#' Propensity scores
#' Propensity scores estimation, using an algorithm that checks the
#' balancing hypothesis using strata and enable the estimation of the
#' treatment effect using stratification methods
#' @name pscore
#' @param formula a Formula object; the left-hand side should contain
#' two variables (`x1 + x2`), where x1 is the group variable and
#' x2 the outcome. The group variable can be either a dummy for
#' treated individuals or a factor with levels `"treated"` and
#' `"control"`
#' @param data a data frame
#' @param maxiter the maximum number of iterations
#' @param tol stratas are cut in halves as long as the hypothesis of
#' equal means is rejected at the `tol` level,
#' @param link the link for the binomial glm estimation, either
#' `"logit"` or `"probit"`
#' @param x,object a `"pscore"` or a `"summary.pscore"` object
#' @param var_equal to compute the variance of the ATET, variances can
#' be computed at the class/group level (`var_equal = "none"`), at
#' the class level (`var_equal = "group"`), at the group level
#' (`var_equal = "strata"`) or globally (`var_equal = "both"`)
#' @param step for the `print.summary` method, the step of the test to
#' be printed: one of `"all"` (the default), `strata`,
#' `covariates` and `atet`
#' @param smpl the sample to use, either the whole sample (`smpl =
#' "total"`) or the sample with common support (`smpl = "cs"`)
#' @param digits number of digits for the `print` methods
#' @param format one of `"rst"` `"pipe"` and `"simple"`, this argument
#' is passed to `knitr::kable`
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @keywords models
#' @importFrom dplyr pull filter bind_rows arrange case_when top_n
#' right_join transmute
#' @importFrom tibble add_column add_row
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom knitr kable
#' @importFrom stats na.omit quantile var
#' @references \insertRef{DEHE:WAHB:02}{micsr}
#' \insertRef{BECK:ICHI:02}{micsr}
#' @return an object of class `"pscore"`, with the following elements:
#' - `strata`: a tibble containing the stratas, the frequencies, the
#' means and the variances of the propensity scores for treated and
#' controled observations
#' - `cov_balance`: a tibble containing the results of the balancing
#' tests for every covariate; the results for the class with the
#' lowest p-value is reported
#' - `unchecked_cov`: a character vector containing the names of the
#' covariates for which the balancing test could be computed
#' - `model`: a tibble containing the original data, with
#' supplementary columns: `gp_` for the groups, `resp_` for the
#' outcome and `cls_` for the stratas
#' - `pscore`: the glm model fitted to compute the propensity scores
#' @examples
#' data_tuscany <- dplyr::mutate(dplyr::filter(twa, region == "Tuscany"),
#' dist2 = dist ^ 2, livselfemp = I((city == "livorno") * (occup == "selfemp")),
#' perm = ifelse(outcome == "perm", 1, 0))
#' formula_tuscany <- group | perm ~ city + sex + marital + age +
#' loc + children + educ + pvoto + training +
#' empstat + occup + sector + wage + hour + feduc + femp + fbluecol +
#' dist + dist2 + livselfemp
#' pscore(formula_tuscany, data_tuscany)
#' @export
pscore <- function(formula, data, maxiter = 4, tol = 0.005, link = c("logit", "probit")){
.link <- match.arg(link)
.maxiter <- maxiter
.tol <- tol
.model <- data
.formula <- Formula(formula)
group_name <- paste(.formula[[2]][[2]])
response_name <- paste(.formula[[2]][[3]])
.model[["gp_"]] <- .model[[group_name]]
