 = solve(I1)
V2 = solve(I2)
# information for treatment difference
IMax = 1/(V1[k,k] + V2[k,k])
# variance for treatment difference for one sampling unit
v1 = (V1[k,k] + V2[k,k])*n
# inflation factors for each treatment
phi1 = V1[k,k]/(covar1[k,k]/(r*n))
phi2 = V2[k,k]/(covar2[k,k]/((1-r)*n))
# information for treatment mean difference at the last time point
list(IMax = IMax, v1 = v1, phi1 = phi1, phi2 = phi2)
# power calculation
if ( {
n = accrual(accrualDuration, accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
accrualDuration = getAccrualDurationFromN(n, accrualTime,
studyDuration = accrualDuration + t[k]
out = f_info(studyDuration, k, t, covar1, covar2, accrualTime,
accrualIntensity, piecewiseSurvivalTime,
gamma1, gamma2, accrualDuration, r)
IMax = out$IMax
phi1 = out$phi1
phi2 = out$phi2
des = getDesign(
beta, IMax, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
if (!any( {
alpha = 1 - pnorm(criticalValues)
nu = n*r/phi1 + n*(1-r)/phi2 - 2
b = qt(1-alpha, nu)
ncp = theta*sqrt(IMax)
power = pt(b, nu, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$futilityPerStage = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeFutility = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$futilityBounds = b
delta = b/sqrt(IMax)
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff = delta + meanDiffH0
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff = delta + meanDiffH0
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff = -delta + meanDiffH0
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff = -delta + meanDiffH0
} else {
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff =
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + meanDiffH0
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff =
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + meanDiffH0
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff =
-des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + meanDiffH0
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff =
-des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + meanDiffH0
} else { # sample size calculation
des = getDesign(
beta, NA, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
IMax = des$overallResults$information
out = f_info(1 + t[k], k, t, covar1, covar2, accrualTime,
accrualIntensity, piecewiseSurvivalTime,
gamma1, gamma2, 1, r)
v1 = out$v1
phi1 = out$phi1
phi2 = out$phi2
n = IMax*v1
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
if (!any( {
alpha = 1 - pnorm(criticalValues)
# power for t-test
f = function(n, r, phi1, phi2, alpha, theta, v1) {
nu = n*r/phi1 + n*(1-r)/phi2 - 2
b = qt(1-alpha, nu)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
pt(b, nu, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
n = uniroot(function(n) {
f(n, r, phi1, phi2, alpha, theta, v1) - (1-beta)
}, c(0.5*n, 1.5*n))$root
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
if ( {
accrualDuration = getAccrualDurationFromN(n, accrualTime,
} else { # calculate accrualIntensity
accrualIntensity = uniroot(function(x) {
accrual(accrualDuration, accrualTime, x*accrualIntensity,
accrualDuration) - n
}, c(0.001, 240))$root*accrualIntensity
# final maximum information
IMax = n/v1
nu = n*r/phi1 + n*(1-r)/phi2 - 2
b = qt(1-alpha, nu)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
power = pt(b, nu, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$futilityPerStage = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeFutility = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$futilityBounds = b
delta = b/sqrt(IMax)
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff = delta + meanDiffH0
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff = delta + meanDiffH0
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff = -delta + meanDiffH0
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff = -delta + meanDiffH0
} else {
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
if ( {
accrualDuration = getAccrualDurationFromN(n, accrualTime,
} else { # calculate accrualIntensity
accrualIntensity = uniroot(function(x) {
accrual(accrualDuration, accrualTime, x*accrualIntensity,
accrualDuration) - n
}, c(0.001, 240))$root*accrualIntensity
# final maximum information
IMax = n/v1
des = getDesign(
NA, IMax, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff =
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + meanDiffH0
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff =
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + meanDiffH0
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacyMeanDiff =
-des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + meanDiffH0
des$byStageResults$futilityMeanDiff =
-des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + meanDiffH0
# timing of interim analysis
studyDuration = accrualDuration + t[k]
information = IMax*informationRates
analysisTime = rep(0, kMax)
if (kMax > 1) {
for (i in 1:(kMax-1)) {
analysisTime[i] = uniroot(function(tau) {
out = f_info(tau, k, t, covar1, covar2, accrualTime,
accrualIntensity, piecewiseSurvivalTime,
gamma1, gamma2, accrualDuration, r)
out$IMax - information[i]
}, c(t[k]+0.001, studyDuration))$root
analysisTime[kMax] = studyDuration
numberOfSubjects = accrual(analysisTime, accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
p = des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage +
pH0 = des$byStageResults$rejectPerStageH0 +
des$overallResults$numberOfSubjects = n
des$overallResults$studyDuration = studyDuration
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1 = sum(p*numberOfSubjects)
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0 = sum(pH0*numberOfSubjects)
des$overallResults$expectedStudyDurationH1 = sum(p*analysisTime)
des$overallResults$expectedStudyDurationH0 = sum(pH0*analysisTime)
des$overallResults$accrualDuration = accrualDuration
des$overallResults$followupTime = t[k]
des$overallResults$fixedFollowup = TRUE
des$overallResults$meanDiffH0 = meanDiffH0
des$overallResults$meanDiff = meanDiff
des$byStageResults$numberOfSubjects = numberOfSubjects
des$byStageResults$analysisTime = analysisTime
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta = NULL
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta = NULL
des$settings$allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned
des$settings$accrualTime = accrualTime
des$settings$accrualIntensity = accrualIntensity
des$settings$piecewiseSurvivalTime = piecewiseSurvivalTime
des$settings$gamma1 = gamma1
des$settings$gamma2 = gamma2
des$settings$k = k
des$settings$t = t
des$settings$covar1 = covar1
des$settings$covar2 = covar2
des$settings$normalApproximation = normalApproximation
des$settings$rounding = rounding
des$settings$varianceRatio = NULL
attr(des, "class") = "designMeanDiffMMRM"
#' @title Power and Sample Size for Direct Treatment Effects in Crossover
#' Trials Accounting for Carryover Effects
#' @description Obtains the power and sample size for direct treatment
#' effects in crossover trials accounting for carryover effects.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param meanDiffH0 The mean difference at the last time point
#' under the null hypothesis. Defaults to 0.
#' @param meanDiff The mean difference at the last time point
#' under the alternative hypothesis.
#' @param stDev The standard deviation for within-subject random error.
#' @param corr The intra-subject correlation due to subject random effect.
#' @param design The crossover design represented by a matrix with
#' rows indexing the sequences, columns indexing the periods, and
#' matrix entries indicating the treatments.
#' @param cumdrop The cumulative dropout rate over periods.
#' @param allocationRatioPlanned Allocation ratio for the sequences.
#' Defaults to equal randomization if not provided.
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @param alpha The one-sided significance level. Defaults to 0.025.
#' @details
#' The linear mixed-effects model to assess the direct treatment effect
#' in the presence of carryover treatment effect is given by
#' \deqn{y_{ijk} = \mu + \alpha_i + b_{ij} + \gamma_k + \tau_{d(i,k)}
#' + \lambda_{c(i,k-1)} + e_{ijk},}
#' \deqn{i=1,\ldots,n; j=1,\ldots,r_i; k = 1,\ldots,p; d,c = 1,\ldots,t,}
#' where \eqn{\mu} is the general mean, \eqn{\alpha_i} is the effect of
#' the \eqn{i}th treatment sequence, \eqn{b_{ij}} is the random effect
#' with variance \eqn{\sigma_b^2} for the \eqn{j}the subject of the
#' \eqn{i}th treatment sequence, \eqn{\gamma_k} is the period effect,
#' and \eqn{e_{ijk}} is the random error with variance \eqn{\sigma^2}
#' for the subject in period \eqn{k}. The direct effect of the treatment
#' administered in period \eqn{k} of sequence \eqn{i} is
#' \eqn{\tau_{d(i,k)}}, and \eqn{\lambda_{c(i,k-1)}} is the carryover
#' effect of the treatment administered in period \eqn{k-1} of sequence
#' \eqn{i}. The value of the carryover effect for the observed
#' response in the first period is \eqn{\lambda_{c(i,0)} = 0} since
#' there is no carryover effect in the first period. The intra-subject
#' correlation due to the subject random effect is
#' \deqn{\rho = \frac{\sigma_b^2}{\sigma_b^2 + sigma^2}.}
#' By constructing the design matrix \eqn{X} for the linear model with
#' a compound symmetry covariance matrix for the response vector of
#' a subject, we can obtain \deqn{Var(\hat{\beta}) = (X'V^{-1}X)^{-1}.}
#' The covariance matrix for the direct treatment effects and the
#' carryover treatment effects can be extracted from the appropriate
#' sub-matrices. The covariance matrix for the direct treatment effects
#' without accounting for the carryover treatment effects can be obtained
#' by omitting the carryover effect terms from the model.
#' The power and relative efficiency are for the direct treatment
#' effect comparing the first treatment to the last treatment
#' accounting for carryover effects.
#' The degrees of freedom for the t-test can be calculated as the
#' total number of observations minus the number of subjects minus
#' \eqn{p-1} minus \eqn{2(t-1)} to account for the subject effect,
#' period effect, and direct and carryover treatment effects.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designMeanDiffCarryover} object with the
#' following components:
#' * \code{power}: The power to reject the null hypothesis.
#' * \code{alpha}: The one-sided significance level.
#' * \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' * \code{meanDiffH0}: The mean difference under the null hypothesis.
#' * \code{meanDiff}: The mean difference under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' * \code{stDev}: The standard deviation for within-subject random error.
#' * \code{corr}: The intra-subject correlation due to subject random effect.
#' * \code{design}: The crossover design represented by a matrix with
#' rows indexing the sequences, columns indexing the periods, and
#' matrix entries indicating the treatments.
#' * \code{nseq}: The number of sequences.
#' * \code{nprd}: The number of periods.
#' * \code{ntrt}: The number of treatments.
#' * \code{cumdrop}: The cumulative dropout rate over periods.
