
Defines functions exploreData Table1 train_test Table2 Table2.forestplot MeanCI PropCI getModelCutoffs age_adjusted getMissingness

Documented in age_adjusted exploreData getMissingness getModelCutoffs MeanCI PropCI Table1 Table2 Table2.forestplot train_test

#####   Package mechkar                                                 ####
#####   Author: Tomas Karpati M.D.                                      ####
#####   Creation date: 2017-05-01                                       ####

#####   DATA VISUALIZATION                                              ####
#####   Author: Tomas Karpati M.D.                                      ####
#####   Creation date: 2014-03-12                                       ####

###########  Functions   ##############################################


exploreData <- function(data=data, y=NULL, rn=NULL, factorSize=10, dir=tempdir(), debug=FALSE, ...) {

  get_computer_type <- function(){
    # check if current R client is running on PC or on the server
    if (Sys.info()[1] == "Windows") {
      computer.type = "pc"
    } else if (Sys.info()[1] == "Linux") {
      computer.type = "server"

  whatVarType <- function(var) {
    suppressWarnings(if (var=="integer" | var=="numeric") {
    } else if (var=="factor" | var=="character") {
    } else if (var=="Date" | "POSIXct" %in% var[[1]]) {
    } else {

  drawHistogram <- function(imgname=imgname, x=x) {
    d=stats::density(x, kernel = "gaussian",na.rm=TRUE)
    breakstar=(max(x,na.rm=TRUE) -min(x,na.rm=TRUE))/d$bw
    h=graphics::hist(x, breaks=breakstar)
    ffit <- ffit*diff(h$mids[1:2])*length(x)
    lines(yfit, ffit, col="blue", lwd=2)

  drawFakeGraph <- function(imgname=imgname) {
    graphics::plot.window(xlim = c(0,0),ylim = c(0,0))

  drawBars <- function(imgname=imgname, x=x) {

  drawGraphOne <- function(imgname=imgname, numVar=x, vartype=1) {
    if(vartype==1) {
    } else if(vartype==2) {
    } else {

  getContinuousStats <- function(x) {
    N <- length(x)
    n <- length(x[which(is.na(x)==FALSE)])
    pct <- formatC(n/N * 100)
    nmiss <- length(x[which(is.na(x)==TRUE)])
    npct <- formatC(nmiss/N *100)
    ma <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
    s <- stats::sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)
    me <- formatC(stats::median(x, na.rm=TRUE))
    q1 <- formatC(stats::quantile(x,1/4, na.rm=TRUE))
    q3 <- formatC(stats::quantile(x,3/4, na.rm=TRUE))
    mn <- formatC(min(x, na.rm=TRUE))
    mx <- formatC(max(x, na.rm=TRUE))
    html <- paste("<div class='Cell' style='align: top;'> <u>Data type</u>: Continuous <p> <u>Data length</u>: ",n ,"/", N, " (", pct, "%) <br> <u>Missing</u>: ",
                  nmiss, " (", npct, "%)<p> <u>Mean</u>: ", formatC(ma), "\t <u>StdDev</u>: ", formatC(s), "<br><u>Median</u>: ",me,
                  "\t <u>IQR</u>: ", q1, "-", q3, "<br><u>Min</u>: ", mn, "\t <u>Max</u>: ", mx, "</div>")

  getCategortyStats <- function(x) {
    N <- length(x)
    n <- length(x[which(is.na(x)==FALSE)])
    pct <- formatC(n/N * 100)
    nmiss <- length(x[which(is.na(x)==TRUE)])
    npct <- formatC(nmiss/N *100)
    l <- levels(x)
    s <- summary(x)
    htm <- "<ul>"
    if (length(l) < 5) {
      for (lv in l) {
        htm <- paste(htm, "<li><u>", lv, "</u>: ", s[[lv]], "</li>")
      htm <- paste(htm,"</ul>")
    html <- paste("<div class='Cell'> <u>Data type</u>: Categorical Data <p> <u>Data length</u>: ",n, "/", N, " (", pct, "%) <br> <u>Missing</u>: ",
                  nmiss, " (", npct, "%) <p> <u>Number of levels</u>: ", length(l), "<br>", htm, "</div>")

  getDatesStats <- function(x) {
    N <- length(x)
    n <- length(x[which(is.na(x)==FALSE)])
    pct <- formatC(n/N * 100)
    nmiss <- length(x[which(is.na(x)==TRUE)])
    npct <- formatC(nmiss/N *100)
    s <- summary(x)
    html <- paste("<div class='Cell'> <u>Data type</u>: Date <p> <u>Data length</u>: ",n, "/", N, " (", pct, "%) <br> <u>Missing</u>: ",
                  nmiss, " (", npct, "%) <p> <u>Min date</u>: ", min(x, na.rm=TRUE), "<br><u>Max date</u>:",max(x, na.rm=TRUE) , "</div>")

  getStats <- function(numVar=x, vartype=1) {
    if(vartype==1) {
      html <- getContinuousStats(numVar)
    } else if(vartype==2) {
      html <- getCategortyStats(numVar)
    } else if (vartype==3) {
      html <- getDatesStats(numVar)
    } else {
      html <- "<div class='Cell'></div>"

  getOutliers <- function(x) {
    bp <- graphics::boxplot(x,plot=FALSE)

  getOutlierGraph <- function(x) {
    #  mod <- tryCatch({
    outl <- getOutliers(x)
    df <- data.frame(x=x, cl=1)
    if(length(outl)>0) {
      df$cl[which(df$x %in% outl)] <- 2
    #pl <- stats::scatter.smooth(df$x,col=df$cl)
    pl <- tryCatch({
    }, warning = function(w) {
      #n <- "warning!"
    }, error = function(e) {
      n <- "error!"
    }, finally = {
      graphics::plot(df$x ~ row.names(df),col=df$cl,xlab="index")
    ma <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE)
    s <- stats::sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)
    graphics::abline(h=ma-(2*s), col="red", lty=2)
    graphics::abline(h=ma+(2*s), col="red", lty=2)
    #  }, error = function(e) {
    #    pl <- drawFakeGraph("none")
    #  })

  getScatterGraph <- function(df=data,x,y,dtype=1) {
    #  mod <- tryCatch({
    if(dtype==1) {
      pl <- ggplot2::ggplot(df) + ggplot2::geom_smooth(ggplot2::aes(x=data[[x]], y=data[[y]]), method="loess") + ggplot2::xlab(x) + ggplot2::ylab(y)
    } else {
      pl <- ggplot2::ggplot(df) + ggplot2::geom_boxplot(ggplot2::aes(y=data[[x]], color=data[[y]])) + ggplot2::xlab(x) + ggplot2::ylab(y) + ggplot2::labs(color=y)

  getOutliersHtml <- function(imgname=imgname, x=x, srcdir=srcdir) {
    bp <- getOutliers(x)
    if (length(unique(bp)) > 10) {
      xtrm <- paste("There are ", length(unique(bp)), " outlier values")
    } else if (length(unique(bp)) == 0) {
      xtrm <- "No outlier values found"
    } else {
      xtrm <- paste(formatC(unique(bp)), collapse=', ' )
    #imgsrc = paste(paste0(srcdir,"/fig/"),imgname, "_2.png",sep="")
    imgsrc = paste(paste0("fig/"),imgname, "_2.png",sep="")
    html <- paste0("<div class='Cell'><img class='origimg' src='",imgsrc,"' height='150' width='250'><br> <u>Outlier values</u>: <br> ", xtrm, "</div>")
  ################## Prepare for the report ###################
  #report <- paste(mydir,"/report",sep="")

