#' Multi-trait mean performance and stability index
#' @description
#' `r badge('experimental')`
#' Computes the multi-trait stability index proposed by Olivoto et al. (2019)
#' considering different parametric and non-parametric stability indexes.
#' @param model An object of class `mtmps`
#' @param SI An integer (0-100). The selection intensity in percentage of the
#' total number of genotypes.
#' @param mineval The minimum value so that an eigenvector is retained in the
#' factor analysis.
#' @param verbose If `verbose = TRUE` (Default), some results are shown in the
#' console.
#' @return An object of class `mtmps` with the following items:
#' * **data** The data used to compute the factor analysis.
#' * **cormat** The correlation matrix among the environments.
#' * **PCA** The eigenvalues and explained variance.
#' * **FA** The factor analysis.
#' * **KMO** The result for the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test.
#' * **MSA** The measure of sampling adequacy for individual variable.
#' * **communalities** The communalities.
#' * **communalities_mean** The communalities' mean.
#' * **initial_loadings** The initial loadings.
#' * **finish_loadings** The final loadings after varimax rotation.
#' * **canonical_loadings** The canonical loadings.
#' * **scores_gen** The scores for genotypes in all retained factors.
#' * **scores_ide** The scores for the ideotype in all retained factors.
#' * **MTSI** The multi-trait mean performance and stability index.
#' * **contri_fac** The relative contribution of each factor on the MTSI
#' value. The lower the contribution of a factor, the close of the ideotype the
#' variables in such factor are.
#' * **contri_fac_rank, contri_fac_rank_sel** The rank for the contribution
#' of each factor for all genotypes and selected genotypes, respectively.
#' * **sel_dif_trait, sel_dif_stab, sel_dif_mps** A data frame containing the
#' selection differential (gains) for the mean performance, stability index, and
#' mean performance and stability index, respectively. The following variables
#' are shown.
#' - `VAR`: the trait's name.
#' - `Factor`: The factor that traits where grouped into.
#' - `Xo`: The original population mean.
#' - `Xs`: The mean of selected genotypes.
#' - `SD` and `SDperc`: The selection differential and selection differential in
#' percentage, respectively.
#' - `h2`: The broad-sense heritability.
#' - `SG` and `SGperc`: The selection gains and selection gains in percentage,
#' respectively.
#' - `sense`: The desired selection sense.
#' - `goal`: selection gains match desired sense? 100 for yes and 0 for no.
#' * **stat_dif_trait, stat_dif_stab, stat_dif_mps** A data frame with the
#' descriptive statistic for the selection gains for the mean performance,
#' stability index, and mean performance and stability index, respectively. The
#' following columns are shown by sense.
#' - `sense`: The desired selection sense.
#' - `variable`: the trait's name.
#' - `min`: the minimum value for the selection gain.
#' - `mean`: the mean value for the selection gain.
#' - `ci`: the confidence interval for the selection gain.
#' - `sd.amo`: the standard deviation for the selection gain.
#' - `max`: the maximum value for the selection gain.
#' - `sum`: the sum of the selection gain.
#' * **sel_gen** The selected genotypes.
#' @md
#' @author Tiago Olivoto \email{}
#' @export
#' @references Olivoto, T., A.D.C. L{\'{u}}cio, J.A.G. da silva, B.G. Sari, and
#' M.I. Diel. 2019. Mean performance and stability in multi-environment trials
#' II: Selection based on multiple traits. Agron. J. 111:2961-2969.
