
Defines functions checkCrawlArgs quietCrawl crawlWrap

Documented in crawlWrap

#' Fit and predict tracks for using crawl
#' Wrapper function for fitting crawl::crwMLE models and predicting locations with crawl::crwPredict for multiple individuals.
#' @param obsData data.frame object containing fields for animal ID ('ID'), time of observation (identified by \code{Time.name}, must be numeric or POSIXct), 
#' and observed locations (x- and y- coordinates identified by \code{coord}), such as that returned by \code{\link{simData}} when temporally-irregular observed locations or
#' measurement error are included. Alternatively, a \code{\link[sp:SpatialPoints]{SpatialPointsDataFrame}} or \code{sf} object will 
#' also be accepted, in which case the \code{coord} values will be taken from the spatial data set and ignored in the arguments.  
#' Note that \code{\link[crawl]{crwMLE}} requires that longitude/latitude coordinates be projected to UTM (i.e., easting/northing). For further details see \code{\link[crawl]{crwMLE}}.
#' @param timeStep Length of the time step at which to predict regular locations from the fitted model. Unless \code{predTime} is specified, the sequence of times
#' is \code{seq(a_i,b_i,timeStep)} where a_i and b_i are the times of the first and last observations for individual i. \code{timeStep} can be numeric (regardless of
#' whether \code{obsData[[Time.name]]} is numeric or POSIXct) or a character string (if \code{obsData[[Time.name]]} is of class POSIXct) containing one of "sec", "min", "hour", "day", "DSTday", "week", "month", "quarter" or "year". 
#' This can optionally be preceded by a positive integer and a space, or followed by "s" (e.g., ``2 hours''; see \code{\link[base]{seq.POSIXt}}). \code{timeStep} is not used for individuals for which \code{predTime} is specified.
#' @param ncores Number of cores to use for parallel processing. Default: 1 (no parallel processing).
#' @param retryFits Number of times to attempt to achieve convergence and valid (i.e., not NaN) variance estimates after the initial model fit.
#' @param retrySD An optional list of scalars or vectors for each individual indicating the standard deviation to use for normal perturbations of \code{theta} when \code{retryFits>0} (or \code{attempts>1}). 
#' Instead of a list object, \code{retrySD} can also be a scalar or a vector, in which case the same values are used for each each individual.
#' If a scalar is provided, then the same value is used for each parameter. If a vector is provided, it must be of length \code{length(theta)} for the corresponding individual(s). Default: 1, i.e., a standard deviation of 1 is used
#' for all parameters of all individuals. Ignored unless \code{retryFits>0} (or \code{attempts>1}).
#' @param retryParallel Logical indicating whether or not to perform \code{retryFits} attempts for each individual in parallel. Default: FALSE. Ignored unless \code{retryFits>0} and \code{ncores>1}.
#' Note that when attempts are done in parallel (i.e. \code{retryParallel=TRUE}), the current value for the log-likelihood of each individual and warnings about convergence are not printed to the console.
#' @param mov.model List of mov.model objects (see \code{\link[crawl]{crwMLE}}) containing an element for each individual. If only one movement model is provided, then the same movement model is used
#' for each individual.
#' @param err.model List of err.model objects (see \code{\link[crawl]{crwMLE}}) containing an element for each individual. If only one error model is provided, then the same error model is used
#' for each individual (in which case the names of the \code{err.model} components corresponding to easting/longitudinal and northing/latitudinal location error must match \code{coord}).
#' @param activity List of activity objects (see \code{\link[crawl]{crwMLE}}) containing an element for each individual. If only one activity covariate is provided, then the same activity covariate is used
#' for each individual.
#' @param drift List of drift objects (see \code{\link[crawl]{crwMLE}}) containing an element for each individual. If only one drift component is provided, then the same drift component is used
#' for each individual.
#' @param coord A 2-vector of character values giving the names of the "x" and
#' "y" coordinates in \code{data}. See \code{\link[crawl]{crwMLE}}.