  ################## Check for values for rn ##################
  if(!is.null(rn)) {
    if(length(rn)!=ncol(data)) {
      message("the value of the 'rn' argument was avoided because it does not have the same number of columns of the dataframe")
      rn <- NULL
    xname <- rn
    names(xname) <- names(data)
  } else {
    xname <- NULL

  report <- dir
  if (!file.exists(report)) {
  fig <- paste(report,"/fig",sep="")
  if (!file.exists(fig)) {
  if (get_computer_type()=="pc") {
    srcdir <- report
  } else {
    #srcdir <- paste0("file_show?path=",getwd(),"/",report)
    srcdir <- paste0("file_show?path=",getwd())
  # determine which columns are integer
  int_col <- which(sapply(data, is.integer))
  int_col <- c(int_col,(which(sapply(data, is.numeric))))
  mi <- vector()
  # find only those integers with less than 10 unique values and convert to factor
  for (li in int_col) {
    if (length(unique(data[,li])) < factorSize) {
      mi <- c(mi,li)
      if (is.factor(data[,li]) == FALSE) {
        data[,li] <- factor(data[,li])

  str_col <- which(sapply(data, is.character))
  mi <- vector()
  # find only those integers with less than 10 unique values and convert to factor
  for (li in str_col) {
    mi <- c(mi,li)
    data[,li] <- factor(data[,li])

  # create the html report page
  myhtml <- paste(report,"/report.html",sep="")
  cat("<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Data Visualization</title>
      <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' />
      <link rel='stylesheet' href='http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.4.5/jquery.mobile-1.4.5.min.css'>

      <script src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js'></script>

      $(function() {
      $('.origimg').click(function(e) {
      var pos = $(document).scrollTop();
      $('#myContainer').css({'top':pos+20,'left':250, 'position':'absolute', 'border':'1px solid black', 'padding':'0px'});
      $('#myContainer').click(function(e) {

      $('#myform2').submit(function(e) {

      $('#onetoone').on('click',function() {
      console.log('onetone button - 1');
      // To show only individual rows:
      // then we iterate
      var i = $('.Row').length;
      // Then we iterate
      var nxt = $('#idx').val();
      if (nxt < i & nxt >0) {
      } else {
      console.log('onetone button - 2');

      $('#aslist').on('click',function() {
      console.log('aslist button - 1');
      console.log('aslist button - 2');

      console.log('less button - 1');
      var i = $('.Row').length;
      var nxt = parseInt($('#idx').val(),10) - 1;
      if (nxt < i & nxt >0) {
      } else {
      console.log('less button - 2');

      console.log('more button - 1');
      var i = $('.Row').length;
      var nxt = parseInt($('#idx').val(),10) + 1;
      if (nxt < i & nxt >0) {
      } else {
      console.log('more button - 2');

      $('#idx').on('change', function(){
      console.log('idx changed - 1');
      var i = $('.Row').length;
      var nxt = $('#idx').val();
      if (nxt < i & nxt >0) {
      } else {
      console.log('idx changed - 2');


      <style type='text/css'>
      display: table;
      display: table-caption;
      text-align: center;
      font-weight: bold;
      font-size: larger;
      color: #fff;
      display: table-row;
      .Row:nth-child(even) {
        background-color: #56882433;
      display: table-cell;
      border: solid;
      border-width: thin;
      padding-left: 5px;
      padding-right: 5px;
      vertical-align: top;
      font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
      font-size: 14px;


      <div id='pageone' data-role='main' class='ui-content'>
      ", file = myhtml, sep='\n',append=FALSE)

  html <- paste("<p><p><h1> Data Visualization & Exploration </h1>
                <input type='button' id='onetoone' value='Show as Cards'>
                <input type='button' id='aslist' class='onetoone' value='Show as List'>
  cat(html, file = myhtml, sep='\n', append=TRUE)
  # begin table
  alt1 <- ifelse(is.null(y)== TRUE, "", "<div class='Cell Title'> Dependent <br> Variable <br> Distribution </div>")
  html <- paste("<p><p>
                <div class='Table'>
                <div class='Row'>
                <div class='Cell Title'> Variable </div>
                <div class='Cell Title'> Distribution </div>
                <div class='Cell Title'> Descriptive <br> Statistics</div>
                <div class='Cell Title'> Outliers </div>"
                , alt1,
  cat(html, file = myhtml, sep='\n', append=TRUE)

  #### determinate the type of each variable...
  data_types <- sapply(sapply(data, class), whatVarType)
  ln <- length(data)
  ii <- 0
  pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=0,max=ln,style=3)
  for(x in names(data)) {

    ## check if the value has at least more than one unique value...
    if(length(unique(data[[x]])) < 2) {
      message(paste("The variable",x,"has less than two unique values, so will not be included"))
    } else {

      if(debug==TRUE) {
      } else {
        pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=0,max=ln,style=3)

      html <- paste("<div class='Row'><div class='Cell'><b>",x,"</b><p>",xname[x],"</p></div>")

      cat(html, file = myhtml, sep='\n', append=TRUE)
      #### initialize the first graph
      imgname = paste(fig,"/",x, "_1.png",sep="")
      #imgsrc = paste(paste0(srcdir,"/fig/"),x, "_1.png",sep="")
      imgsrc = paste("fig/",x, "_1.png",sep="")
      ### send the data with the type to generate the correct graph..
      drawGraphOne(x, data[[x]], data_types[x])
      html <- paste0("<div class='Cell'><img class='origimg'  src='",imgsrc,"' height='150' width='150'><br></div>")
      cat(html, file = myhtml, sep='\n', append=TRUE)

      # second, show the statistics
      html <- getStats(data[[x]],data_types[x])
      cat(html, file = myhtml, sep='\n', append=TRUE)

      # third, determine the outliers
      imgname = paste(fig,"/",x, "_2.png",sep="")
      if(data_types[x]==1) {
        html <- getOutliersHtml(x,data[[x]],srcdir)
      } else {
        html <- "<div class='Cell'></div>"
      cat(html, file = myhtml, sep='\n', append=TRUE)

      # fourth, if y is assigned, make a corresponding plot
      if(is.null(y)==FALSE) {
        imgname = paste(fig,"/",x, "_3.png",sep="")
        #imgsrc = paste(paste0(srcdir,"/fig/"),x, "_3.png",sep="")
        imgsrc = paste("fig/",x, "_3.png",sep="")
        ### scatter.smooth(data[[x]] ~ data[[y]])
        html <- paste0("<div class='Cell'><img class='origimg' src='",imgsrc,"' height='150' width='150'><br></div>")
        cat(html, file = myhtml, sep='\n', append=TRUE)
      html <- paste("</div>")
      cat(html, file = myhtml, sep='\n', append=TRUE)

      if(debug==FALSE) {
        ii <- ii + 1
  html <- paste("</div>")
  cat(html, file = myhtml, sep='\n', append=TRUE)
  # end table
  html <- paste("</div>
                <div data-role='popup' id='myContainer' style='display: none;'>
                <img id='popup_img' src='' />
                <div class='onetoone'>
                <form id='myform2'>
                <span> <input type='button' id='less' value=' << '> </span>
                <span> <input id='idx' name='idx' value='1'></input></span>
                <span> <input type='button' id='more' value=' >> '> </span>
  cat(html, file = myhtml, sep='\n', append=TRUE)
  if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
    system(paste("start /b ", myhtml))
  } else {
    shell(paste("explorer ", gsub("/", "\\\\", myhtml) ), intern=TRUE)

