#' Binomial regression
#' A unified interface for binomial regression models, including
#' linear probability, probit and logit models
#' @name binomreg
#' @param formula a symbolic description of the model
#' @param data a data frame,
#' @param subset,weights,na.action,offset,contrasts see `stats::lm`,
#' @param link one of `"identity"`, `"probit"` and "`logit`" to fit
#' respectively the linear probability, the probit and the logit
#' model
#' @param method `"ml"` for maximum likelihood (the only relevant
#' method for a regression without instrumental variables),
#' `"twosteps"` for two-steps estimator, `"minchisq"` for minimum
#' chi-squared estimator and `"test"` to get the exogeneity test
#' @param start a vector of starting values
#' @param object,x,type a `binomreg` object and the type of residuals
#' for the `residuals` method
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @param newdata a new data frame for the `predict` method
#' @return an object of class `c("binomreg", "micsr")`, see
#' `micsr::micsr` for further details
#' @importFrom stats glm plogis qlogis
#' @importFrom Formula Formula model.part
#' @keywords models
#' @examples
#' pbt <- binomreg(mode ~ cost + ivtime + ovtime, data = mode_choice, link = 'probit')
#' lpm <- binomreg(mode ~ cost + ivtime + ovtime, data = mode_choice, link = 'identity')
#' summary(pbt, vcov = "opg")
#' @export
binomreg <- function(formula, data, weights, subset, na.action, offset, contrasts = NULL,
link = c("identity", "probit", "logit"),
method = c("ml", "twosteps", "minchisq", "test"),
start = NULL, ...){
.method <- match.arg(method)
.call <-
.link <- match.arg(link)
mf <- = FALSE)
.formula <- Formula(formula)
if (length(.formula)[2] == 2){
mf$model <- "probit"
mf$method <- .method
mf[[1L]] <-"ivldv")#quote(micsr::ivldv())
result <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
result$call <- .call
} else {
if (.method != "ml")
stop("with a one-part formula, the only relevant method is ml")
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action", "offset"),
names(mf), 0L)
# construct the model frame and components
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
y <- model.response(mf)
w <- as.vector(model.weights(mf))
if (is.null(w)) w <- 1 else w <- w / sum(w) * length(w)
offset <- model.offset(mf)
X <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
if (compute_rank(X) < ncol(X)){
.rank <- compute_rank(X)
.ncol <- ncol(X)
stop(paste("the rank of X = ", .rank, " < the number of columns = ", .ncol, sep = ""))
yb <- mean(y)
q <- 2 * y - 1
K <- ncol(X)
N <- length(y)
.df.residual <- N - K
.null_logLik <- N * (yb * log(yb) + (1 - yb) * log(1 - yb))
.sat_logLik <- 0
.null_deviance <- - 2 * .null_logLik
if (.link == "identity"){
.null_intercept <- yb
lnl <- function(coefs, gradient = FALSE, hessian = FALSE, information = FALSE, sum = TRUE, X, y, weights){
K <- ncol(X)
N <- length(y)
beta <- coefs[1:K]
sig <- coefs[K + 1]
linpred <- drop(X %*% beta)
lnl <- dnorm(y, mean = linpred, sd = sig, log = TRUE)
if (gradient){
grad <- cbind((y - linpred) / sig ^ 2 * X, - 1 / sig + (y - linpred) ^ 2 / sig ^ 3)
if (hessian){
hess_bb <- - crossprod(w * X) / sig ^ 2
hess_ss <- - 2 / sig ^ 2
hess <- rbind(cbind(hess_bb, rep(0, K)),
c(rep(0, K), hess_ss))
if (information){
info_bb <- crossprod(w * X) / sig ^ 2
info_ss <- 2 / sig ^ 2
info <- rbind(cbind(info_bb, rep(0, K)),
c(rep(0, K), info_ss))
if (sum){
lnl <- sum(w * lnl)
if (gradient) grad <- apply(w * grad, 2, sum)
if (gradient) attr(lnl, "gradient") <- grad
if (hessian) attr(lnl, "hessian") <- hess
if (information) attr(lnl, "info") <- info
if (.link == "probit"){
.null_intercept <- qnorm(yb)
lnl <- function(coefs, gradient = FALSE, hessian = FALSE, information = FALSE, sum = TRUE, X, y, weights){
linpred <- drop(X %*% coefs)
q <- 2 * y - 1
lnl <- pnorm(q * linpred, log.p = TRUE)
if (gradient) grad <- q * mills(q * linpred) * X
if (hessian) hess <- - crossprod(w * sqrt(- dmills(q * linpred)) * X)
if (information) info <- crossprod(w * sqrt(mills(linpred) * mills(- linpred)) * X)
if (sum){
lnl <- sum(lnl * w)
if (gradient) grad <- apply(grad * w, 2, sum)
if (gradient) attr(lnl, "gradient") <- grad
if (hessian) attr(lnl, "hessian") <- hess
if (information) attr(lnl, "info") <- info
if (.link == "logit"){
.null_intercept <- qlogis(yb)
lnl <- function(coefs, gradient = FALSE, hessian = FALSE, information = FALSE, sum = TRUE, X, y, weights){
linpred <- drop(X %*% coefs)
q <- 2 * y - 1
lnl <- plogis(q * linpred, log.p = TRUE)
if (gradient) grad <- (y - exp(linpred) / (1 + exp(linpred))) * X
