
Defines functions boott.do.data.frame boott confint.data.frame boott_bootstrap_ci tse_bootstrap_ci percentile_bootstrap_ci basic_bootstrap_ci bootstrap_ci .mosaic.get.ci2 .mosaic.get.ci .turn.to.margin confint.do.data.frame confint.do.tbl_df extract_estimate extract_data confint.numeric

Documented in confint.data.frame confint.do.data.frame confint.do.tbl_df confint.numeric

utils::globalVariables(c("SE.star", "estimate.star", ".index", "SE"))
#' Confidence interval methods for output of resampling
#' Methods for `confint` to compute confidence intervals
#' on numerical vectors and numerical components of data frames.
#' @rdname confint
#' @name confint
#' @param method a character vector of methods to use for creating confidence
#' intervals.  Choices are "percentile" (or "quantile") which is the default, 
#' "stderr" (or "se"), "bootstrap-t", and
#' "reverse" (or "basic"))
#' @param margin.of.error if true, report intervals as a center and margin of error.
#' @param df degrees for freedom. This is required when `object` was produced using
#' \code{link{do}} when 
#' using the standard error to compute the confidence interval since 
#' typically this information is not recorded in these objects.  The default (`Inf`)
#' uses a normal critical value rather than a one derived from a t-distribution.
#' @param ... additional arguments
#' @return When applied to a data frame, returns a data frame giving the 
#' confidence interval for each variable in the data frame using 
#' `t.test` or `binom.test`, unless the data frame was produced using `do`, in which case
#' it is assumed that each variable contains resampled statistics that serve as an estimated sampling
#' distribution from which a confidence interval can be computed using either a central proportion
#' of this distribution or using the standard error as estimated by the standard deviation of the 
#' estimated sampling distribution.  For the standard error method, the user must supply the correct
#' degrees of freedom for the t distribution since this information is typically not available in
#' the output of [do()].
#' When applied to a numerical vector, returns a vector.
#' @details
#' The methods of producing confidence intervals from bootstrap distributions are currently
#' quite naive.  In particular, when using the standard error, assistance may be required with the 
#' degrees of freedom, and it may not be possible to provide a correct value in all situations.
#' None of the methods include explicit bias correction.
#' Let \eqn{q_a} be the \eqn{a} quantile of the bootstrap distribution,
#' let \eqn{t_a, df} be the \eqn{a} quantile of the t distribution with \eqn{df} 
#' degrees of freedom,
#' let \eqn{SE_b} be the standard deviation of the bootstrap distribution,
#' and let \eqn{\hat{\theta}} be the estimate computed from the original data.  
#' Then the confidence intervals with confidence level \eqn{1 - 2a} are
#' \describe{
#' \item{quantile}{\eqn{(q_a, q_{1-a}) } }
#' \item{reverse}{ \eqn{( 2 \hat{\theta} - q_{1-a}, 2\hat{\theta} - q_{a} )}}
#' \item{stderr}{\eqn{(\hat{\theta} - t_{1-a,df} SE_b, \hat{\theta} + t_{1-a,df} SE_b) }.
#'  When `df` is not provided,
#' at attempt is made to determine an appropriate value, but this should be double checked.
#' In particular, missing data an lead to unreliable results. 
#' }
#' The bootstrap-t confidence interval is computed much like the reverse confidence interval
#' but the bootstrap t distribution is used in place of a theoretical t distribution.  
#' This interval has much better properties than the reverse (or basic) method, which 
#' is here for comparison purposes only and is not recommended.  The t-statistic
#' is computed from a mean, a standard deviation, a sample size which much be named
#' `"mean"`, `"sd"`, and `"n"` as they are when using [favstats()].
#' }
#' @references
#' Tim C. Hesterberg (2015): What Teachers Should Know about the Bootstrap: 
#' Resampling in the Undergraduate Statistics Curriculum, 
#' The American Statistician, 
#' \url{https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00031305.2015.1089789}.
#' @examples
#' if (require(mosaicData)) {
#'   bootstrap <- do(500) * diffmean( age ~ sex, data = resample(HELPrct) )
#'   confint(bootstrap)
#'   confint(bootstrap, method = "percentile")
#'   confint(bootstrap, method = "boot")
#'   confint(bootstrap, method = "se", df = nrow(HELPrct) - 1)
#'   confint(bootstrap, margin.of.error = FALSE)
#'   confint(bootstrap, margin.of.error = TRUE, level = 0.99, 
#'     method = c("se", "perc") )
#'   # bootstrap t method requires both mean and sd
#'   bootstrap2 <- do(500) * favstats(resample(1:10)) 
#'   confint(bootstrap2, method = "boot")
#' }
#' @export