###################### END exploreData ###############

#####   TABLE 1                                                         ####
#####   Author: Tomas Karpati M.D.                                      ####
#####   Creation date: 2016-03-09                                       ####
#####   Last Modified: 2018-12-19                                       ####

####################  FUNCTIONS  ###########################################
#### Usage:
####   x: character vector with the name of the variables
####   y: the name of the strata variable (optional)
####   rn: character vector with the text we want to replace the variable names
####   data: the dataset to be used
####   miss: include missing statistics: [0=none, 1=only for categorical variables, 2=for all variables]
####   excel: export the table to excel [0=no, 1=yes]
####   excel_file: the name of the excel file we want to save the table (optional)

Table1 <- function(x=NULL, y=NULL, rn=NULL, data=NULL, miss=3, catmiss=TRUE, formatted=TRUE, categorize=FALSE,
                    factorVars=NULL, maxcat=10, delzero=TRUE, decimals=1, messages=TRUE, excel=0, excel_file=NULL,
                    debug=FALSE) {
  ### define sub-functions
  Del <- NULL
  Pop <- NULL
  n <- NULL
  g1 <- function(var)c(Mean=mean(var,na.rm=TRUE), SD=stats::sd(var,na.rm=TRUE))
  g2 <- function(var)c(Median=stats::median(var,na.rm=TRUE), IQR=stats::quantile(var,c(0.25,0.75),na.rm=TRUE))
  msg <- NULL

  ### function for transforming variables to factors
  setFactors <- function(data=data, factorVars=factorVars, catmiss=catmiss, maxcat=maxcat) {
    if(is.null(factorVars)==TRUE) {
      aa <- sapply(sapply(data, unique), length)
      factorVars <- names(which(aa <= maxcat))
    for (v in factorVars) {
      ct <- ifelse( ((is.null(factorVars)==FALSE & (v %in% factorVars)) | (is.null(factorVars)==TRUE & length(unique(data[[v]])) <= maxcat)),1,0)
      if (ct == 1) {
        data[[v]] <- factor(data[[v]])
        if(catmiss == TRUE & sum(is.na(data[[v]])==TRUE) > 0) {
          data[[v]] <- factor(data[[v]],levels=c(levels(data[[v]]),"Missing"))
          data[[v]][which(is.na(data[[v]])==TRUE)] <- "Missing"
  ### proceed to convert varibles to factors
  if (categorize == TRUE | is.null(factorVars)==FALSE ) {
    data <- setFactors(data, factorVars, catmiss, maxcat)

  getSimpleTable  <- function(x=x, rn=rn, data=data, miss=miss, catmiss=catmiss,formatted=formatted,
                              categorize=categorize,maxcat=maxcat, delzero=delzero) {
    if (is.null(x)==TRUE) { x <- names(data)}
    if (is.null(rn)==TRUE) { rn <- x}
    ln <- length(x)
    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=0,max=ln,style=3)
    msg <- NULL
    ### define the column names
    tableaaaa <- cbind(Del="Del",V1="Variables",V2="Categories",n="n","Population")
    tablebbbb <- cbind(Del="Del",V1="Variables",V2="Categories",n="n",val1="val1",val2="val2",val3="val3")
    tbl1 <- cbind(0,"Individuals","n",n=1, nrow(data))
    tbl2 <- cbind(0,"Individuals","n",n=1, nrow(data),NA,NA)
    tableaaaa <- rbind(tableaaaa,tbl1)
    tablebbbb <- rbind(tablebbbb,tbl2)
    q <- 1
    n <- 1
    ii <- 1
    for (v in x)
      if (v %in% names(data)) {
        ### define if the actual variable has to be treated as numeric or factor
        ct <- ifelse(is.numeric(data[[v]])==TRUE & categorize==TRUE &
                       ((is.null(factorVars)==FALSE & (v %in% factorVars)) |
                          (is.null(factorVars)==TRUE & length(unique(data[[v]])) <= maxcat)),1,0)
        ### treat as numeric
        if (length(unique(data[v]))==0) {
          if (messages==TRUE) {
            msg <- c(msg, paste("The variable",v,"has no data... avoided"))
        } else if (inherits(data[[v]], "Date")==TRUE) {
          if (messages==TRUE) {
            msg <- c(msg, paste("The variable",v,"is a date. Dates are not allowed in Table1... avoided"))
        } else if (is.numeric(data[[v]])==TRUE & ct==0) {
          ## report mean and standard deviation
          t_n <- g1(data[[v]])
          tp <- paste(format(round(t_n[1],decimals),nsmall=1,big.mark=",")," (", format(round(t_n[2],decimals),nsmall=1,big.mark=","),")",sep="")
          tbl1 <- cbind(0,rn[q],"Mean (SD)",n=1, tp)
          tbl2 <- cbind(0,rn[q],"Mean (SD)",n=1,t_n[1],t_n[2],NA)
          tableaaaa <- rbind(tableaaaa,tbl1)
          tablebbbb <- rbind(tablebbbb,tbl2)
          ## report median and Interquartile ranges (25%,75%)
          t_n <- g2(data[[v]])
          tp <- paste(format(round(t_n[1],decimals),nsmall=1,big.mark=",")," (", format(round(t_n[2],decimals),nsmall=1,big.mark=","),"-", format(round(t_n[3],decimals),nsmall=1,big.mark=","), ")",sep="")
          tbl1 <- cbind(0,rn[q],"Median (IQR)",n=2, format(tp,big.mark=","))
          tbl2 <- cbind(0,rn[q],"Median (IQR)",n=2,t_n[1],t_n[2],t_n[3])
          tableaaaa <- rbind(tableaaaa,tbl1)
          tablebbbb <- rbind(tablebbbb,tbl2)
          ## report number and percent of missing
          if (miss >= 1) {
            datams <- subset(data,is.na(data[[v]])==TRUE)
            if (nrow(datams)>0) {
              data$cnt <- 1
              datams$cnt <- 1
              t_n <- table(data$cnt)
              t_m <- sum(datams$cnt)
              tp <- paste(format(t_m,big.mark=",")," (",format(round((t_m/t_n)*100,decimals),nsmall=1,big.mark=","),"%)",sep="")
              tbl1 <- cbind(0,rn[q],"Missing (%)",n=3, tp)
              tbl2 <- cbind(0,rn[q],"Missing (%)",n=3, t_m, (t_m/t_n)*100, NA)
            } else {
              tbl1 <- cbind(1,rn[q],"Missing (%)",n=3, " -- ")
              tbl2 <- cbind(1,rn[q],"Missing (%)",n=3, NA, NA, NA)
            tableaaaa <- rbind(tableaaaa,tbl1)
            tablebbbb <- rbind(tablebbbb,tbl2)
        } else {
          t_n <- table(data[[v]])
          ttotal <- sum(t_n)
          nm <- row.names(t_n)
          for (f in 1:length(nm)) {
            del1 <- ifelse(length(nm)==2 & (nm[f]=="No" | nm[f]=="no" | nm[f]==0 | nm[f]=="0" | nm[f]=="None" | nm[f]=="none"),1,0)
            tp <- t_n[f] / ttotal * 100
            pct <- paste(format(round(t_n[f],decimals),nsmall=0,big.mark=",")," (", format(round(tp,decimals),nsmall=1,big.mark=","), "%)",sep="")
            tbl1 <- cbind(del1,rn[q],nm[f],n=f, pct)             ########### delete rows 0/1 !!!!!!!!!
            tbl2 <- cbind(del1,rn[q],nm[f],n=f, t_n[f], tp, NA)  ########### delete rows 0/1 !!!!!!!!!
            tableaaaa <- rbind(tableaaaa,tbl1)
            tablebbbb <- rbind(tablebbbb,tbl2)
          if (miss >= 2 & catmiss==FALSE ) {
            datams <- subset(data,is.na(data[[v]])==TRUE)
            if (nrow(datams)>0) {
              data$cnt <- 1
              datams$cnt <- 1
              t_n <- table(data$cnt)
              t_m <- sum(datams$cnt)
              tp <- paste(format(t_m,big.mark=",")," (",format(round((t_m/t_n)*100,decimals),nsmall=1,big.mark=","),"%)",sep="")
              tbl1 <- cbind(0,rn[q],"Missing (%)",n=f, tp)
              tbl2 <- cbind(0,rn[q],"Missing (%)",n=f, t_m, (t_m/t_n)*100, NA)
            } else {
              tbl1 <- cbind(1,rn[q],"Missing (%)",n=f, " -- ")
              tbl2 <- cbind(1,rn[q],"Missing (%)",n=f, NA, NA, NA)
            tableaaaa <- rbind(tableaaaa,tbl1)
            tablebbbb <- rbind(tablebbbb,tbl2)
      } else {
        if (messages==TRUE) {
          msg <- c(msg, paste("The variable",v,"doesn't exists in the dataset... avoiding"))
      q <- q + 1
      if(debug==FALSE) {
        ii <- ii + 1
      } else {
    if(formatted==TRUE) {
    } else {

