densityMclust <- function(data, ..., plot = TRUE)
mc <-
obj <- Mclust(data, ...)
if(is.null(obj)) return(obj)
obj$call <- mc
obj$density <- dens(data = obj$data,
modelName = obj$modelName,
parameters = obj$parameters,
logarithm = FALSE)
class(obj) <- c("densityMclust", "Mclust")
if(plot) plot(obj, what = "density")
predict.densityMclust <- function(object, newdata,
what = c("dens", "cdens", "z"),
logarithm = FALSE, ...)
if(!inherits(object, "densityMclust"))
stop("object not of class 'densityMclust'")
{ newdata <- object$data }
newdata <- as.matrix(newdata)
if(ncol(object$data) != ncol(newdata))
{ stop("newdata must match ncol of object data") }
what <- match.arg(what, choices = eval(formals(predict.densityMclust)$what))
pro <- object$parameters$pro; pro <- pro/sum(pro)
noise <- (!$hypvol))
cl <- c(seq(object$G), if(noise) 0)
"dens" =
out <- dens(data = newdata,
modelName = object$modelName,
parameters = object$parameters,
logarithm = logarithm)
"cdens" =
z <- cdens(data = newdata,
modelName = object$modelName,
parameters = object$parameters,
logarithm = TRUE)
z <- if(noise) cbind(z, log(object$parameters$Vinv))
else cbind(z) # drop redundant attributes
colnames(z) <- cl
out <- if(!logarithm) exp(z) else z
"z" =
z <- cdens(data = newdata,
modelName = object$modelName,
parameters = object$parameters,
logarithm = TRUE)
z <- if(noise) cbind(z, log(object$parameters$Vinv))
else cbind(z) # drop redundant attributes
# TODO: to be removed at a certain point
# z <- sweep(z, MARGIN = 2, FUN = "+", STATS = log(pro))
# z <- sweep(z, MARGIN = 1, FUN = "-", STATS = apply(z, 1, logsumexp_old))
# colnames(z) <- cl
# out <- if(!logarithm) exp(z) else z
z <- softmax(z, log(pro))
colnames(z) <- cl
out <- if(logarithm) log(z) else z
plot.densityMclust <- function(x, data = NULL, what = c("BIC", "density", "diagnostic"), ...)
object <- x # Argh. Really want to use object anyway
what <- match.arg(what, several.ok = TRUE)
if(object$d > 1)
what <- setdiff(what, "diagnostic")
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
# on.exit(par(oldpar))
plot.densityMclust.density <- function(...)
if(object$d == 1) plotDensityMclust1(object, data = data, ...)
else if(object$d == 2) plotDensityMclust2(object, data = data, ...)
else plotDensityMclustd(object, data = data, ...)
plot.densityMclust.bic <- function(...)
plot.mclustBIC(object$BIC, ...)
plot.densityMclust.diagnostic <- function(...)
densityMclust.diagnostic(object, ...)
if(interactive() & length(what) > 1)
{ title <- "Model-based density estimation plots:"
# present menu waiting user choice
choice <- menu(what, graphics = FALSE, title = title)
while(choice != 0)
{ if(what[choice] == "BIC") plot.densityMclust.bic(...)
if(what[choice] == "density") plot.densityMclust.density(...)
if(what[choice] == "diagnostic") plot.densityMclust.diagnostic(...)
# re-present menu waiting user choice
choice <- menu(what, graphics = FALSE, title = title)
{ if(any(what == "BIC")) plot.densityMclust.bic(...)
if(any(what == "density")) plot.densityMclust.density(...)
if(any(what == "diagnostic")) plot.densityMclust.diagnostic(...)
plotDensityMclust1 <- function(x, data = NULL, col = gray(0.3), hist.col = "lightgrey", hist.border = "white", breaks = "Sturges", ...)