.model[["resp_"]] <- .model[[response_name]]
if (is.numeric(data[[group_name]]))
.model[["gp_"]] <- factor(data[[group_name]], levels = 0:1,
labels = c("control", "treated"))
outcome_name <- paste(.formula[[2]][[3]])
pscore <- glm(formula(.formula, lhs = 1), data = .model, family = binomial(link = .link))
na_rows <- attr(model.frame(pscore), "na.action")
if (! is.null(na_rows)) .model <- .model[- na_rows, ]
.model <- .model %>% add_column(pscore = fitted(pscore))
com_sup <- .model %>% group_by(.data$gp_) %>%
summarise(min = min(pscore), max = max(pscore))
com_sup <- .model %>% filter(.data$gp_ == "treated") %>%
summarise(min = min(pscore), max = max(pscore))
min_sup <- com_sup %>% pull("min")
max_sup <- com_sup %>% pull("max")
.model <- .model %>% mutate(cs_ = (pscore <= max_sup & pscore >= min_sup))
scores <- .model %>% filter(.data$cs_) %>% pull("pscore")
bks <- c(0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99)
qtles <- quantile(scores, bks)
.go_on <- TRUE
.iter <- 0
bks <- c(seq(0, 1, 0.2))
.iter <- .iter + 1
da <- .model %>% filter(.data$cs_) %>%
mutate(cls = cut(scores, bks, right = FALSE))
freq <- da %>% group_by(.data$gp_, .data$cls) %>%
summarise(n = n(), .groups = "drop",
mean = mean(.data$resp_), var = var(.data$resp_)) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = .data$gp_,
values_from = c(.data$n, .data$mean, .data$var)) %>%
mutate(cls = as.character(.data$cls)) %>%
no_cs <-$n_control) |$n_treated)
r <- map(freq$cls[! no_cs], ~ t.test(pscore ~ gp_, var.equal = TRUE,
data = subset(da, cls == .x)))
r <- map(r, ~ c(.x$estimate, .x$p.value))
r <- Reduce("rbind", r)
dimnames(r) <- list(freq$cls[! no_cs], c("ps_control", "ps_treated", "p.val"))
r <- r %>% as_tibble(rownames = "cls") %>%
right_join(freq, by = "cls") %>%
if (any(na.omit(r$p.val) < .tol) & .iter <= .maxiter){
pb <- which(r$p.val < .tol)
sup_bks <- (bks[pb + 1] + bks[pb]) / 2
bks <- sort(c(bks, sup_bks))
else .go_on <- FALSE
.model <- .model %>%
mutate(cls_ = cut(pscore, bks, right = FALSE))
strata <- r
X <- model.matrix(.formula, data = model.frame(.formula, filter(.model, .data$cs_))) %>%
as_tibble %>%
bind_cols(select(da, "pscore", "cls", "gp_"))
xnms <- names(X)[- na.omit(match(c("(Intercept)", "cls", "pscore", "gp_"), names(X)))]
cov_balance <- tibble(name = character(0), classe = character(0), pvalue = numeric(0))
unchecked_cov <- c()
for (aname in xnms){
X$covariate <- X[[aname]]
r <- try(map(strata$cls[! no_cs], ~ t.test(covariate ~ gp_, var.equal = TRUE,
data = subset(X, cls == .x))), silent = TRUE)
if (length(r[[1]]) > 1){
r <- map(r, ~ c(.x$estimate, .x$p.value))
r <- Reduce("rbind", r)
dimnames(r) <- list(strata$cls[! no_cs], c("control", "treated", "p.val"))
r <- r %>% as_tibble %>%
add_column(cls = strata$cls[! no_cs], .before = 1) %>%
top_n(1, - .data$p.val)
cov_balance <- cov_balance %>%
add_row(name = aname, classe = r$cls, pvalue = r$p.val)
else unchecked_cov <- c(unchecked_cov, aname)
structure(list(strata = strata, cov_balance = cov_balance,
unchecked_cov = unchecked_cov, model = .model,
pscore = pscore),
class = "pscore")
#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
summary.pscore <- function(object, ...){
# computation of the average treatment effect to the treated
strata <- object$strata
.model <- object$model
no_cs <-$n_control) |$n_treated)
rg_cs <- rg(object, smpl = "cs")#.model %>% filter(cs_) %>% pull(pscore) %>% range
rg_tot <- rg(object, smpl = "total")#.model %>% pull(pscore) %>% range
