Defines functions OPCr

Documented in OPCr

#' Calculate average orientation patch count after several rotations
#' A function that calls OPC iteratively after rotating mesh a selected
#' number of degrees around the Z-axis following Evans and Jernvall
#' (2009) Patterns and constraints in carnivoran and rodent dental
#' complexity and tooth size. J Vert Paleo 29:24A 
#' @param plyFile An object of classes 'mesh3d' and 'shape3d' with
#' calculated normals
#' @param steps Number of iterations to run the `OPC()` function on
#' the mesh
#' @param stepSize Amount of rotation (in degrees) about the Z-axis
#' to adjust mesh surface by between each iteration of `OPC()`
#' @param minimum_faces Argument to pass to the `OPC()` function
#' @param minimum_area Argument to pass to the `OPC()` function
#' @details The function requires a mesh object created by reading in a ply file utilizing
#' either the, \code{\link[Rvcg]{vcgPlyRead}} function.
#' Default number of steps is 8, with a stepSize of 5.625 degrees, following the
#' original published definition of OPCR.
#' See the details for the \code{\link{OPC}} function for more information about
#' preparing mesh surfaces and the effects of `minimum_faces` and `minimum_area`.
#' @import
#' utils
#' @export
#' OPCr

OPCr <- function(plyFile, steps=8, stepSize=5.625, minimum_faces=3, minimum_area=0){
  Output <- matrix(nrow=steps, ncol=2)
  colnames(Output) <- c("Degrees_Rotated", "Calculated_OPC")
  j <- 0
  ## Run OPC function for the specified number of rotations, rotating by the specified stepSize 
  ## each time: ##
  for(i in 1:steps){
    Dummy <- NULL
    Run <- NULL
    ## Runs OPC, but suppresses output, taking only the total patch count ##
    Dummy <- capture.output(Run <- OPC(plyFile=plyFile, rotation=j, minimum_faces=minimum_faces,
    Values <- unlist(strsplit(grep(c(" "), Dummy, value=TRUE), " "))
    Output[i,2] <- as.numeric(Values[6])
    Output[i,1] <- j
    j <- j + stepSize
  ## Average of the runs is OPCR value ##
  Result <- round(mean(Output[,2]), 2)
  out <- list("OPCR"=Result, "Each_Run"=Output)
  cat("Average patch count after", steps, "OPC calculations at", stepSize, "degrees \nrotated between each calculation =", Result, "\n")

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molaR documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 10:33 p.m.