object <- x # Argh. Really want to use object anyway
mc <- = TRUE)
mc$x <- mc$data <- mc$col <- mc$hist.col <- mc$hist.border <- mc$breaks <- NULL
xlab <- mc$xlab
xlab <- deparse(object$call$data)
ylab <- mc$ylab
ylab <- "Density"
xrange <- extendrange(object$data, f = 0.1)
xlim <- eval(mc$xlim, parent.frame())
xrange <- range(xlim)
ylim <- eval(mc$ylim, parent.frame())
eval.points <- seq(from = xrange[1], to = xrange[2], length = 1000)
d <- predict.densityMclust(object, eval.points)
h <- hist(data, breaks = breaks, plot = FALSE)
plot(h, freq = FALSE, col = hist.col, border = hist.border, main = "",
xlim = range(h$breaks, xrange),
ylim = if(!is.null(ylim)) range(ylim) else range(0, h$density, d),
xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
mc[[1]] <-"lines")
mc$x <- eval.points
mc$y <- d
mc$type <- "l"
mc$col <- col
eval(mc, parent.frame())
} else
mc[[1]] <-"plot")
mc$x <- eval.points
mc$y <- d
mc$type <- "l"
mc$col <- col
mc$xlim <- xlim
mc$ylim <- if(!is.null(ylim)) range(ylim) else range(0, d)
mc$ylab <- ylab
mc$xlab <- xlab
eval(mc, parent.frame())
plotDensityMclust2 <- function(x, data = NULL,
nlevels = 11, levels = NULL,
prob = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75),
points.pch = 1, points.col = 1,
points.cex = 0.8,
# This function call surfacePlot() with a suitable modification of arguments
object <- x # Argh. Really want to use object anyway
mc <- = TRUE)
mc$x <- mc$points.pch <- mc$points.col <- mc$points.cex <- NULL
mc$nlevels <- nlevels
mc$levels <- levels
if(mc$type == "level") mc$type <- "hdr" # TODO: to be removed at certain point
if(isTRUE(mc$type == "hdr"))
{ mc$levels <- c(sort(hdrlevels(object$density, prob)),
mc$nlevels <- length(mc$levels)
{ addPoints <- FALSE
mc$data <- object$data }
{ data <- as.matrix(data)
stopifnot(ncol(data) == ncol(object$data))
addPoints <- TRUE }
# set mixture parameters
par <- object$parameters
# these parameters should be missing
par$variance$cholSigma <- par$Sigma <- NULL
if(is.null(par$pro)) par$pro <- 1
par$variance$cholsigma <- par$variance$sigma
for(k in seq(par$variance$G))
{ par$variance$cholsigma[,,k] <- chol(par$variance$sigma[,,k]) }
mc$parameters <- par
# now surfacePlot() is called
mc[[1]] <-"surfacePlot")
out <- eval(mc, parent.frame())
points(data, pch = points.pch, col = points.col, cex = points.cex)
plotDensityMclustd <- function(x, data = NULL,
nlevels = 11, levels = NULL,
prob = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75),
points.pch = 1,
points.col = 1,
points.cex = 0.8,
gap = 0.2, ...)
# This function call surfacePlot() with a suitable modification of arguments
object <- x # Argh. Really want to use object anyway
mc <- = TRUE)
mc$x <- mc$points.pch <- mc$points.col <- mc$points.cex <- mc$gap <- NULL
mc$nlevels <- nlevels
mc$levels <- levels
mc$prob <- prob
if(mc$type == "level") mc$type <- "hdr" # TODO: to be removed at certain point
{ data <- mc$data <- object$data
addPoints <- FALSE }
{ data <- as.matrix(data)
stopifnot(ncol(data) == ncol(object$data))
addPoints <- TRUE }
nc <- object$d
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(nc, nc),
mar = rep(gap/2,4),
oma = rep(3, 4),
no.readonly = TRUE)
for(i in seq(nc))
{ for(j in seq(nc))
{ if(i == j)
plot(data[,c(i,j)], type="n",
xlab = "", ylab = "", axes=FALSE)
text(mean(par("usr")[1:2]), mean(par("usr")[3:4]),
colnames(data)[i], cex = 1.5, adj = 0.5)
{ # set mixture parameters
par <- object$parameters
if(is.null(par$pro)) par$pro <- 1
par$mean <- par$mean[c(j,i),,drop=FALSE]
par$variance$d <- 2
sigma <- array(dim = c(2, 2, par$variance$G))
for(g in seq(par$variance$G))
sigma[,,g] <- par$variance$sigma[c(j,i),c(j,i),g]
par$variance$sigma <- sigma
par$variance$Sigma <- NULL
par$variance$cholSigma <- NULL
par$variance$cholsigma <- NULL
mc$parameters <- par
mc$data <- object$data[,c(j,i)]
mc$axes <- FALSE
mc[[1]] <-"surfacePlot")
eval(mc, parent.frame())
if(addPoints & (j > i))
points(data[,c(j,i)], pch = points.pch,
col = points.col, cex = points.cex)
if(i == 1 && (!(j%%2))) axis(3)
if(i == nc && (j%%2)) axis(1)
if(j == 1 && (!(i%%2))) axis(2)
if(j == nc && (i%%2)) axis(4)
dens <- function(data, modelName, parameters, logarithm = FALSE, warn = NULL, ...)