#' * \code{V_direct_only}: The covariance matrix for direct treatment
#' effects without accounting for carryover effects.
#' * \code{V_direct_carry}: The covariance matrix for direct and
#' carryover treatment effects.
#' * \code{v_direct_only}: The variance of direct treatment effects
#' without accounting for carryover effects.
#' * \code{v_direct}: The variance of direct treatment effects
#' accounting for carryover effects.
#' * \code{v_carry}: The variance of carryover treatment effects.
#' * \code{releff_direct}: The relative efficiency of the design
#' for estimating direct treatment effects after accounting
#' for carryover effects with respect to that without
#' accounting for carryover effects. This is equal to
#' \code{v_direct_only/v_direct}.
#' * \code{releff_carry}: The relative efficiency of the design
#' for estimating carryover effects. This is equal to
#' \code{v_direct_only/v_carry}.
#' * \code{allocationRatioPlanned}: Allocation ratio for the sequences.
#' * \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution.
#' * \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @references
#' Robert O. Kuehl. Design of Experiments: Statistical Principles of
#' Research Design and Analysis. Brooks/Cole: Pacific Grove, CA. 2000.
#' @examples
#' # Williams design for 4 treatments
#' (design1 = getDesignMeanDiffCarryover(
#' beta = 0.2, n = NA,
#' meanDiff = 0.5, stDev = 1,
#' design = matrix(c(1, 4, 2, 3,
#' 2, 1, 3, 4,
#' 3, 2, 4, 1,
#' 4, 3, 1, 2),
#' 4, 4, byrow = TRUE),
#' alpha = 0.025))
#' @export
getDesignMeanDiffCarryover <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
meanDiffH0 = 0,
meanDiff = 0.5,
stDev = 1,
corr = 0.5,
design = NA_real_,
cumdrop = NA_real_,
allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_,
normalApproximation = FALSE,
rounding = TRUE,
alpha = 0.025) {
if ( && {
stop("beta and n cannot be both missing")
if (! && ! {
stop("Only one of beta and n should be provided")
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (! && n <= 0) {
stop("n must be positive")
if (stDev <= 0) {
stop("stDev must be positive")
if (corr <= -1 || corr >= 1) {
stop("corr must lie between -1 and 1")
if (any( {
stop("design must be provided")
nseq = nrow(design)
nprd = ncol(design)
ntrt = length(unique(c(design)))
if (any(design <= 0 | design != round(design)) ||
!all.equal(unique(c(design)), 1:ntrt)) {
stop(paste("Elements of design must be positive integers",
"ranging from 1 to", ntrt))
# number of model parameters consisting of the intercept, sequence effects,
# period effects, direct treatment effects, and carryover treatment effects
q = 1 + (nseq-1) + (nprd-1) + (ntrt-1) + (ntrt-1)
# start of direct treatment effect
l = 1 + (nseq-1) + (nprd-1) + 1
# end of direct treatment effect
m = 1 + (nseq-1) + (nprd-1) + (ntrt-1)
if (q > nseq*nprd) {
stop("The crossover design is overparameterized")
if (any( {
cumdrop = rep(0, nseq)
if (any(cumdrop < 0)) {
stop("Elements of cumdrop must be nonnegative")
} else if (nprd > 1 && any(diff(cumdrop) < 0)) {
stop("Elements of cumdrop must be nondecreasing")
} else if (any(cumdrop >= 1)) {
stop("Elements of cumdrop must be less than 1")
# observed data pattern probabilities
p = diff(c(cumdrop, 1))
if (any( {
allocationRatioPlanned = rep(1, nrow(design))
if (length(allocationRatioPlanned) != nseq-1 &&
length(allocationRatioPlanned) != nseq) {
stop(paste("allocationRatioPlanned should have", nseq-1,
"or", nseq, "elements"))
if (length(allocationRatioPlanned) == nseq-1) {
allocationRatioPlanned = c(allocationRatioPlanned, 1)
if (any(allocationRatioPlanned <= 0)) {
stop("Elements of allocationRatioPlanned must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
# treatment sequence randomization probabilities
r = allocationRatioPlanned/sum(allocationRatioPlanned)
directionUpper = meanDiff > meanDiffH0
theta = ifelse(directionUpper, meanDiff - meanDiffH0,
meanDiffH0 - meanDiff)
# model design matrix with carryover effect
X = matrix(0, nseq*nprd, q)
X[,1] = 1
for (i in 1:nseq) {
for (j in 1:nprd) {
k = (i-1)*nprd + j
# sequence effects
if (i < nseq) {
X[k, 1 + i] = 1
# period effects
if (j < nprd) {
X[k, 1 + (nseq-1) + j] = 1
# direct treatment effects
if (design[i,j] < ntrt) {
X[k, 1 + (nseq-1) + (nprd-1) + design[i,j]] = 1
# carryover treatment effects
if (j > 1 && design[i,j-1] < ntrt) {
X[k, 1 + (nseq-1) + (nprd-1) + (ntrt-1) + design[i,j-1]] = 1
# compound symmetry covariance matrix for repeated measures
Sigma = stDev^2/(1-corr) * ((1-corr)*diag(nprd) + corr)
# information matrix for model parameters with carryover effects
I = 0
for (i in 1:nseq) {
offset = (i-1)*nprd
J = 0
for (j in 1:nprd) {
idx = offset + (1:j)
if (j==1) {
x = t(as.matrix(X[idx,]))
} else {
x = X[idx,]
J = J + p[j]*t(x) %*% solve(Sigma[1:j,1:j]) %*% x
I = I + r[i]*J
# covariance matrix for model parameters with carryover effects
V = solve(I)
# variance for direct treatment effect for one sampling unit
v1 = V[l,l]
# information matrix for model parameters without carryover effects
X0 = X[, 1:m]
I0 = 0
for (i in 1:nseq) {
offset = (i-1)*nprd
J = 0
for (j in 1:nprd) {
idx = offset+(1:j)
if (j==1) {
x = t(as.matrix(X0[idx,]))
} else {
x = X0[idx,]
J = J + p[j]*t(x) %*% solve(Sigma[1:j,1:j]) %*% x
I0 = I0 + r[i]*J
# covariance matrix for model parameters without carryover effects
V0 = solve(I0)
# power for t test
f = function(n) {
# residual degrees of freedom after accounting for the subject effects
mean_nprd = sum(p*(1:nprd))
nu = n*mean_nprd - 1 - (n-1) - (nprd-1) - (ntrt-1) - (ntrt-1)
b = qt(1-alpha, nu)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
pt(b, nu, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
if ( { # calculate the sample size
if (normalApproximation) {
n = (qnorm(1-alpha) + qnorm(1-beta))^2*v1/theta^2
} else {
n0 = (qnorm(1-alpha) + qnorm(1-beta))^2*v1/theta^2
n = uniroot(function(n) f(n) - (1-beta), c(0.5*n0, 1.5*n0))$root
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
if (normalApproximation) {
power = pnorm(theta*sqrt(n/v1) - qnorm(1-alpha))
} else {
power = f(n)
rownames(design) = paste0("Seq", 1:nseq)
colnames(design) = paste0("Prd", 1:nprd)
des = list(
power = power, alpha = alpha, numberOfSubjects = n,
meanDiffH0 = meanDiffH0, meanDiff = meanDiff,
stDev = stDev, corr = corr, design = design,
nseq = nseq, nprd = nprd, ntrt = ntrt,
cumdrop = cumdrop,
V_direct_only = V0[l:m,l:m]/n,
V_direct_carry = V[l:q, l:q]/n,
v_direct_only = V0[l,l]/n,
v_direct = V[l,l]/n,
v_carry = V[m+1,m+1]/n,
releff_direct = V0[l,l]/V[l,l],
releff_carry = V0[l,l]/V[m+1,m+1],
allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned,
normalApproximation = normalApproximation,
rounding = rounding)
attr(des, "class") = "designMeanDiffCarryover"
#' @title Power and Sample Size for One-Way ANOVA
#' @description Obtains the power and sample size for one-way
#' analysis of variance.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param ngroups The number of treatment groups.
#' @param means The treatment group means.
#' @param stDev The common standard deviation.
#' @param allocationRatioPlanned Allocation ratio for the treatment
#' groups. It has length \code{ngroups - 1} or \code{ngroups}. If it is
#' of length \code{ngroups - 1}, then the last treatment group will
#' assume value 1 for allocation ratio.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @param alpha The two-sided significance level. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @details
#' Let \eqn{\{\mu_i: i=1,\ldots,k\}} denote the group means, and
#' \eqn{\{r_i: i=1,\ldots,k\}} denote the randomization probabilities
#' to the \eqn{k} treatment groups. Let \eqn{\sigma} denote the
#' common standard deviation, and \eqn{n} denote the total sample
#' size. Then the \eqn{F}-statistic
#' \deqn{F = \frac{SSR/(k-1)}{SSE/(n-k)}
#' \sim F_{k-1, n-k, \lambda},} where
#' \deqn{\lambda = n \sum_{i=1}^k r_i (\mu_i - \bar{\mu})^2/\sigma^2}
#' is the noncentrality parameter, and
#' \eqn{\bar{\mu} = \sum_{i=1}^k r_i \mu_i}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designANOVA} object with the following
#' components:
#' * \code{power}: The power to reject the null hypothesis that
#' there is no difference among the treatment groups.
#' * \code{alpha}: The two-sided significance level.
#' * \code{n}: The number of subjects.
#' * \code{ngroups}: The number of treatment groups.
#' * \code{means}: The treatment group means.
#' * \code{stDev}: The common standard deviation.
#' * \code{effectsize}: The effect size.
#' * \code{allocationRatioPlanned}: Allocation ratio for the treatment
#' groups.
