#' @title Create a data object for mash analysis.
#' @param Bhat An N by R matrix of observed estimates.
#' @param Shat An N by R matrix of corresponding standard errors. Shat
#' can be a scalar if all standard errors are equal. This is most
#' useful if Bhat is a matrix of Z scores, so elements of Shat are all
#' 1. Default is 1.
#' @param alpha Numeric value of alpha parameter in the model. alpha =
#' 0 for Exchangeable Effects (EE), alpha = 1 for Exchangeable
#' Z-scores (EZ). Default is 0. Please refer to equation (3.2) of
#' M. Stephens 2016, Biostatistics for a discussion on alpha.
#' @param df An N by R matrix of corresponding degrees of freedom of
#' the t-statistic Bhat/Shat. Can be a scalar if all degrees of
#' freedom are equal. Default is inf (for large samples).
#' @param pval An N by R matrix of p-values of t-statistic
#' Bhat/Shat. Shat and df should not be specified when pval is
#' provided.
#' @param V an R by R matrix / [R x R x N] array of effect specific
#' correlation matrix of error correlations; must be positive
#' definite. [So Bhat_j distributed as N(B_j,diag(Shat_j) V[,,j]
#' diag(Shat_j)) where _j denotes the jth row of a matrix]. Defaults
#' to identity.
#' @param zero_check_tol a small positive number as threshold for Shat
#' to be considered zero if any Shat is smaller or equal to this
#' number.
#' @param zero_Bhat_Shat_reset Replace zeros in Shat matrix to given
#' value if the corresponding Bhat are also zeros.
#' @param zero_Shat_reset Replace zeros in Shat matrix to given value.
#' @return A data object for passing into mash functions.
#' @examples
#' simdata = simple_sims(50,5,1)
#' data = mash_set_data(simdata$Bhat, simdata$Shat)
#' @importFrom stats pt
#' @export
mash_set_data = function (Bhat, Shat = NULL, alpha = 0, df = Inf,
pval = NULL, V = diag(ncol(Bhat)),
zero_check_tol = .Machine$double.eps,
zero_Bhat_Shat_reset = 0, zero_Shat_reset = 0) {
if (is.null(Shat) && is.null(pval)) {
Shat = 1
if (!is.null(pval) && !is.null(Shat)) {
stop("Either Shat or pval can be specified but not both.")
if (!is.null(pval) && !is.infinite(df)) {
stop("Either df or pval can be specified but not both.")
if (!is.null(pval)) {
## Shat and df have to be NULL
if (length(which(pval == 0))>0) {
stop("p-values cannot contain zero values (implying infinite z-scores)")
Shat = Bhat / p2z(pval, Bhat)
if(length(Shat)==1) {
Shat = matrix(Shat,nrow=nrow(Bhat),ncol=ncol(Bhat))
stop("dimensions of Bhat and Shat must match")
if (length(which(is.nan(Bhat) | is.infinite(Bhat)))>0) {
stop("Bhat cannot contain NaN/Inf values")
if (length(which(is.nan(Shat) | is.infinite(Shat)))>0) {
stop("Shat cannot contain NaN/Inf values")
if (length(which(Shat <= zero_check_tol))>0) {
msg = paste0("If it is expected please set Shat to a positive number to avoid numerical issues; or lower the threshold to call zeros using zero_check_tol (currently set to ", zero_check_tol, ").")
if (length(which(Shat <= zero_check_tol & Bhat <= zero_check_tol)) > 0) {
if (zero_Bhat_Shat_reset>0) {
Shat[which(Shat <= zero_check_tol & Bhat <= zero_check_tol)] = zero_Bhat_Shat_reset
} else {
stop(paste("Both Bhat and Shat are zero (or near zero) for some input data. Please check your input.", msg, "To replace zero elements you can use `zero_Bhat_Shat_reset`."))
