#' Endogenous switching and sample selection models for count data
#' Heckman's like estimator for count data, using either
#' maximum likelihood or a two-steps estimator
#' @name escount
#' @param formula a `Formula` object which includes two responses (the
#' count and the binomial variables) and two sets of covariates
#' (for the count component and for the selection equation)
#' @param data a data frame,
#' @param subset,weights,na.action,offset see `stats::lm`
#' @param start an optional vector of starting values,
#' @param R the number of points for the Gauss-Hermite quadrature
#' @param hessian if `TRUE`, the numerical hessian is computed,
#' otherwise the covariance matrix of the coefficients is computed
#' using the outer product of the gradient
#' @param method one of `'ML'` for maximum likelihood estimation (the
#' default) or `'twosteps'` for the two-steps NLS method
#' @param model one of `'es'` for endogenous switching (the default)
#' or `'ss'` for sample selection
#' @return an object of class `c("escount,micsr)"`, see `micsr::micsr` for further details.
#' @importFrom stats .getXlevels coef glm model.matrix model.response
#' model.frame model.offset model.weights formula fitted nobs
#' optim pchisq pnorm poisson printCoefmat vcov binomial dnorm
#' dpois
#' @keywords models
#' @importFrom Formula Formula model.part
#' @author Yves Croissant
#' @references \insertRef{TERZ:98}{micsr}
#' \insertRef{GREE:01}{micsr}
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @importFrom Formula Formula model.part
#' @examples
#' trips_2s <- escount(trips | car ~ workschl + size + dist + smsa + fulltime + distnod +
#' realinc + weekend + car | . - car - weekend + adults, data = trips, method = "twosteps")
#' trips_ml <- update(trips_2s, method = "ml")
#' @export
escount <- function(formula,
start = NULL,
R = 16,
hessian = FALSE,
method = c("twosteps", "ml"),
model = c("es", "ss")){
start_provided <- ! is.null(start)
model <- match.arg(model)
ss <- ifelse(model == "ss", 1, 0)
.est_method <- match.arg(method)
# An efficient function for computing the inverse Mills ratio
mills <- function(x) exp(dnorm(x, log = TRUE) - pnorm(x, log.p = TRUE))
lmills <- function(x) dnorm(x, log = TRUE) - pnorm(x, log.p = TRUE)
# Compute the model frame
.call <-
mf <- = FALSE)
.formula <- mf$formula <- Formula::Formula(formula)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights"),
names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf$dot <- "previous"
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
# Extract the element of the model
w <- as.vector(model.weights(mf))
if (!is.null(w) && !is.numeric(w))
stop("'weights' must be a numeric vector")
offset <- model.offset(mf)
X <- model.matrix(.formula, mf, rhs = 1)
names_X <- colnames(X)
Z <- model.matrix(.formula, mf, rhs = 2)
names_Z <- colnames(Z)
y <- model.part(.formula, mf, lhs = 1, drop = TRUE)
d <- model.part(.formula, mf, lhs = 2, drop = TRUE)
q <- 2 * d - 1
N <- length(y)
K <- ncol(X)
L <- ncol(Z)
# Compute starting values (beta and theta, using the mills ratio
# approximation
binom <- glm(d ~ Z - 1, family = binomial(link = 'probit'))
bZ <- drop(Z %*% coef(binom))
if (model == "ss"){
mills_corr <- lmills(bZ)
count <- glm(y ~ X + mills_corr - 1, family = poisson, subset = d == 1)
.start <- unname(coef(count))
mills_corr <- lmills(q * bZ)
count <- glm(y ~ X + mills_corr - 1, family = poisson)
count <- glm(y ~ X - 1, family = poisson)
.start <- c(unname(coef(count)), 0)
# Compute the expected values
## Exp_y <- function(param, X, Z){
## alpha <- param[1:L]
## beta <- param[L + c(1:K)]
## theta <- param[K + L + 1]
## bX <- drop(X %*% beta)
## aZ <- drop(Z %*% alpha)
## log_Ey <- bX +
## pnorm(q * (theta + aZ), log.p = TRUE) -
## pnorm(q * aZ, log.p = TRUE)
## exp(log_Ey)
## }
obs_count <- (d * ss + (1 - ss))
# pos is 1 for d = 1 if ss = 1 and 1 for all the observations
# otherwise
if (.est_method == "ml"){