#' @param proj A list of valid epsg integer codes or proj4string for \code{obsData} that does not
#' inherit either 'sf' or 'sp'. A valid 'crs' list is also accepted. Otherwise, ignored. If only one proj is provided, then the same projection is used
#' for each individual.
#' @param Time.name Character indicating name of the location time column.  See \code{\link[crawl]{crwMLE}}.
#' @param time.scale character. Scale for conversion of POSIX time to numeric for modeling. Defaults to "hours".
#' @param theta List of theta objects (see \code{\link[crawl]{crwMLE}}) containing an element for each individual. If only one theta is provided, then the same starting values are used
#' for each individual. If theta is not specified, then \code{\link[crawl]{crwMLE}} default values are used (i.e. each parameter is started at zero).
#' @param fixPar List of fixPar objects (see \code{\link[crawl]{crwMLE}}) containing an element for each individual. If only one fixPar is provided, then the same parameters are held fixed to the given value
#' for each individual. If fixPar is not specified, then no parameters are fixed.
#' @param method Optimization method that is passed to \code{\link{optim}}.
#' @param control Control list which is passed to \code{\link{optim}}.
#' @param constr List of constr objects (see \code{\link[crawl]{crwMLE}}) containing an element for each individual. If only one constr is provided, then the same box constraints for the parameters are used
#' for each individual.
#' @param prior List of prior objects (see \code{\link[crawl]{crwMLE}}) containing an element for each individual. If only one prior is provided, then the same prior is used
#' for each individual.
#' @param need.hess A logical value which decides whether or not to evaluate
#' the Hessian for parameter standard errors
#' @param initialSANN Control list for \code{\link{optim}} when simulated
#' annealing is used for obtaining start values. See details
#' @param attempts The number of times likelihood optimization will be
#' attempted in cases where the fit does not converge or is otherwise non-valid. Note this is not the same as \code{retryFits} because \code{attempts} only applies when the current fit clearly does not appear to have converged; \code{retryFits} will proceed with additional model fitting attempts regardless of the model output.
#' @param predTime List of predTime objects (see \code{\link[crawl]{crwPredict}}) containing an element for each individual. \code{predTime} can 
#' be specified as an alternative to the automatic sequences generated according to \code{timeStep}.  If only one predTime object is provided, then the same prediction times are used
#' for each individual.
#' @param fillCols Logical indicating whether or not to use the crawl::\code{\link[crawl]{fillCols}} function for filling in missing values in \code{obsData} for which
#' there is a single unique value. Default: FALSE. If the output from \code{crawlWrap} is intended for analyses using \code{\link{fitHMM}} or \code{\link{MIfitHMM}}, 
#' setting \code{fillCols=TRUE} should typically be avoided.
#' @param coordLevel Character string indicating the level of the hierarchy for the location data. Ignored unless \code{obsData} includes a 'level' field.
#' @param ... Additional arguments that are ignored.
#' @return A \code{\link{crwData}} or \code{\link{crwHierData}} object, i.e. a list of:
#' \item{crwFits}{A list of \code{crwFit} objects returned by crawl::crwMLE. See \code{\link[crawl]{crwMLE}}}
#' \item{crwPredict}{A \code{crwPredict} data frame with \code{obsData} merged with the predicted locations. See \code{\link[crawl]{crwPredict}}.}
#' The \code{\link{crwData}} object is used in \code{\link{MIfitHMM}} analyses that account for temporal irregularity or location measurement error.
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item Consult \code{\link[crawl]{crwMLE}} and \code{\link[crawl]{crwPredict}} for futher details about model fitting and prediction. 
#' \item Note that the names of the list elements corresponding to each individual in \code{mov.model}, \code{err.model}, \code{activity}, \code{drift},
#' \code{theta}, \code{fixPar}, \code{constr}, \code{prior}, and \code{predTime} must match the individual IDs in \code{obsData}.  If only one element is provided
#' for any of these arguments, then the same element will be applied to all individuals.