confint.numeric <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...,
                            method = "percentile", 
                            margin.of.error = "stderr" %in% method == "stderr") {
  if ("conf.level" %in% names(list(...))) {
    stop("Use `level` to set the confidence level, not `conf.level`.")
  method <- match.arg(method, c("stderr","percentile","quantile"), several.ok = TRUE)
  result <- list() 
  for (m in method) {
    vals <- .mosaic.get.ci( object, level, m )
    result[[m]] <-  if( margin.of.error ) { 
      c(center = mean(vals), margin.of.error = diff(vals) / 2, 
        method = m, level = level)  
    } else {
  if (length(result) > 1L) {
    result <- result[[1L]]
  }  else {
    result <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, result))
    "Confidence Interval from Bootstrap Distribution (",
    " replicates)")

dont_randomize_data <- list(
  mean = function(x, ...) x,
  median = function(x, ...) x,
  sd = function(x, ...) x,
  max = function(x, ...) x,
  min = function(x, ...) x,
  sample = function(x, ...) x,
  resample = function(x, ...) 
    if ( inherits(x, "lm") ) eval( x$call[["data"]], environment(formula(x)) ) else x,
  shuffle = function(x, ...) x,
  rflip = function(n, prob = 0.5, quiet, verbose, ...) {
    c( x = round(prob * n), n = n ) 

dont_randomize_estimate <- list(
  sample = function(x, ...) x,
  resample = function(x, ...) 
    if ( inherits(x, "lm") ) eval( x$call[["data"]], environment(formula(x)) ) else x,
  shuffle = function(x, ...) x,
  rflip = function(n, prob = 0.5, quiet, verbose, ...) {
    c(prop = prob)

extract_data <- function(x) {
  x_lazy <- attr(x, "lazy")
  if (is.null(x_lazy)) return(NULL)
  res <- eval( rlang::f_rhs(x_lazy)[["data"]], envir = dont_randomize_data, enclos = environment(x_lazy) )
  if (is.null(res)) {
    res <- eval( rlang::f_rhs(x_lazy), envir = dont_randomize_data, enclos = environment(x_lazy) )

extract_estimate <- function(x) {
  x_lazy <- attr(x, "lazy")
  if (is.null(x_lazy)) return(NA)
  eval( rlang::f_rhs(x_lazy), envir = dont_randomize_estimate, enclos = environment(x_lazy) )

#' @rdname confint
#' @export
confint.do.tbl_df <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ..., 
                                 method = "percentile", 
                                 margin.of.error = "stderr" %in% method,
                                 df = NULL) {
  if ("conf.level" %in% names(list(...))) {
    stop("Use `level` to set the confidence level, not `conf.level`.")
  class(object) <- c("do.data.frame", class(object))
  confint(object, parm, level = level, ..., method = method,
          margin.of.error = margin.of.error, df = df) 