#' * \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' (design1 <- getDesignANOVA(
#' beta = 0.1, ngroups = 4, means = c(1.5, 2.5, 2, 0),
#' stDev = 3.5, allocationRatioPlanned = c(2, 2, 2, 1),
#' alpha = 0.05))
#' @export
getDesignANOVA <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
ngroups = 2,
means = NA_real_,
stDev = 1,
allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_,
rounding = TRUE,
alpha = 0.05) {
if ( && {
stop("beta and n cannot be both missing")
if (! && ! {
stop("Only one of beta and n should be provided")
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (! && n <= 0) {
stop("n must be positive")
if (!length(means) == ngroups) {
stop(paste("means must have", ngroups, "elements"))
if (stDev <= 0) {
stop("stDev must be positive")
if (any( {
allocationRatioPlanned = rep(1, ngroups)
if (length(allocationRatioPlanned) != ngroups - 1 &&
length(allocationRatioPlanned) != ngroups) {
stop(paste("allocationRatioPlanned should have", ngroups - 1,
"or", ngroups, "elements"))
if (length(allocationRatioPlanned) == ngroups - 1) {
allocationRatioPlanned = c(allocationRatioPlanned, 1)
if (any(allocationRatioPlanned <= 0)) {
stop("Elements of allocationRatioPlanned must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
r = allocationRatioPlanned/sum(allocationRatioPlanned)
mubar = sum(r*means)
vmu = sum(r*(means - mubar)^2)
# power for F-test
f <- function(n) {
lambda = n*vmu/stDev^2
b = qf(1 - alpha, ngroups - 1, n - ngroups)
pf(b, ngroups - 1, n - ngroups, lambda, lower.tail = FALSE)
if ( {
nu = ngroups - 1
n0 = (qchisq(1-alpha, nu) - nu + qnorm(1-beta)*sqrt(2*nu))/(vmu/stDev^2)
while (f(n0) < 1-beta) n0 <- 2*n0
n = uniroot(function(n) f(n) - (1-beta), c(0.5*n0, n0))$root
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
power = f(n)
des = list(
power = power, alpha = alpha, n = n,
ngroups = ngroups, means = means, stDev = stDev,
effectsize = vmu/stDev^2,
allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned,
rounding = rounding)
attr(des, "class") = "designANOVA"
#' @title Power and Sample Size for Two-Way ANOVA
#' @description Obtains the power and sample size for two-way
#' analysis of variance.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param nlevelsA The number of groups for Factor A.
#' @param nlevelsB The number of levels for Factor B.
#' @param means The matrix of treatment means for Factors A and B
#' combination.
#' @param stDev The common standard deviation.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @param alpha The two-sided significance level. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designTwoWayANOVA} object with the following
#' components:
#' * \code{alpha}: The two-sided significance level.
#' * \code{nlevelsA}: The number of levels for Factor A.
#' * \code{nlevelsB}: The number of levels for Factor B.
#' * \code{means}: The matrix of treatment group means.
#' * \code{stDev}: The common standard deviation.
#' * \code{effectsizeA}: The effect size for Factor A.
#' * \code{effectsizeB}: The effect size for Factor B.
#' * \code{effectsizeAB}: The effect size for Factor A and Factor B
#' interaction.
#' * \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' * \code{powerdf}: The data frame containing the power and sample size
#' results. It has the following variables:
#' - \code{n}: The sample size.
#' - \code{powerA}: The power to reject the null hypothesis that
#' there is no difference among Factor A levels.
#' - \code{powerB}: The power to reject the null hypothesis that
#' there is no difference among Factor B levels.
#' - \code{powerAB}: The power to reject the null hypothesis that
#' there is no interaction between Factor A and Factor B.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' (design1 <- getDesignTwoWayANOVA(
#' beta = 0.1, nlevelsA = 2, nlevelsB = 2,
#' means = matrix(c(0.5, 4.7, 0.4, 6.9), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE),
#' stDev = 2, alpha = 0.05))
#' @export
getDesignTwoWayANOVA <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
nlevelsA = 2,
nlevelsB = 2,
means = NA_real_,
stDev = 1,
rounding = TRUE,
alpha = 0.05) {
if ( && {
stop("beta and n cannot be both missing")
if (! && ! {
stop("Only one of beta and n should be provided")
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (! && n <= 0) {
stop("n must be positive")
if (nlevelsA < 2 || nlevelsA != round(nlevelsA)) {
stop("nlevelsA must be a positive integer >= 2")
if (nlevelsB < 2 || nlevelsB != round(nlevelsB)) {
stop("nlevelsB must be a positive integer >= 2")
if (any( {
stop("means must be provided")
if (!is.matrix(means) || nrow(means) != nlevelsA ||
ncol(means) != nlevelsB) {
stop(paste("means must be a matrix with", nlevelsA, "rows and",
nlevelsB, "columns"))
if (stDev <= 0) {
stop("stDev must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
muA = as.numeric(rowMeans(means))
muB = as.numeric(colMeans(means))
mu = mean(means)
vmuA = var(muA)*(nlevelsA - 1)/nlevelsA
vmuB = var(muB)*(nlevelsB - 1)/nlevelsB
mmuA = matrix(muA, nlevelsA, nlevelsB)
mmuB = matrix(muB, nlevelsA, nlevelsB, byrow = TRUE)
vmuAB = sum((means - mmuA - mmuB + mu)^2)/(nlevelsA*nlevelsB)
effectsizeA = vmuA/stDev^2
effectsizeB = vmuB/stDev^2
effectsizeAB = vmuAB/stDev^2
# power for F-test for Factor A
fA <- function(n) {
lambda = n*effectsizeA
b = qf(1-alpha, nlevelsA - 1, n - nlevelsA*nlevelsB)
pf(b, nlevelsA - 1, n - nlevelsA*nlevelsB, lambda, lower.tail = FALSE)
# power for F-test for Factor A
fB <- function(n) {
lambda = n*effectsizeB
b = qf(1-alpha, nlevelsB - 1, n - nlevelsA*nlevelsB)
pf(b, nlevelsB - 1, n - nlevelsA*nlevelsB, lambda, lower.tail = FALSE)
# power for F-test for Factor A and Factor B interaction
fAB <- function(n) {
lambda = n*effectsizeAB
b = qf(1-alpha, (nlevelsA - 1)*(nlevelsB - 1), n - nlevelsA*nlevelsB)
pf(b, (nlevelsA - 1)*(nlevelsB - 1), n - nlevelsA*nlevelsB,
lambda, lower.tail = FALSE)
if ( {
nu = nlevelsA - 1
n0 = (qchisq(1-alpha, nu) - nu + qnorm(1-beta)*sqrt(2*nu))/effectsizeA
n0 = max(n0, nlevelsA*nlevelsB + 1)
while (fA(n0) < 1-beta) n0 <- 2*n0
nA = uniroot(function(n) fA(n) - (1-beta), c(0.5*n0, n0))$root
nu = nlevelsB - 1
n0 = (qchisq(1-alpha, nu) - nu + qnorm(1-beta)*sqrt(2*nu))/effectsizeB
n0 = max(n0, nlevelsA*nlevelsB + 1)
while (fB(n0) < 1-beta) n0 <- 2*n0
nB = uniroot(function(n) fB(n) - (1-beta), c(0.5*n0, n0))$root
nu = (nlevelsA - 1)*(nlevelsB - 1)
n0 = (qchisq(1-alpha, nu) - nu + qnorm(1-beta)*sqrt(2*nu))/effectsizeAB
n0 = max(n0, nlevelsA*nlevelsB + 1)
while (fAB(n0) < 1-beta) n0 <- 2*n0
nAB = uniroot(function(n) fAB(n) - (1-beta), c(0.5*n0, n0))$root
} else {
nA = n
nB = n
nAB = n
if (rounding) {
nA = ceiling(nA - 1.0e-12)
nB = ceiling(nB - 1.0e-12)
nAB = ceiling(nAB - 1.0e-12)
m = unique(c(nA, nB, nAB))
powerdf = data.frame(n = m, powerA = sapply(m, fA),
powerB = sapply(m, fB), powerAB = sapply(m, fAB))
des = list(
alpha = alpha, nlevelsA = nlevelsA,
nlevelsB = nlevelsB, means = means, stDev = stDev,
effectsizeA = effectsizeA, effectsizeB = effectsizeB,
effectsizeAB = effectsizeAB,
rounding = rounding,
powerdf = powerdf)
attr(des, "class") = "designTwoWayANOVA"
#' @title Power and Sample Size for One-Way ANOVA Contrast
#' @description Obtains the power and sample size for a single contrast
#' in one-way analysis of variance.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param ngroups The number of treatment groups.
#' @param means The treatment group means.
#' @param stDev The common standard deviation.
#' @param contrast The coefficients for the single contrast.
#' @param meanContrastH0 The mean of the contrast under the
#' null hypothesis.
#' @param allocationRatioPlanned Allocation ratio for the treatment
#' groups. It has length \code{ngroups - 1} or \code{ngroups}. If it is
#' of length \code{ngroups - 1}, then the last treatment group will
#' assume value 1 for allocation ratio.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @param alpha The one-sided significance level. Defaults to 0.025.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designANOVAContrast} object with the following
#' components:
#' * \code{power}: The power to reject the null hypothesis for the
#' treatment contrast.
#' * \code{alpha}: The one-sided significance level.
#' * \code{n}: The number of subjects.
#' * \code{ngroups}: The number of treatment groups.
#' * \code{means}: The treatment group means.
#' * \code{stDev}: The common standard deviation.
#' * \code{contrast}: The coefficients for the single contrast.
#' * \code{meanContrastH0}: The mean of the contrast under the null
#' hypothesis.
#' * \code{meanContrast}: The mean of the contrast under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' * \code{effectsize}: The effect size.
#' * \code{allocationRatioPlanned}: Allocation ratio for the treatment
#' groups.