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{MIfitHMM}}, \code{\link{simData}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # extract simulated obsData from example data
#' obsData <- miExample$obsData
#' # error ellipse model
#' err.model <- list(x= ~ ln.sd.x - 1, y =  ~ ln.sd.y - 1, rho =  ~ error.corr)
#' # Fit crwMLE models to obsData and predict locations 
#' # at default intervals for both individuals
#' crwOut1 <- crawlWrap(obsData=obsData,
#'          theta=c(4,0),fixPar=c(1,1,NA,NA),
#'          err.model=err.model,attempts=100)
#' # Fit the same crwMLE models and predict locations 
#' # at same intervals but specify for each individual using lists
#' crwOut2 <- crawlWrap(obsData=obsData,
#'          theta=list(c(4,0),c(4,0)), fixPar=list(c(1,1,NA,NA),c(1,1,NA,NA)),
#'          err.model=list(err.model,err.model),
#'          predTime=list('1'=seq(1,633),'2'=seq(1,686)))
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom crawl crwMLE crwPredict displayPar
# @importFrom lubridate with_tz
#' @importFrom stats formula setNames
#' @importFrom sp coordinates
#' @importFrom utils capture.output

crawlWrap<-function(obsData, timeStep=1, ncores = 1, retryFits = 0, retrySD = 1, retryParallel = FALSE,
                    mov.model = ~1, err.model = NULL, activity = NULL, drift = NULL, 
                    coord = c("x", "y"), proj = NULL, Time.name = "time", time.scale = "hours", theta, fixPar, 
                    method = "L-BFGS-B", control = NULL, constr = NULL, 
                    prior = NULL, need.hess = TRUE, initialSANN = list(maxit = 200), attempts = 1,
                    predTime = NULL, fillCols = FALSE, coordLevel = NULL, ...)
    if(!inherits(obsData,"sf")) {
      if(!is.character(coord) | length(coord)!=2) stop('coord must be character vector of length 2')
      if(any(!(c("ID",Time.name,coord) %in% names(obsData)))) stop('obsData is missing ',paste(c("ID",Time.name,coord)[!(c("ID",Time.name,coord) %in% names(obsData))],collapse=","))
      if(any(coord %in% c("mu.x","nu.x","mu.y","nu.y","se.mu.x","se.nu.x","se.mu.y","se.nu.y","speed"))) stop("coordinates cannot include the following names: mu.x, nu.x, mu.y, nu.y, se.mu.x, se.nu.x, se.mu.y, se.nu.y, or speed \n   please choose different coord names")
    } else {
      if(any(!(c("ID",Time.name) %in% names(obsData)))) stop('obsData is missing ',paste(c("ID",Time.name)[!(c("ID",Time.name) %in% names(obsData))],collapse=","))
  } else if(inherits(obsData,"SpatialPoints")){
    if(any(!(c("ID",Time.name) %in% names(obsData)))) stop('obsData is missing ',paste(c("ID",Time.name)[!(c("ID",Time.name) %in% names(obsData))],collapse=","))
    coord <- colnames(sp::coordinates(obsData)) # c("x","y") 
  } else stop("obsData must be a data frame or a SpatialPointsDataFrame")
  if(retryFits<0) stop("retryFits must be non-negative")
  if(attempts<1) stop("attempts must be >=1")
  ids = as.character(unique(obsData$ID))
  hierInd <- FALSE
  for(i in ids){
    ind_data[[i]] = obsData[which(obsData$ID==i),]
    if(any(is.na(ind_data[[i]][[Time.name]]))) stop("obsData$",Time.name," cannot contain missing values")
    #  if(is.null(ind_data[[i]]$level) | is.null(coordLevel)) stop("duplicated times can only be included when coordLevel is specified and obsData includes a 'level' field")
    #  if(!is.factor(ind_data[[i]]$level)) stop("'level' field must be a factor")
