
Defines functions internal_graphicModule

# Author:
#   Florian Rohart, The University of Queensland, The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute, Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD
# created: 16-03-2016
# last modified: 24-08-2016
# Copyright (C) 2016
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal helpers functions to run "plotIndiv" functions
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# df: data frame with all the information needed: coordinates (x,y,z), grouping factor 'group', 'Block' that indicates the block, names (ind.names), 'pch', 'cex' or each point, 'col.per.group' that gives the color of each point, 'pch.legend' that gives the pch of each point for the legend (same as pch?)
# as well as: x0 and y0 if plot centroid==TRUE
# centroid
# star
# ellipse
# df.ellipse
# xlim
# ylim
# title
# X.label
# Y.label
# legend
# display.names

background = NULL)
    object.pls = c("pls", "spls", "mlspls", "rcc")
    object.pca = c("ipca", "sipca", "pca", "spca", "prcomp")
    object.blocks = c("sgcca", "rgcca")
    object.mint = c("mint.pls", "mint.spls", "mint.plsda", "mint.splsda")
    # to satisfy R CMD check that doesn't recognise x, y and group as variable (in aes)
    x = y = group = pch = studyname = pch.levels = Var1 = Var2 = NULL
    size.title = plot_parameters$size.title
    size.subtitle = plot_parameters$size.subtitle
    size.xlabel = plot_parameters$size.xlabel
    size.ylabel = plot_parameters$size.ylabel
    size.axis = plot_parameters$size.axis
    size.legend = plot_parameters$size.legend
    size.legend.title = plot_parameters$size.legend.title
    legend.title = plot_parameters$legend.title
    legend.title.pch = plot_parameters$legend.title.pch # to change +_#)@%$%)$#T$#%T%
    legend.position = plot_parameters$legend.position
    point.lwd = plot_parameters$point.lwd
    # check whether pch and group are the same factors, otherwise we need two legends
    group.pch = "same"
    temp = table(df$group, df$pch)
    # if factors are the same, there should be only one value different from 0 per column/row
    # if pch is same factor as color, then same legend
    a = NULL
    for(i in 1:nrow(temp))
        a = c(a, sum(temp[i,]!=0))
    if(sum(a) != nrow(temp))
        group.pch = "different"
    } else {
        a = NULL
        for(j in 1:ncol(temp))
            a = c(a, sum(temp[,j]!=0))
        if(sum(a) != ncol(temp))
        group.pch = "different"
    df$pch.levels = factor(as.character(df$pch.levels)) #forced to be character, so that the order of the levels is the same all the time (1, 10, 11, 12, 2, 3...), instead of changing between ggplot2 and the rest
    # df$pch.levels is sorted in the legend, we need to have the df$pch in the same order so that points/legend are matching
    # unique(df$pch.levels)[a$ix] is ordered
    values.pch = unique(df$pch) [a$ix]
    #values.pch = unique(df$pch)[match(unique(df$pch.levels),sort(levels(df$pch.levels)))]#as.numeric(levels(df$pch.levels))#unique(df$pch)[as.numeric(unique(df$pch.levels))] # makes pch and pch.levels correspond
    #df$pch = factor(df$pch) #number or names
    # shape in ggplot is ordered by the levels of pch.levels: levels(factor(as.character(df$pch.levels)))
    # override if only one pch
    if(nlevels(factor(df$pch)) == 1)
    group.pch = "same"

    #-- Start: ggplot2
    if (style == "ggplot2")
        nResp = nlevels(df$Block)
        if (is.null(layout))
            nRows = min(c(3, ceiling(nResp/2)))
            nCols = min(c(3, ceiling(nResp/nRows)))
            layout = c(nRows, nCols)
        } else {
            if (length(layout) != 2 || !is.numeric(layout) || any(is.na(layout)))
            stop("'layout' must be a numeric vector of length 2.")