#' * \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' (design1 <- getDesignANOVAContrast(
#' beta = 0.1, ngroups = 4, means = c(1.5, 2.5, 2, 0),
#' stDev = 3.5, contrast = c(1, 1, 1, -3)/3,
#' allocationRatioPlanned = c(2, 2, 2, 1),
#' alpha = 0.025))
#' @export
getDesignANOVAContrast <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
ngroups = 2,
means = NA_real_,
stDev = 1,
contrast = NA_real_,
meanContrastH0 = 0,
allocationRatioPlanned = NA_real_,
rounding = TRUE,
alpha = 0.025) {
if ( && {
stop("beta and n cannot be both missing")
if (! && ! {
stop("Only one of beta and n should be provided")
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (! && n <= 0) {
stop("n must be positive")
if (length(means) != ngroups) {
stop(paste("means must have", ngroups, "elements"))
if (stDev <= 0) {
stop("stDev must be positive")
if (any( {
stop("contrast must be provided")
if (length(contrast) != ngroups) {
stop(paste("contrast must have", ngroups, "elements"))
if (any( {
allocationRatioPlanned = rep(1, ngroups)
if (length(allocationRatioPlanned) != ngroups - 1 &&
length(allocationRatioPlanned) != ngroups) {
stop(paste("allocationRatioPlanned should have", ngroups - 1,
"or", ngroups, "elements"))
if (length(allocationRatioPlanned) == ngroups - 1) {
allocationRatioPlanned = c(allocationRatioPlanned, 1)
if (any(allocationRatioPlanned <= 0)) {
stop("Elements of allocationRatioPlanned must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
r = allocationRatioPlanned/sum(allocationRatioPlanned)
meanContrast = sum(contrast*means)
v1 = sum(contrast^2/r)*stDev^2
directionUpper = meanContrast > meanContrastH0
theta = ifelse(directionUpper, meanContrast - meanContrastH0,
meanContrastH0 - meanContrast)
# power for t-test
f <- function(n) {
b = qt(1-alpha, n-ngroups)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
power = pt(b, n-ngroups, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
if ( {
n0 = (qnorm(1-alpha) + qnorm(1-beta))^2*v1/theta^2
n = uniroot(function(n) f(n) - (1-beta), c(n0, 2*n0))$root
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
power = f(n)
des = list(
power = power, alpha = alpha, n = n,
ngroups = ngroups, means = means, stDev = stDev,
contrast = contrast, meanContrastH0 = meanContrastH0,
meanContrast = meanContrast, effectsize = theta^2/v1,
allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned,
rounding = rounding)
attr(des, "class") = "designANOVAContrast"
#' @title Power and Sample Size for Repeated-Measures ANOVA
#' @description Obtains the power and sample size for one-way repeated
#' measures analysis of variance. Each subject takes all treatments
#' in the longitudinal study.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param ngroups The number of treatment groups.
#' @param means The treatment group means.
#' @param stDev The total standard deviation.
#' @param corr The correlation among the repeated measures.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @param alpha The two-sided significance level. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @details
#' Let \eqn{y_{ij}} denote the measurement under treatment condition
#' \eqn{j (j=1,\ldots,k)} for subject \eqn{i (i=1,\ldots,n)}. Then
#' \deqn{y_{ij} = \alpha + \beta_j + b_i + e_{ij},} where \eqn{b_i}
#' denotes the subject random effect, \eqn{b_i \sim N(0, \sigma_b^2),}
#' and \eqn{e_{ij} \sim N(0, \sigma_e^2)} denotes the within-subject
#' residual. If we set \eqn{\beta_k = 0}, then \eqn{\alpha} is the
#' mean of the last treatment (control), and \eqn{\beta_j} is the
#' difference in means between the \eqn{j}th treatment and the control
#' for \eqn{j=1,\ldots,k-1}.
#' The repeated measures have a compound symmetry covariance structure.
#' Let \eqn{\sigma^2 = \sigma_b^2 + \sigma_e^2}, and
#' \eqn{\rho = \frac{\sigma_b^2}{\sigma_b^2 + \sigma_e^2}}. Then
#' \eqn{Var(y_i) = \sigma^2 \{(1-\rho) I_k + \rho 1_k 1_k^T\}}.
#' Let \eqn{X_i} denote the design matrix for subject \eqn{i}.
#' Let \eqn{\theta = (\alpha, \beta_1, \ldots, \beta_{k-1})^T}.
#' It follows that
#' \deqn{Var(\hat{\theta}) = \left(\sum_{i=1}^{n} X_i^T V_i^{-1}
#' X_i\right)^{-1}.} It can be shown that
#' \deqn{Var(\hat{\beta}) = \frac{\sigma^2 (1-\rho)}{n} (I_{k-1} +
#' 1_{k-1} 1_{k-1}^T).} It follows that
#' \eqn{\hat{\beta}^T \hat{V}_{\hat{\beta}}^{-1} \hat{\beta} \sim
#' F_{k-1,(n-1)(k-1), \lambda},} where the noncentrality parameter for
#' the \eqn{F} distribution is \deqn{\lambda =
#' \beta^T V_{\hat{\beta}}^{-1} \beta = \frac{n \sum_{j=1}^{k}
#' (\mu_j - \bar{\mu})^2}{\sigma^2(1-\rho)}.}
#' @return An S3 class \code{designRepeatedANOVA} object with the
#' following components:
#' * \code{power}: The power to reject the null hypothesis that
#' there is no difference among the treatment groups.
#' * \code{alpha}: The two-sided significance level.
#' * \code{n}: The number of subjects.
#' * \code{ngroups}: The number of treatment groups.
#' * \code{means}: The treatment group means.
#' * \code{stDev}: The total standard deviation.
#' * \code{corr}: The correlation among the repeated measures.
#' * \code{effectsize}: The effect size.
#' * \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' (design1 <- getDesignRepeatedANOVA(
#' beta = 0.1, ngroups = 4, means = c(1.5, 2.5, 2, 0),
#' stDev = 5, corr = 0.2, alpha = 0.05))
#' @export
getDesignRepeatedANOVA <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
ngroups = 2,
means = NA_real_,
stDev = 1,
corr = 0,
rounding = TRUE,
alpha = 0.05) {
if ( && {
stop("beta and n cannot be both missing")
if (! && ! {
stop("Only one of beta and n should be provided")
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (! && n <= 0) {
stop("n must be positive")
if (!length(means) == ngroups) {
stop(paste("means must have", ngroups, "elements"))
if (stDev <= 0) {
stop("stDev must be positive")
if (corr <= -1 || corr >= 1) {
stop("corr must lie between 0 and 1")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
vmu = var(means)*(ngroups-1)/ngroups
# power for F-test
f <- function(n) {
lambda = n*ngroups*vmu/(stDev^2*(1-corr))
b = qf(1 - alpha, ngroups - 1, (n-1)*(ngroups-1))
pf(b, ngroups - 1, (n-1)*(ngroups-1), lambda, lower.tail = FALSE)
if ( {
nu = ngroups - 1
n0 = (qchisq(1-alpha, nu) - nu + qnorm(1-beta)*sqrt(2*nu))/
while (f(n0) < 1-beta) n0 <- 2*n0
n = uniroot(function(n) f(n) - (1-beta), c(0.5*n0, n0))$root
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
power = f(n)
des = list(
power = power, alpha = alpha, n = n,
ngroups = ngroups, means = means, stDev = stDev,
corr = corr, effectsize = ngroups*vmu/(stDev^2*(1-corr)),
rounding = rounding)
attr(des, "class") = "designRepeatedANOVA"
#' @title Power and Sample Size for One-Way Repeated Measures ANOVA Contrast
#' @description Obtains the power and sample size for a single contrast
#' in one-way repeated measures analysis of variance.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param ngroups The number of treatment groups.
#' @param means The treatment group means.
#' @param stDev The total standard deviation.
#' @param corr The correlation among the repeated measures.
#' @param contrast The coefficients for the single contrast.
#' @param meanContrastH0 The mean of the contrast under the
#' null hypothesis.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @param alpha The one-sided significance level. Defaults to 0.025.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designRepeatedANOVAContrast} object with
#' the following components:
#' * \code{power}: The power to reject the null hypothesis for the
#' treatment contrast.
#' * \code{alpha}: The one-sided significance level.
#' * \code{n}: The number of subjects.
#' * \code{ngroups}: The number of treatment groups.
#' * \code{means}: The treatment group means.
#' * \code{stDev}: The total standard deviation.
#' * \code{corr}: The correlation among the repeated measures.
#' * \code{contrast}: The coefficients for the single contrast.
#' * \code{meanContrastH0}: The mean of the contrast under the null
#' hypothesis.
#' * \code{meanContrast}: The mean of the contrast under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' * \code{effectsize}: The effect size.
#' * \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' (design1 <- getDesignRepeatedANOVAContrast(
#' beta = 0.1, ngroups = 4, means = c(1.5, 2.5, 2, 0),
#' stDev = 5, corr = 0.2, contrast = c(1, 1, 1, -3)/3,
#' alpha = 0.025))
#' @export
getDesignRepeatedANOVAContrast <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
ngroups = 2,
means = NA_real_,
stDev = 1,
corr = 0,
contrast = NA_real_,
meanContrastH0 = 0,
rounding = TRUE,
alpha = 0.025) {
if ( && {
stop("beta and n cannot be both missing")
if (! && ! {
stop("Only one of beta and n should be provided")
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (! && n <= 0) {
stop("n must be positive")
if (length(means) != ngroups) {
stop(paste("means must have", ngroups, "elements"))
if (stDev <= 0) {
stop("stDev must be positive")
if (corr <= -1 || corr >= 1) {
stop("corr must lie between -1 and 1")
if (any( {
stop("contrast must be provided")
if (length(contrast) != ngroups) {
stop(paste("contrast must have", ngroups, "elements"))
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
meanContrast = sum(contrast*means)
v1 = sum(contrast^2)*stDev^2*(1-corr)
directionUpper = meanContrast > meanContrastH0
theta = ifelse(directionUpper, meanContrast - meanContrastH0,
meanContrastH0 - meanContrast)
# power for t-test
f <- function(n) {
b = qt(1-alpha, (n-1)*(ngroups-1))
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
power = pt(b, (n-1)*(ngroups-1), ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
if ( {
n0 = (qnorm(1-alpha) + qnorm(1-beta))^2*v1/theta^2
n = uniroot(function(n) f(n) - (1-beta), c(n0, 2*n0))$root
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
power = f(n)
des = list(
power = power, alpha = alpha, n = n,
ngroups = ngroups, means = means, stDev = stDev, corr = corr,
contrast = contrast, meanContrastH0 = meanContrastH0,
meanContrast = meanContrast, effectsize = theta^2/v1,
rounding = rounding)
attr(des, "class") = "designRepeatedANOVAContrast"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for One-Sample Slope
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for a group sequential design for one-sample slope.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param slopeH0 The slope under the null hypothesis.