#' \doi{10.2134/agronj2019.03.0220}
#' @seealso [mgidi()], [mps()], [get_model_data()]
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(metan)
#' # The same approach as mtsi()
#' # mean performance and stability for GY and HM
#' # mean performance: The genotype's BLUP
#' # stability: the WAASB index (lower is better)
#' # weights: equal for mean performance and stability
#' model <-
#' mps(data_ge,
#' env = ENV,
#' gen = GEN,
#' rep = REP,
#' resp = everything())
#' selection <- mtmps(model)
#' # gains for stability
#' selection$sel_dif_stab
#' # gains for mean performance
#' selection$sel_dif_trait
mtmps <- function(model,
SI = 15,
mineval = 1,
verbose = TRUE) {
if(has_class(model, "mps_group")){
bind <-
model %>%
mutate(data = map(data, ~.x %>%
mtmps(SI = SI,
mineval = mineval,
verbose = verbose)))
return(set_class(bind, c("tbl_df", "mtmps_group", "tbl", "data.frame")))
} else{
data <- model[["mps_ind"]] %>% column_to_rownames("GEN")
stop("Missing values for traits ")
rescaled <- model$sense_mper
names(rescaled) <- names(data)
ideotype.D <- rep(100, ncol(data))
names(ideotype.D) <- names(data)
df_ideotype <-
data.frame(rescaled) %>%
rownames_to_column("VAR") %>%
set_names("VAR", "sense")
rescaled_stab <- model$sense_stab
names(rescaled_stab) <- names(data)
df_ideotype_stab <-
data.frame(rescaled_stab) %>%
rownames_to_column("VAR") %>%
set_names("VAR", "sense")
if (is.null(SI)) {
ngs <- NULL
} else {
ngs <- round(nrow(data) * (SI/100), 0)
observed <- model$observed
means <- model$mps_ind %>% column_to_rownames("GEN")
cor.means <- cor(means)
eigen.decomposition <- eigen(cor.means)
eigen.values <- eigen.decomposition$values
eigen.vectors <- eigen.decomposition$vectors
colnames(eigen.vectors) <- paste("PC", 1:ncol(cor.means), sep = "")
rownames(eigen.vectors) <- colnames(means)
if (length(eigen.values[eigen.values >= mineval]) == 1) {
eigen.values.factors <- as.vector(c(as.matrix(sqrt(eigen.values[eigen.values >= mineval]))))
initial_loadings <- cbind(eigen.vectors[, eigen.values >= mineval] * eigen.values.factors)
A <- initial_loadings
} else {
eigen.values.factors <-
t(replicate(ncol(cor.means), c(as.matrix(sqrt(eigen.values[eigen.values >= mineval])))))
initial_loadings <- eigen.vectors[, eigen.values >= mineval] * eigen.values.factors
A <- varimax(initial_loadings)[[1]][]
partial <- solve_svd(cor.means)
k <- ncol(means)
seq_k <- seq_len(ncol(means))
for (j in seq_k) {
for (i in seq_k) {
if (i == j) {
} else {
partial[i, j] <- -partial[i, j]/sqrt(partial[i, i] * partial[j, j])
KMO <- sum((cor.means[!diag(k)])^2)/(sum((cor.means[!diag(k)])^2) + sum((partial[!diag(k)])^2))
MSA <- unlist(lapply(seq_k, function(i) {
sum((cor.means[i, -i])^2)/(sum((cor.means[i, -i])^2) + sum((partial[i, -i])^2))
names(MSA) <- colnames(means)
colnames(A) <- paste("FA", 1:ncol(initial_loadings), sep = "")
pca <- tibble(PC = paste("PC", 1:ncol(means), sep = ""),
Eigenvalues = eigen.values,
`Variance (%)` = (eigen.values/sum(eigen.values)) * 100,
`Cum. variance (%)` = cumsum(`Variance (%)`))
Communality <- diag(A %*% t(A))
Uniquenesses <- 1 - Communality
fa <- cbind(A, Communality, Uniquenesses) %>% as_tibble(rownames = NA) %>% rownames_to_column("VAR")