            nRows = layout[1]
            nCols = layout[2]
        #note: at this present time, ggplot2 does not allow xlim to be changed per subplot, so cannot use xlim properly
        #-- Initialise ggplot2
        p = ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y = y, color = group, shape = pch.levels),
        main = title, xlab = X.label, ylab = Y.label) +
        theme_bw() + theme(strip.text = element_text(size = size.subtitle, face = "bold"))
            for(i in 1:length(background))
                background[[i]]=data.frame(id=i,col=names(background)[i], background[[i]])
            background = do.call(rbind,background)

            p = p+geom_polygon(data = background,aes(x=Var1, y=Var2, fill = col),inherit.aes = FALSE, show.legend
            p = p + scale_fill_manual(values = unique(as.character(background$col)))
            if(is.null(xlim))# we choose xlim that fits the points, and not the background
            xlim = range(df$x)
            if(is.null(ylim))# we choose ylim that fits the points, and not the background
            ylim = range(df$y)
        #-- Display sample or row.names
        for (i in levels(df$group))
                p = p + geom_point(data = subset(df, df$group == i), size = 0, shape = 0) # commented out to remove the dots, BUT necessary when display.names
            } else {
                #p = p + geom_point(data = df, shape = df$pch, size = df$cex, color = df$col)
                p = p + geom_point(data = subset(df, df$group == i), size = subset(df, df$group == i)$cex[1], stroke = point.lwd)
            if (centroid == TRUE)
                p = p + geom_point(data = subset(df[, c("col", "x0", "y0", "Block", "cex", "pch", "group")], df$group == i), aes(x=x0,y=y0), size = 0, shape = 0)
        #-- Modify scale colour - Change X/Ylabel - split plots into Blocks
        p = p + scale_color_manual(values = unique(col.per.group)[match(levels(factor(as.character(df$group))), levels(df$group))], name = legend.title, breaks = levels(df$group))

        if(group.pch == "same")
            p = p + scale_shape_manual(values = values.pch[match(levels(factor(as.character(df$pch.levels))),levels(df$pch.levels))],
            name = legend.title, breaks = levels(factor(df$group)), guide = FALSE)
            #match(..) reorder the values as the values of pch.levels, if there's more than 10 levels, R/ggplot orders characters different than values 1, 10, 11, 2, 3, etc
        } else {
            # if pch different factor, then second legend
            p = p + scale_shape_manual(values = values.pch[match(levels(factor(as.character(df$pch.levels))),levels(df$pch.levels))], name = legend.title.pch, breaks = levels(df$pch.levels))
            #as.numeric(levels(factor(as.numeric(df$pch))))[match(levels(factor(as.character(df$pch))), levels(df$pch))]
        p = p + labs(list(title = title, x = X.label, y = Y.label)) + facet_wrap(~ Block, ncol = nCols, scales = "free", as.table = TRUE) #as.table to plot in the same order as the factor
        p = p + theme(plot.title=element_text(size=size.title),axis.title.x=element_text(size=size.xlabel),axis.title.y=element_text(size=size.ylabel),axis.text=element_text(size=size.axis))# bigger title
        #-- xlim, ylim
        p = p + coord_cartesian(xlim=xlim,ylim=ylim)
        #-- color samples according to col
        for (i in unique(df$col))
            for(j in 1:nlevels(df$Block))
                if (display.names)
                    p = p +geom_point(data = subset(df, col == i & df$Block == levels(df$Block)[j]),size = 0, shape = 0,
                    color = unique(df[df$col == i & df$Block == levels(df$Block)[j], ]$col))+
                    geom_text(data = subset(df, col == i & df$Block == levels(df$Block)[j]),
                    aes(label = names),
                    color = df[df$col == i & df$Block == levels(df$Block)[j], ]$col,
                    size = df[df$col == i & df$Block == levels(df$Block)[j], ]$cex,show.legend  = F)
                } #else {
                #  p = p + geom_point(data = subset(df, col == i & df$Block == levels(df$Block)[j]),
                #   color = unique(df[df$col == i & df$Block == levels(df$Block)[j], ]$col),
                #   size = df[df$col == i & df$Block == levels(df$Block)[j], ]$cex,