  pvals <- function(x=x,y=y,rn=rn,data=data,categorize=categorize,maxcat=maxcat) {
    ptab <- NULL
    if (is.null(y)==FALSE) {
      if (y %in% names(data)) {
        if (is.null(x)==TRUE) { x <- names(data)}
        if (is.null(rn)==TRUE | length(rn)<2) {rn <- x}
        q <- 1
        ptab <- cbind(V="Variables",pval="pval", n="n")

        ln <- length(x)
        ii <- 0
        pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min=0,max=ln,style=3)

        for (v in x) {
          if (v %in% names(data)) {
            ct <- ifelse(is.numeric(data[[v]])==TRUE & categorize==TRUE & length(unique(data[[v]])) <= maxcat,1,0)
            if (is.numeric(data[[y]])==TRUE & categorize==TRUE & length(unique(data[[y]])) <= maxcat) {
              data[[y]] <- as.factor(data[[y]])
            } else if (is.numeric(data[[y]])==TRUE) {
              if (messages==TRUE) {
                msg <- c(msg, paste("The variable",y,"is not a factor. Please convert to factor or change the 'categorize' flag to TRUE."))
              pval <- "Please rerun!!!"
            if (is.numeric(data[[v]])==TRUE & length(unique(data[[v]])) > 1 & ct == 0) {
              ### first check for homoscedasticity
                if (stats::bartlett.test(data[[v]], data[[y]])[3] >= 0.05) {
                  pval <- suppressMessages(round(as.numeric(suppressMessages(car::Anova(stats::lm(data[[v]] ~ data[[y]])))[1, 4]), 3))
                } else {
                  pval <- suppressMessages(round(as.numeric(suppressMessages(car::Anova(stats::lm(data[[v]] ~ data[[y]]), white.adjust = TRUE))[1, 3]), 3))
              }, warning = function(w) {
                #ww <- "suppress warnings..."
              }, error = function(e) {
                pval <- "---"
            } else if (length(unique(data[[v]]))==1) {
              pval <- NA
            } else {
              if(length(unique(data[[v]])) < 15) {
                if (min(table(data[[v]],data[[y]])) > 5) {
                  pval <- round(as.numeric(stats::chisq.test(data[[v]],data[[y]])$p.val),3)
                } else {
                  if(min(table(data[[v]],data[[y]]))==0) {
                    #in cases where there are cells with zero, we use Fisher's exact test
                      pval <- round(as.numeric(stats::fisher.test(data[[v]],data[[y]], workspace=1e9)$p.val),3),
                      error = function(e) {msg <- c(msg,paste0("Unable to calcualte the Fisher test for variables ",v," and ",y))})
                  } else {
                    pval <- round(as.numeric(stats::kruskal.test(data[[v]],data[[y]], workspace=1e9)$p.val),3)
              } else {
                pval <- NA
            ptab <- rbind(ptab,cbind(V=rn[q],pval=pval,n=2))
          if(debug==FALSE) {
            ii <- ii + 1
          q <- q + 1
  ####################### Begin analysis
  ##### check for x's witch have one unique values...get them out...
  vv <- NULL
  j <- 0
  jj <- NULL
  for(v in x) {
    if(length(unique(data[[v]])) < 2) {
      vv <- c(vv,v)
      j <- j + 1
      jj <- c(jj,j)
  warning(paste("The following variables have unique values and will not be included in the analysis:",vv))
  x <- setdiff(x, vv)
  if(is.null(rn)==FALSE & length(jj)>0) {
    rn <- rn[-jj]

  ##### if y is null then make a simple table
  tabaaa1 <- getSimpleTable(x=x, rn=rn, data=data, miss=miss, catmiss=catmiss,formatted=formatted,categorize=categorize,maxcat=maxcat, delzero=delzero)
  tabaaa1 <- tibble::as.tibble(tabaaa1)
  ############################  CHANGE TO 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  if(length(tabaaa1) > 5) {
    names(tabaaa1) <- c("Del","V1","V2","n","Pop","pop2","pop3")
  } else {
    names(tabaaa1) <- c("Del","V1","V2","n","Pop")
  ##### if y has two levels, then make a compound comparison
  if (is.null(y)==FALSE){
    if (y %in% names(data)) {
      if (is.factor(data[[y]])==FALSE) {
        if (length(levels(factor(data[[y]]))) > 8) {
          if (messages==TRUE) {
            message("The dependent variable has more than 8 levels, table too large!")
        } else if(min(table(data[[y]]))==0) {
          message("The dependent variable has one or more levels with no individuals assigned!")
        } else {
          data[[y]] <- factor(data[[y]])
      if (length(levels(data[[y]])) >= 2) {
        for (lv in levels(data[[y]])) {
          dtsub <- subset(data, data[[y]]==lv)
          tab <- getSimpleTable(x=x, rn=rn, data=dtsub, miss=miss, catmiss=catmiss, formatted=formatted,categorize=categorize,maxcat=maxcat, delzero=delzero)
          tab <- data.frame(tab)
          ############################  CHANGE TO 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          if(length(tab) > 5) {
            names(tab) <- c("Del","V1","V2","n",paste0(lv,"_1"),paste0(lv,"_2"),paste0(lv,"_3"))
          } else {
            names(tab) <- c("Del","V1","V2","n",lv)
          ############################  CHANGE TO 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          tab[1,5] <- lv
          tabaaa1 <- suppressMessages(dplyr::left_join(tabaaa1, tab))
        # what to do with dichotomous variables? We remove the "Zero" label...
        # clean unnecesary rows
        if (delzero == TRUE) {
          tabaaa1 <- dplyr::filter(tabaaa1,Del==0)
        ### calculate the p-value
        ptab <- data.frame(pvals(x=x,y=y,rn=rn,data=data,categorize=categorize,maxcat=maxcat))
        names(ptab) <- c("V1","pval","n")
        tabaaa1 <- suppressMessages(dplyr::left_join(tabaaa1, ptab))
        tabaaa1 <- dplyr::filter(tabaaa1,Pop != " -- ") #%>%

  tabaaa1 <- dplyr::select(tabaaa1,-n)
  tabaaa1 <- dplyr::select(tabaaa1,-Del)