z <- scale(means, center = FALSE, scale = apply(means, 2, sd))
canonical_loadings <- t(t(A) %*% solve_svd(cor.means))
scores <- z %*% canonical_loadings
colnames(scores) <- paste("FA", 1:ncol(scores), sep = "")
pos.var.factor <- which(abs(A) == apply(abs(A), 1, max), arr.ind = TRUE)
var.factor <- lapply(1:ncol(A), function(i) {
rownames(pos.var.factor)[pos.var.factor[, 2] == i]
names(var.factor) <- paste("FA", 1:ncol(A), sep = "")
names.pos.var.factor <- rownames(pos.var.factor)
ideotypes.matrix <- t(as.matrix(ideotype.D))/apply(means, 2, sd)
rownames(ideotypes.matrix) <- "ID1"
ideotypes.scores <- ideotypes.matrix %*% canonical_loadings
gen_ide <- sweep(scores, 2, ideotypes.scores, "-")
MTSI <- sort(apply(gen_ide, 1, function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2))), decreasing = FALSE)
contr.factor <- data.frame((sqrt(gen_ide^2)/apply(gen_ide, 1, function(x) sum(sqrt(x^2)))) * 100) %>%
rownames_to_column("GEN") %>%
means.factor <- means[, names.pos.var.factor]
observed <- observed[, names.pos.var.factor]
contri_long <- pivot_longer(contr.factor, -GEN)
if (!is.null(ngs)) {
selected <- names(MTSI)[1:ngs]
sel_dif <- tibble(VAR = names(pos.var.factor[, 2]),
Factor = paste("FA", as.numeric(pos.var.factor[, 2])),
Xo = colMeans(means.factor),
Xs = colMeans(means.factor[names(MTSI)[1:ngs], ]),
SD = Xs - Xo,
SDperc = (Xs - Xo) / abs(Xo) * 100)
stat_dif_mps <-
desc_stat(sel_dif, SDperc, stats = c("min, mean, ci.t, sd.amo, max, sum"))
sel_dif_mean <-
tibble(VAR = names(pos.var.factor[, 2]),
Factor = paste("FA", as.numeric(pos.var.factor[, 2])),
Xo = colMeans(observed),
Xs = colMeans(observed[names(MTSI)[1:ngs], ]),
SD = Xs - colMeans(observed),
SDperc = (Xs - colMeans(observed)) / abs(colMeans(observed)) * 100) %>%
left_join(df_ideotype, by = "VAR") %>%
mutate(sense = case_when(sense == "l" ~ "decrease",
sense == "a" ~ "average",
sense == "h" ~ "increase"),
goal = case_when(
sense == "decrease" & SDperc < 0 ~ 100,
sense == "increase" & SDperc > 0 ~ 100,
sense == "average" & SDperc == 0 ~ 100,
TRUE ~ 0
)) %>%
left_join(model$h2, by = "VAR") %>%
add_cols(SG = SD * h2,
SGperc = SG / Xo * 100,
.after = "SDperc") %>%
reorder_cols(h2, .after = "SDperc")
stat_gain <-
by = sense,
any_of(c("SDperc", "SGperc")),
stats = c("min, mean, ci.t, sd.amo, max, sum"))
waasb_index <- model$stability %>% rownames_to_column("GEN")
waasb_selected <- colMeans(subset(waasb_index, GEN %in% selected) %>% select_numeric_cols())
sel_dif_stab <-
VAR = names(waasb_selected),
Xo = colMeans(waasb_index %>% select_numeric_cols()),
Xs = waasb_selected,
SD = Xs - Xo,
SDperc = (Xs - Xo) / abs(Xo) * 100) %>%
left_join(df_ideotype_stab, by = "VAR") %>%
mutate(sense = case_when(sense == "l" ~ "decrease",
sense == "a" ~ "average",
sense == "h" ~ "increase"),
goal = case_when(
sense == "decrease" & SDperc < 0 ~ 100,
sense == "increase" & SDperc > 0 ~ 100,
sense == "average" & SDperc == 0 ~ 100,
TRUE ~ 0
stat_dif_stab <-
desc_stat(sel_dif_stab, SDperc,
stats = c("min, mean, ci.t, sd.amo, max, sum"))
contri_fac_rank_sel <-
contri_long %>%
subset(GEN %in% selected) %>%
ge_winners(name, GEN, value, type = "ranks", better = "l") %>%
split_factors(ENV) %>%
map_dfc(~.x %>% pull())
if (is.null(ngs)) {
stat_dif_stab <- NULL