    #  if(!(coordLevel %in% levels(ind_data[[i]]$level))) stop("'coordLevel' not found in 'level' field")
    #  ind_data[[i]] <- obsData[which(obsData$ID==i & obsData$level==coordLevel),]
    #  hierInd <- TRUE
    #} else {
        if(is.factor(ind_data[[i]]$level) & is.null(coordLevel)) stop("'level' field cannot be a factor unless 'coordLevel' is specified")
        if(!is.factor(ind_data[[i]]$level) & !is.null(coordLevel)) stop("'level' field must be a factor when 'coordLevel' is specified")
        if(!is.character(coordLevel) | length(coordLevel)!=1) stop("coordLevel must be a character string")
        if(!(coordLevel %in% levels(ind_data[[i]]$level))) stop("'coordLevel' not found in 'level' field")
        ind_data[[i]] <- obsData[which(obsData$ID==i & obsData$level==coordLevel),]
        hierInd <- TRUE
      } else if(!is.null(coordLevel)) stop("coordLevel can not be specified unless obsData includes a 'level' field")
  nbAnimals <- length(ids)
  crawlArgs <- checkCrawlArgs(ids,nbAnimals,ind_data,obsData,Time.name,retryFits,attempts,timeStep,mov.model,err.model,activity,drift,theta,fixPar,retrySD,constr,prior,proj,predTime)
  id <- NULL # get rid of no visible binding for global variable ‘id’
  cat('Fitting',nbAnimals,'track(s) using crawl::crwMLE...\n')
    for(pkg in c("doFuture","future")){
      if (!requireNamespace(pkg, quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Package \"",pkg,"\" needed for parallel processing to work. Please install it.",
             call. = FALSE)
    oldDoPar <- doFuture::registerDoFuture()
    future::plan(future::multisession, workers = ncores)
    on.exit(with(oldDoPar, foreach::setDoPar(fun=fun, data=data, info=info)), add = TRUE)
  } else {
  # hack to work around Windows not allowing missing arguments in calling function when using foreach
  if(missing(theta)) theta <- NULL
  if(missing(fixPar)) fixPar <- NULL
  withCallingHandlers(model_fits <- 
    foreach(id = ind_data, i=ids, .errorhandling="pass", .packages="crawl", .final = function(x) stats::setNames(x, ids)) %dorng% {
      cat("Individual ",i,"...\n",sep="")
      fit <- crawl::crwMLE(
        data = id,
        mov.model =  crawlArgs$mov.model[[i]],
        err.model = crawlArgs$err.model[[i]],
        activity = crawlArgs$activity[[i]],
        drift = crawlArgs$drift[[i]],
        coord = coord,
        proj = crawlArgs$proj[[i]],
        Time.name = Time.name,
        time.scale = time.scale,
        theta = crawlArgs$theta[[i]],
        fixPar = crawlArgs$fixPar[[i]],
        method = method,
        control = control,
        constr = crawlArgs$constr[[i]],
        prior = crawlArgs$prior[[i]],
        need.hess = need.hess,
        initialSANN = initialSANN,
        attempts = attempts, 
        #retrySD = crawlArgs$retrySD[[i]],
        ... = ...
  if(ncores==1) doParallel::stopImplicitCluster()
  else future::plan(future::sequential)
  convFits <- ids[which(unlist(lapply(model_fits,function(x) inherits(x,"crwFit"))))]
  if(!length(convFits)) stop("crawl::crwMLE failed for all individuals.  Check crawl::crwMLE arguments and/or consult crawl documentation.\n")
  if((ncores==1 & !retryFits) | retryFits | ncores>1) cat("\n")
  if(retryParallel & ncores>1){
    for(i in ids){
        warning('crawl::crwMLE for individual ',i,' failed;\n',model_fits[[i]],"   Check crawl::crwMLE arguments and/or consult crawl documentation.")