  ##### Join the tables...
  if (excel==1) {
    #wb <- xlsx::createWorkbook()
    #sheet1 <- xlsx::createSheet(wb, sheetName="Table 1")
    #### save and close the workbook
    #xlsx::saveWorkbook(wb, excel_file)
  } else {

########################## END Table1 ###############

#####   TEST & TRAIN DATASET GENERATION                                 ####
#####   Author: Tomas Karpati M.D.                                      ####
#####   Creation date: 2016-08-17                                       ####

train_test <- function(data=NULL,train_name=NULL,test_name=NULL,prop=NULL,seed=123,tableone=FALSE)
  pval <- NULL
  checkTrainTest <- function(train=NULL,test=NULL) {
    train[["traintest_ind_"]] <- 1
    test[["traintest_ind_"]] <- 2
    df <- rbind(train, test)
    tab <- Table1(data=df, y="traintest_ind_",messages = FALSE)
    vars <- subset(tab, pval < 0.05)$V1
    vars <- setdiff(vars,"traintest_ind_")
    if (length(vars)==0) {
      message(" ")
      message("You got a perfectly balanced training and test datasets")
      message(" ")
    } else {
      message("WARNING: The following variables are not balanced between the training and test datasets:")
      for (v in vars) { message(paste("*",v)) }
      message("You can try to change the seed value until you get a balanced partition.")
      message("Alternatively, you can ommit this warning and exclude those variables from your model")
      message(" ")
  nm <- 1
  ttenv = as.environment(nm)
  ## set the seed to make your partition reproductible
  smp_size <- floor(prop * nrow(data))
  train_ind <- sample(seq_len(nrow(data)), size = smp_size)
  assign(train_name, data[train_ind, ], envir=ttenv)
  assign(test_name, data[-train_ind, ], envir=ttenv)
  message(paste("Dataset partitioned into:"))
  message(paste(" + Train dataset:", train_name))
  message(paste(" + Test dataset:", test_name))
  if(tableone==TRUE) {
    tab = checkTrainTest(get(train_name),get(test_name))

######################### END train_test ###############

#####   TABLE 2                                                         ####
#####   Description: calculates the Odds/Hazard ratios and their        ####
#####     confidence intervals from a given model
#####   Author: Tomas Karpati M.D.                                      ####
#####   Creation date: 2016-03-09                                       ####
#####   Last Modified: 2018-04-16                                       ####

Table2 <- function(mod, rv=NULL,level=0.95, decimals=3) {
  alpha <- 1-level
  msm <- suppressMessages(summary(mod))
  if(rlang::has_name(msm,"coefficients")==TRUE) {
    msm <- msm$coefficients
  } else if(rlang::has_name(msm,"coef")==TRUE) {
    msm <- msm$coef
  if("coxph" %in% class(mod)) {
    exp_coef <- msm[,1]
    dd <- suppressMessages(exp(stats::confint(mod, level=level)))
    dd1 <- round(dd[,1],decimals)
    dd2 <- round(dd[,2],decimals)
    p_value <- round(msm[,ncol(msm)],decimals)
  } else {
    ciz <- stats::qnorm(1-(alpha/2))
    exp_coef <- exp(msm[, 1])
    se_exp_coef <- msm[,2] * exp_coef
    dd1 <- round(exp_coef - ciz * se_exp_coef, decimals)
    dd2 <- round(exp_coef + ciz * se_exp_coef, decimals)
    exp_coef <- round(exp_coef, decimals)
    z<- abs((exp_coef-1)/se_exp_coef)
    p_value <- round(2*(1-stats::pnorm(z)), decimals)
  tb <- data.frame(cbind(Estimate=exp_coef,'CI_lo'=dd1,'CI_hi'=dd2,'p value'=p_value))
  if (is.null(rv)==FALSE) {
    row.names(tb) <- rv

#####   TABLE2 WITH FORESTPLOT                                          ####
#####   Description: Generates a publication ready version of a model   ####
#####      risk table with a forestplot graph inside it                 ####
#####   Author: Tomas Karpati M.D.                                      ####
#####   Creation date: 2018-05-17                                       ####
Table2.forestplot <- function(mod, nr=NULL) {
  opar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  tryCatch({tbA <- Table2(mod)},
           error=function(cond) {
             message("This model type is not supported !")
  if(exists("tbA")) {
    ## max value for x axis
    xmax <- max(tbA[,3])
    if(xmax < 5) {
      #axis(1, seq(0,xmax,by=.5), cex.axis=.5)
     rh <- 12
    } else {
      rh <- 18
    colnames(tbA) <- c("coef","ci_low","ci_high","p_value")
    j <- nrow(tbA)
    nm <- row.names(tbA)
    rowseq <- seq(nrow(tbA),1)
    graphics::plot(tbA$coef, rowseq, pch=15,
         xlim=c(-10,rh), ylim=c(0,j+3),
         xlab='', ylab='', yaxt='n', xaxt='n',
    for (i in 1:j) {
      graphics::abline(h=i-0.5,lwd=1, lty=3, col="gray")
    graphics::plot(tbA$coef, rowseq, pch=15,
         xlim=c(-10,rh), ylim=c(0,j+3),
         xlab='', ylab='', yaxt='n', xaxt='n',
    graphics::axis(1, seq(0,xmax,by=.5), cex.axis=.5)
    graphics::segments(1,-1,1,j, lty=3)
    graphics::segments(tbA$ci_low, rowseq, tbA$ci_hi, rowseq)
    graphics::mtext('Lower risk',1, line=2.5, at=0, cex=.5, font=2)
    graphics::mtext('Higher risk',1.5, line=2.5, at=2, cex=.5, font=2)
    if (is.null(nr)) {
      nr <- data.frame(vars=names(mod$coefficients))
      col2 <- as.character(gsub(x=nr$vars, pattern=paste(names(mod$xlevels),collapse="|"),replacement=" "))
      col3 <- data.frame(vars=as.character(NULL),col3=as.character(NULL))
      for(n in names(mod$xlevels)) {
        col3 <- rbind(col3, cbind(vars=paste(n,levels(mod$data[[n]])[2],sep=""),col3=n))
      nr$col1 <- ifelse(nr$vars %nin% setdiff(names(mod$coefficients),names(mod$data)),as.character(nr$vars),'')
      nr$col2 <- ifelse(nr$vars %nin% col2, col2, " ")
      nr[1,"col1"] <- ifelse(nr[1,"vars"]=="(Intercept)","(Intercept)",nr[1,"vars"])
      nr$col1 <- ifelse(nr$vars %in% col3, col3, nr$col1)
      suppressWarnings(suppressMessages(nr <- dplyr::left_join(nr,col3)))
      nr$col1 <- ifelse(is.na(nr$col3)==TRUE,nr$col1,as.character(nr$col3))
      nr$col1 <- ifelse(grepl(":",nr$vars),nr$vars,nr$col1)
    } else {
      nr <- data.frame(vars=nr)
      if (length(nm)==nrow(nr)) {
        nr <- cbind(nm,nr)
        colnames(nr) <- c("vars","col1","col2")
      } else {
        return("The number of variables in the table of names (nr) you give is not equal to the number of variables in the model.
               Please check the names you entered in the table.")
    ### this part writes the variable titles
    graphics::text(-10,j+2, "Variables", cex=.75, font=2, pos=4)
    graphics::abline(h=j+1, col="gray", lwd=1.5, lty=1)
    graphics::text(-10,rowseq, nr[,2], cex=.75, pos=4, font=3)
    ### and this writes the categories for nominal variables
    graphics::text(-6,rowseq, nr[,3], cex=.75, pos=4)
    graphics::text(-3,j+2, "Odds Ratio (95% CI)", cex=.75, font=2, pos=4)
    t3 <- ifelse(!is.na(tbA$coef),
                 with(tbA, paste(format(coef,nsmall = 3,digits = 3),' (',format(ci_low,nsmall = 3,digits = 3),'-',format(ci_high,nsmall = 3,digits = 3),')',sep='')), '')
    graphics::text(xmax,rowseq, t3, cex=.75, pos=4, bg="lightgreen")
    graphics::text(xmax+5,j+2, "P Value", cex=.75, font=2, pos=4)
    t4 <- ifelse(!tbA$p_value==0, paste0(" ",format(tbA$p_value,nsmall = 3,digits = 3)), '<0.001')
    graphics::text(xmax+5,rowseq, t4, cex=.75, pos=4)
    graphics::box(which = "outer",col="darkgray",lwd=3)