                #   shape = df[df$col == i & df$Block == levels(df$Block)[j],  ]$pch, stroke = point.lwd)# unique(df[df$col == i & df$Block == paste0("Block: ", blocks[1]), ]$pch))
                if (centroid == TRUE)
                    p = p + geom_point(data = subset(df[, c("col", "x0", "y0", "Block", "cex", "pch", "group")], col == i), aes(x = x0, y = y0),
                    color = unique(df[df$col == i & df$Block == levels(df$Block)[1], ]$col),
                    size = unique(df[df$col == i & df$Block == levels(df$Block)[1], ]$cex),
                    shape = 8, stroke = point.lwd)
        #-- Legend
        if (!legend)
            p = p + theme(legend.position="none")
        } else if(group.pch == "same") {
            p = p + guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = if(display.names | any(class.object%in%object.mint) ) {19} else unique(df$pch.legend), size = 3,stroke=point.lwd)))    +
            theme(legend.title=element_text(size=size.legend.title),legend.text=element_text(size=size.legend)) +
        } else if(group.pch == "different") {
            p = p + guides(shape = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size=3, stroke=point.lwd)))
        #-- abline
        if (abline)
        p = p + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0), linetype = 2, colour = "darkgrey") + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0), linetype = 2, colour = "darkgrey")
        #-- star
        if (star == TRUE)
            for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                p = p + geom_segment(data = subset(df, group == levels(df$group)[i]),
                aes(x = x0, y = y0, xend = x, yend = y),
                #label = "Block"),
                color = unique(col.per.group)[i],size = point.lwd)
        #-- ellipse
        if (ellipse == TRUE)
            for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                if( !is.na(match(paste0("Col", 2*(i - 1) + 1), colnames(df.ellipse))))
                    p = p + geom_path(data = df.ellipse,
                    aes_string(x = paste0("Col", 2*(i - 1) + 1), y = paste0("Col", 2 * i),
                    #label = "Block",
                    group = NULL),#, shape = NULL),
                    color = unique(col.per.group)[i], size = point.lwd, inherit.aes = FALSE)
    #-- End: ggplot2
    #-- Start: ggplot2
    if (style=="ggplot2-MINT")
        nResp = nlevels(df$Block)
        if (is.null(layout))
            nRows = min(c(3, ceiling(nResp/2)))
            nCols = min(c(3, ceiling(nResp/nRows)))
            layout = c(nRows, nCols)
        } else {
            if (length(layout) != 2 || !is.numeric(layout) || any(is.na(layout)))
            stop("'layout' must be a numeric vector of length 2.")
            nRows = layout[1]
            nCols = layout[2]
        #note: at this present time, ggplot2 does not allow xlim to be changed per subplot, so cannot use xlim properly
        df$studyname = factor(df$pch, labels = study.levels)
        #-- Initialise ggplot2
        p = ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y = y, color = group, shape = studyname),
        main = title, xlab = X.label, ylab = Y.label) +
        theme_bw() + theme(strip.text = element_text(size = size.subtitle, face = "bold"))
        #-- Display sample or row.names
        for (i in levels(df$group))
            p = p + geom_point(data = subset(df, df$group == i), size = subset(df, df$group == i)$cex[1], stroke = point.lwd)
        #-- Modify scale colour - Change X/Ylabel - split plots into Blocks
        p = p + scale_colour_manual(values = unique(col.per.group)[match(levels(factor(as.character(df$group))), levels(df$group))], name = legend.title, breaks = levels(df$group)) +
        labs(shape = "Study")#levels(object$study)[study.ind])
        p = p + scale_shape_manual(values = as.numeric(levels(factor(df$pch)))) # replace the shape/pch by the input, it's converted by default to 1,2,3.. by ggplots
        p = p + labs(list(title = title, x = X.label, y = Y.label)) + facet_wrap(~ Block, ncol = nCols, scales = "free", as.table = TRUE) #as.table to plot in the same order as the factor