if(is.null(warn)) warn <- mclust.options("warn")
# aux <- list(...)
logcden <- cdens(data = data,
modelName = modelName,
parameters = parameters,
logarithm = TRUE,
warn = warn)
if(attr(logcden, "returnCode") < 0)
stop(attr(logcden, "WARNING"))
pro <- parameters$pro
stop("mixing proportions must be supplied")
noise <- (!is.null(parameters$Vinv))
proNoise <- pro[length(pro)]
pro <- pro[-length(pro)]
if(any(proz <- pro == 0))
pro <- pro[!proz]
logcden <- logcden[, !proz, drop = FALSE]
# TODO: to be removed at a certain point
# logcden <- sweep(logcden, 2, FUN = "+", STATS = log(pro))
# maxlog <- apply(logcden, 1, max)
# logcden <- sweep(logcden, 1, FUN = "-", STATS = maxlog)
# logden <- log(apply(exp(logcden), 1, sum)) + maxlog
logden <- logsumexp(logcden, log(pro))
logden <- log(exp(logden) + proNoise*parameters$Vinv)
out <- if(logarithm) logden else exp(logden)
cdens <- function(data, modelName, parameters, logarithm = FALSE, warn = NULL, ...)
modelName <- switch(EXPR = modelName,
X = "E",
XII = "EII",
XXI = "EEI",
XXX = "EEE",
funcName <- paste("cdens", modelName, sep = "")
mc <- = TRUE)
mc[[1]] <-
mc$modelName <- NULL
eval(mc, parent.frame())
densityMclust.diagnostic <- function(object, type = c("cdf", "qq"),
col = c("black", "black"),
lwd = c(2,1), lty = c(1,1),
legend = TRUE, grid = TRUE,
# Diagnostic plots for density estimation
# (only available for the one-dimensional case)
# Arguments:
# object = a 'densityMclust' object
# type = type of diagnostic plot:
# "cdf" = fitted CDF vs empirical CDF
# "qq" = fitted CDF evaluated over the observed data points vs
# the quantile from a uniform distribution
# Reference:
# Loader C. (1999), Local Regression and Likelihood. New York, Springer,
# pp. 87-90)
stopifnot("first argument must be an object of class 'densityMclust'" =
inherits(object, "densityMclust"))
if(object$d > 1)
{ warning("only available for one-dimensional data")
return() }
type <- match.arg(type, c("cdf", "qq"), several.ok = TRUE)
# main <- if(is.null(main) || is.character(main)) FALSE else as.logical(main)
data <- as.numeric(object$data)
n <- length(data)
cdf <- cdfMclust(object, data = data, ngrid = min(n*10,1000), ...)
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
if(interactive() & length(type) > 1)
{ par(ask = TRUE)
on.exit(par(oldpar)) }
if(any(type == "cdf"))
{ # Fitted CDF vs Emprical CDF
empcdf <- ecdf(data)
plot(empcdf, do.points = FALSE, verticals = TRUE,
col = col[2], lwd = lwd[2], lty = lty[2],
xlab = deparse(object$call$data),
ylab = "Cumulative Distribution Function",
panel.first = if(grid) grid(equilogs=FALSE) else NULL,
main = NULL, ...)