#' Defaults to 0.
#' @param slope The slope under the alternative hypothesis.
#' @param stDev The standard deviation of the residual.
#' @param stDevCovariate The standard deviation of the covariate.
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
#' Defaults to \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_efficacyStopping
#' @inheritParams param_futilityStopping
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @inheritParams param_alpha
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_futilityBounds
#' @inheritParams param_typeBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userBetaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designOneSlope} object with three components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The overall significance level.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level, which is
#' different from the overall significance level in the presence of
#' futility stopping.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{theta}: The parameter value.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{drift}: The drift parameter, equal to
#' \code{theta*sqrt(information)}.
#' - \code{inflationFactor}: The inflation factor (relative to the
#' fixed design).
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{slopeH0}: The slope under the null hypothesis.
#' - \code{slope}: The slope under the alternative hypothesis.
#' - \code{stDev}: The standard deviation of the residual.
#' - \code{stDevCovariate}: The standard deviation of the covariate.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{futilityBounds}: The futility boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityPerStage}: The probability for futility stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutility}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha spent.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{futilityP}: The futility boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{efficacyStopping}: Whether to allow efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityStopping}: Whether to allow futility stopping.
#' - \code{rejectPerStageH0}: The probability for efficacy stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{futilityPerStageH0}: The probability for futility stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejectionH0}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutilityH0}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping under H0.
#' - \code{efficacySlope}: The efficacy boundaries on the slope scale.
#' - \code{futilitySlope}: The futility boundaries on the slope scale.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{typeBetaSpending}: The type of beta spending.
#' - \code{parameterBetaSpending}: The parameter value for beta spending.
#' - \code{userBetaSpending}: The user defined beta spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' (design1 <- getDesignOneSlope(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, slope = 0.5,
#' stDev = 15, stDevCovariate = 9,
#' normalApproximation = FALSE,
#' alpha = 0.025))
#' @export
getDesignOneSlope <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
slopeH0 = 0,
slope = 0.5,
stDev = 1,
stDevCovariate = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
efficacyStopping = NA_integer_,
futilityStopping = NA_integer_,
criticalValues = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.025,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
futilityBounds = NA_real_,
typeBetaSpending = "none",
parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_,
userBetaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
if ( && {
stop("beta and n cannot be both missing")
if (! && ! {
stop("Only one of beta and n should be provided")
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (! && n <= 0) {
stop("n must be positive")
if (stDev <= 0) {
stop("stDev must be positive")
if (stDevCovariate <= 0) {
stop("stDevCovariate must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
if (any( {
informationRates = (1:kMax)/kMax
directionUpper = slope > slopeH0
theta = ifelse(directionUpper, slope - slopeH0, slopeH0 - slope)
# variance for one sampling unit
v1 = stDev^2/stDevCovariate^2
if ( { # power calculation
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
informationRates = round(n*informationRates)/n
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
if (!any( {
alpha = 1 - pnorm(criticalValues)
b = qt(1-alpha, n-2)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
power = pt(b, n-2, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
delta = b/sqrt(n/v1)
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$futilityPerStage = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeFutility = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$futilityBounds = b
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlope = delta + slopeH0
des$byStageResults$futilitySlope = delta + slopeH0
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlope = -delta + slopeH0
des$byStageResults$futilitySlope = -delta + slopeH0
} else {
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlope =
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + slopeH0
des$byStageResults$futilitySlope =
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + slopeH0
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlope =
-des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + slopeH0
des$byStageResults$futilitySlope =
-des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + slopeH0
} else { # sample size calculation
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
if (!any( {
alpha = 1 - pnorm(criticalValues)
n0 = (qnorm(1-alpha) + qnorm(1-beta))^2*v1/theta^2
n = uniroot(function(n) {
b = qt(1-alpha, n-2)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
pt(b, n-2, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE) - (1 - beta)
}, c(n0, 2*n0))$root
if (rounding) n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
b = qt(1-alpha, n-2)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
power = pt(b, n-2, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
delta = b/sqrt(n/v1)
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$futilityPerStage = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeFutility = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$futilityBounds = b
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlope = delta + slopeH0
des$byStageResults$futilitySlope = delta + slopeH0
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlope = -delta + slopeH0
des$byStageResults$futilitySlope = -delta + slopeH0
} else {
des = getDesign(
beta, IMax = NA, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
n = des$overallResults$information*v1
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
informationRates = des$byStageResults$informationRates
informationRates = round(n*informationRates)/n
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlope =
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + slopeH0
des$byStageResults$futilitySlope =
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + slopeH0
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlope =
-des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + slopeH0
des$byStageResults$futilitySlope =
-des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + slopeH0
des$overallResults$theta = theta
des$overallResults$numberOfSubjects = n
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1 =
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0 =
des$overallResults$slopeH0 = slopeH0
des$overallResults$slope = slope
des$overallResults$stDev = stDev
des$overallResults$stDevCovariate = stDevCovariate
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta = NULL
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta = NULL
des$byStageResults$numberOfSubjects =
des$settings$normalApproximation = normalApproximation
des$settings$rounding = rounding
des$settings$varianceRatio = NULL
attr(des, "class") = "designOneSlope"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for Two-Sample Slope Difference
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for a group sequential design for two-sample slope
#' difference.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param n The total sample size.
#' @param slopeDiffH0 The slope difference under the null hypothesis.
#' Defaults to 0.
#' @param slopeDiff The slope difference under the alternative hypothesis.
#' @param stDev The standard deviation of the residual.
#' @param stDevCovariate The standard deviation of the covariate.
#' @param allocationRatioPlanned Allocation ratio for the active treatment
#' versus control. Defaults to 1 for equal randomization.
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The exact
#' calculation using the t distribution is only implemented for the
#' fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Fixed prior to the trial.
#' Defaults to \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_efficacyStopping
#' @inheritParams param_futilityStopping
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @inheritParams param_alpha
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_futilityBounds
#' @inheritParams param_typeBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userBetaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designSlopeDiff} object with three components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The overall significance level.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level, which is
#' different from the overall significance level in the presence of
#' futility stopping.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{theta}: The parameter value.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{drift}: The drift parameter, equal to
#' \code{theta*sqrt(information)}.
#' - \code{inflationFactor}: The inflation factor (relative to the
#' fixed design).
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{slopeDiffH0}: The slope difference under the null hypothesis.
#' - \code{slopeDiff}: The slope difference under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' - \code{stDev}: The standard deviation of the residual.
#' - \code{stDevCovariate}: The standard deviation of the covariate.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{futilityBounds}: The futility boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityPerStage}: The probability for futility stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutility}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha spent.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{futilityP}: The futility boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{efficacyStopping}: Whether to allow efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityStopping}: Whether to allow futility stopping.
#' - \code{rejectPerStageH0}: The probability for efficacy stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{futilityPerStageH0}: The probability for futility stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejectionH0}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutilityH0}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping under H0.
#' - \code{efficacySlopeDiff}: The efficacy boundaries on the slope
#' difference scale.
#' - \code{futilitySlopeDiff}: The futility boundaries on the slope
#' difference scale.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{typeBetaSpending}: The type of beta spending.
#' - \code{parameterBetaSpending}: The parameter value for beta spending.
#' - \code{userBetaSpending}: The user defined beta spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{allocationRatioPlanned}: Allocation ratio for the active
#' treatment versus control.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @examples
#' (design1 <- getDesignSlopeDiff(
#' beta = 0.1, n = NA, slopeDiff = -0.5,
#' stDev = 10, stDevCovariate = 6,
#' normalApproximation = FALSE, alpha = 0.025))
#' @export
getDesignSlopeDiff <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
n = NA_real_,
slopeDiffH0 = 0,
slopeDiff = 0.5,
stDev = 1,
stDevCovariate = 1,
allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
efficacyStopping = NA_integer_,
futilityStopping = NA_integer_,
criticalValues = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.025,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
futilityBounds = NA_real_,
typeBetaSpending = "none",
parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_,
userBetaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
if ( && {
stop("beta and n cannot be both missing")
if (! && ! {
stop("Only one of beta and n should be provided")
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (! && n <= 0) {
stop("n must be positive")
if (stDev <= 0) {
stop("stDev must be positive")
if (allocationRatioPlanned <= 0) {
stop("allocationRatioPlanned must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
if (any( {
informationRates = (1:kMax)/kMax
r = allocationRatioPlanned/(1 + allocationRatioPlanned)
directionUpper = slopeDiff > slopeDiffH0
theta = ifelse(directionUpper, slopeDiff - slopeDiffH0,
slopeDiffH0 - slopeDiff)
# variance for one sampling unit
v1 = stDev^2/stDevCovariate^2/(r*(1-r))
if ( { # power calculation
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
informationRates = round(n*informationRates)/n
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
if (!any( {
alpha = 1 - pnorm(criticalValues)
b = qt(1-alpha, n-4)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
power = pt(b, n-4, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
delta = b/sqrt(n/v1)
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$futilityPerStage = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeFutility = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$futilityBounds = b
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlopeDiff = delta
des$byStageResults$futilitySlopeDiff = delta
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlopeDiff = -delta
des$byStageResults$futilitySlopeDiff = -delta
} else {
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlopeDiff =
des$byStageResults$futilitySlopeDiff =
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlopeDiff =
des$byStageResults$futilitySlopeDiff =
} else { # sample size calculation
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
if (!any( {
alpha = 1 - pnorm(criticalValues)
n0 = (qnorm(1-alpha) + qnorm(1-beta))^2*v1/theta^2
n = uniroot(function(n) {
b = qt(1-alpha, n-4)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
pt(b, n-4, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE) - (1 - beta)
}, c(n0, 2*n0))$root
if (rounding) n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
b = qt(1-alpha, n-4)
ncp = theta*sqrt(n/v1)
power = pt(b, n-4, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
delta = b/sqrt(n/v1)
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$futilityPerStage = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeFutility = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$futilityBounds = b
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlopeDiff = delta
des$byStageResults$futilitySlopeDiff = delta
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlopeDiff = -delta
des$byStageResults$futilitySlopeDiff = -delta
} else {
des = getDesign(
beta, IMax = NA, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
n = des$overallResults$information*v1
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
informationRates = des$byStageResults$informationRates
informationRates = round(n*informationRates)/n
des = getDesign(
beta = NA, IMax = n/v1, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlopeDiff =
des$byStageResults$futilitySlopeDiff =
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlopeDiff =
des$byStageResults$futilitySlopeDiff =
des$overallResults$theta = theta
des$overallResults$numberOfSubjects = n
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1 =
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0 =
des$overallResults$slopeDiffH0 = slopeDiffH0
des$overallResults$slopeDiff = slopeDiff
des$overallResults$stDev = stDev
des$overallResults$stDevCovariate = stDevCovariate
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta = NULL
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta = NULL
des$byStageResults$numberOfSubjects =
des$settings$allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned
des$settings$normalApproximation = normalApproximation
des$settings$rounding = rounding
des$settings$varianceRatio = NULL
attr(des, "class") = "designSlopeDiff"
#' @title Group Sequential Design for Two-Sample Slope Difference
#' From the MMRM Model
#' @description Obtains the power given sample size or obtains the sample
#' size given power for two-sample slope difference from the growth curve
#' MMRM model.