stat_dif_mps <- NULL
sel_dif <- NULL
sel_dif_stab <- NULL
sel_dif_mean <- NULL
selected <- NULL
contri_fac_rank_sel <- NULL
if (verbose) {
cat("Principal Component Analysis\n")
cat("Factor Analysis - factorial loadings after rotation-\n")
cat("Comunalit Mean:", mean(Communality), "\n")
if (!is.null(ngs)) {
cat("Selection differential for the mean performance and stability index\n")
cat("Selection differential for the mean of the variables\n")
cat("Selected genotypes\n")
contri_fac_rank <-
contri_long %>%
ge_winners(name, GEN, value, type = "ranks", better = "l") %>%
split_factors(ENV) %>%
map_dfc(~.x %>% pull())
list(data = data,
cormat = as.matrix(cor.means),
PCA = pca,
FA = fa,
communalities = Communality,
communalities_mean = mean(Communality),
initial_loadings = data.frame(initial_loadings) %>% rownames_to_column("VAR") %>% as_tibble(),
finish_loadings = data.frame(A) %>% rownames_to_column("VAR") %>% as_tibble(),
canonical_loadings = data.frame(canonical_loadings) %>% rownames_to_column("VAR") %>% as_tibble(),
scores_gen = data.frame(scores) %>% rownames_to_column("GEN") %>% as_tibble(),
scores_ide = data.frame(ideotypes.scores) %>% rownames_to_column("GEN") %>% as_tibble(),
MTSI = as_tibble(MTSI, rownames = NA) %>% rownames_to_column("Genotype") %>% rename(MTSI = value),
contri_fac = contr.factor,
contri_fac_rank = contri_fac_rank,
contri_fac_rank_sel = contri_fac_rank_sel,
sel_dif_trait = sel_dif_mean,
stat_dif_trait = stat_gain,
sel_dif_stab = sel_dif_stab,
stat_dif_stab = stat_dif_stab,
sel_dif_mps = sel_dif,
stat_dif_mps = stat_dif_mps,
sel_gen = selected) %>%
set_class("mtmps") %>%
#' Plot the multi-trait stability index
#' Makes a radar plot showing the multitrait stability index proposed by Olivoto
#' et al. (2019)
#' @param x An object computed with [mps()].
#' @param SI An integer (0-100). The selection intensity in percentage of the
#' total number of genotypes.
#' @param type The type of the plot. Defaults to `"index"`. Use `type
#' = "contribution"` to show the contribution of each factor to the MTMPS
#' index of the selected genotypes.
#' @param position The position adjustment when `type = "contribution"`.
#' Defaults to `"fill"`, which shows relative proportions at each trait
#' by stacking the bars and then standardizing each bar to have the same
#' height. Use `position = "stack"` to plot the MGIDI index for each
#' genotype.
#' @param genotypes When `type = "contribution"` defines the genotypes to
#' be shown in the plot. By default (`genotypes = "selected"` only
#' selected genotypes are shown. Use `genotypes = "all"` to plot the
#' contribution for all genotypes.)
#' @param title Logical values (Defaults to `TRUE`) to include
#' automatically generated titles.
#' @param radar Logical argument. If true (default) a radar plot is generated
#' after using `coord_polar()`.
#' @param arrange.label Logical argument. If `TRUE`, the labels are
#' arranged to avoid text overlapping. This becomes useful when the number of
#' genotypes is large, say, more than 30.
#' @param x.lab,y.lab The labels for the axes x and y, respectively. x label is
#' set to null when a radar plot is produced.
#' @param size.point The size of the point in graphic. Defaults to 2.5.