if (hessian) hess <- - crossprod(w * sqrt( exp(linpred) / (1 + exp(linpred)) ^ 2) * X)
if (information) info <- crossprod(w * sqrt( exp(linpred) / (1 + exp(linpred)) ^ 2) * X)
if (sum){
lnl <- sum(lnl * w)
if (gradient) grad <- apply(grad * w, 2, sum)
if (gradient) attr(lnl, "gradient") <- grad
if (hessian) attr(lnl, "hessian") <- hess
if (information) attr(lnl, "info") <- info
if (is.null(start)){
start <- rep(0, K)
names(start) <- colnames(X)
if (.link != "identity") .coefs <- newton(lnl, X = X, y = y, weights = w, trace = 0, coefs = start, direction = "max")
.coefs <- drop(solve(crossprod(sqrt(w) * X), crossprod(w * X, y)))
.sigma <- sqrt(mean(w * (y - drop(X %*% .coefs) ^ 2)))
.coefs <- c(.coefs, sigma = .sigma)
else .coefs <- start
if (.link != "identity") .linpred <- drop(X %*% .coefs)
else .linpred <- drop(X %*% .coefs[- (ncol(X) + 1)])
.lnl_conv <- lnl(.coefs, X = X, y = y, weights = w, gradient = TRUE, hessian = TRUE, info = TRUE, sum = FALSE)
if (.link == "logit") .fitted <- plogis(.linpred)
if (.link == "probit") .fitted <- pnorm(.linpred)
if (.link == "identity") .fitted <- .linpred
.npar <- c(covariates = K)
if (.link == "identity") .npar <- c(covariates = K, vcov = 1)
attr(.npar, "default") <- "covariates"
.logLik <- structure(sum(as.numeric(.lnl_conv)), nobs = length(y), df = length(.coefs), class = "logLik")
.logLik <- c(model = sum(as.numeric(.lnl_conv)),
saturated = .sat_logLik,
null = .null_logLik)
# Null model
null_coefs <- rep(0, ncol(X))
names(null_coefs) <- colnames(X)
null_coefs["(Intercept)"] <- .null_intercept
if (.link == "identity") null_coefs <- c(null_coefs, sigma = sqrt(mean((y - mean(y)) ^ 2)))
lnl_null <- lnl(null_coefs, gradient = TRUE, hessian = TRUE, information = TRUE, X = X, y = y, weights = w)
.null_gradient <- attr(lnl_null, "gradient")
.null_info <- attr(lnl_null, "info")
.lm <- drop(crossprod(.null_gradient, solve(.null_info, .null_gradient)))
.model_info <- attr(.lnl_conv, "info")
# .w <- drop(crossprod(.coefs[- 1], t(crossprod(.coefs[-1], .model_info[- 1, - 1]))))
.vcov <- solve(.model_info)
.wald <- drop(crossprod(.coefs[- 1], t(crossprod(.coefs[-1], solve(.vcov[- 1, - 1, drop = FALSE])))))
.lr <- 2 * unname(.logLik["model"] - .logLik["null"])
tests <- c(w = .wald, lm = .lm, lr = .lr)
result <- list(coefficients = .coefs,
model = mf,
gradient = attr(.lnl_conv, "gradient"),
hessian = attr(.lnl_conv, "hessian"),
info = attr(.lnl_conv, "info"),
linear.predictors = .linpred,
logLik = .logLik,
fitted.values = .fitted,
df.residual = .df.residual,
est_method = "ml",
formula = formula,
npar = .npar,
value = as.numeric(.lnl_conv),
tests = tests,
call = .call
result$na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
result$offset <- offset
result$contrasts <- attr(X, "contrasts")
result$xlevels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
structure(result, class = c("binomreg", "micsr"))
#' @rdname binomreg
#' @export
residuals.binomreg <- function(object, ..., type = c("deviance", "pearson", "response")){
type <- match.arg(type)
y <- model.response(model.frame(object))
hy <- fitted(object)
sd_hy <- sqrt(hy * (1 - hy))
if (type == "response") resid <- y - hy
if (type == "pearson") resid <- (y - hy) / sd_hy
if (type == "deviance") resid <- (2 * y - 1) * sqrt(- 2 * object$value)
#' @rdname binomreg
#' @method glance binomreg
#' @export
glance.binomreg <- function(x, ...){
.est_method <- x$est_method
N <- nobs(x)
result <- data.frame(nobs = nobs(x))
if (.est_method == "ml"){
result <- data.frame(null.deviance = deviance(x, type = "null"),
df.null = nobs(x) - 1,
logLik = logLik(x),
AIC = AIC(x),
BIC = BIC(x),
deviance = deviance(x, type = "model"),
df.residual = df.residual(x),
nobs = nobs(x))
# if (.est_method == "twosteps"){
# result <- data.frame(nobs = nobs(x), impliedsigma = x$sigma)
# }
#' @rdname binomreg
#' @export
predict.binomreg <- function(object, ..., type = c("response", "link"), newdata = NULL){
.type <- match.arg(type)
.link <- object$call$link
if (is.null(newdata)){
if (.type == "response") result <- object$fitted
if (.type == "link") result <- object$linear.predictors
.formula <- Formula(object$formula)
mf <- model.frame(.formula, newdata, dot = "previous")
X <- model.matrix(.formula, mf, rhs = 1)
y <- model.part(.formula, newdata, lhs = 1, drop = TRUE)
result <- drop(X %*% coef(object))
cum_fun <- switch(.link,
"logit" = plogis,
"probit" = pnorm,
"lm" = function(x) x)
if (.type == "response") result <- cum_fun(result)
# ajout dans le fichier type_dictionary.R
# ajout du fichier methods_binomreg
# sanity_model.R ajouter dans la liste des modèles supportés
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