
Defines functions stdev.summary.pscore stdev.pscore mean.summary.pscore mean.pscore stdev rg.summary.pscore rg.pscore rg nobs.summary.pscore nobs.pscore print.summary.pscore print.pscore summary.pscore pscore

Documented in mean.pscore mean.summary.pscore nobs.pscore nobs.summary.pscore print.pscore print.summary.pscore pscore rg rg.pscore rg.summary.pscore stdev stdev.pscore stdev.summary.pscore summary.pscore

#' Propensity scores
#' Propensity scores estimation, using an algorithm that checks the
#' balancing hypothesis using strata and enable the estimation of the
#' treatment effect using stratification methods
#' @name pscore
#' @param formula a Formula object; the left-hand side should contain
#'     two variables (`x1 + x2`), where x1 is the group variable and
#'     x2 the outcome. The group variable can be either a dummy for
#'     treated individuals or a factor with levels `"treated"` and
#'     `"control"`
#' @param data a data frame
#' @param maxiter the maximum number of iterations
#' @param tol stratas are cut in halves as long as the hypothesis of
#'     equal means is rejected at the `tol` level,
#' @param link the link for the binomial glm estimation, either
#'     `"logit"` or `"probit"`
#' @param x,object a `"pscore"` or a `"summary.pscore"` object
#' @param var_equal to compute the variance of the ATET, variances can
#'     be computed at the class/group level (`var_equal = "none"`), at
#'     the class level (`var_equal = "group"`), at the group level
#'     (`var_equal = "strata"`) or globally (`var_equal = "both"`)
#' @param step for the `print.summary` method, the step of the test to
#'     be printed: one of `"all"` (the default), `strata`,
#'     `covariates` and `atet`
#' @param smpl the sample to use, either the whole sample (`smpl =
#'     "total"`) or the sample with common support (`smpl = "cs"`)
#' @param digits number of digits for the `print` methods
#' @param format one of `"rst"` `"pipe"` and `"simple"`, this argument
#'     is passed to `knitr::kable`
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @keywords models
#' @importFrom dplyr pull filter bind_rows arrange case_when top_n
#'     right_join transmute
#' @importFrom tibble add_column add_row
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_wider
#' @importFrom purrr map
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom knitr kable
#' @importFrom stats na.omit quantile var
#' @references \insertRef{DEHE:WAHB:02}{micsr}
#' \insertRef{BECK:ICHI:02}{micsr}
#' @return an object of class `"pscore"`, with the following elements:
#' - `strata`: a tibble containing the stratas, the frequencies, the
#' means and the variances of the propensity scores for treated and
#' controled observations
#' - `cov_balance`: a tibble containing the results of the balancing
#' tests for every covariate; the results for the class with the
#' lowest p-value is reported
#' - `unchecked_cov`: a character vector containing the names of the
#' covariates for which the balancing test could be computed
#' - `model`: a tibble containing the original data, with
#' supplementary columns: `gp_` for the groups, `resp_` for the
#' outcome and `cls_` for the stratas
#' - `pscore`: the glm model fitted to compute the propensity scores
#' @examples
#' data_tuscany <- dplyr::mutate(dplyr::filter(twa, region == "Tuscany"),