        p = p + theme(plot.title = element_text(size=size.title), axis.title.x = element_text(size=size.xlabel), axis.title.y = element_text(size = size.ylabel), axis.text = element_text(size = size.axis))# bigger title
        #-- xlim, ylim
        p = p + coord_cartesian(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim)
        #-- Legend
        if (!legend)
            p = p + theme(legend.position="none")
            p = p + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = unique(df$cex)))) +
            theme(legend.title = element_text(size = size.legend.title),legend.text = element_text(size = size.legend))+
            theme(legend.position = legend.position)#,legend.direction="vertical")
        #-- abline
        if (abline)
        p = p + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0), linetype = 2, colour = "darkgrey") + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0),linetype = 2,colour = "darkgrey")
        #-- centroid
        if (centroid == TRUE) #only when one block
            for (i in levels(df$group))
                p = p + geom_point(data = subset(df,  df$group == i), aes(x = x0, y = y0),
                color = subset(df, df$group == i)$col[1],
                size = subset(df, df$group == i)$cex[1],
                shape = 8, stroke = point.lwd)
        #-- star
        if (star == TRUE) #only when one block
            for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                p = p + geom_segment(data = subset(df, group == levels(df$group)[i]),
                aes(x = x0, y = y0, xend = x, yend = y),
                #label = "Block"),
                color = unique(col.per.group)[i],size = point.lwd)
        #-- ellipse
        if (ellipse == TRUE) #only when one block
            for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                p = p + geom_path(data = df.ellipse,
                aes_string(x = paste0("Col", 2*(i - 1) + 1), y = paste0("Col", 2 * i),
                #label = "Block",
                group = NULL),# shape = NULL),
                color = unique(col.per.group)[i], size = point.lwd, inherit.aes =FALSE)
    #-- End: ggplot2
    if (style=="lattice")
        #-- Start: Lattice
        p = xyplot(y ~ x | Block, data = df, xlab = list(label=X.label,cex=size.xlabel), ylab = list(label=Y.label,cex=size.ylabel),
        main = list(label = title, cex = size.title), as.table = TRUE, #as.table plot in order
        groups = if (display.names) {names} else {group},
        scales= list(x = list(relation = "free", limits = xlim,cex=size.axis),
        y = list(relation = "free", limits = ylim,cex=size.axis)),
        #-- Legend
        key = if(legend == TRUE)
            if (!any(class.object%in%object.mint))
                if(group.pch == "same")
                    list(space = legend.position, title = legend.title, cex.title = size.legend.title,
                    point = list(col =  col.per.group),cex=size.legend, pch = if(display.names | any(class.object%in%object.mint)) {16} else unique(df$pch.legend),text = list(levels(df$group)))
                } else {
                    list(space = legend.position, cex.title = size.legend.title,
                    point = list(
                    col =  c(NA, col.per.group, NA, NA, rep("black", nlevels(df$pch.levels)))),
                    cex = c(size.legend.title, rep(size.legend, length(col.per.group)), size.legend, size.legend.title, rep(size.legend,nlevels(factor(df$pch)))),
                    pch = c(NA, rep(16, length(col.per.group)), NA, NA, values.pch),
                    text = list(outcome = c(legend.title, levels(df$group), "", legend.title.pch, levels(df$pch.levels)))
            } else {#we add the shape legend
                list(space = legend.position, cex.title = size.legend.title,
                point = list(
                col =  c(NA, col.per.group, NA, NA, rep("black", length(study.levels)))),
                cex = c(size.legend.title, rep(size.legend, length(col.per.group)), size.legend, size.legend.title, rep(size.legend,nlevels(factor(df$pch)))),
                pch = c(NA, rep(16, length(col.per.group)), NA, NA, as.numeric(levels(factor(df$pch)))),
                text = list(outcome = c(legend.title, levels(df$group), "", "Study", study.levels))
        } else {
        panel = function(x, y, subscripts, groups, display = display.names,...)
