
Defines functions Zeros

Documented in Zeros

#' Finds zeros of a function within a specified domain
#' @param tilde tilde expression defining a function, suitable
#' for `makeFun()`
#' @param domain specification of domain, as in `slice_plot()`
#' @param \dots Assignments to parameters
#' @param nsegs Subdivide the domain into this many segments, looking for a zero 
#' in each of those segments. This helps to find multiple zeros.
#' @returns A data frame with two columns. The first has the name
#' of the input in the tilde expression, and gives the values
#' for that input at which the function is approximately zero.
#' The second column, `.output.` gives
#' the actual value of the function at the inputs in the first column.
#' @examples
#' Zeros(a*x + b ~ x, a=1, b=2)
#' @export
Zeros <- function(tilde, domain=NULL, ..., nsegs=131) {
  f <- makeFun(tilde, suppress.warnings=TRUE) %>% bind_params(...)
  unbd <- unbound(f)
  if (length(unbd) > 1) 
    stop(paste("Must give numerical values for all parameters.", 
               paste0("<", unbd, ">", collapse=" & "),
               "are unbound."))
  xpts <- if (is.null(domain)) {
    points <- c(2^(0:100))
    sort(c(-points, -0.011101, 0.010101, points))
  } else {
    seq(min(unlist(domain)), max(unlist(domain)), length=nsegs)
  foundx <- rep(NA, nsegs)
  foundfx <- rep(NA, nsegs)
  for (k in 2:length(xpts)) {
    raw_ans <- try(uniroot(f, c(xpts[k-1], xpts[k])),
               silent = TRUE)
    if (!inherits(raw_ans, "try-error")) {
      foundx[k] <- raw_ans$root
      foundfx[k] <- raw_ans$f.root

  result <- tibble::tibble(
    x = foundx[!is.na(foundx)],
    .output. = f(.data$x)
  ) %>% unique() %>%
    filter(abs(.data$.output.) <= 10*median(abs(.data$.output.), na.rm=TRUE)) # avoid singularities
  names(result)[1] <- all.vars(rhs(tilde))[1]


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