#####   CALCULATE CONFIDENCE INTERVALS FOR MEANS                        ####
#####   Author: Tomas Karpati M.D.                                      ####
#####   Creation date: 2016-08-24                                       ####
MeanCI <- function(x,round=3) {
  m <- mean(x,na.rm=TRUE)
  s <- stats::sd(x,na.rm=TRUE)
  ci <- 1.96 * (s/sqrt(length(x)))
  CImin <- m - ci
  CImax <- m + ci

#####   Author: Tomas Karpati M.D.                                      ####
#####   Creation date: 2016-08-24                                       ####
PropCI <- function(x,round=3,multi=100,ref=2) {
  recode <- function(x,ref) {
    y <- x
    if (ref==2) {
      y[which(x==min(x))] <- 0
      y[which(x==max(x))] <- 1
    } else {
      y[which(x==max(x))] <- 0
      y[which(x==min(x))] <- 1
  if (is.factor(x)==TRUE && length(levels(x))==2) {
    p <- levels(x)[ref]
    y <- recode(as.numeric(x),ref)
  } else if (is.numeric(x)==TRUE && length(levels(factor(x)))==2) {
    p <- ifelse(ref==2,max(x),min(x))
    y <- recode(x,ref)
  } else if (length(levels(factor(x)))==2) {
    p <- levels(factor(x))[ref]
    y <- recode(as.numeric(factor(x)),ref)
  } else {
    return("The variable must be dichotomic")
  freq <- (mean(y,na.rm=TRUE))
  CI <- 1.96 * sqrt((freq * (1-freq))/length(y))
  CImin <- (freq - CI)*multi
  CImax <- (freq + CI)*multi

#####   GENERATE A TABLE WITH VALIDITY TESTS                            ####
#####   Author: Tomas Karpati M.D.                                      ####
#####   Creation date: 2016-08-17                                       ####

################# Validity Test #########################################
#                    Observed
#                              +                  -
#          -----------------------------------------
# Predicted   +    TP                FP        |     PPV
#                                            a                   b         |  e (e1-e2)
#                                                                             |
#                                                             |
#                         -    FN       TN        |     NPV
#                                c        d         |  f (f1-f2)
#                      ----------------------------------------
#                        Sensitivity Specificity  |  Prevalence
#                          g (g1-g2)  h (h1-h2)   |  i (i1-i2)
#       Chi-square
#       Corrected Chi-square
#       Error: (FP+FN)/(TP+FP+FN+TN)
#       Accuracy: (TP+TN)/(TP+FP+FN+TN)
#       Precision: TP/(TP+FP)
#       Recall: TP/(TP+FN)
#       Harmonic mean of precision and recall (F1-Score):
#        f1-Score: 2 * (Precision * Recall)/(Precision + Recall)

ValidityTest <- function (a, b, c, d, multi = 100, caption = "Validity of the Model/Screening")

  proportionCI <- function(p, n, multi = 100, prob = 0.95, dec = 2) {
    alpha <- ifelse(prob != 0.95,0.01,0.05)
    ci <- Hmisc::binconf(p,n,alpha=alpha,method="wilson")
    pci = paste(round(ci[1] * multi, dec), " (",
                round(ci[2] * multi, dec), "-",
                round(ci[3] * multi, dec), ")",
                sep = "")

  lr.ci <- function( a,b,c,d, sig.level=0.95 ) {
    ### Positive and negative likelihood ratios with their 95% CI...
    alpha <- 1 - sig.level
    spec <- d/(b+d)
    sens <- a/(a+c)
    lr.pos <- sens/(1 - spec)
    if ( a != 0 & b != 0 ) {
      sigma2 <- (1/a) - (1/(a+c)) + (1/b) - (1/(b+d))
      lower.pos <- lr.pos * exp(-stats::qnorm(1-(alpha/2))*sqrt(sigma2))
      upper.pos <- lr.pos * exp(stats::qnorm(1-(alpha/2))*sqrt(sigma2))
    } else if ( a == 0 & b == 0 ) {
      lower.pos <- 0
      upper.pos <- Inf
    } else if ( a == 0 & b != 0 ) {
      a.temp <- (1/2)
      spec.temp <- d/(b+d)
      sens.temp <- a.temp/(a+c)
      lr.pos.temp <- sens.temp/(1 - spec.temp)
      lower.pos <- 0
      sigma2 <- (1/a.temp) - (1/(a.temp+c)) + (1/b) - (1/(b+d))
      upper.pos <- lr.pos.temp * exp(stats::qnorm(1-(alpha/2))*sqrt(sigma2))
    } else if ( a != 0 & b == 0 ) {
      b.temp <- (1/2)
      spec.temp <- d/(b.temp+d)
      sens.temp <- a/(a+c)
      lr.pos.temp <- sens.temp/(1 - spec.temp)
      sigma2 <- (1/a) - (1/(a+c)) + (1/b.temp) - (1/(b.temp+d))
      lower.pos <- lr.pos.temp * exp(-stats::qnorm(1-(alpha/2))*sqrt(sigma2))
      upper.pos <- Inf
    } else if ( (a == (a+c)) & (b == (b+d)) ) {
      a.temp <- a - (1/2)
      b.temp <- b - (1/2)
      spec.temp <- d/(b.temp+d)
      sens.temp <- a.temp/(a+c)
      lr.pos.temp <- sens.temp/(1 - spec.temp)
      sigma2 <- (1/a.temp) - (1/(a.temp+c)) + (1/b.temp) - (1/(b.temp+d))
      lower.pos <- lr.pos.temp * exp(-stats::qnorm(1-(alpha/2))*sqrt(sigma2))
      upper.pos <- lr.pos.temp * exp(stats::qnorm(1-(alpha/2))*sqrt(sigma2))
    lr.neg <- (1 - sens)/spec
    if ( c != 0 & d != 0 ) {
      sigma2 <- (1/c) - (1/(a+c)) + (1/d) - (1/(b+d))
      lower.neg <- lr.neg * exp(-stats::qnorm(1-(alpha/2))*sqrt(sigma2))
      upper.neg <- lr.neg * exp(stats::qnorm(1-(alpha/2))*sqrt(sigma2))
    } else if ( c == 0 & d == 0 ) {
      lower.neg<- 0
      upper.neg <- Inf
    } else if ( c == 0 & d != 0 ) {
      c.temp <- (1/2)
      spec.temp <- d/(b+d)
      sens.temp <- a/(a+c.temp)
      lr.neg.temp <- (1 - sens.temp)/spec.temp
      lower.neg <- 0
      sigma2 <- (1/c.temp) - (1/(a+c)) + (1/d) - (1/(b+d))
      upper.neg <- lr.neg.temp * exp(stats::qnorm(1-(alpha/2))*sqrt(sigma2))
    } else if ( c != 0 & d == 0 ) {
      d.temp <- (1/2)
      spec.temp <- d.temp/(b+d)
      sens.temp <- a/(a+c)
      lr.neg.temp <- (1 - sens.temp)/spec.temp
      sigma2 <- (1/c) - (1/(a+c)) + (1/d.temp) - (1/(b+d))
      lower.neg <- lr.neg.temp * exp(-stats::qnorm(1-(alpha/2))*sqrt(sigma2))
      upper.neg <- Inf
    } else if ( (c == (a+c)) & (d == (b+d)) ) {
      c.temp <- c - (1/2)
      d.temp <- d - (1/2)
      spec.temp <- d.temp/(b+d)
      sens.temp <- a/(a+c.temp)
      lr.neg.temp <- (1 - sens.temp)/spec.temp
      sigma2 <- (1/c.temp) - (1/(a+c)) + (1/d.temp) - (1/(b+d))
      lower.neg <- lr.neg.temp * exp(-stats::qnorm(1-(alpha/2))*sqrt(sigma2))
      upper.neg <- lr.neg.temp * exp(stats::qnorm(1-(alpha/2))*sqrt(sigma2))
      lr.pos=lr.pos, lower.pos=lower.pos, upper.pos=upper.pos,
      lr.neg=lr.neg, lower.neg=lower.neg, upper.neg=upper.neg