            #-- Abline
            if (abline)
                panel.abline(v = 0, lty = 2, col = "darkgrey")
                panel.abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = "darkgrey")
            #-- Background
            if (!is.null(background)) # only first block: plsda and splsda
                for (i in 1 : length(background))
                panel.polygon(background[[i]], col = names(background)[i], border=NA)
            #-- Display sample or row.names
            for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                if (display)
                    ltext(x = df$x[df$group == levels(df$group)[i]], y = df$y[df$group == levels(df$group)[i]],
                    labels = groups[subscripts & df$group == levels(df$group)[i]], col = "white", cex = 0)
                } else {
                    lpoints(x = df$x[df$group == levels(df$group)[i]], y = df$y[df$group == levels(df$group)[i]], col = "white", cex = 0, pch = 0)
            #-- color samples according to col
            for (i in unique(df$col))
                if (display)
                    ltext(x = df$x[subscripts] [df$col[subscripts] == i], y = df$y[subscripts] [df$col[subscripts] == i],
                    labels =  groups[subscripts & df$col == i],
                    col = df[df$col == i, ]$col, cex = df$cex[subscripts][df$col[subscripts] == i])
                } else {
                    lpoints(x = df$x[subscripts] [df$col[subscripts] == i],  y = df$y[subscripts] [df$col[subscripts] == i],
                    col = df[df$col == i, ]$col, cex = df$cex[subscripts][df$col[subscripts] == i], pch = df$pch[subscripts][df$col[subscripts] == i])
        print(p) #-- the lattice plot needs to be printed in order to display the ellipse(s)
        #-- centroid
        if (centroid)
            panels = trellis.currentLayout(which = "panel")
            for (k in 1 : nlevels(df$Block))
                other = df$Block %in% levels(df$Block)[k] #paste0("Block: ", blocks[k])
                ind = which(panels == k, arr.ind = TRUE)
                trellis.focus("panel", ind[2], ind[1], highlight = FALSE)
                for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                    x0 = mean(df[other & df$group == levels(df$group)[i], ]$x)
                    y0 = mean(df[other & df$group == levels(df$group)[i], ]$y)
                    panel.points(x = x0, y = y0, col = unique(col.per.group)[i],
                    pch = 8, cex = df[other & df$group == levels(df$group)[i], ]$cex)
        #-- star
        if (star)
            panels = trellis.currentLayout(which = "panel")
            for (k in 1 : nlevels(df$Block))
                other = df$Block %in% levels(df$Block)[k]#paste0("Block: ", blocks[k])
                ind = which(panels == k, arr.ind = TRUE)
                trellis.focus("panel", ind[2], ind[1], highlight = FALSE)
                for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                    for (q in 1: length(df[other & df$group == levels(df$group)[i]  , "x"]))
                        x0 = mean(df[other & df$group == levels(df$group)[i] , ]$x)
                        y0 = mean(df[other & df$group == levels(df$group)[i] , ]$y)
                        panel.segments(x0, y0, df[other & df$group == levels(df$group)[i], ]$x[q],
                        df[other & df$group == levels(df$group)[i], ]$y[q],
                        col = unique(col.per.group)[i], cex = df[other & df$group == levels(df$group)[i], ]$cex,
                        pch = df[other & df$group == levels(df$group)[i], ]$pch)
        #-- ellipse
        if (ellipse)
            panels = trellis.currentLayout(which = "panel")
            for (k in 1 : nlevels(df$Block))
                other.ellipse = df.ellipse$Block %in% levels(df$Block)[k]#paste0("Block: ", blocks[k])
                ind = which(panels == k, arr.ind = TRUE)
                trellis.focus("panel",ind[2], ind[1], highlight = FALSE)
                for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                    panel.lines(x = df.ellipse[other.ellipse, paste0("Col", 2*(i - 1) + 1)],
                    y = df.ellipse[other.ellipse, paste0("Col", 2 * i)],
                    col = unique(col.per.group)[i])
    #-- End: Lattice
    if (style=="graphics")
        #-- Start: graphics
        #df$pch = as.numeric(df$pch) #number or names
        opar = par(c("mai","mar","usr","cxy","xaxp","yaxp"))
        reset.mfrow = FALSE # if set to TRUE, the algorithm ends up with  par(mfrow=reset.mfrow)
        #-- Define layout
        nResp = nlevels(df$Block)
        if (is.null(layout))
            # check if there are enough plots in mfrow
            omfrow = par("mfrow")
            available.plots = prod(omfrow)
            if (available.plots<nResp) # if not enough plots available, we create our new plot
                nRows = min(c(3, ceiling(nResp/2)))
                nCols = min(c(3, ceiling(nResp/nRows)))
                layout = c(nRows, nCols)
                par(mfrow = layout)
                if (nRows * nCols < nResp)
                reset.mfrow=TRUE # we changed mfrow to suits our needs, so we reset it at the end
        } else {
            if (length(layout) != 2 || !is.numeric(layout) || any(is.na(layout)))
            stop("'layout' must be a numeric vector of length 2.")