#'   dist2 = dist ^ 2, livselfemp = I((city == "livorno") * (occup == "selfemp")),
#'   perm = ifelse(outcome == "perm", 1, 0))
#' formula_tuscany <- group | perm ~ city + sex + marital + age +
#'    loc + children + educ + pvoto + training +
#'    empstat + occup + sector + wage + hour + feduc + femp + fbluecol +
#'    dist + dist2 + livselfemp
#' pscore(formula_tuscany, data_tuscany)
#' @export
pscore <- function(formula, data, maxiter = 4, tol = 0.005, link = c("logit", "probit")){
    .link <- match.arg(link)
    .maxiter <- maxiter
    .tol <- tol
    .model <- data
    .formula <- Formula(formula)
    group_name <- paste(.formula[[2]][[2]])
    response_name <- paste(.formula[[2]][[3]])
    .model[["gp_"]] <- .model[[group_name]]
    .model[["resp_"]] <- .model[[response_name]]
    if (is.numeric(data[[group_name]]))
        .model[["gp_"]] <- factor(data[[group_name]], levels = 0:1,
                                 labels = c("control", "treated"))
    outcome_name <- paste(.formula[[2]][[3]])
    pscore <- glm(formula(.formula, lhs = 1), data = .model, family = binomial(link = .link))
    na_rows <- attr(model.frame(pscore), "na.action")
    if (! is.null(na_rows)) .model <- .model[- na_rows, ]
    .model <- .model %>% add_column(pscore = fitted(pscore))
    com_sup <- .model %>% group_by(.data$gp_) %>%
        summarise(min = min(pscore), max = max(pscore))
    com_sup <- .model %>% filter(.data$gp_ == "treated") %>%
        summarise(min = min(pscore), max = max(pscore))
    min_sup <- com_sup %>% pull("min")
    max_sup <- com_sup %>% pull("max")
    .model <- .model %>% mutate(cs_ = (pscore <= max_sup & pscore >= min_sup))
    scores <- .model %>% filter(.data$cs_) %>% pull("pscore")
    bks <- c(0.01, 0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99)
    qtles <- quantile(scores, bks)
    .go_on <- TRUE
    .iter <- 0
    bks <- c(seq(0, 1, 0.2))
        .iter <- .iter + 1
        da <- .model %>% filter(.data$cs_) %>%
            mutate(cls = cut(scores, bks, right = FALSE))
        freq <- da %>% group_by(.data$gp_, .data$cls) %>%
            summarise(n = n(), .groups = "drop",
                      mean = mean(.data$resp_), var = var(.data$resp_)) %>%
            pivot_wider(names_from = .data$gp_,
                        values_from = c(.data$n, .data$mean, .data$var)) %>%
            mutate(cls = as.character(.data$cls)) %>%
        no_cs <- is.na(freq$n_control) | is.na(freq$n_treated)
        r <- map(freq$cls[! no_cs], ~ t.test(pscore ~ gp_, var.equal = TRUE,
                                             data = subset(da, cls == .x)))
        r <- map(r, ~ c(.x$estimate, .x$p.value))
        r <- Reduce("rbind", r)
        dimnames(r) <- list(freq$cls[! no_cs], c("ps_control", "ps_treated", "p.val"))
        r <- r %>% as_tibble(rownames = "cls") %>%
            right_join(freq, by = "cls") %>%
        if (any(na.omit(r$p.val) < .tol) & .iter <= .maxiter){
            pb <- which(r$p.val < .tol)
            sup_bks <- (bks[pb + 1] + bks[pb]) / 2
            bks <- sort(c(bks, sup_bks))
        else .go_on <- FALSE
    .model <- .model %>%
        mutate(cls_ = cut(pscore, bks, right = FALSE))
    strata <- r
    X <- model.matrix(.formula, data = model.frame(.formula, filter(.model, .data$cs_))) %>%
        as_tibble %>%
        bind_cols(select(da, "pscore", "cls", "gp_"))