# if(main) title(main = "CDF plot", cex.main = 1.1)
lines(cdf, col = col[1], lwd = lwd[1], lty = lty[1])
{ legend("bottomright", legend = c("Estimated CDF", "Empirical CDF"),
ncol = 1, inset = 0.05, cex = 0.8,
col = col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty) }
if(any(type == "qq"))
{ # Q-Q plot
q <- quantileMclust(object, p = ppoints(n))
plot(q, sort(data),
xlab = "Quantiles from estimated density",
ylab = "Sample Quantiles",
panel.first = if(grid) grid(equilogs=FALSE) else NULL,
main = NULL, ...)
# add qq-line
Q.y <- quantile(sort(data), probs = c(.25,.75))
Q.x <- quantileMclust(object, p = c(.25,.75))
b <- (Q.y[2] - Q.y[1])/(Q.x[2] - Q.x[1])
a <- Q.y[1] - b*Q.x[1]
abline(a, b, untf = TRUE, col = 1, lty = 2)
# old method to draw qq-line
# with(list(y = sort(data), x = q),
# { i <- (y > quantile(y, 0.25) & y < quantile(y, 0.75))
# abline(lm(y ~ x, subset = i), lty = 2)
# })
# P-P plot
# cdf <- cdfMclust(object, data, ...)
# plot(seq(1,n)/(n+1), cdf$y, xlab = "Uniform quantiles",
# ylab = "Cumulative Distribution Function",
# panel.first = if(grid) grid(equilogs=FALSE) else NULL)
# abline(0, 1, untf = TRUE, col = col[2], lty = lty[1])
cdfMclust <- function(object, data, ngrid = 100, ...)
# Cumulative Density Function
# (only available for the one-dimensional case)
# Returns the estimated CDF evaluated at points given by the optional
# argument data. If not provided, a regular grid of ngrid points is used.
# Arguments:
# object = a 'densityMclust' object
# data = the data vector
# ngrid = the length of rectangular grid
stopifnot("first argument must be an object of class 'densityMclust'" =
inherits(object, "densityMclust"))
{ eval.points <- extendrange(object$data, f = 0.1)
eval.points <- seq(eval.points[1], eval.points[2], length.out = ngrid) }
{ eval.points <- sort(as.vector(data))
ngrid <- length(eval.points) }
G <- object$G
pro <- object$parameters$pro
mean <- object$parameters$mean
var <- object$parameters$variance$sigmasq
if(length(var) < G) var <- rep(var, G)
noise <- (!is.null(object$parameters$Vinv))
cdf <- rep(0, ngrid)
for(k in seq(G))
{ cdf <- cdf + pro[k]*pnorm(eval.points, mean[k], sqrt(var[k])) }
cdf <- cdf/sum(pro[seq(G)])
out <- list(x = eval.points, y = cdf)
quantileMclust <- function(object, p, ...)
# Calculate the quantile of a univariate mixture corresponding to cdf
# equal to p using bisection line search method.
# Arguments:
# object = a 'densityMclust' object
# p = vector of probabilities (0 <= p <= 1)
stopifnot(inherits(object, "densityMclust"))
if(object$d != 1)
{ stop("quantile function only available for 1-dimensional data") }
p <- as.vector(p)
m <- object$parameters$mean
s <- sqrt(object$parameters$variance$sigmasq)
if(object$modelName == "E") s <- rep(s, object$G)
r <- matrix(as.double(NA), nrow = length(p), ncol = object$G)
for(g in 1:object$G)
r[,g] <- qnorm(p, mean = m[g], sd = s[g])
if(object$G == 1) return(as.vector(r))
q <- rep(as.double(NA), length(p))
for(i in 1:length(p))
F <- function(x) cdfMclust(object, x)$y - p[i]
q[i] <- uniroot(F, interval = range(r[i,]), tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))$root
q[ p < 0 | p > 1] <- NaN
q[ p == 0 ] <- -Inf
q[ p == 1 ] <- Inf
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