#' @param size.line The size of the line in graphic. Defaults to 0.7.
#' @param size.text The size for the text in the plot. Defaults to 10.
#' @param The width of the bars if `type = "contribution"`.
#' Defaults to 0.75.
#' @param The number of rows that should be used to render the x labels.
#' This is useful for displaying labels that would otherwise overlap.
#' @param check.overlap Silently remove overlapping labels, (recursively)
#' prioritizing the first, last, and middle labels.
#' @param invert Logical argument. If `TRUE`, rotate the plot.
#' @param col.sel The colour for selected genotypes. Defaults to `"red"`.
#' @param col.nonsel The colour for nonselected genotypes. Defaults to `"black"`.
#' @param legend.position The position of the legend.
#' @param ... Other arguments to be passed from [ggplot2::theme()].
#' @return An object of class `gg, ggplot`.
#' @author Tiago Olivoto \email{}
#' @method plot mtmps
#' @export
#' @references Olivoto, T., A.D.C. L{\'{u}}cio, J.A.G. da silva, B.G. Sari, and M.I. Diel. 2019. Mean performance and stability in multi-environment trials II: Selection based on multiple traits. Agron. J. (in press).
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(metan)
#' model <-
#' mps(data_ge,
#' env = ENV,
#' gen = GEN,
#' rep = REP,
#' resp = everything())
#' selection <- mtmps(model)
#' plot(selection)
plot.mtmps <- function(x,
SI = 15,
type = "index",
position = "fill",
genotypes = "selected",
title = TRUE,
radar = TRUE,
arrange.label = FALSE,
x.lab = NULL,
y.lab = NULL,
size.point = 2.5,
size.line = 0.7,
size.text = 10, = 0.75, = 1,
check.overlap = FALSE,
invert = FALSE,
col.sel = "red",
col.nonsel = "black",
legend.position = "bottom",
...) {
if(!type %in% c("index", "contribution")){
stop("The argument index must be one of the 'index' or 'contribution'", call. = FALSE)
if(!genotypes %in% c("selected", "all")){
stop("The argument 'genotypes' must be one of the 'selected' or 'all'", call. = FALSE)
if(type == "index"){
data <- x$MTSI %>%
add_cols(sel = "Selected")
data[["sel"]][(round(nrow(data) * (SI/100), 0) + 1):nrow(data)] <- "Nonselected"
cutpoint <- max(subset(data, sel == "Selected")$MTSI)
p <-
ggplot(data = data, aes(x = reorder(Genotype, -MTSI), y = MTSI)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = cutpoint, col = col.sel, size = size.line) +
geom_path(colour = "black", group = 1, size = size.line) +
geom_point(size = size.point,
stroke = size.point / 10,
aes(fill = sel),
shape = 21,
colour = "black",
) +
scale_x_discrete() +
scale_y_reverse() +
theme_minimal() +
theme(legend.position = legend.position,
legend.title = element_blank(),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
panel.border = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_line(size = size.line / 2),
axis.text = element_text(colour = "black"),
text = element_text(size = size.text),
...) +
labs(y = "Multitrait stability index") +
scale_fill_manual(values = c(col.nonsel, col.sel))
if (radar == TRUE) {
if(arrange.label == TRUE){
tot_gen <- length(unique(data$Genotype))
fseq <- c(1:(tot_gen/2))
sseq <- c((tot_gen/2 + 1):tot_gen)
fang <- c(90 - 180/length(fseq) * fseq)
sang <- c(-90 - 180/length(sseq) * sseq)
p <-
p +
coord_polar() +
theme(axis.text.x = suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(element_text(angle = c(fang, sang)))), ...)