# The likelihood function for the Terza model, approximated using
# gauss-hermite quadratures
lnl <- function(param, gradient = FALSE, sum = FALSE, R = 16){
# rn <- statmod::gauss.quad(R, kind = "hermite")
rn <- gaussian_quad(R, "hermite")
alpha <- param[1:L]
beta <- param[L + c(1:K)]
beta <- param[1:K]
alpha <- param[K + c(1:L)]
sig <- param[K + L + 1]
rho <- param[K + L + 2]
bX <- drop(X %*% beta)
aZ <- drop(Z %*% alpha)
# l is the contrubution of an individual to the likelihood for
# a given value of the random deviate, g_## are the
# corresponding derivatives
l <- function(eps){
mu <- exp(bX + sig * sqrt(2) * eps)
ln_mu <- bX + sig * sqrt(2) * eps
v <- (aZ + rho * sqrt(2) * eps) / sqrt(1 - rho ^ 2)
lnl_count <- obs_count * (- exp(ln_mu) + y * ln_mu - lfactorial(y))
lnl_binom <- pnorm(q * v, log.p = TRUE)
exp(lnl_count + lnl_binom)
g_beta <- function(eps){
mu <- exp(bX + sig * sqrt(2) * eps)
(y - mu) * obs_count
g_alpha <- function(eps){
v <- (aZ + rho * sqrt(2) * eps) / sqrt(1 - rho ^ 2)
q * mills(q * v) / sqrt(1 - rho ^ 2)
g_sig <- function(eps){
mu <- exp(bX + sig * sqrt(2) * eps)
(sqrt(2) * eps * (y - mu)) * obs_count
g_rho <- function(eps){
v <- (aZ + rho * sqrt(2) * eps) / sqrt(1 - rho ^ 2)
(sqrt(2) * eps * sqrt(1 - rho ^ 2) +
rho * (aZ + rho * sqrt(2) * eps) /
sqrt(1 - rho ^ 2)) / (1 - rho ^ 2) *
(2 * d - 1) * mills(q * v)
# the contributions of an individual to the likelihood are
# computed for the R values of eps, giving a matrix of
# dimension N x R
l_nr <- sapply(rn$nodes, l)
# the contributions of an individual to the likelihood are
# computed as a linear combination (with relevant weights) of
# the R values
l_n <- apply(t(l_nr) * rn$weights, 2, sum) / sqrt(pi)
# the contribution of the log-likelihood function
lnl <- log(l_n)
if (sum) lnl <- sum(lnl)
if (gradient){
# Compute the N x R matrix for all the components of the
# gradient
g_beta_r <- sapply(rn$nodes, g_beta) * l_nr
g_alpha_r <- sapply(rn$nodes, g_alpha) * l_nr
g_sig_r <- sapply(rn$nodes, g_sig) * l_nr
g_rho_r <- sapply(rn$nodes, g_rho) * l_nr
# Get a vector as linear combinations of the columns of
# the matrices
g_beta_r <- apply(t(g_beta_r) * rn$weights, 2, sum) / sqrt(pi)
g_alpha_r <- apply(t(g_alpha_r) * rn$weights, 2, sum) / sqrt(pi)
g_sig_r <- apply(t(g_sig_r) * rn$weights, 2, sum) / sqrt(pi)
g_rho_r <- apply(t(g_rho_r) * rn$weights, 2, sum) / sqrt(pi)
# Compute the matrix (N x (K + L + 2)) of the individual
# contributions to the gradient
grad <- cbind(g_beta_r * X, g_alpha_r * Z, g_sig_r, g_rho_r) / l_n
if (sum) grad <- apply(grad, 2, sum)
attr(lnl, "gradient") <- grad
# functions for the log-likelihood and its gradient relevant for
# optim
fn <- function(param) - lnl(param, gradient = FALSE, sum = TRUE)
gr <- function(param) - attr(lnl(param, gradient = TRUE, sum = TRUE), "gradient")
gr_obs <- function(param) attr(lnl(param, gradient = TRUE, sum = FALSE), "gradient")
fn_obs <- function(param) lnl(param, gradient = FALSE, sum = FALSE)
# if starting values are not provided, use the 2-steps
# estimator
if (! start_provided){
.ncall <- .call
.ncall$method <- "twosteps"
tsp <- eval(.ncall, parent.frame())
.beta <- tsp$coefficients
.beta <- .beta[- length(.beta)]
.sigma <- tsp$sigma
.rho <- tsp$rho
.start <- c(.beta, coef(binom), sigma = .sigma, rho = .rho)
else .start <- start
names(.start) <- c(paste("covar", names_X, sep = "_"), paste("instr", names_Z, sep = "_"), "sigma", "rho")
z <- optim(.start, fn, gr, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE, control = list(trace = 0))
.coef <- z$par
.logLik <- z$value
.gradient <- gr_obs(.coef)
.hessian <- - z$hessian
.lnl <- fn_obs(.coef)
logLik_model <- c(model = sum(.lnl))
bX <- drop(X %*% .coef[1:K])
aZ <- drop(Z %*% .coef[K + c(1:L)])
theta <- unname(prod(.coef[K + L + (1:2)]))
.fitted <- exp(bX + pnorm(q * (theta + aZ), log.p = TRUE) -
pnorm(q * aZ, log.p = TRUE))
.resid <- y - .fitted
.npar <- c(covariates = K, instruments = L, vcov = 2)
attr(.npar, "default") <- c("covariates", "vcov")
