
Defines functions ext.index plot.mev_thdiag_infomat print.mev_thdiag_infomat infomat.test

Documented in ext.index infomat.test

#' Information matrix test statistic and MLE for the extremal index
#' The Information Matrix Test (IMT), proposed by Suveges and Davison (2010), is based
#' on the difference between the expected quadratic score and the second derivative of
#' the log-likelihood. The asymptotic distribution for each threshold \code{u} and gap \code{K}
#' is asymptotically \eqn{\chi^2}{chi-square} with one degree of freedom. The approximation is good for
#' \eqn{N>80} and conservative for smaller sample sizes. The test assumes independence between gaps.
#' The procedure proposed in Suveges & Davison (2010) was corrected for erratas.
#' The maximum likelihood is based on the limiting mixture distribution of
#' the intervals between exceedances (an exponential with a point mass at zero).
#' The condition \eqn{D^{(K)}(u_n)}{D^K(u)} should be checked by the user.
#' Fukutome et al. (2015) propose an ad hoc automated procedure
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Calculate the interexceedance times for each K-gap and each threshold, along with the number of clusters
#' \item  Select the (\code{u}, \code{K}) pairs for which IMT < 0.05 (corresponding to a P-value of 0.82)
#' \item Among those, select the pair (\code{u}, \code{K}) for which the number of clusters is the largest
#' }
#' @author Leo Belzile
#'@references Fukutome, Liniger and Suveges (2015), Automatic threshold and run parameter selection: a climatology for extreme hourly precipitation in Switzerland. \emph{Theoretical and Applied Climatology}, \strong{120}(3), 403-416.
#' @references Suveges and Davison (2010), Model misspecification in peaks over threshold analysis. \emph{Annals of Applied Statistics}, \strong{4}(1), 203-221.
#' @references White (1982), Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Misspecified Models. \emph{Econometrica}, \strong{50}(1), 1-25.
#' @param xdat data vector
#' @param thresh threshold vector
#' @param q vector of probability levels to define threshold if \code{thresh} is missing.
#' @param K int specifying the largest K-gap
#' @param plot logical: should the graphical diagnostic be plotted?
#' @param ... additional arguments, currently ignored
#' @return an invisible list of matrices containing
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{IMT} a matrix of test statistics
#' \item \code{pvals} a matrix of approximate p-values (corresponding to probabilities under a \eqn{\chi^2_1}{chi-square(1)} distribution)
#' \item \code{mle} a matrix of maximum likelihood estimates for each given pair (\code{u}, \code{K})
#' \item \code{loglik} a matrix of log-likelihood values at MLE for each given pair (\code{u}, \code{K})
#' \item \code{threshold} a vector of thresholds based on empirical quantiles at supplied levels.
#' \item \code{q} the vector \code{q} supplied by the user
#' \item \code{K} the largest gap number, supplied by the user
#' }
#' @examples
#' infomat.test(xdat = rgp(n = 10000),
#'              q = seq(0.1, 0.9, length = 10),
#'              K = 3)
#' @export
infomat.test <- function(xdat, thresh, q, K, plot = TRUE, ...) {
  args <- list(...)
  if(missing(xdat) & !is.null(args$x)){
    xdat <- args$x
    K <- as.integer(K)
    if (K < 1) {
        stop("Invalid K-gap specification")
    if(missing(thresh) & missing(q)){
      stop("Provide vector of thresholds or probability levels")
    if(missing(thresh) & !missing(q)){
      if (isTRUE(all(q > 0, q < 1))) {
          thresh <- quantile(xdat, q)
      } else {
          stop("Invalid vector of probabilities specified")
    } else if(!missing(thresh) & missing(q)){
      q <- NULL #ecdf(xdat)[thresh]
    # Define functions