#' @param beta The type II error.
#' @param slopeDiffH0 The slope difference under the null hypothesis.
#' Defaults to 0.
#' @param slopeDiff The slope difference under the alternative
#' hypothesis.
#' @param stDev The standard deviation of the residual.
#' @param stDevIntercept The standard deviation of the random intercept.
#' @param stDevSlope The standard deviation of the random slope.
#' @param corrInterceptSlope The correlation between the random
#' intercept and random slope.
#' @param w The number of time units per measurement visit in a period.
#' @param N The number of measurement visits in a period.
#' @inheritParams param_accrualTime
#' @inheritParams param_accrualIntensity
#' @inheritParams param_piecewiseSurvivalTime
#' @inheritParams param_gamma1
#' @inheritParams param_gamma2
#' @inheritParams param_accrualDuration
#' @inheritParams param_followupTime
#' @inheritParams param_allocationRatioPlanned
#' @param normalApproximation The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution. The
#' degrees of freedom for the t-distribution for testing the slope
#' difference is calculated using the containment method, and
#' is equal to the total number of observations minus two times
#' the total number of subjects. The exact calculation using the
#' t distribution is only implemented for the fixed design.
#' @param rounding Whether to round up sample size. Defaults to 1 for
#' sample size rounding.
#' @inheritParams param_kMax
#' @param informationRates The information rates. Defaults to
#' \code{(1:kMax) / kMax} if left unspecified.
#' @inheritParams param_efficacyStopping
#' @inheritParams param_futilityStopping
#' @inheritParams param_criticalValues
#' @inheritParams param_alpha
#' @inheritParams param_typeAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userAlphaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_futilityBounds
#' @inheritParams param_typeBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_parameterBetaSpending
#' @inheritParams param_userBetaSpending
#' @param spendingTime A vector of length \code{kMax} for the error spending
#' time at each analysis. Defaults to missing, in which case, it is the
#' same as \code{informationRates}.
#' @details
#' We use the following random-effects model to compare two slopes:
#' \deqn{y_{ij} = \alpha + (\beta + \gamma x_i) t_j + a_i + b_i t_j
#' + e_{ij},} where
#' * \eqn{\alpha}: overall intercept common across treatment groups
#' due to randomization
#' * \eqn{\beta}: slope for the control group
#' * \eqn{\gamma}: difference in slopes between the active treatment and
#' control groups
#' * \eqn{x_i}: treatment indicator for subject \eqn{i},
#' 1 for the active treatment and 0 for the control
#' * \eqn{t_j}: time point \eqn{j} for repeated measurements,
#' \eqn{t_1 = 0 < t_2 < \ldots < t_k}
#' * \eqn{(a_i, b_i)}: random intercept and random slope
#' for subject \eqn{i}, \eqn{Var(a_i) = \sigma_a^2},
#' \eqn{Var(b_i) = \sigma_b^2}, \eqn{Corr(a_i, b_i) = \rho}
#' * \eqn{e_{ij}}: within-subject residual with variance \eqn{\sigma_e^2}
#' By accounting for randomization, we improve the efficiency for
#' estimating the difference in slopes. We also allow for non-equal
#' spacing of the time points and missing data due to dropouts.
#' @return An S3 class \code{designSlopeDiffMMRM} object with three
#' components:
#' * \code{overallResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{overallReject}: The overall rejection probability.
#' - \code{alpha}: The overall significance level.
#' - \code{attainedAlpha}: The attained significance level, which is
#' different from the overall significance level in the presence of
#' futility stopping.
#' - \code{kMax}: The number of stages.
#' - \code{theta}: The parameter value.
#' - \code{information}: The maximum information.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH1}: The expected information under H1.
#' - \code{expectedInformationH0}: The expected information under H0.
#' - \code{drift}: The drift parameter, equal to
#' \code{theta*sqrt(information)}.
#' - \code{inflationFactor}: The inflation factor (relative to the
#' fixed design).
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The maximum number of subjects.
#' - \code{studyDuration}: The maximum study duration.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0}: The expected number of subjects
#' under H0.
#' - \code{expectedStudyDurationH1}: The expected study duration
#' under H1.
#' - \code{expectedStudyDurationH0}: The expected study duration
#' under H0.
#' - \code{accrualDuration}: The accrual duration.
#' - \code{followupTime}: The follow-up time.
#' - \code{fixedFollowup}: Whether a fixed follow-up design is used.
#' - \code{slopeDiffH0}: The slope difference under H0.
#' - \code{slopeDiff}: The slope difference under H1.
#' * \code{byStageResults}: A data frame containing the following variables:
#' - \code{informationRates}: The information rates.
#' - \code{efficacyBounds}: The efficacy boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{futilityBounds}: The futility boundaries on the Z-scale.
#' - \code{rejectPerStage}: The probability for efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityPerStage}: The probability for futility stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejection}: The cumulative probability for efficacy
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutility}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping.
#' - \code{cumulativeAlphaSpent}: The cumulative alpha spent.
#' - \code{efficacyP}: The efficacy boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{futilityP}: The futility boundaries on the p-value scale.
#' - \code{information}: The cumulative information.
#' - \code{efficacyStopping}: Whether to allow efficacy stopping.
#' - \code{futilityStopping}: Whether to allow futility stopping.
#' - \code{rejectPerStageH0}: The probability for efficacy stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{futilityPerStageH0}: The probability for futility stopping
#' under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeRejectionH0}: The cumulative probability for
#' efficacy stopping under H0.
#' - \code{cumulativeFutilityH0}: The cumulative probability for futility
#' stopping under H0.
#' - \code{efficacySlopeDiff}: The efficacy boundaries on the slope
#' difference scale.
#' - \code{futilitySlopeDiff}: The futility boundaries on the slope
#' difference scale.
#' - \code{numberOfSubjects}: The number of subjects.
#' - \code{analysisTime}: The average time since trial start.
#' * \code{settings}: A list containing the following input parameters:
#' - \code{typeAlphaSpending}: The type of alpha spending.
#' - \code{parameterAlphaSpending}: The parameter value for alpha
#' spending.
#' - \code{userAlphaSpending}: The user defined alpha spending.
#' - \code{typeBetaSpending}: The type of beta spending.
#' - \code{parameterBetaSpending}: The parameter value for beta spending.
#' - \code{userBetaSpending}: The user defined beta spending.
#' - \code{spendingTime}: The error spending time at each analysis.
#' - \code{allocationRatioPlanned}: The allocation ratio for the active
#' treatment versus control.
#' - \code{accrualTime}: A vector that specifies the starting time of
#' piecewise Poisson enrollment time intervals.
#' - \code{accrualIntensity}: A vector of accrual intensities.
#' One for each accrual time interval.
#' - \code{piecewiseSurvivalTime}: A vector that specifies the
#' starting time of piecewise exponential survival time intervals.
#' - \code{gamma1}: The hazard rate for exponential dropout or
#' a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout
#' for the active treatment group.
#' - \code{gamma2}: The hazard rate for exponential dropout or
#' a vector of hazard rates for piecewise exponential dropout
#' for the control group.
#' - \code{w}: The number of time units per measurement visit in a
#' period.
#' - \code{N}: The number of measurement visits in a period.
#' - \code{stdDev}: The standard deviation of the residual.
#' - \code{G}: The covariance matrix for the random intercept and
#' random slope.
#' - \code{normalApproximation}: The type of computation of the p-values.
#' If \code{TRUE}, the variance is assumed to be known, otherwise
#' the calculations are performed with the t distribution.
#' - \code{rounding}: Whether to round up sample size.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @references
#' Daniel O. Scharfstein, Anastasios A. Tsiatis, and James M. Robins.
#' Semiparametric efficiency and its implication on the
#' design and analysis of group-sequential studies.
#' Journal of the American Statistical Association 1997; 92:1342-1350.
