
Defines functions files_move

Documented in files_move

## File Name: files_move.R
## File Version: 0.288

files_move <- function( path1, path2, file_sep="__", pattern=NULL,
    if ( ! file.exists(path1) ){

    #*** include missing path2 argument
    if ( missing(path2) ){
        f1 <- list.files(path1, path2_name)
        path2 <- file.path(path1, f1)
        if (length(path2)==0){
            path2 <- file.path(path1, "__ARCHIVE")

    #*** search for all relevant files
    files <- list.files( path1, "\\."  )
    if ( ! is.null( pattern) ){
        files <- grep( pattern=pattern, x=files, value=TRUE)

    #*** create file overview
    NF <- length(files)
    if (NF > 1){
        matr <- matrix( NA, nrow=NF, ncol=5)
        for (ff in 1:NF){
            file_ff <- files[ff]
            res_ff <- filename_split( file_name=file_ff, file_sep=file_sep )
            matr[ff,] <- unlist(res_ff)
        matr <- as.data.frame(matr)
        colnames(matr) <- names(res_ff)
        matr$main_id <- match( matr$main, unique( matr$main) )
        matr <- matr[ order( matr$main ), ]
        matr$eq <- c(0,matr$main[ - NF ] !=matr$main[-1])
        t1 <- table( matr$main_id )
        ind1 <- match( matr$main_id, names(t1))
        matr$freq <- t1[ind1]
        for (ff in 2:NF){
            if ( matr[ff,"main"]==matr[ ff -1, "main"] ){
                file.rename( from=file.path( path1, matr[ff-1,"file_name"] ),
                        to=file.path( path2, matr[ff-1,"file_name"] ) )
                cat("*** Move ", paste0(matr[ff-1,"file_name"]), "\n" )

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