            nRows = layout[1]
            nCols = layout[2]
            par(mfrow = layout)
            if (nRows * nCols < nResp)
        for (k in 1 : nlevels(df$Block))
            if (legend & group.pch == "same")
                par(mai=c(1.360000, 1.093333, 1.093333, (max(strwidth(c(levels(df$group),legend.title),"inches"))) + 1), xpd=TRUE)
            } else if(legend & group.pch == "different") {
                par(mai=c(1.360000, 1.093333, 1.093333, (max(strwidth(c(levels(df$group),legend.title,legend.title.pch),"inches"))) + 1), xpd=TRUE)
            other = df$Block %in% levels(df$Block)[k]
            plot(df[other, "x" ], df[other, "y" ],
            type = "n", xlab = X.label, ylab = Y.label,
            xlim = c(xlim[[k]][1], xlim[[k]][2]), ylim = c(ylim[[k]][1], ylim[[k]][2]),
            cex.axis = size.axis, cex.lab = size.xlabel, lwd = point.lwd)#,...)
            #-- initialise plot
            #if (any(class.object %in% c("ipca", "sipca", "pca", "spca", "prcomp", "splsda", "plsda")) &
            if (nlevels(df$Block) == 1 & !any(class.object%in%c(object.mint, "sgcca", "rgcca"))) # avoid double title when only one block is plotted
                titlemain = NULL
                if (ellipse)
                other.ellipse = TRUE
                titlemain = levels(df$Block)[k]
                if (ellipse)
                other.ellipse = df.ellipse$Block %in% levels(df$Block)[k]
            #add title of the 'blocks'
            title(main = titlemain, line = 1, cex.main = size.subtitle)
            #-- Display sample or row.names
            for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                if (display.names)
                    text(x = df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "x"],
                    y = df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "y"],
                    labels = df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "names"],
                    col = "white", cex = 0,lwd=point.lwd)#,...)
                } else {
                    points(x = df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "x"],
                    y = df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "y"],
                    col = "white", cex = 0, pch = 0,lwd=point.lwd)#,...)
            #-- color samples according to col
            for (i in unique(df$col))
                if (display.names)
                    text(x = df[df$col == i & other, "x"],
                    y = df[df$col == i & other, "y"],
                    labels = df[df$col == i & other, "names"],
                    col = df[df$col == i, ]$col, cex = df[df$col == i, ]$cex,lwd=point.lwd)#,...)
                } else {
                    points(x = df[df$col == i & other, "x"],
                    y = df[df$col == i & other, "y"],
                    col = df[df$col == i, ]$col, cex = df[df$col == i, ]$cex, pch = df[df$col == i, ]$pch,lwd=point.lwd)#,...)
            if (legend & group.pch == "same")
                pch.legend = NULL
                for (i in 1:nlevels(df$group))
                pch.legend = c(pch.legend, df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i], ]$pch)
                legend(par()$usr[2]+0.1, par()$usr[4] - (par()$usr[4]-par()$usr[3])/2, col = col.per.group, legend = levels(df$group), pch = if(display.names) {16} else unique(df$pch.legend), title = legend.title, cex = size.legend, lty = 0,lwd = point.lwd)
            } else if(legend & group.pch == "different") {
                legend(par()$usr[2]+0.1, par()$usr[4] - (par()$usr[4]-par()$usr[3])/2,
                col =  c(NA, col.per.group, NA, NA, rep("black", nlevels(df$pch.levels))),
                legend = c(legend.title, levels(df$group), "", legend.title.pch, levels(df$pch.levels)),
                pch = c(NA, rep(16, length(col.per.group)), NA, NA, values.pch),
                cex = max(c(size.legend.title, size.legend)),
                lty = 0,
                lwd = point.lwd
            if (legend)
            par(xpd=FALSE) # so the abline does not go outside the plot
            #-- Abline
            if (abline)
            abline(v = 0, h = 0, lty = 2,lwd=point.lwd)#,...)
            #-- Star
            if (star == TRUE)
                for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                    x0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "x"])
                    y0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "y"])
                    for (q in 1: length(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "x"]))
                        segments(x0, y0, df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "x"][q], df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "y"][q],
                        cex = df$df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "cex"], col = df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "col"], lwd = point.lwd)#,...)