    xnms <- names(X)[- na.omit(match(c("(Intercept)", "cls", "pscore", "gp_"), names(X)))]
    cov_balance <- tibble(name = character(0), classe = character(0), pvalue = numeric(0))
    unchecked_cov <- c()
    for (aname in xnms){
        X$covariate <- X[[aname]]
        r <- try(map(strata$cls[! no_cs], ~ t.test(covariate ~ gp_, var.equal = TRUE,
                                                   data = subset(X, cls == .x))), silent = TRUE)
        if (length(r[[1]]) > 1){
            r <- map(r, ~ c(.x$estimate, .x$p.value))
            r <- Reduce("rbind", r)
            dimnames(r) <- list(strata$cls[! no_cs], c("control", "treated", "p.val"))
            r <- r %>% as_tibble %>%
                add_column(cls = strata$cls[! no_cs], .before = 1) %>%
                top_n(1, - .data$p.val)
            cov_balance <- cov_balance %>%
                add_row(name = aname, classe = r$cls, pvalue = r$p.val)
        else unchecked_cov <- c(unchecked_cov, aname)
    structure(list(strata = strata, cov_balance = cov_balance,
                   unchecked_cov = unchecked_cov, model = .model,
                   pscore = pscore),
              class = "pscore")

#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
summary.pscore <- function(object, ...){
    # computation of the average treatment effect to the treated
    strata <- object$strata
    .model <- object$model
    no_cs <- is.na(strata$n_control) | is.na(strata$n_treated)
    rg_cs <- rg(object, smpl = "cs")#.model %>% filter(cs_) %>% pull(pscore) %>% range
    rg_tot <- rg(object, smpl = "total")#.model %>% pull(pscore) %>% range
    nobs_tot <- nobs(object, smpl = "total")#.model %>% pull(gp_) %>% table %>% as.numeric
    nobs_cs <- nobs(object, smpl = "cs")#.model %>% filter(cs_) %>% pull(gp_) %>% table %>% as.numeric    
    if (any(no_cs)){
        strata_save <- strata
        .model_save <- .model
        cls_no_cs <- strata$cls[no_cs]
        strata <- strata %>% filter(! .data$cls %in% cls_no_cs)
        .model <- .model %>% filter(! .data$cls_ %in% cls_no_cs)
    ATET <- strata  %>% 
        summarise(sum(.data$n_treated / sum(.data$n_treated) *
                      (.data$mean_treated - .data$mean_control))) %>% pull
    Nt <- strata %>% summarise(sum(.data$n_treated)) %>% pull
    g <- strata %>% transmute(.data$n_treated / .data$n_control) %>% pull
    f <- strata %>% transmute(.data$n_treated / sum(.data$n_treated)) %>% pull
    Vg <- .model %>% group_by(.data$gp_) %>% summarise(V = var(.data$resp_)) %>% pull
    Vc <- Vg[1]
    Vt <- Vg[2]
    Vb <- .model %>% group_by(.data$cls_) %>% summarise(V = var(.data$resp_)) %>% pull
    Vgp <- .model %>%
        group_by(.data$gp_, .data$cls_) %>%
        summarise(V = var(.data$resp_), .groups = "drop") %>%
        pivot_wider(names_from = .data$gp_, values_from = V)
    Vtb <- Vgp %>% pull("treated")
    Vcb <- Vgp %>% pull("control")
    V <- .model  %>% pull("resp_") %>% var
    sd_both   <- sqrt(V * (1 + sum(f * g)) / Nt)
    sd_group  <- sqrt( (Vt + Vc * sum(f * g)) / Nt)
    sd_strata <- sqrt( sum(f * Vb * (1 + g)) / Nt)
    sd_none   <- sqrt( sum(f * (Vtb + g * Vcb) / Nt))
    atet <- c(atet = ATET, sd_both = sd_both, sd_group = sd_group,
              sd_strata = sd_strata, sd_none = sd_none)
    if (any(no_cs)){
        strata <- strata_save
        .model <- .model_save
    strata <- strata %>%
        select(strata = "cls", "n_treated", "n_control",
               "ps_treated", "ps_control", p.value = "p.val",
               "mean_treated", "mean_control")
    structure(list(strata = strata, pscore = object$pscore,
                   cov_balance = object$cov_balance,
                   cov_unchecked = object$cov_unchecked,
                   range = list(total = rg_tot, cs = rg_cs),
                   nobs = list(total = nobs_tot, cs = nobs_cs),
                   atet = atet),
              class = "summary.pscore")