  ppv <- proportionCI(a, a + b, multi)
  npv <- proportionCI(d, c + d, multi)
  sensit <- proportionCI(a, c + a, multi)
  specif <- proportionCI(d, b + d, multi)
  prev <- proportionCI(a + c, (a + b + c + d), multi)
  er <- proportionCI(b + c, (a + b + c + d), multi)
  acc <- proportionCI(a + d, (a + b + c + d), multi)
  prec <- proportionCI(a, (a + b), multi)
  recall <- proportionCI(a, (a + c), multi)
  f1 <- proportionCI(2 * ((a/(a + b)) * (a/(a + c))), ((a/(a + b)) + (a/(a + c))), multi)
  #Odds ratios
  odds <- ((a/c)/(b/d))
  oddsci <- 1.96 * sqrt((1/a)+(1/b)+(1/c)+(1/d))
  oddsratio <- paste(round(odds,2), " (", round(exp(log(odds)-oddsci),2), "-",round(exp(log(odds)+oddsci),2),")",sep="")
  #False positive rate = type I error= 1 - specificity
  fpr <- proportionCI(b, (d + b), multi)
  #False negative rate = type II error= 1 - sensitivity
  fnr <- proportionCI(c, (a + c), multi)
  #Likelihood ratio positive = sensitivity / (1 - specificity)
  # (a/(c+a) / b/(d+b))
  lr <- lr.ci(a,b,c,d,sig.level=0.95)
  plr1 <- paste(round(lr$lr.pos,2), " (", round(lr$lower.pos,2),"-",round(lr$upper.pos,2),")",sep="")
  #Likelihood ratio negative = (1 - sensitivity) / specificity
  # (c/(a+c) / d/(b+d))
  #nlr <- round((c*(b+d))/(d*(a+c)),2)
  #nlr <- ((c*(b+d))/(d*(a+c)))
  nlr1 <-  paste(round(lr$lr.neg,2), " (", round(lr$lower.neg,2),"-",round(lr$upper.neg,2),")",sep="")
  x <- matrix(c(a, b, c, d), byrow = TRUE, 2, 2)
  csq <- tryCatch({
  }, warning = function(w) {
    message("Using simulated p-value! - ", conditionMessage(w))
    stats::chisq.test(x, simulate.p.value = TRUE)
  xsq <- round(csq$statistic, 2)
  pval <- round(csq$p.value, 2)
  vars <- cbind("", "Observed", "", "")
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("", "+", "-", ""))
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("Expected", "(TP)", "(FP)", "PPV"))
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("+", a, b, ppv))
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("", "(FN)", "(TN)", "NPV"))
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("-", c, d, npv))
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("", "Sensitivity", "Specificity",
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("", sensit, specif, prev))
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("", "", "", ""))
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("Chi-square (p-value)", paste(xsq,
                                                          " (", pval, ")", sep = ""), "", ""))
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("Error", er, "", ""))
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("Accuracy", acc, "",
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("Precision", prec, "(Same as PPV)",
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("Recall", recall, "(Same as Sensitivity)", ""))
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("F1-Score", f1, "(Harmonic mean of",
                            "precision and recall)"))
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("Odds ratios", oddsratio, "", ""))
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("False positive rate", fpr, "(type I error)", ""))
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("False negative rate", fnr, "(type II error)", ""))
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("Positive Likelihood ratio", plr1, "", ""))
  vars <- rbind(vars, cbind("Negative Likelihood ratio", nlr1, "", ""))

#####   Model Validity                                                  ####
#####   Author: Tomas Karpati M.D.                                      ####
#####   Creation date: 2016-12-01                                       ####
modelValidity <- function (data, model, class, train=FALSE, calib.graph=FALSE)
  if ("glm" %in% class(model) | "earth" %in% class(model)) {
    data$pred <- stats::predict(model, newdata = data, type = "response")
  else {
    data$pred <- stats::predict(model, newdata = data, type = "prob")[,2]
  data <- subset(data, is.na(data[["pred"]])==FALSE)
  roc1 <- pROC::roc(data[, class], as.numeric(data[["pred"]]))
  ### GiViTI calibration test
  if(train==FALSE) {
  } else {
  if(is.factor(data[,class])==TRUE) {data[,class] <- as.numeric(data[,class])-1}
  cb <- givitiR::givitiCalibrationBelt(o=data[,class],e=data[["pred"]],devel=src)
  if(calib.graph==TRUE) {
    graphics::plot(cb, main = "Model calibration", xlab = "Model predicted probability", ylab = "Observed outcome")
  cb <- round(cb$p.value,3)
  ### Hoslem Lemeshow test
  hl <- ResourceSelection::hoslem.test(model$y, stats::fitted(model), g = 10)$p.value
  cm <- table(actual = data[, class], fitted = ifelse(data[["pred"]] >= 0.5, 1, 0))
  mmce <- 1 - (sum(diag(cm))/sum(cm))
  #d <- sjstats::cod(model)$cod
  if (is.factor(data[, class])==TRUE) {data[,class] <- as.numeric(data[, class])-1}
  acc <- ROSE::accuracy.meas(data[,class],data[["pred"]])
  srme <-sqrt((sum((data[, class] - data[["pred"]])^2,na.rm=TRUE))/nrow(data))
  vld <- cbind(auc = roc1$auc, cimin = pROC::ci(roc1)[1], cimax = pROC::ci(roc1)[3],
               SRME = srme,
               precision = acc$precision, recall = acc$recall, fscore = acc$F,
               NPV =  InformationValue::npv(data[, class], data[["pred"]]), mmce = mmce, Hosmer_Lemeshow = hl,GiViTI_calibration=cb)
  vld <- round(vld, 3)