            #-- Centroid
            if (centroid == TRUE)
                for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                    x0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "x"])
                    y0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "y"])
                    points(cbind(x0,y0), pch = 8, cex = df$df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "cex"],
                    col = unique(col.per.group)[i], lwd = point.lwd)#,...)
            #-- Ellipse
            if (ellipse == TRUE)
                for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                    lines(x = df.ellipse[other.ellipse, paste0("Col", 2*(i - 1) + 1)],
                    y = df.ellipse[other.ellipse, paste0("Col", 2 * i)],
                    col = unique(col.per.group)[i],lwd=point.lwd)#,...)
            #-- Background
            if (!is.null(background)) # only first block: plsda and splsda
                for (i in 1 : length(background))
                polygon(background[[i]], col = names(background)[i], border=NA)

            if (nlevels(df$Block) == 1 & !any(class.object%in%c(object.mint, "sgcca", "rgcca"))) # avoid double title when only one block is plotted
            #if (any(class.object %in% c("ipca", "sipca", "pca", "spca", "prcomp", "splsda", "plsda")) & nlevels(df$Block)==1 & !any(class.object %in% object.mint) )
                title(title, line = 1, cex.main = size.title)#,...)
            } else {
                title(title, outer=TRUE, line = -2,cex.main = size.title)#,...)
        if (reset.mfrow)
        par(mfrow = omfrow)
    #-- End: graphics
    if (style=="3d")
        #-- Start: 3d
        for (k in 1 : nlevels(df$Block))
            #if (nlevels(df$Block)>1) # removing the popping up window when there's only one block (for shiny)
            par3d(windowRect = c(500, 30, 1100, 630))
            if (!is.null(title))
                mat = matrix(1:2, 2)
                layout3d(mat, heights = c(1, 10), model = "inherit")
                text3d(0, 0, 0, title)
            if(any(class.object %in% c("ipca", "sipca", "pca", "spca", "prcomp", "splsda", "plsda", "mlsplsda")))
                other = TRUE
                if (ellipse)
                other.ellipse = TRUE
            } else {
                other = df$Block %in% levels(df$Block)[k]
                if (ellipse)
                other.ellipse = df.ellipse$Block %in% levels(df$Block)[k]
            par3d(userMatrix = rotationMatrix(pi/80, 1, -1/(100*pi), 0))
            if (legend)
                legend3d(x = "right",
                legend = levels(df$group),
                col = col.per.group,
                pch = rep(16,length(unique(df$pch))),
                pt.cex = unique(df$cex),
                bty = "n")
            #-- Display sample or row.names
            for (i in unique(df$col))
                if (display.names)
                    for (cex_i in unique(df[df$col == i, ]$cex))
                        ind = which(df[df$col == i, ]$cex == cex_i)
                        text3d(x = df[df$col == i &  other, "x"][ind],
                        y = df[df$col == i &  other, "y"][ind],
                        z = df[df$col == i &  other, "z"][ind],
                        texts = df[df$col == i &  other, "names"][ind],
                        color = df[df$col == i, ]$col[ind], cex = cex_i)#df[df$col == i, ]$cex)
                    cex = 20*df[df$col == i, ]$cex
                    for (pch_i in unique(df[df$col == i, ]$pch))
                        ind = which(df[df$col == i, ]$pch == pch_i)
                        if(pch_i == "sphere")
                            for (cex_i in unique(df[df$col == i, ]$cex[ind]))
                                ind_cex = which(df[df$col == i, ]$cex[ind] == cex_i)
                                points3d(x = df[df$col == i & other, "x"][ind][ind_cex],
                                y = df[df$col == i & other, "y"][ind][ind_cex],
                                z = df[df$col == i & other, "z"][ind][ind_cex],
                                col = df[df$col == i, ]$col[ind][ind_cex], size = cex_i*20, radius = cex_i, add = TRUE)
                        } else if (pch_i == "tetra") {
                            shapelist3d(tetrahedron3d(), x = df[df$col == i &other, "x"][ind],
                            y = df[df$col == i & other, "y"][ind],
                            z = df[df$col == i & other, "z"][ind],
                            col = df[df$col == i, ]$col[ind], size = cex[ind]/25)
                        } else if (pch_i == "cube") {
                            shapelist3d(cube3d(),x = df[df$col == i & other, "x"][ind],