result <- list(coefficients = .coef,
residuals = .resid,
fitted.values = .fitted,
model = mf,
terms = mt,
logLik = logLik_model,
value = .lnl,
npar = .npar,
gradient = .gradient,
hessian = .hessian,
df.residual = N - K - L,
xlevels = .getXlevels(mt, mf),
na.action = attr(mf, "na.action"),
call = .call,
est_method = "ml"
if (.est_method == "twosteps"){
if (model == "ss"){
oy <- y; oX <- X; oZ <- Z; oq <- q
pos <- d > 0
y <- y[pos]
X <- X[pos, ]
Z <- Z[pos, ]
q <- q[pos]
aZ <- drop(Z %*% coef(binom)) # ssr returns the sum of squares residuals as a function of
# beta and theta (Z %*% alpha is taken from the first-step
# probit regression). It optionnaly returns the gradient
ssr <- function(param, gradient = FALSE){
beta <- param[1:K]
theta <- param[K + 1]
bX <- drop(X %*% beta)
log_Ey <- bX + pnorm(q * (theta + aZ), log.p = TRUE) -
pnorm(q * aZ, log.p = TRUE)
Ey <- exp(log_Ey)
e <- (y - Ey)
result <- sum(e ^ 2)
if (gradient){
grad_beta <- Ey * X
grad_theta <- Ey * mills(q * (theta + aZ)) * q
gradient <- cbind(grad_beta, theta = grad_theta)
gradient <- - 2 * e * gradient
attr(result, "gradient") <- apply(gradient, 2, sum)
# Two function two separately compute the objective function and the gradient"
obj_ssr <- function(param) ssr(param, gradient = FALSE)
grad_ssr <- function(param) attr(ssr(param, gradient = TRUE), "gradient")
# Compute the minimum
names(.start) <- c(colnames(X), "theta")
conv_nls <- optim(.start, obj_ssr, grad_ssr, method = "BFGS", control = list(maxit = 1000))
.value <- conv_nls$value
# Compute the linear predictors for the fitted coefficients
hbeta <- conv_nls$par[1:K]
htheta <- unname(conv_nls$par[K + 1])
halpha <- coef(binom)
if (model == "ss"){
y <- oy; X <- oX; Z <- oZ; q <- oq
bX <- drop(X %*% hbeta)
aZ <- drop(Z %*% halpha)
# Estimate sigma using the previous fitted coefficient using
# gaussian-quadrature in a one-parameter likelihood function
# l is returns the individual contribution to the likelihood
# for given eps and a value of theta
l <- function(eps, sig){
v <- (aZ + (htheta / sig) * sqrt(2) * eps) / sqrt(1 - htheta ^ 2 / sig ^ 2)
mu <- exp(bX - 0.5 * sig ^ 2 + sqrt(2) * sig * eps)
ln_mu <- bX - 0.5 * sig ^ 2 + sqrt(2) * sig * eps
lnl_count <- - exp(ln_mu) + y * ln_mu - lfactorial(y)
lnl_binom <- pnorm(q * v, log.p = TRUE)
exp(lnl_count * d + lnl_binom)
# objFun compute the log-likelihood function as a function of
# sig only
# rn <- statmod::gauss.quad(R, kind = "hermite")
rn <- gaussian_quad(R, kind = "hermite")
sig <- abs(2 * htheta)
objFun <- function(sig){
le <- function(eps) l(eps, sig)
l_nr <- sapply(rn$nodes, le)
l_n <- apply(t(l_nr) * rn$weights, 2, sum) / sqrt(pi)
lnl_n <- log(l_n)
- sum(lnl_n)
# Compute the ML estimator of sigma
conv_sig <- optim(sig, objFun, method = "BFGS")
hsigma <- conv_sig$par
hrho <- htheta / hsigma
if (hsigma < 0){
hsigma <- - hsigma
hrho <- - hrho
h_param <- c(coef(binom), conv_nls$par)
# covariance matrix of the estimator: robust to
# heteroscedasticity and taking into account the fact that
# alpha is estimated in the first step
if (model == "ss"){
pos <- d > 0
y <- y[pos]
X <- X[pos, ]
Z <- Z[pos, ]
q <- q[pos]
aZ <- aZ[pos]
Ey <- exp(bX + pnorm(q * (htheta + aZ), log.p = TRUE) -
pnorm(q * aZ, log.p = TRUE))
e <- (y - Ey)
G1 <- (Ey * cbind(X, mills(aZ + htheta) * q))
G2 <- (Ey * (mills(aZ + htheta) - mills(aZ)) * q * Z)
V_binom <- summary(binom)$cov.scaled
G1G1I <- solve(crossprod(G1))
.vcov <- G1G1I %*% (crossprod(G1 * e) +
crossprod(G1, G2) %*% V_binom %*%
crossprod(G2, G1)) %*% G1G1I
result <- list(coefficients = conv_nls$par,
sigma = hsigma,
rho = hrho,
vcov = .vcov,
residuals = e,
fitted.values = Ey,
model = mf,
terms = mt,
value = .value,
npar = c(covariates = K, vcov = 1),
df.residual = N - ncol(X),
xlevels = .getXlevels(mt, mf),
na.action = attr(mf, "na.action"),
call = .call,
first = binom,
est_method = "twosteps"
result <- structure(result, class = c("escount", "micsr"))
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