  # Check crwFits and re-try based on retryFits
  if(ncores>1 & nbAnimals>1 & retryFits & retryParallel){
    future::plan(future::multisession, workers = ncores)
    if(retryParallel) cat("Attempting to achieve convergence and valid variance estimates for each individual in parallel.\n    Press 'esc' to force exit from 'crawlWrap'... \n",sep="")
  } else {
  withCallingHandlers(model_fits <- foreach(mf = model_fits, i = ids, .export=c("quietCrawl"), .errorhandling="pass", .packages="crawl", .final = function(x) stats::setNames(x, ids)) %dorng% {
      if((mf$convergence | any(is.na(mf$se[which(is.na(crawlArgs$fixPar[[i]]))]))) | retryFits){
          fitPar <- mf$estPar
          if(mf$convergence | any(is.na(mf$se[which(is.na(crawlArgs$fixPar[[i]]))]))){
              cat('\ncrawl::crwMLE for individual',i,'has suspect convergence: ',mf$message,"\n")
              cat('\ncrawl::crwMLE for individual',i,'has NaN variance estimate(s)\n')
            cat('Attempting to achieve convergence and valid variance estimates for individual ',i,". Press 'esc' to force exit from 'crawlWrap'\n",sep="")
          } else {
            cat('Attempting to improve fit for individual ',i,". Press 'esc' to force exit from 'crawlWrap'\n",sep="")
          while(fitCount<retryFits){ # & (fit$convergence | any(is.na(fit$se[which(is.na(fixPar[[i]]))])))){
            cat("\r    Attempt ",fitCount+1," of ",retryFits," -- current log-likelihood value: ",mf$loglik,"  ...",sep="")
            tmpFun <- function(){
                crawl::crwMLE(data = mf$data,
                              mov.model =  crawlArgs$mov.model[[i]],
                              err.model = crawlArgs$err.model[[i]],
                              activity = crawlArgs$activity[[i]],
                              drift = crawlArgs$drift[[i]],
                              coord = coord,
                              proj = crawlArgs$proj[[i]],
                              Time.name = Time.name,
                              time.scale = time.scale,
                              theta = fitPar + rnorm(length(fitPar),0,crawlArgs$retrySD[[i]]),
                              fixPar = crawlArgs$fixPar[[i]],
                              method = method,
                              control = control,
                              constr = crawlArgs$constr[[i]],
                              prior = crawlArgs$prior[[i]],
                              need.hess = need.hess,
                              initialSANN = list(maxit = 0, trace = 0),
                              attempts = 1,
                              ... = ...))),error=function(e){e})}
            tmp <- NULL
              tmp <- tmpFun()
            } else {
              # hack to suppress crawl cat output
              tmp <- quietCrawl(tmpFun())
                if(tmp$loglik > mf$loglik | all(!is.na(tmp$se[which(is.na(crawlArgs$fixPar[[i]]))])))
                  fitPar <- tmp$estPar
                if(tmp$loglik >= mf$loglik & all(!is.na(tmp$se[which(is.na(crawlArgs$fixPar[[i]]))])))
            fitCount <- fitCount + 1
          if(mf$convergence | any(is.na(mf$se[which(is.na(crawlArgs$fixPar[[i]]))]))){
          } else {
        } else {
            warning('crawl::crwMLE for individual ',i,' has suspect convergence: ',mf$message)
            warning('crawl::crwMLE for individual ',i,' has NaN variance estimate(s)')