#####   Model Cutoffs                                                   ####
#####   Author: Tomas Karpati M.D.                                      ####
#####   Creation date: 2017-07-09                                       ####
getModelCutoffs <- function(pred, obs, div=10) {
  #pred <- dc <- NULL
  modValidity <- function(a,b,c,d,cutoff) {
    ppv <- (a/(a+b))*100
    npv <- (d/(c + d))*100
    sensit <- (a/(c + a))*100
    specif <- (d/(b + d))*100
    prev <- ((a + c)/(a + b + c + d))*100
    er <- ((b + c)/(a + b + c + d))*100
    acc <- ((a + d)/(a + b + c + d))*100
    prec <- (a/(a + b))*100
    recall <- (a/(a + c))*100
    lift <- ppv/prev
    f1 <- ((2 * ((a/(a + b)) * (a/(a + c))))/((a/(a + b)) + (a/(a + c))))*100
  getQuintiles <- function(x,div=div) {
    cut(x, breaks=c(stats::quantile(x, probs = seq(0, 1, by = 1/div),na.rm = TRUE)),
  dc <- getQuintiles(pred,div=div)
  fl <- unique(levels(dc))
  res <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(fl)) {
    # get the selected cutoff
    idx <- dc %nin% fl[i]
    pred1 <- rep(0,length(pred))
    pred1[idx] <- 1
    mn <- min(pred[dc==fl[i]])
    #tab1 <- table(obs,pred=ifelse(data[["pred"]] > mn,1,0))
    tab1 <- table(pred1,obs)
    res <- rbind(res, round(modValidity(tab1[4],tab1[3],tab1[2],tab1[1],mn),3))

#####   AGE ADJUSTED RATES                                              ####
#####   Author: Tomas Karpati M.D.                                      ####
#####   Creation date: 2017-05-07                                       ####
age_adjusted <- function(dataset,outcome,age,agemin=0,agemax=130,source="who",alpha=0.05) {
  weight <- n <- outcm1 <- wght <- pop <- adj <- res <- NULL
  ###### generate tables
  age_group <- c("0-4","5-9","10-14","15-19","20-24","25-29","30-34",

  age_min <- seq(0,100,5)
  age_max <- c(seq(4,99,5),130)
  who <- c(8860,8690,8600,8470,8220,7930,7610,7150,6590,6040,5370,
  euro <- c(5000,5500,5500,5500,6000,6000,6500,7000,7000,7000,
  us <- c(20201362,20348657,20677194,22040343,21585999,21101849,
  age.adjust <- tibble::tibble(age_group, age_min, age_max, who, euro, us)
  weighted_pct <- function(dataset,outcome,age,source,agemin,agemax) {
    weighting <- age.adjust %>%
      dplyr::select_(~age_group, ~age_min, ~age_max, source)
    weighting <- weighting %>% dplyr::filter_(~age_min >= agemin, ~age_max <= agemax)
    ages <- tibble::tibble(age=seq(0,120,1))
    ages <- ages %>% dplyr::mutate(age_min = ifelse((age/10)-floor(age/10) < 0.5, floor(age/10)*10, (floor(age/10)*10)+5),
                            age_max = ifelse((age/10)-floor(age/10) < 0.5, (floor(age/10)*10)+4, (floor(age/10)*10)+9))
    ages <- ages %>% dplyr::mutate(age_min=replace(age_min, age_min > 100,100),
                            age_max=replace(age_max, age_max > 100, 130))
    ##### take the correct weighting
    tot <- sum(weighting[,source])
    weighting <- weighting %>%
      dplyr::mutate_(weight=source) %>%
    weighting <- suppressMessages(dplyr::inner_join(weighting, ages))
    dataset[,"outcome"] <- ifelse(dataset[,outcome]==1,1,0)
    ### correct for age names to be able to do the joint
    dataset[,"age"] <- dataset[,age]
    unw <- (table(dataset[,"outcome"])/nrow(dataset))[2]
    d1 <- suppressMessages(dplyr::inner_join(dataset, weighting))
    #### we have yet calculated the weight.. use it!!!!
    d1 <- d1 %>%
      dplyr::select(age_group, weight, outcome)#, tot)
    d2 <- d1 %>%
      dplyr::group_by(age_group) %>%
      dplyr::select(age_group, weight, outcome) %>%
                pop=n()) %>%
    d2$adj <- (d2$wght * d2$outcm1)/d2$pop
    wgt <- d2 %>%
      dplyr::summarise(res=sum(adj)) %>%
      dplyr::select(res) %>%
  t1 <- nrow(dataset)
  evnt1 <- table(dataset[,outcome])[2]
  res1 <- round(weighted_pct(dataset=dataset,outcome=outcome,age=age,source,agemin,agemax),5)
  res1 <- round(res1,4)
  unw1 <- round(Hmisc::binconf((t1*res1[1]),t1,alpha=alpha),4)
  wgt1 <- round(Hmisc::binconf((t1*res1[2]),t1,alpha=alpha),4)
  g1 <- list(Outcome=outcome,Population=t1,Events=evnt1,
  #g1 <- data.frame(Outcome=outcome,Population=t1,Events=evnt1,CrudeRate=res1[1]*100.0,
  #                 'CR[CImin]'=unw1[2]*100.0,'CR[CImax]'=unw1[3]*100.0,
  #                 WeightedRate=res1[2]*100.0,'WR0[CImin]'=wgt1[2]*100.0,
  #                 'WR[CImax]'=wgt1[3]*100.0)

#####   GET THE MISSINGNESS OF A DATASET                                ####
#####   Author: Tomas Karpati M.D.                                      ####
#####   Creation date: 2017-05-07                                       ####
### search for the number & % of missinf
### then count the number of rows with complete data
getMissingness <- function(data, getRows=FALSE) {
  desc <- na_count <- na_cnt <- rn <- pred <- dc <- NULL
  l <- nrow(data)
  vn <- names(data)
  ### copy the dataset and replace the NAs by 1 else 0
  nadf <- data
  cnt <- NULL
  miss <- function(x) return(sum(is.na(x) ))
  for(n in vn) {
    nadf[[n]] <- ifelse(is.na(nadf[[n]])==TRUE,1,0)
    cnt <- rbind(cnt, data.frame(n,sum(nadf[[n]])))
  names(cnt) <- c("var","na_count")
  cnt$rate <- round((cnt$na_count / nrow(nadf))*100,1)
  ### now sum by column
  nadf$na_cnt <- 0
  nadf$na_cnt <- rowSums(nadf)
  ### order descending the count of mossings and leave only those with missings
  cnt <- cnt %>%
    dplyr::arrange(desc(na_count)) %>%
  #totmiss <- nadf %>% dplyr::filter(na_cnt==0) %>% dplyr::tally()
  totmiss <- nadf %>% dplyr::filter(na_cnt==0) %>% dplyr::summarise(n=n())
  idx <- NULL
  msg <- (paste("This dataset has ", as.character(totmiss), " (",as.character(round(totmiss/nrow(data)*100,1)),"%)" ," complete rows. Original data has ",nrow(data)," rows.",sep=""))
  ### check id needs to return the row indexes
  if(getRows==TRUE & totmiss != 0) {
    nadf$rn <- seq_len(nrow(data))
    idx <- nadf %>% dplyr::filter(na_cnt==0) %>% dplyr::select(rn)
  message(list(head(cnt,n=10), msg))
  return(list(missingness=cnt, message=msg, rows=idx$rn))

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