} else{
p <- p + coord_polar()
} else{
x.lab <- ifelse(!missing(x.lab), x.lab, "Selected genotypes")
y.lab <- ifelse(!missing(y.lab), y.lab, "Proportion")
if(genotypes == "selected"){
data <-
x$contri_fac %>%
subset(GEN %in% x$sel_gen) %>%
} else{
data <- x$contri_fac
data %<>% pivot_longer(-GEN)
if(radar == TRUE){
p <-
ggplot(data, aes(x = GEN, y = value)) +
geom_polygon(aes(group = name, color = name),
fill = NA,
size = size.line) +
geom_polygon(aes(group = 1, x = GEN, y = 100 / length(unique(name))),
fill = NA,
color = "black",
linetype = 2,
size = size.line,
show.legend = FALSE) +
geom_line(aes(group = name, color = name), size = size.line) +
theme_minimal() +
theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = size.text),
axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", size = size.text),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
panel.grid = element_line(size = size.line / 2),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = size.text, color = "black"),
legend.position = legend.position,
legend.title = element_blank(),
...) +
labs(x = NULL,
y = "Contribution of each factor to the MTSI index") +
{if(title)ggtitle("The strengths and weaknesses for genotypes")} +
scale_y_reverse() +
guides(color = guide_legend(nrow = 1)) +
if(arrange.label == TRUE){
tot_gen <- length(unique(data$GEN))
fseq <- c(1:(tot_gen/2))
sseq <- c((tot_gen/2 + 1):tot_gen)
fang <- c(90 - 180/length(fseq) * fseq)
sang <- c(-90 - 180/length(sseq) * sseq)
p <- p +
theme(axis.text.x = suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(element_text(angle = c(fang, sang)))), ...)
} else{
p <-
ggplot(data, aes(GEN, value, fill = name))+
geom_bar(stat = "identity",
position = position,
color = "black",
size = size.line,
width = +
scale_y_continuous(expand = expansion(0))+
theme_metan() +
theme(legend.position = legend.position,
axis.ticks = element_line(size = size.line),
plot.margin = margin(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0, "cm"),
panel.border = element_rect(size = size.line),
scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis( =, check.overlap = check.overlap),
expand = expansion(0))+
labs(x = x.lab,
y = y.lab) +
{if(title)ggtitle("The strengths and weaknesses for genotypes")} +
guides(guide_legend(nrow = 1))
if(invert == TRUE){
p <- p + coord_flip()
#' Print an object of class mtmps
#' Print a `mtmps` object in two ways. By default, the results are shown in
#' the R console. The results can also be exported to the directory.
#' @param x An object of class `mtmps`.
#' @param export A logical argument. If `TRUE|T`, a *.txt file is exported
#' to the working directory
#' @param The name of the file if `export = TRUE`
#' @param digits The significant digits to be shown.
#' @param ... Options used by the tibble package to format the output. See
#' [`tibble::print()`][tibble::formatting] for more details.
#' @author Tiago Olivoto \email{}
#' @method print mtmps
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(metan)
#' model <-
#' mps(data_ge,
#' env = ENV,
#' gen = GEN,
#' rep = REP,
#' resp = everything())
#' selection <- mtmps(model)
#' print(selection)
#' }
print.mtmps <- function(x,
export = FALSE, = NULL,
digits = 4, ...) {
if (export == TRUE) { <- ifelse(is.null( == TRUE, "mtmps print",
sink(paste0(, ".txt"))
opar <- options(pillar.sigfig = digits)
cat("-------------------- Correlation matrix used used in factor analysis -----------------\n")
cat("---------------------------- Principal component analysis -----------------------------\n")
cat("--------------------------------- Initial loadings -----------------------------------\n")
cat("-------------------------- Loadings after varimax rotation ---------------------------\n")
cat("--------------------------- Scores for genotypes-ideotype -----------------------------\n")
print(rbind(x$scores_gen, x$scores_ide))
cat("---------------------------- Multitrait stability index ------------------------------\n")
cat("------------------------- Selection differential (variables) --------------------------\n")
cat("-------------------------------- Selected genotypes -----------------------------------\n")
if (export == TRUE) {
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