    } else {
      warning('\ncrawl::crwMLE for individual ',i,' failed;\n',mf,"   Check crawl::crwMLE arguments and/or consult crawl documentation.\n")
  if(!(ncores>1 & nbAnimals>1 & retryFits & retryParallel)){
  } else future::plan(future::sequential)
    future::plan(future::multisession, workers = ncores)
  } else {
  convFits <- ids[which(unlist(lapply(model_fits,function(x) inherits(x,"crwFit"))))]
  if(!length(convFits)) stop("crawl::crwMLE failed for all individuals.  Check crawl::crwMLE arguments and/or consult crawl documentation.\n")
  model_fits <- model_fits[convFits]
  txt <- NULL
    td <- list()
    for(i in convFits){
      td[[i]] <- crawlArgs$predTime[[i]]
        td[[i]] <- utils::capture.output(difftime(crawlArgs$predTime[[i]][2],crawlArgs$predTime[[i]][1],units="auto"))
        td[[i]] <- substr(td[[i]],20,nchar(td[[i]]))
    if(length(unique(td))==1) txt <- paste('at',td[[1]],'time steps')
  if(retryFits>0) cat("\n")
  cat('Predicting locations (and uncertainty)',txt,'for',length(convFits),'track(s) using crawl::crwPredict... ')
  if (time.scale %in% c("hours", "hour")) {
    ts <- 60 * 60
  } else if (time.scale %in% c("days", "day")) {
    ts <- 60 * 60 * 24
  } else if (time.scale %in% c("sec", "secs", "second","seconds")) {
    ts <- 1
  } else if (time.scale %in% c("min", "mins", "minute", "minutes")) {
    ts <- 60
  withCallingHandlers(predData <- 
    foreach(mf = model_fits[convFits], i = convFits, .combine = rbind, .errorhandling="remove", .packages="crawl") %dorng% {
      #pD<-crawl::crwPredict(mf, predTime=crawlArgs$predTime[[i]],return.type = "flat")
      pD<-crawl::crwPredict(mf, predTime=crawlArgs$predTime[[i]][crawlArgs$predTime[[i]]>=min(mf$data[[Time.name]])],return.type = "flat") # deals with bug in crawl:crwPredict 2.2.1
      if(inherits(mf$data[[Time.name]],"POSIXct") && attributes(pD[[Time.name]])$tzone != attributes(mf$data[[Time.name]])$tzone){
        if (!requireNamespace("lubridate", quietly = TRUE)) {
          stop("Package \"lubridate\" needed for this function to work. Please install it.",
                  call. = FALSE)
        pD[[Time.name]] <- lubridate::with_tz(pD[[Time.name]],tz=attributes(mf$data[[Time.name]])$tzone)
      #  pD[[Time.name]][which(pD$locType=="p")]<-crawlArgs$predTime[[i]][crawlArgs$predTime[[i]]>=min(mf$data[[Time.name]])]
      #} else 
      if(length(crawlArgs$predTime[[i]])==1 && inherits(mf$data[[Time.name]],"POSIXct")){
        pD[[Time.name]] <- as.POSIXct(pD$TimeNum*ts,origin="1970-01-01 00:00:00",tz=attributes(pD[[Time.name]])$tzone)
        # remove duplicated observation times (because this what crwPredict does)
        dups <- duplicated(mf$data[[Time.name]])
        tmpind_data <- as.data.frame(mf$data[!dups,,drop=FALSE])
        for(j in names(pD)[names(pD) %in% names(mf$data)]){
          if(!(j %in% c(Time.name,"ID",coord))){
            if(!isTRUE(all.equal(pD[[j]],tmpind_data[[j]]))) {
              pD[[j]][pD[[Time.name]] %in% tmpind_data[[Time.name]]] <- tmpind_data[[j]]
              pD[[j]][!(pD[[Time.name]] %in% tmpind_data[[Time.name]])] <- NA
      if(!is.null(coordLevel)) pD$level <- coordLevel
  if(ncores==1) doParallel::stopImplicitCluster()
  else future::plan(future::sequential)
    pData <- predData
    predData <- data.frame()
    for(i in convFits){