    ll.gap <- function(par, Ck, N0) {
        if (missing(N0)) {
            N0 <- sum(Ck == 0)
        ifelse(par >= 1, 0, N0 * log(1 - par)) + 2 * (length(Ck) - N0) * log(par) - par * sum(Ck)
    # ll.gap.score <- function(par, Ck, N0){ if(missing(N0)){N0 <- sum(Ck==0)} ifelse(par>=1,0,-N0/(1-par))+2*(length(Ck)-N0)/par -
    # sum(Ck) }
    ll.gap.score.i <- function(par, Ck) {
        -I(par < 1) * I(Ck == 0)/(1 - par) + 2 * I(Ck != 0)/par - Ck
    Jn <- function(par, Ck, N0) {
        if (missing(N0)) {
            N0 <- sum(Ck == 0)
        (ifelse(par >= 1, 0, N0/(1 - par)^2) + 4 * (length(Ck) - N0)/par^2 + sum(Ck^2 - 4 * Ck/par))/length(Ck)
    In <- function(par, Ck, N0) {
        if (missing(N0)) {
            N0 <- sum(Ck == 0)
        (ifelse(par >= 1, 0, N0/(1 - par)^2) + 2 * (length(Ck) - N0)/par^2)/length(Ck)
    Dpn <- function(par, Ck, N0) {
        (-4 * (length(Ck) - N0)/par^3 + 4 * sum(Ck)/par^2)/length(Ck)
    Vn <- function(par, Ck, N0) {
        mean((2 * I(Ck != 0)/par^2 + Ck^2 - 4 * Ck/par - Dpn(par, Ck, N0)/In(par, Ck, N0) * ll.gap.score.i(par, Ck))^2)
        # Typo in Suveges and Davison (2010) and Suveges(2015) - should be squared
        # Otherwise the second part of the expression vanishes
        # since it equals cst * score equation
    Tn <- function(par, Ck, N0) {
        length(Ck) * (Jn(par, Ck, N0) - In(par, Ck, N0))^2/Vn(par, Ck, N0)

    # Interexceedance time
    # Define containers
    IMT <- llval <- mles <-
      matrix(0, ncol = K, nrow = length(thresh))
    # Exceedance values
    if (length(thresh) > 1) {
        exceeds <- lapply(sapply(thresh, function(th) {
            which(xdat > th)
        }), diff)
    } else if (length(thresh) == 1) {
        exceeds <- list(diff(which(xdat > thresh)))
    } else {
        stop("Invalid threshold")
    for (k in seq_len(K)) {
        for (ind in seq_along(thresh)) {
            # Interexceedance times, scaled by frequency
            Ck <- ((length(exceeds[[ind]]) + 1)/length(xdat)) * pmax(exceeds[[ind]] - k, 0)
            N0 <- sum(Ck == 0)  #Interclusters
            schi <- sum(Ck)

            N <- length(exceeds[[ind]]) + 1
            Nc = N - 1 - N0
            mle <- (schi + N - 1 + Nc - sqrt((schi + N - 1 + Nc)^2 - 8 * Nc * schi))/(2 * schi)
            # optimize(f=ll.gap,interval=c(0,1),lower = 0, upper=1, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, maximum=TRUE, Ck=Ck, N0=N0)
            mles[ind, k] <- mle
            llval[ind, k] <- ll.gap(mle, Ck, N0)
            # Information matrix test
            IMT[ind, k] <- Tn(par = mle, Ck = Ck, N0 = N0)
        pvals <- 1 - pchisq(IMT, df = 1)
  ret_list <- list(IMT = IMT,
                  pvals = pvals,
                  loglik = llval,
                  mle = mles,
                  threshold = thresh,
                  q = q,
                  K = K)
  class(ret_list) <- "mev_thdiag_infomat"

#' @export
print.mev_thdiag_infomat <-
  pvals <- as.data.frame(formatC(x$pvals,
                                 digits = 2,
                                 width = 3,
                                 format = "f"))
  pvals[x$pvals < 0.01] <- "<0.01"
  colnames(pvals) <- paste0("K=",seq_len(x$K))
  rownames(pvals) <- format(as.numeric(x$threshold),
                            trim = TRUE,
                            digits = 3,
  cat("Suveges and Davison information matrix test\n")
  cat("p-values for thresholds (row) and gap size (col)\n\n")