#' @rdname confint
#' @export
confint.do.data.frame <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ..., 
                                 method = "percentile", 
                                 margin.of.error = "stderr" %in% method,
                                 df = NULL) {
  method <- tolower(method) 
  method <- 
      c("percentile", "se", "stderr", "basic", "reverse", 
        "quantile", "bootstrap-t"), 
      several.ok = TRUE) # which method was selected
  method[method == "quantile"] <- "percentile"
  method[method == "basic"] <- "reverse"
  method[method == 'se'] <- 'stderr'
  method <- unique(method)
  bootT <- ("bootstrap-t" %in% method) && 
    all(c("mean", "sd", "n") %in% names(object))
  method <- setdiff(method, "bootstrap-t")
  compute_t_df <-
    grepl("^diffmean$|^mean$", as.character(rlang::f_rhs(attr(object, "lazy"))[[1]]))
  if ("stderr" %in% method && is.null(df) && compute_t_df) {
      orig_data <- extract_data(object) 
      orig_data <- 
        orig_data |>
          .dots = intersect(names(orig_data), 
                            rlang::f_rhs(attr(object, "lazy")) |> all.vars())
      df <- nrow(orig_data) - 1
      if ( ! all(complete.cases(orig_data)) ) {
          "confint: Some missingness in the data. Check to make sure df is correct.",
          call. = FALSE)
      error = function(e) warning(
        "confint: I can't determine df from the original data.",
        call. = FALSE) 
  if (is.null(df) || length(df) != 1) {
    df <- Inf
    if ("stderr" %in% method) warning("confint: Using df = Inf.", call. = FALSE)
  if (missing(parm)) parm <- names(object)
  nms <- intersect(names(object),parm)
  res <- data.frame(
    name = character(),
    lower = double(),
    upper = double(),
    level = double(),
    method = character(),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  row <- 0
  culler <- attr(object, "culler")
  estimate <- culler(extract_estimate(object))
  if (is.null(names(estimate))) {
    names(estimate) <- names(object)
  for (k in 1:length(nms) ) {
    for (m in method) {
      for (l in level) {
        if (is.numeric( object[[nms[k]]] )) {
          if (! nms[k] %in% names(estimate) ) next
          row <- row + 1
          # vals <- .mosaic.get.ci2( object[[nms[k]]], l, m, df = df)
          vals <- 
              object[[nms[k]]], level = l, method = m, df = df, 
              estimate =  estimate[[ nms[k] ]]
          res[row, "name"] <- nms[k]
          res[row, "estimate"] <- estimate[[ nms[k] ]]
          res[row, "lower"] <- vals[1]
          res[row, "upper"] <- vals[2]
          res[row, "level"] <- l
          res[row, "method"] <- m
  if (bootT) {
    res <- bind_rows(res, boott(object))
  if (prod(dim(res)) == 0L) {
    warning("confint: Unable to compute any of the desired CIs", call. = FALSE)
#  res <- subset(res, !is.na(res$name) ) # get rid of non-quantitative variables
  if( margin.of.error && prod(dim(res)) > 0 ) {
#     res[, "estimate"] <- with( res, (upper+lower)/2 )
    res[, "margin.of.error"] <- with( res,  (res$upper-res$lower)/2 )
#    res[ res$method != "stderr", "estimate"] <- NA
    res[ res$method != "stderr", "margin.of.error"] <- NA
#  else {
#    res <- res[ , setdiff(names(res), "estimate") ]
#  }

  # Change the names to those given by confint.default
#  colnames(res) <- 
#    if (method == "quantile") 
#      c("name", paste(c((1-level)/2, 1-(1-level)/2)*100, "%" ))
#    else c("name", "lower", "upper")
#  if (margin.of.error)  # Report as a center and margin of error
#    res = .turn.to.margin(res)

  if (("stderr" %in% method) && (df < Inf)) {
    res$df = df
    res$df[res$method != "stderr"] <- NA
  res <- res |> filter( !is.na(lower) & !is.na(upper) & !(lower == upper) )
  return( as.data.frame(res) )

.turn.to.margin <- function(res) {
  data.frame( name = res$name, center = (res[[2]]+res[[3]])/2,
              margin.of.error = (res[[3]]-res[[2]])/2)

.mosaic.get.ci <- function( vals, level, method, df = NULL) {
  alpha <- (1-level)/2
  if( method == "stderr" ) {
    if (is.null(df)) { df <- sum(!is.na(vals)) - 1 }
    res = mean(vals, na.rm = TRUE) + 
      c(-1,1) * sd(vals, na.rm = TRUE) * qt(1-alpha, df)
  # the sum(!is.na(vals)) above is to account for NAs in finding the degrees of freedom
  else res = stats::quantile(vals, c(alpha, 1-alpha) )