#' @examples
#' (design1 <- getDesignSlopeDiffMMRM(
#' beta = 0.2, slopeDiff = log(1.15)/52,
#' stDev = sqrt(.182),
#' stDevIntercept = sqrt(.238960),
#' stDevSlope = sqrt(.000057),
#' corrInterceptSlope = .003688/sqrt(.238960*.000057),
#' w = 8,
#' N = 10000,
#' accrualIntensity = 15,
#' gamma1 = 1/(4.48*52),
#' gamma2 = 1/(4.48*52),
#' accrualDuration = NA,
#' followupTime = 8,
#' alpha = 0.025))
#' @export
getDesignSlopeDiffMMRM <- function(
beta = NA_real_,
slopeDiffH0 = 0,
slopeDiff = 0.5,
stDev = 1,
stDevIntercept = 1,
stDevSlope = 1,
corrInterceptSlope = 0.5,
w = NA_real_,
N = NA_real_,
accrualTime = 0,
accrualIntensity = NA_real_,
piecewiseSurvivalTime = 0,
gamma1 = 0,
gamma2 = 0,
accrualDuration = NA_real_,
followupTime = NA_real_,
allocationRatioPlanned = 1,
normalApproximation = TRUE,
rounding = TRUE,
kMax = 1L,
informationRates = NA_real_,
efficacyStopping = NA_integer_,
futilityStopping = NA_integer_,
criticalValues = NA_real_,
alpha = 0.025,
typeAlphaSpending = "sfOF",
parameterAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
userAlphaSpending = NA_real_,
futilityBounds = NA_real_,
typeBetaSpending = "none",
parameterBetaSpending = NA_real_,
userBetaSpending = NA_real_,
spendingTime = NA_real_) {
m = length(w)
cumN = c(0, cumsum(N))
cumwN = c(0, cumsum(w*N))
nintervals = length(piecewiseSurvivalTime)
if ( + + > 1) {
stop(paste("At most one can be missing among beta, accrualDuration,",
"and followupTime"))
if ( {
unknown = "beta"
} else if ( {
unknown = "accrualDuration"
} else if ( {
unknown = "followupTime"
} else {
unknown = "accrualIntensity"
if (! && (beta >= 1-alpha || beta < 0.0001)) {
stop("beta must lie in [0.0001, 1-alpha)")
if (any(w <= 0)) {
stop("Elements of w must be positive")
if (length(N) != m) {
stop("w and N must have the same length")
if (any(N <= 0)) {
stop("Elements of N must be positive")
if (sum(N) < 10000) {
stop("The max # of measurements must be >=10000 to enable root finding")
if (stDev <= 0) {
stop("stDev must be positive")
if (stDevIntercept <= 0) {
stop("stDevIntercept must be positive")
if (stDevSlope <= 0) {
stop("stDevSlope must be positive")
if (corrInterceptSlope <= -1 || corrInterceptSlope >= 1) {
stop("corrInterceptSlope must lie between -1 and 1")
if (accrualTime[1] != 0) {
stop("accrualTime must start with 0")
if (length(accrualTime) > 1 && any(diff(accrualTime) <= 0)) {
stop("accrualTime should be increasing")
if (any( {
stop("accrualIntensity must be provided")
if (length(accrualTime) != length(accrualIntensity)) {
stop("accrualTime and accrualIntensity must have the same length")
if (any(accrualIntensity < 0)) {
stop("accrualIntensity must be non-negative")
if (piecewiseSurvivalTime[1] != 0) {
stop("piecewiseSurvivalTime must start with 0")
if (nintervals > 1 && any(diff(piecewiseSurvivalTime) <= 0)) {
stop("piecewiseSurvivalTime should be increasing")
if (any(gamma1 < 0)) {
stop("gamma1 must be non-negative")
if (any(gamma2 < 0)) {
stop("gamma2 must be non-negative")
if (length(gamma1) != 1 && length(gamma1) != nintervals) {
stop("Invalid length for gamma1")
if (length(gamma2) != 1 && length(gamma2) != nintervals) {
stop("Invalid length for gamma2")
if (length(gamma1) == 1) {
gamma1 = rep(gamma1, nintervals)
if (length(gamma2) == 1) {
gamma2 = rep(gamma2, nintervals)
if (! && accrualDuration <= 0) {
stop("accrualDuration must be positive")
if (! && followupTime < 0) {
stop("followupTime must be nonnegative")
if (allocationRatioPlanned <= 0) {
stop("allocationRatioPlanned must be positive")
if (alpha < 0.00001 || alpha >= 1) {
stop("alpha must lie in [0.00001, 1)")
if (any( {
informationRates = (1:kMax)/kMax
r = allocationRatioPlanned/(1 + allocationRatioPlanned)
directionUpper = slopeDiff > slopeDiffH0
theta = ifelse(directionUpper, slopeDiff - slopeDiffH0,
slopeDiffH0 - slopeDiff)
v11 = stDevIntercept^2
v12 = corrInterceptSlope*stDevIntercept*stDevSlope
v22 = stDevSlope^2
G = matrix(c(v11, v12, v12, v22), 2, 2)
# function to obtain the info for slope difference
f_info <- function(tau, w, m, cumN, cumwN, stDev, G,
accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, gamma2,
accrualDuration, r) {
# total number of enrolled subjects at interim analysis
n = accrual(tau, accrualTime, accrualIntensity, accrualDuration)
i = findInterval(tau, cumwN)
k = floor((tau - cumwN[i])/w[i]) + cumN[i] + 1
j = 1:k
i = pmax(findInterval(j-2, cumN), 1) # period indicators
t = cumwN[i] + (j - cumN[i] - 1)*w[i] # time points
# total number of enrolled subjects at each time point
ns = accrual(tau - t, accrualTime, accrualIntensity, accrualDuration)
# probability of not dropping out at each time point by treatment
q1 = ptpwexp(t, piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, lower.tail = FALSE)
q2 = ptpwexp(t, piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma2, lower.tail = FALSE)
# number of subjects remaining at each time point by treatment
m1 = r*ns*q1
m2 = (1-r)*ns*q2
# number of subjects dropping out at each time point by treatment
n1 = c(-diff(m1), m1[k])
n2 = c(-diff(m2), m2[k])
Z = matrix(c(rep(1,k), t), k, 2)
covar = Z %*% G %*% t(Z) + stDev^2*diag(k)
X1 = matrix(c(rep(1,k), t, t), k, 3)
X2 = matrix(c(rep(1,k), t, rep(0,k)), k, 3)
# information matrix per subject
I1 = 0
I2 = 0
for (j in 1:k) {
x1 = X1[1:j, , drop=FALSE]
x2 = X2[1:j, , drop=FALSE]
I = solve(covar[1:j, 1:j])
I1 = I1 + n1[j]*t(x1) %*% I %*% x1
I2 = I2 + n2[j]*t(x2) %*% I %*% x2
# variance for common intercept, control slope, and slope difference
V = solve(I1 + I2)
# information for slope difference
IMax = 1/V[3,3]
# residual degrees of freedom
nu = sum((n1 + n2)*(1:k)) - 2*n
list(IMax = IMax, nu = nu)
# power calculation
if ( {
n = accrual(accrualDuration, accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
accrualDuration = getAccrualDurationFromN(n, accrualTime,
studyDuration = accrualDuration + followupTime
out = f_info(studyDuration, w, m, cumN, cumwN, stDev, G,
accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, gamma2,
accrualDuration, r)
IMax = out$IMax
nu = out$nu
des = getDesign(
beta, IMax, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
if (!any( {
alpha = 1 - pnorm(criticalValues)
b = qt(1-alpha, nu)
ncp = theta*sqrt(IMax)
power = pt(b, nu, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$futilityPerStage = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeFutility = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$futilityBounds = b
delta = b/sqrt(IMax)
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlopeDiff = delta + slopeDiffH0
des$byStageResults$futilitySlopeDiff = delta + slopeDiffH0
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlopeDiff = -delta + slopeDiffH0
des$byStageResults$futilitySlopeDiff = -delta + slopeDiffH0
} else {
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlopeDiff =
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + slopeDiffH0
des$byStageResults$futilitySlopeDiff =
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + slopeDiffH0
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlopeDiff =
-des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + slopeDiffH0
des$byStageResults$futilitySlopeDiff =
-des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + slopeDiffH0
} else { # sample size calculation
des = getDesign(
beta, NA, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
IMax = des$overallResults$information
if (kMax == 1 && !normalApproximation) { # t-test for fixed design
if (unknown == "accrualDuration") {
accrualDuration = uniroot(function(x) {
studyDuration = x + followupTime
out = f_info(studyDuration, w, m, cumN, cumwN, stDev, G,
accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, gamma2,
x, r)
out$IMax - IMax
}, c(0.001, 240))$root
} else if (unknown == "followupTime") {
followupTime = uniroot(function(x) {
studyDuration = accrualDuration + x
out = f_info(studyDuration, w, m, cumN, cumwN, stDev, G,
accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, gamma2,
accrualDuration, r)
out$IMax - IMax
}, c(0.001, 240))$root
} else {
accrualIntensity = uniroot(function(x) {
studyDuration = accrualDuration + followupTime
out = f_info(studyDuration, w, m, cumN, cumwN, stDev, G,
accrualTime, x*accrualIntensity,
piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, gamma2,
accrualDuration, r)
out$IMax - IMax
}, c(0.001, 240))$root*accrualIntensity
studyDuration = accrualDuration + followupTime
out = f_info(studyDuration, w, m, cumN, cumwN, stDev, G,
accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, gamma2,
accrualDuration, r)
nu = out$nu # this serves as the lower bound for degrees of freedom
if (!any( {
alpha = 1 - pnorm(criticalValues)
# power for t-test
b = qt(1-alpha, nu)
info = uniroot(function(info) {
ncp = theta*sqrt(info)
pt(b, nu, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE) - (1-beta)
}, c(0.5*IMax, 1.5*IMax))$root
if (unknown == "accrualDuration") {
accrualDuration = uniroot(function(x) {
studyDuration = x + followupTime
out = f_info(studyDuration, w, m, cumN, cumwN, stDev, G,
accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, gamma2,
x, r)
out$IMax - info
}, c(0.5*accrualDuration, 1.5*accrualDuration))$root
} else if (unknown == "followupTime") {
followupTime = uniroot(function(x) {
studyDuration = accrualDuration + x