#' @export
plot.mev_thdiag_infomat <- function(x,
                                    type = c("matplot",
                                    xlab = c("threshold",
  type <- match.arg(type)
  xlab <- match.arg(xlab)
    xlab <- "threshold"
  xp <- switch(xlab,
               "threshold" = x$threshold,
               "quantile" = x$q)
  if(type == "heatmap"){
    cols <-
        colors = c("red", "white", "blue"),
        bias = 4.5,
        space = "rgb"
      x = 1:length(xp),
      y = seq(0.5, x$K + 0.5, by = 1),
      z = ceiling(100 * x$pvals),
      breaks = 1:101,
      col = cols,
      ylab = "K",
      main = "Information matrix test",
      xlab = xlab,
      lab = c(length(x$threshold), x$K, 3),
      xaxt = 'n'
    axis(side = 1,
         at = 1:length(xp),
         labels = format(xp,
                         trim = TRUE,
                         digits = 3, nsmall=0))
    allpos <- expand.grid(1:length(x$threshold), 1:x$K)
      x = allpos[, 1],
      y = allpos[, 2],
      labels = round(x$IMT, 2),
      col = c(rep("black", 50),
              rep("white", 50))[ceiling(100 *
    )  #
      x = allpos[, 1],
      y = allpos[, 2],
      labels = paste0("(", round(x$pvals, 2), ")"),
      cex = 0.75,
      pos = 1,
      col = c(rep("black",
                  50), rep("white", 50))[ceiling(100 * x$pvals)]
    )  #
      side = 3,
      line = 0,
      text = "Test statistic (p-value)",
      adj = 1
  } else if(type == "matplot"){
    matplot(x = xp,
            y = x$pvals,
            type = "b",
            xlab = xlab,
            ylab = "p-value",
            yaxs = "i",
            ylim = c(0,1),
            bty = "l")