} else {
if (zero_Shat_reset>0) {
Shat[which(Shat <= zero_check_tol)] = zero_Shat_reset
} else {
stop(paste("Shat contains zero (or near zero) values.", msg, "To replace zero elements you can use `zero_Shat_reset`."))
commonV = TRUE
if(length(dim(V)) == 3){
commonV = FALSE
} else {
if(dim(V)[3] != nrow(Bhat)) {
stop('The number of correlation matrices does not match the number of effects')
for(i in 1:dim(V)[3]) {
if(dim(V)[1] != ncol(Bhat)) {
stop('dimension of correlation matrix does not match the number of conditions')
if(any(!is.infinite(df))) {
if (length(df)==1) {
df = matrix(df,nrow=nrow(Bhat),ncol=ncol(Bhat))
## Shat = Bhat/Z where Z is the Z score corresponding to a p value from a t test done on (Bhat,Shat_orig,df)
Shat = Bhat / p2z(2 * pt(-abs(Bhat/Shat), df), Bhat)
na_idx = which(
sbhat_not_null = !all(Shat == 1)
if (!isTRUE(all.equal(na_idx, which(, check.attributes=FALSE)) && sbhat_not_null) {
stop("Missing data pattern is inconsistent between Bhat and Shat")
# transform data according to alpha
if (alpha != 0 && sbhat_not_null) {
## alpha models dependence of effect size on standard error
## alpha > 0 implies larger effects has large standard error
## a special case when alpha = 1 is the EZ model
Shat_alpha = Shat^alpha
Bhat = Bhat / Shat_alpha
Shat = Shat^(1-alpha)
} else {
Shat_alpha = matrix(1, nrow(Shat), ncol(Shat))
Bhat[na_idx] = 0
Shat[na_idx] = 1E6
Shat_alpha[na_idx] = 1
data = list(Bhat=Bhat, Shat=Shat, Shat_alpha=Shat_alpha, V=V, commonV = commonV, alpha=alpha)
class(data) = 'mash'
#' @title Update the data object for mash analysis.
#' @description This function can update two parts of the mash
#' data. The first one is setting the reference group, so the mash
#' data can be used for commonbaseline analysis. The other one is
#' updating the null correlation matrix.
#' @param mashdata mash data object ontaining the Bhat matrix,
#' standard errors, V; created using \code{mash_set_data}
#' @param ref the reference group. It could be a number between 1,...,
#' R, R is number of conditions, or the name of reference group. If
#' there is no reference group, it can be the string 'mean'.
#' @param V an R by R matrix / [R x R x N] array of correlation matrix
#' of error correlations
#' @return a updated mash data object
#' @examples
#' simdata = simple_sims(50,5,1)
#' data = mash_set_data(simdata$Bhat, simdata$Shat)
#' mash_update_data(data, 'mean')
#' @export
mash_update_data = function(mashdata, ref= NULL, V = NULL){
if (!inherits(mashdata,"mash"))
stop('data is not a "mash" object')
R = n_conditions(mashdata)
if(length(dim(V)) == 3){
for(i in 1:dim(V)[3]){
if(R != nrow(V[,,i])){
stop('The dimension of correlation matrix does not match the data.')
mashdata$V = V
mashdata$commonV = length(dim(V)) != 3
mashdata = mash_set_data_contrast(mashdata, mashdata$L)
stop('The data is ready for the contrast analysis.')
R = n_conditions(mashdata)
name = colnames(mashdata$Bhat)
name = 1:R
L = contrast_matrix(R, ref, name)
mashdata = mash_set_data_contrast(mashdata, L)
#' @title Create contrast matrix
#' @param R the number of column for the contrast matrix
#' @param ref the reference group. It could be a number between 1,...,
#' R, R is number of conditions, or the name of reference group. If
#' there is no reference group, it can be the string 'mean'.