#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
print.pscore <- function(x, ..., digits = getOption("digits"),
                         var_equal = c("none", "strata", "group", "both")){
    var_equal <- match.arg(var_equal)
    x <- summary(x)
    cat("Number of strata", nrow(x$strata), "\n")
    cat("pscore range  :", paste(signif(rg(x, smpl = "total"), digits), collapse = " - "), "\n")
    cat("common support:", paste(signif(rg(x, smpl = "cs"), digits), collapse = " - "), "\n")
    cat("untreated obs used:", nobs(x, smpl = "cs")[1], "out of", nobs(x, smpl = "total")[1], "\n")
    cat("ATET: ", signif(mean(x), digits), " (", signif(stdev(x, var_equal = var_equal), digits), ")\n", sep = "")
#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
print.summary.pscore <- function(x, ...,
                                 digits = getOption("digits"),
                                 format = c("rst", "pipe", "simple"),
                                 step = c("all", "strata", "covariates", "atet")){
    .step <- match.arg(step)
    .format <- match.arg(format)
    if (.step == "all"){
        cat("Propensity score computation using Deheja-Wahba algorithm\n")
        cat("first-step: estimation of the participation equation\n")
        cat("Binomial model with a", family(x$pscore)$link, "link\n")
        cat("Number of strata  :", nrow(x$strata), "\n")
        cat("pscore range      :", signif(x$range$total[1], digits), "-", signif(x$range$total[2], digits), "\n")
        cat("Common support    :", signif(x$range$cs[1], digits), "-", signif(x$range$cs[2], digits), "\n")
        cat("untreated obs used:", x$nobs$cs[1], "out of", x$nobs$total[1], "\n")
        cat("(p-value for the t-test of equal means)\n")
    if (.step %in% c("all", "strata"))
        x$strata %>% select(1:6) %>%
            knitr::kable(digits = c(0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1), format = .format) %>%
    if (.step == "all"){
        cat("second-step: checking the balance for the covariates\n")
    if (.step %in% c("all", "covariates")){
        cat("(for every covariate, strata with the lowest p-value)\n")
        x$cov_balance %>% knitr::kable(digits = digits, format = .format) %>% print()
        if (! is.null(x$unchecked_cov)){
            cat("\nBalance checking impossible for:", paste(x$unchecked_cov, collapse = ", "), "\n")
    if (.step == "all"){
        cat("third-step: computation of the ATET\n")
    if (.step %in% c("all", "atet")){
        cat("ATET                        :", signif(x$atet["atet"], digits), "\n")
        cat("sd: equal variance\n")
        cat("  - within groups           :", signif(x$atet["sd_group"], digits), "\n")
        cat("  - within strata           :", signif(x$atet["sd_strata"], digits), "\n")
        cat("  - within groups and strata:", signif(x$atet["sd_both"], digits), "\n")
        cat("  - no                      :", signif(x$atet["sd_none"], digits), "\n")
#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
nobs.pscore <- function(object, ..., smpl = c("total", "cs")){
    .smpl <- match.arg(smpl)
    if (.smpl == "total") result <- object$model %>% pull("gp_") %>% table %>% as.numeric
    if (.smpl == "cs") result <- object$model %>% filter(.data$cs_) %>%
                           pull("gp_") %>% table %>% as.numeric

#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
nobs.summary.pscore <- function(object, ..., smpl = c("total", "cs")){
    .smpl <- match.arg(smpl)
    if (.smpl == "total") result <- object$nobs$total
    if (.smpl == "cs") result <- object$nobs$cs

#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
rg <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("rg")

#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
rg.pscore <- function(object, ..., smpl = c("total", "cs")){
    .smpl <- match.arg(smpl)
    if (.smpl == "total") result <- object$model %>% pull("pscore") %>% range
    if (.smpl == "cs") result <- object$model %>% filter(.data$cs_) %>% pull("pscore") %>% range

#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
rg.summary.pscore <- function(object, ..., smpl = c("total", "cs")){
    .smpl <- match.arg(smpl)
    if (.smpl == "total") result <- object$range$total
    if (.smpl == "cs") result <- object$range$cs

#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
stdev <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("stdev")

#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
mean.pscore <- function(x, ..., var_equal = c("none", "strat", "group", "both")){
    summary(x)$atet["atet"] %>% unname

#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
mean.summary.pscore <- function(x, ...){
    x$atet["atet"] %>% unname

#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
stdev.pscore <- function(object, ..., var_equal = c("none", "strata", "group", "both")){
    var_equal <- match.arg(var_equal)
    object <- summary(object)$atet
    case_when(var_equal == "none" ~ unname(object["sd_none"]),
              var_equal == "both" ~ unname(object["sd_both"]),
              var_equal == "strata" ~ unname(object["sd_strata"]),
              var_equal == "group" ~ unname(object["sd_group"]))

#' @rdname pscore
#' @export
stdev.summary.pscore <- function(object, ..., var_equal = c("none", "strata", "group", "both")){
    var_equal <- match.arg(var_equal)
    object <- object$atet
    case_when(var_equal == "none" ~ unname(object["sd_none"]),
              var_equal == "both" ~ unname(object["sd_both"]),
              var_equal == "strata" ~ unname(object["sd_strata"]),
              var_equal == "group" ~ unname(object["sd_group"]))

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