      ipData <- pData[which(pData$ID==i),]
      ipData$level <- factor(ipData$level,levels=levels(obsData$level))
      tmpData <- obsData[which(obsData$ID==i),]
      #tmpData[[Time.name]] <- as.POSIXct(as.numeric(tmpData[[Time.name]]),origin="1970-01-01 00:00:00",tz=attributes(pData[[Time.name]])$tzone)
      tmpData <- merge(tmpData,ipData[,c(Time.name,"level"),drop=FALSE],all=TRUE,by=c(Time.name,"level"))
      tmpData$level[is.na(tmpData$level)] <- coordLevel
      tmpData$ID[is.na(tmpData$ID)] <- i
      for(jj in names(tmpData)[!(names(tmpData) %in% names(ipData))]){
        ipData[[jj]] <- rep(NA,nrow(ipData))
      for(jj in names(ipData)[!(names(ipData) %in% names(tmpData))]){
        tmpData[[jj]] <- rep(NA,nrow(tmpData))
      ipData <- ipData[,names(tmpData)]
      #for(jj in 1:nrow(ipData)){
      #    tmpInd <- which(tmpData$time==ipData$time[jj] & tmpData$level==coordLevel)
      #    tmpData[tmpInd,is.na(tmpData[tmpInd,])] <- ipData[jj,is.na(tmpData[tmpInd,])]
      tmpInd <- which(tmpData$time %in% ipData$time & tmpData$level==coordLevel)
      tmpData[tmpInd,] <- Map(function(x,y) {x[is.na(x)] <- y[is.na(x)]; x}, tmpData[tmpInd,], ipData[ipData$time %in% tmpData$time,])
    predData <- predData[,names(pData)]
    attrNames <- names(attributes(pData))[!(names(attributes(pData)) %in% names(attributes(predData)))]
    attributes(predData)[attrNames] <- attributes(pData)[attrNames]
    attr(predData,"coordLevel") <- coordLevel
    class(predData) <- append(c("crwPredict","hierarchical"),class(predData))
  } else {

quietCrawl <- function(x) { 

checkCrawlArgs <- function(ids,nbAnimals,ind_data,obsData,Time.name,retryFits,attempts,timeStep,mov.model,err.model,activity,drift,theta,fixPar,retrySD,constr,prior,proj,predTime){
    for(i in ids){
      mov.model[[i]] <- ~1
  } else if(is.formula(mov.model)){
    for(i in ids){
      mov.model[[i]] <- tmpmov.model
  if(!is.null(names(mov.model))) {
    if(!all(names(mov.model) %in% ids)) stop("mov.model names must match obsData$ID")
    mov.model <- mov.model[ids]
  } else names(mov.model) <- ids
  } else if(is.list(err.model)){
      for(i in ids){
        err.model[[i]] <- tmperr.model
  if(!is.null(names(err.model)))  {
    if(!all(names(err.model) %in% ids)) stop("err.model names must match obsData$ID")
    err.model <- err.model[ids]
  } else names(err.model) <- ids
  } else if(is.formula(activity)){
    for(i in ids){
      activity[[i]] <- tmpactivity
  if(!is.null(names(activity))) {
    if(!all(names(activity) %in% ids)) stop("activity names must match obsData$ID")
    activity <- activity[ids]
  } else names(activity) <- ids
    for(i in ids){
      drift[[i]] <- FALSE
  } else if(is.logical(drift)){
    for(i in ids){
      drift[[i]] <- tmpdrift
  if(!is.null(names(drift))) {
    if(!all(names(drift) %in% ids)) stop("drift names must match obsData$ID")
    drift <- drift[ids]
  } else names(drift) <- ids
      for(i in ids){
        fixPar[[i]] <- tmpfixPar
    if(!is.null(names(fixPar))) {
      if(!all(names(fixPar) %in% ids)) stop("fixPar names must match obsData$ID")
      fixPar <- fixPar[ids]
      for(i in ids){
          fixPar[[i]] <- crawl::displayPar(mov.model =  mov.model[[i]], err.model = err.model[[i]], activity = activity[[i]], drift = drift[[i]], data = ind_data[[i]], Time.name = Time.name)$fixPar
    } else names(fixPar) <- ids