#' @param name a length R vector contains the name for conditions
#' @examples
#' contrast_matrix(5, 'mean')
#' @export
contrast_matrix = function(R, ref, name=1:R){
if(ref == 'mean'){
L = matrix(-1/R, R, R)
diag(L) = (R-1)/R
L = L[1:(R-1),]
row.names(L) = paste0(name[1:(R-1)],'-','mean')
}else if(ref %in% 1:R){
L = diag(R)
L[,ref] = -1
L = L[-ref,]
row.names(L) = paste0(name[-ref],'-', name[ref])
}else if (ref %in% name){
ind = which(name %in% ref)
if (length(ind) != 1){
stop('There are more than one groups in the data have the same name as the reference group.')
L = diag(R)
L[,ind] = -1
L = L[-ind,]
row.names(L) = paste0(name[-ind],'-', ref)
stop('The ref group is not in the given conditions.')
colnames(L) = name
attr(L, "reference") = ref
#' @title Create a data object for mash contrast analysis
#' @description This is an internal (non-exported) function. This help
#' page provides additional documentation mainly intended for
#' developers and expert users.
#' @param mashdata a mash data object containing the Bhat matrix,
#' standard errors, V; created using \code{mash_set_data}
#' @param L the contrast matrix
#' @return a data object after the contrast transfermation
#' @keywords internal
mash_set_data_contrast = function(mashdata, L){
# check data
if (!inherits(mashdata,"mash"))
stop('data is not a "mash" object')
# check contrast
R = ncol(mashdata$Bhat)
if(ncol(L) != R){
stop('The contrast is not correct')
# transfer Bhat
Bhat = mashdata$Bhat %*% t(L)
mashdata$Shat_orig = mashdata$Shat
mashdata$L = L
# get standard error for delta
if(mashdata$commonV && is_common_cov_Shat(mashdata)){
V = get_cov(mashdata,1) # all covariances are same
Shat = matrix(rep(sqrt(diag(V)), each=nrow(Bhat)), nrow = nrow(Bhat))
V = cov2cor(V)
} else{
V = array(0,c(ncol(Bhat), ncol(Bhat), nrow(Bhat)))
Shat = matrix(0, nrow(Bhat), ncol(Bhat))
for(j in 1:nrow(Bhat)){
tmp = get_cov(mashdata,j)
Shat[j,] = sqrt(diag(tmp))
V[,,j] = cov2cor(tmp)
data = list(Bhat = Bhat, Shat=Shat,
Shat_orig = mashdata$Shat_orig,
Shat_alpha = matrix(1, nrow(Shat), ncol(Shat)),
V = mashdata$V, commonV = mashdata$commonV, alpha = 0, L = L,
class(data) = 'mash'
# Return the covariance matrix for jth data point from mash data object.
get_cov = function(data,j){
data$Shat[j,] * t(data$V * data$Shat[j,]) # quicker than diag(Shat[j,]) %*% V %*% diag(Shat[j,])
} else{
Sigma = data$Shat_orig[j,] * t(data$V * data$Shat_orig[j,])
data$L %*% (Sigma %*% t(data$L))
data$Shat[j,] * t(data$V[,,j] * data$Shat[j,]) # quicker than diag(Shat[j,]) %*% V %*% diag(Shat[j,])
} else{
Sigma = data$Shat_orig[j,] * t(data$V[,,j] * data$Shat_orig[j,])
data$L %*% (Sigma %*% t(data$L))
# @title Check that all covariances are equal (Shat).
# @description checks if all rows of Shat are the same - if so
# covariances are equal
# @param data A mash data object.
is_common_cov_Shat = function(data){
sum(1-duplicated(data$Shat, MARGIN=1)) == 1
} else{
sum(1-duplicated(data$Shat_orig, MARGIN=1)) == 1
# @title Check that all rows of Shat_alpha are the same.
# @description checks if all rows of Shat_alpha are the same
# @param data A mash data object.
is_common_cov_Shat_alpha = function(data){
sum(1-duplicated(data$Shat_alpha, MARGIN=1)) == 1
n_conditions = function(data){ncol(data$Bhat)}
n_effects = function(data){nrow(data$Bhat)}
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
p2z = function(pval, Bhat) {
z = abs(qnorm(pval / 2))
z[which(Bhat < 0)] = -1 * z[which(Bhat < 0)]
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