                            y = df[df$col == i & other, "y"][ind],
                            z = df[df$col == i & other, "z"][ind],
                            col = df[df$col == i, ]$col[ind], size = cex[ind]/30)
                        } else if (pch_i == "octa") {
                            shapelist3d(octahedron3d(), x = df[df$col == i & other, "x"][ind],
                            y = df[df$col == i & other, "y"][ind],
                            z = df[df$col == i & other, "z"][ind],
                            col = df[df$col == i, ]$col[ind], size = cex[ind]/17)
                        } else if (pch_i == "icosa") {
                            shapelist3d(icosahedron3d(), x = df[df$col == i & other, "x"][ind],
                            y = df[df$col == i & other, "y"][ind],
                            z = df[df$col == i &other, "z"][ind],
                            col = df[df$col == i, ]$col[ind], size = cex[ind]/20)
                        } else if (pch_i == "dodeca") {
                            shapelist3d(dodecahedron3d(), x = df[df$col == i &other, "x"][ind],
                            y = df[df$col == i & other, "y"][ind],
                            z = df[df$col == i & other, "z"][ind],
                            col = df[df$col == i, ]$col[ind], size = cex[ind]/20)
            #-- Ellipse
            if (ellipse)
                coords = matrix(cbind(df[other, "x"],
                df[other, "y"],
                df[other,"z"]),ncol = 3)
                centr.coords = apply(coords, 2, function(x) tapply(x, df$group, mean))
                if (length(unique(df$group)) == 1)
                centr.coords = matrix(centr.coords, nrow=1)
                rownames(centr.coords) = levels(df$group)
                lg = levels(df$group)
                for(i in 1:length(lg))
                    g   = lg[i]
                    sel = df$group == g
                    s   = cov(coords[sel, , drop = FALSE])
                    cc  = centr.coords[i,]
                    # lines(ellipse(s, centre=cc), col=unique(col.per.group)[i])
                    shade3d(ellipse3d(s, centre = cc, level = df.ellipse$ellipse.level[1]), col = unique(col.per.group)[i], alpha = alpha)
            #-- Centroid
            if (centroid == TRUE)
                for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                    x0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "x"])
                    y0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "y"])
                    z0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "z"])
                    points3d(x=x0, y=y0,z=z0, cex=df$df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "cex"], col = unique(col.per.group)[i])
            #-- Star
            if (star == TRUE)
                for (i in 1 : nlevels(df$group))
                    x0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "x"])
                    y0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "y"])
                    z0 = mean(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "z"])
                    for (q in 1: length(df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "x"]))
                        segments3d(x=c(x0, df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "x"][q]), y=c(y0,df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "y"][q]),
                        z=c(z0, df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "z"][q]),
                        cex=df$df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "cex"], col=df[df$group == levels(df$group)[i] & other, "col"])
            #-- draws axes/box --#
            if (axes.box == "box")
                axes3d(marklen = 25)
            if (axes.box == "bbox")
                bbox3d(color = c("#333377", "black"), emission = gray(0.5),
                specular = gray(0.1), shininess = 5, alpha = 0.8, marklen = 25)
            if (axes.box == "both")
                axes3d(marklen = 25); box3d()
                bbox3d(color = c("#333377", "black"), emission = gray(0.5),
                specular = gray(0.1), shininess = 5, alpha = 0.8, marklen = 25)
            #-- add axes labels --#
            mtext3d(X.label, "x-+", line = 1)
            mtext3d(Y.label, "y-+", line = 1.5)
            mtext3d(Z.label, "z+-", line = 1)
            if (! any(class.object%in% c("ipca", "sipca", "pca", "spca", "prcomp", "splsda", "plsda", "mlsplsda")))
            title3d(main = levels(df$Block)[k])
        #-- output --#
        return(invisible(cbind(df$x, df$y, df$z)))
    if (style%in%c("graphics","3d"))
    p = NULL

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mixOmics documentation built on June 1, 2018, 5:06 p.m.