  } else {
    fixPar <- list()
    for(i in ids){
      fixPar[[i]] <- crawl::displayPar(mov.model =  mov.model[[i]], err.model = err.model[[i]], activity = activity[[i]], drift = drift[[i]], data = ind_data[[i]], Time.name = Time.name)$fixPar
      for(i in ids){
        theta[[i]] <- tmptheta
    if(!is.null(names(theta))) {
      if(!all(names(theta) %in% ids)) stop("theta names must match obsData$ID")
      theta <- theta[ids]
      for(i in ids){
          theta[[i]] <- rep(0,sum(is.na(fixPar[[i]])))
    } else names(theta) <- ids
  } else {
    theta <- list()
    for(i in ids){
      theta[[i]] <- rep(0,sum(is.na(fixPar[[i]])))
  if(retryFits>0 | attempts>1){
      tmpretrySD <- retrySD
      for(i in ids){
          if(length(theta[[i]])!=length(tmpretrySD)) stop("retrySD is not the correct length for individual ",i)
          retrySD[[i]] <- tmpretrySD
        } else {
          retrySD[[i]] <- rep(tmpretrySD,length(theta[[i]]))
    } else {
      if(!is.null(names(retrySD))) {
        if(!all(names(retrySD) %in% ids)) stop("retrySD names must match obsData$ID")
        retrySD <- retrySD[ids]
      } else {
        if(length(retrySD)!=nbAnimals) stop('when no list object names are provided, retrySD must be a list of length ',nbAnimals)
        names(retrySD) <- ids
      for(i in ids){
          retrySD[[i]] <- rep(1,length(theta[[i]]))
        } else {
          tmpretrySD <- retrySD[[i]]
            if(length(theta[[i]])!=length(tmpretrySD)) stop("retrySD is not the correct length for individual ",i)
          } else {
            retrySD[[i]] <- rep(tmpretrySD,length(theta[[i]]))
    retrySD <- retrySD[ids]
  } else {
    retrySD <- vector('list',nbAnimals)
    names(retrySD) <- ids
    for(i in ids){
      retrySD[[i]] <- rep(1,length(theta[[i]]))
    for(i in ids){
      constr[[i]]<-list(lower = -Inf,upper = Inf)
  } else if(is.list(constr)){
      if(all(names(constr) %in% c("upper","lower"))){
        for(i in ids){
          constr[[i]] <- tmpconstr
  if(!is.null(names(constr))) {
    if(!all(names(constr) %in% ids)) stop("constr names must match obsData$ID")
    constr <- constr[ids]
  } else names(constr) <- ids
  } else if(is.function(prior)){
    for(i in ids){
      prior[[i]] <- tmpprior
  if(!is.null(names(prior))) {
    if(!all(names(prior) %in% ids)) stop("prior names must match obsData$ID")
    prior <- prior[ids]
  } else names(prior) <- ids
  } else if(!is.list(proj)){
    for(i in ids){
      proj[[i]] <- tmpproj
  if(!is.null(names(proj))) {
    if(!all(names(proj) %in% ids)) stop("proj names must match obsData$ID")
    proj <- proj[ids]
  } else names(proj) <- ids
    for(i in ids){
  for(i in ids){
      iTime <- range(ind_data[[i]][[Time.name]])
        tzone <- attributes(obsData[[Time.name]])$tzone
        predTime[[i]] <- as.POSIXct(seq(iTime[1],iTime[2],timeStep),tz=tzone)
      } else {
        tzone <- NULL
        predTime[[i]] <- seq(iTime[1],iTime[2],timeStep)
      attributes(predTime[[i]])$tzone <- tzone
  if(!is.null(names(predTime))) {
    if(!all(names(predTime) %in% ids)) stop("predTime names must be character strings that match elements of obsData$ID. See example in ?crawlWrap.")
    predTime <- predTime[ids]
  } else names(predTime) <- ids

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momentuHMM documentation built on Oct. 19, 2022, 1:07 a.m.