out = f_info(studyDuration, w, m, cumN, cumwN, stDev, G,
accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, gamma2,
accrualDuration, r)
out$IMax - info
}, c(0.5*followupTime, 1.5*followupTime))$root
} else {
accrualIntensity = uniroot(function(x) {
studyDuration = accrualDuration + followupTime
out = f_info(studyDuration, w, m, cumN, cumwN, stDev, G,
accrualTime, x*accrualIntensity,
piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, gamma2,
accrualDuration, r)
out$IMax - info
}, c(0.5, 1.5))$root*accrualIntensity
n = accrual(accrualDuration, accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
if (unknown == "accrualDuration" || unknown == "followupTime") {
accrualDuration = getAccrualDurationFromN(n, accrualTime,
} else {
accrualIntensity = uniroot(function(x) {
accrual(accrualDuration, accrualTime, x*accrualIntensity,
accrualDuration) - n
}, c(0.5, 1.5))$root*accrualIntensity
# update maximum information and degrees of freedom
studyDuration = accrualDuration + followupTime
out = f_info(studyDuration, w, m, cumN, cumwN, stDev, G,
accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, gamma2,
accrualDuration, r)
IMax = out$IMax
nu = out$nu
b = qt(1-alpha, nu)
ncp = theta*sqrt(IMax)
power = pt(b, nu, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE)
des$overallResults$overallReject = power
des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage = power
des$byStageResults$futilityPerStage = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeRejection = power
des$byStageResults$cumulativeFutility = 1 - power
des$byStageResults$efficacyBounds = b
des$byStageResults$futilityBounds = b
delta = b/sqrt(IMax)
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlopeDiff = delta + slopeDiffH0
des$byStageResults$futilitySlopeDiff = delta + slopeDiffH0
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlopeDiff = -delta + slopeDiffH0
des$byStageResults$futilitySlopeDiff = -delta + slopeDiffH0
} else {
if (unknown == "accrualDuration") {
accrualDuration = uniroot(function(x) {
studyDuration = x + followupTime
out = f_info(studyDuration, w, m, cumN, cumwN, stDev, G,
accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, gamma2,
x, r)
out$IMax - IMax
}, c(0.001, 240))$root
} else if (unknown == "followupTime") {
followupTime = uniroot(function(x) {
studyDuration = accrualDuration + x
out = f_info(studyDuration, w, m, cumN, cumwN, stDev, G,
accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, gamma2,
accrualDuration, r)
out$IMax - IMax
}, c(0.001, 240))$root
} else {
accrualIntensity = uniroot(function(x) {
studyDuration = accrualDuration + followupTime
out = f_info(studyDuration, w, m, cumN, cumwN, stDev, G,
accrualTime, x*accrualIntensity,
piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, gamma2,
accrualDuration, r)
out$IMax - IMax
}, c(0.001, 240))$root*accrualIntensity
n = accrual(accrualDuration, accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
if (rounding) {
n = ceiling(n - 1.0e-12)
if (unknown == "accrualDuration" || unknown == "followupTime") {
accrualDuration = getAccrualDurationFromN(n, accrualTime,
} else {
accrualIntensity = uniroot(function(x) {
accrual(accrualDuration, accrualTime, x*accrualIntensity,
accrualDuration) - n
}, c(0.5, 1.5))$root*accrualIntensity
# final maximum information
studyDuration = accrualDuration + followupTime
out = f_info(studyDuration, w, m, cumN, cumwN, stDev, G,
accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, gamma2,
accrualDuration, r)
IMax = out$IMax
des = getDesign(
NA, IMax, theta,
kMax, informationRates,
efficacyStopping, futilityStopping,
criticalValues, alpha, typeAlphaSpending,
parameterAlphaSpending, userAlphaSpending,
futilityBounds, typeBetaSpending,
parameterBetaSpending, userBetaSpending,
if (directionUpper) {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlopeDiff =
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + slopeDiffH0
des$byStageResults$futilitySlopeDiff =
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + slopeDiffH0
} else {
des$byStageResults$efficacySlopeDiff =
-des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta + slopeDiffH0
des$byStageResults$futilitySlopeDiff =
-des$byStageResults$futilityTheta + slopeDiffH0
# timing of interim analysis
studyDuration = accrualDuration + followupTime
information = IMax*informationRates
analysisTime = rep(0, kMax)
if (kMax > 1) {
for (i in 1:(kMax-1)) {
analysisTime[i] = uniroot(function(tau) {
out = f_info(tau, w, m, cumN, cumwN, stDev, G,
accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
piecewiseSurvivalTime, gamma1, gamma2,
accrualDuration, r)
out$IMax - information[i]
}, c(w[1]+0.001, studyDuration))$root
analysisTime[kMax] = studyDuration
numberOfSubjects = accrual(analysisTime, accrualTime, accrualIntensity,
p = des$byStageResults$rejectPerStage +
pH0 = des$byStageResults$rejectPerStageH0 +
des$overallResults$numberOfSubjects = n
des$overallResults$studyDuration = studyDuration
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH1 = sum(p*numberOfSubjects)
des$overallResults$expectedNumberOfSubjectsH0 = sum(pH0*numberOfSubjects)
des$overallResults$expectedStudyDurationH1 = sum(p*analysisTime)
des$overallResults$expectedStudyDurationH0 = sum(pH0*analysisTime)
des$overallResults$accrualDuration = accrualDuration
des$overallResults$followupTime = followupTime
des$overallResults$fixedFollowup = FALSE
des$overallResults$slopeDiffH0 = slopeDiffH0
des$overallResults$slopeDiff = slopeDiff
des$byStageResults$numberOfSubjects = numberOfSubjects
des$byStageResults$analysisTime = analysisTime
des$byStageResults$efficacyTheta = NULL
des$byStageResults$futilityTheta = NULL
des$settings$allocationRatioPlanned = allocationRatioPlanned
des$settings$accrualTime = accrualTime
des$settings$accrualIntensity = accrualIntensity
des$settings$piecewiseSurvivalTime = piecewiseSurvivalTime
des$settings$gamma1 = gamma1
des$settings$gamma2 = gamma2
des$settings$w = w
des$settings$N = N
des$settings$stDev = stDev
des$settings$G = G
des$settings$normalApproximation = normalApproximation
des$settings$rounding = rounding
des$settings$varianceRatio = NULL
attr(des, "class") = "designSlopeDiffMMRM"
#' @title Hedges' g Effect Size
#' @description Obtains Hedges' g estimate and confidence interval of
#' effect size.
#' @param tstat The value of the t-test statistic for comparing two
#' treatment conditions.
#' @param m The degrees of freedom for the t-test.
#' @param ntilde The normalizing sample size to convert the
#' standardized treatment difference to the t-test statistic, i.e.,
#' \code{tstat = sqrt(ntilde)*meanDiff/stDev}.
#' @param cilevel The confidence interval level. Defaults to 0.95.
#' @details
#' Hedges' \eqn{g} is an effect size measure commonly used in meta-analysis
#' to quantify the difference between two groups. It's an improvement
#' over Cohen's \eqn{d}, particularly when dealing with small sample sizes.
#' The formula for Hedges' \eqn{g} is \deqn{g = c(m) d,} where \eqn{d}
#' is Cohen's \eqn{d} effect size estimate, and \eqn{c(m)} is the bias
#' correction factor, \deqn{d = (\hat{\mu}_1 - \hat{\mu}_2)/\hat{\sigma},}
#' \deqn{c(m) = 1 - \frac{3}{4m-1}.}
#' Since \eqn{c(m) < 1}, Cohen's \eqn{d} overestimates the true effect size.
#' \eqn{\delta = (\mu_1 - \mu_2)/\sigma.}
#' Since \deqn{t = \sqrt{\tilde{n}} d,} we have
#' \deqn{g = \frac{c(m)}{\sqrt{\tilde{n}}} t,} where \eqn{t}
#' has a noncentral \eqn{t} distribution with \eqn{m} degrees of freedom
#' and noncentrality parameter \eqn{\sqrt{\tilde{n}} \delta}.
#' The asymptotic variance of \eqn{g} can be approximated by
#' \deqn{Var(g) = \frac{1}{\tilde{n}} + \frac{g^2}{2m}.}
#' The confidence interval for \eqn{\delta}
#' can be constructed using normal approximation.
#' For two-sample mean difference with sample size \eqn{n_1} for the
#' treatment group and \eqn{n_2} for the control group, we have
#' \eqn{\tilde{n} = \frac{n_1n_2}{n_1+n_2}} and \eqn{m=n_1+n_2-2}
#' for pooled variance estimate.
#' @return A data frame with the following variables:
#' * \code{tstat}: The value of the \code{t} test statistic.
#' * \code{m}: The degrees of freedom for the t-test.
#' * \code{ntilde}: The normalizing sample size to convert the
#' standardized treatment difference to the t-test statistic.
#' * \code{g}: Hedges' \code{g} effect size estimate.
#' * \code{varg}: Variance of \code{g}.
#' * \code{lower}: The lower confidence limit for effect size.
#' * \code{upper}: The upper confidence limit for effect size.
#' * \code{cilevel}: The confidence interval level.
#' @author Kaifeng Lu, \email{}
#' @references
#' Larry V. Hedges. Distribution theory for Glass's estimator of
#' effect size and related estimators.
#' Journal of Educational Statistics 1981; 6:107-128.
#' @examples
#' n1 = 7
#' n2 = 8
#' meanDiff = 0.444
#' stDev = 1.201
#' m = n1+n2-2
#' ntilde = n1*n2/(n1+n2)
#' tstat = sqrt(ntilde)*meanDiff/stDev
#' hedgesg(tstat, m, ntilde)
#' @export
hedgesg <- function(tstat, m, ntilde, cilevel = 0.95) {
d = 1/sqrt(ntilde)*tstat
g = (1 - 3/(4*m-1))*d
varg = 1/ntilde + g^2/(2*m)
lower = g - qnorm((1 + cilevel)/2)*sqrt(varg)
upper = g + qnorm((1 + cilevel)/2)*sqrt(varg)
data.frame(tstat, m, ntilde, g, varg, lower, upper, cilevel)
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