nobs_tot <- nobs(object, smpl = "total")#.model %>% pull(gp_) %>% table %>% as.numeric
nobs_cs <- nobs(object, smpl = "cs")#.model %>% filter(cs_) %>% pull(gp_) %>% table %>% as.numeric
if (any(no_cs)){
strata_save <- strata
.model_save <- .model
cls_no_cs <- strata$cls[no_cs]
strata <- strata %>% filter(! .data$cls %in% cls_no_cs)
.model <- .model %>% filter(! .data$cls_ %in% cls_no_cs)
ATET <- strata %>%
summarise(sum(.data$n_treated / sum(.data$n_treated) *
(.data$mean_treated - .data$mean_control))) %>% pull
Nt <- strata %>% summarise(sum(.data$n_treated)) %>% pull
g <- strata %>% transmute(.data$n_treated / .data$n_control) %>% pull
f <- strata %>% transmute(.data$n_treated / sum(.data$n_treated)) %>% pull
Vg <- .model %>% group_by(.data$gp_) %>% summarise(V = var(.data$resp_)) %>% pull
Vc <- Vg[1]
Vt <- Vg[2]
Vb <- .model %>% group_by(.data$cls_) %>% summarise(V = var(.data$resp_)) %>% pull
Vgp <- .model %>%
group_by(.data$gp_, .data$cls_) %>%
summarise(V = var(.data$resp_), .groups = "drop") %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = .data$gp_, values_from = V)
Vtb <- Vgp %>% pull("treated")
Vcb <- Vgp %>% pull("control")
V <- .model %>% pull("resp_") %>% var
sd_both <- sqrt(V * (1 + sum(f * g)) / Nt)
sd_group <- sqrt( (Vt + Vc * sum(f * g)) / Nt)
sd_strata <- sqrt( sum(f * Vb * (1 + g)) / Nt)
sd_none <- sqrt( sum(f * (Vtb + g * Vcb) / Nt))
atet <- c(atet = ATET, sd_both = sd_both, sd_group = sd_group,
sd_strata = sd_strata, sd_none = sd_none)
if (any(no_cs)){
strata <- strata_save
.model <- .model_save
strata <- strata %>%
select(strata = "cls", "n_treated", "n_control",
"ps_treated", "ps_control", p.value = "p.val",
"mean_treated", "mean_control")
structure(list(strata = strata, pscore = object$pscore,
cov_balance = object$cov_balance,
cov_unchecked = object$cov_unchecked,
range = list(total = rg_tot, cs = rg_cs),
nobs = list(total = nobs_tot, cs = nobs_cs),
atet = atet),
class = "summary.pscore")
#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
print.pscore <- function(x, ..., digits = getOption("digits"),
var_equal = c("none", "strata", "group", "both")){
var_equal <- match.arg(var_equal)
x <- summary(x)
cat("Number of strata", nrow(x$strata), "\n")
cat("pscore range :", paste(signif(rg(x, smpl = "total"), digits), collapse = " - "), "\n")
cat("common support:", paste(signif(rg(x, smpl = "cs"), digits), collapse = " - "), "\n")
cat("untreated obs used:", nobs(x, smpl = "cs")[1], "out of", nobs(x, smpl = "total")[1], "\n")
cat("ATET: ", signif(mean(x), digits), " (", signif(stdev(x, var_equal = var_equal), digits), ")\n", sep = "")
#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
print.summary.pscore <- function(x, ...,
digits = getOption("digits"),
format = c("rst", "pipe", "simple"),
step = c("all", "strata", "covariates", "atet")){
.step <- match.arg(step)
.format <- match.arg(format)
if (.step == "all"){
cat("Propensity score computation using Deheja-Wahba algorithm\n")
cat("first-step: estimation of the participation equation\n")
cat("Binomial model with a", family(x$pscore)$link, "link\n")
cat("Number of strata :", nrow(x$strata), "\n")
cat("pscore range :", signif(x$range$total[1], digits), "-", signif(x$range$total[2], digits), "\n")
cat("Common support :", signif(x$range$cs[1], digits), "-", signif(x$range$cs[2], digits), "\n")
cat("untreated obs used:", x$nobs$cs[1], "out of", x$nobs$total[1], "\n")
cat("(p-value for the t-test of equal means)\n")
if (.step %in% c("all", "strata"))
x$strata %>% select(1:6) %>%