.mosaic.get.ci2 <- function( vals, level, method, df = Inf) {
  alpha <- (1 - level) / 2
  if( method == "stderr" ) {
    res = mean(vals, na.rm = TRUE) + 
    c(-1,1) * sd(vals, na.rm = TRUE) * qt(1-alpha, df)
  # the sum(!is.na(vals)) above is to account for NAs in finding the degrees of freedom
  else res = stats::quantile(vals, c(alpha, 1-alpha) )

bootstrap_ci <- function( x, level = 0.95, method, 
                          df = Inf, t, ... ) {
    `stderr` = tse_bootstrap_ci(x, level = level, df = df, ...),
    `percentile` = percentile_bootstrap_ci(x, level = level, ...),
    `reverse` = basic_bootstrap_ci(x, level = level, ...),
    `bootstrap-t` = boott_bootstrap_ci(x, level = level, estimate, ...)
basic_bootstrap_ci <- function( x, estimate, ..., df = Inf, level = 0.95 ) {
  alpha <- (1 - level) / 2
  2 * estimate - stats::quantile(x, c(1-alpha, alpha))

percentile_bootstrap_ci <- function( x, ..., level = 0.95 ) {
  alpha <- (1 - level) / 2
  stats::quantile(x, c(alpha, 1-alpha) )

tse_bootstrap_ci <- function( x, ..., df = Inf, level = 0.95 ) {
  alpha <- (1 - level) / 2
  mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) + 
    c(-1,1) * sd(x, na.rm = TRUE) * qt(1-alpha, df)

boott_bootstrap_ci <- function( x, se, ..., level = 0.95, estimate ) {
  alpha <- (1 - level) / 2
  t <- (x - mean(x)) / se
  q <- stats::quantile(t, c(upper = 1 - alpha, lower = alpha), na.rm = TRUE)
  as.vector(estimate - q * SE)

#' @rdname confint
#' @export
confint.data.frame <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ... )  {
  if ("conf.level" %in% names(list(...))) {
    stop("Use `level` to set the confidence level, not `conf.level`.")
  results <- list()
  for (c in 1:ncol(object)) {
    x <- object[,c]
    if (is.numeric(x)) { 
      newCI <- confint(t.test(x, ...))
      newRow <- data.frame( method = "t.test", estimate = newCI[1], lower = newCI[2], 
                            upper = newCI[3], level = newCI[4])
    } else if ( (is.factor(x) && nlevels(x) <= 2) || (is.character(x) && length(unique(x)) <= 2) || is.logical(x)) { 
      newCI <- confint(binom.test(x, ...)) 
      newRow <- data.frame( method = "binom.test", estimate = newCI[1], lower = newCI[2], upper = newCI[3], level = newCI[4])
    } else {
      newRow <- data.frame(method = "none", estimate = NA, lower = NA, upper = NA, level = NA)
    results <- rbind(results,newRow)
  row.names(results) <- names(object) 

boott <- function(object, ...) {

boott.do.data.frame <- function( object, level = 0.95, ... ) {
  lz <- attr(object, "lazy")
  if (! all( c("mean", "sd", "n") %in% names(object))) {
    stop("Invalid object: Bootstrap-t requires columns named `mean', `sd', and `n'",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (base::max(object$.row) > 2) stop("Too many groups.")
  estimate <- extract_estimate(object)$mean
  if (max(object$.row) == 1) {
    parm <- "mean"
    Boot <-
      object |>
      mutate(estimate.star = mean, SE.star = sd / sqrt(n), 
             t = (estimate.star - mean(estimate.star)) / SE.star)
  if (max(object$.row) == 2) {
    parm <- "diffmean"
    Boot <-
      object |>
      group_by(.index) |>
      summarise(estimate.star = diff(mean), SE.star = sqrt(sum(sd^2/ n))) |> 
      mutate(t = (estimate.star - mean(estimate.star)) / SE.star)
    estimate <- diff(estimate)
  q <- cdata( ~ t, level, data = Boot)
  res <-
      name = parm,
      estimate = estimate,
      lower = estimate - q[, 2] * sd(Boot$estimate.star),
      upper = estimate - q[, 1] * sd(Boot$estimate.star),
      level = level,
      method = "bootstrap-t",
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  row.names(res) <- NULL

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