#' Extremal index estimators based on interexceedance time and gap of exceedances
#' The function implements the maximum likelihood estimator and iteratively reweighted least
#' square estimators of Suveges (2007)  as well as the intervals estimator. The implementation
#' differs from the presentation of the paper in that an iteration limit is enforced to make sure
#' the iterative procedure terminates. Multiple thresholds can be supplied.
#' The iteratively reweighted least square is a procedure based on the gaps of exceedances \eqn{S_n=T_n-1}{Tn-1}
#' The model is first fitted to non-zero gaps, which are rescaled to have unit exponential scale. The slope
#' between the theoretical quantiles and the normalized gap of exceedances is \eqn{b=1/\theta}{b=1/\theta},
#' with intercept \eqn{a=\log(\theta)/\theta}{a=log(\theta)/\theta}.
#' As such, the estimate of the extremal index is based on \eqn{\hat{\theta}=\exp(\hat{a}/\hat{b})}{\theta=exp(a/b)}.
#' The weights are chosen in such a way as to reduce the influence of the smallest values.
#' The estimator exploits the dual role of \eqn{\theta}{theta} as the parameter of the mean for
#' the interexceedance time as well as the mixture proportion for the non-zero component.
#' The maximum likelihood is based on an independence likelihood for the rescaled gap of exceedances,
#' namely \eqn{\bar{F}(u_n)S(u_n)}{(1-F(u))*S(u)}. The score equation is equivalent to a quadratic equation in
#' \eqn{\theta}{theta} and the maximum likelihood estimate is available in closed form.
#' Its validity requires however condition \eqn{D^{(2)}(u_n)}{D2(u)} to apply;
#' this should be checked by the user beforehand.
#'A warning is emitted if the effective sample size is less than 50 observations.
#' @author Leo Belzile
#' @references Ferro and Segers (2003). Inference for clusters of extreme values,
#' JRSS: Series B, \strong{65}(2), 545-556.
#' @references Suveges (2007) Likelihood estimation of the extremal index. \emph{Extremes},
#'  \strong{10}(1), 41-55.
#' @references Suveges and Davison (2010), Model misspecification in peaks over threshold analysis. \emph{Annals of Applied Statistics}, \strong{4}(1), 203-221.
#'@references Fukutome, Liniger and Suveges (2015), Automatic threshold and run parameter selection: a climatology
#' for extreme hourly precipitation in Switzerland. \emph{Theoretical and Applied Climatology},
#' \strong{120}(3), 403-416.
#' @param xdat numeric vector of observations
#' @param q a vector of quantile levels in (0,1). Defaults to 0.95
#' @param method a string specifying the chosen method. Must be either \code{wls}
#' for weighted least squares, \code{mle} for maximum likelihood estimation or \code{intervals}
#' for the intervals estimator of Ferro and Segers (2003). Partial match is allowed.
#' @param plot logical; if \code{TRUE}, plot the extremal index as a function of \code{q}
#' @return a vector or matrix of estimated extremal index of dimension \code{length(method)} by \code{length(q)}.
#' @param warn logical; if \code{TRUE}, receive a warning when the sample size is too small
#' @examples
#' set.seed(234)
#' #Moving maxima model with theta=0.5
#' a <- 1; theta <-  1/(1+a)
#' sim <- rgev(10001, loc=1/(1+a),scale=1/(1+a),shape=1)
#' x <- pmax(sim[-length(sim)]*a,sim[-1])
#' q <- seq(0.9,0.99,by=0.01)
#' ext.index(xdat=x,q=q,method=c('wls','mle'))
#' @export
ext.index <- function(xdat, q = 0.95, method = c("wls", "mle", "intervals"), plot = FALSE, warn = FALSE) {
    method <- match.arg(method, c("wls", "mle", "intervals"), several.ok = TRUE)
    stopifnot(all(q < 1), all(q > 0))
    q <- sort(q)
    xdat <- as.vector(xdat)
    threshold <- quantile(xdat, q)
    # Main function, to be called recursively
    extmethods <- function(x = xdat, threshold = threshold, method = method) {
        # The gap of exceedances
        stopifnot(length(threshold) == 1L)
        excind <- which(x > threshold)
        if(length(excind) <= 1L){
          warning("Not enough threshold exceedances to compute extremal index")
        exceeds <- c(diff(excind)) - 1
        if(warn && length(exceeds) < 25) {
            warning("Small sample size - estimates may be unreliable")
        N <- length(exceeds) + 1L
        chi <- sort(exceeds[which(exceeds > 0)])
        if(length(chi) == 0){
          warning("Only zero gaps given; return extremal index of zero.")
        # Rescaled interexceedance time
        chi <- chi * length(exceeds)/length(x)
        Nc <- length(chi)
        if (method == "wls") {
            # Suveges (2007); see Ferro (2003) for explanations
            xs <- -log(1-(1:Nc)/(Nc+1))  #theoretical quantiles
            w <- cumsum(1/((N - 1):(N - Nc))^2)  #regression weights
            coefs <- lm(chi ~ xs, weights = w)$coef  #slope is 1/th, intercept log(th)/th,
            # plot(y=chi, x=xs,xlim=c(0,7),ylim=c(0,11));abline(coefs)
            theta <- min(exp(coefs[1]/coefs[2]), 1)
            Nc.new <- Nc
            if(Nc.new <= 1){
              warning("Could not find a self-consistent estimate using weighted least squares.")
            trials <- 0
            while (floor(theta * (N - 1)) != Nc.new && trials < 30) {
                trials <- trials + 1
                Nc.new <- floor(theta * (N - 1))
                if(Nc.new <= 1){
                  warning("Could not find a self-consistent estimate using weighted least squares.")
                if (Nc.new > Nc) {
                  # pad estimates from original fit with zeros
                  xs.new <- c(-log((Nc.new:(Nc + 1))/(N + 1)), xs)
                  chi.new <- c(rep(0, Nc.new - Nc), chi)
                  w.new <- c(cumsum(1/((N - Nc.new):(N - Nc - 1))^2), w)
                } else if (Nc.new < Nc) {
                  # remove observations
                  xs.new <- xs[-(1:(Nc - Nc.new))]
                  chi.new <- chi[-(1:(Nc - Nc.new))]
                  w.new <- w[-(1:(Nc - Nc.new))]
                coefs <- lm(chi.new ~ xs.new, weights = w.new)$coef
                theta <- min(exp(coefs[1]/coefs[2]), 1)
        } else if (method == "mle") {
            # Suveges (2007) and Suveges and Davison (2010)
            schi <- sum(chi)
            theta <- (schi + N - 1 + Nc - sqrt((schi + N - 1 + Nc)^2 - 8 * Nc * schi))/(2 * schi)
        } else if (method == "intervals") {
            # Ferro and Segers (2003)
            if (max(exceeds - 1) <= 2) {
                theta <- min(1, 2 * (sum(exceeds + 1)^2)/((N - 1) * sum((exceeds + 1)^2)))
            } else {
                theta <- min(1, 2 * ((sum(exceeds))^2)/((N - 1) * sum(exceeds * (exceeds - 1))))
    # Provide a vector if multiple thresholds are supplied
    theta <- sapply(method, function(metho) {
        sapply(threshold, function(thresh) {
            extmethods(x = xdat, threshold = thresh, method = metho)
    if (plot) {
        type = "l",
        xlab = "q",
        ylim = c(0, 1),
        ylab = expression(theta),
        main = "Extremal index",
        lwd = 2
        x = "bottomright",
        legend = method,
        bty = "n",
        lwd = 2,
        lty = 1:3,
        col = 1:3

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