knitr::kable(digits = c(0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1), format = .format) %>%
if (.step == "all"){
cat("second-step: checking the balance for the covariates\n")
if (.step %in% c("all", "covariates")){
cat("(for every covariate, strata with the lowest p-value)\n")
x$cov_balance %>% knitr::kable(digits = digits, format = .format) %>% print()
if (! is.null(x$unchecked_cov)){
cat("\nBalance checking impossible for:", paste(x$unchecked_cov, collapse = ", "), "\n")
if (.step == "all"){
cat("third-step: computation of the ATET\n")
if (.step %in% c("all", "atet")){
cat("ATET :", signif(x$atet["atet"], digits), "\n")
cat("sd: equal variance\n")
cat(" - within groups :", signif(x$atet["sd_group"], digits), "\n")
cat(" - within strata :", signif(x$atet["sd_strata"], digits), "\n")
cat(" - within groups and strata:", signif(x$atet["sd_both"], digits), "\n")
cat(" - no :", signif(x$atet["sd_none"], digits), "\n")
#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
nobs.pscore <- function(object, ..., smpl = c("total", "cs")){
.smpl <- match.arg(smpl)
if (.smpl == "total") result <- object$model %>% pull("gp_") %>% table %>% as.numeric
if (.smpl == "cs") result <- object$model %>% filter(.data$cs_) %>%
pull("gp_") %>% table %>% as.numeric
#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
nobs.summary.pscore <- function(object, ..., smpl = c("total", "cs")){
.smpl <- match.arg(smpl)
if (.smpl == "total") result <- object$nobs$total
if (.smpl == "cs") result <- object$nobs$cs
#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
rg <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("rg")
#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
rg.pscore <- function(object, ..., smpl = c("total", "cs")){
.smpl <- match.arg(smpl)
if (.smpl == "total") result <- object$model %>% pull("pscore") %>% range
if (.smpl == "cs") result <- object$model %>% filter(.data$cs_) %>% pull("pscore") %>% range
#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
rg.summary.pscore <- function(object, ..., smpl = c("total", "cs")){
.smpl <- match.arg(smpl)
if (.smpl == "total") result <- object$range$total
if (.smpl == "cs") result <- object$range$cs
#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
stdev <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("stdev")
#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
mean.pscore <- function(x, ..., var_equal = c("none", "strat", "group", "both")){
summary(x)$atet["atet"] %>% unname
#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
mean.summary.pscore <- function(x, ...){
x$atet["atet"] %>% unname
#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
stdev.pscore <- function(object, ..., var_equal = c("none", "strata", "group", "both")){
var_equal <- match.arg(var_equal)
object <- summary(object)$atet
case_when(var_equal == "none" ~ unname(object["sd_none"]),
var_equal == "both" ~ unname(object["sd_both"]),
var_equal == "strata" ~ unname(object["sd_strata"]),
var_equal == "group" ~ unname(object["sd_group"]))
#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
stdev.summary.pscore <- function(object, ..., var_equal = c("none", "strata", "group", "both")){
var_equal <- match.arg(var_equal)
object <- object$atet
case_when(var_equal == "none" ~ unname(object["sd_none"]),
var_equal == "both" ~ unname(object["sd_both"]),
var_equal == "strata" ~ unname(object["sd_strata"]),
var_equal == "group" ~ unname(object["sd_group"]))
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